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Visual Testing (VT) is the monitoring of specific parameters by visual and optical
assessments of test objects and surfaces using the visible portion of the electromagnetic

Although a visual test is a test in itself, it also forms an integral part of many of the other non-
destructive testing methods. For example, magnetic particle and penetrant inspection requires
visual observation and assessment of the detected indication; radiographs require visual
inspection for the interpretation of results; ultrasonic inspection often requires the visual
assessment of the trace on a CRT.


Visual examination or testing (VT) is a method of nondestructive testing that has been
neglected for much of its industrial application life. VT was the first nondestructive test
(NDT) method used in the nondestructive testing industry, but was last method to be formally
acknowledged. Development of the visual method as an independent entity was fostered by
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Center in
the early 1980s. This was the result of the development of a training program for visual
examination technology that included 120 hours of formal training. The need was prompted
by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, specifically Section XI “Rules for
Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components”. The program was designed to
qualify personnel as visual examiners. Examination personnel scrutinizing the general
condition of components were to comply with the requirements of the American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A.

Performance requirements for NDT are referenced in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section V “Nondestructive Examination”. Direct and remote visual testing is described
in Article 9 of Section V “Visual Examination”.

Visual testing is the observation of a test object, either directly with the eyes or indirectly
using optical instruments, by an inspector to evaluate the presence of surface anomalies and
the object's conformance to specification. Visual testing should be the first nondestructive test
method applied to an item. The test procedure is to clear obstructions from the surface,
provide adequate illumination and observe. A prerequisite necessary for competent visual
testing of an object is knowledge of the manufacturing processes by which it was made, of its
service history and of its potential failure modes, as well as related industry experience.

Visual testing is widely used on a variety of objects to detect surface discontinuities

associated with various structural failure mechanisms. Even when other non-destructive tests
are performed, visual tests often provide a useful supplement. When the eddy current testing
of process tubing is performed, for example, visual testing is often performed to verify and
more closely examine the surface condition. The following discontinuities may be detected by
a simple visual test: surface discontinuities, cracks, misalignment, warping, corrosion, wear
and physical damage.


1.3.1. Magnitude and units Candela (cd)

The candela is the SI base unit of luminous intensity; the luminous intensity in a given
direction of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10-12 Hz and that
has radiant intensity in that direction of 1.4641 milliwatt per steradian. It is symbolized cd and
formerly known as candle. Lumen (lm)

Lumen is the SI unit of luminous flux and is the luminous flux emitted within a solid angle of
1 steradian, by a point source having a uniform intensity of one candela. As the lumen is a
measure of energy per unit time it must also be related to the watt. The energy of a light
source depends on its wavelength, but as a rough guide 1 watt equals 621 lumens of green
light (wavelength 5.54 × 10-10m).

It follows that a point source having an intensity of 1 candela in every direction will be emitting
a total flux of 4 lumens.

1 Lumen – Sec = 1Talbot

also, 1 Lumen = 0.0016 watt.

The angle ‘steradian’ is the unit of solid angle and is defined as:

Steradian value of the solid angle is the angle substended at the center of a sphere by a part of
its surface having an area equal to (radius)2. Foot -Candle

It is the unit of intensity of illumination is defined as the amount of light falling on one square
foot area of a spherical surface of radius 1 foot when a source of one candle power is kept at the
centre of curvature.

1 foot–candle is also known as 1 lumen per square ft. Lux (lx)

A unit of illuminance is equal to the illumination produced by a luminous flux of

1 lumen distributed uniformly over an area of 1 square metre.

It can also be described as the illumination on a surface all points of which are at a distance of
1 metre (m) from a point source of 1 candela (cd). Phot

It is the unit of intensity of illumination and is equal to one lumen per square centimetre, it is
therefore a larger unit and is equal to 10,000 lux.

Table 1-I: Important values of Illuminance (Intensity of Illumination).
Method of Illumination Lumens/m2 (lux)

Star Light 3 x 10-4

Full Moon Light 0.2

Fluorescent Tube Light 100

Day Light (Inside near Windows) 103

Overcast Day 104

Sun Light (Maximum) 105

1.3.2. Photometric Quantities

Radiometry is the measurement of radiant energy, both visible and invisible. Photometry in
Greek means simply light measurement. Radiometry and photometry have the same principles
but different units of measure (Table 1-II). Characteristics of light, light sources, lighting
materials and lighting installations may be measured, including (1) illuminance, (2)
luminance, (3) luminous intensity, (4) luminous flux, Photometric quantities are defined
below. Luminous Intensity

The basis of all photometric quantities is luminous intensity, measured in candelas. The
candela (cd) is based on the radiation from platinum at solidification temperature, emitting
monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 THz with a radiant intensity in that direction of
1/683 W-sr-1. Luminous intensity “𝐼𝑣 ” is the luminous flux from a point source and emitted
per unit solid angle in a given direction:

𝐼𝑣 = (1.1)

Where “𝑑𝛷𝑣 ” is the luminous flux leaving the source and propagating in an element of solid
angle “𝑑𝛺” containing the given direction. Luminous Flux

Although the candela is a base unit, luminous flux is a more fundamental photometric
quantity in that the four other photometric quantities are defined in terms of lumen with
appropriate geometric factors. Luminous flux “𝛷𝑣 ” is measured in lumens and is the time rate
of flow of light as weighted by “𝑉(𝜆)”:

𝛷𝑣 = 𝐾𝑚 ∫𝜆 𝛷𝑒,𝜆 𝑉(𝜆)𝑑λ (1.2)

Where “𝛷𝑒,𝜆 ” is the spectral concentration of radiant flux (W.nm-1) as a function of

wavelength “𝜆” in nanometers.

3 Illuminance

Illuminance “𝐸𝑣 ” is the density (in lux) of luminous flux incident on a given area of a planar
surface at a given instant:

𝐸𝑣 = (1.3)

Where “𝑑𝛷𝑣 ” is the luminous flux incident on an element “𝑑𝐴” of the surface. Luminance

Luminance “𝐿𝑣 ” (in candelas per square meter) is the luminous flux at a given surface where
the angle of incidence or refraction is considered. The luminous flux may be exiting, passing
through, or arriving at the surface. Historically, luminance has been referred to as photometric

𝑑 2 𝛷𝑣
𝐿𝑣 = (1.4)
𝑑𝛺 𝑑𝐴 cos 𝜃

Where “𝑑2 𝛷𝑣 ” is the luminous flux emitted (reflected or transmitted) by an elementary beam
passing through the given point and propagating in the solid angle “𝑑𝛺” containing the given
direction; “𝑑𝐴” is the area of a section of that beam containing the given point; and “𝜃” is the
angle between the normal to that section and the direction of the beam.

Table 1-II Photometric quantities and corresponding radiometric quantities

Photometric Photometric Unit Radiometric Radiometric Unit
Quantity Quantity

Luminous Intensity Candela (cd) Radiant Watt/Steradian

(1 cd = 1lm.sr-1) Intensity (W.sr-1)
Luminous Flux Lumen (lm) Radiant Flux Watt (W)
Illuminance Lux (lx) Irradiance Watt per square meter
(1 lx = 1 lm.m-2) (W. m-2)
Luminance Candela per square meter Radiance Watt per steradian per
(cd.m-2) square meter
(1 cd. m-2= 1 lm.sr-1. m-2) (W.sr-1.m2)

1.3.3. Overview of Light

Most nondestructive tests are performed by a probing energy such as X-rays, ultrasound or
magnetism to a test object. In visual and optical testing, the probing medium is light that
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that has a wavelength of 360 to 830 nm and that can
excite the human retina. The upper and lower limits of visible radiation vary from one
individual to another. Radiant energy at the proper wavelength makes visible anything from
which it is emitted or reflected in sufficient quantity to activate the receptors in the eye. The
quantity of such radiant energy may be evaluated in many ways, including: radiant flux
(measured in joules per second or in watts) and luminous flux (measured in lumens).

4 Radiant Energy Theories

Several theories describing radiant energy have been proposed. The text below briefly
discusses the primary theories.
Particle Theory
The particle theory, or corpuscular theory, was advanced by Isaac Newton and is based on the
following premises.
i. Luminous bodies emit radiant energy in particles.
ii. These particles are intermittently ejected in straight lines.
iii. The particles act on the retina of the eye, stimulating the optic nerves to produce the
sensation of light.
Wave Theory
The wave theory of radiant energy was championed by Christian Huygens and is based on
these premises.
i. Light results from the molecular vibration in luminous material.
ii. The vibrations are transmitted through the ether in wavelike movements (comparable
to ripples in water).
iii. The vibrations act on the retina of the eye, stimulating the optic nerves to produce
visual sensation. The velocity of a wave is the product of its wavelength and its
Electromagnetic Theory
The electromagnetic theory was advanced by James Clerk Maxwell and is based on these
i. Luminous bodies emit light in the form of radiant energy.
ii. This radiant energy is propagated in the form of electromagnetic waves.
iii. The electromagnetic waves act on the retina of the eye, stimulating the optic nerves to
produce the sensation of sight.
Quantum Theory
The quantum theory is an updated version of the corpuscular theory. It was advanced by Max
Planck and is based on these premises.
i. Energy is emitted and absorbed in discrete quanta (photons).
ii. The energy E in each quantum is the product of Planck's constant h and frequency ν:

𝐸 = ℎν (1.5)

Where h = 6.626 x 10-34 J.s and ν (Greek letter nu) is in hertz. Generation of Light

Light is created at the atomic level. An atom consists of a nucleus with a positive charge
orbited by electrons with a negative charge. In the atom's normal state, the orbits of the
electrons are stable and no electromagnetic radiation is emitted. The orbits, or shells, allowed
around the nucleus are a characteristic of each element.

When an electron is excited, it moves out to a higher, unstable orbit or it is removed from the
atom's orbit. Eventually, the excited electron moves back into the original orbit or into another
lower energy, more stable orbit. The energy the electron loses during this move is given off as
a discrete particle of radiant energy. Planck's equation gives the wavelength of the emitted

𝐸1 – 𝐸2 = ℎν (1.6)

Where E1 is energy of the excited orbit, E2 is energy of the normal orbit, h is Planck's constant
6.626 x 10-34 J.s and ν (Greek letter nu) is in hertz.

All light is produced by this change in the orbit of electrons. Natural and artificial light
sources are referred to as luminous bodies. Natural light sources include sunlight, the aurora
borealis, and bioluminescence. Most other apparent light sources, such as the moon, only
reflect the light of a luminous body. Principles of Light Measurement

Light measurement involves a consideration of the inverse square law and the cosine law.
These laws apply to all light, but their simplest expressions are for point sources.
Inverse Square Law
The inverse square law (Figure 1.1a) states that the illumination E (lux) at a point on a surface
varies directly with the luminous intensity / (candela) of the source and inversely as the square
of the distance d (meter) between the source and the point. If the surface at the point is normal
to the direction of the incident light, the law may be expressed as:

E= I / d2 (1.7)

This equation is accurate within 0.5 percent when d is at least five times the longest line
transecting the illuminating source's area.

The inverse square law means that an increase in distance from the radiation source
diminishes geometrically the irradiation, or illumination, at the test surface. The inverse
square law is important also for calculating exposures to X-rays. The common sensical
application of this law is as follows: to make a surface brighter, move a lamp closer.
Cosine Laws
Lambert's cosine law (Figure 1.1b) states that the illuminance E2 at a point on a surface varies
with the cosine of the angle θ of incidence:

E2 = E1 cos θ (1.8)

Where “E1” is illuminance (lux) at the point where the angle of incidence is normal and
where “θ” is the angle (degree) of incidence. The angle of incidence is the angle between the
normal to the surface and the direction of the incident light.

The inverse square law and the cosine law can be combined to yield the following relationship
(in lux):

E =( I / d2 ) cos θ (1.9)

Where “I” is the source luminous intensity (candela).

FIG.1.1 Principles of photometry a) inverse square law, b) cosine law Wavelength and Frequency

The important variables in light propagation include wavelength, frequency, reflection and
refraction. The concern of the nondestructive test engineer revolves around the effects of light
based on the intensity or the wavelength and frequency of the light. Optical radiation covers
the spectrum from I0-9 to I0-3 m. Visible radiation is generally considered to be that portion of
the spectrum from 360 x I0-9 to 830 x 10-9 m. The nanometer (10-9 m) is the unit for
measuring the wavelength of light. Figure 2 shows the place of light in the electromagnetic

All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel through a vacuum at the same speed, 299 793
km.s-1 (186 282 mi.s-1). When light travels through any other medium, the velocity is altered.
The frequency remains fixed and is independent of the medium. The difference in the time it
takes light to travel through different media is responsible for the operating principles of
optical instruments.

FIG.1.2.Electromagnetic wavelength spectrum

7 Reflection and Refraction

Light is reflected when it strikes a surface. Regular, or specular, reflection is caused when
light strikes a smooth surface. The direction of the reflected beam can be determined by
constructing a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface. The angle of reflection is the same
as the angle of incidence compared to the perpendicular, or normal line, as illustrated in
Figure 1.3a.

Diffuse reflection is caused when light strikes a rough surface. The rough surface has many
different plane surfaces. Each incident light beam strikes a different reflecting plane and is
reflected at an angle that corresponds to the relative angle of the plane surface. The difference
from a regular reflection forms the basis of some optical techniques.

Refraction is the bending or pivoting of light from its original direction at the interface of two
different media. If the optical density of the new medium is greater than the density of the
original, the path of light is bent, or refracted, toward a line normal to the object's surface. If
the optical density of the new medium is less than that of the original, the light is refracted
away from the normal.

FIG.1.3. a) Angle of incidence and reflection b) Refraction of light

The amount of refraction depends on the angle of the incident light and the index of
refraction. The science of optics provides an explanation for the operation of many visual and
optical tools from simple magnifying glasses to metallographs. Light is commonly focused in
the mirrors and lenses of optical devices using the principles of reflection and refraction built
into the device. Classical optics explains the manipulation of light to produce an image for
human viewing by mechanical devices: lenses, mirrors and prisms. Spectral Emissivity

The wave theory permits a convenient representation of radiant energy in an arrangement

based on the light's wavelength or frequency. This arrangement is called a spectrum and is
useful for indicating the relationship between various radiant energy wavelength regions.
Such a representation should not be taken to mean that each region of the spectrum is
physically divided from the others actually there is a small but discrete transition from one
region to the next.

All forms of radiant energy are transmitted at the same speed in a vacuum: 299 793 km.s-1
(299 792.458 mi.s-1). Table 1-III gives the speed of light in different media for a frequency
corresponding to a wavelength of 589 nm in air.

Table 1-III Speed of light for wavelength of 589 nm
(fraunhofer D lines for sodium)
Medium Speed (106 m.s-1)

Vacuum 299.792458
Air (100 kPa at 0ºC) 299.724
Crown glass 197.368421
Water 225.563010

Each form of energy differs in wavelength and therefore in frequency. The wavelength and
velocity may be altered by the medium through which the radiation passes, but the frequency
is fixed independently of the medium. Following equation shows the relationship between
radiation speed, frequency, wavelength and the medium's index of refraction.

𝑣 = 𝜈𝜆⁄𝑛 (1.20)

𝑣 =Velocity of light waves in m/s
𝑛 =Medium’s index of refraction
𝜆 =The wave length of the light in a vacuum
𝜈 (𝑛𝑢) =Frequency in Hz
Light sources are frequently compared to a theoretical light source known as a blackbody. A
blackbody absorbs all of the radiant energy that falls on it. A blackbody is also a perfect
radiator, radiating more total power at any wavelength than any other source for an equivalent

Most real approximations of theoretical blackbodies emit in the infrared range and are often
used to calibrate instruments that measure infrared radiation. Nevertheless, the concept of the
blackbody is of value for inspectors in visual testing for two reasons.

1. The concept of the blackbody is used to define and measure emissivity, a physical
characteristic of light sources. Emissivity is material's ability to radiate energy and is
measured as a ratio of source emissivity to blackbody emissivity, the blackbody having
an emissivity of one for a given wavelength.
2. The theoretical blackbody is used to define colors, and working blackbodies are used to
generate colors.

Some inspection devices such as lamps and gloss meters include emissivity in their technical
data. A perfect blackbody is a theoretical ideal; no perfect blackbody instrument exists in the
real world. The theoretically perfect performance of the blackbody can be approximated in the
laboratory by constructing a hollow cylinder or sphere, with a small hole in its wall. Radiation
at a controlled wavelength is introduced into the hole and reflects until completely absorbed
by the wall. The absorption of the light's energy produces uniform heating of the wall.
Radiation that exits through the small hole will have the characteristics of a perfect radiator
for that specific temperature.

FIG.1.4.Radiation curve for blackbody, graybody and
selective radiators operating at 3000K
No known radiator has the emissive power of a blackbody. The spectral emissivity of a light
source is the ratio of the light source output to the output of the theoretical blackbody. The
blackbody's ideal emissivity equals one.

When the spectral emissivity is uniform for all wavelengths, the radiator is known as a
graybody. No known radiator has a uniform spectral emissivity for all visible, infrared and
ultraviolet wavelengths. In the visible region, a carbon filament exhibits very nearly uniform
emissivity and is nearly a graybody.

The emissivity of all known materials varies with wavelength. In Figure 1.4, the radiation
curves for a blackbody, a graybody and a selective radiator (tungsten), all operating at 3000
K, are plotted on the same logarithmic scale to show differences in output.
The color temperature of a given light source is determined by the temperature at which a
blackbody must be operated to produce the spectral distribution that most closely matches the
spectral distribution of the light source. The color temperature may be used to measure the
color from incandescent light sources. For example, as a blackbody source heats up, the color
temperature of emitted light increases as the visible color changes from dull red to bluish
white. In many photographic and electronic imaging applications, the color of the light source
must be known to get accurate color response in the imager. Figure 1.9 illustrates the color
temperature of some natural and artificial light sources. Rigorously speaking, color
temperature is used only for light sources that have planckian-like spectral distributions. The
term correlated color temperature is used for sources (such as fluorescent lamps) that have
different spectral distributions.

FIG.1.5. Color temperatures of light sources

The color of light is determined by its wavelength components. (There is no characteristic

wavelength for white light.) Figure 1.6b illustrates the wavelengths of the colors of the visible
portion of the spectrum. A spectral color is monochromatic, consisting entirely of light of one
wavelength. Most light sources are not monochromatic, meaning they are comprised of a
variety of wavelengths. Sunlight and white light are mixtures of the entire visible light

FIG.1.6. Wavelength of light colors a) refraction of colors at different wavelength,

b) color wavelength

All of the visible colors can be created by mixing the proper amounts of the primary colors.
Emitted light of any color can be created by mixing the additive primaries (red, green and
blue components) in color displays or projectors. The color of objects created by reflected
light is created using subtractive primaries. Each subtractive primary absorbs one of the
additive primaries and reflects the other two. The subtractive primaries are magenta, yellow,
and cyan. The rest of the spectrum is created by mixing pigments of these three subtractive
primary colors, as shown in Figure 1.6.
The optical component of the camera is the lens. At its simplest, a lens is an optical device
made of transparent material: glass or plastic. A lens transmits light and makes it converge to
form an image that looks like the scene in front of the lens. This image is focused on a sensor
at the camera's focal point or plane. A convex lens or mirror causes light to come together to a
focal point; a concave lens or mirror causes light to spread out. A lens system is a series of
two or more lenses or mirrors working together to transmit one beam of light.

As light travels from one medium to another, it changes speed. Light travels more quickly
through air than it does through glass, so a lens slows it down. When light waves enter a piece
of glass at an angle, one part of the wave will reach the glass before another and will start
slowing down first. Light's change of direction can be described by the following analogy.
When a shopping cart is pushed from pavement into grass at an angle, if the right wheel hits
the grass first, it slows down while the left wheel is still on the pavement. Because the left
wheel is briefly moving more quickly than the right wheel, the shopping cart turns to the right
as it moves onto the grass. The analogy fails in that the cart experiences mechanical
resistance: light does not.
Focal Point

The focal point is where light rays from a lens or mirror come together. The focal point of a
lens is the point of convergence of light or a point from which the light diverges. The focal
distance is the distance from the lens system to the focal point. When using a lens system for
indirect visual testing, it is very important that the focal point is appropriate for the inspection
Depth of Field

Depth of field is the distance within which the object is sharply resolved. Depth of field is the
amount of distance that the subject is still in focus and is expressed as a range from a certain
minimum point close to the camera to a certain maximum point as distant from the camera.
Everything in this range will be in focus and everything beyond, closer or farther, will be out
of focus).

FIG.1.7.Depth of field

Field of View

The field of view is the entire area that can be seen through an optical system as light is
received from the conical angle subtended by the system's optics. An astronomical telescope's
field of view is the area of the sky that can be seen with a given eyepiece. Theoretically, a
field of view is three-dimensional, like a room, and not two-dimensional, like a wall. The area
of interest in a field of view, however, is often a flat surface.

Different lenses can be attached to an instrument to achieve different fields of view.

Figure 1.8 represents the field of view as represented by a rigid borescope. In this example,
the field of view of the system is 60 degrees.

FIG.1.8. Field of view of one rigid borescope

For different lenses, the grinding specific for each side results in desired features: closeup,
close focus and high magnification; or short focus, wide angle views and high magnification.

FIG.1.9. Relationship of aperture to field of view: (a) narrow aperture; (b) wide aperture


In order to understand the physics of vision, it is necessary to first consider the characteristics of
the eye. The eye can be compared to a radiation detector. Different wavelengths of light travel
through the lens and reach the retina, which is located at the back of the eye. The rods and the
cones of the retina in the human eye can sense wavelengths from about 400 nm up to
approximately 760 nm. The eye performs the function of a spectrum analyzer that measures the
wavelengths and intensity, as well as determining the origin of the light (from the sun or an
artificial source). The light strikes the object to be viewed and is reflected towards the eye,
through the lens and onto the retina as an image. The brain analyzes this image. The retina is
similar to an array of tiny photosensitive cells. Each of these elements (cells) is connected to the
brain through individual optic nerves. The optic nerves linking the eye to the brain can be
compared to a bundle of electric cables. The major parts of the eye are shown in Figure 1.10.

The iris opens and closes, thus varying the amount of light reaching the retina. The light then
passes through the lens, which by changing shape, focuses the light and produces the image on
the retina at the rear of the eye. Here a layer of rods and cones are found. The neurological
connection from the rods and the cones pass through the rear of the eye via the optic nerve,
which transmits the neurological signals to the brain. The brain processes the signals as
perceptions of colors and details that vary in light intensity and color. It is necessary for a
certain minimum level of light to be present before the eye can produce an image. This level is
known as the “intensity threshold. Contrast is something that shows differences between images
placed side by side. Lighting requirements are frequently expressed in terms of ratios, due to the
eye’s ability to perceive a percentage of change rather than an absolute change in brightness.
The retina will only retain an image for a certain amount of time. This varies according to the
size of the object and speed at which it is moving. The main limitations of vision are intensity
threshold, contrast, visual angle, and time threshold.

FIG.1.10. Key components of a human eye

Visual acuity is the ability to distinguish very small details. For example, as the distance from
the eye to the object increases, two lines that are close together appear as one heavy, dark line.
The normal eye can distinguish a sharp image when the object being viewed subtends an arc of
one-twelfth of a degree (five minutes), irrespective of distance from the eye to the object.

Practically speaking, a person with “normal” vision would have to be within eight feet of a
20inch TV monitor to resolve the smallest detail displayed. White light contains all colors.
Newton proved that color is not a characteristic of an object but, rather, various wavelengths of
light that are perceived as different colors by the eye. Color can be described as having three
measurable properties: brightness, hue, and saturation. The color of an object, ranging from
light to dark, emitting more or less light, is known as brightness. Different wavelengths give us
different perspectives of colors; this is known as hue. How green something is as opposed to
white, is how saturated it is with green. In the United States NDT environment, visual acuity
examinations are a requirement for certification. The visual inspector’s natural visual acquity
must be examined. The Jaeger (J) test is used in the United States for near-distance visual
acuity. It consists of an English language text printed on an off-white card. The parameters for
near-distance visual acuity are described in personnel certification and qualifications programs.
Visual acuity requirements will vary depending upon the needs of specific industries.

Vision Acuity is the ability of the eye to distinguish fine details visually. Quantitatively, it is
reciprocal of the minimum angular separation in minutes (1/60th of a degree) of two lines of
width subtending one minute of arc when the lines are just resolved as separate. Two forms of
vision acuity are recognized and are considered to qualify one’s visual ability. These are known
as near vision and far vision. A normal eye views a sharp image when the object subtends an arc
of five minutes, regardless of the distance the object is from the eye. When vision cannot be
normally varied to create sharp clear images, then corrective lenses are required to make the

Visual testing for critical products may require qualified and certified personnel. For certain
critical inspections, it may be required for the eyes of the inspector to be examined as often as
twice per year. However, the frequency of such examination is determined by code, standard,
specification, recommended practice or company’s policy.

1.4.1. Vision acuity

Vision acuity represents a measure of the ability of the eye to resolve fine detail. It is usually
measured by determining the size of the smallest letter that can be correctly identified. The
letter is to be of high contrast, a black letter on a white background. With proper correction, a
normal eye should be able to identify a letter that subtends an angle to the eye of five minutes
of arc or less.

Figure 1.11 illustrates the relationship of visual angle to object size. An object when moved
closer to the viewer subtends a larger visual angle, occupying a greater part of the field of
view (Figure 1.11a). The corollary is that another object subtending the same visual angle
must, if closer, also be smaller (Figure 1.11b). (To give an example of the size of visual angle,
both the sun and the moon subtend an angle of approximately 0.5 degrees to observers on

Figure 1.12 illustrates the designs of letters typically used for vision acuity testing. In the
United States vision acuity letters are typically designed using a 5 x 5 grid. That is, the letters
are 5 units high by 5 units wide (Figure 1.12a). The letter strokes are then one unit wide.
Critical detail (such as the gap in the ring of the letter C or the separation between the legs on
the letter E) is also represented by one unit. Using this design (5 unit x 5 unit with 1 unit
critical detail), a letter subtending five minutes of arc would have one minute of arc critical
detail. An eye that can resolve a small letter with only 1 minute of arc critical detail is said to
have 20/20 vision acuity.

FIG.1.11. Vision acuity letter and test distance
(a) letter of given size moved to one third of original test distance subtends angle three times
larger and therefore represents vision acuity three times worse (for example, 6/6 at 6 m but
2/6 = 6/18 at 2 m [20/20 at 20 ft but 6.67/20 = 20/60 at 6.67 ft]);
(b) small, near object and large, distant object subtend same visual angle, so nearer letter
must be smaller to subtend same angle to the eye as larger, more distant letter

The Snellen fraction (such as 20/20 or 20/40) is routinely used to express vision acuity. The
numerator expresses the testing distance at which an individual test subject can distinguish
two adjacent objects; often 6 m or 20 ft is used as this testing distance. The denominator is the
actual distance at which the smallest letter would subtend an angle of 5 minutes of arc a
distance discernable by a standard subject (that is, someone with 6/6 [20/20] vision). When
someone has 6/12 (20/40) vision, he or she must be at 6 m (20 ft) or closer to see the same
detail that a normally sighted person sees at 12 m (40 ft). The familiar Snellen chart uses
Snellen letters (Figure 1.12)

FIG.1.12. Vision acuity letter: 5x5 matrix, like that illustrated by Bailey

FIG.1.13. Example of Snellen chart. Corrective Lenses

An individual may have reduced vision acuity for many different reasons. The most frequent
reason, however, is uncorrected refractive error. A nearsighted person needs to wear proper
glasses, or distance vision acuity will be reduced. The retinal image will be blurred such that
small letters cannot be identified from afar. For a farsighted individual, near vision acuity may
be reduced without proper reading glasses. To determine if an inspector has adequate vision
for a particular task, it is important that testing be accomplished (1) with the same glasses
typically worn for that task and (2) at the distance appropriate for the task in question. When
proper correcting glasses are worn, far and near vision acuity measures should agree. A vision
acuity line difference of only 0.5 is observed for subjects aged 25 to 77 years when far vision
acuity was compared to near vision acuity. A difference in far vision acuity versus near vision
acuity can be an important indicator that a refractive correction can make a significant
difference in visual performance.

Additional reasons for reduced vision acuity include cloudy ocular media (such as a scarred
cornea or a cataractous crystalline lens), glaucoma, or a scarred central retina from an
intraocular infection or hemorrhage (from, for example, diabetic retinopathy or macular
degeneration). Color Discrimination
Human color vision is possible because of the three chromatic components of the color
processing system in a normal visual system. In bright light, the retinal cone cells are the
predominant photoreceptors for vision. The perception of color is based on differences in
wavelength responses among three types of retinal cone cells: short wavelength (blue/yellow),
middle wavelength (green) and long wavelength (red).

17 Chart Lighting

Vision acuity charts should be presented in high contrast at moderate light levels. A
recommendation from the Committee on Vision is that chart luminance should ideally be set
160 cd-m-2, but in no case should the luminance be less than 80 cd-m-2. In this brightness
range, a young adult worker would show on average an increase in acuity of one letter with
every twofold increase in chart luminance. Older workers may show even greater acuity
differences with light level. For a clean white chart to have a background luminance of 160
cd-m-2, the illumination onto the chart should be 600 lx. Fluorescent lighting of the charts is
allowed; however, the extra yellow and red light from incandescent lamps often makes the
reading more comfortable for the examinee.

Many of the lighting conditions for vision acuity examinations can be met by using tabletop,
professional examination units for vision screening. With one such piece of equipment, the
examinee views slides under controlled, ideal light conditions. General Methodology

The administration of a vision acuity examination does not necessarily require medical
personnel, provided the administrator has been trained and qualified to standard and approved
methods. In some instances, specifications may require medically approved personnel. In
these cases, the administrator of the examination may be trained by medically approved
personnel for this application. In no instance, however, should any of these administrators try
to evaluate the examination results.

Vision acuity is generally measured in each eye individually before measuring with both eyes
viewing. As vision acuity is generally superior with both eyes, workers are tested initially
with each eye singly so that the smallest letters on the chart are less likely to be memorized
with repeated use. When accurate measurement of acuity in each eye is required, testing with
different charts using different letter sequences can help reduce the chance of memorization.
Near versus Far Vision Testing

Normal vision examinations typically include vision acuity testing at both far and near
distances. Young workers who are well corrected for far vision should have equivalent vision
acuity measures for the two test distances. If 6/6 (20/20) vision acuity is present at 3 m (10 ft)
or greater, the same acuity should be present for near working distances. Workers under 40
years of age should have natural focusing ability sufficient to get a clear retinal image, and
hence, good vision acuity at normal near working distances. If unequal vision acuity measures
are found for far and near test distances, this is an indication that clear imagery is not present
for at least one of the test distances and that some sort of diffractive anomaly or pathology is

The most common natural cause of poor near vision is presbyopia, the natural loss of focusing
ability with age. Workers over the age of 45 years need reading glasses or bifocals to ensure
clear vision for work inside 500 mm (20 in.). Additionally, it is important to note that reading
glasses or bifocals do not provide clear vision at all near distances: depending upon the power
of the reading glasses, vision may not be clear at the specific distance required for near
inspection tasks. For example, a bifocal power of +2.50 diopters (a diopter is the reciprocal of
the focusing distance in meters) provides clear vision at 400 mm (about 16 in.). If visual
inspection is required at an intermediate distance (for example at arm's length, about 660
mm), the material may be blurred through both the top and lower segment of the bifocal

glasses. Care must be taken to wear corrective eyewear based upon the working distances of a
worker's inspection tasks to ensure vision is good at all required distances. As an example, the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires commercial pilots over the age of 50 to
demonstrate good vision acuity at far distance, near distance (400 mm [16 in.]) and an
intermediate distance of 800 mm (32 in.). These requirements ensure that pilots can read
paperwork, charts, gages and controls of aircraft at near and intermediate distances.

Near point vision acuity testing is most often accomplished at a distance of 400 mm (16 in.):
the distance from the plane of the eyeglasses (or the bridge of the nose) to the center of the
reading material. Because vision acuity is a measure of the visual angle of the smallest letters
read, it is imperative that the test distance be accurate for proper documentation.

Near vision testing for nondestructive testing personnel can be challenging because of
nonstandardized wording of vision requirements set by different agencies overseeing
nondestructive testing personnel training and qualification. A sample requirement is as

The NDT inspector shall have natural or corrected near distance acuity in at least one eye
capable of reading the jaeger Number 1 Test Chart or equivalent at a distance of not less than
30 cm.

The jaeger near point chart (Figure 1.14) is widely used in the United States for performance
examinations of near vision acuity. English language text is arranged into groups of gradually
increasing size. Letter size is designated as Jl, J2 and so forth, according to the font size of the
text. The vision acuity equivalent of each classic jaeger designation depends upon the distance
at which the chart is held.

Jl corresponds to 6/6 (20/20) when held at 356 mm (14 in.) but corresponds to 6/7 (20/23)
when held at 300 mm (12 in.) and 6/5 (20/17) when held at 400 mm (16 in.). The Snellen
equivalent acuity, for example 6/6 (20/20), may be specified on the jaeger test card; however,
this specification applies only when the test chart is held at the distance for which the chart
was designed. It has been recommended that jaeger notation should not be used for
standardized testing because jaeger letters on charts from one manufacturer may be twice as
large as those from another.

The height of letters on reading cards varies according to the reading distance specified on the
individual card. There is usually a set of numbers down the center of a card, one for each
jaeger size and one for each distance at which that size text is to be read. At that distance, the
letters will subtend the standard visual angle of 5 minutes of arc.

The visual angle is the angle formed by two lines drawn from the center of the eye lens to the
top and the bottom of one of the tall letters as shown in Figure 1.11 As you can see in Figure
1.11, both letters "F" subtend the same visual angle, but because one is twice as far away from
the eye as the other, the letter height is different. This shows that if the distance from the eye
is greater, the letter will be taller, even though both letters meet the 5 min visual angle

Some specifications state that near distance visual acuity shall be Jl or J2 at a distance of not
less than 300 mm (12 in.). Some people believe that any reading card can be used at 300 mm
(12 in.) for a Jl or J2 eye examination. This is not so. The subject must read the text at the

distance specified on the card for the text to match the jaeger number shown for that text on
that card.

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing has addressed near vision acuity testing
distance in its recommended practice:

The examination should ensure natural or corrected near-distance acuity in at least one eye
such that the applicant is capable of reading a minimum of Jaeger Number 2 or equivalent
type and size letter at the distance designated on the chart but not less than 12 inches (30.5
cm) on a standard Jaeger test chart and in its central certification program document:

The candidate shall [demonstrate near vision acuity] by reading a minimum of Jaeger J-l or
equivalent with one or both eyes, either corrected or uncorrected. The distance for this
examination shall be dictated by the reading card being used but may not be less than 12
inches (30 cm).

Here, the letters equivalent to jaeger are Times Roman near point and Snellen letters, cited
elsewhere.It should be remembered that the jaeger test is not strictly a vision acuity test but
rather a vision performance test.

Reduced Snellen near point charts are also frequently used. These charts are designed like the
distance vision acuity charts but are reduced in size so that the 20/xx designations are
appropriate for a near examination distance. Typically, reduced Snellen charts are calibrated
for a 400 mm (16 in.) testing distance. The Federal Aviation Administration near point card
provides two calibrations, one for a 400 mm (16 in.) testing distance and one for an 800 mm
(32 in.) testing distance, as required by United States vision standards for commercial pilots.
Additionally, two sets of letters are provided to help reduce unintentional memorization of the
letters when testing the eyes individually.

FIG.1.14. Jaeger reading chart for performance examination of near vision acuity

Color Vision Testing

Clinical tests of color vision are designed to evaluate different aspects of color discrimination.
For example, pseudoisochromatic plates are typically designed to determine if an individual
has "normal" color vision. That is, does the individual possess the three, normal retinal
receptors? Other tests (such as arrangement tests) are designed to determine color
discrimination ability regardless of the normalcy status. It is a basic tenet of color vision
testing that, when trying to predict the ability to perform a vocational color discrimination
task, it is best to use a test that simulates the vocational task as closely as possible. Therefore,
when determining a subject's overall color vision aptitude, a battery of tests is typically

The testing of color discrimination requires standardized test conditions. Color vision tests are
designed with precise color and brightness characteristics. If test conditions are not controlled,
test symbols may differ from their backgrounds in brightness as well as color. Thus, an
inspector with defective near vision may erroneously pass the test not by having normal color
discrimination but by having normal brightness discrimination. All testing should be
accomplished using standard illuminant C, the International Commission on Illumination's
standard light source for color vision testing. This source simulates daylight: sunlight plus
skylight. Incandescent lamps will have too much red light for testing and typical fluorescent
bulbs may have too much blue light for testing. Fluorescent daylight bulbs are available that
are acceptable for color vision testing.

Standardized testing procedures are also required especially when tests have strict pass/fail
criteria. For example, pseudoiso chromatic plates should be viewed for only 3 to 5 s. An
inspector even with a severe color deficiency may be able to identify test symbols if a longer
viewing time is allowed. Also, shorter viewing times (1 to 2 s) are not encouraged even if a
correct response is provided. This may give an unfair cue to whether a correct or an incorrect
response was provided. Testers should display the plates unhurriedly and in a consistent manner
that provides no feedback to the examinee.


For a successful visual test, lighting the surface by a source of adequate intensity and spectral
distribution is of foremost importance. Brightness is an important factor in visual test
environments. Excessive or insufficient brightness interferes with ability to see clearly and so
obstructs critical observation and judgement. The brightness of light depends on the reflectivity
of the test surface and the intensity of the incident light. For these reasons, the level of
illumination must be tightly controlled.

A minimum intensity of 160 lx of illumination should be used for general lighting and a
minimum 500 lx should be used for finely detailed tests. Dependant on the applicable standard
higher illumination levels may be required.

To check and ensure the availability of required light, a light meter should be used to determine
if the working environment meets this standard.

Perception by eye sight (vision) is dependent on the reflected light reaching the eye. Reflectance
and surface texture are related characteristics. It is the objective of lighting to enhance a target
area, but not to the extent causing it to glare to mask the test surface. A highly reflective surface
or on the other hand a roughly textured surface may require special lighting technique to

illuminate without masking. Supplementary, lighting should be shielded to prevent glare from
interfering with inspector’s view.

Glare, reflected or direct can be a major problem that is not easily corrected. One possible
solution of minimizing the glare is by decreasing the amount of light reaching the eye. This
can be achieved by enhancing the angle between the glare source and line of vision by
increasing the background light in the area surrounding glare source or by dimming the light

1.5.1. Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry is the science of obtaining quantitative measurements of physical objects

through processes of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images.
Photogrammetry is used to make topographic maps and surveys based on measurements and
information obtained from aerial photographs. Much photogrammetry has been for
nontopographic purposes such as architecture, civil and mechanical engineering and structural
analysis. Close range, terrestrial applications are used for solving problems in remote
measurement and permanent documentation of deformation, deflection or damage to a wide
variety of large and small objects with surprising accuracy.
Close range photogrammetry generally involves camera-to-object distances less than 30 m
(100 ft). Specially designed calibrated cameras are available for this work, but available
amateur models can work too. Most of the close range applications use an analog approach
that involves taking a pair of photographs with the camera oriented normal to the object at a
known distance. By viewing this pair of stereo photographs through a stereoscope, a three-
dimensional image of the object is reconstructed.

Instead of looking directly at the object, it can be photographed from two points analogous to
the location of the two eyes. If these pictures are then viewed, left picture with left eye and
right picture with right eye, the object appears again in three dimensions.

For various points on an object, relative differences in distance from the camera can be found
by determining their parallax differences. With the aid of a parallax bar or stereo plotter,
parallaxes can be measured with a precision of 10 pm (0.0004 in.). If the distance between
camera stations (base), camera focal distance and object-to-camera distance are known,
absolute measurements on the object can be made.

In petrochemical furnaces, close range photogrammetry can be applied to noncontact, on-

stream monitoring of the condition of furnace tubes through measurement of bulging, bowing
and creep as well as deterioration of components such as cracks in hangers and tubesheets or
spalling of refractory and brickwork. Photogrammetry could prove useful as a quantitative
tool applied periodically for charting the condition of furnace internals.

There are two kinds of photogrammetry: Monocular and Stereo. Monocular Photogrammetry

Monocular photogrammetry superimposes a transparent layer on a photographic image. The

transparent material has a reticle, a calibrated scale for measurement. The distance between
the reticle and the image surface is part of the measurement calculation. Unless the reticle is
flush with the test surface, magnification is also a factor. This monocular photogrammetry
resembles viewing with a loupe such as the measuring magnifier.

The visual inspector using monocular photogrammetry needs to account for several factors.
1. When held touching the test surface, a contact reticle can measure surface features
directly. If the reticle is positioned at a distance, the differences in focal distance
(distance to image surface versus distance toreticle) must be known if features of the test
surface are to be measured.
2. If the surface measured is a photograph, then its scale relative to the depicted surface
must also be known before features on the test surface can be measured.
3. A further consideration for precise measurement is viewing angle. The viewing angle
from feature to feature varies from one spot on the image to another. The visual
inspector, however, needs to know if the camera has introduced distortion by using a fish
eye lens, for instance, or by panning the scene.
4. The photograph is flat, but is the test surface flat or curved? If curved, like the inside of a
pipe, did the camera rotate to pan the scene?
These factors that affect measurements must be weighed in relation to the demands of
rejection criteria. Visual tests typically call for verification by other methods before rejection.
In many cases, these factors will be trivial and can be ignored. Stereo Photogrammetry

Stereo viewing is related to the optical phenomenon called parallax, in which the position of
an observed object appears to vary with the viewer's line of sight (Figure 1.15). In binocular
vision, two overlapping fields of views enable depth perception and distance estimates. For
photogrammetry, the purpose of measuring parallax difference between two object points is to
develop the contour or shape of a surface so that information on deformation, relief (contour)
or movement of the component can be determined.

Parallax difference between corresponding points on stereo photographs can be measured by

means of a calibrated gage called a parallax bar, essentially an optical micrometer with one
fixed and one movable measuring mark.

After appropriate positioning under a stereoscopic viewer, the parallax bar is placed on a
stereo pair of photographs, aligning the two reference plates on the parallax bar to exactly
coincide with one point on the two photographs. When this condition is achieved on the
stereoscope, both marks on the parallax bar appear to fuse together into one point apparently
floating into space above the model of the object. If two points of known elevation can be
identified in a stereo model, the distance of other points on the model can be calculated. This
technique is also used in radiography. Calculations and examples are illustrated elsewhere.

Greater measuring accuracies are probably required for determining creep growth of high
alloy castings where the total creep growth to failure is on the order of 5 percent. For
evaluating photogrammetry as a means of determining the condition of furnaces, tube sheets,
hangers or refractories, an assessment should be made of the minimum distortion,
deformation, cracking or other significant precursor to failure. This size estimate can in turn
be compared to the calculated accuracy limits of a particular photogrammetric setup used to
decide whether results are acceptable.

FIG.1.15. Stereo effect: (a) schematic; (b) view from left eye; (c) view for right eye


1.6.1. Direct method

The eye may need assistance when visualizing the detail of the vast variety of surfaces that
are normally accessible to the direct view. Enhancement of the view can be achieved through
magnification. A change of angle can be achieved through reflective mirrors. Both of these
aids can enhance views, and their removal restores direct view again. Hence, their use and the
option to return to unaided viewing results in “direct viewing with an aid.”

Direct visual testing is a technique of the visual testing method of nondestructive testing. The
American Society for Nondestructive Testing divides nondestructive testing into methods and
subdivides methods into techniques.

Direct viewing is a technique of visual testing in the same way that bubble testing is a
technique of leak testing and gamma radiography is a technique of the radiographic test

Direct visual testing differs from indirect techniques, sometimes called remote visual testing,
because the direct inspector is in the presence of the test object and has an unmediated view of
the test surface, even if he looks through a device such as a magnifier or camera. In remote, or
indirect, techniques, the inspector uses a borescope or propelled camera to view surfaces
otherwise inaccessible. The distinction is fine, for the inspector may use a "remote" apparatus
on a test object held in his hand, and an inspection may be viewed "directly" through a system
of lenses and mirrors.

Eye muscles may manipulate the eye to align the image on the lens axis. Different sensors in
the retina receive images of different objects in the field of view, and different banks of
sensors basically require different stimuli to best perform their functions. Also, light rays
entering the lens at angles not parallel to the lens axis are refracted to a greater degree. The
angle changes the quality and quantity of the light energy reaching the retina. Even the color
and contrast ratios vary and affect depth perception.

The included angle of five minutes of arc is commonly cited as optimum; it is the average in
which an individual sees a sharp image. There are other angles to be considered when
discussing visual testing. The angle of peripheral vision is not a primary consideration when
performing detailed visual tests. It is of value under certain inspection conditions: (1) when
surveying large areas for a discontinuity indication that (2) has a high contrast ratio with the
background and (3) is observed to one side of the normal lens axis. The inspector's attention is
drawn to this area and it can then be scrutinized by focusing the eyes on the normal plane of
the lens axis.

The angle of view is very important during visual testing. The viewer should in all cases
attempt to observe the target on the center axis of the eye. Figure 1.16 shows how the eye
perceives an object from several angles and how the object appears to change or move with a
change in viewing angle.

The angle of view should vary ideally not more than 45 degrees from normal, and a
recommended viewing distance and angle for visual testing is to have the eye within 600 mm
(24 in.) of the object and positioned at an angle not less than 30 degrees to the inspection
surface or direct visual testing is defined as using “visual aids such as mirrors, telescopes,
cameras, or other suitable instruments”. Direct visual examination is conducted when access
allows the eye to be within 24 inches (600 mm) of the surface to be examined, and at an angle
not less than 30° to the surface to be examined as shown in Figure 1.16.

The same principle applies to objects being viewed through accessories such as mirrors or
borescopes. The field of view should be maintained much in the same way that it is when
viewed directly. If the examination surface is immovable and situated so that the eye cannot
be placed within this region, suitable visual aids, such as mirrors, must be used.

FIG.1.16. Range of viewing angle

Visual tests comprise five basic elements: The inspector, the test object, illumination, a
recording method and usually an optical instrument. Each of these elements interacts with the
others and affects the results.

The human eye is an important component for performing visual non-destructive tests.
However, there are situations where the eye does not have access to the test surface. In these

cases mechanical and optical instruments can supplement the eye in a family of techniques
called indirect visual testing. Objective of Direct Visual Inspection

i) To confirm that a material or product meets design or manufacturing specifications;

ii) To determine that once in-service a material or product is free from defects that may
render it unfit for service.
iii) To facilitate the analysis of the cause of fracture/failure of products and structures.

1.6.2. Remote method

Whenever the eye cannot obtain a direct, unobstructed view of the specimen test surface
without use of another tool, instrument, or device, a “remote visual” examination is
performed. Recall that a direct visual examination is an examination that can usually be made
when access is sufficient to place the eye within 24 inches (600 mm) of the surface to be
examined and at an angle not less than 30° to the surface to be examined. Most codes permit
the use of mirrors and magnifying lens to assist with direct visual examinations. A remote
visual examination can be defined as an examination that uses visual aids such as mirrors,
telescopes, borescopes, fiber optics, cameras, or other suitable instruments.

Remote visual testing is divided into three categories: borescopes, fiberscopes, and video
technology. These have been developed chronologically. “Borescopes,” also referred to as
“endoscopes,” were originally used to inspect the bores of rifles or cannons utilizing a hollow
tube and mirror. The second generation of the endoscopes included a relay lens system in a
rigid tube. This upgraded the image. Due to its rigid structure, endoscopes are limited to
straight-line access. Later innovations corrected this limitation by providing flexibility to the
endoscopes. By 1955, the introduction of glass fiber bundles and fiber optic image
transmission enabled the development of the fiberscope. Medical researchers experimented
with different techniques in fiber optic image transmission during this period.

Comparison between Direct Visual Inspection & Remote Visual Inspection:

Remote visual inspection is used in hostile environments unsafe for human being or in areas of
inaccessibility. All of the variables that apply to direct visual inspection can also be applied to
remote visual testing.

The main difficulties associated with remote visual examination are:

a) Scanning the test site with full coverage without line of sight;

b) Inability to easily implement supplemental non-destructive tests.

The inability to use supplemental tests is the most severe constraint. This is critical, because a
percentage of visual targets that appear as crack like discontinuities can not be separated into
non-relevant or relevant indications without additional non-destructive testing. The inability to
provide evaluation with a high confidence level is a significant limitation of the remote visual
testing method.

1.6.3. Translucent visual testing

Translucent visual testing is a supplement of direct visual testing. The method is based upon
back lighting of a translucent material to aid examination of such material for internal and
surface flaws. Light sources used shall be sufficiently diffused as to prevent glare obscuring
fine detail. Light sources should have adjustable intensity for adaptation to changing sessions
or material structures.


2.1. VT-1

VT-1 examination is conducted to detect discontinuities and imperfections on the surface of

components, including such conditions as cracks, wear, corrosion, or erosion. The VT-1
examination procedure shall be demonstrated capable of resolving characters in accordance
with Table 2-I. Direct visual examination distance requirements shall be as specified in
Table 2-I.

Illumination for examinations shall meet the requirements specified in Table 2-I. It is not
necessary to measure illumination levels on each examination surface when the same portable
nonbattery- powered light source (e.g., drop light) or similar installed lighting equipment is
demonstrated to provide the illumination specified at the maximum examination distance.

When battery powered lights are used, the adequacy of illumination levels shall be checked
before and after each examination or series of examinations, not to exceed 4 hr between checks.
Remote visual examination may be substituted for direct examination. The remote examination
procedure shall be demonstrated capable of resolving characters as specified in Table 2-I.

Additionally, the remote. examination system shall have the capability of distinguishing and
differentiating between the colors applicable to the component examination being conducted.

Table 2-I Visual Examination

Visual Minimum Maximum Direct Maximum Height for
Examination Illumination, Examination Distance, Procedure Demonstration
fc (lux) ft (mm) Characters, in. (mm)
[Note (1)] [Note (2)]

VT-1 50 (550) 2 (600) 0.044 (1.1)

VT-3 50 (550) N/A 0.105 (2.7)

2.2. VT-2

VT-2 examination is conducted to detect evidence of leakage from pressure retaining

components, as required during the conduct of system pressure test.

2.3. VT-3

VT-3 examination is conducted to determine the general mechanical and structural condition of
components and their supports by verifying parameters such as clearances, settings, and
physical displacements; and to detect discontinuities and imperfections, such as loss of integrity
at bolted or welded connections, loose or missing parts, debris, corrosion, wear, or erosion.

VT-3 includes examination for conditions that could affect operability or functional adequacy
of constant load and spring-type supports.

The VT-3 examination procedure shall be demonstrated capable of resolving characters as

specified in Table 2-I.

There are no direct visual examination distance requirements provided the examiner can resolve
the characters specified in Table 2-I.

Illumination for examinations shall meet the requirements specified in Table 2-I. It is not
necessary to measure illumination levels on each examination surface when the same portable
non battery-powered light source (e.g., drop light) or similar installed lighting equipment is
demonstrated to provide the illumination specified at the maximum examination distance.

When battery-powered lights are used, the adequacy of illumination levels shall be checked
before and after each examination or series of examinations, not to exceed 4 hr between checks.

Remote visual examination may be substituted for direct examination. The remote examination
procedure shall be demonstrated capable of resolving characters in accordance with Table 2-I.

Additionally, the remote examination system shall have the capability of distinguishing and
differentiating between the colors applicable to the component examination being conducted.



3.1.1. Mirrors

Mirrors are common inspection aids. Easy to use, mirrors make inspection possible inside pipes
and apertures and inside or behind objects obstructing the inspector's view.

Inspection mirrors come in a variety of shapes (Figure 3.1). The head, holding the reflective
surface, can be round or rectangular and range in size from 20 to 100 mm (0.8 to 4.0 in.). The
handle, or stem, includes a scored surface or rubber sheath for easy handling. Smaller mirrors
resemble those used by dentists and usually have a 150 mm (6 in.) long handle with a round
head. The diameter of the handle can range from about 3 to 25 mm (0.1 to 1.0 in.).

Inspection mirrors frequently have telescoping handles that can almost double the handle
length. Most have a double ball joint between the mirror and handle that lets the mirror swivel
to any convenient angle.

The illumination of the area being inspected should be the same as that specified for the rest of
the inspection.

Flashlights or other small portable light sources can provide adequate illumination, but strong
direct lighting can cause contrastive shadows and reflected glare.

Many industrial environments are hard on the mirror's glass surface. A scratched mirror is a
hindrance during the inspection. The mirror or its head should be replaced when marred.

FIG.3.1 inspection mirrors

(a) 32 mm diameter mirror, 375 mm long, with pocket clip and swiveling neck;
(b) 60 mm diameter mirror with swiveling neck and length telescoping from 250 to 350 mm;
(c) 54 x 89 mm mirror with swiveling neck and length telescoping from 286 to 387 mm

30 Light Manipulation by Mirrors

Mirrors change the direction of light by reflection and can be flat, convex or concave. Flat or
plane mirrors are arranged alone or in series to transmit light or an image. Convex mirrors
provide an enlarged field of view of the reflected image. Concave mirrors each have a reflecting
focal point. If a light is projected onto a spherical mirror normal to the curve of the surface, the
light will be focused slightly in front of the mirror. If a point light source is placed at its focal
point, the light will be reflected from the mirror so that it is parallel to the normal of the curve.
A concave mirror can also be used for image enlargement. An image that is small compared to
the width of the mirror will be reflected back in a diverging and optically reversed image. Interpretation of Mirror Images

Several precautions must be remembered in interpreting mirror images.

Curved mirrors can distort the apparent shape and size of an object. Concave mirrors make
objects look smaller or farther away; convex mirrors (sometimes called fish eye mirrors) make
objects look larger or closer to the viewer. Glass and plastic may be polarized to achieve these
effects with a flat surface.

The inspection distance is equal to the distance from the area being inspected to the mirror plus
the distance from the mirror to the inspector's eye. When using a mirror, the inspection angle is
something other than normal to the surface being inspected. These factors can cause indications
to be interpreted as smaller than they are. Measuring the size of the indication at the reflection
in the mirror is only appropriate when pinpoint accuracy is unimportant or when the mirror is
close to the surface being inspected. A set of pliable wires of known diameters is valuable when
measuring indications in difficult-to-reach areas. A mirror image is reversed, so an object on the
right appears on the left and one on the left appears right. This reversal may affect
documentation photographs or descriptions in inspection reports.

3.1.2. Lenses

A lens is a device that converges or disperses light by refraction. Converging lenses focus
light on a single point while divergent lenses disperse light. When describing lenses, the
conventional standard is to describe the shape of the lens surface from left to right using the
following terminology. Piano describes a flat surface. Convex lenses are converging lenses;
they are thicker in the center than at the edge. Concave lenses are divergent; they are thinner
in the center than at the edge. Figure 3.2 shows examples of these lenses.

Thin lenses are those where the thickness of the lens is small compared to the focal length.
The properties of thin lenses are described using the lens law.

FIG.3.2.Shape of convex and concave lenses

a) Biconvex, b) Plano-convex, c) Convexo concave, d) Biconcave,
e) Plano concave, f) Concave convex

FIG.3.3. Converging and diverging lens geometry
Thick lenses may consist of a single thick lens, combinations of thin lenses, or compound
arrangements of thin lenses. Compound lenses (Figure 3.4) are used in most optical systems
from doublet and triplet magnifiers to sophisticated zoom camera lenses. Compound lenses
provide for high magnification and close control of the focal plane. When properly designed,
compound lenses also can correct the chromatic and spherical aberrations inherent to a single

FIG.3.4. Compound lenses a) Combination lens b )Doublet and c) Triplet

3.1.3. Prisms

On most surfaces, incident light is partially reflected and partially refracted. The greater the
angle of incidence and the difference in the refractive indices of the material, the more light
will be reflected instead of refracted. The angle above which all light is reflected is known as
the critical angle. Prisms use the critical angle to change the direction or the orientation of the
image produced by light rays. Two common types of prisms are the right angle prism and the
porro prism (Figure 3.5a & b). The right angle prism deflects the light rays 90 degrees. The
porro prism produces a 180 degree reflection. Both prisms are common in optical instruments.

FIG.3.5. Common prisms a) Right angle prism, b) porro prism

Prisms are also used to separate the frequencies of a chromatic light source by diffraction.
Because the two refracting surfaces of the prism are not parallel, the distance the light paths
travel varies from the top to the bottom of the prism. Because the index of refraction changes
with the frequency of the light, the higher frequency portions of the spectrum emerge from the
base of the prism.

3.1.4. Magnifier

Resolving powers range from 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) to 0.2 µm (8 x 10-6 in.). Powers of
magnification refer to enlargement in one dimension only. A two-dimensional image magnified
x 2, for example, doubles in width and in height while its area quadruples. Magnifying Lenses

A test surface is viewed through a lens to obtain a magnification as great as desired. The
distance from lens to object is adjusted until the object is in the lens's depth of field and is in
focus. The simplest form of a microscope is a single converging lens, often referred to as a
simple magnifier. Magnification M of a single lens is determined by Eq. 3.1.
𝑀= (3.1)

𝑀= (3.2)

In this equation, fmm is the focal length of the lens in millimeters, fin is the focal length of the
lens in inches and 250 (or 10) is a constant that represents the average minimum distance at
which objects can be distinctly seen by the unaided eye.

Using the equation, a lens with a focal length of 125 mm (5 in.) has a magnification of two
widths or is said to be a two-power (2x) lens. For a simple magnifier, the focal length and
working distance are about the same. For example, suppose that a component must be inspected
without moving it and that a magnifier cannot be placed nearer than 75 mm (3 in.). A lens with
a working distance (focal length) of at least 75 mm (3 in.) is required. From Eq. 3.1, that is
shown to be a 3x or a three power lens.

The field of view is the area seen through the magnifier. With a simple magnifier, the diameter
of the field of view is less than its focal length. Selection of a magnifier with the proper field of
view is important. For example, if the test object is large, it takes too much time to use a 20x
magnifier, with a field of view slightly greater than 10 mm (0.37 in.). The proper procedure is to
use a low power magnifier first, marking questionable areas and then to inspect questioned
areas with a higher powered magnifier.

Depth of field is the distance a magnifier can be moved toward or away from a subject with the
subject remaining in good focus (sharply defined). At other distances, the subject is out of focus
and not sharply defined. Depth of field varies with the power of the lens and is comparatively
greater in lower power magnifiers, decreasing as the power of the lens increases.

Because of its large diameter, the 3.5x doublet magnifier has a field as large as that of the 2x
loupe. The double convex lens of the doublet magnifier with its central iris has a comparatively
small field. The triplet is a three-element design having excellent optical correction for field
coverage and reduction of color fringing. Its resolving power is the limit of detection for fine

structures. In comparison, the doublet magnifier can barely differentiate two points 25 pm
(0.001 in.) apart. Measuring Magnifier

A measuring magnifier, or contact reticle (Figure 3.6), has a graduated measuring scale in a
transparent layer held against the test object to measure tiny details on its flat surfaces.
Measuring magnifiers have one-, two- or three-lens magnifiers and a transparent housing that
lets light fall on the measured surface. Contact reticles are available in a variety of scales and
measuring systems including linear measurement, angular measurement, grid patterns and
thread gages. Magnification is often between 6x and 20 x; the diameter of the field of view is
often about 25 mm.

FIG. 3.6 Typical measuring scales and reticles of measuring magnifier Illuminated Magnifiers

Illuminated magnifiers range from large circular reader lenses, equipped with fluorescent
lighting and an adjustable stand, to a small battery powered 10x magnifier shaped like a pencil.
Some illuminated magnifiers can be obtained in either a battery powered model or equipped for
115 V line operations. Such triplet magnifiers give about a 50 mm (2 in.) field of view.
Resolving power is about 1.5 µm (6 x 10-5 in.)

3.1.5. Borescope and fiberscopes

The borescope is the most common remote visual inspection device used. These devices were
developed for the medical field to allow physicians to "see" inside a living body without
performing surgery. The medical community commonly refers to these devices as endoscopes.
The name borescope comes from the adaptation of these medical devices to inspect the inside
diameter of large calibre weapon barrels.

Today, borescopes are commonly used in industrial environments where it is necessary to

inspect areas that would otherwise require disassembly or dismantling. They are also used in
areas that are dangerous to the inspector. Borescopes are frequently used to inspect gas turbines,
airframe structures, nuclear reactors, pipelines, and the internal parts of automotive engines.
Specialized borescopes are used in corrosive or explosive environments.

Borescopes can be divided into rigid borescopes and fiber optic borescopes. Each type has
several specialized applications that rely on different operating mechanisms.

Rigid borescopes use either a classical optical lens system or a single solid fiber to transmit the
image the length of the tube. The design of rigid borescopes is similar to that of a telescope. A
series of converging lenses is enclosed in a tube. The image is formed at the tip of the borescope
by the use of a lens, mirror, or prism. The image is refracted from one lens to the next until it is
focused on an image plane for viewing by a human eye or a camera. If there is an odd number
of refracting lenses, the image appears as reverted and inverted, upside down and backwards.
Rigid borescopes are reasonably priced and come in a variety of types and diameters. Because
they are rigid, they are fragile and cannot be used to see around corners. Bending the case will
destroy the functionality of the instrument.

Fiber optic borescopes consist of thousands of small optical glass or quartz fibers that are
assembled into a bundle. The fibers are coated to create a large difference in the refractive
indices between the fiber and its surface, producing total internal reflection. The signal is
continuously reflected off the inside surface of the fiber for its entire length with no loss of
brightness. To properly transmit an image, the fiber bundle must be coherent. Each fiber must
be in the same location with respect to all the other fibers at each end of the bundle.

With either type of borescope, the image is initially formed at the tip of the borescope using an
objective lens, possibly in conjunction with a mirror or prism. A simple forward facing lens
produces a direct viewing borescope. Mirrors and prisms are used to create forward oblique,
right angle, and retrospective types. These types of borescopes describe the direction of the field
of view, known as the direction of view (DOV). The DOV measures the difference in the field
of view from straight ahead. The field of view describes the angle of vision that can be observed
through the borescope. The field of view is always centered on the DOV. The field of view
varies between 10 and 120 degrees, with 50-60 degrees being the most common. Some
common borescope types with their corresponding DOVs.

The magnification of an object by a borescope is determined by the field of view and the
distance from the object to the objective lens of the borescope. The smaller the field of view, the
greater the potential for magnification. The image will be magnified as the object gets closer.

The depth of field (the range of distances that are in focus at the same time) is determined
directly by the aperture and indirectly by the field of view. A narrow field of view gives a large
depth of field. A wide angle borescope has a shallow depth of field.

Table 3-I Common borescopes

Borescope Type Direction of View

Direct 0°
Forward Oblique 45°
Right Angle or Side Viewing 90°
Retrospective 110°
Obtaining proper results from a borescope inspection requires the careful selection of
equipment, disciplined and documented scanning procedures, and properly trained personnel.
An improperly performed or inappropriate inspection method will prevent a rejectable condition
from being identified.

3.1.6. Closed Circuit Television Digital cameras

Digital images are made up of individual dots of colour and each dot is called a pixel. The
greater the number of pixels the greater the resolution.

Digital Camera Features

Note: The following sections are of necessity brief since technology in this area is so fast

Some of the essential features are described below:

a) Zoom

Cameras can zoom from a level of 2x to in excess of 24x. A 4x zoom would most likely be
enough for the average user. One should understand the difference between "digital" zoom and
an "optical" zoom. Digital zooms enlarge your image by adding extra pixels so that it looks like
it has zoomed in, but it really just gives you less accurate pixel information. A "digital" zoom is
also called a "fake" zoom.

b) Image Storage

Digital cameras store data on internal or removable storage devices.

c) Data Transfer

Data transfer is by direct physical or wireless connection.

d) Flash

Similar to the normal camera that comes with some kind of built-in flash, digital cameras also
are available with options which include: red-eye reduction, fill flash (a gentle flash used to
soften Shadows), and Auto flash and "forced" flash. Some of the high-end models have a "hot-
shoe" for attaching an external flash.

e) LCD Screen

LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) screens are used to view and frame the pictures.

f) Batteries

Digital cameras can use AAA, AA or even lithium batteries. Some cameras provide
rechargeable batteries that come with a charger.

g) Movies

Many digital cameras record video and sound.

Visual test data are recorded as video. The inspector should remember that light is slower in
water than in air, so the focal settings on the camera must be modified. It also means that a
test cannot be qualified on the bench: it must be qualified underwater.

Where possible, a zoom lens on the camera simplifies the test because it is very difficult to
increment a camera on a long pole. A camera fixture lets the camera be tilted manually.

A video test should be planned and performed systematically. If the test is recorded, the
counter readings can be marked on an appropriate drawing to index each view. The video
record has the advantage of recording motion. This is important when attempting to analyze
certain visual discontinuity indications. For example, a crack may cause a surface disruption
that produces shadows whereas a stain or small scratch does not. It must be remembered,
however, that the detail in video images may be set to a low quality.

Older analog video screens had fewer than 300 horizontal lines, much less than digital
images. Even with digital images, an image which is a single frame captured from a video file
may have a lower resolution than expected in a still digital photograph.

For some records, it is possible to make usable photographs from a video monitor if the
camera exposure suits the monitor screen and the speed of the camera is kept slower than half
the frame frequency. Monitor brightness usually does not match the surroundings, however,
and a proper exposure of the entire scene is unfavorable for the monitor. Even if the picture is
not as detailed as desired, it may still be used as a guide when the video is replayed later.

3.1.7. Operation of specific equipment Rigid borescopes

A rigid borescope is used as visual inspection aid and equipment to inspect internal surfaces
such as bores of rifles, cannons, in- service defects in a variety of equipment such as turbines,
automotive components and process piping etc. Similarly the borescopes are of immense use in
aircraft and aerospace industry. Rigid borescopes are generally limited to applications with a
straight - line path between the observer and area to be observed. Figure 3.7 represents a rigid
borescope. Rigid borescopes range from 0.15 m to 30 m length and in diameters from 0.9 mm
to 70 mm are available. The magnification is usually 3X to 4X, but powers up to 50X are

FIG.3.7. Rigid borescope

The illumination system is either an incandescent bulb located at the distal end or a light guide
bundle made from optic fibres that conduct light from an external lighter source. For the
illuminated surface the image is brought to the eyepiece by an optical train consisting of an
objective lens, sometimes a prism, relay lenses and an eyepiece lens.

A brief description of essential components of rigid borescope is follows:

a) Light guide

The optical fibre bundle that carries light from an external high intensity source to illuminate the
test part is called the light guide bundle. These fibres are normally of about 30 m in diameter;
the size of the bundle is determined by the diameter of the scope.

b) Image guide

The image is brought to the eyepiece by an optical train consisting of objective lens, sometimes
a prism, relay lenses and an eyepieces lens. The image is not a real image but in the air between
the lenses. This implies that it is possible to provide both diopter correction for the observer and
to control the objective focus with a single adjustment of the focusing ring at the eyepiece. The
transmission of light in single optical fibre is limited and thus thousand of fibres are bundled for
transmission of light and images. To prevent light from diffusing, each fibre consists of a
central core of light quality optical glass coated with a thin layer of another glass with a
different refractive index. This cladding acts as a mirror and all light entering the end of fibre is
reflected internally and travels that cannot escape by passing through the sides to an adjacent
fibre in the bundle. Some light is absorbed within the optical fibre depending on its length.

c) Focusing control

The rigid borescopes are of fixed focus type and focusing type. The focus control in rigid
borescope expands the depth of field over non-focusing or fixed focus design.

d) Distal end (objective lens)

The choice of viewing heads vary according to their application, rigid borescopes generally
have a 55 degree field of view although field of view can range from 10 to 90. Typically the
distal tips are not changeable, but some models (extendable borescopes) may have
interchangeable view heads.

e) Accessories

Many accessories such as still camera and video camera can be added to provide a permanent
record of a visual test. Closed circuit television displays, with or without recording capabilities
are common as well. Attachments at the eyepiece permitting dual viewing for increased
accessibility are also available. Flexible fibrescopes

Flexible fibrescopes are generally used in situations that do not have a direct line of sight to the
observer such as around bends and corners. A typical flexible fibrescope is shown in the
Figure 3.8.The flexible fibrescopes are available in diameters ranging from 1.4 mm to 13 mm
and lengths up to12 m. Special quartz fibrescopes are available in lengths up to 30 m.

FIG.3.8. Flexible fiberscope.

The fibres used in the light guide bundle are generally 30 m in diameter. The fibre diameter in
the image guide range from 6.5 m to 17 m for better image resolution. For enhancing image
resolution further, an objective lens with a wider field of view and also to magnify the image at
the eyepiece is used. The features of construction of a flexible fiberscope are discussed below:

a) Eyepiece lens

The eyepiece is a lens through which observer views the test area and image formed for visual
inspection. The observer can attach a photographic or video camera to it using the appropriate

b) Diopter adjustment ring

It enables the inspector to adjust eyepiece to his vision by turning the ring till the image is in
clear focus.

c) Focusing ring

For flexible fibrescopes with focusing type, the ring on the eyepiece adjusts the position of the
objective lens in the distal tip through a connecting control wire. As the objective lens is moved
back and forth, the instrument is focused.

d) Articulation control

Articulation knob controls two-way or four-way movement up, down, right and left of the distal
tip. The distal tip contains the objective lens and the illumination window.

e) Light guide bundle

The function is similar to that in case of rigid borescope i.e. of transmitting light from the light
source to the test area to be illuminated.

f) Insertion tube

It is also recognized as the working length or probe, contains the image guide and light guide
bundles, and control wires. To one end of the light guide is light guide plug that is connected to
light source to conduct the light to the test area. These bundles are encased in a special

protective sheath consisting of flexible metallic spiral clad with plastic. The insertion tube is
designed to be flexible and engineered to give a right balance between flexibility and stiffness. Periscope

Periscope is an instrument used for remote observation of otherwise inaccessible areas. In

simple periscope, two right angle prisms are utilised (as totally reflecting prisms) in
combination with a series of lenses. Light entering and leaving each prism does not suffer
refraction because the angle of incidence is zero. The periscope are of major use for remote
visual inspection in hazardous situations such as radiation areas, toxic environment and for over
head viewing of areas involving obstacles like walls and other opaque objects. Videoscope

A video borescope has following four main components

1. A probe with a charge-coupled device embedded in the distal tip.

2. Video processor to communicate signals to the monitor.

3. A monitor, black and white or colour.

4. An alphanumeric keyboard for entering identification references into the display or into
a permanent record.

These components are discussed below:

a) Video probe

Video probes are available in a variety of sizes, lengths and articulation options.

Similar to simple borescopes, video scopes test area is illuminated by fibreoptic light guide or
by light from light-emitting diodes (LED). The lighting can be used for black and white or
colour imaging. The illumination of the test surface is picked first by the fixed focus lens in the
tip of the distal end and directs it to the surface of the charge-coupled device CCD.

b) Charge Couple Device (CCD)

The distal end of electronic video scopes contains a CCD chip, which consists of thousand of
light-sensitive elements arranged in a pattern of rows and columns. The objective lens focuses
the image of an object on the surface of the CCD chip, where the light is converted into electric
signals. This is in proportion to the light falling on it. The signals travel down the length of the
probe through a series of amplifiers and filters up to the video processor (CCU), of the Video
image scope.

c) Video Processor or Camera Control Unit (CCU)

The image information of electric signals from pixels is digitized. The image can now be
displayed on the monitor, recorded and if desired sent to a computer for enhancement and

Advantages of Video Borescopes:

1. As the image is viewed through a monitor, the fatigue & discomfort due to eyestrain and
the operators’ positioning to see through the eyepiece in non-video borescopic are
eliminated in video scopes.

2. The video borescopes allow multiple views of the same image making evaluation more
reliable and facilitating training. The image can be transmitted simultaneously to any
number of monitors at the site or to remote stations.

3. A video borescope has a large depth of field that is generally controlled by the CCU.
This saves time-consuming task of re-focussing as is in the non-video borescopes.

4. Magnification and resolution can be higher than non-video borescopes.

3.1.8. Lighting and light measurements Source of Visible Radiation

An important factor affecting visual tests is lighting, an improper lighting condition existing
during a visual examination is that can’t be rectified by improving upon the magnification. The
amount of light required for visual test is dependent on several factors such as type of test, the
importance of speed or accuracy, reflections from backgrounds and inspection variables.

Spectral quality
Daylight is the best light possible, as it produces optimum wavelength distribution for the
human eye. Among indoor areas the available light is normally insufficient. Sunlit areas may be
satisfactory for general examination, but may not be sufficient for examining internal areas such
as bores and deep crevices. Both general lighting devices and specific lighting devices are
available and are required for use depending on the situations.

Luminous efficiency of light sources

The luminous efficiency of a light source is defined as the ratio of the total luminous flux
(lumens) to the total power input (Watts or equivalent). The maximum luminous efficiency of
an ideal white source is about 200 lumen/watt. A white source is defined as a radiator with
constant output over the visible spectrum and no radiation in other parts of the spectrum. Classification of light sources

For various reasons it is not always possible to inspect under daylight conditions and the
following light sources are most frequently used for visual inspection.

a) Flashlamp

This is a tungsten filament bulb, with a battery supply up to 12v. It is portable robust and easy
to use.

b) Incandescent

These devices are most commonly sold as microscopic lights. Their useful life is not long as
they burn out and overheat easily. They do not have sufficient intensity and tend to produce
an image of light-bulb filament on the subject being illuminated.

c) Discharge Lamps

These are gas discharge lamps. They emit only certain (selective) wavelengths, so are usually
only used where there is no other source available.

Examples include: sodium and mercury vapour lamps.

d) Fluorescent

This is a gas discharge tube, which can be battery operated or use mains voltages. Their
usefulness is limited, but they give a soft uniform light over a large area.

a) Electronic flash (stroboscopic)

A method of using a synchronised pulse of light is used to inspect rapid moving machinery.
This makes rotary/moving components appear still, so that they can be inspected more
accurately. Ancillary Equipment for Light Source

Tripod supports
Tripods are three-legged support used for holding cameras and light sources. The light sources
for specific overall general lighting are mounted on fixed stands, stands with expandable base
and adjustable head for light source to be moved up and down and the head swivels in all
directions. The tripod stands are used for holding cameras both for still and video photography
and recording purposes.

Rigid and Flexible bore scopes with their inbuilt light guides are also at times mounted on
tripod stands for viewing the test surface and photographing purposes.

Transformers are an integral part of the equipment supplying the input power to the light source.
They can be step down in situations where light source requires 110 volts instead of 220 volts
A.C. as is the case for high-pressure mercury bulbs. In case of mercury vapour arc lamp/bulbs,
these transformers with current control circuitary known as current regulating or ballast
transformers are used.

The optical filters attenuate the radiation of various wavelengths either uniformly or selectively
at different wavelengths. These filters may be made of coloured glass, plastic, gelatine, or
sometimes a coloured liquid in a glass cell. They are most often placed over the camera lens but
can in some cases be placed over the light source with the same effect. The filters are normally
used, are recognized as neutral density and coloured respectively. Coloured filters are used in
colour photography to alter the colour quality of the light to match the colour sensitivity of the

film. Neutral density filters decreases the intensity of the light without affecting its colour and
are used when the light intensity is too great for correct exposure.

Ultraviolet filters (UV) used in front of the light sources are meant to allow the light of the
desired wavelength to pass. Black light source equipped with deep red coloured glass filter, hard
UV radiations are stopped and those of 365 nm are allowed to have maximum fluorescence
during visual inspection of fluorescent penetrant and magnetic particle testing.

A collimator is a device for restricting beam divergence to an acceptable level. A common
arrangement used for the collimation of light consists of convex achromatic lens flitted to one
end of a tube with an adjustable slit being at the principal focus of the lens. Light rays entering
the slit leave the lens as an almost parallel beam. The purpose of using achromatic lens
combination (known as achromatic lens) is to make the light of different wavelengths to focus
at the same point. Types of illumination

Lighting from a preferred direction or angle.

In optics, a diffuser is any device that diffuses or spreads out or scatters light in some manner, to
give soft light. Optical diffusers use different methods to diffuse light and can include ground
glass diffusers, Teflon diffusers, holographic diffusers, opal glass diffusers, and greyed glass

A light source which is not self-luminous but receives light, and redirects it as by reflection or
transmission. Sources of Non-Visible Radiations


The electromagnetic spectrum that covers the wavelengths from 10 nm to 380 nm is called
ultraviolet radiation. Human eye response is insensitive to these radiations i.e. they are not
visible to human eye. Sun is a natural source of light rich in ultraviolet radiations. An electric
arc of carbon, iron or other materials, mercury vapour lamps, discharge of electricity through
hydrogen contained in quartz tubes are some of the artificial ultraviolet producing light sources.


Electromagnetic radiations with wavelengths longer than that of red light but shorter than radio
waves i.e. radiations in the wavelength range 700 nm to 106 nm are described as infrared.
Scientist William Herschel first discovered these radiations in the spectrum of the sun.

Among artificial infrared sources incandescent lamps such as of tungsten filament operated at
low temperatures produce in large quantities the infrared radiations. Similarly infrared emitting
diode (IRED) is a diode capable of converting electrical energy directly into infrared energy. It

is fabricated as PN junction diode from gallium arsenide. Figure 3.9 represents the spectral
distribution of tungsten incandescent lamp compared with black body at the same temperature.

FIG.3.9.Spectral distribution of tungsten lamp

Filters - Ultra violet and Infrared

Many light sources provide a range of wavelengths that result is the emission of Ultra violet,
visible and Infrared from a given source. A filter is a device used to restrict the transmission to
specific wavelengths, resulting is the emission, for example of infra red or ultra violet radiation,
which is useful for non destructive testing. Area Lighting

Area or room lighting can be direct, semidirect or diffuse. In room lighting, ceiling lamps direct
90 to 100 percent of the output downward. This type of lighting produces high illuminance in
the vertical direction but also can produce shadows, glare and veiling reflections. Highly
reflective walls are generally recommended to control these effects.

Semidirect lighting directs 60 to 90 percent of the total light output downward with the balance
of the light directed upward. This type of lighting eliminates ceiling shadows, but bright ceilings
should be avoided.

Ambient lighting is diffuse, directing light upward, downward and sideways. This type of
lighting generally provides good brightness relationships throughout the room and produces. Task Lighting

Task lighting may be classified based on its layout or orientation to the task to be performed.
General task lighting provides approximately uniform illuminance over a broad area. It is
generally produced by the area or room lighting.

3.1.9. Light measurement Measuring Equipment

Although the human eye is the main detector for white light, instrument detectors such as
photoconductive cells, photodiodes, phototransistors and photographic film etc. can measure the
radiant properties of light and provide accurate data not available by human eye assessment.

The measurement of light is called photometry with the measurement instruments being called
photometers and radiometers and are either portable or laboratory based, the latter being the
most accurate. A radiometer is an instrument used to detect and measure electromagnetic
radiant energy. A photometer is a specific type of radiometer which measures only the visible
part of the radiant energy.

Measurement of visible light

Photometers are used to measure light energy within the visible spectrum and can measure
luminous intensity, luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, light distribution, light reflection
and light transmittance. A spectroscope measures the spectral distribution of colours or selective
wavelengths. Apparent differences in the intensity of various light sources can be due to
differences in the ability of the measuring instrument to detect different wavelengths (spectral
response). This needs to be considered when any measurement of visible light is being made.

There are many types of photometers. For example, one type incorporates a photometer for
visible light and radiometer for ultraviolet light. The choice of photometer will depend on the
intensity of the light source, the wavelengths of the source, the accuracy required, whether
testing is indoor or outdoor etc.

Measurement of ultraviolet light

Ultraviolet light, known also as black light, is not visible to the human eye, but can be made
visible by using fluorescent dyes. These dyes absorb the ultraviolet radiation and emit the
absorbed energy as light of wavelengths usually in the yellow-green portion of the spectrum.
Ultraviolet radiation is defined as the part of the electromagnetic spectrum having wavelengths
from 100-400 nm i.e just beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum. It is divided into 3
types, UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.

UV-A is the portion between 315-400 nm; UV-B is the portion between 280-315 nm; UV-C is
the portion between 100-280 nm. Radiometers are used to measure radiant power over a wide
range of wavelengths, including ultraviolet light. These instruments measure ultraviolet light in
micro watts per cm2.


Inspection methods that measure mass or length are often excluded from nondestructive testing
because, although mass and length are material properties, the methods do not seek
discontinuities. Nevertheless, the visual inspector is often given the task of measuring test
objects for various purposes.

In receiving inspection, the visual inspector may confirm that components received were the
components ordered. For instance, does the tubing have the needed diameter?

In assembly, the visual inspector may confirm that the correct parts are being used. For instance,
are bolts of the correct size being installed.

In machining, the visual inspector may confirm that the operation is performed to specification.
For instance, are rivets placed far enough from the edge of a plate?

In finishing, the visual inspector may confirm that the surface is treated to specification. For
instance, has sheet metal been burnished or coated?

In nondestructive testing, the visual inspector needs to describe a visual indication. How long is
the crack? How extensive is the blistering on the boiler's surface.

In many industries, the direct visual testing of bolts requires steel rulers, micrometers, vernier
calipers, depth micrometers, thread gages and magnifying glasses

3.2.1. Scales and calipers Rulers and Tape Measures

Rulers and tape measures are familiar and easy to use. These tools almost always show units of
the English system (inches) on one side and of the International System (centimeters,
millimeters) on the other side. Increasingly, the International System is specified for goods and
services. Calipers

Calipers are used to obtain accurate linear measurements. Calipers come in a wide variety of
sizes and configurations for measuring length, width, height, diameter and depth, and they can
be either direct reading or indirect reading.

Indirect reading, or transfer type, calipers (Figure 3.10) are used to transfer the dimension of
an item from the item to a steel rule. For example, the measurement of an outside diameter is
made by adjusting the caliper so that both legs lightly touch the widest portion of the item.
This distance is then transferred to a steel rule to obtain the measurement. If performed
properly, this type of measurement is accurate to 0.04 mm (0.016 in.).

FIG.3.10. Indirect calipers: (a) for outside measurement; (b) for inside measurement.

A direct reading caliper can be simple, a rule with jaws for coarse measurements; or it could
be of the vernier, dial, or electronic digital type, which are used for very accurate
measurements (Figure 3.11). All types of direct reading calipers consist of a fixed jaw on a
beam along which a moveable jaw slides. The measurements are taken with the item between
the jaws of the instrument.

Dial and electronic calipers are simple to use and read. Electronic calipers are the easiest to
read because the actual measurement is displayed on a digital readout. The dial caliper may
require some interpretation if the beam scale and the rotating indicator on the dial are
graduated in different increments.

Vernier calipers are more difficult to use because the scale requires care during interpretation.
The vernier consists of the fixed main scale, etched into the beam and the sliding vernier scale
attached to the moveable jaw. To take a measurement with the vernier caliper, open the jaws
larger than the maximum dimension of the item to be measured and slowly close the jaws
around the item until light contact is made. For the greatest accuracy, the item must make
even contact all along the thickness of the jaw faces.

FIG.3.11. Vernier calipers

3.2.2. Gages

Some gages commonly used during visual testing include mechanical gages, weld fillet gages
and Cambridge gages. Mechanical Gages (Micrometers)

Mechanical gages perform extremely precise measurements of linear dimensions. Mechanical

gages are available in a wide variety of configurations for inside and outside measurements of
flat, curved, threaded and cylindrical dimensions. The mechanical gage is a caliper that
operates by determining how far the end of a screw travels in one complete revolution.

To better understand the operation of the mechanical gage, it is useful to know the
components of the instrument. This includes the frame, anvil, spindle, barrel, thimble, screw,
ratchet and clamp ring (Figure 3.12). Measurement with the mechanical gage occurs between
the anvil and spindle. As the thimble screw is rotated counterclockwise, the spindle and anvil
separate and the barrel graduations are revealed in succession.

To make a measurement, rotate the thimble counterclockwise until the spindle is far enough
away from the anvil to allow the test object to fit between them. With the part between the
anvil and spindle, slowly turn the thimble clockwise to obtain contact between the anvil, part
and spindle. A gentle pressure is all that is necessary to make an accurate measurement.
Pressure can be applied in fine increments with a ratchet. Too much pressure could distort the
frame and reduce accuracy; too little pressure could result in improper contact with the part,

producing an inaccurate measurement. The part should be able to be rotated about the spindle
axis with the feeling of a slight drag. Barrel graduations are revealed by the outward travel of
the thimble. To read the dimension, note the largest major division uncovered, the graduation
closest to the thimble and the thimble division aligned with the barrel reference line.

FIG.3.12. Mircro meter Weld Gages

A common tool used in visual examination of weldments is the weld fillet gage. This simple,
easy-to-use device measures leg lengths and determines if there is sufficient throat in weld
fillets. This gage is basically a comparator the acceptable size is etched into the gage and arcs
are cut into the gage to allow space for the weld bead. The gage is placed square against the
welded components and the actual weld is compared to standards of the gage. This type of
gage offers a quick and precise means of measuring concave and convex fillet welds from
3mm (0.13 in.) to 25 mm.

Weld gages designed to measure offset displacement can be used to measure the size of fillet
welds, the actual throat size of convex and concave fillet welds, reinforcement of butt welds
and root openings of 8 mm (0.3 in.) and 3 mm (0.13 in.)

Another more versatile device used for weld inspection is the welding gage, commonly
referred to as the cambridge gage. The Welding Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
developed this versatile tool hence the name. With this device, joint preparation angles, joint
misalignment, weld fillet size and depth measurements can be easily obtained. Figure 3.14
& 3.15 shows some typical applications.

FIG.3.13.Various measuring gages

FIG.3.14 Cambridge gage, a) 0 to 60 deg angle of preparation, b) Excess weld metal in
reinforcement, c) pitting or depth of undercut,
d) fillet weld throat size, e) high/low misalignment

FIG.3.15. Displacement weld gaging, a) Leg length of fillet weld, b) convexity of fillet weld,
c) concavity of fillet weld, d) bead height of butt weld



4.1.1. Castings and forgings Discontinuities in Castings

When metals are produced, molten metal solidifies into ingot form. During solidification,
foreign materials and gas bubbles may be trapped in the ingot and form what is known as
inherent discontinuities. Many of these are removed by cropping but a number of them can
remain in the ingot. Such discontinuities then can be rolled, forged and sectioned along with
the material in its subsequent processing operations. Several inherent discontinuities occur
commonly in metals.
Cold Shut
A cold shut is initiated during the metal casting process. It occurs because of imperfect fusion
between two streams of metal that have converged. Cold shuts may also be attributed to
surging, sluggish molten metal, an interruption in pouring or any factor that prevents fusion
where two molten surfaces meet. This discontinuity produces cracks with smooth or rounded
edges similar to seams.
During solidification, molten metal shrinks. In the case of a casting, there eventually can be
insufficient molten metal for completely filling the top of the mold. Shrinkage occurs all over
the casting as the metal cools. As a result, a cavity forms, usually in the shape of an inverted
cone or cylinder. If this shrinkage cavity is not completely removed before rolling or forging
into final shape, it becomes elongated and appears as voids called pipe in the finished product.
Pipe can also result from extrusion, caused by the oxidized surface of a billet flowing inward
toward the center of a bar at the back end. At the end of a billet, pipe usually appears as a
small rounded cavity between the surfaces.
Hot Tears
At the elevated temperature associated with solidification, cast materials are susceptible to hot
tears. Segregation of low melting point impurities results in localized loss of ductility and
strength. Lacking these, the cooling metal can tear and crack in the mold because of restraint
from the mold. In addition, uneven cooling in thin sections or corners that adjoin heavier
masses of metal can result in higher metal surface stresses that in turn produce hot tears. Hot
tears occur especially at thick-to-thin transitions. Hot tears appear on the surface as a ragged
line of variable width and numerous branches. In some instances, the cracks are not detectable
until after machining because the tearing can be subsurface.
Blowholes and Porosity
Gas porosities are rounded cavities (flattened, elongated or spherical) caused by the
accumulation of gas bubbles in molten metal as it solidifies. A small percentage of these
bubbles rise through the molten metal and escape. However, most are trapped at or near the
surface of the ingot when solidification is complete. During rolling or forging of the ingot,
some of these gas pockets are fused shut. The remaining pockets may appear as seams in the
rolled ingot.

Some surface porosity is called orange peel because of its appearance. Blowholes are conical,
wide at the surface and tapering internally. Deep blowholes not rolled shut may appear as
laminations after becoming elongated in the rolling operation.
Nonmetallic Inclusions
Inclusions in ferrous alloys are usually oxides, sulfides or silicates either inherent in the base
metal or introduced during the melting operation. These inclusions are caused by conversion
of iron ore in the blast furnace. Dirty remelt, crucibles or rods or poor linings may introduce
nonmetallic inclusions into the molten metal. Other contributing factors are poor pouring
practice and inadequate gating design that can produce turbulence within the mold.

Nonmetallic inclusions in ingots can, after forging, become stress risers because of their
shape, discontinuous nature and incompatibility with the surrounding material. In many
applications, it is the presence of these inclusions that lowers the ability of a metal to
withstand high impact, static or fatigue stresses. Moreover, the effect of inclusions depends on
their size and shape, their resistance to deformation, their orientation relative to applied stress
and the tensile strength of the material. Many inclusions can be of a more complex
intermediate composition than their host materials and each grade and type of metal has its
own characteristic inclusions.

When steel is mechanically rolled or formed, typically, inclusions form plastically into
elongated shapes and to appear in longitudinal sections as stringers or streaks. In transverse
cross sections, the inclusion's shape is more globular or flat.
Segregation is a localized difference in a material's chemical composition. During
solidification of molten metal, certain elements may concentrate in limited areas, resulting in
an uneven distribution of some of the alloying elements of the steel. Equalization of the
compositional differences can be achieved by hot working (forging or rolling). However,
segregation is sometimes carried into the wrought product.

When not detected, segregation can affect corrosion resistance, forging and welding
characteristics, mechanical properties, fracture toughness and fatigue resistance. Furthermore,
quench cracks, hardness variations and other discontinuities are likely to result during heat
treating of materials that exhibit segregation of alloying elements. Discontinuities in Forgings

Discontinuities that originate during hot or cold forming are said to be primary processing
discontinuities. The processing of a wrought product by rolling, forging, casting or drawing
may introduce specific discontinuities into the product and inherent discontinuities that were
at one time undetectable or insignificant may propagate and become detrimental. The
following is a brief description of some primary processing discontinuities in metals.
As an ingot is processed, surface discontinuities such as gas pockets, blowholes and cracks
are rolled and drawn longitudinally. When these discontinuities exist, an underfill of material
occurs during the rolling operation. Seams may also be initiated in the semifinishing and
finishing mills because of faulty, poorly lubricated or oversized dies.
As a result of multiple passes during rolling operations, underfilled areas are rolled together to
form a seam. The surfaces are typically oxidized and may be intermittently welded together to
form very tight, usually straight cracks that vary in depth from the surface.

Laminations are separations that are typically aligned parallel to the worked surface of a
material. They may be the result of blowholes, internal fissures, pipe, inclusions, seams or
segregations that are elongated and flattened during the rolling process. They can be surface
or subsurface, are generally flat and extremely thin. Laminations can be detected at an end or
at a transverse cross section through a rolled plate.
Stringers are predominantly found in bar stock. They originate by the flattening and
lengthening of nonmetallic inclusions during rolling. Stringers are typically subsurface,
semicontinuous straight lines parallel to the length of the bar stock in straight rolls and spiral
in angular rolls. The seams are oriented in the rolling direction.
Flash Line Tears
As the dies close in the final stage of the forging process, a small amount of metal is extruded
between the dies. This extruded metal is called flash and must be removed by trimming. If the
trimming is not done or not done properly, cracks or tears can occur along the flash line.

4.1.2. Rolled and wrought products Discontinuities in Rolled Metal

Cooling Cracks
After bar stock is hot rolled, placed on a bed or cooling table and allowed to reach room
temperature, cooling cracks may develop from uneven cooling. Such cracks are typically
longitudinal and usually vary in depth and length. Although often confused with seams,
cooling cracks do not exhibit surface oxidation. Cooling cracks tend to curve around the
object shape and so are not necessarily straight.
Forged and Rolled Laps
Forging laps are the result of metal being folded over, forming an area that is squeezed tight
but not fused. They are caused by faulty or misaligned dies, oversized blanks or improper
handling of the metal in the die. Forging laps are usually open to the surface and are either
parallel or at a small angle to the surface.

Rolled laps are a condition similar to a seam. Excessive material is squeezed out during a
rolling pass, causing a sharp overfill or fin. When rotated for the following pass, the material
is rolled back into the bar. Because of its heavily oxidized surface, the overfill cannot be fused
to other material in the rolling operation. Rolling laps are usually straight or slightly curved
from the longitudinal axis and are either parallel or at a small angle to the object surface.
Internal and External Bursts
Internal bursts are found in bars and forgings and result from excessive hot working
temperatures. Discontinuities that exist before forming (porosity, pipe, inclusions or
segregation) are pulled apart because of the high tensile stresses developed during the forming
operation. Rolled and forged metals may also develop internal bursts when the equipment
cannot work through the metal's cross section.

External bursts typically occur when the forming section is too severe or where sections are
thin. External bursts may also be formed if rolling and forging equipment is not powerful
enough: The outer layers of the metal are deformed more than the internal metal and the

resulting stress causes an external burst. Forming during improper temperatures may also
cause external bursts.
Hydrogen Flakes
Flakes are formed while cooling after the forging or rolling operations. Flakes are internal
fissures attributed (1) to stresses produced by localized metallurgical transformations and (2)
to hydrogen embrittlement, decreased solubility of hydrogen after rapid cooling.

Hydrogen is available in abundance during most manufacturing operations. When permitted

hydrogen dissipates freely at temperatures above 200 °C (390 °F), so that the solubility of
hydrogen in material proportionally increases with increasing time and temperature.
Hydrogen flakes are usually found deep in heavy steel forgings, are extremely thin and are
aligned parallel with the grain.
Rolling of Sheet Steel
Many common surface discontinuities are visible to the unaided eye before fabrication. The
following become evident only after forming: orange peel, strain, fluting and ghost lines.

4.1.3. Extruding, drawing and piercing

Drawn, extruded, or pierced products may exhibit similar types of surface discontinuities.
Any irregularities on the surface that are gross in nature could result in problems during the
forming process. The discontinuities associated with drawing, extruding and piercing are all
on the surfaces of the component and therefore detectable during a visual test. Common
observable anomalies may be scabs, slugs, or scoring. Scabs
Scabs are loosely adhering material that can be removed from the final product. These can
result from dirty dies that press in the loose foreign material during the drawing process or
from oxide layers that are not bonded to the material. Slugs
Slugs are usually larger pieces of material that are firmly impressed into the product form and
may not come off easily. Scoring
Scoring appears as deep scratching of the surface of the product by foreign material that may
be adhering to the inside of the die or piercing mandrel during processing.

The direct visual technique is best suited to detect these conditions. This can be best
accomplished by examination using a 5x to 10x hand-held magnifying lens with an auxiliary
light source held at an angle so as to cast a shadow on any irregularities.

Drawn products usually exhibit gross failure if any discontinuity is present. Because most
drawn products have thin walls, failure usually appears as a through-wall break.

Extrusions can have surface discontinuities that appear as scrapes and tears.

Pierced pipe can contain slugs of metal that are easily identified. Severe score marks usually
lead to the slug.


4.2.1. Discontinuities in Welds

The discontinuities described below relate mainly to fusion welding; a few may also apply to
resistance and solid state processes. The discussion covers discontinuities that lend
themselves to detection by visual testing. Misalignment
Excessive offset observed on the inside or outside diameters of a pipe or the misalignment of
the near or opposite sides of butt welds. Underfill
Insufficient weld filler material to fill the weld groove face. The weld surface is below the
base metal surface. Excessive reinforcement
Weld reinforcement that exceeds the specification limits. Concavity
A depression on the inside diameter (root concavity) of a pipe, or near the far side of plate that
results in less than specified weld thickness and is less that the base material thickness of the
thinnest member. Insufficient throat in a fillet weld
A depression on the face of a fillet weld that results in the actual throat being less than that
specified. Insufficient leg in a fillet weld
Less leg dimension in the fillet weld than that specified. Burn-through
Excessive heat resulting in the loss of some metal, leaving behind a cavity that can vary in
size and can extend from one side of the weld to the other. Weld craters
Acceptance or rejection of a weldment, based on the detection of a particular discontinuity, is
determined by the requirements of the designer and the applicable code. The Structural
Welding Code, published by the American Welding Society, is specified for many diverse

Although many of the following discontinuities occur in several types of welded joints, the
differences in joint geometry produce differences in the location and orientation of the
discontinuities. Porosity
Porosity is composed of cavities or pores that form when the weld metal solidifies. Gases
result from chemical and physical reactions during welding. These gases dissolve in the metal
while it is hot and then separate as it cools. The solubility of gases in metals can be very high
at high temperatures. A certain amount of gas is always generated in standard welding but is
usually not detectable. At times, however, excessive gas is produced and leads to the
discontinuity called porosity. Porosity is usually spherical but can occur in various shapes and

sizes, depending on welding conditions. The pores usually lack sharp edges and corners. The
porosity may consist of single, isolated pores. The distribution of porosity within the weld
metal may be clustered, usually because of improper initiation or termination of the welding
arc. The porosity within the weld metal may be linear. Linear distribution can result from
welding over a contaminant in a linear junction such as a corner or crevice. Porosity can be
distributed in ways related to welding condition and may be found anywhere throughout the
weld metal. It will not be found in the unmelted heat affected zone. Porosity often results
from dirt, rust or moisture on the base or filler metal surface before welding and can be
prevented by maintaining cleanliness and dryness. Other contributing factors include base
metal composition (such as high sulfur content), high solidification rate and improper welding
technique (such as excessive arc length or lack of shielding gas). Most welds contain some
porosity. All but the smallest surface pores should be visible to the unaided eye.

The restrictions on porosity in some welds may be rather lenient. Spherical porosity does not
seriously weaken a welded joint. First, spherical porosity does not act as a stress riser,
meaning that it does not behave like a sharp notch that would indeed weaken a joint.
Secondly, the strength of weld metal is customarily greater than the nominal strength of the
material being joined. (It is possible, however, for porosity to increase ductility.) Welding
electrodes, with their special coatings, are designed to deposit a relatively high strength
material, one with a very fine cast structure as a result of an extremely rapid cooling rate.
Most weldments then can accommodate a fair amount of porosity, especially when the service
conditions are predictable. An exception to this lenience is for severe linear and clustered
porosity in highly stressed and fatigue sensitive joints.
Spherical Porosity
Uniformly distributed, spherical porosity indicates that the cause of the difficulty has been
averaged over the entire weld.

Clustered spherical porosity occurs in zones where there has been a perturbation in the
welding process, especially when welding has been stopped and started up again. In such
cases the pores would be spherical.

Linear spherical porosity is confined to the earlier portions of the weld, often following a joint
edge. Linear spherical porosity usually indicates contaminated material.
Often the surface discontinuities called blowholes are found where gas pockets have reached
the surface of the weld pool but do not fully escape before solidification takes place.
Blowholes should be removed before any subsequent weld passes are deposited because they
are likely places for slag entrapment.
Long Porosity
Piping is a term applied to porosity of a teardrop shape; it usually has a linear distribution.
One type of elongated pore is often called a wormhole. Pipeline welding can have a linear
type of porosity in the weld root. The root bead has a tunnel that follows the root contour.
Herring Bone Porosity
Herring bone porosity is a special case, occurring in automatic arc welding processes. It has a
tear drop shape, similar to piping porosity, and is distributed in linear fashion with a high
degree of regularity. Herring bone porosity is caused by contamination, generally the presence

of air. In the gas metal arc process, a special atmosphere provided by the equipment helps
avoid this discontinuity. Inclusions
Inclusions are pieces of slag or other solid materials that have been trapped by weld metal.
This form of discontinuity, like porosity, is consistently found by radiography. It can occur in
nearly spherical, isolated cases but the tendency is for inclusions to accumulate linearly. Most
inclusions consist of residual slag from the electrode coatings or fluxes in welding. The
trapped material tends to occur in the welding direction and therefore normally appears in a

In building up a weld, a channel effect occurs on both sides of the bead. If through a fault in
the process some slag is trapped, there could be two affected zones, corresponding to the weld
bead width. When such parallel slag lines occur they are called wagon tracks.

In multiple-pass welding, the slag covering will remain on the as-welded work piece, just as it
does on properly completed welds, and measures must be taken to ensure its removal. If this
interbead slag is not completely removed before the next pass, inclusions can result. All the
welding processes involving flux can exhibit slag inclusions. Just as for porosity, the
automatic processes, when they go awry, tend to exhibit long, regular discontinuities. The
limits on slag are more stringent than for porosity because the linear form of the inclusion can
act as a stress riser. The inspector is usually directed by the applicable code in determining the
allowable length and width of such inclusions. An intermittent slag line is actually a single
slag deposit with gaps. The accumulated length of the broken run plus the gap space may be
used to determine the total discontinuity length, in some specifications. Cracks
A crack may be defined as a split, exhibiting a sharp tip and typically a very narrow opening.
Cracks are the most serious form of discontinuity because their sharp tip acts as a severe
stress riser. For cyclic loading, cracks are always dangerous. The actual size of a crack may
exceed its detected length. Further portions of cracks can be closed very tightly because of
weld shrinkage stresses, and a tightly closed crack might not be seen in a visual test. As in the
case of incomplete fusion, cracks are ordinarily detectable only by ensuring that the beam
direction is in line with the crack. When suspecting a crack, the visual inspector flags the area
for assessment with other nondestructive test methods. After the test object is rejected, repair
and reinspection are options. Hot cracks and cold cracks may not break the surface. Cold Cracking
Cold cracking is also known as underbead or delayed cracking. It is a form of hydrogen
induced cracking that appears in the heat affected zone or weld metal of low alloy and
hardenable carbon steels. Cracking of this type may occur immediately on cooling or after a
period of hours or even days. The principal factors contributing to cold cracking are the
presence of atomic hydrogen, a hard martensitic microstructure in the heat affected zone and
(3) high residual tensile stresses resulting from restraint. Sources of atomic hydrogen include
moisture in the electrode covering, shielding gas or base metal surface (including hydrated
rust), as well as contamination of the filler or base metal by a hydrocarbon (oil or grease).
Dissociation of water vapor or a hydrocarbon in the welding arc results in the rapid diffusion
of atomic hydrogen into the molten weld pool and subsequently into the base metal's heat
affected zone. If the zone's cooling rate is high enough and the steel is hardenable enough (a
function of carbon and alloy content), a martensitic microstructure may form and the
hydrogen atoms may then collect at internal discontinuities. Residual stresses caused by weld

shrinkage, or externally applied tensile stresses, result in hydrogen induced cracks initiating at
the hydrogen rich discontinuities.

Cold cracks produce sharply defined indications if they are open to the test object surface, as
in the case of underbead cracks that extend to the weld toe. Weld metal cracks may be
oriented in any direction and are often associated with non metallic inclusions. Subsurface
indications are less pronounced or may be undetectable, depending on depth. Hot Cracking
Hot cracking is a term applied to several varieties of weld metal and heat affected zone
cracking, all of which occur at elevated temperatures. The following types are the most
common hot cracks.
Solidification cracking occurs near the solidification temperature of the weld metal and is
caused by the presence of low melting point constituents, typically iron sulfides, that
segregate to the weld metal dendrite surfaces during the liquid-to-solid transformation
process. The shrinkage stresses induced by cooling cause cracks to open between the dendrite
Center Line
Center line hot cracking follows the longitudinal center line of the deposited weld bead.
During weld deposition, solidification of the progressing weld pool occurs from the outside
in, beginning at both toes and meeting at the center. The low melting point impurities are
pushed ahead of these two joining solidification fronts where they are concentrated at the
center line and open up as a longitudinal hot crack under transverse solidification shrinkage
stresses. The likelihood of this occurrence is increased by high travel speed, high depth-to-
width ratio of the weld bead and a small weld bead, particularly in the root pass.
Liquation cracking, or hot tearing, originates in the heat affected zone of a weld during or just
after the hardening of the metal when shrinkage is excessive. When narrow, deep welds are
made, the weld metal does not stay molten long enough to fill the normal shrinkage spaces.
Constituents (inclusions or segregated alloying elements) with low melting points form a
liquid grain boundary film unable to support the shrinkage stresses of the welding process.
Such cracks are often microscopic in size but may link up under applied stresses to form a
continuous surface or subsurface crack. In general, hot cracking is associated with steels
having high sulfur content and the effect is accentuated as carbon content increases. Hot
cracks are visible if they break the surface. Crater Cracking
Depressions at the end of the weld, representing the last puddle in the weld bead. A variation
on the hot crack is the crater crack. A crater crack occurs if the heat of the electrode is
removed too soon at the point where a weld is terminated. Crater cracks are typically star
shaped, occurring as sets of radial cracks. The molten metal cools rapidly, producing cracks. Lack of Fusion
Lack of fusion occurs when some portion of the weld filler metal fails to coalesce with the
adjacent base metal or the weld metal from a previous pass. In welding processes that use no
filler metal, lack of fusion refers to incomplete coalescence between the two base metal
components being joined.

Lack of fusion is caused when the base metal surface or previous weld pass fails to reach
melting temperature when the weld metal is deposited. This condition may occur when
welding large components that can rapidly transfer heat away from the weld area because of
its mass, particularly if the base material is not properly preheated before welding. In such
cases, the base metal will not melt and the weld metal will not fuse into the the beginning of
the first weld pass, when the base metal is at its lowest temperature during the welding
process. When this condition occurs, it is commonly called a cold start.

One welding process particularly susceptible to this discontinuity is gas metal arc welding
(GMAW) in the short circuiting arc mode, because of its inherently low heat input. Another
frequent cause of lack of fusion is attempting to weld on top of a previously deposited weld
pass that has been inadequately cleaned of slag or welding on a dirty base metal surface, so
that the heat of the arc is unable to reach the underlying metal.

Lack of fusion may occur at any depth in a weld. Lack of fusion is usually oriented parallel to
the direction of welding, and the indication appears on the joint groove surface. Lack of
fusion in autogenous welds (welds without filler metal) may result from large inclusions in
the base metal or impurities that become trapped between the surfaces of the joint before
welding. Susceptible processes are those that produce a relatively shallow melted zone at the
joining surfaces and then expel most of that zone by a subsequent upsetting force (high
frequency resistance welding, projection welding, flash welding, friction welding). Other
causes of lack of fusion in autogenous welds include inadequate heating and insufficient
upsetting force. Lack of Penetration
Lack of penetration occurs at the root of a weld when the weld metal does not fully penetrate
the root. This condition can result from any of several incorrect parameters, most related to
welding technique. These include low amperage, oversized electrode, excessive travel speed,
improper electrode angle, improper arc manipulation and inadequate preweld cleaning.

Often, the joint design does not facilitate good penetration because of too large a root land,
too narrow a root gap or too small a bevel angle. Many procedures for double-groove welds
specify back gouging of the first pass on the first side before deposition of the first pass on the
second side. If back gouging is inadequate during joining, lack of penetration will likely
occur. Lack of penetration has an appearance similar to a longitudinal crack and is usually
found at an edge of the original root joint. On open root, single-V welds where the back side
(root) of the weld is accessible, lack of penetration may be found visually. However, on
double-V or single-V welds with backing bars, this condition cannot be seen. Slag
Many weld processes use flux shielding, including shielded metal arc welding (SMAW),
submerged arc welding (SAW) and flux cored arc welding (FCAW). Welds produced by
these methods are particularly susceptible to discontinuities known as slag inclusions. Slag
can be entrapped in the weld metal during solidification if it is unable to float out while the
pool is still liquid. The factors that promote slag entrapment include high solidification rate,
high weld pool viscosity, use of an oversized electrode and improper joint geometry.

Slag allowed to remain on the surface of a deposited weld bead is rarely completely dissolved
by subsequent passes. Therefore, it is essential to remove all slag from each pass. Joint
designs that exhibit a high depth-to-width ratio and weld beads with an excessively convex
profile are promoters of slag entrapment.

58 Tungsten Inclusion
Tungsten inclusions are found in the weld metal deposited by the gas tungsten arc welding
(GTAW) and plasma arc welding (PAW) processes and are usually the result of allowing the
molten weld pool or the filler metal to come in contact with the tip of the tungsten electrode.
Oxide inclusions are particles of high melting point oxides present on the base metal surface.
During welding, these oxides are then mixed into the weld pool. Lamellar Tearing
A lamellar tear is a base metal crack that occurs in plates and shapes of rolled steel exhibiting
a high nonmetallic inclusion content. These inclusions are rolled flat in the steel plate
manufacturing process, severely reducing strength and ductility in the through-thickness
direction. When the shrinkage stresses induced by weld solidification are imposed in that
direction on the base metal plate, separation of the base metal at the flattened inclusions might
occur, as may shearing between those lamellar planes, resulting in a terraced fracture.
Lamellar tearing is detectable on the surface and is most often seen in base metal on the edge
of a steel plate or structural shape, adjacent to a deposited weld bead. Lamellar tearing is also
found in fillet welds or plate or welded pipe made from plate over laminations. Undercut
Undercut is a groove melted into the base metal next to a weld bead or root when the base
metal thickness is reduced. Essentially, a narrow crevice is formed in the base metal,
paralleling the weld and immediately adjacent to it. Undercut lessens joint strength in the
static sense by reducing the base metal section thickness. It also creates a stress concentration
that reduces the impact, fatigue and low temperature properties of the joint.

Undercut is a processing fault caused by an oversized molten weld pool, which is in turn
related to excessive amperage, travel speed and electrode diameter. Undercut may be repaired
by adding an extra, narrow weld bead. Undercut if external is easily detected by visual testing.
Figure 26 shows undercut on an outside surface. In pipe welds, however, undercut is found on
the inside surface. When undercut occurs in assemblies, the original surface may not be

In some standards, a certain amount of undercut is permitted. As an example, AWS Dl.l8 in

some cases permits undercut to a depth of 1.6 mm (0.063 in.). for material thicker than 15.9
mm (0.625 in.). In more critical cases, no undercut is permitted. Overlap
Overlap is the protrusion of weld metal over the weld toe, producing a form of lack of fusion
that creates a sharp mechanical notch or stress concentration. The condition is caused by
insufficient amperage or travel speed. Overlap is illustrated in the chapter on electric power
applications and is often detectable by visual testing. Arc Strikes
Arc strikes are discontinuities that result from establishing the welding arc in zones other than
a weld. They consist of remelted metal or portions of electrode metal in unscheduled places.
Their potential danger arises from steep changes in metal properties that develop when a
material such as steel has been subjected to very rapid heating and cooling. Excessive
hardness can result, leading to possible fracture during welding or service. The condition is
identified by its position (away from the weld metal) and by a small patch of extra thickness
that is often intermittent but linear. Arc strikes are usually cause for rejection on critical
weldments because of the possible effect on service life. Repairs are possible and would

generally involve grinding through the thin affected layer, with fine grinding as a finishing
operation and etching to reveal any heat affected zone; no further welding would be scheduled


The life expectancy of a component depends on its service environment (both mechanical and
chemical), the quality of its maintenance and the appropriateness of its design. To perform a
visual test accurately, it is helpful for testing personnel to know the service conditions of a
component. Although service induced discontinuities appear similar, the mechanisms that
cause them are quite different in each case.

The following text briefly describes service induced discontinuities common in metals.
4.3.1. Corrosion
Corrosion is the deterioration of a metal resulting from electrochemical reactions with its
environment. Corrosion and corrosion prevention cost hundreds of billions of dollars annually
in the United States alone. Although corrosion typically is not catastrophic, it can be
dangerous when it leads to fracture. Corrosion is a natural process that reverses the chemical
actions of refining. In their natural stable state, metals are found primarily either as oxides or
as sulfides in ore. During refining, the addition of large amounts of energy strips the oxides or
sulfides and produces relatively pure metals in a more unstable state. These refined metals are
used singly or by alloying with other metals To illustrate for a common metal, iron is found as
iron oxide in the ore. It is refined to iron or steel for most uses but eventually reverts to iron
oxide (rust). The thermal or electrical energy added during refining moves the metal from a
low energy level in its natural state, an ore, to a chemically unstable condition at a higher
energy level. The refined metal may be remelted and cast, hot formed, cold formed or
machined into useful shapes in the manufacture of an end product. However, the refined metal
tends to deteriorate and revert to the original, chemically stable condition, releasing energy as
heat in the process. (The energy released by corrosion is sometimes converted into electrical
energy, as it is in a dry cell battery.)

It is commonly known that slight changes in metals, their design or their environment can
make significant differences in their corrosive behavior. For this reason, it is important to
obtain direct information about the circumstances of a corrosion problem, particularly
corrosive effects complicating a fracture or wear condition.
4.3.2. Cracking Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking is a fracture mechanism that results from the combined effects of a
static tensile load and a corrosive environment. The stress involved can either be from actual
applied loads or from residual stresses. One of the most common causes of this residual stress
is the shrinkage that occurs during cooling of weld metal.

What constitutes a corrosive environment varies from material to material. Common materials
and their corrosive environments include aluminum and austenitic stainless steels exposed to
saltwater, copper and its alloys exposed to ammonia (NH3) and mild steel exposed to sodium
hydroxide (NaOH). The initiation site of a stress corrosion crack may be a preexisting
discontinuity or it may be a small pit acting as a stress riser and produced by corrosive attack
on the surface. After a crack is formed, the corrosive environment penetrates the surface of
the material. The tip of an advancing crack has a small radius and the attendant stress

concentration is great. This stress at the crack tip ruptures the normally protective corrosion
film and promotes corrosion. Hydrogen induced cracking
In many instances, hydrogen is already present internally in a metal before it is placed into
service. Hydrogen is readily absorbed into molten metal during the initial solidification of the
material and during welding processes. The solubility of hydrogen is quite high at elevated
temperatures, and in some cases metals can become supersaturated with hydrogen.

Hydrogen cracking follows grain boundaries and rarely branches. When such cracking results
from blistering or from a static load, it always originates below the test object's surface.
Hydrogen cracking from other causes can begin below the surface or at a stress riser.
4.3.3. Wear
Wear is the undesired removal of material from contacting surfaces by mechanical action.
Although typically not as serious as fracture, wear is expensive and is often predictable.
Contacting surfaces are expected to wear in any machine. In many cases the deterioration can
be minimized by lubrication, oil filtering, materials engineering and proper design, among
other measures.

In many respects, wear is similar to corrosion. Both have many types, of which two are
usually occurring simultaneously. Both are somewhat predictable in stable environments.
Both are extremely difficult to evaluate in accelerated laboratory or service tests, with
rankings of materials subject to change depending on seemingly minor changes in the test
conditions. Finally, wear and corrosion both are of enormous economic importance.

In visual testing, it is necessary to understand the history and operation of the mechanism
involved. In many cases, it is not possible to conduct a complete investigation simply by
visually testing the worn component. Wear is a surface phenomenon that results from the
interaction of other components and materials that also must be studied. Abrasive Wear
Abrasive wear is characterized by cutting when one surface rolls or slides under pressure
against another surface. Machining could be considered abrasive wear except that it is
intentional. Another very important characteristic of abrasive wear is the heat generated by
friction between the two materials. Erosive Wear
Erosive wear (or erosion) occurs when particles in a fluid or other carrier slide and roll at
relatively high velocity against a surface. Each moving particle contacting the surface cuts a
minute particle from the surface. An individual particle is insignificant, but removal of many
particles is erosion. Erosive wear can be marked during visual tests by any of the following
conditions, depending on the test object.

A general removal of soft surface coatings or material is a common form of wear for fan and
propeller blades. In automotive applications, for example, the paint on the trailing end of the
concave side of the fan blade is usually removed by the scouring or cutting action of dust and
dirt particles in the air. Grinding Wear
Grinding wear occurs primarily when particles under high pressure cut small grooves at low
speed across a metal surface. High pressure, low speed operation is characteristic of tillage

tools (plows, cultivators, rakes) and other ground contact components such as bulldozer track
shoes and the cutting edges of blades. In many other industries, similar effects are produced
on metals, tending to change their shape and to dull cutting edges, consequently lowering
efficiency of operation.

Grinding wear can be recognized in visual tests if the service environment is known and if the
wear occurs at high stress locations (particularly points and edges), causing a general change
in shape. When two hard metal surfaces slide against each other, frequently with a lubricant,
each tends to smooth the other, particularly if fine abrasives are present. When properly
controlled, this process may be useful for lapping or polishing. Hard facing (by welding,
metal spraying or other means of deposition) is frequently used to improve grinding wear
resistance. Slight, controlled grinding wear can be an advantage for self sharpening of cutting
tools. By judicious use of the rat's tooth principle, hardened and soft surfaces may be used
together to keep an edge. The front teeth of all rodents have a hard, brittle enamel on the front
convex surfaces but relatively soft dentine on the rear concave surfaces (Fig. 31a). When the
animal uses its teeth, the dentine on the rear of the teeth wears away, leaving a thin, sharp
edge of enamel. The tip of the brittle enamel eventually breaks off, keeping the teeth the
proper length. Gouging Wear
Gouging wear is caused by high pressure impact that lifts large fragments from a metal
surface. Gouging is encountered in the fields of earthmoving, mining, quarrying, oil well
drilling, steelmaking, cement and clay product manufacture, railroading, dredging and
4.3.4. Fatigue Cracking
Fatigue is a fracture mechanism induced by a cyclically applied stress that is lower in
magnitude than the ultimate tensile strength of the material but high enough to initiate a crack
or to propagate a preexisting crack. Fatigue cracks can develop from stress risers such as
sharp radii, nicks, machining or tooling marks, nonmetallic inclusions present at or near the
material surface, pores, holes or notches, keyways and may even develop on a smooth
surface. Surface anomalies such as copper penetration contribute to fatigue cracking. Fatigue
cracking typically occurs at the surface.

As a fatigue crack begins to propagate, the stress intensity at the tip of the crack starts to
increase. With every incremental growth period of the crack, there is a proportional,
incremental increase in the stress intensity. This process continues until the stress intensity K
reaches the critical value, where failure occurs. This critical value is known as the fracture
toughness and is unique for each material. The variance in fracture toughness helps explain
the behavior of fatigue cracks: why there is such a range of fatigue crack sizes, why some
cracks may only propagate a small amount and why others propagate nearly all the way
4.3.5. Creep Cracking
At temperatures greater than half the melting point in Celsius and at stresses below the yield
strength of the material, deformation can occur by the action of grains gradually separating
over an extended period of time. This can eventually lead to cracking and finally to failure.
This deformation or failure mechanism is called creep. By definition, creep means the gradual
change of shape in a metal under stress. It is a result of tensile stress but creep can and does



A valve is a mechanical device that controls flow into, inside of or out of enclosed conduits
such as piping and tubing. When fully open, the perfect valve offers no more flow resistance
than an equal length of pipe. Closed, the perfect valve permits no fluid to pass. In addition, it
completely resists distortion from internal fluid gas pressure. Also necessary is resistance to
fluid dynamic effects, temperature, pressure drop, vibration, corrosion, wear, erosion by small
particles and damage from large objects in the fluid stream. This performance has to be
constant over the life of the valve.

Because a valve rarely approaches perfect performance, and because valve failure can be
costly from an operational and safety standpoint, periodic tests are performed during the life
of the valve to minimize failures.

Before visual testing of any valve, the inspector must first know the type of valve, its
function, temperatures and pressures, how long it has been in service and its maintenance
history. With this information, the inspector can more accurately evaluate questionable

Valves are dismantled always according to a detailed procedure or in accordance with the
manufacturer's technical instruction manual. Documentation of the as-found condition is very
important step for determining continuance of service. The as-found condition is also
compared to the valve's maintenance record.

5.1.1. Valves in Service

Inservice testing allows the performance of a complete visual test of the valve, plus any other
nondestructive test that may be needed. It is best to remove the valve from the line. This
permits a more detailed inspection by exposing more of the internal surfaces. More reliable
seat or shell leak tests are also possible with the valve offline.

The first step in performing an inservice test is to review the preservice, maintenance and past
inspection records.

5.1.2. Gate Valves

Sealing surfaces of the wedge and body are inspected for evidence of physical damage
(cracks, scratches, galling, wire drawing, pits, indentations). If facilities are available, liquid
penetrant testing is also performed. Guide surfaces (stuffing box and yoke area) are inspected
for evidence of wear or galling. The wear pattern on guide surfaces often reveals
misalignment of working components. Excessive clearance in guide surfaces can lead to
excessive rubbing between seat faces when the valve is closing, causing premature leakage

In gate valves, the upstream seat of the wedge and downstream body seat are the most likely
places for erosion and wear. The sealing surface behind removable seat rings are good
candidates for leakage from erosion through wire drawing or steam cutting. The stuffing box
is the second most vulnerable spot in a valve. Remove the packing and check for corrosion in
the walls of the box. Check the stem in the area passing through the bonnet guide surface and
the packing gland for evidence of rubbing or corrosion. The stem in this area should have a

surface finish no greater than 0.8 μm (3.2 x 10.5 in.) to ensure reasonable packing life.
Another area of concern is the stem-to-wedge connection see Figure 5.1.

FIG.5.1. Bolted bonnet gate valve

In an outside stem and yoke gate valve, the stem-to-wedge connection must, in addition to
opening the valve, prevent the stem's turning for the stem nut to operate the valve. Check this
connection for wear or erosion. Excessive wear, allowing the stem to turn or to become
disengaged, renders the valve inoperative. Check the stem-to-stem nut threads for excessive
wear. Excessive wear can be corrected only by replacing the worn components.

Because stem threads can be observed during an inservice test, a judgment can be made
regarding the rate of wear and the need for replacement. Stem nuts can usually be replaced
while the valve remains in service but stem replacement requires removal of the valve from
service. Wear and refitting the wedge of a gate valve make the wedge fit lower in the body.
Thus, when inspecting a valve, it is important to be sure that the reconditioned wedge fits
properly. There must be adequate contact between the wedge seats and body seats to prevent
5.1.3. Globe Valves and Stop Check Valves
Sealing surfaces of the disk and body are inspected for evidence of physical damage: cracks,
scratches, galling, wire drawing, pits and indentations. Liquid penetrants are used, if possible.
Inspect the guide surfaces of the disk and seat ring or body for evidence of galling and wear.
In a globe valve, excessive clearance in the guides increases the possibility of the bottom edge
of the disk catching on the top edge of the seat in the body and damaging one or both see
Figure 5.2.

FIG.5.2. Bolted bonnet globe nonreturn valve

5.1.4. Lift Check Valves and Swing Check Valves

Lift check valves are inspected the same way as globe valves, without the stem or stuffing
box. In a swing check valve, inspect sealing surfaces of the disk and body for evidence of
physical damage and perform a liquid penetrant test if possible. Check for leakage behind the
seat ring and verify that the disk is not installed backward. Inspect the hinge pin, hinges and
disk for evidence of wear. Excessive clearance at these points can lead to misalignment of the
seat surfaces and leakage. See Figures 5.3 and 5.4.

FIG.5.3. Bolted bonnet lift check valve

FIG.5.4. Bolted bonnet swing check valve

5.1.5. Ball Valves

Sealing surfaces are visually inspected for evidence of physical damage, wear or corrosion
that causes leakage. The horizontal plane at the flow centerline is the first location to show
wear because it always seals against the full differential pressure. Check the stuffing box and
stem thrust bearing surfaces for evidence of corrosion or wear. See Figure 5.5.

FIG.5.5. Floating ball valve

5.1.6. Plug Valves and Butterfly Valves

Plug valves are tested the same way as ball valves In a tapered plug valve, wear and refitting
of the plug in the body causes the plug to fit lower. When inspecting a valve of this type, it is
important to be sure that the reconditioned component fits properly. Proper alignment
between the components in the plug and body prevent excessive turbulence and pressure drop
that may cause accelerated erosion.

FIG.5.6. butterfly valve

In butterfly valves, inspect the seating surface of the disk for evidence of physical damage,
wear or corrosion. Again, the horizontal plane at the centerline is the most vulnerable point.
Inspect the plastic seal or body liner for evidence of damage or cold flow. Alignment of the
seal and disk when closed is vital to the satisfactory operation of a butterfly valve. Inspect the
bearing surfaces and position stops for excessive wear. See Figure 5.6.

5.1.7. Diaphragm Valves

Inspect the sealing surface of the body partition for evidence of corrosion, erosion or damage.
Most importantly, visually inspect the diaphragm for evidence of aging and cracking,
especially where it is retained by the body and bonnet or on the surface in contact with the
body partition. The stuffing box is inspected the same way as it is in a globe valve.

5.2. PUMPS

Pumps function to move liquid from one place to another. This is achieved by imparting
energy to the medium, generally by means of converting electrical to mechanical energy.
In the process, resistance is encountered in the form of friction. Friction occurs from both the
medium moving in the pressure boundary and from the moving parts of the pump. Gravity is
also a force that has to be partially overcome. In many cases, the medium being moved may
have corrosive properties. Erosive wear is common in all cases. All of these factors lead to
deterioration of the internal pressure boundary and the internal parts of a pump. Access to the
areas to be examined usually requires some disassembly, if not the total breakdown of the
pump for inspection. Frequently, the primary access to pumps “in situ” is either through the
suction or discharge ends of the pump. Occasionally, disassembly provides access through the
pump shaft opening.

For carrying out visual testing, dismantling of pumps should be done following the
manufacturers instruction manual. During the dismantling process the following tasks may be

i) Check impellers visually for signs of erosion and cavitation damage.
ii) Diffuser elements for pumps to be visually inspected for erosion and cracks.
iii) Sleeves and rings should be tested to verify their dimensions to be within tolerance limits.
iv) Check the pump shaft to see its straightness by taking a dial test indicator reading.
v) Shaft bearing journals should be checked for correct finish.
vi) Bearing surfaces should be inspected for smoothness and wear.
vii) Pump casing should be visually inspected for erosion and washout. Casing points should
be checked for erosion and effective flange sealing.
viii) All sleeve bearings should be visually inspected for pitting, finish, scoring and dimension.

Another access technique is with the use of a crawler, which can be a tractor motor device
with mounted camera and trailing electrical wire. This approach would be acceptable if the
suction or discharge pipe were nearly horizontal. If the access pipe is vertical or very steep
and the gravity force exceeds the friction of the tractor wheels, a different mechanism is
needed. It may be a centering device with expanding and contracting spider arms. Sequential
expansion and contraction of alternating sets of centering arms may be mechanically or
hydraulically operated to allow the device to climb up or down a pipe.

Once access to the impeller blade or pump vanes is achieved, a zoom camera or a camera with
an articulating head can be manipulated to view the area of interest. The leading and trailing
edges of the blades and vanes are very important areas to inspect. Additionally, the pump
casings should be examined for signs of wash-out (erosion) or pitting. Pits or ridges can
reduce efficiency and accelerate casing wear. Impellers should be checked for cracking.
Diffuser vanes should be examined for wear or erosion. Shaft sleeves should be checked for
scoring. Bearings should be checked for wear or damage. Shafts should be checked for
corrosion, wear, and signs of washout.
Bolts are visually tested to detect conditions such as cracks, wear, corrosion, erosion or
physical damage on the surfaces of the components.

The test setup and environment are specified in detail. For example, tests of pressure vessel
bolts may be done with direct techniques when access is sufficient to place the eye within 600
mm (24 in.) of the test surface at an angle not less than 30 degrees to the surface. Mirrors may
be used to improve the viewing angle. Lighting, natural or artificial, must be sufficient to
resolve a 0.75 mm (0.03 in.) black line on an 18 percent neutral gray card.

Remote visual tests may be substituted for direct visual testing, using devices such as
telescopes, borescopes, cameras or other suitable instruments. Such devices must have
resolution at least equivalent to that of direct visual testing Discontinuities in bolts, studs,
washers and nuts fall into four classes.

Inherent discontinuities originate from solidification of metal in the ingot. Pipe and
nonmetallic inclusions are common and can lead to other types of discontinuities in service.
Primary processing discontinuities are produced from the hot or cold working of the ingot into
rod and bar.

Secondary processing discontinuities are produced during manufacture of studs, washers,
bolts and nuts. Secondary processing includes machining, grinding, heat treating, plating and
other finishing operations.

Service induced discontinuities may be caused by vibration, tensioning and corrosion. The
presence of inherent, primary processing and secondary processing discontinuities is
sometimes revealed in service.

The most common locations for fastener failures are in the head-to-shank fillet, through the
first thread inside the nut on threaded fasteners or at the transition from the thread to the
shank. Sources of failure are discontinuities in the metal caused either by segregation in the
form of inclusions in the ingot or by folds, laps or seams that have formed because of faulty
working in the semi finishing or finishing mills.

Discontinuities visible in bolting are Bursts in bolting materials may be internal or external.
Found in bars and forgings, internal bursts are caused by rupturing of metal extruded or
forged at temperatures too low or too high. External bursts often occur where forming is
severe or where sections are thin.

Seams are generally inherent in the raw material from which a fastener is made. Seams are
usually straight or smoothly curved discontinuities running parallel to the longitudinal axis.
Laps are surface discontinuities caused by folding of the metal. If laps occur in threads, they
generally show a pattern of consistency they are located in the same place on all threads of the
nut or bolt.

5.4. WELDS

Welding is commonly used to join metals and some plastics. Welding fuses materials together
by the application of heat, pressure, or electric current. The most common weld joining
process for metallic materials are arc welding processes. These include gas metal arc welding
(GMAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), plasma
arc welding (PAW), stud arc welding (SW), and submerged arc welding (SAW). All of these
types of welding use an electric arc to produce excitation of the atoms of the materials and
heat. The processes are typically named for the method of shielding used to protect the metal
from oxidation.

In preparation for welding, the pieces to be joined have the edges prepared to assure that the
weld joint is of the proper configuration and fit. The five basic types of joints are the butt
joint, corner joint, T joint, lap joint, and edge joint.

The weld joint and finished weld are described in terms of their features. For a butt joint, the
weld joint preparation is described by the root opening, root face, groove face, and bevel
angle. The weld is described by the root, toe, cross section (throat), crown (face), and
reinforcement. Fillet welds are described by the legs, the root, the toe, the crown (face), and
the throat. Fillet welds may be convex or concave.

Visual inspection is performed prior to welding to ensure that joint preparation was performed
in accordance with the specification being used. Visual inspection is performed during
welding to ensure that the weld is being made according the specification. It is also performed
after the weld is completed to determine dimensional and geometrical features and to locate
welding discontinuities. Welding discontinuities include porosity, overlap, undercut,

incomplete penetration, cracks, lack of fusion, and arc strikes. Most visual inspection of welds
is performed manually with a few simple hand tools, a lighting source, and magnification
when required. Welding procedures may be qualified by metallography and tensile testing of
representative joints due to the strongly linear pattern of weld features and weld
discontinuities, automated inspection of welds using machine vision applications is not yet
practical. Due to the large amount of fabrication weld inspection performed, research into
computer algorithms capable of separating nonrelevant indications from discontinuities is



Component supports have different configurations. Hangers, snubbers, restraints, and other
component supports are all designed to support piping systems. Detailed knowledge of each
component is required prior to performing a thorough examination. A brief description of
each type of component support will be followed by some general inspection techniques, as
well as a discussion of the conditions that should be observed in order to ensure proper
functioning of the supports.

Component support conditions which are unacceptable for continued service shall include the
i) Deformations or structural degradations of fasteners, springs, clamps, or other support
ii) Missing, detached, or loosened support items;
iii) Arc strikes, weld spatter, paint, scoring, roughness, or general corrosion on close
tolerance machined or sliding surfaces;
iv) Improper hot or cold settings of spring supports and constant load supports;
v) Misalignment of supports;
vi) Improper clearances of guides and stops.
The following are examples of nonrelevant conditions:
i) Fabrication marks (e.g., from punching, layout, bending, rolling, and machining);
ii) Chipped or discolored paint;
iii) Weld spatter on other than close tolerance machined or sliding surfaces;
iv) Scratches and surface abrasion marks;
v) Roughness or general corrosion which does not reduce the load bearing capacity of the
vi) General conditions acceptable by the material, Design, and/or Construction


6.2.1. Hangers

Usually consist of a rod attached to a component by a welded “ear” or clamp. They usually
are simple in design, with few parts and connections.

6.2.2. Spring

Spring supports can be of the variable spring-loaded type or the constant-weight type. They
usually carry the weight from above and support the pipe in tension.

6.2.3. Pipe support

Pipe supports typically support the pipe from below. They can be in contact with the pipe in
the form of a saddle, clamp, or tee. As with overhead supports, they can be variable spring

load or constant load. They are installed vertically, carry the weight from below, and support
the pipe in compression.

6.2.4. Restraints

Restraints typically are rigid and anchor the piping system to a building structure. The
purpose of a restraint is to prevent movement in one axis. Multiple restraints can prevent
movement in several directions. They are typically installed horizontally to vertical runs of
pipe but may be oriented in any direction. They are usually attached to the pipe by means of
clamps. The other end of the restraint is anchored to the concrete or welded to Ibeams. They
prevent severed pipes from whipping and rupturing other pipes.

6.2.5. Snubbers

Snubbers are vibration dampers that are installed on components to minimize the effects of
dynamic loading. They are attached to the piping by clamps and to a building or structure by
anchor bolts or welded connections. The snubber provides structural stability through
mechanical or hydraulic action. The snubber allows normal movement during operations but
restrains, restricts, or prevents movement during dynamic loading events.

The examination of hangers, snubbers, restraints, and component supports generally is done
by direct visual examination. On occasion, indirect or remote visual examination is required
due to access limitations. In general, the inspector is looking for signs of mechanism failure or
future failure. This could include inadequate construction practices, physical damage in
service or since installation, signs of overload, signs of corrosion, or signs of fatigue.

Generally, hangers, snubbers, restraints, and component supports are checked to determine
their general mechanical and structural conditions. The inspector checks for loose parts,
debris or abnormal corrosion products, wear, erosion, corrosion, and the loss of integrity
at bolted or welded connections. Specific conditions that should be observed include:

1. Inadequate construction practices that may be evidenced by discontinuities in the

base material may be in the form of roughly cut or deformed threads in rods, bolts, or
nuts; bolts, nuts, and rods not tightened or torqued properly; wrong-sized parts; missing
washers, cotter pins, or locking nuts; and rough, excessive, or inadequate welds.
2. Physical damage may be evidenced by bent, twisted, or deformed clamps, rods, or
beams; warped, discolored, or burned parts (due to welding); missing nuts, pins, load
scales, or identification numbers; cracked, sheared, or broken pins, rods, bolts, or welds;
chipped concrete; and elongated bolt holes, eyes, swivels, or turnbuckles.
3. Overload may be evidenced by cracked welds, broken pins, sheared rods, or stripped
threads; deformed mounting or saddle plates; cracked concrete at embedded bolts and
plates; twisted or bent parts; and elongated bolt or pin holes.
4. Corrosion may be evidenced by light or heavy layers of rust on exposed surfaces;
shallow or deep pits; build-up of corrosion products or loss of material at openings and
crevices; loss of rivets on load scales; frozen rollers or bearings; loss of threads on bolts,
rods, and nuts; and areas of eroded material.
5. Fatigue can be evidenced by cracked or broken parts. These could appear as thin lines
or gaps running through or adjacent to welds, gaps or openings in threaded roots, and
gaps or openings in bars, rods, or pipes adjacent to an encircling clamp.


The support examination boundaries for both integral and nonintegral supports are shown in
the Figure 6.1a, b & c. The following definitions apply.
i. The boundary of an integral support (B) connected to a pressure retaining component
(A) is the distance from the pressure retaining component (A).
ii. The boundary of an integral support (C) connected to a building structure (E) is the
surface of the building structure.
iii. The boundary of a nonintegral support (D) connected to a pressure retaining component
(A) is the contact surface between the component and the support.
iv. The boundary of a nonintegral support (D) connected to a building structure (E) is the
surface of the building structure.
v. Where the mechanical connection of a nonintegral support is buried within the
component insulation, the support boundary may extend from the surface of the
component insulation, provided the support either carries the weight of the component
or serves as a structural restraint in compression.

FIG.6.1 Typical supports examination boundaries



Periodic System Pressure Test

System pressure tests Class-1, 2 and 3 components shall be conducted in accordance with the
Examination Categories identified as following:

Class Examination Category Examination area

1 B-P Pressure Retaining Components

All Pressure Retaining Components
2 C-H
All Pressure Retaining Components
3 D-B

Piping that penetrates a containment vessel is exempt from the periodic system pressure test
when the piping and isolation valves perform a containment function and the balance of the
piping system is outside the scope of this Division.

System Test Requirement

Pressure retaining components within each system boundary shall be subject to the following
applicable system pressure tests under which conditions a VT-2 visual examination is
performed to detect leakage:

7.1.1. System Leakage Test

A system leakage test conducted while the system is in operation, during a system operability
test, or while the system is at test conditions using an external pressurization source;

7.1.2. System Hydrostatic Test

A system hydrostatic test conducted during a plant shutdown at an elevated test pressure.

7.1.3. System Pneumatic Test

A system pneumatic test conducted in lieu of either of the above system pressure tests for
Class 2 or Class 3 components.

7.1.4. Buried Components

a) For buried components surrounded by an annulus, the VT-2 visual examination shall
consist of an examination for evidence of leakage at each end of the annulus and at
low point drains.

b) For buried components where a VT-2 visual examination cannot be performed, the
following requirements shall be met:
1) For buried components that are isolable by means of valves that are required to be
essentially leak tight, the examination requirement shall be satisfied by performing a

test that determines the rate of pressure loss or a test that determines the change in
flow between the ends of the buried components. The acceptance rate of pressure
loss or flow shall be established by the Owner.
2) For buried components that are not isolable by means of valves that are required to
be essentially leak tight, the examination requirement shall be satisfied by
performing a test to confirm that flow during operation is not impaired.
3) Test personnel need not be qualified for VT-2


The holding time after pressurization to test conditions, before the visual examinations
commence, shall be as follows.
1) For the system leakage tests the following shall be met.
a) For Class 1 components (Examination Category B-P), no holding time is required
after attaining test pressure.
b) For Class 2 (Examination Category C-H) and Class 3 (Examination Category D-B)
components not required to operate during normal plant operation, a 10 min holding
time is required after attaining test pressure.
c) For Class 2 (Examination Category C-H) and Class 3 (Examination Category DB)
components required to operate during normal plant operation, no holding time is
required, provided the system has been in operation for at least 4 hr for insulated
components or 10 min for noninsulated components.
2) For system pressure tests, a 10 min holding time for noninsulated components, or 4 hr for
insulated components, is required after attaining test pressure.
3) For system pneumatic tests, a 10 min holding time is required after attaining test pressure.


7.3.1. Insulated and Non insulated Components

1) The VT-2 visual examination shall be conducted by examining the accessible external
exposed surfaces of pressure retaining components for evidence of leakage.

2) For components whose external surfaces are inaccessible for direct VT-2 visual
examination, only the examination of the surrounding area (including floor areas or
equipment surfaces located underneath the components) for evidence of leakage shall be

3) Components within rooms, vaults, etc., where access cannot be obtained, may be
examined using remote visual equipment or installed leakage detection systems.

4) Essentially vertical surfaces need only be examined at the lowest elevation where
leakage may be detected.

5) Discoloration or residue on surfaces shall be examined for evidence of boric acid

accumulations from borated reactor coolant leakage.

6) For insulated components in systems borated for the purpose of controlling reactivity,
insulation shall be removed from pressure retaining bolted connections for VT-2 visual
examination. Insulation removal and VT-2 visual examination of insulated bolted
connections may be deferred until the system is depressurized. When corrosion resistant
bolting material with a chromium content of at least 10%, such as SA-564 Grade 630
H1100, SA-453 Grade 660, SB-637 Type 718, or SB-637 Type 750, is used, it is
permissible to perform the VT-2 visual examination without insulation removal.

7) Essentially horizontal surfaces of insulation shall be examined at each insulation joint if

accessible for direct VT-2 examination.

8) When examining insulated components, the examination of the surrounding area

(including floor areas or equipment surfaces located underneath the components) for
evidence of leakage, or other areas to which such leakage may be channeled, shall be


A PWR is a nuclear power reactor, which uses light water as the coolant and moderator. The
high temperature and high pressure coolant (i.e., primary system: reactor coolant system) from
the core (RPV) is sent to the steam generators (S.Gs) of this primary system, to generate steam
of the secondary feedwater coolant. Then, the steam is ultimately sent to a turbine generator
system to generate electricity. In the state of high temperature and high pressure, there is no
boiling of the coolant in the reactor core.

7.4.1. Containment Building:

The entire reactor coolant system is located in containment building, which isolates the
radioactive reactor coolant system from the environment in the event of a leak. The containment
building is designed to contain the pressure produced by the complete blow down of the reactor
coolant system inside the containment building as a result of a system piping rupture. The
containment also contains accumulators for injecting the borated water into the RCS during

7.4.2. Control Building:

The control building contains the central control room with its console and control panels, as
well as the relay room with its relays and controllers. The control building houses the main
control room, the cable spreading room, auxiliary instrument room, and computer.

7.4.3. Auxiliary Building

Safety related and potentially radioactive auxiliary system are located in auxiliary building
which is located between the control building and the containment. It houses the residual heat
removal system, the safety injection system, the component cooling system etc. A fuel storage
area (part of the auxiliary building) is provided for handling and storage of new and spent fuel.

7.4.4. Turbine Building:

The turbine building contains all the power conversion system. The main turbines and turbine
auxiliaries, moisture separator / reheaters, feedwater heaters, main condenser, condensate
booster and feedwater pumps, etc., are all located in the turbine building.

7.4.5. Basic Configuration of PWRs

The PWR consists of a primary system (reactor system) and a secondary system (steam system)
in order to keep radioactive materials in the primary system. The reactor coolant in a reactor
vessel of the primary system is pressurized so that it circulates with reactor coolant pumps
without boiling, and the high temperature and high pressure reactor coolant moves from a
reactor core to steam generators (primary side) for effective heat transfer. Within the steam
generators, heat exchange occurs at heat transfer tubes transporting the heat from the primary
side to the secondary side, and steam is generated. This steam is sent to a turbine to drive a
generator, condensed in condensers to water, and sent back to the steam generators (secondary
side) with main feedwater pumps (feedwater).


1) Primary Cooling System,

2) Chemical and Volume Control System,
3) Emergency Core Cooling System,
4) Containment Spray System,
5) Residual Heat Removal System,
6) Turbine generator System, etc.

7.4.7. Primary Cooling System (RCS)

The PWR cooling system is provided, for the following functions:

1) To circulate the reactor coolant heated within the reactor core, to transfer heat to S.G., and
to generate high temperature and high pressure steam, which is ultimately discharged to
drive a turbine,

2) To provide adequate core cooling, in order not to cause any core damage during reactor
3) To be a coolant pressure boundary that is a barrier to prevent leakage of radioactive
materials contained in the reactor coolant to the outside,
4) To be moderator and reflector, and to contain the reactor coolant that has a role of solvent
of the boron neutron absorber, and To control the primary system pressure constant with a
Major Equipments of Primary Cooling System are:
a) Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs)
b) Steam Generators (SGs)
c) Pressurizer
d) Piping

7.4.8. Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS)

The CVCS extracts some part of the primary coolant from one primary coolant cold leg and
returns it to another primary coolant cold leg, after passing it through a makeup line, and
consists of components, piping and valves.

Functions: (supporting to RCS)

Makeup of the primary coolant (if any), in order to maintain the required coolant inventory in
RCS, by maintaining the required water level in the pressurizer. Removal of fission and
corrosion products, from coolant, Adjustment of the boric acid concentration in coolant, and
Supply of the water to the shaft seal area of the RCPs, etc.

7.4.9. Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS)

In case of the primary coolant loss from the reactor core, due to pipe break accident of a reactor
cooling system (i.e., LOCA), this system is provided to prevent the fuel failure.

7.4.10. Containment Spray System (SCS)

After LOCA accident, the temperature and pressure in the reactor containment rise due to fuel
decay heat. A radioactive iodine removal chemical is added in the borated water of Refueling
Water Storage Tank. The SCS sprays borated water through spray nozzles installed in the upper
part of the containment for inside cooling of the containment in order to:
a) Cool down and condensate the steam in the containment.
b) Reduce its internal pressure.
c) Absorb iodine and reduce its concentration with the spray water droplet.
d) To provide long time continuous spray, the recirculation line from the reactor
containment sump is provided.

The main functions of SCS are:

a) To reduce the temperature and pressure

b) To remove radioactive materials, such as iodine, in the air.
c) To prevent release of radioactive materials to the outside of the reactor containment.

7.4.11. Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS)

The main functions of RHRS are:

a) To remove the residual decay heat from the reactor core,
b) To cool down the nuclear reactor during plant shut down and refueling, and
c) To provide low pressure coolant injection in case of LOCA.

7.4.12. Turbine Generator System

The PWR plant is separated completely into the primary system and the secondary system.
Since the steam generated in a S.G. does not contain radioactivity, the turbine generator system
is almost the same to that of the conventional thermal power plant. The steam generated within
the S.G. is ultimately sent to a turbine generator system to generate electricity.



Procedures in visual testing of welds are often governed by codes. The ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code and the American Welding Society's Structural Welding Code are
widely used. A written procedure based on the applicable code should be prepared by the
organization responsible for performing the visual test. The American Society for Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V, Nondestructive
Examination, Article 9, Visual Examination lists the following elements to be included in a
visual examination procedure:

1. How visual examination is to be performed

2. Type of surface conditions available
3. Method or tools for surface preparation, if any
4. Whether direct or remote viewing is used
5. Special illumination, instruments, or equipment to be used, if any
6. Sequence of performing examination, as applicable
7. Data to be tabulated, if any
8. Report forms to be completed
The procedure should also contain or reference a report of the approach used to demonstrate
that the examination procedure was adequate (procedure qualification).

In general, a fine line, 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) or less in width, or some other artificial flaw located
on the surface to be examined or a similar surface is considered satisfactory evidence that the
procedure is adequate. To prove the procedure, the line or artificial flaw should be located in
the most unfavorable location on the area being examined. It is common to list acceptance
criteria for various product forms in the procedure. The product forms should be specified in
order to reduce the number of different visual procedures needed. In any case, substituting
equipment with that of a different manufacturer or changing the details of the test parameters
may require procedure requalification.

The inspector should refer to a copy of the visual test procedure at the test site. A reference
standard can be a valuable tool for judging preweld fitup, welding technique and completed
weld quality.


The conduct of test operations (in-house or contracted) should be performed in accordance

with specific instructions from an expert. Specific instructions are typically written as a
technical procedure. In many cases, codes and specifications will require that a technical
procedure be developed for each individual test. In other cases, the same procedure is used

The procedure can take many forms. A procedure may comprise general instructions that
address only major aspects of test techniques or a procedure may be written as a step-by-step

process requiring a supervisor's or a qualified/certified worker's signature after each step. The
following is a typical format for an industrial procedure.

1. The purpose identifies the intent of the procedure.

2. The scope establishes the items, tests and techniques covered and not covered by the
3. References are specific documents from which criteria are extracted or are documents
satisfied by implementation of the procedure.
4. Definitions are needed for terms and abbreviations that are not common knowledge to
people who will read the procedure.
5. Statements about personnel requirements address specific requirements to perform tasks
in accordance with the procedure issues such as personnel qualification, certification and
access clearance.
6. Calibration requirements and model numbers of qualified equipment must be specified.
7. The test procedure provides a sequential process to be used to conduct test activities.
8. A system performance check is needed before a test. The check might be daily or
9. Acceptance criteria establish component characteristics that will identify the items
suitable for service (initial use or continued service).
10. Reports (records) document specific test techniques, equipment used, personnel,
activity, date performed and test results.
11. Attachments may include (if required) items such as report forms, instrument calibration
forms, qualified equipment matrix, schedules and others.

Once the procedure is written, an expert in the subject evaluates it. If the procedure meets
requirements, the expert will approve it for use. Some codes and standards also require the
procedure to be qualified that is, demonstrated to the satisfaction of a representative of a
regulatory body or jurisdictional authority.


Acceptance criteria for welds will be as designated by the applicable code or specification and
will usually include the following discontinuities:
1. Cracks
2. Incomplete penetration
3. Crater pits and cracks
4. Arc strikes
5. Undercut (dimension will be specified)
6. Surface porosity (usually defined by a maximum single size or some formula of
aggregate amount in a total length of weld)
7. Slag (surface)
8. Spatter
9. Burn-through or melt-through
10. Overlap and rollover
11. Lack of fill

12. Excessive reinforcement
Specific acceptance criteria can be found in various codes, specifications, and standards. In
many cases, they will be specified as part of the contract requirements. Records of inspections
or examinations should also include statements indicating part acceptance (if applicable), and
include appropriate documentation to support findings. Inspection report forms should be
complete, legible, concise, and signed and dated. If corrections are necessary, they should be
made with a single line through the entry error, initialed, and dated. All reports, results, and/or
drawings, sketches, photos, electronic files, digital video discs (DVD), or videotapes should
be listed and retained in accordance with contractual requirements or codes and included with
the data sheet.


8.4.1. Retention and maintenance of records

The records and reports shall be retained as identified in IWA-6330, IWA-6340, and IWA-
6350 of ASME Sec-XI. The records and reports shall be filed and maintained in a manner that
will allow access by the Inspector. The Owner shall provide suitable protection from
deterioration and damage for all records and reports, in accordance with the Owner’s Quality
Assurance Program, for the service lifetime of the component or system. Storage shall be at
the plant site or at another location that will meet the access and Quality Assurance Program

8.4.2. Reproduction, digitization, and microfilming

(a) Records and reports shall be either the original or a reproduced, legible copy. Records
may be maintained in an electronic (i.e., digital) format using magnetic, optical, or
equivalent storage media. Hard-copy records may be digitized. The Owner’s Quality
Assurance Program shall include a system for verifying accuracy and monitoring image
legibility, storage, retrievability, and reproduction quality.

(b) Radiographs may be microfilmed or digitally reproduced. Digital reproduction shall be

in accordance with Section V, Article 2, Mandatory Appendix VI, including
Supplement A. The Owner’s Quality Assurance Program shall include a system for
monitoring the accuracy of the reproduction process so that the reproduction will
provide the same information retrieval capability as the original radiograph. The
accuracy of the reproduction process includes the exposure (or multiple exposures for
density coverage), focusing, contrast, and resolution. The Quality Assurance Program
shall also provide a system for identifying film or reproduction artifacts that might
appear as material discontinuities in the reproduction.

8.4.3. Construction records

Records designated by the Owner in accordance with NCA-4134.17, the Construction Code,
and Owner’s Requirements, as applicable, shall be retained.

8.4.4. Inservice inspection records

The Owner shall designate the records to be maintained. Such records shall include the
following, as applicable:

a) Record index
b) Preservice and inservice inspection plans and schedules
c) Preservice and inservice inspection reports
d) Records of flaw acceptance by analytical evaluation
e) Records of regions in ferritic Class 1 components with modified acceptance standards
f) Nondestructive examination procedures
g) Nondestructive examination records
h) Pressure test procedures
i) Pressure test records

8.4.5. Repair/replacement activity records

The following records prepared in performance of a repair/replacement activity shall be

a) Repair/Replacement Program and Plans
b) Records and reports of repair/replacement activities
c) Reconciliation documentation
d) NIS-2 Form
e) Documents certifying repair/replacement activities by contracted Repair/Replacement


Visual test results are recorded by using forms developed for specific applications. If no form
is provided by the customer or regulation, the inspector should develop one that provides the
following data:

1. Joint identification and description,

2. Joint inspector's identification,
3. Testing dates,
4. Instrument and equipment identification (may refer to procedure),
5. Procedure identification (and checklist) and
6. Record of the test results.
In the record of results, identify all measurements to be recorded, provide space for all
recorded measurements with identification, and provide space for recording indications.
Through standard recording formats and prepared forms, the inspector and supervisor can
determine if all required observations have been made properly.


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