04 C++ Arrays Arduino
04 C++ Arrays Arduino
04 C++ Arrays Arduino
C++ provides a data structure, the array, which stores a fixed-size, sequential
collection of elements of the same type. An array is used to store a collection of data,
but it is often more useful to think of an array as a collection of variables of the same
Instead of declaring individual variables, such as number0, number1, ..., and number99,
you declare one array variable such as numbers and use numbers[0], numbers[1], and
..., numbers[99] to represent individual variables. A specific element in an array is
accessed by an index.
All arrays consist of contiguous memory locations. The compiler will reserve a section of
the memory to hold all of the data that is defined for the array. The lowest address
corresponds to the first element and the highest address to the last element.
Declaring Arrays
To declare an array in C++, the programmer specifies the type of the elements and the
number of elements required by an array as follows −
float balance[10];
Initializing Arrays
You can initialize C++ array elements either one by one or using a single statement as
follows −
The number of values between braces { } cannot be larger than the number of elements
that we declare for the array between square brackets [ ]. If any values are not defined,
they will be left empty. For example, the 4th and 5th elements of the array will be empty
if only 3 values were provided.
If you omit the size of the array, an array just big enough to hold the values defined is
created. Therefore, if you write −
You will create exactly the same array as you did in the previous example.
balance[4] = 50.0;
The above statement assigns the 5th element in the array a value of 50.0. There is a 4
inside of the brackets because the base index used to define the individual elements
starts at 0. This means the highest index is always going to be one less than the
maximum size of the array. Shown below is the pictorial representation of the same
array we discussed above.
Accessing Array Elements
An element is accessed by indexing the array name. This is done by placing the index of
the element within square brackets after the name of the array. For example −
The above statement will take 10th element from the array and assign the value to the
salary variable. Below is an example that declares, assigns values, and accesses
elements to an array.
int setup () {
int n[ 10 ]; // n is an array of 10 integers
// initialize elements of array n to 0
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
n[ i ] = i + 100; // set element at location i to i + 100
Serial.print(“Element ”);
// output each array element's value
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
Serial.print(“ “);
Serial.print(“ “);
Serial.println(n[ i ])
return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Element Value
0 100
1 101
2 102
3 103
4 104
5 105
6 106
7 107
8 108
9 109
If you want to pass a single-dimension array as an argument in a function, you will have
to declare a pointer to the array as a formal parameter in the function declaration. We
will quickly review function declarations so that you understand what is being done here.
[Data type of output parameter] [Function Name] ([Data Types of input parameters])
The first part of the function declaration is the data type of the output parameter. This
is the type of value that will be returned from the function. This can be an int, float,
pointer, or etc. If there is no value to be returned, you will use the void data type. You
only need to indicate the data type, as there is no need to name the output.
The second part of the function declaration is the name of the function. This is what is
used to call the function. A general convention for naming functions is to have the first
word in lowercase and capitalize the first letter of the second word.
The third part of the function declaration are the data types of the input parameters.
Any variables or values that the function will need to use must be defined here. This is
related to the concept of the scope of a function because copies of those variables or
values are created when the input parameters are defined. They are not readily available
to the custom functions unless the variables or values have a global scope. It is generally
not recommended to use global variables. If there are no inputs, you will have nothing
inside of the parentheses.
The final part of a function declaration are the brackets. This is where the function is
defined and the code to be performed are placed here. When programming within the
Arduino IDE, you will not need to worry about where a function is declared or defined as
long as it is located within the main “.ino” file. If a function is called near the beginning
of the program and it is defined much later in the code, the compiler will not have an
issue with finding the function and will not give a scope error. For this reason, you only
need to declare and define a function a single time rather than provide a declaration as
part of the header (.h) file, as is the case within traditional C++ IDEs, like Eclipse. Here
is an example of a function declaration.
This function is named myFunction and will return no output. It has three input values
that are of three different types. The inputs are named input1, input2, and input3 and
are only available to be used within the function. There are used more as place holders
for the variable or value that you intend to use in the function.
If you are trying to call this example function, you will need to use the following code
with the assumption that x is defined as an int, y is defined as a float, and z is defined
as a char.
myFunction(x, y, z);
An argument is the actual value or variable being used when a function is called.
Arguments are passed to a function and are modified by the function code. From the
example above, x, y, and z are the three arguments being sent to myFunction.
This form is the general form that has been used the longest and is distinct because of
the use of the * to indicate it is a pointer. This is also the most outdated method and
should not be used.
This is the modern way to define a pointer parameter because it is clear that an array is
being used and the intended size of that array is known.
The final method is to define the pointer parameter as an unsized array that can work
with any size array argument that is passed to it.
void myFunction(int param[]) {
Now, consider the following function, which will take an array as an argument along with
another argument and based on the passed arguments, it will return average of the
numbers passed through the array as follows −
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// function declaration:
float getAverage(int arr[], int size);
int main () {
// an int array with 5 elements.
int balance[5] = {1000, 2, 3, 17, 50};
float avg;
// pass pointer to the array as an argument.
avg = getAverage( balance, 5 ) ;
// output the returned value
Serial.print(“Average value is: ”);
return 0;
When the above code is compiled together and executed, it produces the following result
As you can see, the length of the array doesn't matter as far as the function is concerned
because C++ performs no bounds checking for the formal parameters.
If you want to return an array as an output parameter, it is not allowed and you must
return a pointer to an array instead. You can do this by defining the data type and using
an * to indicate it is a pointer as shown below.
int * myFunction() {}
If the output array is created within the function, it is suggested to define it as a static
array so that the pointer being returned is not the address of a local variable that could
disappear once the program is out of the scope of the function. What this is referring to
is the possibility that the program will delete all local variables after it returns from the
function and the pointer is now going to a location that no longer has the correct values.
By using static, it will preserve the data at the address defined by the pointer.
The example shown below will return a pointer to an array of 10 random numbers.
int * getRandom() {
static int r[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
r[i] = rand();
cout << r[i] << endl;
return r;
You can also define a pointer as a variable and initialize its value to be the address of
an array. The pointer will need to be the same data type as the array. The example
shown below works with the getRandom() function.
int *p;
p = getRandom();
By modifying the pointer, you can access the different elements of the array instead of
using the index value. The code below will modify the 2nd element of the array of random
numbers to be 20 and the 7th element to be 100.
*(p + 1) = 20;
*(p + 6) = 100;
Normally, all arrays are created and stored within SRAM. The size of the array and its
contents can always change as the program is running. For the cases where the data in
an array is constant and it takes up a lot of space, we can save it all in flash program
memory. This will free up memory in SRAM for the program to use and helps to keep
the code organized.
In order to do this with the Arduino IDE, we will be using the pgmspace library that is
available for the AVR architecture only. It provides definitions for the different data types
that can be saved into flash program memory and all of the functions needed to interact
(read, find, compare, etc) with the data saved there. To use the library, we need to add
the following line of code to the very top of our program.
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
Once it has been included, we can start defining the data to be saved to flash program
memory using the variable modifier “PROGMEM”. It can be added before the data type
of the variable or after the variable name and it indicates that this variable (arrays
included) is to be saved in flash program memory. Below are some examples of how to
use it.
After the data has been defined and saved, you will need to use the pgm_read_byte()
function to access the data. There are several functions for each of the data types and
you need to provide the address that the variable is located at. If you are accessing data
from an array, you can use the pgm_read_byte_near() function that will add a value to
the starting address of the array to get your desired index value. For example, if you
needed to get the 5th element from the array saved in flash program memory, the code
would look like this.
X = pgm_read_byte_near(arrayName + 4);
For more information about the functions and the pgmspace library, click here. Here is
a nice example of how to use PROGMEM and the pgmspace library. It will print out the
values and strings saved in the charSet and signMessage arrays.
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Running Averages
To finish up our discussions of arrays, we will be covering how to implement a running
average in our program. It is very useful for inputs that have slight variations such as
the IR sensor or an ADC input and will provide an approximate value with more stability.
Depending on the number of samples used to calculate the running average, the
accuracy of the final value will change. If the data can be obtained quickly, it is best to
have a large sample size.
The example program below is reading from an analog pin and computing the running
average for a sample size of 200. Each sample is added to the previous average
calculated and this repeats until the total sample size is reached.
return (int(A_1));
Review Questions
1. The following code will create an array of how many elements? int testarray[14];
2. Write the code that will assign the value of the 3rd element of the array called
balance to a variable called change
3. Can an array be defined without an array size?
4. The action of sending variable values to be used in a function is called what?
5. The void data type is used for what?
6. Write one of the ways to define a pointer as an input parameter for the function
7. Write the function definition for a function called returnPointer that has no input
parameters and returns a pointer to an integer
8. Where are arrays normally saved to?
9. What function from the pgmspace library should be used to read a value from an
10. What type of loop is required to implement a running average?
1. 14 elements
2. change = balance[2];
3. No, all arrays must have a defined size.
4. Passing arguments (may need to remove "values" from the question to be less
5. Void is used for defining that a function does not have an output returned
6. Void testFunction(int *pointer) {} , void testFunction(int pointer[]) {}, void
testFunction(int pointer[10]) {}
7. int *pointer returnPointer() {}
9. pgm_read_byte_near()
10. for loop