Cold In-Place Recycling Using Foamed Bitumen - Step Towards Sustainable Road Construction
Cold In-Place Recycling Using Foamed Bitumen - Step Towards Sustainable Road Construction
Cold In-Place Recycling Using Foamed Bitumen - Step Towards Sustainable Road Construction
Chief Engineer, Project Shivalik, Border Roads Organisation, Rishikesh 249202, India, e-mail:
Executive Engineer, Project Shivalik, Border Roads Organisation, Rishikesh 249202, India, e-
Junior Engineer, Project Shivalik, Border Roads Organisation, Rishikesh 249202, India, e-mail:
KEYWORDS: Foamed bitumen, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) material, Mix design, Wirtgen,
Equipment train, Half life, Expansion
1. Introduction
Pavements deteriorate with time with increased use and also due to fatigue of the materials.
The rate of deterioration of the pavements depends on the structural adequacy of the pavement,
traffic, climate and environmental factors. Conventionally, an overlay is provided over
deteriorated pavements to increase the structural condition of the pavements. This process
requires virgin materials viz., aggregates and binder. In case of strengthening of pavements
involving strengthening of granular layers, the bituminous binder & wearing layer is scraped out
and disposed off as debris, thus wasting valuable natural aggregates and bitumen content in it.
For construction of 40 mm overlay of bituminous concrete (BC) per km of two lane road,
approximately 240 cum of aggregate and 27 tonnes of bitumen are required. Similarly for
construction of an overlay with 75 mm thick dense bituminous macadam (DBM) and 40 mm thick
bituminous concrete, for a two lane road approximately 700 cum of aggregates and 80 tons of
bitumen are required, per km.
Pavement recycling is the process of removing pavement materials for reuse in resurfacing or
reconstructing a pavement. By recycling of the existing bituminous pavement layers, huge
quantities of valuable material can be saved and life of the pavement layers can be enhanced.
Considering the material and construction costs alone, it is estimated that by using recycled
materials, savings ranging from 14 to 34 % can be achieved. Large scale rehabilitation demands
have seen the adoption of cold in place recycling as the preferred technique which is both
technically and financially viable. Recycling of existing pavements for rehabilitation of roads has
gained considerable importance due to depletion of aggregates and high cost of transportation of
road construction material.
Foamed Bituminous Mix technique has become more popular where full depth reclamation
(FDR) involving strengthening of base is sought. Foamed bitumen allows use of 100% RAP
material for stabilizing and strengthening of base layers. The construction process of foamed
bituminous stabilised (FBS) layer includes pulverising of the existing bituminous or base layers
pavement layers, addition of virgin aggregates if required, application of foamed bitumen, active
filler material and water, placement, compaction and curing. The cured and compacted FBS layer
is overlaid by BC as a surfacing course. The recycling of the pavement by this process involves
the replacement of the existing bituminous binder course with the FBS layer.
2. Foamed Bitumen
Foamed bitumen was produced and patented by August Jacobi in 1928 (Xu and Hao 2012).
Due to various reasons such as patent, the use of foamed bitumen was not widespread until 1990’s
(Jenkins et al. 2006). The use of foamed bituminous materials was limited before the early 1990’s
until the patent rights obtained by Mobil Oil Australia in 1968 lapsed in 1990 (Weston et al.
2002). Professor Ladis Csanyi (1957) at Iowa State University, perceived foamed bitumen as a
means of improving the quality of marginal aggregates such as loess, to enable them to be used in
road pavements. Foamed bitumen has been found to produce good quality cold mixtures when
added to mineral aggregates of varying strength qualities such as aggregate crushing value..
Foamed bitumen technologies have been successfully implemented in South Africa, Australia,
United States and Europe (Lee and Kim 2003).
Foamed bitumen is produced when a small quantity of cold water is injected into the hot
bitumen. The bitumen forms and expands up to eighteen to twenty times more than its original
volume. The foamed bitumen bubble collapses in less than a minute (Asphalt Academy, 2009).
Figure 2.1 shows a schematic of the foaming process.
Wirtgen (2012) explains the mechanism associated with foamed binder mixing in the
following manner: “During the mixing with aggregates the bubbles burst and break into tiny
bitumen splinters that disperse throughout the aggregate by adhering to the finer particles. Due
to large surface area of the bubbles and breaking of bubbles into tiny bitumen splinters, the
foamed bitumen completely coats the finer particles and these finer particles spot welds the larger
size aggregate which provides better cohesion in the mix”.
2.2 Characterisation of Foamed Bitumen
Unlike in viscosity grade Bitumen where the parameter for determination of quality of
binder is viscosity, Foamed bitumen is characterised by two parameters and they are Expansion
Ratio (ER) and Half-life time (HLT). Expansion ratio of foamed bitumen is the ratio between the
maximum volume achieved in the foamed state and the final volume of the binder after the foam
has decayed (Jenkins et al. 1999). Half life time is the time measured in seconds for the foamed
bitumen to subside from the maximum volume to the half of the maximum volume (Jenkins et al.
1999). The measurement of ER and HLT are highly dependent upon the individual estimation and
judgement because of rapid foaming and settling of bitumen and the manual timings recorded by
stop watch. Hence, the measurements made for determining ER and HLT are empirical. The ER
and HLT is measured in the laboratory by using foaming equipment as shown in Figure 2.2
The optimum FWC and the foaming temperature is determined to achieve the maximum ER
and HLT and also ensure that these values are well above the minimum acceptable limits.
Figure 2.4 shows the Wirtgen approach for determining optimum FWC at a particular
temperature. The minimum acceptable ER and HLT is considered as 8 times and 6 seconds
respectively. The average foamed water contents at which the minimum ER and HLT occurs, is
considered as the optimum foamed water content (Wirtgen, 2012).
Figure 2.4: Wirtgen approach to determine Optimum Foamed water content, (Wirtgen 2012)
3. Using foamed bitumen as a binding agent in cold mix
Foamed bitumen is a versatile binding agent which can be used for a large variety of
mineral aggregates of different types and origins. Reclaimed Asphalt material (RAP) or natural
gravels can be treated with foamed bitumen and used for road construction or road rehabilitation.
Cold processing with foamed bitumen is an economical alternative to new construction. A
cold recycling machine blends the foamed bitumen into the unbound gravel layer, thus not only
improving the road’s load-bearing capacity but also increasing its service life. The recycled
pavement should be sealed by means of a surface treatment or a thin asphalt layer. Figure 3.1
shows the material required to produce a foamed bitumen mix.
Mix design for proposed mix is generally carried out to select mix proportions in order to
achieve optimum values for laboratory measured properties, structural and functional
requirements of the in-service mix and retention of the relevant engineering properties at in-
service conditions of temperature, moisture and loading conditions.
Standardized mix design procedure has yet not been evolved for foamed bituminous mix.
The most common mix-design method is based on Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) test. The ITS
test is conducted on dry and wet sample made from Marshall moulds of dia 101.6 mm and
63.5mm height with 75 blow each side. The samples are prepared with varying foamed bitumen
content. ITS of foamed asphalt mixes tends to increase to a maximum as the binder content is
increased and then decreases with increase in foamed bitumen content. Optimum Binder content
(OBC) is determined based on highest ITS wet and dry ITS value on a particular foamed bitumen
content. It should also be ensured that the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR), which is the ratio
between ITS wet and dry should not be less than 80%.
The outline of the mix design procedure generally followed by Asphalt Academy is given in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Foamed bituminous mix design flow chart
6. Field Techniques
Project evaluation is the first step in the construction process. It is necessary for a
comprehensive site investigation to be conducted in order to quantify the quality and quantity of
RAP that will be processed during the recycling procedure. In addition, laboratory determinations
of the asphalt foaming characteristics and mix design are to be completed prior to beginning of
The construction and quality of recycling of pavement with foamed bitumen is critical to
ensure that the pavement performs satisfactory over its design life. Meticulous planning
experienced crew and correct choice of equipments plays a major role in timely completion of
project maintaining good quality. Cold in-place recycling (CIPR) is a method implemented
worldwide for the rehabilitation of damaged road pavements. One of the major benefits of the
method is that the material is simultaneously recycled in-place and mixed with a stabilizing agent,
enabling the road pavement to be strengthened without the need for a layer with expensive and
scarce virgin aggregate. Other benefits include a short construction period and capability of taking
early trafficking, significantly reduced road closures, and improvements relating to safety. These
advantages contribute to significantly lower unit costs for road rehabilitation, in comparison with
other rehabilitation methods. In addition, environmental issues related to the reuse of road
materials increase the advantages of this technology. The end result of this process is a fresh layer
that also free from the problem of reflective cracking from the distressed layer which is a major
issue with overlays despite the use of crack relieving interfaces. The minimum depth of recycling
should be 50 mm and maximum depth be 300 mm.
A large variety of equipment is available for CIPR. A train of equipments is used for CIPR
which consists of a recycler, bitumen tank and water tank. All the functions such as milling,
pulverising, rejuvenating RAP with foamed bitumen, mixing and placing are performed in a
single operation by the recycler. Water and bitumen is supplied from tankers placed ahead of
recycler. Apart from this a cement spreader is required for spreading cement, padfoot, pneumatic
and smooth steel plain rollers for compaction, motor grader for uniformly levelling and ensuring
correct profile of the pulverized material before compaction. The choice of the recycler depends
upon the depth of recycling. More the depth of recycling, higher power and capacity of recycler is
required. Recyclers are available with various widths ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 m. Most common
width available is 2.4 m, with effective width of recycling is 2.3 m. Figure 6.1 shows the
arrangement of the train of equipments used in CIPR. Figure 6.2 shows the cement spreader.
Tankers should be of adequate capacity so that recycling process should not be disrupted.
Generally 10000 ltr capacity of tank is preferred for bitumen and water.
Water Tank
Bitumen Tank
In the mix design carried out in the laboratory, 15 to 20% fresh aggregate by weight of mix is
added to RAP. In the site the addition of fresh aggregate should be carried out by spreading a
uniform layer of loose fresh aggregate by sensor paver. The loose thickness of the fresh aggregate
should be determined before laying, by determining the compacted density of pavement layer
which is to be recycled and loose density of fresh aggregates. After the fresh aggregate is spread,
dosage of cement generally 1% is spread by cement spreader.
The milling, pulverising, addition of water, treatment with foamed bitumen, mixing of
RAP, fresh aggregate, cement and laying is carried out in a single operation by the recycling train
which consists of recycler, bitumen and water tank. This operation results in a loose layer of
foamed bituminous mix as shown in Figure 6.3. The recycler has to do number of passes to cover
the entire width of pavement. For each pass the overlap should not be more than 300 mm.
The initial compaction of the loose foamed bituminous mix should be carried out by 20 T
capacity padfoot roller. After initial compaction the final leveling and profile is achieved by
grader. The foamed bituminous layer is brought to shape and excess material is removed.
6.6 Curing
The foamed bituminous mix layer gains strength with evaporation of compaction moisture.
The layer should be allowed to cure for at least a week so that all the moisture in the layer is
evaporated. Wearing course should be laid after one week.
The addition of small quantities of active filler will provide some early strength to open the
recycled layer to traffic after each day’s production. However traffic should be allowed with
caution as wet foamed bituminous layer is prone to permanent deformation. It shall be ensured
that traffic is not allowed on the surface within two hours of final compaction. Traffic should not
be allowed to stand on the surface that is less than 24 hours old. Appropriate traffic control and
signage requirements must be adhered at all times.
Foamed bituminous mixes shall not be laid in presence of standing water on the surface,
during rains, fog, or dust storm. The air temperature on the surface on which it is to be laid should
not be less than 5°C.
Typical crust composition before stabilisation and after stabilisation with foamed bitumen is
displayed at Figure 6.4
Situations that should trigger the consideration of the use of foamed bitumen technology
include the following :
Repeatedly patched pavement where repairs are no longer cost effective is an ideal
candidate for this technology.
Weak granular base overlying a reasonably strong sub-grade granular base too thin to
consider using cementitious binders
Conventional reseals or thin asphalt overlays can no longer correct flushing problems
Alternative to full depth asphalt in moderate to high traffic roads
Unfavorable wet cyclic conditions unsuitable for granular construction
Situations where an overlay is not possible due to site constraints e.g..entries to
adjacent properties and flood prone areas
Requirement to complete the rehabilitation quickly to prevent disruption to business or
Strengthening of pavement at under passes and tunnels without overlaying to maintain
the vertical clearance
8. Limitations of Foamed Bitumen mix
Some of the limitations which are observed while executing the projects using Foamed
bituminous mixes are enumerated as under. The use of CPIR is not recommended in the following
Presence of paving stones or blocks in the existing pavement which needs to be recycled
Weak bearing capacity of subgrade
Presence of geotextile layers in the pavement layer
Presence of utility services and manholes
9. Conclusion
Hot mix asphalt is 100% recyclable. Unfortunately while executing the rehabilitation,
strengthening of existing bituminous pavement we throw away or bury the distressed bituminous
resulting in wastage of valuable aggregates and bitumen. Foamed bituminous stabilized layers are
highly cost effective in comparison to construction of new pavement with virgin material which
includes high transportation cost of bitumen and aggregate to work sites. To avoid depletion of
the natural resources and to construct sustainable road the recycling technology should be widely
adopted so as to reserve the natural resources (i.e Bitumen & Aggregates) for sustainable
infrastructure development for our next generations to come.
Foamed asphalt mixes is gaining popularity owing to their good performance, ease of
construction and compatibility with a wide range of aggregate. But due to non availability of wide
guidelines and standards for execution of Foamed bituminous mix in Indian subcontinent the use
of this technology is still striving. There is need of further research on mix design execution
procedure for publication of standards and specifications. Moreover, use of recycling technology
should be made mandatory for resurfacing and strengthening projects at feasible locations which
will not only be cost effective but also will prove to be a step towards Green and Sustainable
infrastructure in India and neighboring countries.
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