ACTION PLAN School Nurse
ACTION PLAN School Nurse
ACTION PLAN School Nurse
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Samar
Macaalan, Calbiga, Samar
School ID No.:303597
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Conduct First Aiders Club March School Personal Bond paper, Report on The
Conduct First Aiders Officers for the school year 2016-2017 nurses, camera, Election/Pictures
Club Election of as ambassadors of health teachers/ ballpen
Officers. and nutrition in school students
Year School Personal IEC materials Narrative Report and
Initiate Health and Participate in the different Round nurses, Documentation/HNC
Nutrition activities. health and nutrition teachers/ Form I
activities students Laptop/OVH
Projector/ Narrative Report and
Attend health and nutrition Year School Personal Reference Documentation
TEACHERS WELFARE AND dissemination campaign Round nurses, materials
Conduct health and Attend to health needs of Year students Personal First Aid Kits, Teachers Health Record
nutrition check to teachers Round Medicine, Bp
CNHS employees apparatus
DEVELOPMENT Lesson Plan Exemplars
Teachers/ Personal Curriculum
Continued Integration Prepare health and nutrition Year Students Guide, Lesson
of health and nutrition exemplars integrated in Round Plan
concepts in MAPEH MAPEH Lesson
lessons School Personal Pictures, program
Conduct orientation Year nurse,
Align School Clinic program on the Services of Round teachers/st Hand-out
activities to K to the school clinic udents Materials
PHYSICAL FACILITIES nurse, Personal Cleaning Improved School
Structuring of the school June 2016 /student materials, first Clinic/HNC Form I
Establish a functional clinic first aiders aid kits
school clinic
nurse, Personal/teacher’s Manila paper, Pictures of health
Structure health corners in Year teachers/st pledge IEC materials, corners and first aid kits
Establish health the classroom/install first Round udents first aid kits in the classroom
corners and first aid aid kits
kits in the classrooms School
nurse, Newly Furnished MRF
Implement the Material March /student Personal MRF Materials (Materials Recovery
Construct Materials Recovery Facility in School 2017 first aiders Facility)
Recovery Facility. through CLAYGO program
School Narrative Report and
COMMUNITY EXTENSION Conduct free Blood pressure December nurse, Personal BP apparatus, Documentation
Initiate outreach check up , health and 2016 /student weighing scale
programs in the nutrition counseling first aiders
School WASH Narrative Report and
Conduct WASH Conduct a short health talk December nurse, Personal Handouts Documentation
activity in the about Water, Hygiene and 2016 /student
community Sanitation in the barangay first aiders
Year nurse, Personal Flyers &
ADVOCACY Conduct information drive Round /student Posters
Disseminate the first aiders Flyers/ Narrative Report
in the community.
importance of health and Documentation
and nutrition School
November- nurse, Personal SBM-WinS
Conduct WASH Conduct WASH December /student Manual Narrative Report
Seminar/Orientation Seminar/Orientation of SBM- 2016 first
of SBM-WinS WinS aiders/
DEVELOPMENT School Personal Conference
Attend Participate in any trainings Year nurse, Notebook
Seminar/Training and seminar workshops Round /student
related to health and related to health and first aiders
nutrition nutrition
Nutritional Status/ Conduct weight and height Personal Short Bond
Weight and Height monitoring to all students of Year School Paper & Ink
Report On Baseline and
Monitoring CNHS Round Nurse/Stu
Endline Nutritional
Program (baseline- dent first
Endline) Implement School based Aiders and Personal
Immunization to Grade 7 September- Students Vacccines,
Narrative Report on SBI
School-Based Beneficiaries October snacks for
Immunization. 2016 School Nurses
Report on the Anti-
Conduct Deworming Nurse/Stu Personal Helminthiasis Program
Deworming program to all CNHS July 2016- dent first Deworming Report on Baseline and
Program Students February Aiders and Tablets Endline Data on SBM-
School-Based Implement SBM-WinS in 2016 Students School and Personal SBM-Wins WinS
management- school and submite baseline School Funds Monitoring Narrative Report and
water, Hygiene and and endline report on the 3 Year nurse/Teac Tool Documentation
Sanitation in Stars Approach Round hers/stude
School (SBM-WinS) nts
CLAYGO Narrative Report/
CLAYGO Program Implement CLAYGO in Year School Personal Material (IEC, Certificates/Pictures
school Round nurse/Teac Poster)
nts School and Personal Zumba Music, Narrative Report/
Wellness Program Implement Dance exercise August Funds Speaker, Certificates/Pictures
Every MWF 2016- Zumba Player
February Instructor,
2016 Coordianto
Medical and Dental Conduct consultation to udents
Check Up of students and teachers Year Personal HNC Form I
Teachers and Round School Report on Morbidity
Students Nurse Cases
Medics during Acts as Medics team during Personal Short Bond
Special special events in school Year School Paper & Ink Documentation/
events(Athletic Round Nurses,Stu Certificates
Meets,Scouting) dent First
Disaster Risk
Reduction Act as Focal Person in Health Personal Bond paper
Management and Safety Year School Ballpen, DRRM Pictures
Program Round Nurses guide notes
Narrative Report and
Conduct “PABASA sa Improve Students Reading Year School Personal PABASA Kits Documentation
Nutrisyon” Skill through a Health Round Nurse,Teac
Intervention Scheme among hers and
Grade 7 Students. Students
Report Preparation
Prepare Monthly Submit required reports to Year School
and Annual concerned office Round Nurse Personal Laptop, Bond
nt Report
Accomplishment paper
Nurse, Vaccines
School Based Immunization August- Grade 7
September Adviser, Personal Narrative Report
2016 grade 7
Soap, water,
World Handwashing Day October School Handwashing Narrative Report
15, 2016 Nurse, Personal MAnuals
World Toilet Day November dents Cleaning
18, 2016 Personal Materials, Narrative Report