2020 Rfot Nfot Guidelines
2020 Rfot Nfot Guidelines
2020 Rfot Nfot Guidelines
___s, 2019
Time Allotment
Areas for No. of No. of
Skills Exhibition Participants Coaches
Industrial Arts
1. Furniture and Cabinet
2 1 4 hours
Making (FCM)
2. Electrical Installation
1 1 4 hours
and Maintenance (EIM)
Home Economics
1. Dressmaking 2 1 4 hours
2. Beauty Care 1 1 3 hours
3. Fruits and Vegetables
2 1 4 hours
Carving (Elem. Level)
Agri-Fishery Arts
1. Food Processing 3 1 4 hours
2. Landscape Installation 2 1 4 hours
3. Dish Gardening
2 1 3 hours
(Elem. Level)
Information and
Technology (ICT)
1. Invitation Card Making
Using MS Publisher 1 1 3 hours
(Elem. Level)
2. Technical Drafting
1 1 4 hours
1. Bazaar ( Products &
6 2 2 days
23 12
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(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of technical committee and judges, should
be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the
venue will be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before
the event schedule.
d. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the
event starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
e. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places. Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools
should be done during this time.
f. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the
scheduled event.
g. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except
clarifications and points of order. These shall be addressed by the Event
Administrator in consultation with the Board of Judges.
h. The Event Secretary will give the signal for the event to begin. Once the event
has started, coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the
contestants to give them full concentration in their work.
i. Only the Event Administrator, judges, technical committee members, official
photographer, and contestants are allowed in the venue to maintain a distract-
free contest area.
j. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the
Board of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will
not be included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
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k. Only contest materials provided by the organizer shall be utilized by the
contestants in their output/s.
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.
n. The team will go through a panel interview with the Board of Judges after time
allocation. The interview must be done immediately after the team had finished
their output.
o. All provisions/guidelines stipulated/specified in the contest package shall be
strictly followed.
II. Resource Requirement
Event Supplies, Tools Host
Host School/
and Equipment Contestant Region/
- Extension Cord - ½” Marine
- Nails Plywood
- 1” x 2” S4S Lumber
- Stick Well White
- Cabinet Hinges
A. Material/Supplies
- Sand Paper
- 1/2 “x 2” Wood
- Ruler Slide
B. Tools/Equipment - - - All Hand - Working Table
Tools/Power - Machinist Vise
needed in the
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(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)
Total: 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of technical committee and judges, should be in
the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event
d. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
e. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places. Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be
done during this time.
f. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
g. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and
points of order. These shall be addressed by the Event Administrator in consultation
with the Board of Judges.
h. The Event Secretary will give the signal for the event to begin. Once the event has
started, the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the
contestants to give them full concentration in their work.
i. Only the Event Administrator, judges, technical committee members, official
photographer and contestants are allowed in the venue to maintain a distract- free
contest area.
j. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the Board of
Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will not be included
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in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical Evaluation Committee for
appropriate action.
k. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
l. Each participant will go through a panel interview and deliberation with the Board of
Judges after the four (4) hour time allotment. The interview must be done immediately
after the contestant has finished his output
m. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.
n. All provided contest materials shall be used by the contestants in his/her output/s.
Replacement and use of other materials other than what was provided is not allowed.
o. All provisions/guidelines stipulated/specified in the contest package shall be strictly
II. Resource Requirement
Event Supplies, Tools Host
Host School/
and Equipment Contestant Region/
- Electrical tape and - No. 14 stranded
the likes wire
- No. 12 stranded
A. Material/Supplies - Lighting fixture
- SPST switch
- Junction box
- And other
- All tools/equipment - Working board
needed for the 4’ X 8’
B. Tools/Equipment wiring installation
- Personal Protective
- PPE - Utility expenses Other materials
C. Others that may be
Note: The schematic diagram will be provided by the Central Office.
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(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Committee and Board of Judges,
should be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the venue will
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule.
d. Setting up of all the tools, materials, equipment and other supplies should be made
ready before the start of the contest.
e. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not allowed.
f. There shall be one (1) model for each contestant.
g. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their respective
area within the contest venue. Each contestant should wear PPE according to the
standard requirements.
h. All contestants should report to the venue One (1) Hour prior to the contest proper to
perform the following preliminaries:
1. checking the functionality of the sewing machine;
2. completeness of the materials/supplies and tools needed.
i. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
j. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and
points of order. These shall be addressed by the Event Administrator in consultation
with the Board of Judges.
k. The Event Administrator will signal to start the contest proper. Once the event has
started, the teacher-coaches and other delegates are strictly prohibited within the event
l. Only the Event Administrator, Judges, Technical committee members, official
photographer, and contestants are allowed in the venue to maintain a distraction-free
contest area.
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m. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the Board of
Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will not be included
in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical Evaluation Committee for
appropriate action.
n. During the contest proper, judges are to observe the processes but not to ask questions
to the contestants to avoid disruption.
o. Each group of contestants will go through a 2-3 minutes’ interview with the Board of
Judges after the four (4) hour time allotment.
p. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after the event.
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(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator and his/her secretary, members of the Technical and
Evaluation Committee and Board of Judges, should be in the venue sixty (60)
minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Tools, supplies, materials, equipment and other things needed for the contest will
be made ready by the coaches in the event venue so Event Administrative can
check before the conduct of the activity.
d. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not
e. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the
event starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
f. The contestants will draw lots to determine their area within the contest venue.
Setting up of all the tools, materials, equipment and other supplies should be
made ready before the start of the contest.
g. Each student should wear PPE according to the standard requirements.
h. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the
scheduled event. All questions and clarifications pertaining to the contest should
be raised. No questions will be entertained when the contest officially started.
i. The Event Administrator will give signal to start the contest. Once the event has
started, the teacher-coaches and other delegates are strictly prohibited within
the event area.
Only the Event Administrator, Secretary, judges, technical committee members,
official photographer, and contestants are allowed in the venue
j. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications
and points of order. These shall be addressed by the Event Administrator in
consultation with the Board of Judges.
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k. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the
Board of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will
not be included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
l. Each participant will go through a panel interview with the Board of Judges after
the three (3) hour time allotment.
m. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.
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(A Showcase of Skills and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, members of the Technical Committee and Board of
Judges, should be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed in the venue
will be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the
event schedule.
d. All contestants should be at the designated venue sixty (60) minutes before the
event starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
e. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their food and materials on their assigned places.
Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during
this time.
f. Each contestant should wear appropriate PPE according to the standard
g. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the
scheduled event.
h. The Event Administrator will signal to start the contest proper. Once the event
has started, the teacher-coaches and other delegates are strictly prohibited within
the event area.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications
and points of order. These shall be addressed by the Event Administrator in
consultation with the Board of Judges.
j. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not
k. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the
Board of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will
not be included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
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l. Each group of contestants will go through a 2-3 minutes’ interview with the Board
of Judges after the four (4) hours’ time allotment or once the team has finished
the display of their output.
m. During the contest proper, judges are to observe the processes but not to ask
questions to the contestants to avoid disruption.
n. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after every
II. Resource Requirements
Event Supplies,
Host Host Region/
Tools and Contestants
School/Venue Division
- Apple
- Watermelon
- Pineapple
A. Material/Supplies
- Carrots
- Cucumber
- carving knives
B. Tools/Equipment - chopping board
- Display tray
- PPE - Working Table - Utility expenses
- Water - Other materials
C. Others outlet/supply that may be
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(A showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, members of the technical committee and judges,
should be in the venue two (2) hours ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the
venue will be made ready by the Event Administrator two (2) hours before the
event schedule.
d. All contestants should be at the designated venue one (1) hour before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
e. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their tools, and materials on their assigned places.
Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during
this time.
f. Briefing of contestants will be done thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled
g. The Event Administrator will give signal for the event to begin. Once the event
has started, the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the
participants to give them full concentration in their work.
h. Only the Event Administrator, technical committee members, judges, official
photographer and contestants are allowed in the venue.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except
clarifications and points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be
directed to the Event Administrator.
j. Borrowing of materials, tools and supplies during the event is not allowed.
k. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the
Board of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output
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will not be included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
l. Board of judges shall observe the contestants while the contest is on - going.
m. The products shall be displayed on the table prepared by the host region for
appreciation and tasting by the board of judges. Other table set – up
/accessories strictly not allowed.
n. Each contestant will go through a panel interview and deliberation with the
Board of Judges after the four (4) hours’ time allotment with a maximum of five
minutes per entry.
o. Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions.
p. With respect to presentation of output
a. for Meat (Chicken) – present 1 pack @ 250g & remaining cooked sample
for judging.
b. Sardines and Pickles – 1 bottle for tasting and 1 bottle for display each.
(A plate for tasting will be provided in the display area intended for each
q. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after every
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(A showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, technical committee members and judges, should be
in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the
venue will be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before
the event schedule.
d. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the
event starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
e. The Event Administrators will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their tools and materials on their assigned places.
Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during
this time.
f. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the
scheduled event.
g. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to begin. Once the event has
started, the coaches, teachers, delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the
participants to give them full concentration in their work.
h. Only the Event Administrator, technical committee members, judges, official
photographer, and participants are allowed in the venue.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except
clarifications and points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be
directed to the Event Administrator.
j. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the
Board of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will
not be included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
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k. Each team shall prepare a sketch plan prior to the landscape installation and
submit it to the Board of Judges. The sketch plan will be signed by the judges
reflecting time as well and will return the same for utilization for the contestant
to start the landscaping proper
l. Borrowing of materials, tools and supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Uniform materials shall be provided by the Host Region. Use of materials other
than what was provided is not allowed.
n. The finished landscape shall be ready for photography and sketching after all
the members of the board of judges have finished their individual judging.
o. The newly installed landscape shall remain unaltered and on display until the
closing ceremony.
p. Each contestant will go through a panel interview with the Board of Judges after
the four (4) hours’ time allotment with a maximum of five minutes per entry.
q. Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions.
r. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after every
II. Resource Requirements
Event Supplies, Contestants Host School/Venue Host
Tools and Region/Division
A. Materials / - Working Area - Materials for the
Supplies - Water Source event (Assorted
plants minimum
of 5 kinds)
- Boulders, bricks,
- Soil, 2 m3 per
additional soil be
made available
for everybody
B. Tools / - Trowel - Working Table for
Equipment - Shovel preparing sketch
- Sprinklers
- Pliers
C. Others PPE -1.5 x 2.5-meter area - Utility expenses
for landscaping. - Other materials
that may be
Note: a. All outputs shall be endorsed to the Secretariat by the Event Administrator
b. All endorsed outputs shall be displayed until the duration of the event
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(A showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrators, technical committee members and judges, should be
in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed for the
venue will be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before
the event schedule.
d. All contestants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the
event starts. Late participants without valid reasons shall be disqualified.
e. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and set up their tools and materials on their assigned places.
Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during
this time.
f. Final briefing of contestants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the
scheduled event.
g. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to begin. Once the event has
started, the coaches, teachers, and delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the
participants to give them full concentration in their work.
h. Only the Event Administrator, technical committee members, judges, official
photographer and contestants are allowed in the venue.
i. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except
clarifications and points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be
directed to the Event Administrator.
j. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the
Board of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will
not be included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical
Evaluation Committee for appropriate action.
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k. Each team shall prepare a sketch plan prior to the dish garden installation and
submit it to the Board of Judges. The sketch plan will be signed by the judges
reflecting time as well and will return the same for utilization for the contestant
to start the landscaping proper
l. Borrowing of materials, tools, supplies during the event is not allowed.
m. Uniform materials shall be provided by the Host Region. Use of materials other
than what was provided is not allowed.
n. The finished dish garden shall be ready for photography and sketching after all
the members of the board of judges have finished their individual judging.
s. The dish garden shall remain unaltered and on display until the closing
o. Each contestant will go through a panel interview with the Board of Judges after
the four (4) hours’ time allotment with a maximum of five minutes per entry
Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions.
p. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after every
II. Resource Requirements
Event Supplies, Contestants Host School/Venue Host
Tools and Region/Division
A. Materials / - Water Source - Plants
Supplies (Assorted,
minimum of 5
- Decorative
- Horticultural
- Potting soil
- Moss or sand
- Wide, low-sided
(without a
drainage hole, 14
inches inside
diameter- round)
B. Tools / - Trowel - Working Table
Equipment - Shovel
- Sprinklers
- Pliers
C. Others PPE - Utility expenses
- Other materials
that may be
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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Committee and Board of
judges, shall be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. The Technical Committee shall inspect the resource requirements for the contest.
d. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and photos and images needed in the
venue shall be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the
event schedule.
e. All contestants shall be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified after careful
evaluation and scrutiny by the Technical Evaluation Committee.
f. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools
which shall be done during this time.
g. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools and equipment is strictly prohibited.
h. Final briefing of contestants shall be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
i. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to start. Once the event has
started, the coaches, teachers, and other delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk
to the participants in order to give them full concentration in their task.
j. Only the Event Administrator, Technical Committee members, Judges, Official
Photographer, and contestants are allowed to be in the venue for the whole duration
of the contest.
k. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications
and points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the
Event Administrator.
l. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the Board
of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will not be
included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical Evaluation
Committee for appropriate action.
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m. Each contestant will go through a panel interview with the Board of Judges after the
three (3) hour time allotment.
n. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after the event.
Note: All outputs (soft and hard copies) shall be collected by the Event Secretary and
shall be endorsed to the Organizers.
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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Committee and Board of judges,
shall be in the venue sixty (60) minutes ahead of the event schedule.
c. The Technical Committee shall inspect the resource requirements for the contest.
d. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed in the venue shall
be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event
e. All contestants shall be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event
starts. Late contestants without valid reasons shall be disqualified after careful
evaluation and scrutiny by the Technical Evaluation Committee.
f. The Event Administrator will let the contestants draw lots to determine their
respective places and setting up of their materials
g. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools and equipment is strictly prohibited.
h. Final briefing of contestants shall be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
i. The Event Administrator will signal for the event to start. Once the event has started,
the coaches, teachers, and other delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk to the
participants in order to give them full concentration in their task.
j. Only the Event Administrator, Technical Committee members, Judges, Official
Photographer, and contestants are allowed to be in the venue for the whole duration
of the contest.
k. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except clarifications and
points of order. All clarifications and points of order will be directed to the Event
l. If irregularities were found, the Event Administrator in consultation with the Board
of Judges, may allow the contestants to finish the task but the output will not be
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included in the judging. The matter shall be raised to the Technical Evaluation
Committee for appropriate action.
m. Each contestant will go through a panel interview with the Board of Judges after the
four (4) hour time allotment.
n. The working area should be cleaned by contestants immediately after the event.
o. The sketch plan will be provided by the Central Office.
Note: All outputs (soft and hard copies) shall be collected by the Event Secretary and
shall be endorsed to the Organizers.
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(A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances)
a. All officially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join the contest.
b. The coaches shall submit the following school records of all
1. Photocopy of School ID with LRN.
2. Certified true copy of Form 137.
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3. Certification signed by the School Head that the
contestants/participants is a bonifide learner of the school.
4. Photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth.
c. Participating regions shall be given one (1) day on Day 0 to set-up their products
and materials needed for the services in the stall provided by the host region.
d. Only the student-participants and coach are allowed inside the stall during the
e. Judging for:
• products will be on day 1
• services will be on day 2
f. Participating Region are allowed to display a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15
different products. This shall be presented to the judges with brochure and proper
label complying with DTI- Republic Act 3720 Labeling Law.
g. Only products made by the learners are allowed inside the stall.
h. The Regional Focal Persons shall draw lots to determine their respective stalls
during the final briefing (solidarity meeting) (Day 0).
i. Each team should wear appropriate attire.
j. Each team will go through an interview with the panel of Judges.
k. The area should be cleaned immediately after the event.
❖ Awards will be given for the 5 BEST PRODUCTS & 5 BEST SERVICES
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Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
No. of No. of
Areas for Skills Exhibition Participants Coaches/Trainer Time Allotment
Per Region Per Region
1. BAYLE 24 2 7 minutes (dance
whole duration of
Modern Street
Dance Parade
2. LIKHAWITAN 4 1 8 hours for
songwriting and 3-
5 minutes
including entrance
and exit
3. PINTAHUSAY 1 1 8 hours
4 hours (shooting)
1 4 hours (editing)
5. SULATANGHAL 1 1 4 hours
6. DIREK KO, GANAP MO 2 1 Open time
2 (1 coach/trainer
7. HIMIG BULILIT 12 conductor and 1 10 minutes
SPED teacher)
1 Max of 5 minutes
including entrance
and exit
52 10
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
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fusion of two or more dance forms such as classical ballet, contemporary/
modern dance, jazz, hip-hop, folkloric, neo-ethnic, and other genre.
g. The following are strictly prohibited during the performances:
• tossing
• lifting
• use of flammable materials such as fireworks or pyro techniques
• live animals as part of the performance
• individual props that exceed 3 feet in height, width and length, except
• extender
• provision for pre-set stage
A 5-point deduction from the judge’s score shall be made per violation
h. An assigned committee composed of the regional supervisors shall be in-
charge of the inspection of the materials, props, etc. prior and after the
competition to ensure compliance as mentioned in letter “g”.
i. Costumes and props that may represent their region are encouraged.
j. Prop is any implement used during the dance e.g. box, cane, sticks etc.
k. Costume on the other hand is anything that is worn, no limit in terms of
measurement and shall not expose sensitive part of the human body such as
but not limited to armpit, belly etc.
l. Only hand-held props shall be allowed to be used in the parade and
m. Music for the street dance will be the same as the 2019 music.
n. The mobile sound systems will be provided by the host region.
o. Each group will be judged during the parade and at the exhibition venue.
p. One (1) point deduction from each judge’s total score shall be deducted for
every 30-second extension beyond the allowable time.
q. During the parade, the participants of each region are expected to
demonstrate their skills while parading. No exhibition routines that requires
pausing or stopping shall be done within the parade route. Marshalls shall be
assigned to guide each region and ensure the smooth flow of the parade.
r. Participants must come on time thus late contestants will no longer be
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
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II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)
Contestants Host Region
a. Supplies and Twenty (20) Music writing notebook
Materials Typewriting paper
Twenty (20) Pencils (Mongol no. 2)
Twenty (20) pencil sharpeners
Long-sized Folders
b. Tools and Instrument for Two (2) Music stands
Equipment songwriting Sound system of good quality with
composition (Guitar) two (2) microphone and microphone
Tables and chairs for Judges
Sign boards
c. Rooms/ Hall 1. One (1) Fully air-conditioned
specification hall for the song performance.
2. A conducive and safe rooms
for song writing composition.
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
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c. Room/Hall One (1) fully air-conditioned
Specification room preferably a theatre room
that can accommodate 10 pax;
One (1) fully air-conditioned hall
that will serve as viewing room
for the live streaming of the
One (1) fully air-conditioned
room that will serve as an
isolation/holding area for the 34
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
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j. Participants must come on time thus late contestants will no longer be
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
Appropriate Costume
Overall Impact
*Protests are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any
score or result of a decision.
Event Rules and Mechanics
1. The objective of this competition is to promote appreciation and understanding
for folk dances of the region. It aims to raise the awareness of the people on
culture and the arts thru folk dance competition.
2. Only one (1) entry per region is allowed.
3. A maximum of 6 dancers and 1 coach will be allowed per region.
4. The contest piece is a rural folk dance with implement highlighting occupational
5. The dance must be from any of the following published Philippine folk dance
• Philippine Folk Dances, Volumes 1-6 by Francisca Reyes Aquino
• Philippine National Dances by Francisca Reyes Aquino
• Visayan Folk Dances, Volumes 1-3 by Libertad Fajardo
• Pangasinan Folk Dances by Jovita Sison Friese
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• Samar Folk Dances by Juan C. Miel
• Handumanan by Jose Balcena
• Philippine Folk Dances and Songs by the Bureau of Public Schools 1965
• Sayaw: Dances of the Philippine Islands Volume 1-9 by the Philippine
Folk Dance Society
• Classic Collection of Philippine Folk Dances by the Philippine Folk Dance
Society volume 1-11
6. The dance must be accompanied by playing a recorded music on CD or USB
prescribed by the book. Live accompaniment is not allowed.
7. Medley (combination) of different dances is not allowed.
8. In dances where the literature does not specify or describe the entrance/exit,
the trainer may arrange one, however, both must not exceed sixteen (16)
9. Five photocopies of the literature of the dance shall be submitted to the
Organizer on the set deadline.
10. One (1) point deduction from each judge’s total score shall be deducted
for every 30-second extension beyond the allowable time.
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(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances)
The Department of Education (DepEd), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and BDO
Foundation have an ongoing partnership project entitled “Financial Literacy
Program for Schools”. This Project supports DepEd in integrating financial
education in the K-12 Curriculum, through the development of learning resources,
such as videos and lesson exemplars1 for use as tools by educators in teaching
financial education messages in their classes, as well as in the trainings of teachers
and non-teaching personnel.
In line with this Project, the partners agreed to utilize the National Festival of
Talents (NFOT), in particular the SINELIKSIK competition in 2020, as a platform
III. Financial Education Topics and Key Messages (to be aligned by BCD)
Samples are uploaded in the DepEd Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS), as
advised under DepEd Order No. 032 dated 14 March 2019.
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The following financial education topics and key messages are proposed to serve as
reference and inspiration for SINELIKSIK competitors in developing their contest
1. Financial Planning
- Setting financial goals is preparing for your dreams to come true in the future
(Pagtatakda ng pangpinansyal na layunin o financial goals ay paghahanda
para matupad ang mga pangarap sa hinanarap)
- Financial planning ensures that you and your family are prepared for
emergencies (Ang planong pinansiyal ay nakakatulong para mapaghandaan
ng pamilya ang panahon ng kagipitan)
- A good financial plan enables you and your family to avoid unnecessary debt
due to unnecessary wants (Ang mahusay na planong pinansiyal ay
nakakatulong sa pamilya para iwasan ang pagkakautang dahil sa luho at
kagustuhan lamang)
- Knowledge about inflation and its impact on prices of goods and services/
purchasing power of individuals and households can help in making wise
financial plans and right choices when saving, spending and investing. (Ang
kaalaman sa inflation ay malaking tulong sa paggawa ng mahusay na financial
plan at paged-desisyon tungkol sa pag-impok, paggastos at pag-invest)
2. Saving
- Saving is an important life skill for people young and old (Ang pag-iimpok ay
mahalagang kasanayan para sa bata, pati na rin sa matanda.
- Save now, save early, save regularly (Ugaliing mag-impok, ngayon, araw-
araw, at habang bata pa)
- Save for emergencies, save for future needs, save for your dreams (Mag-
impok bilang paghahanda sa emergency, para sa pangangailangan sa
hinaharap, at para makamit ang mga pangarap)
3. Budgeting
- A good budget prioritizes needs over wants (Binibigyang diin ng mahusay na
pag-budget ang mga pangangailangan ng pamilya kaysa mga kagustuhan
- A budget provides a roadmap or guide for people to spend wisely (Ang
budget ay isang mapa o gabay para sa masinop at matalinong paggastos)
- Successful budgeting is a display of resourcefulness, such as ability to
compare prices of goods and services and choosing better bargains (Ang
mahusay na pag-badyet ay pagiging malikhain at madiskarte sa buhay,
katulad ng masusing paghahambing ng mga presyo at tamang pagpili ng mga
bilihing mura subalit de-kalidad)
4. Debt Management
- Importance of managing debt and responsible use of credit cards
(Pangangasiwa ng iba’t ibang klase ng utang at responsableng paggamit ng
mga credit card)
- Borrowing for productive uses (Pangungutang para sa makabuluhang
- Understanding compounding interest and its implications on borrowing
money, including the dangers of possible overindebtedness (Ang
Page 41 of 86
compounding interest at epekto nito sa pagkakautang at panganib ng
posibleng pagkabaon sa utang)
5. Investments
- Understanding and applying the basic principles of investing, such as risk-
return (“the higher the return, the higher the risks”) and investment
diversification (Sa pag-iinvest, maaring malaki ang kita, subalit malaki din
ang panganib na malugi, kaya kailangan mag-diversify at ma-manage ang
kaakibat na mga panganib sa investments)
- Importance of knowing the types of financial investment instruments suitable
to your risk appetite and investment horizon to grow your money (Mahalaga
ang pagsaliksik sa financial investments na angkop sa kakayahan at risk
appetite para palaguin ang pera)
- Investing only in financial instruments that you fully understand and are
willing to shoulder the risks (Mag-invest lamang sa mga financial instruments
na lubusang naiintindihan at handang paglaanan ng perang maaring mawala
o malugi)
7. Entrepreneurship
- Using entrepreneurship skills to earn livelihood (Paggamit ng kasanayang
pang-entreprenyur para kumita)
- Importance of understanding a business and equipping oneself to manage it
(Mahalagang pag-aralan mabuti ang isang negosyo at paghahanda sa sarili
para maayos ang pagpapatakbo)
- Managing a business is a serious business (Ang pagnenegosyo ay hindi biro)
8. Sharing or donating
- Importance of sharing of resources, donating or philanthropy (Kahalagahan
ng pagbabahagi ng yaman o pag-aari sa mga nangangailangan)
The participants may choose from the following target audience for the videos to be
developed as contest pieces for SINELIKSIK 2020:
1. K to Grade 6
2. Grade 7 to 12
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V. Component Area and Criteria for Assessment
1. A team of two junior and/or senior high school students in media arts, including
those in the ALS, shall be eligible to participate in this competition. They shall be
accompanied by one teacher as coach, provided that he/she shall only serve as
an advisor, and shall not assist or participate in the production and editing of the
short film entries.
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2. Only one team from each Division shall be eligible to compete at the Regional
Level. The winning team from each Region shall, in turn, be eligible to compete at
the National Level.
3. The DepEd Divisions shall use the national mechanics to select the team to
represent their Division at the Regional Level.
4. The Regional and National Level Competitions shall strictly follow the rules in
Section VI.B (Mechanics) and Section VI.C (Judges and Criteria) below.
5. Regional entries shall be submitted to the Central Office one (1) week after the
RFOT using flash drives provided by BDO Foundation.
B. Competition Mechanics
1. On the day of the Competition, contestants shall draw lots the from a box
containing the Financial Education Topic, with a selection of Key Messages (See
Section III). Contestants shall focus their films on their drawn Financial
Education Topic and develop film ideas based on any (or all) of the Key Messages
under that Financial Education Topic. At the same time, contestants shall
conceptualize, produce and edit their films with their chosen target audience
(Sec. IV). Contestants shall also bear in mind that their films should have
potential to be used as learning tools for classroom and training instruction.
2. Contestants shall bring and use their own film making equipment, such as but
not limited to cameras, mics, laptops, editing software, cables, extension cords,
and other paraphernalia (drones is not allowed). Contestants shall be
responsible for the care and safety of their own equipment. The DepEd, BSP and
BDO Foundation shall not be liable for damage or loss of any equipment or
3. Contestants shall have a total of eight (8) hours to conceptualize, shoot, and edit
their films.
4. Location shoots and other footages shall be taken within or near the NFOT venue,
as designated by the authorized competition marshals on designated dates of the
NFOT. Editing and post-production locations shall also be in areas designated by
the authorized competition marshals.
5. Actors may be the contestants themselves, their peers, or other volunteer people
in or near the NFOT venue. The contestants using actors other than themselves
shall ensure that Actor Consent Forms (Sample, Annex A) are explained and
signed by the volunteer actors.
6. Contestants may utilize any cinematic technique befitting their film concept or
styles (observational, journalistic, reflexive) and various tools to deliver content
or messages (narration, dramatization, visual storytelling, interviews, musicals).
Films may:
a. Be cut and edited according to the creative direction of the contestants
b. Contain text and graphic elements
c. Use music, sound, or narration
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d. Incorporate color correction and visual effects
e. Use B-roll or establishing footages taken during the NFOT
f. Use music, sound or visual elements produced during the various
competitions under the NFOT (e.g. LIKHAWITAN, PINTAHUSAY, BAYLE SA
KALYE, others).
Page 45 of 86
9. All films must be submitted to the Board of Judges (BOJ), through the authorized
competition marshal at the cut-off time also to be specified by the competition
10. Films must be submitted in a USB inside an envelope with their assigned
numbers. Signed Actor Consent Forms, if any, shall also be included inside the
envelope. The Contestants are responsible for ensuring the USB is in good
condition, the film file is not corrupted and readable in regular computers. The
BOJ may disqualify entries, should there be problems in accessing the USBs
and/or film files.
11. Contestants and Coaches found to have made any misrepresentations relative to
compliance with any Competition Mechanics shall be automatically disqualified.
Film entries found to diverge from the prescribed standards shall also be
automatically disqualified.
12. The DepEd, BSP and BDO Foundation shall have perpetual intellectual property
rights over prize-winning films and other non-winning films submitted to DepEd,
including the right to use, produce or reproduce, prepare derivative works of the
films for educational purposes or whatever purpose and whichever form as may
be deemed fit by the DepEd, BSP and BDO Foundation, without further
compensation or notification to the Contestants, Coaches, Schools, DepEd
Division Offices or DepEd Regional Offices, including their heirs and assignees.
Furthermore, all winners shall not use their film entries for any other purpose or
submit these to other competitions or art festivals.
2. The Board of Judges of Regional and National Level Competitions shall consist of
at least five (5) members: Three (3) external, independent judge with
knowledge/expertise in film-making to be appointed/invited by DepEd (Regional
or Central Office); and One (1) representative each from the BSP (Regional or
Central Office) and BDO Foundation (or BDO Bank Branch). The BSP and BDO
Foundation shall nominate their representatives in the Regional and National
Level BOJs.
3. The BOJ shall convene the day after the SINELIKSIK Competition date to select
the winners. A public screening room shall be set up to view all film entries.
4. The BOJ shall use the Criteria laid out in Section V above. To facilitate the
selection of winners, the BOJ shall use the prescribed Scoring Sheet.
5. At the Regional Level Competition, three (3) winners (ranked first to third place)
shall be selected. The first placer shall represent the Region at the National Level
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6. At the National Level Competition, five (5) winners (ranked from first to fifth
place) shall be selected.
7. In case of tie, the BOJ shall review/deliberate to identify the winner. The BOJ shall
endeavor to break the tie and come up with one winner for the rank/place in
8. The decision of the BOJ is final. Judges may decide to disqualify contestants and
their fil, entries and/or not to award prizes if the entries do not meet artistic and
Competition Mechanics.
9. The DepEd marshal shall keep a copy of all winning films, together with Actor
Consent Forms (if any), and submit the same to the DepEd Central Office, with
copies for BSP and BDO Foundation. All films submitted to DepEd may be used as
basis for the development of Lesson Exemplars/ Teaching Guides, and uploaded
in the LRMDS after quality assurance (BLR).
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ANNEX A. Actor Consent Form
I understand that:
3. There will be no restrictions on the number of times that vídeo footage,
photographs and voice recordings will be used.
4. The Contest and its outcomes (films, footages) will also be used for purposes of
the Financial Literacy Program for Schools being implemented through the
partnership of DepEd with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and BDO
Foundation (BDOF).
5. I will not be compensated for any of the above.
The Producers, their Coaches and Schools, the DepEd, BSP and BDOF shall not be held
responsible for any third party liability or claim, loss or damage, arising out of, or in
connection with, my participation in the production of the film, for purposes of the
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Enclosure No. 5 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
2 1 3 3 3 3 13
3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
4A 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
4B 1 3 3 3 3 13
5 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
6 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
7 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
8 1 3 3 3 3 13
9 1 3 3 3 3 13
10 1 3 3 3 3 13
11 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
12 1 3 3 7
CARAGA 1 3 3 7
ARMM 1 3 3 7
NCR 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19
CAR 1 3 3 7
Total per
Language 17 48 48 33 33 33 33 245
Page 49 of 86
2020 Special Program for Foreign
Language (SPFL) Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)
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2020 Special Program for Foreign
Language (SPFL) Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)
Page 51 of 86
2020 Special Program for Foreign
Language (SPFL) Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)
Total -100%
Page 52 of 86
2020 Special Program for Foreign
Language (SPFL) Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Special Foreign Languages)
1. The contestants shall be grouped according to the three (3) foreign languages.
2. Questions shall ONLY cover topics relative to language, politics, literature and
culture of Spain, China and Japan.
3. Running scores shall be flashed on the screen/ board for transparency.
4. Questions shall be categorized as Easy, Average and Difficult. Clincher
questions shall be provided in case of a tie. Five (5) questions shall be asked for
each round.
a. Easy- One (1) point for each correct answer.
b. Average- Two (2) points for each correct answer.
c. Difficult- Three (3) points for each correct answer.
5. Ten (10) seconds shall be allocated to for answer questions in the Easy, twelve
(12 seconds for average categories while fifteen (15) seconds for the Difficult
6. Questions shall be read twice by the judge. At the “GO” signal, contestants shall
write their answers on the meta strips provided.
7. Contestants who get the top three (3) scores shall be declared winners. In case
of tie, clincher questions shall be answered within fifteen (15) seconds until a
winner is determined.
8. In case of appeal, the official coach of the contestant shall raise it to the board of
judges before the next question is read by the judge. The decision of the judges
is final and irrevocable.
II. Resource Requirements
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Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
4A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
4B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
CARAGA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
ARMM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
NCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
CAR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
per 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 153
Page 54 of 86
2020 Musabaquah Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arabic Language and Islamic Values)
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2020 Musabaquah Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arabic Language and Islamic Values)
1. There shall be one (1) contestant (male or female) per region ages nine to eleven (9-
11) years old during the conduct of the NFOT.
2. The medium of instruction to be used is Arabic language.
3. There shall be three (3) rounds: easy, average and difficult. Each item will be given
the following points: Easy – 1 point, Average- 2 points, Difficult- 3 points.
4. There shall be ten (10) words for each round, 3 syllables for easy, 4 syllables for
average and 5 syllables for difficult round.
5. Each word shall be read twice. The contestant shall write their answer in nuskhah /
cursive form within ten (10) seconds for easy round, fifteen (15) seconds for average
and thirty (30) seconds for the difficult round on the meta-strips provided. The
contestant shall start writing after the word “üktubu” and immediately raise their
meta-strips after the buzzer.
6. The scores shall be summed up after each round and it shall be posted in the tally
board /score board.
7. In case of appeal, the contestant / official coach may raise the question/clarification
immediately after the item before the next word is read. Queries/clarifications done
after the entire contest shall not be entertained.
8. The top three (3) contestants with the highest points win. In case of a tie, clincher
word shall be given and the first contestant to give the correct spelling shall be
declared the winner.
II. Resource Requirements
The following shall be provided by the NTWG:
a. 3 Judges will be identified by the CO
b. 1 Quizmaster
The following shall be provided by the host region:
a. 1 recorder
b. 1-time keeper
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c. 1,030 pcs - metastrips (4.25 by 13 – half lengthwise of the long bondpaper)
Easy round (yellow) – 260 pcs
Average round (light blue) – 260 pcs
Difficult round (light pink) – 260 pcs
Clincher (light green) – 50 pcs
d. 35 permanent marker (fine)
e. 10 envelope
f. 1 bell/buzzer
g. 10 tally sheets
h. 17 tables with chairs for the contestants
i. 3 tables with chairs for the judges
j. 1 sound system
k. 3 microphone
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2020 Musabaquah Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arabic Language and Islamic Values)
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6. When the time is up, the timekeeper rings the bell/buzzer. The contestants then
shall stop answering and show their answer to the proctor by raising their
7. The Judges will check the answer of each contestant and record in the tally
board and tally sheet.
8. In case of appeal the contestants/official coaches may raise the question /
clarification immediately after the item before the next question is read.
9. Queries and clarification done after the entire contest shall not be entertained.
10. After each round, points will be tabulated. The final scores will be tabulated
after the difficult round and shall be posted in the tally board / score board.
11. The contestants with the highest points win. They will be declared as first,
second and third place winners respectively.
12. In case of tie, a clincher round shall be given. The first one to give the correct
answer shall be the winner. If no contestant is able to give the correct answer,
another clincher question shall be given until a winner comes up.
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2020 Musabaquah Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arabic Language and Islamic Values)
Page 61 of 86
Criteria for Judging
tajweed/Pronunciation 40%
tarteel/Chant 20%
sawt/Voice Clarity 30%
hay’ah/Stage Presence 10%
TOTAL 100%
9. Guidelines for identifying the Official Coaches:
a. he/she should be an alive teacher (permanent / cos); and
b. directly teach / train the contestant.
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Enclosure No. 7 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 1 1 1 1 1 5
3 1 1 1 1 1 5
4A 1 1 1 1 1 5
4B 1 1 1 1 1 5
5 1 1 1 1 1 5
6 1 1 1 1 1 5
7 1 1 1 1 1 5
8 1 1 1 1 1 5
9 1 1 1 1 1 5
10 1 1 1 1 1 5
11 1 1 1 1 1 5
12 1 1 1 1 1 5
CARAGA 1 1 1 1 1 5
ARMM 1 1 1 1 1 5
NCR 1 1 1 1 1 5
CAR 1 1 1 1 1 5
Total per
17 17 17 17 17 85
Page 63 of 86
2020 Braille and Sign Language
Skills Competition
(A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Braille and Sign Language)
1. Each region shall have one (1) contestant for Braille and one (1) contestant for Sign
2. Questions shall cover Philippine politics, literature, culture and rights of Persons with
Disabilities (PWDs).
3. Questions shall be categorized as Easy (1 point), Average (2 points), Difficult (3 points)
and Clincher (only for tie breaking purposes).
4. Questions shall be in a powerpoint presentation and shall be read twice by the quiz
master. Twenty (20) seconds shall be allotted to Easy and Average categories in which
contestants shall write the letter of the correct answer. One (1) minute is allotted to
Difficult category and contestants shall write the correct answer. At the “GO” signal,
contestants shall start writing their answers.
Category Time Allotment Points Response
Easy 20 seconds 1 Letter of the correct answer
Average 20 seconds 2 Letter of the correct answer
Difficult I minute 3 Provide the correct answer
Clincher 30 seconds Provide the correct answer
5. Contestants who get the top three (3) scores shall be declared winners. In case of a tie,
clincher questions shall be answered within thirty (30) seconds until a winner is
Page 64 of 86
6. However, in case of appeal, the official coach of the contestant shall raise it to the board
of judges before the next question is read by the quiz master. Decision of the judges is
final and irrevocable.
7. Answer sheets shall be provided by the NTWG. However, contestants for Braille Quiz
Whiz should bring their own stylus and slate.
8. Only the official Sign Language interpreter is allowed to interpret the questions read by
the quiz master.
9. The top three (3) winners per contest shall receive medals and certificates of
recognition including the coaches. All contestants and coaches shall be given certificates
of participation.
Human resource/s:
a. 3 judges for braille quiz whiz from the NTWG
b. 3 judges for sign language quiz whiz from the NTWG
c. 1 quiz master for braille and one (1) quiz master for sign language from the NTWG
d. 3 sign language interpreters from the host region
e. 5 braille readers/transcribers from the host region
f. 1-time keeper for braille and one (1) time keeper for sign language from the host
g. 1 tabulator for braille and one (1) tabulator for sign language
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Enclosure No. 8 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
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2020 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot
Skills Exhibition on Population Development
GRADE LEVEL Junior and Senior High School
TIME ALLOTMENT Three (3) Hours and 30 minutes
DESCRIPTION The event is a combination of argumentation and debate
that is conducted in a modified round table discussion. It
enables the contestant to use his critical analysis and deep
reasoning about the different issues that occur in the society.
Criteria Criteria for
Delivery 20 %
Use of Supporting Evidence 25 %
Organization 25 %
Reasoning and Ability to answer 30 %
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
Round-Table Argumentation and Debate
The event is a combination of argumentation and debate that is conducted in a
round table discussion. It enables the contestant to use his critical analysis and deep
reasoning about the different issues that occur in the society. This also develops the
ability of the students to organize his ideals promptly and logically.
The event shall follow the rules and guidelines below:
A. There shall only be one (1) contestant/debater from each region. The debater
shall be accompanied and trained by the duly approved coach.
B. Each contestant shall wear a corporate attire. Moreover, they are required to
present their valid school ID during the registration.
C. Contestants shall be assigned a number that will correspond to the number on
the judging sheet.
D. Topics to be debated shall revolve on the following issues: country’s foreign and
economic policies, environment, gender and society, governance, peace and order,
population and reproductive health, and other current/contemporary issues.
E. The debater is required to use the English language as a medium except for
terminologies on certain topics that are only stated in Filipino.
F. The debate will consist of two rounds:
Round I: Elimination Round
A. Each debater will be given a maximum of 3 minutes to deliver his/her speech on
the topic drawn.
B. After the discourse of the first contestant/debater, the second debater will
interpolate on the speech of the first debater. The questions for the interpolation will
be focused on the arguments of the opponent. Categorical questions will be allowed
(Answerable by yes or no), however, the responder may choose to qualify or not
Page 67 of 86
his/her answer. The first interpolator and the debater will be given a maximum of 3
minutes and if ever the interpolator did not consume the allotted time, remaining time
shall be added to the next interpolator. The remaining interpolators will be given 2
minutes. In the case that the remaining interpolator will not consume the 2 minutes
allotted, the first interpolator may use the remaining minutes of the 5 minutes allotted.
C. The second contestant will also give his/her speech on the topic, the third debater
will be asking questions to debater 2, debater 3 will be asked by debater 4, debater 4
by debater 5, debater 5 by debater 6 and so on.
Round 2: Final Round
D. After the first round, eight (8) debaters will be chosen to proceed to the second
round. The debaters will be following the same order as the first round.
E. A new topic for debate will be given on the second round. The topics will also be
selected from the issues enumerated previously during the first round.
F. The same process from round 1 (letter c) shall be followed.
G. Prompting and coaching during the duration of the debate shall be strictly
H. The criteria for judging are:
Delivery – ……………………………………………………………………….20 %
(tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to others)
Organization -………………………………………………………………… 25 %
(view points and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly)
I. Resource Requirements
Contestants Host School/ Host Division/
Venue Region
Attire Corporate
Tools and Equipment -Timer 1 Ream – copy paper
- Sound system
- 17 sets of
- Stage
Others Utility expenses
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2020 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills
Exhibition on Population Development
GRADE LEVEL Junior and Senior High School
TIME ALLOTMENT Three (3) Hours
DESCRIPTION Quiz based on the following Population Education Core
Messages/Key Concepts:
• Family Life and Responsible Parenthood
• Gender and Development
• Population and Reproductive Health
• Population, Environment, Resources, and
Sustainable Development
Criteria for
Difficult 3
Total -
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
a. The formulation of test questions at the local and national levels shall be based
on the following Population Education Core Messages/Key Concepts:
• Family Life and Responsible Parenthood
• Gender and Development
• Population and Reproductive Health
• Population, Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development
b. Review materials for the Pop Quiz will be provided by Department of Education
(DepEd) or Commission on Population;
c. During the quiz, participants will be provided with whiteboard, markers and
d. English or Filipino will be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz.
e. Participants will be given a total number of twenty (20) questions, of which six
(6) are “easy,” seven (7) are “average,” and seven (7) are “difficult.”
f. Points for every correct answer will be given as follows:
One (1) point shall be given to correct answer for each “easy” question, Two (2)
points for each “average” question, Three (3) points for each “difficult” question
g. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds to answer each question. For
questions that require computation, participants shall be given a maximum of
thirty (30) seconds.
h. The quizmaster will only read each question twice. Countdown will start after the
question has been read the second time and the quizmaster says GO. When the
quizmaster says “STOP “or “TIME IS UP.”, contestants must raise their answers to
the audience and to the Board of Judges until such time that the Proctors have
Page 69 of 86
verified or confirmed the answer. A general reminder will be given to all.
However, if the contestant still violates, his /her answer shall not be considered.
i. A participant shall be allowed to change his/her answer within the allotted time.
j. National winners will be proclaimed based on cumulative scoring.
k. In case of a tie, a clincher question drawn from the “difficult” category shall be
asked until a winner emerges.
l. In case of a protest or inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following
procedures shall be observed:
• Only the contestant or the official coach of the participant is allowed to
raise a protest or inquiry before the next question is read. The protest or
inquiry will be addressed orally to the chair of the board of judges who
will recognize the protest or inquiry.
• The chair will announce the decision upon deliberation with the members
of the board of judges.
m. The decision of the Board of Judges is final.
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2020 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills
Exhibition on Population Development
GRADE LEVEL Junior and Senior High School
EVENT PACKAGE Jingle Writing and Singing Contest
TIME ALLOTMENT Two hours and 30 minutes
Criteria Criteria for
Lyrics (Relevance to the theme/Creativity) 50%
Musicality (Execution/Overall Performance) 30%
Originality 20%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
A. The theme of the showcase will be announced on the actual day of the skills
B. The jingle must be an original composition highlighting the theme. Lyrics must
be in English.
C. Participants shall be given an hour to compose and 30 minutes to practice their
composition in a holding room.
D. The order of the presentation shall be determined through draw lots. This will
be done during the registration.
E. The contestants are not allowed to introduce themselves but as their number be
called they shall immediately perform
F. Participants will be given a maximum of 3 minutes to perform in acapella.
II. Inputs (Resource Requirements)
Host School/ Host Division/
Venue Region
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2020 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills
Exhibition on Population Development
EVENT PACKAGE On the Spot Poster Making
Criteria Criteria for
CRITERIA FOR Relevance to the theme 20 %
ASSESSMENT Creativity and Presentation 50%
Originality 30%
Total 100%
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
A. The contestants shall draw their numbers during registration. They will be given
a number tag which will be attached to the poster.
B. The theme of the showcase will be announced on the actual day of the skills
C. Any artwork in the poster must be original in design.
D. The contestants shall be provided with the materials to be used in the skills
exhibition. Only the materials provided by the organizer shall be utilized. (oil
pastel, ½ illustration board, lead pencil, sharpener, eraser, ruler, black pentel
pen, cotton / tissue)
II. Resource Requirements
Host School/
Contestants Contestants
NFOT Shirt
Attire - -
oil pastel long size,
½ illustration
board, lead
Tools and Timer
Equipment Copy paper
eraser, ruler,
broad and fine
black pentel pen,
cotton / tissue
Sound System
Others Utility expenses
Tables and chairs
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2020 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills
Exhibition on Population Development
GRADE LEVEL Elementary (Grades 4-6)
EVENT PACKAGE Kasaysayan, Heograpiya at Kultura ng Pilipinas Quiz
TIME ALLOTMENT Three (3) Hours
DESCRIPTION The quiz will be based on the concepts of Philippine
Geography, History, and Culture from Araling Panlipunan
Grades 4-6.
Round Criteria for
Difficult 3
Total -
I. Event Rules and Mechanics
A. The quiz is open to all types of learners who are officially enrolled in grades 4-6
B. The team shall be composed of one (1) regular learner and one (1) learner with
special needs such as those with seeing and hearing impairment, physically
challenged, learners with autism who are highly functional and manageable in the
mainstream program. (any MOVs that will justify the learner)
C. Test questions shall be based on Araling Panlipunan Grades 4-6 competencies.
Official list of references shall be released by the Bureau of Curriculum
Development (BCD) through the Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD).
D. During the quiz, participants shall be provided with white board, markers and
E. Filipino shall be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz.
F. Participants shall be given a total number of twenty (20) questions, of which six
(6) are “easy,” seven (7) are “average,” and seven (7) are “difficult.”
G. Points for every correct answer shall be given as follows: One (1) point for “easy”
question, Two (2) points for “average” question, and Three (3) points for
“difficult” question. In case of tie, a clincher question drawn from the “difficult”
category shall be asked until a winning pair emerges.
H. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds for easy, twelve (12) seconds for
average, and fifteen (15) seconds for difficult round to answer the question.
I. The quizmaster shall read each question twice. Countdown shall start after the
question has been read the second time and the quizmaster says “GO”. When the
quizmaster says “STOP “or “TIME IS UP”, contestants must raise their answers to
the audience and to the Board of Judges until such time that the proctors have
verified or confirmed the answer. Those who are unable to observe the instruction
shall not earn a point. The Chair of the Board of Judges will decide whether or not
the instruction is observed.
J. The participants are allowed to change their answer within the allotted time.
K. National winners shall be proclaimed based on cumulative scoring.
L. In case of a protest or inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following
procedures shall be observed:
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Only the contestants or the official coaches are allowed to raise a protest or
inquiry before the next question is read.
• The protest or inquiry shall be addressed orally to the chair of the board of
judges who shall recognize the protest or inquiry after validating the proof /
evidence presented.
• The chair shall announce the decision upon deliberation with the members of
the board of judges.
M. The decision of the Board of Judges is final.
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Enclosure No. 9 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
Dalawampung (20)
minuto kasama ang
4. Interpretatibong Pagbasa paghahanda at 4 1 5
Page 75 of 86
Ang mga kalahok ay binubuo ng tig-iisang mag-aaral mula sa
Baitang 4, 5, 6 at isang Highly Manageable SPED Learner in a
Mainstream/Inclusive Program (Visually Impaired or
Difficulty in Physical Mobility) na may edad labinlima
pababa sa taon ng paligsahan.
Apat (4)
Dalawampung (20) minuto kasama ang paghahanda, pagpasok
at pagbaba sa entablado.
Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon 40%
Pagpapalutang ng diwa (20%)
Pagbibigay diin sa damdamin (20%)
Hikayat 20%
Dating sa madla (5%)
Pagbibigay buhay sa tauhan (5%)
Tindig (5%)
Kumpas/Kilos (5%)
Batayan ng Bigkas 20%
Kapasyahan Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
May pagbubukod bukod ng mga
salita (5%)
May wastong diin at intonasyon
Tinig 10%
Lakas (5%)
Taginting (5%)
Kaangkupan ng diwa at damdamin 10%
Kabuuan 100%
Patnubay sa Kalahok
a) Isang kuwento ang bibigyan ng interpretasyon batay sa ibibigay ng mga hurado
sa takdang araw ng paligsahan;
b) Bibigyan ng 10 minuto ang bawat kalahok upang pag-aralan ang kuwentong
bibigyan ng interpretasyon;
c) Malayang baguhin ang pagkasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari sa kuwento.
d) Iikot ang interpretasyon sa kwento lamang;
e) Ang mga kalahok ay wala nang piyesang hawak habang nagtatanghal.
f) Siguraduhing ang bawat kasapi ng pangkat ay may parte sa pagkukuwento;
g) Habang nagtatanghal ang unang kalahok, pag-aaralan naman ng susunod na
kalahok ang kuwento na tatagal din ng sampung minuto, susundin ang paraang
ito hanggang sa pinakahuling kalahok;
Page 76 of 86
h) Lahat ng kalahok ay mamamalagi sa isang malaking silid na hindi naririnig ang
pagtatanghal ng iba pang kalahok; samantalang ang kasunod na kalahok ay
mamamalagi naman sa isa pang silid upang pag-aralan ang kuwento;
i) Ang pagtatanghal ay hindi lalampas sa sampung minuto kasama ang pagpasok
at paglabas sa entablado.
j) Walang anumang props o kagamitan, musika at instrumento na dadalhin at
gagamitin; at
k) Ang kasuotan ay pantalong maong at puting t-shirt.
I. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan
a) Kuwentong gagamitin apat (4) hard copy; (3 regular, 1 enlarged and 1
b) Orasan, flaglets, numero ng mga kalahok; at
c) c.1 Dalawang (2) silid na holding area para sa 68 katao;
c.2 Isang (1) silid para sa pagsasanay; at
c.3 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 200 katao.
Page 77 of 86
Baitang 6
Isa (1)
Isang (1) oras para sa pagsusulat, 30 minutong paghahanda at
limang (5) minuto na pagtatanghal
BATAYAN NG Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon ng Tula
Kaugnayan sa paksa (20%)
Batayan ng
Organisasyon ng diwa (15%)
Mekaniks (15%)
(Apat (4) na saknong na binubuo ng
apat (4) na taludtod na may tugma)
Dating sa Madla (5%)
Kilos/galaw/kumpas (10%)
Ekspresyon ng mukha (10%)
Batayan ng
Tinig at Bigkas
Lakas/ Diin/ Taginting (10%)
Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
Wastong pagbubukod ng salita
Kabuuan 100%
I. Patnubay sa Kalahok
a) Ang tulang isusulat ay naaayon sa tema na ibibigay ng hurado sa araw ng
patimpalak; apat na saknong na binubuo ng apat na taludtod na may tugma;
b) Ang opisyal na gagamiting papel ay magmumula sa tagapag-organisa;
c) Ang mga kalahok ay bibigyan ng isang oras na pagsusulat at tatlumpong minutong
pag eensayo;
d) Ang lahat ng papel ay lilikumin ng tagapagdaloy at sisimulan na ang paligsahan;
e) Ang lahat ng kalahok ay mamamalagi sa isang malaking silid na hindi naririnig
ang pagtatanghal;
f) Ang bawat kalahok ay bibigyan ng limang minuto sa pagbigkas ng tula kasama ang
pagpasok at paglabas mula sa entablado gamit ang tulang sinulat na ibibigay muli
ng tagapagdaloy; at
g) Ang kalahok ay magsusuot ng kasuotang Pilipino.
II. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan
a) Paksang gagamitin;
b) Papel, bolpen, lapis at pambura;
c) Orasan, numero ng mga kalahok;
d) d.1 Isang (1)silid na holding area para sa 17 katao; at
d.2 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 100 katao.
Page 78 of 86
BAITANG NG MAG-AARAL Baitang 11 o 12
Anim (6) na minuto kasama ang paghahanda at
Pamantayan Bahagdan
Interpretasyon 35%
Kaugnayan sa paksa (20%)
Pagbibigay diin sa
damdamin (15%)
Hikayat 25%
Kilos, galaw, kumpas (10%)
Dating sa Madla (5%)
Kakanyahang pantanghalan
Ekspresyon ng mukha (5%)
Batayan ng Kapasyahan
Tinig 20%
Kaangkupan ng diwa at
damdamin (10%)
Taginting (5%)
Lakas (5%)
Bigkas 20%
Matatas at maliwanag (10%)
Wastong pagbubukod ng
salita (5%)
Diin/Indayog (5%)
Kabuuan 100%
I. Patnubay sa Kalahok
a) Ang paksa na manggagaling sa tagapag-organisa ay ibibigay sa takdang oras;
b) Ang kalahok ay bibigyan lamang ng tatlong minutong paghahanda hinggil sa
paksang napili habang nagtatalumpati ang sinusundang kalahok;
c) Ang bawat kalahok ay bibigyan ng tatlong minutong paghahanda hinggil sa paksa
at dalawa hanggang tatlong minuto naman sa pagtatalumpati;
d) May kabawasang puntos sa kabuuang iskor na labis o kulang sa itinakdang oras ng
1-30 segundo - .5 puntos
31-60 segundo - 1 puntos
61 segundo – pataas - 2 puntos
e) Itataas ang banderang berde bilang hudyat ng pagsisimula, banderang dilaw bilang
hudyat sa nalalabing tatlumpong segundo at banderang pula na tapos na ang
itinakdang oras; at
f) Corporate attire ang inaasahang kasuotan.
Page 79 of 86
II. Kagamitan mula sa Tagapag-organisa ng Paligsahan
a) Banderang berde, dilaw at pula;
b) Paksang gagamitin;
c) Orasan, numero ng kalahok;
d) d.1 Isang (1) silid na holding area para sa 17 katao; at
d.2 Isang (1) silid para sa pagsasanay; at
d.2 Isang (1) silid Tanghalan para sa higit kumulang na 100 katao.
Page 80 of 86
Page 81 of 86
h) Ang pagtatanghal ay hindi lalampas sa 10 minuto kasama ang pagpasok at paglabas
sa entablado;
i) Walang anumang props o kagamitan, musika at instrumento na dadalhin at
gagamitin ang mga kalahok;
j) Iikot ang interpretasyon sa piyesa lamang at walang adlib, at
k) Ang kasuotan ay pantalong maong at puting t-shirt.
• Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal sa mga kalahok ang pagdadala ng anumang
electronic gadgets sa holding area at sa buong panahon ng pagtatanghal.
• Hindi rin pinahihintulutan ang mga tagapagsanay na pumasok/lumapit sa
holding area.
• Iwasan ang pagbanggit ng pagkakakilanlan ng mga kalahok.
• Ang paglabag dito ay magiging sanhi ng diskwalipikasyon.
Page 82 of 86
Enclosure No. 10 to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2019
Page 83 of 86
COMPONENT AREA Science, Technology and Mathematics
GRADE LEVEL Junior to Senior High School enrolled in Public, Private
schools and ALS
EVENT PACKAGE On the S.P.P.O.T. (Science Processes and Practices On-Site
The competition enables learners to apply science and
mathematics thinking skills to solve problems that have local,
national and global impact. It allows the contestants to become
DESCRIPTION problem solvers by addressing social, scientific and
environmental issues through the application of 21st century
Criteria (Part I) Percentage
(based on scientific, technological 60%
and other valid assumptions,
Feasibility of the proposed solution
Clarity of presentation
(ability to effectively communicate 30 %
Page 84 of 86
A. Contest Mechanics
General Guidelines
Part I – One-Minute Presentation
1. The first part of the contest is the One-Minute Presentation of the project
proposal where the teams shall develop and present their proposal to the
panel of judges of their solution about a real-world problem/scenario of local
or global importance. The situation containing the problem shall be given on-
site on the day of competition.
2. The contestants are given 2 hours to conceptualize and prepare their slides
for presentation. All presentations shall not bear any markings that identify
their regions. The contestants may use the internet and other printed
resources in developing their presentation, however, the teams are not
allowed to confer with their coaches while the contest is o
3. n – going. Any form of communication between the contestants and other
parties (coach, parents, classmates, teachers, etc.) shall warrant automatic
4. The presentations may consist of the following:
a. Detail key features of the proposed solution.
b. Challenges to resolve in order to effectively implement the proposed
c. Proposed solution maybe similar or different from existing practices,
technologies and solutions. If so, the presentation shall include on how
the proposed solution would build up from the existing practices,
technology and solutions.
5. At the end of two hours, all presentations shall be submitted to the assigned
6. During the presentation, each team shall be given one minute to present. The
time shall start as the contestants start to speak.
7. Draw lots shall be done to determine the order of presentation. While one
team is presenting, all the other teams shall be at the holding room.
8. A timer board shall show the public as well as the contestant the time
remaining for their presentation.
9. A buzzer shall signal that the time for presentation is up and the contestants
shall immediately stop presenting. At the end of one minute, the mic of the
contestants shall be turned off and advised to stop the presentation.
10. After the deliberation of the members of the panel of judges, the top eight
teams shall be determined and announced to the public. The top eight teams
shall move to the final round. The finalists shall not be allowed to leave the
contest venue during the break. They can take their meals and snacks in the
contest venue.
11. The Final round of the competition shall include developing the written
description of the proposed solution and the oral presentation. Similar to part
I the teams are allowed to use internet and other print resources. There shall
also be no markings that will identify the regions of the contestants. They
shall develop and print their proposals within 4 Hours. The scores in the
preliminary round shall have no bearing in the final round.
Page 85 of 86
12. The proposed solution shall have the following components:
a. Title
b. Summary (100 – 200 Words)
c. Background and Problem (200 – 300 Words)
• Describe the challenges and how the proposed solution address
the problem presented.
• Scientific Principles and Technology applicable to the
resolution of the problem.
• Beneficiaries
d. Proposed Solution to the Problem Presented (300 – 500 words)
• Methods/Details of the proposed solution including the Cost -
• Include illustrations, figures and charts.
e. References
• May use any format as long as consistency is observed.
13. The teams shall encode their proposals in word processing software, double
spaced using Bookman Old style font size twelve set in A4 size paper. Margins
shall be 1 inch in all sides of the paper. Within the 4 hours, the teams shall
submit their printed proposals (three copies) to the panel of judges.
14. The proposals shall be subjected to a plagiarism check. Any proposals which
exceeds 15% similarity index (uncited) shall be deducted 2 points from the
total score for every percent in excess. However, cited references shall be
excluded from the 15% tolerance.
15. There shall be an oral presentations limited to 3 minutes for each team
without the use of slide decks. During the presentations, the team shall not
identify themselves and the regions they are representing. Questions may be
asked by the judges after each presentation. There shall be another drawing
of lots to determine the order of presentation.
I. Resource Requirements
Contestants Host Host Division/
School/Venue Region
Attire NFOT T-shirt or -
Plain White Shirt
(Finalized on the
day before the
Tools and Computer/ Laptop/ Timer, 2 - plagiarism
Equipment Notebook/ Printer, multimedia checker
books and other projectors, fast
printed resources, internet
pocket Wi-Fi, connection, Sound
extension cords System, Adequate
electrical outlets,
Hall with stage, one
holding room,
2 reams Bond Utility expenses
paper A4
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