Proof of Stake Versus Proof of Work: White Paper
Proof of Stake Versus Proof of Work: White Paper
Proof of Stake Versus Proof of Work: White Paper
White Paper
BitFury Group
Proof of stake is a consensus mechanism for digital currencies that is an alternative to proof of
work used in Bitcoin. The main declared advantages of proof of stake approaches are the absence
of expensive computations and hence a lower entry barrier for block generation rewards. In this
report, we examine the pros and cons of both consensus systems and show that existing implemen-
tations of proof of stake are vulnerable to attacks which are highly unlikely in Bitcoin and proof of
work approaches in general.
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This makes Bitcoin inefficient from a resource standpoint. To increase their share of rewards, Bitcoin
miners are compelled to participate in an arms race to continuously deploy more resources in mining.
While this makes the cost of an attack on Bitcoin prohibitively high, the ecological unfriendliness of
the Bitcoin protocol has resulted in proposals to build similar systems that are much less resource
One possible decentralized ledger implementation with security not based on expensive compu-
tations relies on proof of stake (PoS) algorithms. The idea behind proof of stake is simple: instead of
mining power, the probability to create a block and receive the associated reward is proportional to a
user’s ownership stake in the system. An individual stakeholder who has p fraction of the total number
of coins in circulation creates a new block with p probability.
The rationale behind proof of stake is the following: users with the highest stakes in the system
have the most interest to maintain a secure network, as they will suffer the most if the reputation and
price of the cryptocurrency would diminish because of the attacks. To mount a successful attack, an
Strictly speaking, there exist Bitcoin nodes that do not store the entire blockchain, but rather rely on simplified payment
verification [1]. We don’t consider these nodes in the following research, as they do not contribute to the security of the
outside attacker would need to acquire most of the currency, which would be prohibitively expensive
for a popular system.
We study whether or not proof of stake consensus is more susceptible to attacks than proof of work
in the following sections.
1 Theory
A cryptocurrency system such as Bitcoin possesses state information enabling users to derive their
balances. For Bitcoin, the system state is a collection of unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs), with
each output cryptographically locked, requiring the user to provide a proof of ownership to spend a
UTXO. Instead of explicitly storing the balance, Bitcoin and other digital currencies maintain a com-
plete history of users’ transactions, which can be used to infer the current state and all past states of
the system.
Transactions represent atomic changes to the system state. Transactions are grouped in blocks;
blocks form an ordered collection called the blockchain. To organize the blockchain, each block con-
tains a reference to the previous one. The first block in the chain is the genesis block; it does not have
a previous block and is usually hardcoded into the protocol. New blocks are discovered according
the specified set of rules set by the cryptocurrency protocol. An important function of these rules is
to protect against attacks on the blockchain and to reach consensus in case multiple instances of the
blockchain appear. Proof of work and proof of stake refer to two kinds of restrictions on valid blocks
and imply two different consensus mechanisms.
Definition 1. We say that a user works on top of block B if he attempts to discover a block that refer-
ences B as the previous block.
Note that B uniquely determines the entire blockchain so we can denote a blockchain with its latest
block and say that blocks are discovered on top of blockchain B .
A cryptocurrency system can be viewed as a distributed database, with copies of the database be-
longing to infrastructure providers for the currency communicating via a peer-to-peer Internet proto-
col. In terms of the CAP (consistency, availability and partition-tolerance) theorem [2], cryptocurrency
systems are available (every request receives a response) and partition-tolerant (the service still per-
forms even if some nodes fail), but are not consistent. From time to time, different users of the system
will see different states of the system as current. In some cases, the inconsistency corresponds to
the situation when a new block hash been discovered but has not yet been relayed to all users of the
system. To obtain eventual consistency [3], a sound consensus protocol should impose the following
Condition 1. A user who discovered a block should be encouraged to broadcast it over the network
immediately and not hold it for himself.
In other cases, system inconsistency is caused by the blockchain splitting into several branches
(Fig. 1), There are various causes of blockchain branching (forking):
Height Blocks
1 .
Genesis block B1
2 Block #2 B2
′ ′′
i+1 Block Bi+1 Block Bi+1 Block Bi+1
i+2 Block Bi+2 Block Bi+2
Figure 1: Multiple blockchains in a cryptocurrency system. With a “good” consensus protocol, rational users
should mine on top of either Bi+2 or Bi+2
In order to discourage deliberate branching, a sound consensus protocol should add the following
Condition 2. A user should be discouraged from discovering blocks on top of intermediate chains.
More precisely, if there is a known block B ′ referencing the block B , the user should have no reason
to build on B .
With the situation depicted in Figure 1, only three blocks can be used as a base for extending the
′′ , and B ′ . There are further restrictions imposed
blockchain according to Conditions 1–2: Bi+2 , Bi+1 i+2
on valid blockchains; in most cases, these conditions amount to selecting a chain with the maximum
number of blocks (which excludes Bi+1 from blocks a rational user could build on his own chain).
The goal of consensus rules is to assure selection of a single chain; however, it is usually the case that
some rules depend on the user. E.g., if there are multiple Bitcoin blockchains with the same length,
users should select the one they received first. Thus, there is no way to enforce the selection of the
same blockchain for all users (as it is very difficult or impossible to ensure that user-specific rules are
In order for the system to be eventually consistent, its consensus protocol should satisfy the fol-
lowing third requirement:
Condition 3. Consensus rules should be constructed in a way that results in resolving blockchain
forks, i.e. one of the competing branches should take over all other branches in a reasonable amount
of time.
We will use separate terms for discovering blocks using proof of work and proof of stake algo-
Definition 2. The process of solving a computational challenge imposed by a proof of work protocol
is called (block) mining.
Definition 3. The process of solving a computational challenge imposed by a proof of stake protocol
is called (block) minting.
Consider Bitcoin as an example of a cryptocurrency system secured with a proof of work algorithm.
Each block in Bitcoin consists of two parts:
• block header of key parameters, including block creation time, reference to the previous block
and the Merkle tree root [4] of the block of transactions
To reference a specific block, its header is hashed twice with the SHA-256 function [5]; the resulting
integer value belongs to the interval [0, 2256 − 1]. To account for different possible implementations,
we will use a generic hashing function hash(·) with a variable number of arguments and range [0, M ].
For example, arguments of the function can be treated as binary strings and merged together to form
a single argument that can be passed to the SHA-256 hashing function.
The block reference is used in the proof of work protocol; in order for a block to be considered
valid, its reference must not exceed a certain threshold:
where D ∈ [1, M ] is the target difficulty. There is no known way to find B satisfying (1) other than
iterating through all possible variables in the block header repeatedly. The higher the value of D, the
more iterations are needed to find a valid block; the expected number of operations is exactly D.
The time period T (r) for a miner with hardware capable of performing r operations per second to
find a valid block is distributed exponentially with the rate r/D (see Appendix A):
P {T (r) ⩽ t} = 1 − exp(−rt/D).
Consider n Bitcoin miners with hash rates r1 , r2 , …, rn . The period of time to find a block T is equal
to the minimum value of random variables T (ri ) assuming that the miner publishes a found block and
it reaches other miners immediately2 . According to the properties of the exponential distribution, T
is also distributed exponentially:
( t ∑n )
P {T = min(T1 , . . . , Tn ) ⩽ t} = 1 − exp − ri ;
P {T = Ti } = ∑n .
j=1 rj
The last equation shows that the mining is fair: a miner with a share of mining power p has the same
probability p to solve a block before other miners. It can be shown that proof of work as used in Bitcoin
satisfies Conditions 1–3.
In proof of stake algorithms, inequality (1) is modified to depend on the user’s ownership of the par-
ticular PoS protocol cryptocurrency and not on block properties. Consider a user with address A and
balance bal(A). A commonly used proof of stake algorithm uses a condition as
For various reasons, some cryptocurrencies use modified versions of (2) which we discuss in the cor-
responding sections.
Unlike (1), the only variable that the user can change is the timestamp t in the left part of equa-
tion (2). The address balance is locked by the protocol; e.g., the protocol may calculate the balance
based on funds that did not move for a day. Alternatively, a PoS cryptocurrency may use unspent
transaction outputs as Bitcoin does; in this case, the balance is naturally locked. A proof of stake pro-
tocol puts restrictions on possible values of t. For example, if t must not differ from the UTC time on
network nodes by more than an hour, then a user can attempt no more than 7200 values of t. Thus,
there are no expensive computations involved in proof of stake.
Together with an address A and a timestamp t satisfying (2), a user must provide a proof of own-
ership of the address. To achieve this, the user can sign the newly minted block with his signature; in
order to produce a valid signature, one must have a private key corresponding to the address A.
The time to find a block for address A is exponentially distributed with rate bal(A)/D (see Ap-
pendix A). Consequently, the (2) implementation of proof of stake is fair: the probability to generate a
valid block is equal to the ratio of user’s balance of funds to the total amount of currency in circulation.
The time to find a block for the entire network is distributed exponentially with rate a bal(a)/D .
There is selfish mining attack that is based on hiding mined blocks [6]. We don’t consider it here and assume that all
miners are honest.
Thus, if the monetary supply of the currency a bal(a) is fixed or grows at a predictable rate, the
difficulty D should be known in advance:
1 ∑
D= bal(a),
Tex a
with Tex denoting the expected time between blocks. In practice, D needs to be adjusted based on
recent blocks because not all currency owners participate in block minting.
Delegated proof of stake (DPoS) is a generic term describing an evolution of the basic PoS consensus
protocols. DPoS is utilized in BitShares (Section 2.5), as well as proposed algorithms such as Slasher
and Tendermint (Section 4). In these protocols, blocks are minted by a predetermined set of users
of the system (delegates), who are rewarded for their duty and are punished for malicious behavior
(such as participation in double-spending attacks). In DPoS algorithms, delegates participate in two
separate processes:
While a block is created by a single user, to be considered valid, it typically needs to be signed by more
than one delegate.
The list of users eligible for signing blocks is changed periodically using certain rules; for example,
in Slasher, delegates for each block are selected based on stake and blockchain history. The set of
delegates for each block is typically small; a notable exception is Tendermint, for which each block
can be signed by any of the users of the system. In some DPoS versions, a delegate needs to show
commitment by depositing his funds into a time-locked security account (which is confiscated in case
of malicious behavior); this version of DPoS is often referred to as deposit-based proof of stake.
Delegated proof of stake does not use the conditions of (2). Stake is factored into DPoS with one of
the following methods:
• Delegates may receive votes from all users of the system with voting power depending on a
voter’s stake
• Delegates’ votes on valid blocks may have power proportional to the size of their security deposit.
Overall, delegated proof of stake is less standardized than basic PoS; we detail existing implementa-
tions in the corresponding sections.
One of the tasks of a consensus protocol is to provide a way for newcomers to determine the current
state of the system based on information received from peer nodes. This task is not trivial as some of
the nodes can belong to a party performing a Sybil attack [7].
Definition 4 ([8]). A consensus protocol is objective if a new node can independently arrive to the
same current state as the rest of the network based solely on protocol rules (e.g., a definition of the
genesis block) and messages propagated across the system (e.g., a set of all blocks).
Proof of work consensus is an example of an objective protocol; as long as a new node is connected
to at least one “honest” user, it will choose the valid blockchain, as it has higher cumulative compu-
tational difficulty. Proof of stake, on the other hand, is not objective. Indeed, consider an attacker
with substantial computing power. Provided the attacker’s fork is long enough, difficulty within it is
adjusted to reflect the situation in which only accounts controlled by the attacker are active; this al-
lows the attacker to generate a chain longer than the valid blockchain. While long range forks would
be rejected by existing users of the system (e.g., by introducing a rule that limits the length of a pos-
sible fork), newcomers without prior knowledge of the current state would still choose the attacker’s
Definition 5. A consensus protocol is weakly subjective if a node needs a recent state in addition to
protocol rules and messages propagated across the system to independently determine the current
state of the system.
In the case of proof of stake, if there is a rule that disallows forks with a branching point more
than N blocks in the past, it suffices to read the contents of a block with depth N or less to reliably
determine the current state of the system. A newcomer can access this block from a trusted source (e.g.,
a website dedicated to the currency in question). While this method could undermine the security and
decentralization aspects of a PoS system, in Proof of stake: How I learned to love weak subjectivity [8], it
is asserted that weak subjectivity is a good way to combine computer-driven and social-driven security.
2 Implementations
There are currently several noteworthy cryptocurrencies based on proof of stake consensus (Table 1):
• Nxt (
• BlackCoin (
• Novacoin (
Delegated proof of stake is used by BitShares, a digital asset ( Developers of Ethereum
( plan to change consensus to delegated proof of stake in the future; as of now, Ethereum
exclusively relies on proof of work.
2.1 Peercoin
Peercoin, or PPCoin, is a digital currency founded in 2012 by anonymous developer Sunny King. Peer-
coin uses a combination of proof of work and proof of stake [10]:
Table 1: Market statistics of PoS digital currencies. For market cap and 24h volume, we used median values
taken over a period of one month (July 24 to August 23, 2015) from CoinMarketCap [9]
• Proof of stake is used to secure transactions, i.e., as a primary means of generating blocks of
The structure of the Peercoin blockchain is very similar to Bitcoin: just like Bitcoin, Peercoin op-
erates based on unspent transaction outputs. New blocks are found every 10 minutes on average;
transactions consist of inputs referencing UTXOs and outputs.
Peercoin uses the same proof of work algorithm based on the SHA-256 hashing function as Bitcoin;
however, mining rewards depend not on the block height but rather on the target difficulty. When
the difficulty increases, the reward goes down; a 16x rise in difficulty halves the block reward. As the
mining reward approaches zero, there is less incentive to use PoW compared to PoS. In this regard,
Peercoin is energy efficient in the long run.
Proof of stake in Peercoin is based on a notion of coin age. Coin age was introduced in Bitcoin to
prioritize transactions [11].
Definition 6. Coin age of an unspent transaction output is its value multiplied by the time period after
it was created. A transaction spending a previously unspent output consumes, or destroys, its coin age.
Coin age is also used in Peercoin to determine the valid blockchain, which is the blockchain with
the highest total consumed coin age in all transactions in all blocks (cf. Bitcoin mechanism using total
expected work spent on building the chain).
The possibility to create a block using an unspent output U in Peercoin is determined by the con-
hash(hash(Bprev ), U, t) ⩽ bal(U ) age(U )M/D, (3)
with age(U ) denoting time after U was created. The PoS variation (3) means that, instead of an amount
of currency, the probability to create a block is proportional to the total coin age of the UTXOs belonging
to a user.
The first transaction in the minted block is a special coinstake transaction that proves that the
“lucky” unspent output belongs to a user that minted the block. The first input of the coinstake trans-
action must be an unspent output U satisfying (3); in most cases, the user spends U by sending its value
back to himself.
The stated reason behind the PoS implementation (3) is to result in a more even distribution of
minted block owners. Indeed, minting a block lessens the probability for the same user to mint the
following block, as the total coin age of his UTXOs decreases. The result is that users with small stakes
are still able to mint a block provided they wait long enough.
To provide stability for the blockchain, Peercoin uses periodically broadcasted checkpoints. This
type of broadcasting introduces a centralization point. While checkpoints are present in the Bitcoin
protocol [12], they can be switched off and are hardcoded into the protocol rather than broadcasted;
accordingly, Bitcoin’s checkpoint mechanism does not imply a risk of centralization.
2.2 Nxt
Nxt is a pure proof of stake cryptocurrency that began in 2013. Unlike Peercoin, Nxt does not use proof
of work to create new coins; the entire available supply of 1 billion coins (NXTs) was present in the
system from the genesis block. Thus, the only incentive to mint blocks is to collect transaction fees.
Transactions in Nxt are radically different from Bitcoin ones, which in turn results in other protocol
differences [13]:
• Nxt transactions don’t have locking and unlocking scripts. Instead, the Nxt protocol uses ac-
counts to encode a sender and a recipient of a transaction. This restriction severely limits the
capabilities of the system to handle smart contracts compared to Bitcoin.
• There are various types of transactions, e.g. special transactions for messaging, colored coins,
digital goods, etc.
• There is a hardcoded limit on the number of transactions in a block: no more than 255. On the
other hand, the mean time between blocks is 1 minute.
• All transactions have an expiration time (24 hours by default). Transactions that are not included
into a block when the expiration time passes are removed from the memory pool and must be
Nxt uses a modified version of proof of stake consensus. Instead of (2), the inequality
must hold true for a user’s account A in order to be able to mint a block. In (4), Bprev is a block used
to extend the blockchain, and t is the time that has passed since Bprev was created. Thus, after a new
block is propagated across the network, the chance to satisfy the PoS condition for any given user is
initially low and grows with time. The hashing function in (4) is calculated by
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Because public keys corresponding to accounts are public knowledge, anyone can check whether (4)
holds for any user account A. As in Bitcoin, the valid blockchain in Nxt is determined as a chain with
maximum expected total difficulty D.
Note that unlike (2), (4) does not include any variables that user A could influence. Therefore, PoS
in Nxt has the following interesting property: it is possible to predict with reasonable accuracy the
minter of the next block. To do this, one just has to find
hash(hash(Bprev ), A)
 = arg min
A bal(A)
for all user accounts.
Nxt has a different underlying probabilistic model compared to Bitcoin. It is favorable for big
players: if a user holds a substantial amount of currency, his probability to mint a block is higher than
his stake [14] (see Appendix B).
2.3 Novacoin
Novacoin is a hybrid proof of work / proof of stake cryptocurrency quite similar in principle to Peer-
coin. The main differences are:
• Novacoin uses a more conservative reward formula for mining: the reward is halved every 64x
multiple of difficulty [15] (compared to 16x in Peercoin).
• A slightly different method based on coin day weight (instead of coin age) is used in proof of stake
(3). Furthermore, the coinstake reward for a proof of stake block depends on the consumed coin
age and PoS difficulty [16].
Coin day weight in Novacoin is calculated similarly to coin age, with a shift of 30 days and a cap of
90 coin days. For example, the coin day weight of a UTXO with the value of 1 Novacoin changes with
time in the following way:
2.4 BlackCoin
BlackCoin is a hybrid cryptocurrency which used proof of work for the initial distribution of wealth
and now relies solely on proof of stake. BlackCoin is the only one of considered currencies that uses
the unmodified proof of stake approach (2), according to which the user’s stake is computed as his
share of total coin supply [17]. New blocks are minted every 64 seconds on average; minters are paid
with 1% yearly interest (which means BlackCoin is an inflationary currency).
2.5 BitShares
BitShares is a polymorphic digital asset which can be used to create fungible assets pegged to par-
ticular markets (e.g., US dollars) [18]. It is similar to a colored coins system, with BitShares acting
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as an internal currency (like XCP for Counterparty). One of the innovative features of BitShares is
its delegated proof of stake consensus algorithm. The founders of BitShares are now developing Bit-
Shares 2.0, an enterprise-grade financial smart contract platform utilizing several technologies from
BitShares including DPoS.
Delegated proof of stake in BitShares relies on the concept of witnesses. Stakeholders can select
an arbitrary number of witnesses to generate blocks. Each stakeholder has a number of votes equal
to the amount of BitShares he possesses; votes can be distributed among witnesses in an arbitrary
way. Besides witness candidates, a user also selects a number of witnesses he estimates is sufficient
for decentralization. Naturally, a user cannot vote for more witnesses than he believes is necessary.
After results of voting are tallied up, the top N witnesses are selected. N is defined as the minimal
number satisfying at least 50% of stakeholders’ votes. Selected witnesses produce blocks every two
seconds in turns. After each of N witnesses has had his turn, the list of witnesses is shuffled so that
the order of block minters constantly changes.
Similar to witnesses, users of the system elect delegates, who have the privilege to change network
parameters, including transaction fees, block sizes and intervals, as well as witness rewards. To make
changes to the network protocol, delegates co-sign a special account (so-called genesis account). After
the majority of delegates have approved a proposed change, stakeholders then have a two-week pe-
riod when they can recall their delegates and cancel the changes. Unlike witnesses, delegates are not
rewarded for their efforts.
This section describes attacks that are possible in each PoS-based consensus as well as some protocol-
specific attacks. Several attack descriptions are taken from Cryptocurrencies without proof of work [19].
The majority of problems with PoS protocols arise from the fact that a protocol is not aware of
anything except for its blockchain [20]. In a proof of work system, there is an external factor, namely
the amount of computational work involved to find a solution to (1). With proof of stake, there is
nothing physical “anchoring” the blockchain in reality; thus, one can intuitively see PoS consensus as
more prone to attacks.
The naïve proof of stake algorithm relying solely on (2) has a serious problem: if there is a fork of the
blockchain (whether accidental or deliberate), the rational behavior for all users of the network is to
mint blocks on both branches. With a proof of work algorithm, such behavior is irrational. By splitting
the resources on multiple branches, a miner diminishes the probability to find a block on each of them;
the optimal strategy in a PoW system is always to mine on a single branch. In contrast, in a proof of
stake algorithm, the probability to find a block does not decrease if the user is attempting to mint on
multiple blockchain branches. Thus, the rational behavior in a PoS system is to mint blocks on top of
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all branches that a user is aware of. Worse than that, naïve PoS does not satisfy Condition 2: under
some circumstances, it may be appropriate for a user to build on top of an intermediate blockchain.
See Section 3.4 for an example.
The problem makes it easy to perform double-spending or other sorts of attacks relying on forking
the blockchain. As long as users of the system believe the attack may succeed, they will support it
by minting on top of the attacker’s blockchain. While forking attacks will be opposed by users with
a large amount of currency who will fear to lose their money, if the currency is evenly distributed
among many users, the attack is more likely to succeed.
There are several proposed solutions to “nothing at stake” problem; they are covered in Section 4.
Delegated PoS algorithms are generally not affected by this problem, as they have stakes in the form of
block minters’ funds; these funds would be confiscated if a minter partakes in an attack on the system.
In a proof of stake system, there is always a concern that the initial holders of coins will not have an
incentive to release their coins to third parties, as the coin balance directly contributes to their wealth.
In Bitcoin and other PoW systems, early adopters of the technology are at the same position as the rest
of the users: in order to mine coins, they need to improve their hardware continuously and optimize
resource consumption. In a proof of stake system, a user that acquired 10% of the coins when the
system was just launched (e.g., for $1,000) is at an advantage compared to users with the same funds
when the system has gained popularity and $1,000 translates to 0.01% of all coins.
In order to deal with this situation, PoS implementations utilize additional algorithms to distribute
the initial wealth; e.g., both Peercoin and Ethereum use proof of work algorithms to create new coins
(see Section 4).
In a system with PoS consensus, an attacker possessing enough computational power can attempt to
build an alternative blockchain starting from the very first block. In PoW-type systems, this attack
is prevented by the enormous amount of computational power needed to build the blockchain from
scratch; however, this task is within the realm of possibility with proof of stake. As the attacker is able
to move coins freely in the blockchain he is building, he has a much higher dimensionality of the search
space; therefore, this kind of attack may be preferable to building an alternative blockchain with a
recent branching point. The attack persists in delegated proof of stake, where it can be performed by
a majority of delegates.
To prevent a long range attack, the protocol can specify the maximum allowed depth of a branching
point. For example, in Nxt a user may not accept the alternative blockchain if it differs from the
existing blockchain in more than the last 720 blocks (which corresponds to 12 hours). The restriction,
however, does not solve the problem for new users. When a new user connects to the network, he
sees multiple blockchains with no prior knowledge of their authenticity. If the attacker’s blockchain
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is preferable to the valid blockchain in terms of the protocol, new users will adopt it instead. One way
to know which is the right blockchain is to download it from a trusted source; however, this makes
the system semi-centralized and not completely trustless. Nevertheless, blockchain downloads from
trusted sources are used in virtually all existing proof of stake systems.
In this attack, an attacker attempts to double-spend his funds in the following way:
3. Announce a reward for building on top of a truncated blockchain that does not include the pay-
ment transaction. For example, if merchant waited for six confirmations, the attacker will start
with the blockchain without the six latest blocks. The attacker may offer a larger reward for
users that mint only on top of the attacker’s blockchain (without this, the attacker’s blockchain
would never catch up to the correct one).
4. The attacker may continue paying bribes even when the lengths of their blockchain and the
correct blockchain become equal in order to gain support of most stakeholders.
Users participating in the attack lose nothing if the attack fails; for the attacker, the attack is prof-
itable as long as the total amount of paid bribes is less than the value of the goods. To compare, in a
PoW system, a similar attack would require the attacker to bribe the majority of miners. Furthermore,
in this case miners lose resources spent on computations if the attack fails, so the amount of bribes
most probably would be prohibitively high. An attack is not feasible in a delegated PoS system for
reasons described in Section 3.1.
This attack is specific to Peercoin and other systems using coin age instead of wealth as a measure of
user’s stake.
In the first versions of Peercoin protocol, coin age was uncapped. This means that by waiting long
enough, an attacker could potentially accumulate enough coin age to effectively overtake the network.
For example, an attacker owning 5% of all coins could split his money into multiple outputs and wait
until the age of his UTXOs would become 10 times more than average. After that, the attacker could
mint multiple blocks in sequence with high probability (provided his individual UTXOs are sufficiently
small) to perform double-spending or other malicious activity. If there were multiple users attempting
this attack, it would lead to deterioration of the network.
In later versions of the Peercoin protocol, the age of a UTXO is capped at 90 days. Similarly, the
coin age parameter is capped in Novacoin and BlackCoin. While capping makes an accumulation
attack significantly less likely, it also diminishes the benefits of using coin age instead of stake in (3).
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3.6 Precomputing Attack
Let A be the minter of a certain block Bh at height h; i.e., A satisfies (2) with the parameters corre-
sponding to Bh . If A possesses substantial computing power, he can influence the hash of block Bh
in order to be able to mint the next block Bh+1 , e.g. by adding a new transaction into Bh . To reserve
Bh+1 for himself, A scans all accounts and calculates whether condition (2) holds for each allowed
timestamp t. If the hash of Bh is “bad”, i.e. computations show that the next block will be minted by
another user, the attacker would change the parameters of the inserted transaction and try again. The
attacker can build a long chain of blocks to collect more fees than is fair and attempt to double-spend
(by building his chain of blocks in secret and then releasing them all at once to override the correct
blockchain with a transaction that the attacker wants to reverse).
The effectiveness of a precomputing attack depends on the attacker’s stake and the total number
of accounts or UTXOs in the system. In a PoW system, this attack is virtually impossible, as it takes
exponentially more work to generate a block with a “good” hash than to generate a valid block. Like-
wise, in a delegated PoS system, a sequence of block signers cannot be influenced by the properties of
the newest block; therefore, this type of consensus is resistant to precomputing attacks.
PoW-based currencies have certain exposure to double-spend attacks; however, the chance of a suc-
cessful double-spend progressively decreases as a payment transaction gains confirmations and heav-
ily depends on the amount of mining power an attacker possesses [21]. To mitigate the risk of double
spending, merchants commonly wait for a certain number of confirmations (e.g., 6). Additionally,
there exist mechanisms to decrease the risk in fast payments [22].
Types of attacks common to both proof of work and proof of stake are denial of service (DoS) and
Sybil attacks. A DoS attack is aimed to disrupt the normal operation of the cryptocurrency network by
flooding the nodes. For example, an attacker can flood the network with many low-value transactions,
as was the case in a large-scale flood attack on the Bitcoin network, which took place on July 2015 [23].
In a Sybil attack, the attacker disrupts the network by creating a number of misbehaving nodes. The
susceptibility of the network to DoS and Sybil attacks depends on not only the type of consensus utilized
by the network but also the details of the network protocol. There are no inherent properties that
would make PoS less susceptible to these types of attacks compared to PoW.
One of the few attack vectors that is specific to proof of work consensus is selfish mining [6]. In
selfish mining, an attacker selectively reveals mined blocks in order to waste computational resources
of honest miners. As there are no expensive resources involved in block generation in the case of PoS
consensus, the attack is ineffective for PoS currencies. On the other hand, there is no evidence that a
selfish mining attack has ever been successfully performed in Bitcoin [24], and some research argues
that the attack description is based on faulty assumptions [25].
See Table 2 for a comparison of proof of work and proof of stake in terms of vulnerability. For PoW
consensus, a degree of susceptibility to attacks can be predicted simply based on the total hash rate of
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the system. In the case of PoS systems, there is no equivalent measure of the network “health status”:
• if a stake is distributed evenly among many users, the system is prone to attacks that are based
on a blockchain fork
• if there are users with large stakes, they can disrupt the operation of the network (e.g., by cen-
soring transactions).
Table 2: Vulnerability of proof of work and proof of stake consensus mechanisms to attack vectors
Attack type PoW PoS Delegated PoS
Short range attack (e.g., bribe) − + −
Long range attack − + +3
Coin age accumulation attack − maybe4 −
Precomputing attack − + −
Denial of service + + +
Sybil attack + + +
Selfish mining maybe − −
2. Immediately after the transaction, the attacker starts to build an alternative chain based on the
block prior to the one containing the transaction. The attacker builds on the alternative chain in
3. After the transaction gains the necessary number of confirmations (e.g., 6) and the attacker’s
chain is longer than the valid chain, the attacker publishes it whole. The attacker’s chain is
accepted as the new valid blockchain, and the transaction is reversed.
To perform a successful attack with 100% probability, the attacker needs to control more than 50%
of the resources used to secure the system (computational power in case of PoW; liquidity in case of
PoS) for the duration of the attack. Thus, in the case of proof of stake, the attacker does not need to own
more than a half of the currency – he only needs to gain the privilege of accessing 50% of the currency
in circulation for a few hours, e.g., by paying bribes as described in Section 3.4. The bribe amount is
Can be prevented by using social-driven security in addition to protocol rules
Depends on the type of a proof of stake condition
It is unclear whether selfish mining attacks are realistically possible
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proportional to the rewards that participating users would lose from not building on top of the valid
blockchain (recall that if bribed users build on top of both the attacker’s and the valid chain, attacker’s
blockchain would never catch up). Suppose
• transaction throughput is 100,000 transactions per day (approximately equal to Bitcoin through-
Then, the daily minting reward would be $10,000; if the attack lasts for an hour, the attacker would
need to pay less than $500 in bribes.
Compare this with cost of an attack in Bitcoin. The reward associated with each block is 25 bitcoins,
or about $5,000. In case of economic equilibrium, the price to mine a block is close to this number;
assume it equals $4,000. If an attack needs to last for 6 blocks, the attacker would need to pay at least
for 7 blocks in order to override the valid blockchain (which amounts to $28,000). This is more than 50
times higher than in the case of proof of stake. There is another consideration that makes an attack on
proof of work less reliable and more costly. The attack becomes obvious after the attacker’s blockchain
is published because the reorganization of 6 last blocks is statistically a very rare event. As there is a
relatively small number of miners in the Bitcoin ecosystem, participating in the attack would damage
their reputation. In case of a PoS system, there is no reputation to speak of because most stakeholders
are likely anonymous.
Proof of stake systems may introduce slightly inflationary economics to reward minters. Consider
a system with a $3 billion market capitalization (slightly less than Bitcoin) and a 1% yearly inflationary
rate. The daily minting reward of the system is
This number implies that the cost of 1 hour attack is close to $3,400 – still significantly less than for
In order for the attack to be profitable, the attacker would need to double-spend a large amount of
money. Accordingly, the counterparty could demand more confirmations for the attacker’s spending
transaction. In both PoW and PoS, the direct cost of the attack grows linearly with the required number
of confirmations; thus, the ratio of costs in the two cases should roughly remain the same. However,
as the attack on a PoW system continues, it becomes increasingly obvious for all participants of the
system because the attack drains the hash rate on the valid blockchain. If there is a relatively small
number of miners (as it is the case in Bitcoin), users might identify miners participating in the attack
even before it is finished; if attackers are mining pools, their participants would have an incentive to
switch to other pools or temporarily suspend their operations.
In the case that an attack on a proof of stake currency is performed multiple times, the currency
exchange rate drops as a response; this would make it easier for the attacker to gather more resources
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for future attacks. This is not so for proof of work currencies, as mining costs (electricity, equipment,
etc.) do not depend on the currency exchange rate.
Consider coin age accumulation attack described in Section 3.5. This type of attack is impossible in
PoW systems; it only affects proof of stake systems, for which the total consumed coin age determines
the valid blockchain. We will consider Peercoin as an example susceptible to an accumulation attack.
Suppose the attacker wants to reverse a transaction. To accomplish this, he would create a forked
blockchain, for which he destroys all his coin age by moving his funds to new unspent outputs (which
still belong to the attacker). The attacker’s blockchain could outweigh the valid blockchain in terms of
consumed coin age, provided that the attack would be performed fast enough and the attacker would
have enough coin age at his disposal.
Assume the attacker has x share of the total coin age of the system S ; our goal is to determine x
high enough to accomplish the attack with probability p. Let rd denote the coin age destruction rate
of the system – the speed with which coin age is destroyed in transactions (e.g., transactions in Bitcoin
consume ≈5 million bitcoin days each day [26], which implies rd ≈ 5 · 106 bitcoins). The attacker’s
block should satisfy such a proof of stake condition (3), which means the attacker would need to spend
time T generating it. T is an exponentially distributed random variable with mean t0 /x, where t0 is
the expected time between blocks (in Peercoin, t0 = 10 minutes). In order for the attacker’s chain to
succeed with probability p, the coin age destroyed by the honest part of the network (T rd ) needs to be
lower than the coin age destroyed by the attacker:
P {T rd < xS} = p.
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For an attack to succeed with probability p = 0.5, the attacker needs to have x ≈ 0.9% of all coin age;
for p = 0.9, (6) yields x ≈ 1.6%.
Just as in other types of attacks, the attacker does not need to possess x share of coin age; he may
bribe other users to participate in the attack. As participants have a diminished probability to collect
transaction fees until their coin age falls back to normal (roughly 60 days), the total bribe amount
should be comparable to
x · ⟨daily minting reward⟩ · 60 days/2.
For a system with $10,000 daily minting reward and x = 1.6%, the bribe amount is nearly $4,800.
Under these assumptions, the attacker would be able to override the blockchain history for xS/rd ≈
1 day.
Short range attacks described earlier in this section are made expensive in the case of delegated proof
of stake, so we need to consider the cost of long range attacks as well. For proof of work systems, the
cost of a long range attack is prohibitively high. For example, an attack on Bitcoin lasting for 1,000
blocks would require $4 million at very least (and, unlike a short range attack, it would be highly
visible as observed network hash rate would drop in half for an extended time).
In earlier versions of proof of stake, the cost of a long range attack would be much lower; as we
showed in the previous section, a one day long attack may cost about $5,000 in a system where a valid
blockchain is determined based on total destroyed coin age. In delegated PoS, an attack typically re-
quires collusion by 2/3 of delegates; its cost is difficult to assess, as delegated PoS protocols use differing
methods to select, reward and punish delegates.
In several proof of stake systems (e.g. in BitShares, Chains of Activity protocol proposed in Cryptocur-
rencies without proof of work [19], and in the Transactions as Proof of Stake algorithm [29]), each trans-
action can optionally include a hash of a recent block known to a transaction sender. This change
makes it impossible to include such a transaction into any chain not containing the referenced block.
Therefore, an attacker creating an alternative blockchain and users supporting the attack by minting
on top of attacker’s chain cannot collect transaction fees for a majority of transactions.
The modification relies on a somewhat optimistic assumption that each user is able to detect the
correct blockchain at every moment; it is not effective if a minting reward is not the result of transac-
tion fees.
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4.2 Hybrid PoW / PoS Consensus
Some cryptocurrencies implementing proof of stake deal with the initial distribution problem (Sec-
tion 3.2) by using a limited version of proof of work to increase currency supply; examples are Peercoin
and Novacoin. Hybrid consensus operates by enabling two types of valid blocks:
A primary alternative is a completely premined currency (such as Nxt). A solution with PoW and
PoS blocks separated in time is used for Ethereum. Currently, Ethereum exclusively relies on proof of
work; PoS consensus will be introduced in the future when the system becomes more mature.
Hybrid PoW / PoS consensus is secure against long range attacks provided there is enough hashing
power in the network. Inclusion of PoW blocks into a blockchain can protect against other attacks
described in Section 3, too. However, as proof of stake is usually introduced as an alternative to proof
of work, combined solutions eventually abandon PoW completely or diminish its role.
4.3 Tendermint
Tendermint [30] is a proposed concept of a blockchain secured by a modified proof of stake consensus.
In Tendermint, each block is cryptographically signed by validators. A validator is a user committing to
his duty by locking his coins in a bonding transaction; the voting power of each validator is proportional
to the amount of locked currency. After finishing his validator duty, a user unlocks his funds by posting
an unbonding transaction; the funds are then unlocked with a certain delay (unbonding period).
The block is considered valid if it signed by validators holding at least 2/3 of all voting power.
Thus, a fork can occur only if there is a group of validators with 1/3 total voting power signing both
of competing chains. If there is a fork, validators signing multiple chains can be punished by a user
publishing an evidence transaction containing a proof of their maliciousness, i.e., digital signatures
of blocks at the same height on both chains. The evidence transaction destroys all locked funds of
misbehaving validators. This logic protects against short-range attacks (e.g., bribe attacks described
in Section 3.4). However, it does not prevent long-range attacks: validators with 2/3 of the voting
power can conspire to publish a blockchain fork after all their funds are unlocked. To avoid long-
range attacks, a mechanism prohibiting long-range forks can be introduced (as in Nxt).
4.4 Slasher
Slasher is a hybrid PoS / PoW algorithm outlined by Vitalik Buterin, one of Ethereum’s architects [31].
Unlike other hybrid algorithms, Slasher exclusively uses proof of work to generate blocks; each block
is validated with both PoW and PoS.
Blocks are mined with proof of work (1). However, instead of including a coinbase transaction as a
reward, a miner specifies a value hash(n) for some big integer value n. The number serves as a proof
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of mining; the miner can claim his reward by issuing a special transaction uncovering n. The mining
reward is locked for 100 blocks and is a limited time offer; the reward for the block at height h can be
redeemed in a transaction recorded in one of the blocks h + 100, h + 101, …, h + 900. The mean time
interval between blocks is 30 seconds.
To form a valid block, it has to be cryptographically signed. Signers of a block at height h are
selected at random using a condition similar to (2):
Signers(h) = {A : hash(n(h − 2000), n(h − 1999), ..., n(h − 1901), A) ⩽ 64M bal(A)/B}, (7)
where B = a bal(a) is the total number of coins in circulation, and n(i) is a proof of mining used
in block i. Equation (7) means that there are 64 signers of each block on average, and the probability
to become a signer is proportional to a user’s amount of currency. The number of signatures is used
to determine the valid blockchain among several choices. By signing a block, signers gain a reward
locked for the next 1,000 blocks. The signing reward is higher than the mining reward in order to
discourage an arms race among miners.
To fight blockchain forks, Slasher utilizes a mechanism similar to Tendermint. When a user sees
multiple blocks with the same height signed by a same signer, the user can publish a transaction with
these signatures. If this transaction is included into a block before the signer’s reward is unlocked,
33% of the reward is sent to the user who discovered malicious behavior, and the rest is destroyed.
Slasher’s proof of stake implementation strongly discourages users from short-range forks. Indeed,
vulnerability of PoS to short-range attacks stems from the following observation. In a PoS model (2),
the chances to mint a block on top of each of the competing chains are independent, as they depend on
a hash of the latest block in a chain. Users have an incentive to mint on top of each chain because this
increases their expected earnings. In Slasher, however, the probability to become a signer of a block
is decided with a large time lag and is the same for all branches provided they are relatively short.
Thus, users have no incentive to support a fork of the main chain, as they know in advance whether
they will become signers of future blocks. It does not make sense to support multiple branches unless
a user believes the fork will last for at least 2,000 blocks.
As proof of work is used to generate blocks, long-range attacks on Slasher require substantial com-
putational resources. This puts Slasher at a significant advantage compared to delegated proof of stake
consensus models that do not utilize proof of work (e.g. BitShares).
4.5 Casper
Casper is a conceptual proof of stake algorithm proposed by Ethereum developer Vlad Zamfir [32].
Similar to Tendermint, Casper utilizes the concept of block validators. A validator bets on blocks by
assigning each of them a probability; the sum of the probabilities for blocks at the same height must
equal 100%. To select one block at each height, validators may need to perform several betting rounds
until at least 2/3 of validators bet on a certain block with a high probability (e.g., 99%). To resist
majority attacks, Casper punishes deviations from the protocol by withholding generation rewards
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and locked funds from misbehaving validators.
5 Conclusion
Currently, there are several digital currencies implementing some form of proof of stake consensus
including Peercoin, Nxt, Novacoin, BlackCoin and BitShares. However, pure proof of stake approaches
pose substantial security threats that cannot be recreated in proof of work systems (including Bitcoin).
These problems are inherent to proof of stake algorithms, as proof of stake consensus is not anchored
in the physical world (cf. with hashing equipment in proof of work).
That is why virtually all of currencies relying on proof of stake use additional mechanisms to ad-
dress security issues. For example, the initial distribution problem can be solved by using a time-
constrained version of proof of work; double-spend attacks can be prevented by including information
about recent blocks into transactions. Still, these improvements can be seen as ad-hoc and incomplete.
Unlike proof of work, proof of stake consensus is not objective; the state of a PoS system cannot be re-
liably determined by new users based solely on protocol rules and a list of blocks and other network
messages obtained from peers. In order to prevent long range forks of the blockchain, a proof of stake
system needs to implement weak subjectivity by combining protocol rules with social-driven security.
The social component of PoS systems weakens their decentralization and mathematical soundness.
As Vitalik Buterin puts it [20], “[A]ll “pure” proof-of-stake systems are ultimately permanent nobili-
ties where the members of the genesis block allocation always have the ultimate say. No matter what
happens ten million blocks down the road, the genesis block members can always come together and
launch an alternate fork with an alternate transaction history and have that fork take over.”
A recent development in proof of stake are delegated systems. While these systems solve several
major problems with the straightforward PoS implementations, they are not yet widespread, making
it difficult to evaluate their security. Nevertheless, delegated PoS solves the “nothing at stake” problem
and prevents short range attacks on the system.
U ⩽ θ ⩽ 1, (8)
where U ∼ [0, 1] is a uniformly distributed random variable generated by hashing certain data and
normalizing the obtained value. Due to the properties of hashing functions, both proof of work (1) and
proof of stake (2) are particular cases of (8):
• in case of PoS, θ = bal(A)/D, with bal(A) denoting user’s stake in the system.
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To generate a block, a user needs to find data resulting in U satisfying (8). Let N denote the number of
data combinations a user needs to evaluate before finding a valid block. In proof of work, the search
space is large, so the user can iterate through r combinations per second, where r is determined by
user’s mining equipment and is theoretically unlimited. In the case of proof of stake (2), the search
space is small, so we can assume r = 1. The time T it takes for the user to find a valid block is related
to N : T = N/r . Consider the cumulative probability distribution
Thus, T is distributed exponentially with rate θr . In case of PoW, this rate is equal to r/D , and in case
of PoS it equals bal(A)/D .
As was mentioned in Section 2.2, Nxt is described by a probability model fundamentally different
from other cryptocurrencies. One can intuitively see this from PoS (4) used in Nxt: it uses the time
parameter in a different way than proof of work (1) or generic proof of stake (2). The analysis of (4)
performed in the Nxt white paper [14] is not entirely convincing, so we decided to perform our own
research on the subject.
Suppose there are n Nxt users with relative balances
b1 ⩾ b2 ⩾ . . . ⩾ bn > 0, bi = 1.
Proof of stake (4) assigns each user a uniformly distributed variable Ui ∼ [0, 1/bi ]. A user mints the
next block if the variable assigned to him is less than all other variables. Thus, the probability to
discover a block for i-th user is
pi = P {Ui = min Uj }.
– 23 –
where Bj is a sum over products of j -tuples from balances b that don’t include bi . (For example, if
n = 4,
B1 = 1;
B1 = b2 + b3 + b4 ;
B1 = b2 b3 + b2 b4 + b3 b4 ;
B1 = b2 b3 b4 ,
and so on.) Expression (9) is difficult to analyze in general; we consider several important cases.
Accordingly, the difference between the actual and the fair probabilities to mint a block for the user
with a big stake is
p1 − a = (1 − nb − (1 − b/a)n ).
Recall that b can be expressed using a and n:
[ ]
n−1 a n(1 − a) ( 1 − a )n
p1 − a = 1− − 1− .
n 1−a n−1 a(n − 1)
a [ ]
lim p1 = a + a − e(a−1)/a .
n→∞ 1−a
This means a user with a single big stake is at an advantage: his percentage of blocks is strictly higher
than his stake in the system (see Fig. 2). Therefore, Nxt is not a fair system.
To make Nxt fair, the Nxt white paper [14] proposes a simple modification based on the following
observation: if U ∼ [0, 1], then − log U/b is an exponentially distributed random variable with rate b.
Thus, if we change proof of stake (4) to
the probabilities to mint a block would be distributed fairly. However, the proposal remains unimple-
– 24 –
Probability 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Stake a
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