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Physico-Mechanical Properties of Organo-Modi Ed Bentonite Reinforced Cement Mortars

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Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Vol. 16, No.

2, June 2019


Physico-Mechanical Properties of Organo-Modi ed Bentonite Reinforced

Cement Mortars
A. Allahverdi1,2*, Z. Padar3 and M. Mahinroosta4

Received: January 2018 Revised: May 2018 Accepted: December 2018

Downloaded from ijmse.iust.ac.ir at 20:56 IRDT on Tuesday August 20th 2019

Research laboratory of Inorganic Chemical Process Technologies, School of Chemical Engineering,
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Cement Research Center, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Research laboratory of Inorganic Chemical Process Technologies, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University
of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Research laboratory of Inorganic Chemical Process Technologies, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University
of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
DOI: 10.22068/ijmse.16.2.1

Abstract: It is demonstrated that the addition of organo-modi ed Na-bentonite (OMB) particles to Portland
cement mortar can promote its physical and mechanical properties. A series of experimental works on some im-
portant physicomechanical properties of Portland cement mortars mixed with various dosages of hydrophobic
OMB was performed. The obtained results con rm that the OMB provides a dense packing effect. An optimum
replacement level of around 3.5% (by weight) at an increased water-to-cement ratio of 0.53 results in an almost
11.43% increase in 28-day compressive strength along with about 20.78 and 16.20% reductions in a total vol-
ume of permeable pore space and water absorption, respectively. Also, at the optimum replacement level, an
increase of about 2.72% is taken place in dry bulk speci c gravity.

Keywords: Organo-modi ed bentonite, Cationic surfactant, Portland cement, Compressive strength, Water absorption.

1. INTRODUCTION concrete research as supplementary cementitious

material [6-9]. The term bentonite is applied for
It is well known that the durability of clayey materials majorly composed of smectite
cement-based materials largely depends on the group phyllosilicates, a group of expandable
possibility of penetration of hazardous ions into clay minerals with a broad extent of chemical
their porous microstructures with water as a compositions [10,11]. This group involves Ca/Na-
medium [1]. Water absorption and durability of montmorillonite, nontronite, saponite, beidellite,
these materials strongly depend upon water-to- and hectorite [12]. The characteristics of bentonite
cement ratio. Practical values of this ratio are as materials, such as plasticity, swelling ability,
high as 0.65 for workable concrete without water cation exchange capacity, etc. depend on the
reducing agents [2]. For durability and practical quantity of smectite minerals in the bulk material,
applications, it is accepted that cement-based smectite species and on the exchangeable cations
materials should possess low permeability [3]. in the interlayer position [11]. The bentonite can
Reducing the water absorption and penetration only be considered to comprise of individual
of concrete can minimize sulfate and chloride ion particles ready for reactions if the bonds bridging
attack, thus increasing the durability of concrete the layers are weakened to the extent of separation
structures [4,5]. These goals can be achieved by of the layers. This happens when a modifier, is
a promising solution and that is the contribution introduced within the layers, causing a change
of lamellar clays in cementing materials. In the in the charge of the molecules and a subsequent
past decade, bentonite has gained momentum in separation of the layers. For this reason, surface

A. Allahverdi, Z. Padar and M. Mahinroosta

modification of the clay particles using an organic preparation of the mortar specimens.
agent is necessary to provide compatibility with The bentonite clay used in this investigation was
the matrix. In which case, the clay is said to be provided by Iranian Poudrsazan Company. The clay
organo-modified, becoming hydrophobic [13]. was Na-bentonite with a cation exchange capacity
Recent research activities have proven that (CEC) of 65 meq per 100 g. Table 1 gives the chemical
hydrophobic admixtures can effectively reduce the compositions of both PC and bentonite.
water absorption of cement mortar and concrete Table 1. Chemical compositions of Portland
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and hence reduce the diffusion rate of aggressive cement and bentonite
chemical liquids [14]. Kuo et al. [14] added organo-
Oxide (wt.%) Bentonite PC
montmorillonite (OMMT) to cement mortar and
showed that optimal dosage of OMMT micro- SiO2 69.00 22.42
particles, less than 1%, gives higher compressive Al2O3 14.10 3.81
and flexural strengths and a lower coefficient of Fe2O3 0.70 4.20
permeability for cement mortars. In a different work, CaO 1.12 64.90
Kuo et al. [15] used organo-modified reservoir MgO 2.52 0.08
sludge (OMRS) as a substitute for a portion of fine
SO3 - 1.46
aggregates in cement mortars and found out that it
could be possible to replace up to 30% by mass of fine K2O 0.10 0.42
aggregates by OMRS particles in a cement mortar for Na2O 3.50 0.22
normal practice. Also, excellent water-proof cement Free CaO - 1.07
mortar was achieved when the percentage of OMRS LOI 8.90 1.61
particles was within the range of 5-50%. In another
study, Colston et al. [16] confirmed that the strengths Cationic surfactants including hexadecyltrimethyl
and microstructure of cement paste could be improved ammonium bromide, dodecyl benzyl dimethyl
due to the introduction of organo-clays. Therefore, it ammonium chloride, and trioctylmethyl ammonium
can be said that some lamellar solids may be used as chloride as organo-modifiers were purchased
reinforcements in cement mortars and concrete. from Sigma-Aldrich. Table 2 presents the main
For the first time, in the present work, characteristics of surfactants. The surfactants were
bentonite was firstly organo-modified by using applied based on the long hydrophobic carbon
three quaternary ammonium salts and then the chains attached to the central atom. It results in
effect of its various dosages on some important the increased surface area that will lead to better
physicomechanical properties of cement mortar intercalation of organic cation between the layers of
specimens including compressive strength, dry bulk unmodified bentonite clay.
specific gravity, the volume of permeable pore and These surfactants are among quaternary
water absorption was investigated. ammonium salts which most often are used in organo-
clay production. The optimum amount of surfactant
2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE for maximizing organo-clay hydrophobicity is
reported to be in the range of 1 to 1.5 CEC of clay
2.1. Materials [16]. The same amount of each surfactant was first
applied to determine the effectiveness of the selected
Type V Portland cement (PC), in accordance cationic surfactants. Equation 1 was applied to
with ASTM standard, was supplied from Tehran calculate the required amount [16]:
Cement Company. Its fineness and bulk density
were 295 m2 kg-1 and 3145 kg m-3, respectively. a=[M(C/100)Mw]/(1000Q) (1)
The Bogue’s potential phase composition of this
cement (in wt.%) was C3S-65.31, C2S-18.15, C3A- where “a” is the amount of the cationic surfactant, C is
3.16, and C4AF-13.37 (C=CaO, S=SiO2, A=Al2O3, the CEC value of the bentonite, M is the total weight
F=Fe2O3). The siliceous quartz sand in accordance of the bentonite, Mw is the molecular weight of the
with standard DIN-EN 196-1 was utilized for the cationic surfactant and Q (here Q=1) is the number

Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2019

Table 2. Main characteristics of surfactants

Surfactant Molecular weight Chemical structure Purity

(g/mol) (%)

Hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide 364.45

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Dodecylbenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride 339.99

Trioctylmethyl ammonium chloride 404.16

of valance electrons. The amount of surfactant the calculated amount of surfactant being dis-
calculated from equation (1) is equal to the number solved in hot water was then slowly added to the
of exchangeable cations in the clay. When it is needed bentonite suspension. The prepared solution was
to add a higher amount of surfactant, the calculated then stirred for an additional 24 h time period at
value must be multiplied by a suitable coefficient. For 70 °C for the cation-exchange reaction to take
example, to add 1.5CEC of cationic surfactant, the place completely. The temperature and time val-
calculated value must be multiplied by 1.5. ues were recorded utilizing a temperature probe
and an electronic time recorder, respectively.
2.2. Methods The prepared OMB was filtered and washed
for several times to remove all NaCl or NaBr salts
2.2.1. Preparation of Organo-Modi ed Bentonite and excess organic ions. To ensure the removal of
NaCl or NaBr, a few drops of silver nitrate solu-
Fig. 1 depicts the organo-modified bentonite tion was added to the filtrate resulted from each
(OMB) preparation steps. To prepare OMB, 500 try of washing. If bromide or chloride remains in
mL deionized distilled water was poured into a the filtrate, the following reaction takes place:
glass container and 5 g of bentonite was then add-
ed slowly while stirring. The stirring was contin- AgNO3+Na(Br, Cl) NaNO3+Ag(Br, Cl) (2)
ued for at least 15 h at 70 °C for all platelets of
the layered clay to be separated from each other The silver bromide or chloride precipitates in
for an effective cation-exchange reaction. Next, the aqueous environment, so washing is repeated

Fig. 1. Organo-modified bentonite preparation steps.

A. Allahverdi, Z. Padar and M. Mahinroosta

until the filtrate becomes transparent. It means all surfactant was omitted from the work. Two other
bromide or chloride has been removed from the contact angles are quite close together and more
clay. The OMB slurry was then dried at 110 °C detailed work was necessary to find their optimum
for 48 h and ground into a fine powder of particle amount and to judge about the suitable surfactant.
size less than 45 µm. This procedure was repeated For this reason, 0.50, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and
using each of the above-mentioned cationic sur- 2.00CEC of them were utilized to produce OMB
factants. samples. The obtained values of contact angles,
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The organo-modification primarily takes place shown in Figs. 3 and 4, verified that the OMB pro-
through cation exchange, replacing metal ions duced with 1.25CEC of trioctylmethyl ammoni-
with organic cations. The adsorption of fatty sur- um chloride exhibits the highest hydrophobicity
factant molecules in the interlayer region of platy and this cationic surfactant, therefore, was chosen
clay allows separation of the layers which pro- as the suitable modifier to produce enough OMB
motes intercalation of polymer chains into the in- samples.
terlayer space [17]. The chemical structure of the
OMB particles as schematically displayed in Fig.
2 shows that some absorbed water might be on the
outer surfaces of silicate sheets and only a little
water could exist in the interlayer regions between
silicate sheets thru hydrogen bonding.

Fig. 3. Contact angle for bentonite modified with different

amounts of dodecybenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride.

Fig. 2. A schema of the chemical structure of organo-

modified bentonite particles.

2.2.2. Hydrophobicity of Bentonite Samples

Fig. 4. Contact angle for bentonite modified with different
To select a proper OMB sample, the evaluation amounts of trioctylmethyl ammonium chloride.
of hydrophobicity is taken into consideration. For
this reason, the contact angle was regarded and Fig. 5 shows typical images of water drops on
measured on each OMB samples. The results of not-modified bentonite (5a), bentonite sample
contact angle measurements are shown in Table 3. modified with 1.5CEC of trioctylmethyl ammoni-
As it is obvious from Table 3, contact angle um chloride surfactant with moderate hydropho-
value for the OMB sample modified by hexadecyl- bicity (5b) and bentonite sample modified with
trimethyl ammonium bromide is significantly less 1.25CEC of the same surfactant with superhydro-
than two other values and therefore this cationic phobicity (5c).

Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2019

Table 3. Contact angle results for the organo-modified bentonite samples

Hexadecyltrimethyl Dodecylbenzyldimethyl Trioctylmethyl

Modifier ammonium ammonium ammonium
bromide chloride chloride
Contact angle
53.2 75.5 76.6
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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. Typical water drop images on (a) not-modified bentonite, (b) bentonite modified with 1.5CEC of surfactant, and (c)
bentonite modified with 1.25CEC of surfactant.

2.2.3. Preparation of Mortar Specimens Mixing of OMB with cement is quite diffi-
cult due to its relative high specific surface area
To investigate the effect of the addition of the and its tendency to agglomeration. The mixing
OMB on physicomechanical properties of Portland procedure of the constituents therefore greatly
cement, the dosage of OMB expressed as weight in uences the properties of the cement mortar.
replacement for cement was adjusted at 0, 0.25, For suitable mixing, the OMB was first mixed
0.50, 0.75 and 1.00%. Enough 50 mm cubic mortar with enough amount of water in a closed con-
specimens were prepared in accordance with ASTM tainer. The achieved suspension was stirred for
C109. The mortar specimens consisted of 1 part PC about 20 h and at the same time, the pH value
and 2.75 parts of sand proportioned by mass. was adjusted between 3 and 4 [16] by adding 1
Since the OMB lowers the fresh mortar workabil- M phosphoric acid aqueous solution. After that,
ity, the water-to-cement ratio (W/C) was adjusted for the other constituents including cement and
an approximately the same mortar workability deter- sand were added slowly with complete mixing.
mined by ow table test taking the ow as 110±5 % for The prepared cement mortars were then cast
fresh mortars in accordance with ASTM C1437 and into molds. The molds were stored at an atmo-
ASTM C230. The adjusted water-to-cement ratios for sphere of more than 95% relative humidity at
different replacement levels are illustrated in Fig. 6. 25 ºC for the first 24 h and then the specimens
were cured in lime-saturated water at 25 ºC un-
til the time of testing.

2.2.4. Measurement of Physico-Mechanical Properties

The physico-mechanical properties that are

evaluated in the present study include com-
pressive strength, dry bulk specific gravity,
volume of permeable pore space, and water
absorption. The effect of OMB dosage on com-
Fig. 6. Water-to-cement ratio for different replacement pressive strength of Portland cement mortar
levels of organo-modified bentonite. specimens was investigated by measuring 7-,

A. Allahverdi, Z. Padar and M. Mahinroosta

14-, 21-, and 28-day compressive strengths. 14-, 21-, and 28-day compressive strengths of
Equations 3 to 5 were also used to determine mortar specimens increase initially and then
dry bulk specific gravity, volume of permeable decrease after reaching a peak value as the dos-
pore space (voids), and water absorption of the age of OMB enhances up to 5 wt.%. As seen, a
mortar specimens in accordance with ASTM C replacement level of 3.5 wt.% can result in an
642-90: almost 11.43% increase in 28-day compressive
strength compared to plain PC mortar. The rea-
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Dry bulk specific gravity = A/(C-D) (3) son for the observed trend is that because the
compressive strength is primarily controlled
Volume of permeable pore space, % = (C-A)/(C-D) ×100 (4) by the total porosity in mortars, the increase
in compressive strength may probably be due
Water absorption after immersion, % = (B-A)/A×100 (5) to the reduction in total porosity (that will be
confirmed in section 3.2). In addition, at rela-
In which, A is the oven-dry mass; B is saturat- tively higher OMB replacement levels (beyond
ed mass after immersion; C is saturated mass 3.5 wt.%), compressive strength undergoes a
after boiling, and D is immersed apparent decrease accompanied with a decrease in dry
mass. For each measurement, three specimens bulk specific gravity and corresponding in-
were used and the average value was reported creases in both volume of permeable pore space
as the result. The oven drying was carried out and water absorption (to be considered in Figs.
at 100 to 110 °C for not less than 24 h. After 8-10 in section 3.2) confirming the effect of
oven drying, the specimens were allowed to excess OMB (more than 3.5%) in decreasing
cool to ambient temperature and their mass- the compressive strength due to a reduction in
es were then measured. The oven drying was microstructure compactness. One explanation
repeated until the difference between any two for these observations might be the tendency
consecutive values was less than 0.5% of the of OMB to form clusters at replacement levels
lowest value measured. In the next step, the higher than 3.5 wt.%. This, in turn, can cause
oven-dried specimens were immersed in water the enhancement of the volume of the perme-
at 21 °C for not less than 48 h. After immer- able pore space and consequently decline of the
sion, the surface of the specimens was dried compressive strength [13]. Detailed investiga-
with a towel to remove its surface moisture. tions are required to clear the exact mechanism
The mass of the specimens (B value) was then of OMB on hydration kinetics and microstruc-
determined. To obtain C value, the specimens ture evolution of Portland cement paste that de-
were placed in a suitable container, covered termine the concrete properties including com-
with tap water, and boiled for 5 h. Afterward, pressive strength and porosity.
the specimens were allowed to cool for not
less than 14 h to a final temperature of 20-25
°C. After the temperature was achieved, the
mass of the specimens was measured. In the
final step, the specimens were suspended by a
wire in water and their mass was determined
(D value).


3. 1. Compressive Strength

The results obtained for compressive

strengths of mortar specimens are shown in Fig. 7. Variations in compressive strength versus
Fig. 7. From the figure, it is seen that the 7-, replacement level of OMB.

Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2019

3. 2. Dry Bulk Speci c Gravity, Voids, and Water The variations in water absorption caused by
Absorption OMB are shown in Fig. 10. As represented by
this figure, it can come to the conclusion that
The results obtained for dry bulk specific gravi- replacements at around 3.5 wt.% resulted in
ty and volume of permeable pore space of 28-day reduced water absorption. At this replacement
cured mortar and paste specimens are shown in fig- level, the OMB particles situated around capil-
ures 7 and 8, respectively. A comparison of the results lary pores can obstruct the diffusion of external
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clearly shows reverse trends in variations of dry bulk solutions due to their hydrophobic properties.
specific gravity and volume of permeable pore space Therefore, an optimum replacement level can
versus replacement level of OMB verifying each oth- reduce the amount of water absorption by al-
er. According to Figs. 8 and 9, at a replacement level most 16.20% compared to the reference mortar.
of 3.5 wt.%, dry bulk specific gravity shows its peak Enhancement of the amount of water absorption
value and volume of permeable pore space reaches its at the replacement level of 5 wt.% is probably
minimum value confirming the dense packing effect due to the formation of clusters of OMB around
brought about by OMB. The variations observed in capillary pores. Formation of clusters can result
dry bulk specific gravity and volume of permeable in larger capillary pores which in turn increase
pore space imply the presence of an optimum value the volume of permeable pore space and water
around 3.5 wt.% for replacement level and at a wa- absorption [2].
ter-to-cement ratio of 0.53 providing a dense packing
effect. Effective modification of mortar properties by
OMB, therefore, can result in an almost 20.78% re-
duction in the total volume of permeable pore space.

Fig. 10. Variations in water absorption of cement paste and

mortar versus replacement level of OMB.

Fig. 8. Variations in dry bulk specific gravity of cement It should be noted that the price of the used
paste and mortar versus replacement level of OMB. surfactant, i.e. trioctylmethyl ammonium chlo-
ride, with a purity of more than 97% is 6-9 USD
per gram [18], which can significantly affect the
price of the final product. The important point,
however, is the significant effect of which this
has on durability performance and service life
of the concrete structures in an aggressive envi-
ronment. It must, therefore, be considered that
the final product has great potential as a special
concrete for special (and not general) applica-
tions. Studying the impact of the price of sur-
factant on the final product price is beyond the
scope of this work because it requires a detailed
Fig. 9. Variations in volume of permeable pore space of and precise cost analysis including the concrete
cement paste and mortar versus replacement level of OMB. service life and the reduced repair costs during

A. Allahverdi, Z. Padar and M. Mahinroosta

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