El 197811 Baker PDF
El 197811 Baker PDF
El 197811 Baker PDF
in Transmitting the
Culture of All
in a Free
Democratic Society
••&~ "•&.&$?' Gwendolyn C. Baker
Schools should foster diversity rather than expecting all students to accept one way of
doing things. That takes a well planned program of multicultural education.
The role and responsibility of the school (a) Schools are inefficient; (b) schools are socially
have changed dramatically. Schools are no longer and technically inadequate; (c) schools are inhumane;
expected to respond to the needs of a religious, (d) schools are inauthentic; and (e) schools are cul
turally authentic in maintaining the social-political-
newly independent, and rural society. The growth economic status quo of powerless groups in our
and development of our nation and world have society. 2
forced the institution to assume a new and dif
In other words, the role and responsibility
ferent posture. Schools are now expected to
of the school have changed, but it appears to
develop the social, personal, and intellectual
some that the school has not been successful in
capabilities of individuals within the existing
assuming its new role.
framework of a highly developed, diverse, and
technological society. 1 Whether or not the school
1 Lowell Keith, Paul Blake, and Sidney Siedt. Con
has assumed this responsibility is always a sub temporary Curriculum in the Elementary School. New
ject for debate. Criticism of schools, according York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1968. p. 13.
to the authors of the 1975 Association for Super
2 James B. Macdonald and Esther Zaret, editors.
vision and Curriculum Development yearbook, Schools in Search o f M eaning. Washington, D.C.: Associa
Schools in Search of Meaning, h as been of five tion for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1975.
kinds: p. 13.