Construction and Building Materials: Mehmet Saltan, Serdal Terzi, Sebnem Karahancer
Construction and Building Materials: Mehmet Saltan, Serdal Terzi, Sebnem Karahancer
Construction and Building Materials: Mehmet Saltan, Serdal Terzi, Sebnem Karahancer
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of the research was to evaluate the performance of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and bitumen by mod-
Received 13 November 2017 ifying bitumen with nano materials according to SuperpaveTM mix design procedure. In this research, bitu-
Received in revised form 30 March 2018 men was modified by Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) and Carbon Nanotubes Doped with 50
Accepted 2 April 2018
wt% SiO2 Nanopowder (SiO2dopedCNT). Nano materials were mixed with base bitumen at contents of 1, 3
and 5% by weight. Rutting and fatigue performance of bitumen was determined. HMA is prepared with
nano modified bitumen at optimum binder content (OBC). Moisture susceptibility of modified hot mix
asphalt was evaluated according to Modified Lottman test procedure. Nano modified bitumens were also
Carbon nanotube
evaluated by scanning electron microscopy whether the modification was uniform or not.
Nano-modified bitumen As a result, better performance was obtained by SiO2dopedCNT modification. Performance Grade (PG)
Rutting and fatigue performance of all modified bitumen was determined as PG 64-22 except MWCNT modified bitumen at the content of
1% (which was PG 58-22). OBCs were decreased by modification. All nano modified hot mix asphalt sam-
ples were determined as high resistive to moisture compared to reference sample except samples mod-
ified with SiO2dopedCNT at the content of 5%. Homogenous mixture was obtained according to scanning
electron microscopy results. It was found that the agglomeration of nano materials is mostly lower than
4 lm in the mixtures.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Damages that occur during the useful life of pavement mainly
are rutting, permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. Since
The performance of HMA is affected by characteristics of com- the recovery and reconstruction of defects will be costly, therefore,
ponents and behaviour of these components in the mixture. This the prevention of such cases would be more economical [1].
effect depends on the subjected environmental factors of compo- It is expected that modification of bitumen with nano-materials
nents. When the asphaltic materials do not satisfy the require- improve the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures including
ments for constructing a well-performing bituminous structure, an increase of stiffness modulus, increase of strength against strip-
modification usually is adopted as one of the best and most attrac- ping, increase of strength against moisture damage, prevention of
tive strategies for meeting the desired properties of used materials. cracks and increase of resistance against creep. Several nanomate-
Better engineering of complex materials such as asphalt at the rials have the possibility to be utilized to modify bitumen, as for
nano level will result in a range of newly introduced smart charac- examples, nano-sized hydrated lime, nano-sized plastic powders
teristics. The service life of pavements varies according to struc- or polymerized powders, nanoclay, nanosilica, nanotubes and
tural design conditions, characteristics of materials, layer nanofibres.
thickness, maintenance and accepted damage criterion. Nano materials have unique properties; they have been devel-
oped rapidly as useful additives for asphalt mixture. These proper-
⇑ Corresponding author. ties include a large fraction of surface atoms, high surface work,
E-mail addresses: (M. Saltan), quantum effects, structural features, and spatial confinement.
(S. Terzi), (S. Karahancer).
0950-0618/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Saltan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 228–237 229
Benefits of nano modified bitumen include improvement of resis- In this research, modified carbon nanotubes with SiO2
tant to rutting, cracking, and fatigue [2,3]. nanopowder by weight of 50% to improve the performance of car-
Nanosilica and carbon nanotube has been extensively used as bon nanotube were chosen. MWCNT was also chosen to compare
an inorganic additive to improve the properties of bituminous the effect of modified carbon nanotube with SiO2 nano powder
materials [4–7]. Shafabakhsh and Ani aim to analyze the results by weight of 50%. These nano materials were added to bitumen
of laboratory tests that were performed on modified steel slag to improve the rutting and fatigue performance of bitumen and
asphalt mixture (SSAM) containing TiO2 and nano SiO2 particles, moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures. Nano materials were
the materials that are added to improve the rutting resistance of mixed with base bitumen at contents of 1, 3 and 5% by weight.
nano modified asphalt mixtures. Results showed that adding nano Rheological properties of nano-modified bitumen were analyzed
TiO2 and nano SiO2 boost the bitumen’s rheological characteristics by use of bitumen tests such as Rotational Viscosity (RV), Dynamic
and improve toughness and viscosity by an average of 30% and Shear Rheometer (DSR) and Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR). In
109%, respectively while reducing penetration grade. In addition, addition, the short- and long-term ageing properties of nano-
the asphalt’s rutting resistance and fatigue life were improved modified bitumen were analyzed, with the ageing process
[2]. Tanzadeh et al. studied the effect of nano-TiO2 on rutting per- simulated by Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) and the Pressure
formance of asphalt pavements. The purpose of this study was Ageing Vessel (PAV). Furthermore, rutting and fatigue performance
research on the effect of nano-TiO2 in improving bitumen property of bitumen was determined by G⁄/sind and G⁄.sind parameters
and rutting resistance in asphalt pavement under dynamic loading. obtained by DSR after ageing process. Nano modified asphalt
The results of their study illustrated that using nano-TiO2 in bitu- mixtures were prepared and compacted by Superpave Gyratory
men samples caused to an improvement in rutting depth in com- Compactor (SGC). OBC of all nano modified mixtures were also
parison with the ordinary mixtures [8]. determined and compared to the non-modified mixture. Indirect
Yusoff et. al. investigated the performance characteristics of Tensile (IDT) strength and moisture susceptibility of modified hot
polymer-modified asphalt mixture (PMA) with the addition of mix asphalt was determined according to Modified Lottman test
nano-silica particles. The addition of 4% nano-silica with PMA procedure (AASHTO T283). Nano modified bitumens were also
appeared to have the greatest potential for beneficial modification evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) whether the
of the binder [9]. Motlagh et. al. investigated that promote techni- modification was uniform or not.
cal characteristics of bitumen and asphalt mixtures using carbon
nanotubes as an additive material for bitumen. As a result, mixture
with minimal mechanical changes in the characteristics of asphalt 2. Materials
mixtures was obtained that not only in terms of physical proper-
ties is not much different, but also improves the quality of its 2.1. Aggregate
chemical properties [10]. Tan et. al. in order to improve the perfor-
mance of composite modified asphalt, the central composite Limestone aggregate was used in hot mix asphalt. HMA sam-
design-response surface methodology was used to determine the ples were prepared for wearing course. The nominal maximum
optimum content of raw materials. The rheological behaviour aggregate size was selected as 12.5 mm. Gradation curve was
including accumulation of deformation, viscoelastic ratio, creep selected in accordance with SuperpaveTM for the dense graded
strength, creep strain rate ‘‘m” was analyzed by testing in central HMA (Fig. 1).
composite model. Response surface of the overall desirability was
established. The test results indicated that the optimum raw mate- 2.2. Modification materials
rials ratio was asphalt: rubber powder: additive: SBS: SBR =
100:25:7:5:3 (by weight) [11]. The chemical and physical properties of MWCNT and SiO2-
Also, the characterization of modified bitumen is important for dopedCNT were given in Tables 1 and 2. Because SiO2dopedCNT
better understanding the dispersion of nano materials into bitu- is obtained from modification of CNT by SiO2 it is given only
men. Guo et. al. were conducted an adsorption-separation test of MWCNT and SiO2 seperately. The same component is used in this
asphalt binder on surface of mineral fillers to separate the struc- study to compare the effect of modified carbon nanotube with
ture asphalt binder and free asphalt binder [12]. SiO2 nano powder by weight of 50%.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Sieve Size (mm, X0.45)
3.3. Performance of bitumen and HMA
Chemical formula SiO2
Molar mass 60.08 gmol1
Appearance Transparent solid (amorphous), white (powder) 3.3.1. Dynamic shear rheometer
Density 2.648 (a-quartz), 2.196 (amorphous) gcm3 DSR test is used to describe the viscous and elastic behaviour of
Melting point 1713 °C (3115 °F; 1986 K) (amorphous) bitumen at medium and high temperatures. Both shear modulus
Boiling point 2950 °C (5340 °F; 3220 K)
(G⁄) and phase angle (d) are measured by DSR. The test is per-
Thermal conductivity 12 (|| c-axis), 6.8 (\ c-axis), 1.4 (am.) W/(mK)
Refractive index (nD) 1.544 (o), 1.553 (e) formed on unaged, RTFOT aged and PAV aged bitumen. The test
is largely software controlled. The DSR test is undertaken according
to AASHTO T 315.
2.3. Bitumen
PG 64-22 performance grade bitumen was used in this research. 3.3.2. Bending beam rheometer
All properties of nano modified and non-modified bitumen were BBR test describes a measure of low-temperature stiffness and
determined according to SuperpaveTM bitumen tests which are relaxation properties of bitumen. These parameters give an indica-
DSR, BBR, RTFOT and PAV (Table 3). Penetration, softening point, tion of a bitumen’s ability to resist low temperature cracking. BBR
ductility and rotational viscometer tests were also performed on test is performed on PAV aged bitumen. BBR is undertaken accord-
modified and non-modified bitumen. ing to AASHTO T 313.
Table 3
Properties of nano modified and non-modified bitumen.
3.3.4. Modified Lottman test Samples are also exposed to the freeze-thaw cycle. Indirect ten-
Modified Lottman test is conducted to determine the moisture sile strength test is run on each sample. Tensile strength values are
susceptibility of HMA samples by means of IDT strength. Six sam- recorded and Tensile Strength Retained (TSR) is calculated. The
ples are prepared and divided into two as three subsets. One subset resistance to moisture damage is expressed as a ratio of the uncon-
is ‘‘unconditioned (IDTu Þ ” (tested in a dry state) and the other is ditioned sample tensile strength that is retained after conditioning.
‘‘conditioned (IDTc Þ ” (tested in a saturated state). Each sample is
placed in a vacuum container and vacuum saturation is applied IDT ¼ ð5Þ
for conditioning. The saturation level is calculated as follows: pdh
msurf :dry ma IDT c
SL ¼ 10:000 ð1Þ TSR ¼ 100 ð6Þ
Va Vs IDT u
ðGmax Gbulk Þ where IDT is the indirect tensile strength, P is the max load, d is the
Va ¼ ð2Þ
Gmax diameter of the specimens, h is the height of the specimens. IDT c is
the average strength value of the conditioned specimens and IDT u is
V s ¼ msurf :dry mw ð3Þ the average strength value of the unconditioned specimens.
Gbulk ¼ ð4Þ 4. Results and discussion
where SL is saturation level (%),msurf :dry is saturated surface dry 4.1. Optimum binder content
weight (g), ma is weight in air (g), V a is air voids (%), V s is volume
of the specimen, Gmax is theoretical gravity, Gbulk is bulk specific OBC was determined according to SuperpaveTM. SGC was used
gravity and mw is the weight of the specimen in water. for compaction at 4% air void content and in four percentages
R² = 0.9805
R² = 0.9984
VMA, %
R² = 1 14.5 R² = 0.8382
3 R² = 0.9997
2 13.5
1 R² = 0.9999
0 12.5
3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 3.5 4 4.5 5
Bitumen Content, % Bitumen Content, %
R² = 0.942
R² = 0.2679
80 2.39
VFA, %
R² = 0.9916 R² = 0.9979 R² = 1
70 2.35
R² = 0.9876
R² = 0.9996
50 2.29
3.5 4 4.5 5 3.5 4 4.5 5
Bitumen Content, % Bitumen Content, %
Fig. 2. Optimum binder content for SiO2dopedCNT.
232 M. Saltan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 228–237
4.5%, 5%, 5.5% and 6%. OBC was determined for base HMA as 4.5% gue performance of bitumen. For this aim, SiO2dopedCNT and
by weight. Optimum binder graphs were drawn by air void content MWCNT modified and non-modified bitumen were exposed to
obtained from SGC. OBC (4.5%) ensured the specification limit for short term ageing by RTFOT and long term oxidative ageing by
both Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) and Voids Filled with PAV. After that unaged and aged bitumen were tested by DSR.
Asphalt (VFA). Complex shear modulus (G⁄) and phase angle (d) were com-
OBC was also determined for all three percentages of both SiO2- pared for unaged bitumens (Fig. 4a and 4b). When compared to
dopedCNT and MWCNT, separately. Compaction effort was con- base bitumen, phase angle was decreased by SiO2dopedCNT and
ducted for 4% air void content and in four percentages 3.5%, 4%, MWCNT modified with 5% and also complex shear modulus was
4.5% and 5% because 4% air void was obtained for these percent- increased by these modifications at 64 °C (Fig. 4a). But the phase
ages. OBC was determined for 1%, 3% and 5% SiO2dopedCNT mod- angle was decreased for all modifications except MWCNT 5% when
ified HMA as 4.46%, 3.97% and 4.59% by weight, respectively. compared to base bitumen at 70 °C (Fig. 4b). It means that the
Optimum binder graphs were drawn in accordance with air void decrease in phase angle (at 64 °C) bitumen became more elastic.
content (Fig. 2) for all percentages of modifications together. OBC But the increase in phase angle (at 70 °C) means that the bitumen
was also determined for 1%, 3% and 5% MWCNT modified HMA became more viscous.
as 4.05%, 4.6% and 4.51% by weight, respectively (Fig. 3). OBCs of The G⁄/sind parameters were determined for unaged bitumen
1% and 3% SiO2dopedCNT and 1% MWCNT modified HMA were (Fig. 5). G⁄/sind 1.00 kPa limit value for unaged bitumens was
decreased by modification compared to base bitumen. OBC of SiO2- ensured by all modifications @64 °C. G⁄/sind parameters of SiO2-
dopedCNT at the content of 3% was 11% lower than base bitumen. dopedCNT 3% and 5% and MWCNT 5% modified bitumens were
higher than base bitumen. These modified bitumens had more
4.2. DSR results deformation resistance when compared to base bitumen for the
unaged process.
In this research, SiO2dopedCNT and MWCNT were utilized in The G⁄/sind parameter was determined for RTFOT aged bitu-
three percentages of 1%, 3% and 5% to improve the rutting and fati- mens for 2.2 kPa limit value (Fig. 6). The rutting performance of
VMA, %
R² = 0.9956 R² = 0.8853
R² = 0.9991 14.5
1 13.5
R² = 0.9999
R² = 0.9881
-1 12.5
3.5 4 4.5 5 3.5 4 4.5 5
Bitumen Content, % Bitumen Content, %
MWCNT1% MWCNT3% MWCNT5% Reference
MWCNT5% Reference 2.48
Specification Limit
100 R² = 0.9898 R² = 0.9789
Specific Gravity, gr/cm3
R² = 0.9996 R² = 0.9984
VFA, %
80 2.4
70 2.38 R² = 0.9569
R² = 0.9996
60 2.36
R² = 0.2679
50 R² = 0.9875 2.34
40 2.32
3.5 4 4.5 5 3.5 4 4.5 5
Bitumen Content, % Bitumen Content, %
(a) (b)
1.00 0.60
87 87.2 87.4 87.6 87.8 88 88.2 87.5 88 88.5 89
Phase Angle,
Phase Angle,
SiO2dopedCNT%1 SiO2dopedCNT%3 SiO2dopedCNT%5 SiO2dopedCNT1% SiO2dopedCNT3% SiO2dopedCNT5%
Reference Reference
Fig. 4. Complex shear modulus vs. phase angle (a) @64 °C (b) @70 °C.
G*/sin , kPa
62 64 66 68 70 72
Temperature, °C
SiO2dopedCNT1% SiO2dopedCNT3% SiO2dopedCNT5%
Reference limit
G*/sin , kPa
57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71
Temperature, °C
SiO2dopedCNT1% SiO2dopedCNT3% SiO2dopedCNT5% MWCNT1%
MWCNT3% MWCNT5% Reference limit
Fig. 6. G /sin d 2.2 kPa for RTFOT aged bitumens.
234 M. Saltan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 228–237
bitumen could be evaluated with G⁄/sind 2.2 kPa parameter. The dopedCNT at the content of 3% was found that the optimum per-
rutting performance of SiO2dopedCNT 5% and MWCNT 3% and 5% centage for this research.
was higher than other modified bitumens and base bitumen. The
G⁄/sind 2.2 kPa parameter was also ensured at 58 °C for MWCNT 4.3. BBR results
1%. Performance grade of MWCNT 1% is determined as PG58-22.
The G⁄.sind parameter was determined for RTFOT + PAV aged Creep stiffness of modified bitumens was determined at 60 s.
bitumens (Fig. 7). Fatigue performance of bitumens could be eval- SiO2dopedCNT and MWCNT modified bitumens showed lowest
uated with G⁄.sind 5000 kPa parameter. The fatigue performance creep stiffness for 3% modifications. Thermal cracking performance
of SiO2dopedCNT 1% and 3% and MWCNT 1% and 3% was higher could be evaluated with creep stiffness. So that the thermal crack-
than other modified bitumens and base bitumen. ing resistance was increased by SiO2dopedCNT and MWCNT 3%
SiO2dopedCNT showed the highest performance when all DSR modification when compared to base bitumen and the other mod-
results evaluated. For the modification of base bitumen with SiO2- ified bitumens.
Creep stiffness and creep ratio of all bitumens were determined
9000 and compared (Fig. 8). The lowest creep stiffness was obtained for
8000 SiO2dopedCNT 3% modified bitumen. Creep stiffness should be
7000 maximum 300 MPa according to specification. Specification limit
6000 was ensured by all modifications. Creep ratio (m-value) could also
G*.Sin , kPa
5000 be obtained from BBR test results. Creep ratio (m-value) should be
4000 minimum 0.300 according to specification. Specification limit was
3000 ensured by all modifications. Creep stiffness results were also sup-
2000 ported by m-value results.
20 22 24 26 28 30 32
4.4. RV results
Temperature, °C
Rotational viscometer test was performed on modified and
SiO2dopedCNT1% SiO2dopedCNT3% SiO2dopedCNT5%
unmodified bitumens. Rotational viscometer results were
Reference limit
determined for all bitumens (Fig. 9). The viscosity of SiO2dopedCNT
1% and MWCNT 1% and 3% modified bitumens were lower than
Fig. 7. G*.sind 5000 kPa for RTFOT + PAV aged bitumens. base bitumen. This means that the mixing and compaction
300 0.33
250 0.32
50 0.29
0 0.28
Fig. 8. BBR results (a) creep stiffness (b) m-value of all modified bitumens.
(a) (b)
0.5 0.5
Viscosity, Pa.s
Viscosity, Pa.s
0.05 0.05
130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190
Temperature, C Temperature, C
temperatures were lower than the base bitumen and so that these temperatures were also determined as 148.4 °C and 147.8 °C for
modified bitumens had more workability. MWCNT 1% and SiO2dopedCNT 3%, respectively while base bitu-
Mixing and compaction intervals and temperatures of bitumens men was 149 °C.
were determined by the cut point of 0.17 ± 2 Pa.s and 0.28 ± 3 Pa.s
intervals. According to mixing and compaction temperatures 4.5. Indirect tensile strength test results
MWCNT 1% and SiO2dopedCNT 3% modified bitumens were most
workable modified bitumens. Mixing temperatures were deter- IDT Strength of HMA samples was determined (Fig. 10a). IDT u
mined as 160.2 °C and 160.5 °C for MWCNT 1% and SiO2dopedCNT values were increased with the increase of SiO2dopedCNT and
3%, respectively, while base bitumen was 162.7 °C. Compaction MWCNT percentage. Only MWCNT 1% modified HMA sample had
1400 100
1200 80
1000 70
TSR, %
800 50
600 40
400 20
200 10
Fig. 10. (a) Indirect tensile strength (conditioned and unconditioned) (b) moisture susceptibility (TSR).
Fig. 11. SEM images (a) non-modified bitumen (b) MWCNT 1% (c) MWCNT 3% (d) MWCNT 5% (e) SiO2dopedCNT 1% (f) SiO2dopedCNT 3% (g) SiO2dopedCNT 5%.
236 M. Saltan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 228–237
Table 4
Comparing all results as% reclamation.
Test Penetration Softening point Stiffness Rutting performance Fatigue performance IDTU TSR OBC
(% reclamation)
1% ;8.36 "2.90 "2.81 ;8.44 "9.83 "15.63 "5 ;0.88
3% ;18.00 "1.60 ;8.45 ;5.85 "37.72 "27.00 "17.5 ;11.77
5% ;22.02 "7.31 "12.20 "10.12 ;7.43 "38.05 ;8.75 "2
1% ;7.39 ;1.90 "7.04 ;14.22 "4.18 ;6.51 "7.5 ;10
3% ;18.16 ;1.20 ;1.87 "0.47 "16.42 "22.53 "8.75 "2.22
5% ;21.86 "0.80 "4.22 "0.44 ;28.02 "39.76 "8.75 "0.22
" Higher% when compared to reference sample.
; Lower% when compared to reference sample.
less performance when compared to reference HMA sample. So all SiO2dopedCNT 5% modified bitumen had highest rutting perfor-
modified HMA samples showed higher strength compared to refer- mance with 10.12% increase compared to base bitumen after
ence HMA sample. IDT u values of SiO2dopedCNT 1%, 3% and 5% RTFOT ageing. Elastic behaviour and rutting performance of
modified HMA samples were increased in the ratios of 15.63%, SiO2dopedCNT 5% modified bitumen were increased.
27.0% and 38.05%, respectively. IDT u values of MWCNT 3% and 5% SiO2dopedCNT 3% modified bitumen had highest fatigue perfor-
modified HMA samples were increased in the ratios of 22.53% mance with 37.72% increase compared to base bitumen after
and 39.76%, respectively. So that the high-performance HMA sam- PAV ageing.
ples were obtained by SiO2dopedCNT and MWCNT modifications. The mixing and compaction temperatures of SiO2dopedCNT 3%
TSR of HMA samples was determined (Fig. 10b) for moisture and MWCNT 1% modified bitumens were decreased compared
susceptibility. TSR should be minimum 80% according to the spec- to base bitumen. Energy saving was improved by modification.
ification. Moisture susceptibility of HMA samples was evaluated by OBC of non-modified HMA was determined as 4.5%. SiO2-
TSR. All modifications ensured the specification limit. TSR was dopedCNT 3% modified HMA had lowest OBC with 11.77%
higher for all modifications than the reference HMA sample except decrease compared to non-modified HMA.
SiO2dopedCNT 5%. As a result, highest moisture resistance was IDT u values of all modified HMA samples were increased except
obtained by SiO2dopedCNT 3% modified HMA sample. MWCNT 1% modified HMA. So that the strength of HMA sam-
ples were improved.
4.6. SEM results SiO2dopedCNT 3% modified HMA had highest moisture resis-
tance with 17.5% increase compared to non-modified HMA.
SEM analysis was conducted on modified bitumens and com- SEM images showed that the dispersion of nano materials in
pared to non-modified bitumen, to determine the dispersion of bitumen matrix was homogenous. There were 1–40 mm sized
SiO2dopedCNT and MWCNT in bitumen matrix (Fig. 11a). Accord- nano material conglomerates in bitumen rarely but generally,
ing to SEM analysis, MWCNT nanotube dispersion was found in the size of the nanotubes was in micrometre and nanometre
bitumen as 1–5 lm conglomerates. SiO2dopedCNT dispersion size.
was found as 1–10 lm conglomerates (Fig. 11b, 11c, 12d, 12e, When comparing all results, SiO2dopedCNT at the content of 3%
12f and 12 g). So that, MWCNTs and SiO2dopedCNTs were uni- modification showed highest performance.
formly dispersed in bitumen up to 4 lm. Still, there were agglom-
erations in bitumen up to 20–40 lm. It was hard to find MWCNTs
Conflict of interest
in bitumen because nanotubes have same chemical formulas with
bitumen. But there were different chemical bond structures with
There is no conflict of interest.
bitumen. Tube structure of MWCNT could also be seen with
MWCNT5% (Fig. 11d). The structure of nanotube was saved in
bitumen. Ethical statement
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