Organization and Management 1st Quarter
Organization and Management 1st Quarter
Organization and Management 1st Quarter
Region I
San Quintin, Pangasinan
I. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which process that deals with coordinating and overseeing the work performance of individuals working together in organizations?
a. Corporation b. Institute c. Management d. Organization
2. What function of management that involves with determining the organization’s goals or performance?
a. Controlling b. Discipline c. Organizing d. Planning
3. Which nature of management is being described when there is a harmonious, integrated action of the various parts and processes of an
a. Coordination b. Efficiency c. Effectiveness d. Staffing
4. How does management analysis help an organization?
a. It makes managerial knowledge more understandable. c. It provides additional task among managers.
b. It gives pressure to the manager in attaining their aims. d. None of the above
5. Who is the father of Scientific Management?
a. Frederick Taylor b. Joseph Muran c. Max Weber d. W. Edwards
6. Which of the following management Philosophy focuses on the satisfaction of customer’s need and expectation?
a. Deming Principle b. Management c. product d. Total Quality Management
7. What do you call of an individual engage in management activities?
a. Customer b. Employer c. Manager d. Spokesperson
8. The organization’s chairman or chairwoman, chief executive officer, president, managing director and other high-ranking company
executive are classified to what managerial level?
a. Frontline level management c. Middle level management
b. Lower level management d. Top level management
9. If a manager perform his task with proficiency and use his expertise, what type of managerial skill is being used?
a. Conceptual b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. Managerial skills
10. Who are also known as operational managers and responsible for supervising the organization day to day activities?
a. Front line or lower level managers b. Middle level managers c. Top level managers d. None of the above
11. Which refers to the factors/elements outside the organization which may affect, either positively or negatively the performance of an
a. Environmental scanning b. External business environment c. Internal business environment d. All of the above
12. Which skills enable managers in all levels to relate well with people?
a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Managerial skills d. Technical skills
13. Who are likely to be affected by the activities of the organization?
a. Customer b. Pressure groups c. Stakeholders d. Suppliers
14. Which will be affected if a company postpone expansion plans because of so high of bank loan interest?
a. Demographic situations b. Economic situations c. Sociocultural situations d. Sociocultural situations
15. The Food and Drug Administration pressure some department store to stop selling of beauty products containing lead is an example of what
environmental forces?
a. Individual pressure b. Managerial decisions c. Pressure Group d. Technological situations
16. A situation wherein food companies make sure that the food they offer are low in cholesterol to avoid losing of customers.
a. Demographic situations b. Economic situations c. Sociocultural situations d. World and ecological situations
17. It is one of the most structured and used planning method to evaluate a business venture.
a. Business prediction b. Competitive mindset c. PEST d. SWOT analysis
18. Which is valued by members of a Filipino society?
a. Masculinity b. Feminity c. Individualism d. Risk takers
a. Feminity b.
19. What type of culture is being practiced if people tend to do one thing at a time?
a. Polychronic cultures b. Discipline c. Individualism d. Monochronic cultures
20. Which indicate the high power distance?
a. Subordinates use the name or nickname of the boss.
b. Using the terms “ Sir and Madam “ to refer to the superior by subordinate employees
c. The managers are risk takers.
d. The managers are afraid of taking risk.