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Indonesia Ergonomics Roadmap: Where We Are Going?

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J. Human Ergol.

, 36: 91-98, 2007



Ergonomics and Work System Design Laboratory, Industrial Engineering Department,

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
*Email: msritomo@rad.net.id

There are so many definitions for ergonomics terms such as human factors, human factors
engineering, human engineering, human factors psychology, engineering psychology,
applied ergonomics, occupational ergonomics, industrial ergonomics and industrial engi-
neering. The most inclusive terms are ergonomics and human factors. Both represent the
study of work and the interaction between people and their work environmental systems.
The main objective is especially fitting with the need to design, develop, implement and
evaluate human-machine and environment systems that are productive, comfortable, safe
and satisfying to use. The work of the ergonomists in Indonesia - most of them are acade-
micians - have one thing in common, i.e. with the appropriate type of ergonomic approach-
es to interventions; there would be improvements in productivity, quality of working condi-
tions, occupational safety and health (OSH), costs reduction, better environment, and
increase in profits. So many researches, training, seminars and socialization about
ergonomics and OSH have been done concerning micro-to-macro themes; but it seems that
we are practically still running at the same place up to now. In facts, workers are still work-
ing using their traditional or obsolete methods in poor working conditions. Accidents are
still happening inside and outside industry with the main root-cause being human “unsafe
behavior” and errors. Industrial products cannot compete in the global market, and so many
manufacturing industries collapsed or relocated to foreign countries. This paper discusses
such a roadmap and review what we ergonomists in Indonesia have done and where we are
going to? This review will be treated in the field of ergonomics and OSH to take care the
future Indonesia challenges. Some of the challenges faced are care for the workers, care for
the people, care for the quality and productivity of work, care for the new advanced tech-
nologies, care for the environment, and last but not least care for the nation.
Key words: Indonesia; ergonomics; roadmap; future challenges; occupational safety and


Between the 1970s and the 1990s, the Indonesian economy has been transforming from an agri-
culture-based to an industry-based economy; a process which is often called “industrialization”.
Indonesia is a country which mostly has natural resources and unskilled labor. According to this con-
dition, Indonesia has been gaining most in the industries based on these factors of production, the nat-
ural resources and unskilled labor. The popular indicators to show the industrialization process are
the share of manufacturing industry value-added in GDP, and the share of manufacturing exports in
total exports.
In 1970, the manufacturing industry value-added accounted for only 7.5 % of the GDP, while
the agriculture sector contributed more than 35% of the GDP. Then the share of manufacturing indus-
try in the GDP increase doubled in the 1990s. And in the 1990s, prior to the economic crisis, the
share of manufacturing industry continued to increase to more than 20%, exceeding the share of agri-
Received for publication September 30, 2007

culture in GDP. In the composition of exports, the share of manufacturing industry also grew from
only three percent in the 1970s to almost 60 percent in the 1990s. Although Indonesia has experi-
enced the industrialization process, the level of industrialization is still relatively low compared with
that in other Asian countries. The industrialization development grew significantly until the 1990s,
and then the economic crisis had an immediate impact of significant decline in manufacturing output
and exports in the mid-1990s. This situation is called “deindustrialization”. Despite the crisis, the
economy is now on the path to recovery; and the country’s industrial competitiveness remains
unchanged in general, but there are several changes in the pattern of industrial competitiveness.
Why does Indonesia still lag behind in industrial competitiveness? Based on the World
Competitiveness Report in 2005, Indonesia ranked 74th out of 117 countries. Asian countries such as
Malaysia, Thailand, India, South Korea, Japan, etc. are ranked higher and topped the list in terms of
competitiveness and also national productivity. Between 1980 and 1990, the catch-up adjustment
stagnated; relative productivity remained unchanged despite considerable productivity growth in
Indonesia. Comparisons with other Asian economies show that labor productivity in Indonesia was
somewhat higher than that in India, but was still lower in 1990 than that of South Korea in 1970.
We have all recognized the importance of productivity in national development and are seeking
various avenues to increase productivity in all sectors. Productivity growth is the key for improving
competitiveness, economic growth and prosperity. Productivity is a measure of a nation's efficiency
in producing goods and services measured by the size of output relative to inputs. Productivity
growth occurs when additions to output rise relative to changes in inputs and is dependent upon the
complex interplay of a wide variety of factors. The level of productivity varies not only between
nations, but also varies across sectors, industries and individual enterprises. Productivity differences
result from varying levels of worker skills and education as well as differences in inputs of capital
and technology but are also crucially affected by organization, managerial skills and performance of
institutions. The weakened industrial competitiveness and improvement in productivity are the most
important issue, which would correlate with the development of the ergonomics discipline.

Industrial ergonomics, productivity and competitiveness

Ergonomics actually impacts our everyday life, from the home and especially to the industrial
workplace. We describe ergonomics as designing products, work facilities and workplaces to
increase the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of the worker, and, more importantly, to
improve the worker's safety and health. There are so many definitions for ergonomics terms such as
human factors, human factors engineering, human engineering, human factors psychology, engineer-
ing psychology, applied ergonomics, occupational ergonomics, industrial ergonomics and industrial
engineering. The most inclusive terms are ergonomics and/or human factors. Both represent the study
of work and the interaction between people and their work environmental systems. The main objec-
tive is especially fitting with the need to design, develop, implement and evaluate human-machine
and environment systems that are productive, comfortable, safe and satisfying to use.
According to the International Ergonomics Association, ergonomics is defined as a science that
applies knowledge of human physical and mental abilities to the design of products, processes, work-
places and complex human-technology (and also environment) interaction. The simple definition of
ergonomics is the study of work, which is associated with human psychology and physical work.
Looking at how ergonomics impacts the workplace, future ergonomists could contribute to the design
and assessment of workplaces across the country. Many ergonomists typically focus on the evalua-
tion and design of workplaces, where both the physical (such as lifting, repetitive motion, lighting,
noise and energy consumption) and the cognitive (such as perception, attention, decision making,
etc.) would operate. Preventing eyestrains, headaches and musculoskeletal disorders and obtaining
optimal performance can be achieved when equipment, workstations, products and working methods
are designed according to human capabilities and limitations, that is by applying the principles of
ergonomics. Ignoring these basic principles of ergonomics will cause many problems such as injuries
and occupational diseases, increased absenteeism, higher medical and insurance costs, increased

probability of accidents and errors, higher turnover of workers, less production output, lawsuits, low
quality of work, less spare capacity to deal with emergencies, etc.
The adoption of an ergonomic approach in the workplace (industries) has a proven track record.
Indeed, an ergonomics study of people-powered farming tools (e.g. axes, sickles, scythes, etc.) in the
agricultural era reveals changes over time that reflect the work system development cycle. Moreover,
the changes are continuous until the development of machine-powered and computerized machine-
controlled equipment in the era of industrialization and information technologies. The ergonomics
principles could also be applied in micro-scale (man-machine system) as well as in macro-scale
(industrial organization) focusing on human factors at different levels. Ergonomics principles advo-
cated by many studies thus led to a new paradigm and useful tools for safe and productive technolo-
gy. Moreover, they developed standards, recommendations, procedures, etc. concerning working
conditions and occupational, health and safety (OHS) to improve productivity, competitiveness and
quality of work life.
Industry should be specially treated in the field of ergonomics because of their need to apply
ergonomics in their work. They face many problems, such as poor quality, low productivity, health
and safety problems of workers and high rejection costs because of so many waste or unproductive
activities (idling, delay, materials handling, accidents, etc.). These problems are mostly caused by the
lack of ergonomic workstation design, machine and tools design, products design, work processes
and work environment. Many ergonomic researchers and organizations attempted to fulfill the needs
of the industry by promoting the use of ergonomics to solve their problems. Their work is reviewed,
presented and discussed in so many seminars and other scientific forums. Some cases are not only
beneficial for promoting academic degrees, but also implemented as real means of problem solving
from the industrial ergonomics viewpoints.
Ergonomics was a new and emerging field in the Indonesian industries and was a useful tool for
safe and productive technology transfer from the industrially advanced countries. It should be noted
that the standards, recommendations, procedures, etc. concerning working conditions and occupa-
tional health and safety (OHS) developed in the industrially advanced countries would not be fully
applied because of the differences in climate, people (anthropometric measurements, cultures), meth-
ods of work, facilities, infrastructures of technology, finance, etc. The education and training are
essential in creating ergonomics and OHS awareness and motivating employees to utilize their cre-
ative problem-solving capacities. Hopefully, these will continue to help Indonesia industries in tack-
ling low productivity, lack of quality and OHS problems.

Ergonomics movement and socialization in Indonesia

In Indonesia, ergonomics as a discipline of science is still new. The term of ergonomics is often
confused with agronomy or economy. Some definitions have been developed based on their field of
interest. Mostly, ergonomics is simply defined as designing around a comfortable chair. Others try to
relate it with healthy and safe work, human factors in product design, man-machine systems, motion
and time study, productivity improvement, etc. As a science, ergonomics is taught explicitly in engi-
neering, medical or psychology courses by different names but with the same substance. Ergonomics
was introduced in Indonesia many decades ago by academicians and the local universities, industries
and the government.
Furthermore, the ergonomics movement came from academicians from abroad who worked in
some Indonesian universities. Ergonomics courses are given especially in the curriculum of industrial
engineering departments, e.g. applied ergonomics, industrial ergonomics, work design and measure-
ment, facilities design and layout, safety engineering and management, human factors engineering in
product design; and macro-ergonomics such as industrial organization, TQM, productivity analysis,
performance measurement, supply chains management, etc. These departments conducted ergonom-
ics research and courses in the engineering and management undergraduate and postgraduate pro-
grams; and also conducted seminars, workshops and conferences and did consultancy with the local
industries. They already developed a network with other disciplines not only in the field of engineer-

ing such as engineering physics, architecture, mechanical engineering, environmental sciences, infor-
matics, etc.; but also outside engineering such as industrial product design, agricultural technologies,
psychology, medical sciences, public health, etc.
Ergonomics and OHS are also practiced mostly in industrial large companies, such as Toyota
Astra Motors, IPTN, etc., where there are manufacturing technology (and also management) transfers
from their parent companies in industrially advanced countries such as Japan, The United States,
Germany and other countries. Some chemical and mining industries such as petrochemicals, cements,
oil and gas industries, are particularly concerned with occupational health and safety. The ergonom-
ics and OHS awareness or movement actually came from the top management of the multinational
companies or from the industrially advanced industries. They could see the benefits of ergonomics in
terms of improving productivity, quality and OHS of the workers when it was practiced in their own
countries, thus they encouraged the local firms to adopt ergonomics. However, because of the limited
education or training courses in the field of ergonomics, most local engineers and managers in many
industries are not aware of ergonomics and OHS.
For that reason, Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (Indonesia Ergonomics Association) was
officially established by national ergonomists meeting on October 10, 1987 in Institut Teknologi
Bandung (ITB) with the mission of providing education, research and consultancy on ergonomics
application for enhancing productivity and quality of work life. Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia
(PEI) was particularly developed for organizing academicians, researchers, industrial practitioners,
and professionals to implement the ergonomics methods and approaches in the area of micro- or
macro-ergonomics. PEI programs include conducting joint research programs, development of
ergonomics curriculum and standardization of laboratories in higher education, organizing seminars
or workshops (national/international) periodically, development of cultural and national ergonomic
standards (e.g. anthropometry) and socialization and publication schemes to promote ergonomics and

Indonesia Ergonomics Roadmap: where we are going?

The following information will give a brief chronological description for some ergonomics
activities which are sponsored by PEI in around two decades (1987–2006). In the first decade (1987-
1996), Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) did not organize many activities such as seminars,
training, consultancy, etc. As a professional organization, PEI is so dependent on its members mostly
with academy backgrounds. The main problem is that not so many disciplines offer ergonomics
courses in their curriculum. Ergonomics is not a unique specialization in engineering, psychology
and/or probably medical sciences. Many engineers also have wrong perception of ergonomics. In
spite of industrial engineering, ergonomics is not looked on as an important and significant course to
develop engineering or managerial careers. Most engineers have a strong perception that engineering
should deal with mathematics formula, physical phenomena (material, machine and equipment) and
manufacturing processes and is not related with human interactions with machinery. On the other
hand, there were too few ergonomics scientists - commonly called as ergonomists - able to promote
and socialize ergonomics as a relevant course for improving productivity and quality of work life in
Although in the first decade, the association (PEI) was not formally organized and did not func-
tion well; but in the last years of the 1990s the situation changed. In accordance with the global issue
of industrial competitiveness and the increasing environmental awareness, a national ergonomics
seminar and conference was held on September 6-7, 2000 in Surabaya. The theme of the seminar was
Industrial Ergonomics Role to Increase Global Competitiveness for Entering the Era Third
Millennium. This seminar was organized by PEI jointly with the Laboratory of Ergonomics and
Work System Design, Department of Industrial Engineering of ITS in Surabaya. At the same
moment, a conference was also held to rejuvenate and revitalize the organization of Perhimpunan
Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI).
In the second decade (1987-2006), PEI organized and sponsored many activities such as semi-

nars, symposia and other scientific forums. Almost every year we held an ergonomics seminar, sym-
posium or workshop arranged in the national or international scope to give a chance for Indonesian
ergonomists to present their research results; sharing experience, knowledge and how to implement
methods or ergonomics approaches to solve industrial problems. Some important seminars sponsored
by PEI in the last three years may be mentioned as follows:
• National Seminar on Ergonomics: “The Role of Ergonomics Discipline in order to Strengthen
Small-Scale Traditional Industry and Tourism”. It was conducted on September 13, 2003 and organ-
ized by the Faculty of Agriculture Technology Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta. More than 70
research papers were presented and published.
• National Seminar on Applied Ergonomics in Industry: The Role of Ergonomics to Support
Industrial Processes in Effort to Improve Productivity and Quality. This seminar was performed on
March 27, 2004 in Yogyakarta and organized by Industrial Engineering Forum of Yogyakarta and
Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) in Yogyakarta.
Almost 115 papers were presented in this forum.
• National Seminar on Ergonomics 2: Ergonomics and Its Roles on Industrial Development in
Indonesia. It was arranged on October 9, 2004 in Yogyakarta; and again organized by the Faculty of
Agriculture Technology, Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta. About 80 research papers were pre-
sented in this seminar.
• Joint Conference of the South-East Asia Ergonomics Society and the Indonesian Physiological
Society (SEAES-IPS 2005): International Seminars and Conference on Ergonomics “Bridging the
Gap” held from May 23-25, 2005 in Denpasar, Bali. This was a joint meeting of the 8th South-East
Asia Ergonomics Society (SEAES) Conference and the 12th National Congress and 15th Scientific
Seminar of the Indonesian Physiological Society. The theme “Bridging the Gap” called for closer
cooperation and better networking between various disciplines in meeting the goals of the confer-
ence. The international conference and seminars were organized by the Postgraduate Program on
Ergonomics and Sport Physiology, School of Medicine, Udayana University in cooperation with the
International Ergonomics Association and the South-East Asia Ergonomics Society (SEAES). There
were more than 200 research papers presented by academicians, experts, professionals, etc. from the
main disciplines of ergonomics and physiology.
• National Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction: Human Aspects in Computer-Based
System. This seminar was organized by the Laboratory of Work System Design and Ergonomics,
Department of Industrial Engineering, ITB and held on September 21-22, 2005 in Bandung. More
than 20 papers were selected and presented; they discussed the influence of computers, multimedia
and information technology on human work.
• National Seminar on Ergonomics 2006 – Human Factors Engineering and Productivity. This
seminar was arranged on June 14-15, 2006 in Bandung, and managed by Perhimpunan Ergonomi
Indonesia (PEI) and the Laboratory of Ergonomics, Industrial Engineering Department of ITB.
• National Seminar on Ergonomics and OSH - The Role of Ergonomics and OSH for Enhancing
Productivity and Quality of Work. This seminar was conducted on July 29-30, 2006 in Surabaya and
presented more than 120 research papers dealing with many topics from micro- to macro-ergonom-
ics. Beside the seminar, a workshop on OHS Management was also conducted. Both activities were
organized by the Laboratory of Ergonomics and Work System Design, Industrial Engineering
Department of ITS.
• Ergo Future 2006 - International Symposium on Past, Present and Future Ergonomics,
Occupational Safety and Health. This symposium was organized on August 28-30, 2006 in Denpasar,
Bali and by the School of Medicine, Udayana University.
• National Seminar on Macro Ergonomics’ Approach for Improving Organization Performance;
and Workshop on Mannequin in Catia and 3D-Max for Ergonomics Analysis and Product Design.
This seminar was held on November 21-22, 2006 in Jakarta and organized by the Industrial
Engineering Department of Trisakti University, the Industrial Engineering Department of
Tarumanegara University and the Product Design Department of Trisakti University.

These seminars have contributed to the review of such a roadmap involving the work of
Indonesian ergonomists from many different disciplines and institutions. Their work has one thing in
common; i.e., with the appropriate types of ergonomic interventions, there would be improvements in
quality, productivity, working conditions, occupational health and safety (OHS), better environment,
reduction of rejects and rejection costs and increase in profit. These experiences will also be treated
in the field of ergonomics and OHS to take care the future Indonesia industrial challenges, such as
still many wrong perception of ergonomics, the lowly educated and timid nature of the workers
(especially who work in home, agricultural or traditional industries), the lack of concern and commit-
ment for OHS and the lenient OHS regulations and other problems. Some of the challenges faced
should take care for the worker, care for the people, care for the quality and productivity of work,
care for the new advanced technologies, care for the environment, and last but not least care for the
In many cases, Indonesian ergonomists have found that some of the machines or equipment
used in industry might not be appropriate to be applied, because of their differences in anthropomet-
ric dimensions. These differences have ergonomic consequences on industrial machinery, equipment
and tools; e.g. some transferred machinery from the Western countries require excessive physical
strength to operate for the workers in Indonesia and other Asian countries. Therefore, the equipment
needed to be redesigned or modified to increase effectiveness, efficiency, safety and comfort. The
main problem there is still the lack of references to the anthropometric characteristics data of the
Indonesian population and the sources of variations.
Most industrial ergonomics engineers did many studies to solve the real ergonomic and OHS
problems in industry. Some ergonomic improvements have been planned and most of them were
implemented. Moreover, these improvements have increased productivity, as shown by the more
effective use of materials, energy costs of work, better work quality and more comfort. Many other
studies also found much mismatch between workers and the machinery they were forced to work
with, which hampered productivity and caused frictions in the workplaces. Ergonomics has thus been
used to solve the problems to increase productivity, maximize product quality, improve usability and
enhance job satisfaction of the workers.
Ergonomic problems could be found commonly in traditional industries, especially the areas of
agricultural, home or small-scale industries. Many studies have presented the use of ergonomic inter-
ventions for various types of agricultural projects (small farming), textile industries, furniture firms,
smallholder farming, etc. We have found that with the appropriate types of ergonomic interventions,
productivity, safety, quality of the product outputs and the effectiveness of the production system
would improve. Production cost could also be minimized. Industrial ergonomic problems are not
only found on the production floor, but also at the whole production system. Ergonomic studies are
initially focused on the interaction between human-machine or human-workplace environment; and
then shifted to devising appropriate responses to social-environmental changes. Many macro-
ergonomics studies has been conducted to find the suitable method and approach to solve the indus-
trial problems which are more complex with uncertainties, such as participatory ergonomics, systems
approach, SHIP, TQM, supply-chain management, etc.
In Indonesian factories, most of the workers are lowly educated, with only basic six to nine
years of school education. Also, most of the factory workers are from the poor. Although ergonomics
may be taught to these workers, they are too timid to question the authorities when they are faced
with poor OHS conditions, fearing that they may lose their jobs and that it may also mean to lose
their future life. The industrial management is generally not concerned with the operators' OHS
because cheap labor is in abundance. Some lowly educated workers are also not safety conscious.
Many surveys on factory managements reported that their workers refused to wear safety apparatus.
When interviewed, these workers reported the inconvenience of wearing the apparatus during doing
their tasks. Thus, with these poor attitudes, the ergonomists find a great challenge to change the
mind-set of the management or the workers to adopt ergonomics. Enforcing the OHS regulations is
difficult, as there are too many companies to audit. Much manpower is needed to audit every compa-

ny at least once a year. Moreover, since auditing is just one observation, many OHS violations may
not be found in that single observation. Besides, if the enforcer is too strict, the foreign investors may
relocate their factories to other countries. Thus, with these situations, the regulations and their
enforcement do not create any urgency for the companies to adopt ergonomics programs and improve
the working conditions of the workers.


Although many studies, researches, training, seminars and socialization about ergonomics,
human factors and OHS have been done with respect to micro- and macro-ergonomics themes; but it
seems that we are practically still running at the same place up to now. In fact, workers are still work-
ing with their traditional or obsolete methods and poor conditions. Accidents are still occurring inside
and outside industry often with the main root-cause of human unsafe behavior. Industrial products
cannot compete in the global market, and so many manufacturing industries collapsed or relocated to
foreign countries. Ergonomics analysis and evaluation provide a roadmap for what issues must be
addressed and what actions will be needed for improvements.
The successful ergonomics implementations in the national industries, as presented in so many
seminar and conference papers, have shown the effectiveness of ergonomics in improving productivi-
ty, quality and OHS, increasing profits and reducing rejection costs and industrial accidents.
Ergonomics interventions and design innovations can improve global competitiveness as well as
enrich prosperity at work, in industry and in the nation. The future management with new mind-set is
really needed to start and anticipate the changes in solving the industrial ergonomics problems.
An effective industrial ergonomic program should contain at least two points of reference to
ensure successful navigation of the ergonomic terrain. These are management commitment and
employee involvement. Without management commitment, most programs fail in a company. For an
ergonomics program it is important to tangibly demonstrate that commitment. This can be done by
assigning ergonomic and OHS staff directly to the program and providing time during the workday to
deal with ergonomic concerns, by establishing clear goals for the program and evaluating the result,
by communicating to all stakeholders the importance of the program and finally, by making resources
available for the program itself, such as training and tools for implementing improvements.
Employee involvement ensures that employees are motivated to take ownership of ergonomics-driv-
en changes. This can easily be accomplished by creating teams to collect input and evaluate and
make recommendations on corrective actions for workplace problems.


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