Listening: Moving People To Action
Listening: Moving People To Action
Listening: Moving People To Action
The photographer Joel Sartore refers to immortalize the memory of species that may be endangered, in
this way, foment promote respect for animal life and to preserve an image that will last along the life,
! Could Save species ¡
B. Watch again. Complete the sentences with the words you hear.
1. ‘’my goal is to get people to wake up and say ‘whoa! that’s _amazing_ _!’ ‘’
2. ‘’I shoot ___thirty thousand (30,000)_ pictures a year, minimum.’’
3. ‘’maybe ____three or four___ are keepers.’’
do you agree that photographs can ‘’move people to action?’’ discuss with a partner.
I agree with him, these can inspire you to preserve what we see in this images, however, it is necessary
that each image can represent something deeper, sensitize the human to act.