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Softdesk Civil/Survey

Advanced Design
Reference Manual

Autodesk, Inc.
7 Liberty Hill Road
Henniker, NH 03242 USA

5/97 Release 8
Copyright © 1996, 1997 by Autodesk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
This documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine-readable format except in the manner described in the documentation.
Autodesk, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication
describes the state of the product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product at all
times in the future.

AutoCAD, the Softdesk Logo, and Softdesk are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and other jurisdictions by
Autodesk, Inc. The AEC Authority and the AEC Authority logo are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. All other company names and
product names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1, Introduction...........................................................................................15
Installing the Software........................................................................................................15
How to Find Information....................................................................................................15
Where to Go From Here.....................................................................................................16
Minimum System Requirements and Recommendations.....................................................17
Conventions Used in this Manual .......................................................................................17
Finding Commands in the Menus........................................................................................18
Screen Captures .................................................................................................................18
Chapter 2, Learning Advanced Design Basics.........................................................19
Advanced Design Terms ....................................................................................................20
Horizontal Alignments........................................................................................................20
Vertical Alignments............................................................................................................21
Cross Sections....................................................................................................................22
Template Surfaces..............................................................................................................23
Transitions .........................................................................................................................24
Sheet Manager....................................................................................................................24
Advanced Design Dialog Boxes.........................................................................................25
Accessing the Alignment Librarian Dialog Box .................................................................25
Template Librarian Dialog Box .........................................................................................26
Subassembly Librarian Dialog Box....................................................................................27
Command Conventions.......................................................................................................28
Working in a Multi-user Environment ................................................................................28
Working with Alignments in a Multi-User Environment.....................................................28
Clearing Locked Files........................................................................................................29
What to do if the locks do not clear....................................................................................29
Converting Project Data Files from Previous Versions......................................................30
Copying Drawing Settings to or from a Prototype ..............................................................31
Copying Advanced Design Settings to an Existing Prototype.............................................31
Copying Advanced Design Settings from an Existing Prototype.........................................31

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 3

Table of Contents

Manipulating the Drawing Environment .............................................................................32

Modifying Project Settings .................................................................................................32
Chapter 3, Drawing Horizontal Alignments.............................................................33
Entering Points, Directions, and Distances.........................................................................34
Entering Points ...................................................................................................................34
Entering Directions.............................................................................................................34
Entering Distances..............................................................................................................34
Drawing Tangents...............................................................................................................35
Drawing a Tangent by Point Selection................................................................................36
Drawing a Line or Curve Using a Range of Point Numbers................................................37
How to enter a range of points for a line ............................................................................37
How to enter a range of points for a regular curved segment..............................................37
How to enter a range of points for a fit curved segment .....................................................38
Drawing a Line Using Azimuths to Define a Direction.......................................................39
Using Points to Define a Line Direction .............................................................................40
Using Bearings to Define a Line Direction.........................................................................41
Using Point Numbers to Define a Line Direction................................................................42
Drawing a Tangent by Turned Angle..................................................................................43
Extending or Reducing a Line a Specified Distance...........................................................45
Drawing a Line Through a Range of Points ........................................................................46
Removing Points from the List............................................................................................47
Changing the Assigned Error..............................................................................................47
Adding Points.....................................................................................................................48
Drawing the Line................................................................................................................48
Drawing a Line Tangent to a Line or Curve........................................................................50
Drawing Tangents Radial or Perpendicular to an Entity.....................................................51
Drawing Tangents Radial or Perpendicular to an Alignment..............................................52
Drawing a Tangent From the End of Another Entity ...........................................................53
Drawing Tangents By Station and Offset............................................................................54
Drawing Curves .................................................................................................................55
Drawing a Curve From Two Lines.....................................................................................55
Using the Degree of Curve Option......................................................................................55
Using the Minimum Distance Option ..................................................................................55
Using the Other Design Criteria Options ............................................................................56
Drawing a Curve Through a Point ......................................................................................57
Drawing Multiple Curves...................................................................................................58
Drawing a Curve Without Breaking the Tangents...............................................................59
Drawing a Curve From an Existing Entity ..........................................................................60
Drawing a Curve Through Selected Points.........................................................................62
Removing Points from the List............................................................................................63
Changing the Assigned Error..............................................................................................63
Adding or Excluding Points................................................................................................64
Drawing the Curve .............................................................................................................64
Drawing a Concentric Curve..............................................................................................65
Drawing a Spiral ................................................................................................................66
Entity Selection Methods....................................................................................................66

4 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Spiral Command Features ..................................................................................................67

Setting the Spiral Type.......................................................................................................67
Drawing Spirals between Two Tangents ...........................................................................68
Using the Spiral-Curve-Spiral Option................................................................................69
Using the Spiral-Spiral Option...........................................................................................70
Drawing Spirals between Tangents and Curves.................................................................71
Using the Spiral Option......................................................................................................72
Using the Spi-Crv-Spi-RevSpi Option...............................................................................73
Drawing Spirals between Two Curves ..............................................................................74
Using the Spi-Tan-Spi (s) Option.......................................................................................75
Using the Spi-Tan-Spi (t) Option .......................................................................................76
Using the Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (s) Option ...............................................................................78
Using the Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (t) Option................................................................................79
Using the Compound Spiral Option....................................................................................81
Using the Comp Spi-Crv-Spi Option..................................................................................82
Using the Quad Spiral Option.............................................................................................83
Attaching Spirals to Entities...............................................................................................85
Using the Spiral In Option..................................................................................................86
Using the Spiral Out Option ...............................................................................................87
Using the Spiral to Point Option.........................................................................................88
Using the Compound Spiral Option....................................................................................89
Attaching Multiple Curves, Tangents, and Spirals to an Entity...........................................90
Attaching a Tangent............................................................................................................90
Attaching an Arc.................................................................................................................90
Attaching a Spiral...............................................................................................................91
Using Speed Tables to Calculate Curves ...........................................................................93
Setting the Path for Speed Tables.......................................................................................93
Reading, Editing or Creating a Speed Table ......................................................................95
Using a Speed Table to Create a Spiral-Curve-Spiral Between Two Tangents.................97
Listing Information About a Selected Entity.......................................................................98
Listing the Radius of a Point on a Spiral ............................................................................ 99
Chapter 4, Working With Horizontal Alignments .................................................101
The Horizontal Alignment Database.................................................................................102
Saving Your Work............................................................................................................102
Defining an Alignment by Individual Entities...................................................................103
Defining a Single Polyline Alignment ..............................................................................106
Selecting an Alignment.....................................................................................................107
Displaying the Current Alignment ....................................................................................108
Displaying the Defined Alignments..................................................................................108
Drawing Alignment Offsets..............................................................................................109
Stationing an Alignment....................................................................................................112
Modifying the Alignment Stations Settings.......................................................................113
Setting Station Equations..................................................................................................115
Clearing Station Equations...............................................................................................115
Adding Station Equations.................................................................................................115
Exiting the [Equations] Command ....................................................................................116

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 5

Table of Contents

Modifying Station Equations ............................................................................................116

Deleting Station Equations ...............................................................................................116
Duplicate Station Numbers...............................................................................................116
Setting the Text Size for Station Labels ............................................................................117
Using the Horizontal Alignment Editor.............................................................................118
Controlling the Display ....................................................................................................119
Editing a Horizontal Alignment Curve..............................................................................119
Editing a Horizontal Alignment Spiral .............................................................................121
Creating Reports for the Horizontal Alignment ................................................................125
Importing the Current Horizontal Alignment.....................................................................126
Importing Multiple Alignments.........................................................................................127
Deleting an Alignment ......................................................................................................127
Restoring Deleted Alignments..........................................................................................128
Deleting Multiple Alignments...........................................................................................129
Changing Alignment Properties ........................................................................................130
Modifying the Layer .........................................................................................................130
Modifying the Color .........................................................................................................130
Modifying the Linetype.....................................................................................................130
Modifying the Description................................................................................................130
Merging Alignments from Different Projects....................................................................131
Saving the Horizontal Alignment Database File...............................................................132
Closing the Alignment Database.......................................................................................132
Generating Stakeout Reports ............................................................................................133
Modifying the Stakeout Settings........................................................................................133
Modifying the Output Settings...........................................................................................135
Performing a Stakeout from an Alignment ........................................................................137
Outputting Horizontal Alignment Data..............................................................................139
Modifying the ASCII File Output Settings ........................................................................140
Setting, Labeling, and Displaying Points ..........................................................................141
How to Select Points........................................................................................................141
Listing the Station and Offset of a Point............................................................................141
Labeling the Station and Offset of a Point.........................................................................142
Listing the Station and Offset of a Point Block .................................................................143
Setting Points Based on the Horizontal Alignment............................................................144
Setting Points By Station and Offset .................................................................................144
Setting Points Along an Alignment ...................................................................................146
Setting Points Equal Distances Along an Alignment.........................................................147
Setting Points at Alignment Vertices.................................................................................148
Setting Points on an Alignment Radial or Perpendicular to a Selected Point ...................149
Setting Civil/Survey Points from an ASCII File...............................................................150
Setting Points Using Elevations From a Profile................................................................152
Setting Points at an Intersection: Direction Line/Alignment .............................................154
Setting Points at an Intersection: Circle/Alignment ..........................................................156
Setting Points at an Intersection: Entity/Alignment ...........................................................157
Setting Points at an Intersection: Two Alignments............................................................158
Chapter 5, Working With Profiles.........................................................................159

6 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Profile Data......................................................................................................................159
Methods of Sampling an Existing Ground Surface ...........................................................160
Using DTM Surfaces........................................................................................................160
Using an ASCII Text File .................................................................................................160
Using the Vertical Alignment Editor.................................................................................160
Using the [Sample From Sections] command ...................................................................160
Selecting a DTM Surface to Sample ................................................................................161
Turning Multiple DTM Surfaces On or Off......................................................................162
Creating a File of Multiple DTM Surfaces.......................................................................163
Sampling Existing Ground From a DTM Surface.............................................................164
Modifying the Profile Sampling Settings..........................................................................166
Sampling an Existing Ground from an ASCII File............................................................168
Text File Format...............................................................................................................168
Sampling the Profile Data From Sections.........................................................................169
Using the Vertical Alignment Editor.................................................................................170
Creating and Editing an Alignment with the Vertical Alignment Editor ...........................171
Editing a Vertical Curve with the Vertical Alignment Editor...........................................174
Copying Vertical Alignment Surfaces with the Vertical Alignment Editor.......................176
Editing Surface Elevations with the Vertical Alignment Editor .......................................177
Generating Vertical Alignment Reports............................................................................178
Generating a Station Report .............................................................................................178
Generating a Vertical Curve Report.................................................................................178
Generating a Station and Curve Report ............................................................................179
Generating an Increment Report .......................................................................................179
Editing a Vertical Alignment with the [Edit...] Command ................................................180
Generating Existing Ground Profiles................................................................................181
Configuring Profile Settings .............................................................................................182
Modifying the Finished Ground Profile Layer Settings ....................................................184
Modifying the Existing Ground Profile Layer Settings .....................................................185
Modifying the Layer Prefix and Label Text Settings.........................................................187
Creating a Complete Profile.............................................................................................189
Adding a Subsurface to a Profile......................................................................................191
Creating a Quick Profile...................................................................................................192
Changing Profile Properties after Creating a Profile........................................................193
Drawing a Grid on the Profile..........................................................................................194
Setting the Current Profile................................................................................................195
Attaching Profile Information Block to a Profile..............................................................196
Undefining a Profile .........................................................................................................197
Designing and Defining the Finished Ground ...................................................................198
Ditches and Transitions Commands .................................................................................198
Setting the Current Profile Layer......................................................................................199
Setting the Current Layer for the Finished Ground Centerline ..........................................199
Setting the Current Layer for Ditches and Transitions ......................................................199
Setting AutoCAD Crosshairs to Selected Grade ..............................................................200
Drawing Vertical Alignment Tangents .............................................................................201
Changing the Grade Going Into the PVI............................................................................203
Changing Grade Coming Out of PVI.................................................................................204

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 7

Table of Contents

Moving the Point of Vertical Intersection.........................................................................205

Labeling Finished Ground Tangents .................................................................................206
Listing Tangent Information..............................................................................................207
Importing Vertical Curves Created with Previous Versions of Advanced Design............208
Drawing Vertical Curves..................................................................................................209
Drawing a Vertical Curve Based on Curve Length...........................................................210
Drawing a Vertical Curve With Minimum K Value..........................................................210
Drawing a Vertical Curve by Passing Sight Distance.......................................................211
Drawing a Vertical Curve by Stopping Sight Distance.....................................................213
Drawing a Vertical Curve Based on Elevation Point .......................................................214
Drawing a Vertical Curve Through a Selected Point........................................................215
Drawing a Sag Vertical Curve by Headlight Data............................................................216
Drawing a Sag Vertical Curve by Given Velocity............................................................218
Defining a PVI Without a Vertical Curve .........................................................................219
Listing Vertical Curve Data..............................................................................................220
Labeling the Vertical Curve Data .....................................................................................221
Setting the Label Text Size ...............................................................................................223
Defining the Finished Ground Centerline .........................................................................224
Use the [Define FG Centerline] or [Import] commands to update the database................225
Defining a Ditch or Transition Vertical Alignment...........................................................225
Use the [Define Ditch/Transition] or [Import] commands to update the database ............226
Defining a Ditch or Transition Alignment by Offset .........................................................227
Using a Uniform Offset as Reference................................................................................227
Using a Non-Uniform Offset as Reference........................................................................227
Importing the Finished Ground or Ditch/Transition Vertical Alignment...........................228
Listing the Elevation of a Selected Point..........................................................................229
Listing the Elevation and Station of a Point......................................................................229
Labeling the Elevation of a Point......................................................................................230
Listing the Elevation of Selected Points in a Profile ........................................................231
Writing Profile Definitions for Single Alignment.............................................................232
Chapter 6, Working With Cross Sections..............................................................235
Part I: The Basics ..................................................................................................................236
How to Work with Cross Sections ...................................................................................236
Primary Steps ...................................................................................................................236
Actions that Affect Cross Section Control........................................................................237
Cross Section Database Files...........................................................................................239
Selecting an Alignment.....................................................................................................239
Part II: Existing Ground Surfaces........................................................................................240
Sampling and Editing the Existing Ground Sections .........................................................240
Selecting a DTM Surface to Sample.................................................................................240
Turning Multiple Surfaces On or Off................................................................................241
Creating a File Containing More than One DTM Surface.................................................241
Sampling the Existing Ground From a DTM Surface........................................................242
Modifying the Cross Section Sample Settings ..................................................................245
Generating Existing Ground Cross Section Data From a Text File...................................247

8 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Table of Contents

ASCII File Format............................................................................................................248

Editing the Cross Section Information..............................................................................250
Entering Borehole Data and Interpolating Surfaces..........................................................252
Part III: Templates................................................................................................................256
Setting the Path for Templates and Subassemblies...........................................................257
Using the ADTPL key option............................................................................................257
Setting the Template Path with the Path edit box..............................................................258
Drawing Templates..........................................................................................................259
Horizontal and Vertical Scales.........................................................................................260
Drawing Template Surfaces.............................................................................................261
Drawing Normal and Subgrade Template Surfaces..........................................................261
Drawing Normal Surfaces for Symmetrical Templates....................................................262
Drawing Subgrade Surfaces for Symmetrical Templates .................................................262
Drawing Normal Surfaces for Asymmetrical Templates..................................................263
Drawing Subgrade Surfaces for Asymmetrical Templates...............................................263
How subgrade surfaces are controlled.............................................................................264
Drawing Subassemblies...................................................................................................265
Defining a Template Subassembly ...................................................................................266
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................266
Using the [Define Subassembly] command.......................................................................266
Datum Lines and Top Surface definitions for templates and subassemblies.....................268
Defining a Template.........................................................................................................269
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................269
Using the [Define Template] command ............................................................................269
Connecting Subassemblies to Templates..........................................................................274
Editing the Subassembly...................................................................................................276
Moving the Subassembly "X" Marker from Vertex to Vertex...........................................277
Saving Edits Made to the Subassembly............................................................................277
Exiting the Subassembly Editor........................................................................................277
Deleting the Current Subassembly Vertex ........................................................................277
Inserting a New Subassembly Vertex ...............................................................................277
Moving the Current Vertex of the Subassembly................................................................278
Redrawing the Subassembly Display ...............................................................................278
Redefining the Subassembly Datum Line..........................................................................278
Redefining the Subassembly Connection Points ...............................................................278
Defining a Subassembly Top Surface...............................................................................279
Displaying Subassembly Elements...................................................................................279
Editing a Template ...........................................................................................................280
Saving Template Edits .....................................................................................................281
Drawing an Additional Template Surface........................................................................282
Moving a Template Surface .............................................................................................283
Adding an Existing Surface to the Template.....................................................................284
Deleting a Surface from the Template ..............................................................................285
Moving and Inserting Template Vertices..........................................................................286
Editing the Template Subgrade Surfaces..........................................................................287
Adding and Deleting Template Point Codes.....................................................................288

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 9

Table of Contents

Changing the Template Curb and Shoulder Subassemblies ..............................................289

Redisplaying Template Features ......................................................................................289
Redrawing the Template Display .....................................................................................290
Redefining a Template Datum Line ..................................................................................290
Defining the Template Superelevation Regions................................................................292
Redefining the Template Connection Points .....................................................................293
Defining the Template Top Surface..................................................................................294
Defining the Transition Regions of the Template..............................................................295
Transitioning Basics.........................................................................................................295
Defining the Template Transition Regions .......................................................................296
Control Points and Region Points.....................................................................................298
Specifying Dynamic or Pinned .........................................................................................299
The next steps for transitioning.........................................................................................300
Displaying the Template Shoulder Subassembly..............................................................300
Changing the Material Description for a Selected Template Surface ...............................301
Importing a Defined Subassembly ....................................................................................302
Importing a Defined Template..........................................................................................303
Setting Up a Material Table .............................................................................................304
Setting Up a Point Code Table .........................................................................................307
Pre-Assigned Point Codes................................................................................................310
Part IV: Cross Section Control.............................................................................................311
Modifying Design Control................................................................................................312
Using the [Edit Design Control...] Command....................................................................313
Specifying the Template Parameters to Use for Processing Cross Sections .....................315
Editing the Template Superelevation Parameters .............................................................316
Editing the Superelevation Control with the [View/Edit Sections] command ..................317
Editing the Template Transitions with the [Edit Design Control...] command..................319
Editing the Template Transitions with the [View/Edit Sections] command......................319
Attaching Alignment Transitions to Cross Sections..........................................................322
Attaching the Alignment....................................................................................................322
Attaching Profile Transitions to the Cross Sections .........................................................324
Attaching a profile............................................................................................................324
Attaching a subgrade vertical alignment...........................................................................325
Setting Ditch Control Values ............................................................................................326
Attaching Ditch Elevations as a Vertical Alignment.........................................................328
Accessing Ditch Control through the View/Edit Sections Command................................328
Editing the Cross Section Slope Information....................................................................330
Accessing Slope Control through the View/Edit Sections Command ...............................334
Editing the Depth Controlled Slope Parameters ...............................................................335
Editing the Stepped Controlled Slope Parameters............................................................338
Editing the Surface Controlled Slope Parameters.............................................................342
Processing a Range of Stations.........................................................................................344
Displaying the Processing Error Messages ......................................................................346
Resetting the Cross Section Processing Settings...............................................................347

10 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Displaying Design Control for a Station at a Time...........................................................348

Displaying Actual Control for a Station at a Time ...........................................................349
Outputting the Control Parameters....................................................................................350
Editing Superelevation Curve Parameters........................................................................350
Inserting a Superelevation Curve .....................................................................................356
Editing Subgrade Superelevation Values .........................................................................357
Reimporting the Alignment for Superelevation ................................................................359
Modifying the Default Superelevation Settings ................................................................360
Viewing the Superelevation Methods...............................................................................366
Creating Superelevation Reports......................................................................................367
Viewing and Editing Cross Sections ................................................................................368
Moving to the Cross Section of a Specific Station ...........................................................369
Displaying the Actual Control Parameters .......................................................................370
Displaying the Design Control Parameters.......................................................................371
Editing the Design Control Values of the Current Station.................................................373
Editing the Ditch for the Current Cross Section................................................................374
Editing the Ditch Slope ....................................................................................................374
Editing the Ditch Elevation ..............................................................................................374
Editing the Ditch Width....................................................................................................374
Editing the Offset and Depth of the Ditch .........................................................................375
Editing the Match Slope of the Template..........................................................................375
Editing the Transition Regions for the Current Station .....................................................376
Editing the Left and Right Transition Regions..................................................................376
Editing the Subgrade Transition Regions .........................................................................377
Identifying the Offset and Elevation of a Point .................................................................377
Modifying the View Settings ............................................................................................378
Setting Colors...................................................................................................................379
Zooming Around the Current Section View......................................................................380
Importing a Ditch or Transition Line from Sections into the Plan View...........................381
Defining a Ditch or Transition as a Plan Alignment .........................................................382
Editing the Ditch or Transition Plan Alignment................................................................382
Importing a Vertical Ditch or Transition from Sections ...................................................383
Importing Superelevation as a Transition Line.................................................................384
Defining the Profile Ditch or Transition Alignment..........................................................385
Editing the Ditch or Transition Profile Alignment............................................................386
Superelevating and Transitioning Roadways ...................................................................387
Superelevating a Roadway...............................................................................................387
Transitioning a Roadway .................................................................................................387

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 11

Table of Contents

Part V: Plotting and Outputting ...........................................................................................389

Settings for Plotting Cross Sections..................................................................................390
Setting the Section Layout Parameters..............................................................................391
Setting the Page Layout Parameters ..................................................................................392
Setting the Text Size for Section Plot Labels....................................................................394
Plotting a Single Cross Section ........................................................................................394
Importing Pages of Cross Sections ...................................................................................395
Importing All Cross Sections For One Drawing...............................................................398
Undefining a Cross Section ..............................................................................................399
Section Utilities Menu......................................................................................................400
Setting the Current Cross Section by Station ....................................................................400
Setting the Current Cross Section by Point .......................................................................400
Zooming to a Cross Section by Station.............................................................................401
Zooming to a Cross Section by Point................................................................................401
Listing Offset/Elevation of Cross Section Points..............................................................402
Listing Slope, Grade, and Elevation Difference...............................................................402
Listing Cross Section Areas .............................................................................................402
Setting the Text Size for Labels........................................................................................403
Labeling the Offset of Cross Section Points .....................................................................403
Automatic Label Placement..............................................................................................403
Manual Label Placement ..................................................................................................404
Labeling the Elevation of Cross Section Points................................................................407
Labeling the Elevation Difference Between Points ..........................................................407
Labeling the Grade Between Cross Section Points...........................................................407
Labeling the Slope Between Cross Section Points ...........................................................408
Labeling an Area on a Plotted Cross Section ...................................................................408
Drawing Polylines on Plotted Cross Sections ..................................................................409
Creating a Three Dimensional Grid..................................................................................410
Point Output Menu Prerequisites ......................................................................................411
Importing Template Points Into the Drawing ....................................................................411
Writing Template Point Data to a File..............................................................................415
Importing Catch Points and Daylight Lines.......................................................................417
Writing Catch Point Data to a File....................................................................................418
Editing the Volume Adjustment Factors............................................................................419
Creating a Volume Table..................................................................................................421
Writing Earthwork Volume Data to the Screen.................................................................423
Writing Total Earthwork Volume Data to a File...............................................................425
Creating a Mass Haul Diagram.........................................................................................427
Writing Template Volume Data to a File..........................................................................429
Writing Subsurface Volume Data to a File .......................................................................431
Writing Strip Volume Data to a File.................................................................................433
Comparing Volumes Between Two Existing Ground Surfaces.........................................435
ASCII File Output Sections Menu ....................................................................................437
Accessing the Output Settings Dialog Box........................................................................437
Writing a Station Range of Sectional Data .......................................................................438
Writing Total Earthwork Volume Data.............................................................................440
Writing Template Volume Data........................................................................................442

12 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Writing Subsurface Volume Data .....................................................................................444

Writing Strip Volume Data...............................................................................................447
Appendix A, File Listing .......................................................................................451
File Archiving Importance ...............................................................................................452
Project Name....................................................................................................................452
Alignment Name...............................................................................................................452
Advanced Design Files ....................................................................................................453
Appendix B, Spirals...............................................................................................455
Spiral Types.....................................................................................................................456
Compound Spirals............................................................................................................459
Offset Spirals ...................................................................................................................460
Parallel Spiraled Alignments ...........................................................................................461
Graphic Model.................................................................................................................462
Appendix C, Glossary............................................................................................467
Appendix D, References ........................................................................................475
Index ..............................................................................................................................................477

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 13

Table of Contents

14 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Chapter 1
Advanced Design is a complete software package for designing roadways. You can use the features
of this program to do the following:
• design alignments
• create profiles
• create cross sections
• superelevate and transition roadways
• calculate volumes
• configure and automatically generate sheets for plotting

Installing the Software

For Windows systems, you can install the software from a CD. Advanced Design works with
AutoCAD R14. The supported operating system platforms for Advanced Design are Windows 95
and Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0. For more information about the installation procedure, see the
Softdesk Civil/Survey Getting Started Guide.

How to Find Information

This manual consists of the following chapters.

‰Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a summary of the topics covered in this manual. It also
describes the conventions used throughout this reference manual.

‰Chapter 2, Learning Advanced Design Basics, describes many of the common terms and dialog
boxes of the Advanced Design interface.

‰Chapter 3, Drawing Horizontal Alignments, describes how to draw horizontal alignments using
tangents, curves, and spirals.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 15

Chapter 1: Introduction

‰Chapter 4, Working With Horizontal Alignments, describes how to define, edit, and label
horizontal alignments.

‰Chapter 5, Working With Profiles, describes how to sample existing ground surfaces and how
to create, edit, and label existing and finished ground profiles.

‰Chapter 6, Working With Cross Sections, describes how to create and edit templates,
subassemblies, and cross sections.

‰Appendix A, File Listing, lists and describes files that are created and used in the Advanced
Design commands.

‰Appendix B, Spirals, explains the four spiral types used in the Advanced Design module.

‰Appendix C, Glossary, defines many of the terms used in this manual. Some of the terms may
seem familiar, but they may have definitions specific to this package.

‰Appendix D, References, lists all reference materials used to generate this manual. This list is
included for further reading in the subjects covered in this manual.

Where to Go From Here

A good place to start learning Advanced Design is the Advanced Design tutorial. The tutorial
provides you with a roadway site and takes you through a design project step-by-step, explaining
most of the functionality of the Advanced Design module in depth. We recommend you go through
the tutorial closely, using this reference manual to obtain detailed information about questions you
may have.
Another resource to use is the Softdesk COGO online Help which contains instructions on how to
set up new drawings, use existing drawings, handle layer manipulation, and use the Softdesk
coordinate system.

16 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Minimum System Requirements and Recommendations

Minimum System Requirements and

The minimum system requirements for the software are as follows.
• Intel 486, Pentium (recommended), or better or compatible processor
• Microsoft Windows NT 3.51, 4.0 or Microsoft Windows 95
• AutoCAD R14
• 640 by 480 VGA display (1024 by 768 recommended)
• A mouse or other digitizer device
• 32 MB of RAM (64 MB recommended)
• 72 MB of disk swap space (minimum)
• CD-ROM drive (for initial installation only)

Conventions Used in this Manual

This section describes the formatting conventions used in the Softdesk reference manuals.

Formatting Description
italic Italicized text is used for filenames, file extensions, directory paths, manuals,
and module names. It is also used to represent variable data (data that may
change from one instance to another).
prompt text Text in this monospaced typeface represents text displayed on the computer
screen, including prompts and the contents of ASCII text files.
bold Bold text represents an action that you must make.
<Enter> Text in angle brackets represents a key or keys on the computer keyboard.
{variable} Italic text in curly brackets represents a variable value. The value displayed
on your monitor may vary from one instance to another.
ZOOM AutoCAD command names and system variable names are shown in all
capital letters.
[Command] Softdesk command names are shown with brackets.

In addition, the following formatting conventions are used to highlight important information:
Note: This denotes important information that you should keep in mind.

Warning: This denotes a situation that may cause an error or a loss of data.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 17

Chapter 1: Introduction

Finding Commands in the Menus

To help you find menus and submenus, a menu path, like the example below, is given at the
beginning of each explanation.
[Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Line]

Screen Captures
All screen images included in this manual are from a Windows NT platform. If you are working on
the DOS or Windows 95 platforms, then the dialog boxes may not appear exactly the same.

18 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Chapter 2
Learning Advanced Design Basics
This chapter includes the following basic concepts of the Advanced Design module:
• definitions of terms
• discussions of commonly used dialog boxes and functions
• command conventions
• working in a multi-user environment
• converting project data files from previous versions
• using prototype drawing settings

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 19

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

Advanced Design Terms

If you are a civil engineer, then most of the language used in the Advanced Design Reference
Manual should be familiar to you. However, there quite a few terms that have been coined
specifically for Advanced Design. Several of the terms used most often are defined in this section. If
there are other terms in this manual that are unclear, then refer to the glossary appendix.

Horizontal Alignments
A horizontal alignment is the plan view of the alignment you are working on, as shown below.

Horizontal Alignment

The first step in creating a horizontal alignment is to use the commands in the Entity menu to draw
the tangents, curves, and spirals that will make up your roadway. The next step is to define the
alignment. Defining an alignment creates an external database that you can edit with the Horizontal
Alignment Editor. Because the Horizontal Alignment Editor is dynamically linked to the alignment,
any changes you make in the editor are updated in the drawing.
The external database associated with the horizontal alignments contains information on each
horizontal alignment defined in the project. This database is located in the \align subdirectory of the
current project directory with the name <project-name>.adb.
Many of the Advanced Design commands require you to select an alignment. To select an alignment,
use the Alignment Librarian Dialog Box. Access this dialog box by using the [Select Alignment]
command from the Align, Profile, or Section menu.

20 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Terms

A profile is the overall longitudinal cross section for a horizontal alignment and can include all
existing and finished ground information as well as a reference grid, datum line, and length and
grade annotation, as shown below.


To create a profile, you’ll need to sample existing ground surface information, either from a DTM
surface or from an ASCII file. Then, use one of the create profile commands to generate the profile.

Vertical Alignments
A vertical alignment is the part of the profile representing the longitudinal cross section of the
individual existing and finished ground surfaces. To draw the finished ground surfaces, use the
[Create Tangents] and [Vertical Curves...] commands from the Profile menu. Then use commands
from the Profile menu to define the centerline, offsets, ditches or transitions. Defining a vertical
alignment creates an external database that you can edit with the Vertical Alignment Editor.
Unlike the Horizontal Alignment Editor, the Vertical Alignment Editor is not dynamically linked to
the drawing. After making changes to the alignment data with the Vertical Alignment Editor, use the
Import commands to reimport the updated alignment into the drawing.
Each vertical alignment can be made up of several facets, as follows:
• one main existing ground vertical alignment
• any number of subsurface existing ground alignments
• two existing ground offset alignments

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 21

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

• one finished ground centerline alignment

• 16 finished ground transition (secondary) alignments
• two finished ground ditch alignment definitions

Cross Sections
Cross sections are used to show the latitudinal section of the alignment, as shown below.

Cross Section

You can create cross sections by applying finished ground templates to the existing ground surfaces
and subsurfaces with the [Edit Design Control...] command.

22 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Terms

A template is a depiction of a typical section of the finished design elements, such as asphalt and
granular surfaces, as shown below.

Standard Design Template

To create a template, draw the surfaces and then use the [Define Template] command to define it.
When you define a template, the information is stored in the template directory, which you can set
with the [Set Template Path] command. After you define a template, you can use the template for any
Part of defining a template is to set a finished ground reference point. This point is used to position
the template on the cross section when you process the cross sections with the [Edit Design
Control...] command. The horizontal alignment and the finished ground vertical alignment are used
for control. You can add ditches to either side of the template if they are required, and then use
design slopes to match into the existing ground. In addition, you can link specific points on the
template to the plan and profile by using transition control lines. This feature allows some template
elements to be "stretched" to follow the plan and/or profile, such as in conditions where there may
be passing lanes or superelevated regions of the roadway.

Template Surfaces
The template can be made up of two surface types: normal surfaces and subgrade surfaces. A
template may contain one or both of these surface types. Normal surfaces are the elements of the
template which make up the main part of the template such as pavement surfaces, median islands,
shoulders and curbs. Subgrade surfaces are linked to the normal surfaces, but use separate design
parameters to control the grade and depth of the surface. A typical subgrade surface is made up of
granular substances such as gravel.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 23

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

You can draw template surfaces with the [Draw Template] command or the AutoCAD PLINE
command. The [Draw Template] command takes the vertical exaggeration into account
automatically and has options for entry of grade or slope. However, if you are using the AutoCAD
PLINE command, then you must take into account the vertical exaggeration.

Subassemblies represent additional regions of the road surface design, such as curb or shoulder
elements. You can attach up to two subassemblies to either side of a template. To create a
subassembly, you need to draw it with the [Draw Template] command and then define it with the
[Define Subassembly] command before you define the template itself. Subassemblies are usually
referred to as the curb and shoulder subassemblies, but they can represent any element.

To manipulate templates for areas of the road where transitioning will occur, you can add transition
points to the template with the [Edit Template...] command. You can then attach horizontal or
vertical alignments (transition lines) to points on the template, and these points will be "stretched"
to match the plan or profile elements. You can define up to sixteen transition regions on a template
(8 per side). Usually, the offsets of a transition region are determined by the horizontal alignment
and the elevations are determined by the vertical alignment.

Sheet Manager
A new feature of Advanced Design is the Sheet Manager utility which you can use to set up sheets
for plotting. Use the sheet manager commands to customize a sheet style, set up labeling parameters,
and generate a series of sheets based on the plan, profile, and/or cross sections of your drawing. See
the Sheet Manager Reference Manual for more information on this utility.

24 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Dialog Boxes

Advanced Design Dialog Boxes

The following sections describe the most common dialog boxes found in Advanced Design.
Note: Dialog boxes are only displayed if the AutoCAD FILEDIA variable is set to one (1). If this
variable is set to zero (0), then enter a tilde (~) at the command prompt to access dialog boxes.

Accessing the Alignment Librarian Dialog Box

Many Advanced Design commands require you to select an alignment first.
nTo select an alignment, choose the [Select Alignment] command from either the Align, Profile,
or Section menu.
oYou can pick an alignment graphically, or you can press <Enter> to display a list of defined
horizontal alignments in the Alignment Librarian. See the following illustration.

Alignment Librarian Dialog Box

pHighlight the name of the desired alignment.

qCheck the alignment information that is displayed in the upper portion of the dialog box to make
sure that you have highlighted the desired alignment.
rYou can press the "OK" button to select the alignment or you can press the "Cancel" button to
exit the dialog box without selecting an alignment.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 25

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

Template Librarian Dialog Box

The Template Librarian dialog box displays templates that you can select for editing or attaching to
a finished ground surface. See the following illustration for more information.

Template Librarian Dialog Box

The templates are listed by name in the scrolling list on the left side of the dialog box.
nHighlight the name of the desired template.
oCheck the graphic representation of the template. This representation of the template is drawn to
an exaggerated scale, and is only meant to help you select the correct template.
pSelect the “OK” button to select the template, or select the “Cancel” button to exit the dialog
box without selecting a template.
Note: The template labeled "NULLT" is a valid template that consists of a single point. This
template is used as the default and should be used in situations where no template is needed.

26 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Dialog Boxes

Subassembly Librarian Dialog Box

The Subassembly Librarian dialog box displays a list of the defined subassemblies that you can
select when defining or editing templates. The following illustration shows this dialog box.

Subassembly Librarian Dialog Box

nHighlight the name of the desired subassembly.

oCheck the graphic representation of the subassembly. This representation of the subassembly is
drawn to an exaggerated scale, and is only meant to help you select the correct subassembly.
pSelect the "OK" button to select the subassembly, or select the "Cancel" button to exit the dialog
box without selecting a subassembly.
Note: The subassembly labeled "NULLS" is a valid subassembly that consists of a single point.
This subassembly is used as the default and should be used in situations where no subassembly is

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 27

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

Command Conventions
Many of the commands found in Advaned Design are recursive. This means they repeat a series of
prompts and functions until you end the command. To end a recursive command, press <Enter> in
response to the first prompt of the series. For example, if a command is repeating a series that
inserts a symbol in a drawing and the first prompt of the command is an "Insertion point" prompt,
then press <Enter> at this prompt to end the prompt.
Some commands have a single prompt that is recursive rather than a series. The most common
example is one where the command prompts you to select several objects to be operated upon. This
is signified by a "Select objects" prompt. Press <Enter> in response to this prompt to end the
Many commands found in Advanced Design prompt you to select an object or objects. Most of these
prompts support the use of all AutoCAD selection methods. These selection methods include
windows, crossings, and removal of objects from selection sets. For more information on selection
sets and the AutoCAD selection methods, see the AutoCAD manuals.

Working in a Multi-user Environment

When the Softdesk Civil/Survey products are installed on a network, multiple people can access the
project data files. A project can have many different drawings associated with it and each one of
these drawings can be opened by a different person at the same time in a networked system. For a
complete description of the requirements for working with the project data over a network, refer to
the Softdesk Civil/Survey Getting Started Guide. For more information on working with the
Civil/Survey project data, see the Softdesk COGO online Help..

Working with Alignments in a Multi-User Environment

If you are the first person to access the horizontal alignment database during a work session, then
you can open the database with complete read/write capabilities. When another person accesses the
same project and selects an alignment the following message displays:
Horizontal alignments are locked by <loginname>. Access will be read only mode.

In read-only mode, other people can use the [Edit...] command from the Alignment Commands
submenu to view the alignment data and to print out reports, but they cannot make changes to the
For vertical alignments (profile and cross sections), the first person to access each alignment has
full read/write capabilities. The next person receives read-only access to this data if they try to
select the same alignment, and the following message displays:
Vertical alignment is locked by <loginname>.

28 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Working in a Multi-user Environment

Clearing Locked Files

To unload the alignment database and free the lock so other people can make edits, use any of the
following methods:
• Select the [Close Alignment DB] command from the Alignment Commands submenu of the
Align pull-down menu.
• Unload Advanced Design with the “Clear” button on the Softdesk Products dialog box.
• Exit the drawing with the AutoCAD NEW, OPEN, QUIT, or END command.
If you make edits to an alignment and save the changes with the AutoCAD SAVE command or the
[Save File] command from the Alignment Commands menu, then the other people that already have
the alignment database open can acquire the edits by reopening the database. To reopen the
database, select the [Close Alignment DB] command from the Alignment Commands menu, then use
the [Select Alignment] command. This update also happens automatically any time you use the
AutoCAD NEW or OPEN command.
If you modify an alignment in one drawing that also exists in other drawings, then you can use the
[Import] command from the Alignment Commands menu to import the alignment into those drawings
to reflect the changes.

What to do if the locks do not clear

When you select an alignment, locks are placed on the horizontal and/or vertical (profile and cross-
section) data files. When you properly close the alignment database, these locks are released.
However, if you exit the drawing unexpectedly by an event such as a power failure, then the locks
are not released.
nTo free the locks, select [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Manager…].
oHighlight the project that has the locks, then select the “Lock Mgr...” button.
pThe Lock Manager displays all file locks for the project. The name of the lock owner is the
AutoCAD Login name of the person who created the lock. You can filter the display of the
locks by each owner name.
qTo delete a lock, highlight any portion of the lock’s description, then select the “Delete” button.
Warning: Never delete a file lock of someone who is currently working with the project. If
someone is working on an alignment and his or her lock is deleted, then another person could select
the same alignment and overwrite the first person's changes.

Refer to the Softdesk AEC Tools Getting Started Guide for a detailed description of the Lock
Manager feature of the [Project Manager...] command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 29

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

Converting Project Data Files from Previous Versions

When you access a project that contains data files from a previous version of a Civil/Survey
product, the data is converted to be compatible with version 7.5. This conversion procedure is only
necessary if the project was created with a release prior to 7.0. If the project was used with version
7.0 or 7.1 then no steps are necessay. To convert a project, take the following steps:
Note: Prior to release 7.0, Softdesk Civil/Survey used the same version number as AutoCAD. The
version before 7.0 was release 12 and before that was 11.
nOpen a drawing that is associated with the project.
oRefer to each product’s reference manual to see if any specific steps are required during the
conversion. Most Civil/Survey products will automatically convert their project data files, but
depending on the version of the software that the project was created with, some additional
steps may be required.
pInitialize each installed Civil/Survey product.
qAfter the conversion is complete, you cannot use the project with an earlier release of the
Civil/Survey products.
Note: It is a good practice to make backup copies of project data and drawings on a regular basis.
It is also recommended that you create a backup before updating the software to a new version.
The project path no longer requires the “P” directory that was used with release 12 and earlier for
storing the prototype data. In order for Version 7 of the Civil/Survey modules to locate and convert
the project data from the previous version, you must set the Project Path key “PROJ” to the existing
location of these projects with the inclusion of the “P” directory. Or if a new location is desired for
the project data, then you should move or copy the project directories to the new path.
Advanced Design 7 does not actually change the format of any of the earlier release data files, but it
does reorganize the location of these files within the project area to support multi-user access of the
data files. When you access the project for the first time with the new version of Advanced Design,
a new directory is created in the project \align directory for each individual alignment. This
directory has the same name as the alignment and contains all of the profile and cross-section data
files for that alignment. The horizontal alignment database files will remain in the project \align
Note: This automatic conversion is the same for both Advanced Design and Design since they
share the same alignment files. If both products are installed, then the conversion will occur from the
one that is initialized first and is valid for both.

30 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Copying Drawing Settings to or from a Prototype

Copying Drawing Settings to or from a Prototype

When you create a project, you need to select a prototype for retrieving default program settings.
The prototype is a directory that contains various default setting files. Whenever you associate a
new drawing with a project, it will acquire its default settings from the same prototype. The default
settings are located in the drawing .dfm file. This .dfm file contains all of the Advanced Design
settings except for the template path, speed table path, and sheet style path which are project based
settings. It may also contain the settings for other Civil/Survey products that have been installed.
Each drawing attached to a project gets its own unique .dfm (defaults file manager) file for storing
the Civil/Survey project settings. This file is stored in the project .dwg file with the name

Copying Advanced Design Settings to an Existing Prototype

To copy the Advanced Design settings for the current drawing to an existing prototype for use in
other projects, take the following steps:
nSelect [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Settings…].
oSelect the [Save To Prototype...] button.
pThe Select Prototype dialog box displays. Locate the prototype. Select the “Search By...” button
to access a search utility for locating the prototype directory. Select the “Statistics” button to
access the Project Statistics dialog box, which gives detailed information about the current
qSelect the prototype to save the settings to and click “OK” to save the settings or select
“Cancel” to exit the command without saving the settings.
The Sheet Manager settings are separate from the rest of Advanced Design but the procedure for
working with prototypes is similar.

Copying Advanced Design Settings from an Existing Prototype

To copy current settings from a selected prototype to the current drawing, take the following steps:
nSelect [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Settings…].
oSelect the [Load From Prototype...] button.
pThe Select Prototype dialog box displays. Locate the prototype. Select the “Search By...” button
to access a search utility for locating the prototype directory. Select the “Statistics” button to
access the Project Statistics dialog box, which gives detailed information about the current
qSelect the prototype to load the settings from and click “OK” to load the settings or select
“Cancel” to exit the command without loading the settings.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 31

Chapter 2: Learning Advanced Design Basics

Manipulating the Drawing Environment

Use the [Setup Drawing...] command to manipulate the drawing environment. See the Softdesk
COGO online Help for a complete description of the drawing setup options. To make sure that all
the settings are correct, always run the [Setup Drawing...] command when using a Civil/Survey
module with a new drawing or a drawing created in AutoCAD.
nSelect [AEC] Î [Setup Drawing...]
oThe Manual Setup dialog box displays. Use this dialog box to do the following:
• set up the sheet size and insert a border
• set up the angle type (bearings or azimuths)
• set the horizontal and vertical scale
• set the linear, angular, coordinate and elevation precisions
• set the text type and style
• save or load a drawing setup
pTo save the settings, select “OK”, or pick “Cancel” to exit the command.
Note: The Core drawing Setup is different than the setup available from the Civil/Survey menus,
since Core doesn’t require as many settings.

Modifying Project Settings

All of the project settings commands are discussed in the chapters where the information is relevant.
Most of the project settings commands are available in two locations: from the pull-down menus
and from the Project Settings dialog box. All of the command descriptions will refer to the pull-
down menu; however, you can use the [Project Settings...] command wherever necessary to access
multiple project settings commands.
nSelect [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Settings…].
All of the Advanced Design project settings are drawing specific, except for the Speed Table Path,
Template Path and Sheet Manager Style Path settings, which are project specific.
Use the Project Settings dialog box to modify the Advanced Design settings. For a complete
description of the AEC menu options, refer to the Softdesk AEC Tools Getting Started Guide.

32 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Chapter 3
Drawing Horizontal Alignments
This chapter covers how to draw the horizontal alignment and plan view elements. You can access
all of the commands that will be discussed in this chapter through the Entity pull-down menu. When
designing an alignment, you can also use the AutoCAD LINE, ARC, and POLYLINE commands to
draw segments of the alignment or even the entire alignment. The only exception is for spirals,
which you must design using the commands from the Entity pull-down menu.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 33

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Entering Points, Directions, and Distances

Most of the Tangent and Curves commands perform similarly to those found in other Softdesk
modules. To select points, specify directions, or enter distances, you can use AutoCAD picks or
coordinate entry.

Entering Points
Several commands in the Entity menu will prompt for entity or point selection with the following
prompt structure: “Select line or (POints).” At this prompt, you can use a pointing device to select
the object, or you can enter “PO” at the prompt and then enter a point selection option. These
options are listed below:
• Enter “.P” to enter a point number.
• Enter “.G” to graphically select a point block.
• Enter “.N” to enter Northing/Easting coordinates.
If you use a “.P,” “.G,” or “.N” for point selection, then you can turn off the option by entering
another “.P,” “.G,” or “.N” at the next prompt. When you use point selection, the command requires
exact points for defining entities. If the selected points do not match an entity exactly, then the
command returns an error message stating that no entity can be defined for the points selected. Press
any key to continue, then run the command again and use AutoCAD OSNAPs to select the points.

Entering Directions
To enter directions, you can use one of the following methods:
• Specify a bearing by quadrant and angle.
• Specify an azimuth.
• Enter “.P” and then enter two point numbers.
• Enter “.G” and then graphically select two AutoCAD points.
If you use two points or point numbers, then the direction the command uses is the direction from the
first point you specified to the second.

Entering Distances
To enter distances, you can use one of the following methods:
• Use a pointing device to graphically drag distances.
• Enter a “.P” to specify a distance between points using point numbers.
• Enter “.G” for graphical point selection, and then select two points to define the distance.

34 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Tangents

Drawing Tangents
Advanced Design provides several different commands for drawing tangents. You can use a range
of points to define a tangent, draw a tangent by a direction or angle, or extend a tangent a specified
distance, among other options. The following sections describe how to draw tangents using the
variety of methods available in Advanced Design.
The sections covered are listed below:
• drawing a tangent by point selection
• drawing a line or curve using a range of points
• drawing a tangent by direction
• drawing a tangent by turned angle
• extending or reducing a line by a specified distance
• drawing a line through a range of points
• drawing a line tangent to a line or curve
• drawing tangents radial or perpendicular to entities or alignments
• drawing a tangent from the end of other entities
• drawing tangents by station and offset

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 35

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing a Tangent by Point Selection

You can use the [Line] command to draw a simple tangent or closed line segment by picking points
or by entering point coordinates. The [Line] command is similar to the AutoCAD LINE command
with keyword options for entering points by point numbers, Northing/Easting, AutoCAD
coordinates, or AutoCAD screen picks.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Line].
oAt the “Starting point” prompt, select the first point. See the “Entering Points” section above for
more information.
pContinue to select points to draw the tangent.
Note: Entering “U” for Undo will undo the last segment of the line.
qWhen you are ready to end the line, you can press <Enter> to end the line at the last selected
point. Or, to unite the end of the last line segment drawn to the starting point, enter “C” to close
the line.
The following illustration shows a line drawn by point selection.

Drawing Tangents by Point Selection

36 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Line or Curve Using a Range of Point Numbers

Drawing a Line or Curve Using a Range of Point

To draw a line or curve between a range of points, select the [By Range of Points] command. You
can enter individual point numbers or a range of point numbers in response to the prompt.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Range of Points].
oEnter the point numbers you want to draw a line or curve between, following the formats
described below.

How to enter a range of points for a line

To enter point numbers, you can specify ranges, enter point numbers individually, or use a
combination of both. To specify a range, separate the numbers with a hyphen (-). The following
example shows point numbers entered individually and in a range.
Point numbers: 10,12-15,17,20

The number of characters that can be entered per line is limited to the space available in the
keyboard buffer. To enter a long string of numbers, enter the first group, press <Enter>, then enter
the next group. You must begin the second line with the point number specified at the end of the first
line. To end the point number entry, press <Enter> in response to the "Point numbers" prompt. For
example, if "1,3,6-7,26-36,87,88,97,105,150-345,212" cannot be entered as one string, then run the
command as follows.
Point numbers: 1,3,6-7,26-36,87 (press <Enter>)
Point numbers: 87,88,97,105,150-345,212 (press <Enter>)
Point numbers: (press <Enter>)

Here the first line ends at point 87 and the second starts at point 87.
Note: Be sure to end one line and begin the next with the same point number.
The final result is a continuous line from point 1 to point 212. The resulting line is drawn on the
current layer.

How to enter a range of points for a regular curved segment

The point numbers in the above example will draw a line. To draw a curved section, specify a "C"
for curve, a radius point number, and "R" or "L" for right or left curve.
"R" specifies a right or clockwise curve and "L" designates a left or counterclockwise curve. The
following example will draw a segment that includes a clockwise curve.
Point numbers: 12,13,C14R,15,16

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 37

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

In this example, the command draws a line from point 12 to 13. Next it draws an arc from point 13
to point 15 (to the right) using point 14 as the radius point. The command then continues drawing a
line to point 16. The following illustration shows these objects.

Drawing a Line and Curve by a Range of Point Numbers

A curve to the left would be entered as follows.

Point numbers: 1-3,C4L,7

The [By Range of Points] command, using the "C" option, holds the starting point and radius point
for a curve. Therefore, the ending point may not be exact if the numbers entered are not
geometrically correct.

How to enter a range of points for a fit curved segment

Another option similar to the "Curve" is "Fit." Instead of drawing an arc that has a fixed starting
point and radius and a variable ending point, this option draws an arc with two fixed endpoints and
a variable radius. To enter a fit curve instead of a regular curve, type an "F" in the input instead of a
A curve to the left would be entered as follows.
Point numbers: 1-3,F4L,7

Whereas a curve to the right would be entered as follows.

Point numbers: 12-13,F14R,15,16

38 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Line Using Azimuths to Define a Direction

Drawing a Line Using Azimuths to Define a Direction

To draw a line to a point that is determined by an azimuth, use the [By Direction] command. With
this command you can draw a line from a starting point to another point determined by an azimuth,
bearing, point numbers, or screen picks and a distance. Take the following steps to draw a line
determined by an azimuth.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Direction].
oSelect a starting point.
pThe command displays the following prompt:
Quadrant (1-4) (or Azimuth/Points):

qTo use azimuths to define a direction, enter “A.”

rEnter the azimuth and the distance for the line.
The following illustration shows a line drawn by azimuth.

Defining a Direction by Azimuth

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 39

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using Points to Define a Line Direction

To draw a line using points to define the direction, use the [By Direction] command. With this
command you can draw a line from a starting point to another point determined by an azimuth,
bearing, point numbers, or screen picks and a distance. Take the following steps to draw a line
determined by points.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Direction].
oSelect a starting point.
pThe command displays the following prompt:
Quadrant (1-4) (or Azimuth/Points):

qEnter “P” at the prompt and press <Enter>.

rPick two points on the screen to define the direction. You can use OSNAPs to pick the points.
The direction used to draw the line is the direction from the first point picked to the second.
The following illustration shows a direction defined by points.

Defining a Direction by Points

40 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using Bearings to Define a Line Direction

Using Bearings to Define a Line Direction

To draw a line using bearings to define the direction, use the [By Direction] command. With this
command you can draw a line from a starting point to another point determined by an azimuth,
bearing, point numbers, or screen picks and a distance. Take the following steps to draw a line
determined by bearings.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Direction].
oSelect a starting point.
pThe command displays the following prompt:
Quadrant (1-4) (or Azimuth/Points):

qTo use bearings to define a direction, enter the bearing quadrant number.
rEnter the bearing and distance. The perimeter for the total line length is echoed after the last
point is selected.
The following illustration shows a line drawn with the Bearing option.

Defining a Direction by Bearing

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 41

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using Point Numbers to Define a Line Direction

To draw a line using point numbers to define the direction, use the [By Direction] command. With
this command you can draw a line from a starting point to another point determined by an azimuth,
bearing, point numbers, or screen picks and a distance. Take the following steps to draw a line
determined by point numbers.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Direction].
oSelect a starting point.
pThe command displays the following prompt:
Quadrant (1-4) (or Azimuth/Points):

qTo define a direction by point numbers, enter “.P” (note the period before the P) at step 3
rEnter the numbers of the two points and the distance for the line. The direction used to draw the
line is the direction from the first point specified to the second.

Defining a Direction by Point Numbers

42 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Tangent by Turned Angle

Drawing a Tangent by Turned Angle

To draw a tangent using a turned angle, use the [By Turned Angle] command. This command draws
a line using a turned or deflection angle from a reference line.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Turned Angle].
oSelect the line or enter points that will define the angle to turn from. Use one of the following
methods to respond to this prompt:
• Select the reference line near the endpoint the angle will be turned from.
• Enter the points defining the angle to turn from (with the first point being the occupied
• Enter Northing/Easting coordinates to define the angle to turn from (with the first set of
coordinates defining the point of occupation).
• Enter or pick AutoCAD coordinates on the screen (using the AutoCAD OSNAPs command,
if necessary).
pSelect the type of angle measurement to use, Deflection or Turned.
qEnter the angle in a decimal form in degrees, minutes, and seconds (DD.MMSS). If you are
working in grads, then enter the angle as a decimal. Specifying a positive value at the “Angle”
prompt will draw the line segment at the angle value counterclockwise from the reference line.
A negative angle value will draw the line segment clockwise from the reference line.
rEnter the distance the line will be drawn from the reference point. To enter the length of the line
you can use any of the following methods:
• Type the length in directly.
• Enter or pick AutoCAD coordinates.
• Use point numbers to define the length (.P).
• Use graphical point block selection to define the length (.G).
• Use Northing/Easting coordinates to define the length (.N).
sEither continue drawing a line from the end of the just entered line or press <Enter> to start a
new line.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 43

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

The following illustration shows an example of a line drawn by a turned angle.


Drawing a Line by Turned Angle

44 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Extending or Reducing a Line a Specified Distance

Extending or Reducing a Line a Specified Distance

To lengthen or shorten a selected line by a specified distance use the [Line Extension] command.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Line Extension].
oSelect the line you want to extend. Use your pointing device to select the line near the end you
want to lengthen.
pEnter the distance to change the line or enter “T” and then enter the total length of the segment.
Entering a positive value at this prompt will extend the line, entering a negative value will
shorten the line.
If you enter “T”, then command will prompt you to enter a “New length” value. This new length
will become the total length of the segment. If the value you enter at the “New length” prompt is
less than the current length of the segment, then the command will shorten the segment to meet
the new length value.
The following is an example of a line that was extended using the [Line Extension] command.

Extending or Shortening the Length of a Line

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 45

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing a Line Through a Range of Points

To draw the best-fitting line between a range of points, select the [Best Fit] command. This
command calculates a line using the method of least squares.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Best Fit].
oSpecify the type of point selection. You can select points by picking them from the screen or by
entering point numbers.
To select points graphically, press <Enter>. The command line then displays the “Select
objects” prompt. Select the point blocks and then press <Enter> in response to the “Select
objects” prompt after you have selected all the blocks. The command uses the insertion point of
any block in this selection set.
Note: The blocks selected with this command have to be Civil/Survey point blocks.
To select points using their point numbers, enter "N". The command then prompts for the entry
of the point numbers. Press <Enter> in response to the "Enter points" prompt after all point
numbers have been entered. Point numbers can be entered individually, in ranges specified with
a hyphen (-), or in a combination of both.
The following example shows point numbers entered individually and in a range.
Enter points: 10,12-15,17,20

The number of characters that can be entered per line is limited to the space available in the
keyboard buffer. To enter a long string of numbers, enter the first group, press <Enter>, and
enter the next group. To end the point number entry, press <Enter> in response to the "Enter
points" prompt. For example, if "1,3,6-7,26-36,87,88,97,105,150-345,212" cannot be entered
as one string, then execute the command as follows.
Enter points: 1,3,6-7,26-36,87 (press <Enter>)
Enter points: 87,88,97,105,150-345,212 (press <Enter>)
Enter points: (press <Enter>)

You can enter point numbers in any order.

Note: Be sure to end one line and begin the next with the same number.
After you have selected all of the point blocks or point numbers, the command displays the
point number, the assigned error, the perpendicular offset to the line, and the Northing/Easting
coordinates of the points on the line.

46 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Line Through a Range of Points

The following shows an example of the point information.

Bearing: N 53-17-45 E Azimuth: 53-17-4

Assigned Offset Coordinates on Line

Point # Error to Line NORTH EAST

100 1.00 -1.38 2982.1720 2986.2242

101 1.00 -7.84 2658.3520 744.8197
102 1.00 -4.93 2260.1947 447.9976
103 1.00 27.81 1975.9604 236.1040
108 1.00 -13.65 1418.2428 -179.6686

After the point information has been displayed, the command displays the following prompts.
1-Exclude pt 2-Change error 3-Enter more 4-Draw line ESC-exit

Press a key (1 2 3 4 or ESC):

The following options are available.

Option Function
1 Removes a point from the list.
2 Changes the assigned error.
3 Includes other points.
4 Draws the best fit line.
<Esc> Exits the command.

pSelect one of the options. Each of these options is described in the following sections.

Removing Points from the List

To remove points from consideration, enter "1" in response to the "Press a key" prompt.
Enter the number of the point to remove from the list. The command then displays an updated list and
displays the "Press a key" prompt again.

Changing the Assigned Error

The assigned error assigns a relative accuracy to each point. This error can be between 0 and 1000
units. An error of zero (0) indicates the point should be held. Only one point can be held in any set
of observations. If the errors are all equal, then each point is weighted equally. If the errors are
unequal, then the points with the smaller errors are given more weight than the ones with a larger
To change the error of a point, type "2" at the "Press a key" prompt. The following prompt displays:
Error option (All/<Individual>):

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 47

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

If you need to change the error for a single observation, then press <Enter> to accept the default for
Individual and respond to the following prompts.
Enter the point number to change the error of:
Enter error for point {#} <1.0000>:

Note: All points are initially given an assigned error of one (1).
To enter new errors for all the points, enter "A" at the "Error option (All/<Individual>)" prompt.
The command displays the current error for each point and allows editing or acceptance of the
default value. The following is an example of changing the error for all points for weighting
Error option (All/<Individual>): A
Enter error for point 4 <1.000000>: (press <Enter>)
Enter error for point 3 <1.000000>: (press <Enter>)
Enter error for point 2 <1.000000>: .1
Enter error for point 1 <1.000000>: 0

This example shows that points 3 and 4 are accurate to one unit. Point 2 is accurate to one tenth of a
unit. The entry of a zero (0) error for point 1 indicates that this point should be held.

Adding Points
To add points, enter "3" in response to the "Press a key" prompt.
Select the points to add. Just as with the initial point selection, you can select points graphically or
by specifying point numbers.

Drawing the Line

Enter "4" at the "Press a key" prompt to draw the line.
The command prompts you to “Press any key to continue.” When you press a key in response to this
prompt, the command returns to the text screen. If the line displayed in the graphics screen is
unacceptable, then edit the point list or weighting factors and redraw the line.
Press <Esc> at the "Press a key" prompt to exit the command.

48 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Line Through a Range of Points

The following illustration shows the line drawn through a range of points.

Drawing a Line by Best Fit

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 49

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing a Line Tangent to a Line or Curve

To draw a line from a selected point on an entity at a distance specified by a second point, use the
[Tangent to Entity] command. The command calculates a line that is tangent to the curve or spiral, or
is an extension of a line.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Tangent to Entity].
oSelect the original entity. This entity can be a tangent, a curve, or a spiral. When you select the
entity, it will be marked with an “X” at the end closest to the point where you selected it.
pPick a point from which the line will be drawn. This point does not have to be on the entity
itself, but it must be adjacent to it. If the first point you select is not on the entity, then the
command starts from the perpendicular or radial point on the entity.
qLocate the end point of the line.
The command draws a line from the first point using the length from the first to the second point.
If you are drawing a line tangent to a curve or a spiral, then the “end point” picked in step 4
will not determine the actual end point of the tangent segment. Rather, the “end point” will
determine the length of the tangent segment, since the tangency to the curve is calculated
automatically. However, the location of the “end point” will determine the direction from the
curve or spiral the tangent will be drawn.
If you are drawing a line tangent to a line, then the line will be drawn as an extension of the first
line segment. You can achieve similar results using the [Line Extension] command described in
this chapter.
The following illustration shows a line drawn tangent to a curve.

Drawing a Line Tangent to a Curve

50 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Tangents Radial or Perpendicular to an Entity

Drawing Tangents Radial or Perpendicular to an

To draw a tangent that has a direction either perpendicular to a line or radial to a curve or spiral
section, use the [Radial/Perp (Entity)] command.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Radial/Perp (Entity)].
oSelect the entity from which to draw the tangent.
pSelect a point on the entity to specify the starting point of the tangent. This point does not have
to be on the entity itself, but it must be adjacent to it. If the first point you select is not on the
entity, then the command starts from the perpendicular or radial point on the entity.
qSelect the endpoint of the line.
The command draws a line perpendicular or radial to the entity from the first point using the length
from the first to the second point.
If you selected a line as the original entity, then the new tangent will be perpendicular to this line. If
you have selected a curve or spiral, then the new tangent will be radial to the point on the entity
nearest the selected start point.
The following example shows radial and perpendicular tangents.

Drawing Radial and Perpendicular Tangents

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 51

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing Tangents Radial or Perpendicular to an

To draw a tangent that has a direction perpendicular to an alignment line, or radial to a curve or
spiral section of the current alignment, use the [Radial/Perp (Align)] command.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [Radial/Perp (Align)].
oSelect a point on the alignment to specify the starting point of the tangent. This point does not
have to be on the alignment itself, but it must be adjacent to it. If the first point you select is not
on the alignment, then the command starts from the perpendicular or radial point on the
pSelect the endpoint of the tangent.
The command calculates a perpendicular or radial tangent that comes closest to matching the
specified endpoint. If the selected starting point is on a line segment, then the new tangent is drawn
perpendicular to that line. If the selected starting point is on a curve or spiral, then the new tangent is
radial to the point on the entity nearest the selected start point.
The following illustration shows radial and perpendicular tangents.

Drawing a Tangent Radial or Perpendicular to an Alignment

52 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Tangent From the End of Another Entity

Drawing a Tangent From the End of Another Entity

To draw a tangent off the end of any selected entity, use the [From End of Entity] command. You can
draw tangents from the end of a curve, spiral, or another tangent. However, you cannot draw
tangents from blocks or inserts. The new tangent is drawn as a separate entity on the current layer
using the orientation of the selected entity.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [From End of Entity].
oSelect the original entity.
pEnter a length for the new line. The length for the new tangent can be entered, dragged, or
entered using ".P" for point numbers. The ".N" for Northing/Easting option is not available for
specifying the length of the tangent.
The following illustration is an example of a tangent drawn from the end of a curve.

Drawing a Tangent from the End of a Curve

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 53

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing Tangents By Station and Offset

To draw tangents using station and offset information for a defined alignment, use the
[By Station and Offset] command.
Note: An alignment must have been created and defined before using the [By Station and Offset]
command. See the following chapter, Working With Horizontal Alignments, for more information
on defining an alignment.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Tangents] Î [By Station and Offset].
oEnter the station number.
pEnter the positive and negative offset values. A positive offset distance sets the point to the
right of the alignment and a negative offset distance sets the point to the left of the alignment.
Note: If you only enter one value for the offset, then the line will not be drawn. You must specify
both a positive and a negative offset value in order for the [By Station and Offset] command to
The tangent will be drawn perpendicular to a straight section of the alignment, or radial to a curve
or a spiral.
The following illustration shows tangents drawn between points chosen by specifying station and

Drawing a Line by Station and Offset

54 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Curves

Drawing Curves
Advanced Design provides several different commands for drawing curves. You can draw a curve
between two tangents, through a specified point, through a range of points, or from the end of an
existing entity. The following sections describe how to draw curves using the variety of methods
available in Advanced Design.

Drawing a Curve From Two Lines

To draw a curve from two lines use the [Two Tangents] command. This command places a curve
between the two tangents and breaks the lines. The two tangents do not have to intersect graphically,
but they cannot be parallel.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [Two Tangents].
oSelect the two tangents.
pEnter one of the following criteria to design the curve.
• length of curve
• tangent length
• external secant
• degree of curve
• chord distance
• middle ordinate distance
• minimum distance
• radius
The following sections describe how to use these options.

Using the Degree of Curve Option

Enter “D” to use the degree of curve option, and then type the degree of curve in the specified

Using the Minimum Distance Option

Enter “M” for minimum distance.
Select the end of the existing curve. The command sets the AutoCAD OSNAP to END for this
prompt. The point you select does not, however, have to be on an existing curve, but can be any
point along the adjacent tangent. For example, if a minimum distance of 200 is required from the end
of a curve to an intersection, then select the intersection for the end of the existing curve. Enter

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 55

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

"200" at the "Minimum distance between curves" prompt. The command calculates a curve ending
200 units from the intersection.
Enter the distance between the end of the new curve and the point selected.

Drawing a Two Tangent Curve

Using the Other Design Criteria Options

If you select Length of Curve, Tangent Length, External Secant, Chord Distance, Middle Ordinate
Distance, or Radius as the curve design criteria, then all you need to specify is the value of the
factor specified. If a negative value is entered for any parameter, then the command draws a looped
arc, as shown below.

Looped Arc

56 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Curve Through a Point

Drawing a Curve Through a Point

To draw a curve through a point between two tangents, select the [Through Point] command. This
option will draw a curve from two tangents that will pass through a selected point.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [Through Point].
oSelect the two tangents the curve will be drawn from.
pSelect the point the curve will be drawn through.
The curve will be drawn and information about the curve will be listed at the command line.
The following illustration shows a curve drawn through a selected point.

Drawing a Two Tangent Curve Through a Point

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 57

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing Multiple Curves

To draw multiple curves between tangent sections, select the [Multiple Curves] command. You can
use this command as an alternative to designing alignment curves with spiral sections. There is a
limit of ten curves with this command.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [Multiple Curves].
oSelect the two tangents the curves will be drawn from.
pEnter the number of curves to draw between the tangents.
qSpecify which curve will have the floating length. One curve in the set must have a floating
length. This is usually the middle curve.
rEnter the design information for each of the curves in turn. The command prompts for the radius
and length of each curve. The following example shows the prompts displayed for design
information for the first curve in the set.
Enter curve 1 Radius:

These prompts repeat for all but the floating curve. The command only requests the radius of the
floating curve since the length is determined by the lengths and radii of the other curves.
The curve is then drawn from the specified parameters.
The following illustration shows multiple curves.

Drawing Multiple Curves Between Two Tangents

58 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Curve Without Breaking the Tangents

Drawing a Curve Without Breaking the Tangents

To draw a curve from two lines without breaking the tangents, use the [Tangent-Tangent-Radius]
command. The tangents are connected back to the point of intersection (PI). To use this command,
there must be two intersecting tangents in the current drawing.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [Tangent-Tangent-Radius].
oSelect the two tangents the curve will be drawn from.
pEnter a radius.
The curve is drawn leaving the tangents intact.
Note: An error message is displayed if the computed curve is too large for the selected tangents. If
this error message is displayed, then select the tangents again and enter a smaller radius.
The following illustration shows this type of curve.

Drawing a Curve Without Breaking the Tangents

To station the alignment along the curves and not through the PI, break the tangent before you define
the alignment. To do this, use the AutoCAD BREAK@ command located on the tablet or use the
AutoCAD BREAK command as follows.
Command: BREAK
Select object: (select tangent)
Enter second point (of F for first point): F
Enter first point: END
of (select arc near PC (BC) point)
Enter second point: @

The at symbol (@) indicates that the second point is the same as the first. This forces AutoCAD to
break the tangent at that single point without removing any of the tangent.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 59

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing a Curve From an Existing Entity

To draw a curve that extends from an existing entity, select the [From End of Entity] command. This
command draws a curve from the endpoint of an existing line or curve (either an arc or spiral).
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [From End of Entity].
oSelect the entity near the end from which to draw the curve. The command uses the ending angle
of the original entity for referencing the new curve.
pChoose the curve entry type. There are two types of entry: Point and Radius. Point entry draws
an arc through a selected point and Radius entry draws an arc based on the radius.

Using the Point Option

Choose the Point option to draw the curve through a point. Select the point for the arc to pass
through and enter the length of the curve.

Using the Radius Option

Choose the Radius option to draw the curve based on a radius and enter a radius value. Specifying a
positive radius draws the arc clockwise or to the right of the starting angle. A negative radius draws
the arc counterclockwise or to the left. The starting angle of the curve being drawn is specified by
the closing angle of the line or arc it is being attached to. If an arc is attached to a curve or spiral,
then the default value for the radius is the radius of the existing arc or spiral.
Choose the design criterion from one of the following:
• tangent length
• chord distance
• delta angle
• external secant
• middle ordinate distance
• length of arc
All choices simply prompt for the value of the factor specified.

60 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Curve From an Existing Entity

After you define the arc with either the Point or Radius option, the arc data is displayed and the arc
is drawn. The following illustration shows a curve drawn with the [From End of Entity] command.

Drawing a Curve from the End of a Tangent

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 61

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing a Curve Through Selected Points

To draw a best-fitting curve through selected points, choose the [Best Fit] command. The command
calculates this curve using the method of least squares for all points entered or selected.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [Best Fit].
oSpecify the type of selection to be used for selecting the points, number or selection.
pSelect the points using one of the following methods:
If you use the “Selection” method, select the point blocks using the pointing device, a window,
or a crossing. The command uses the insertion point of any point block in this selection set. The
blocks have to be Civil/Survey point blocks.
If you use the “Number” method, enter the point numbers. You can enter point numbers
individually, in ranges specified with a hyphen (-), or in a combination of both. The following
example shows point numbers entered individually and in a range.
Enter points: 10,12-15,17,20

The number of characters that can be entered per line is limited to the space available in the
keyboard buffer. To enter a long string of numbers, enter the first group, press <Enter>, and
enter the next group. To end the point number entry, press <Enter> in response to the "Enter
points" prompt. For example, if "1,3,6-7,26-36,87,88,97,105,150-345,212" cannot be entered
as one string, run the command as follows.
Enter points: 1,3,6-7,26-36,87 (press <Enter>)
Enter points: 87,88,97,105,150-345,212 (press <Enter>)
Enter points: (press <Enter>)

Point numbers can be entered in any order. Press <Enter> in response to the "Enter points"
prompt after all point numbers have been entered.
Note: Be sure to end one line and begin the next with the same number.
After you have selected all of the points, the command displays the point number, assigned
error, radial offset to curve, and Northing/Easting coordinates of the points on the curve.
After the point information has been displayed, the command displays the following prompts.
1-Exclude pt 2-Change error 3-Enter more 4-Draw curve ESC-exit

Press a key (1 2 3 4 or ESC):

62 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Curve Through Selected Points

These options are described in the following table.

Option Function
1 Removes a point from the list.
2 Changes the assigned error.
3 Includes other points.
4 Draws the best fit curve.
<Esc> Exits the command.

qSelect an option. Each of these options are described in the following sections:

Removing Points from the List

Enter "1" in response to the "Press a key" prompt.
Enter the point number to exclude from the list.
The command then displays an updated list and returns the "Press a key" prompt.

Changing the Assigned Error

The assigned error assigns a relative accuracy to each point. This error can be between 0 and 1000
units. An error of zero (0) indicates that the point should be held. Only one point can be held in any
set of observations. If the errors are all equal, each point is weighted equally. If the errors are
unequal, the points with the smaller errors are given more weight than the ones with a larger error.
Type "2" at the "Press a key" prompt to change the assigned error.
Specify either Individual or All as the error option.
• To change the error for a single observation, use the Individual option. Enter the point number
to change and then enter the new error value for the point number.
All points are initially given an assigned error of one (1).
• To enter new errors for all the points, enter "A" at the "Error option (All/<Individual>)"
prompt. The command displays the current error for each point and allows editing or
acceptance of the default value.
The following is an example of changing the error for all points for weighting purposes.
Error option (All/<Individual>): A
Enter error for point 4 <1.000000>: (press <Enter>)
Enter error for point 3 <1.000000>: (press <Enter>)
Enter error for point 2 <1.000000>: .1
Enter error for point 1 <1.000000>: 0

The previous example shows that points 1 and 2 are accurate to one unit. Point 3 is accurate to one
tenth of a unit. The entry of a zero (0) error for point 1 indicates that this point should be held.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 63

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Adding or Excluding Points

Type "3" in response to the "Press a key" prompt.
Enter the points to add or exclude.

Drawing the Curve

To draw the curve, enter "4" at the "Press a key" prompt.
The curve is drawn and the command displays a "Press any key to continue..."prompt. If the curve
displayed in the graphics screen is unacceptable, then edit the point list or weighting factors and
redraw the curve.
After the correct curve has been drawn, press <Esc> at the "Press a key" prompt to exit the
The following example shows the best-fitting curve drawn between points.

Drawing a Curve by Best Fit

64 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing a Concentric Curve

Drawing a Concentric Curve

To draw a concentric curve, use the [Concentric] command.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Circular Curves] Î [Concentric].
oEnter the offset distance for the new arc. The offset distance is the distance between the existing
and new arcs. A positive offset causes the new arc to be placed away from the center point of
the arc, whereas a negative offset causes the new arc to be drawn towards the center point of
the arc.
pSelect the arc. The command automatically sets the OSNAP mode to grab the first endpoint,
center point, and last endpoint of the existing arc. These modes can be overridden if other
points are chosen. You must select the points counterclockwise.
After the points are chosen, the command then draws the offset arc.
qSeveral arcs can be offset using the same offset distance. Select another arc to offset or press
<Enter> in response to the "Beginning of arc" and offset distance prompts to exit the command
The following figure illustrates an arc offset in the positive and negative direction.

Concentric Curves Drawn at Positive and Negative Offsets

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 65

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing a Spiral
Advanced Design provides several different ways to include spirals in your drawing. The spiral
commands are divided into two categories: Fit and Attach. The Fit commands create spirals
between two entities while the Attach commands extend a spiral from the end of a selected entity.
Note: Spirals must be created using the commands described in the following section. Do not
attempt to create or edit spirals using AutoCAD commands.
All Softdesk commands expect spirals to meet certain design criteria. If the spirals do not meet these
criteria, then the commands do not process the spirals properly. Even though a spiral returns
polyline information when listed using the AutoCAD LIST command, they cannot be created with
the AutoCAD PLINE command. Be aware that if the horizontal alignment includes spirals, the
alignment must be defined using the [Define From Entities] command. Using the AutoCAD PEDIT
command to join a spiral with other entities will cause the spiral definition to be lost.
Commands to label spirals are available in the Labels pull-down menu of the Softdesk COGO
module. For more information on spiral labeling, refer to the Softdesk COGO online Help.

Entity Selection Methods

All of the commands in the Spirals menu have two options for selecting the tangents or curves from
which to draw the spirals. Either select the them graphically or type "PO" at the "Select entity (or
POints)" prompt to specify the tangent or curve by selecting points. The command then displays the
following prompts for a line.
First point:
End point:

Select the endpoints of the line at these prompts. For selecting an arc, the following prompts
First point:
Second point (end, center, or spi):
Last point:

Select the first endpoint of the arc at the first prompt, the center point of the arc at the second, and
the last endpoint of the arc at the third prompt. For a spiral, select the first endpoint at the first
prompt, the spiral point of intersection at the second prompt, and the second endpoint at the last

66 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting the Spiral Type

Spiral Command Features

• The spiral commands prompt for either a length or a spiral “A” parameter. The “A” parameter
describes the “flatness” of the spiral, and is a commonly used metric parameter that is equal to
the square root of the product of the length and the radius. To use the "A" value, type "A" at the
"First spiral length (or A)" and/or "Second length (or A)" prompt, then enter the "A" value.
• When attaching spirals or arcs to an entity, entering a positive radius will draw the spiral or arc
to the right (clockwise) and entering a negative radius draws the spiral or arc to the left
• All of the options in the [Attach Spiral...] command prompt for a radius or degree of curve. The
degree of curve is not generally used as spiral parameter, but if you are attaching a spiral in or
out of an arc and know the degree of curve but not the radius, then the options will calculate the
radius of the spiral from the degree of curve of the arc.

Setting the Spiral Type

Advanced Design supports clothoidal, sinusoidal, cosinusoidal, and quadratic spiral definitions.
Any command that creates a spiral uses the equations for the current spiral type. Changing the type
of spiral does not affect the definition of existing spirals. All existing spirals retain their original
definitions if you change the spiral type in the middle of a project (intentionally or accidentally).
nSelect [Entity] Î [Spiral Type].
The Alignment Values dialog box displays as shown below, where you can select the type of
spiral to use.

Alignment Values Dialog Box

oChoose the desired spiral definition. The default spiral type is the clothoidal spiral. This spiral
type meets the needs of the majority of design cases. Please refer to Appendix B, Spirals, for a
complete description of the different spiral methods Advanced Design uses.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 67

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing Spirals between Two Tangents

There are several different options for drawing spirals between two tangents. Select the [Fit
Tangent-Tangent...] command to access the icon menu. Each of the icon menu options are described
in the sections that follow.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Tangent-Tangent...].
The following Fit Spirals - Tangent to Tangent icon menu displays.

Fit Spirals - Tangent to Tangent Icon Menu

You can use the options in this icon menu to create two spirals between a tangent, or to create two
spirals with a circular curve between them. Each of these options is described in the following

68 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Two Tangents

Using the Spiral-Curve-Spiral Option

Use the Spiral-Curve-Spiral option to create two spirals and the associated circular curve between
two tangents. The spirals can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Tangent-Tangent...].
oSelect the “Spiral-Curve-Spiral” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the tangents into and out of the curve.
qEnter the radius of the arc to be placed between the two tangents (or use the Degree option and
enter the degree of curve). If you enter a negative value at the "Enter radius (or Degree)"
prompt, then the command draws a clover leaf.
rDefine the spiral segments by either using a length or an “A” value.
The following illustration shows a curve and two spirals drawn with this command.

Drawing Two Spirals and a Curve

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 69

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Spiral-Spiral Option

Use the Spiral-Spiral option to draw two spirals between two tangents without a circular curve
between them. The spirals can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Tangent-Tangent...].
oSelect the “Spiral-Spiral” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the tangents to be joined with the spirals.
qSpecify the spiral definition method: Lengths or Radius.
If you select the Lengths option, then enter the spiral length in and out.
If you select the Radius option, then enter the radius. This is the radius of the spirals where they
intersect. At this prompt you also have the option of entering “D” for Degree and at the next
prompt entering a degree value.
The following illustration shows spirals designed with the Spiral-Spiral option.

Drawing Two Spirals

70 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Tangents and Curves

Drawing Spirals between Tangents and Curves

There are a couple of ways to draw spirals between tangents and curves. Select the [Fit Tangent-
Curve] command to access the icon menu. Each of the icon menu options are described in the
sections that follow.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Tangent-Curve].
The Fit Spirals - Tangent to Curve icon menu displays as shown below.

Fit Spirals - Tangent to Curve Icon Menu

You can use the options in this icon menu to either fit a simple spiral between a tangent and circular
curve or to fit a spiral, circular curve, spiral, and reverse spiral between a tangent and a circular
curve. Each of these options is described in the following sections.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 71

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Spiral Option

To construct a simple spiral between a tangent and circular curve, use the “Spiral” option.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Tangent-Curve].
oSelect the “Spiral” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the tangent nearest to the end that is to be trimmed.
qSelect the arc (this arc must be close to the tangent but must not cross it).
The required spiral length is unique and calculated by the command. The command then draws the
spiral and displays information about it.
The following illustration shows a spiral created with the Spiral option of the [Fit Tangent-Curve]

Drawing a Spiral Between a Tangent and a Curve

72 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Tangents and Curves

Using the Spi-Crv-Spi-RevSpi Option

Use this option to fit a spiral, circular curve, compound spiral, and reverse spiral between a tangent
and a circular curve. The tangent and curve will be trimmed to fit the new entities.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Tangent-Curve].
oSelect the “Spi-Crv-Spi-RevSpi” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the tangent nearest to the end for the new spiral.
qSelect the arc (this arc can be crossing the tangent).
rDefine the first spiral (starting from the tangent). You can define the spiral segments using a
length or an "A" value.
sEnter the radius for the floating curve (the floating curve radius is the radius of the new circular
curve between the two spirals). At this command prompt you also have the option of defining
the floating curve by degree. Enter “D” for Degree and enter the degree value at the next
tEnter the length for the reverse spiral, or enter an “A” value.
The compound spiral length will be calculated based on the other parameters. The following
illustration is an example of the Spi-Crv-Spi-RevSpi option of the [Fit Tangent-Curve] command.

Drawing a Spiral Between a Curve and Tangent

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 73

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Drawing Spirals between Two Curves

There are several ways to draw spirals between two curves. Select the [Fit Curve-Curve...]
command to access the icon menu. Each of the icon menu options are described in the sections that
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
The Fit Spirals - Curve to Curve icon menu displays as shown below.

Fit Spirals - Curve to Curve Icon Menu

You can use the options in this icon menu to fit spirals in various combinations between two curves
or between a curve and a reverse curve.
Note: When (s) follows the option name, the length of the spirals is the controlling factor in the
commands. When (t) follows the option name, the tangent length is the controlling factor.

74 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Two Curves

Using the Spi-Tan-Spi (s) Option

Use this option to fit a tangent and two spirals between two curves. As noted above, the (s) in the
command name means that the spiral lengths are the controlling factor.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
oSelect the “Spi-Tan-Spi (s)” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc nearest the end that the spiral is fit to.
qSelect the second arc. It does not matter which end of the second arc you select.
rEnter the lengths of the two spiral sections or enter an “A” value. The command calculates the
length and orientation of the tangent to fit between the spiral sections.
The following illustration shows the spirals and tangent created by the Spi-Tan-Spi (s) option.

Drawing Spirals and a Tangent Between a Curve and a Compound Curve

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 75

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Spi-Tan-Spi (t) Option

Use this option to fit a tangent and two spirals between two curves. The (t) in the command name
means that the tangent length is the controlling factor.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
oSelect the “Spi-Tan-Spi (t)” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc nearest the end that the spiral is fit to.
qSelect the second arc. It does not matter which end of the second arc is selected.
rEnter the length of the tangent. You can define the tangent length either by entering a length or by
selecting two reference points from the graphics screen.
This option calculates the length and orientation of the spiral sections on either side of the tangent.
The following illustrations show the spirals and tangent created by the Spi-Tan-Spi (t) option. In the
first illustration, the tangent is greater than zero.

Tangent Greater than Zero

76 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Two Curves

In the second illustration, the tangent is equal to zero.


Tangent Equal to Zero

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 77

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (s) Option

Use this option to fit a tangent and two spiral segments between a curve and a reverse curve. The (s)
in the command name means that the spiral lengths are the controlling factor.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
oSelect the “Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (s)” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc nearest the end that the spiral is fit to.
qSelect the second arc. It does not matter which end of the second arc is selected.
rEnter the length of the spirals, or enter “A” values.
The option calculates the length and orientation of the tangent to fit between the spiral sections. This
following illustration shows the spirals and tangent created by the Spi-Tan-Spi (s) option.

Drawing Spirals and a Tangent for a Reverse Curve

78 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Two Curves

Using the Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (t) Option

Use this option to fit a tangent and two spiral segments between a curve and a reverse curve. The (t)
in the command name means that the tangent length is the controlling factor.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
oSelect the “Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (t)” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc nearest the end that the spiral is fit to.
qSelect the second arc. It does not matter which end of the second arc is selected.
rEnter the length of the tangent. The tangent length can be defined either by entering a length or
by selecting two reference points from the graphics screen.
The command calculates the length and orientation of the spiral sections on either side of the tangent.
The following illustrations show the spirals and tangent created with the Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (t)
option. In the first illustration, the tangent is greater than zero.

Tangent Greater than Zero

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 79

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

In the second illustration, the tangent is equal to zero.


Tangent Equal to Zero

80 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Two Curves

Using the Compound Spiral Option

Use this option to construct a compound spiral between two curves. The path of the smaller arc must
be reasonably close to and completely within the larger arc, as shown in the following illustration.

Drawing a Compound Spiral Between Two Curves

If the paths of the arcs intersect, then there is no solution to the spiral.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
Note: Compound spirals are only supported when using a clothoid spiral type.
oSelect the “Compound Spiral” icon from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc (see the illustration above for selection locations).
qSelect the second arc.
rEnter the compound spiral direction. There are two solutions for a compound spiral. The
compound spiral starts from the larger of the two arcs and can curve right (clockwise) or left
(counterclockwise) to the smaller arc.
The option then draws the compound spiral and displays information about it.
A spiral cannot have a deflection angle greater than 180 degrees. If the deflection angle of the full
spiral (the compound spiral projected out to the tangent) is greater than 180 degrees, then a message
is displayed stating that the spiral angle is greater than 180.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 81

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Comp Spi-Crv-Spi Option

Use this option to fit a circular curve and two compound spiral segments between two curves.
Compound spirals are only supported when using a clothoid spiral type so no matter what spiral
type is set the command will always use the clothoid spiral type.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
oSelect the “Comp Spi-Crv-Spi” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc.
qSelect the second arc.
rEnter the lengths of the spiral segments, or enter an “A” value.
sEnter the radius of the floating curve between the spiral segments (or use the Degree option and
enter the degree of the curve).
Note: Compound spirals are only supported when using a clothoid spiral type.
The following illustration shows the compound spirals and arc created by the Comp Spi-Crv-Spi

Drawing Two Compound Spirals and a Curve Between Two Curves

82 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Spirals between Two Curves

Using the Quad Spiral Option

Use this option to fit a circular curve and two sets of reverse spirals between two curves.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Fit Curve-Curve...].
oSelect the “Quad Spiral” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the first arc.
qSelect the second arc.
rEnter the total length of the set of reverse spirals (see illustration below) or an “A” value.
sEnter the radius of the floating curve between the spiral segments (or use the Degree option and
enter the degree of the curve).

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 83

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

The following illustration shows the reverse spirals and arc created by the Quad Spiral option.

Drawing Two Sets of Reverse Spirals Between Two Curves

84 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Attaching Spirals to Entities

Attaching Spirals to Entities

There are several options available for attaching spirals off the ends of entities. Select the [Attach
Spiral...] command to access the icon menu, where you can select among the options to use. Each
option is described in the sections that follow.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Spiral...].
The Attach Spirals icon menu displays as shown below.

Attach Spirals Icon Menu

Use the options in this icon menu to draw a spiral off the end of an existing entity. Each of the
options are described in the following sections.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 85

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Spiral In Option

Use the Spiral In option to attach a spiral to the nearest end of a selected entity starting with the
point of intersection between the spiral and tangent (TS) and ending with the point of intersection
between the spiral and arc (SC). Although you can attach the spiral to any tangent, curve, or spiral,
the command is intended to be used to attach the spiral to the end of a tangent, with the spiral leading
into a curve.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Spiral...].
oSelect “Spiral In” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the original entity.
qEnter the ending radius of the spiral or the degree of curve.
rEnter the spiral length or "A" value.
The following illustration shows a spiral created with the Spiral In option.

Drawing a Spiral into an Entity

86 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Attaching Spirals to Entities

Using the Spiral Out Option

Use the Spiral Out option to attach a spiral to the nearest end of the selected entity starting with the
point of intersection between the arc and spiral (CS) and ending with the point of intersection
between the spiral and tangent (ST). Although you can attach the spiral to any tangent, curve, or
spiral, the option is intended to be used to attach the spiral to the end of an arc or spiral, with the
spiral leading out of a curve into a tangent.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Spiral...].
oSelect “Spiral Out” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the original entity.
qEnter the radius. The radius value defaults to the value of the selected arc or spiral. Press
<Enter> to accept the value or type in a new radius value or to enter a degree of curve, type
“D” at the “Enter Radius (or Degree) prompt, then enter degree of curve value.
rEnter the length of the spiral or the “A” value of the spiral.
The following illustration shows a spiral created with the Spiral Out option.

Drawing a Spiral out of an Entity

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 87

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Using the Spiral to Point Option

Use the Spiral to Point option to draw a spiral to a selected point starting with the point of
intersection between the tangent and spiral (TS) and ending with the point of intersection between
the spiral and arc (SC).
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Spiral...].
oSelect “Spiral to Point” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the original entity.
qSelect the point the spiral will be drawn to.
The unique spiral length required is then calculated by the command.
The following illustration shows a spiral drawn with the Spiral to Point option.

Drawing a Spiral to a Point

88 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Attaching Spirals to Entities

Using the Compound Spiral Option

Use the Compound Spiral option to attach a compound spiral to the end of a selected entity.
Although any you can use any entity, this command is intended to attach a compound spiral to a
curve and, in turn, to have another curve attached to it.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Spiral...].
oSelect the “Compound Spiral” option from the icon menu.
pSelect the original entity.
qEnter the starting radius or the degree of curve.
rEnter the compound spiral length or “A” value.
sEnter the ending radius or degree of curve to finish the definition of the compound spiral.
The following illustration shows a spiral created with the Compound Spiral option.

Drawing a Compound Spiral from the End of an Entity

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 89

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

Attaching Multiple Curves, Tangents, and Spirals to

an Entity
To attach multiple alignment entities from the end of any previously drawn alignment entity, use the
[Attach Multiple] command. The separate elements of this command have been included as separate
commands in the Tangents, Circular Curves, and Spiral menus. In other words, if you only need to
draw a curve, then use one of the commands in the Circular Curves menu and similarly for tangents
and spirals.
The following sections describe how to draw each type of entity independently. After you draw one
type of entity, simply enter the appropriate option at the command line to draw the next type of

Attaching a Tangent
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Multiple].
oSelect the entity nearest the end to which the new entities are to be attached.
pEnter "T" to attach a tangent.
qEnter the length of the new tangent section.

Attaching an Arc
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Multiple].
oSelect the entity nearest the end to which the new entities are to be attached.
pEnter "A" to attach an arc.
qSpecify the type of entry to use: Point or Radius.
• Choose the Point option if you want to draw the arc through a selected point. Select a point and
enter the chord length.
• Choose the Radius option if you want to draw the arc based on the radius or degree of curve.
Enter the radius at the prompt, or type “D” and enter a degree of curve. When drawing a curve,
specifying a positive radius or degree of curve draws the arc clockwise or to the right of the
starting angle, whereas a negative radius or degree of curve draws the arc counterclockwise or
to the left.
After you enter the radius, the command displays the following prompt.
Select entry (Tan/Chord/Delta/Length/Ext/Mid) <Length>:

Select one of the following design criteria:

• tangent length
• chord distance

90 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Attaching Multiple Curves, Tangents, and Spirals to an Entity

• delta angle
• length of arc
• external secant
• middle ordinate distance
All choices simply prompt for the value of the variable specified. After you define an arc with
either the Point or Radius option, the arc data is displayed and the arc is drawn.

Attaching a Spiral
nSelect [Entity] Î [Attach Multiple].
oSelect the entity nearest the end to which the new entities are to be attached.
pEnter “S” to attach a spiral.
qSelect the spiral type. The [Attach Multiple] command uses the spiral type that you set with the
[Spiral Type] command, but it also uses an additional spiral type to link the spiral to the
alignment segment. These options are Compound, Incurve, Outcurve, and Point.
• Choose the Compound option to draw the spiral from a curve to another curve.
• Choose the Incurve option to draw the spiral from a tangent to a curve.
• Choose the Outcurve option to draw the spiral from a curve to a tangent.
• Choose the Point option to draw the spiral from a tangent to a specified point.
rEnter the length and radius of the spiral or the degree of curve. The spiral data is displayed and
the spiral is drawn.
The starting angle of the curve is specified by the closing angle of the line or arc you are attaching it
to. If you attach a spiral to an arc or if you attach an arc to a curve or spiral, the default value for the
radius is the radius of the existing arc or spiral.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 91

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

The following illustration shows a curve and spiral attached to a tangent with the [Attach Multiple]

Attaching a Curve and a Spiral to a Tangent

92 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using Speed Tables to Calculate Curves

Using Speed Tables to Calculate Curves

Speed tables are common references that are found in various publications on highway design. A
horizontal speed table includes a design speed with a list of the following: degree of curve, radius,
superelevation rate (e), spiral length or A factor for two lane designs, and spiral length or A factor
for four lane designs.
Several speed tables with common superelevation rates are provided with Advanced Design. These
speed tables include the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) and Canadian RTAC standards. You can modify these speed tables and also create new

Setting the Path for Speed Tables

Before using the [Edit Speed Table...] command, set the location at which the speed tables will be
stored with the [Set Table Path...] command. This command sets the path for all speed tables. If the
directory path does not already exist, then the [Set Table Path] command will create the directory if
it is a valid path.
The speed table path is a project based setting so that all drawings associated with a project use the
same path, and therefore the same speed tables. An option is included in this command to store part
or all of the table path in the sdsk.dfm file, allowing access for multiple users across a network to
the speed table storage location.
The Speed Table Path dialog box is comprised of three parts. The “ADTBL” check box and the
“Path” edit box are used to define the speed table path. You can use either one of these options or
both in combination to generate the path. The third part of this dialog displays the complete speed
table path. The following sections describe the options in this dialog box.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Set Table Path...]. The Speed Table Path dialog box will display as shown

Speed Table Path Dialog Box

oIf you are going to share the speed table files in a networked environment, then select the “Use
ADTBL key defined in SDSK.DFM file” option. This option is provided because in a
networked environment, it’s possible that not everyone will mount the network drive in the

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 93

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

same way. When this option is active, each person can set his or her own ADTBL key path with
the [Softdesk Preferences...] command. The current path for this key is displayed as the Root
path. If you have not set the key, then the root path display will be blank.
If one person mounts the drive as j:\ and another person mounts it as k:\, then a fixed table path
would work for one, but not the other. By storing the path in the sdsk.dfm file, each person has a
unique path pointing to the same table directory. The first person can set the ADTBL key to j:\
and the second person can set it to k:\. Then you can set the “Path” edit box to the portion of the
path that is common to all. By entering “tables\” in the table path field the first person would
find the tables in j:\tables and the second person would find the same tables with the path
pIf you enter a path in the “Path” edit box, then this path will be combined with the root path to
create the entire table path. If the “Path” edit box is empty, then the entire table path will be
retrieved from the root ADTBL path. If you do not know the exact path to enter, pick the
“Browse...” button next to the Path edit box. You can use the “Browse” option to search drives
and directories for the location you want to specify.
qUse the [Softdesk Preferences...] command from the [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] pull-down
menu to set the ADTBL key value. From the Preferences dialog box, pick on the “Path
Settings...” button. From the Select Path list box, select the “Advanced Design Speed Tables”
option. Edit the key using the Value edit box.
Although the ADTBL option was added to support multi-user environments, you can also use it for
single user systems.

94 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Reading, Editing or Creating a Speed Table

Reading, Editing or Creating a Speed Table

To read, edit, or create a speed table, use the [Edit Speed Table...] command. As a prerequisite to
choosing this command, the speed table path must be set with the [Set Table Path...] command.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Edit Speed Table...]. The Horizontal Speed Table dialog box displays as
shown below.

Horizontal Speed Table Dialog Box

oThe Current File area lists the current speed table that is displayed. Pick the “Select” button to
choose the speed table you want to view. The Select Speed Table dialog box displays, as
shown below.

Select Speed Table Dialog Box

pPick one of the tables that are listed. AASHTO04.sup is the AASHTO speed table for the
maximum superelevation rate of 0.04, for example. Select the table suitable for the
superelevation conditions of the design location, then pick “OK” to return to the Horizontal
Speed Table dialog box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 95

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

qUse the “Design Speed” list box to set the design speed that will be characteristic of the
superelevated region. Selecting a new speed will redisplay the table with a list of selections
based upon that speed.
rUse the table section of the dialog to read, edit, or create a new speed table. Each table lists
five criteria: Degree of curve; curve radius; superelevation rate; and the spiral lengths in and
out for both two and four lane roads. The Super Rate is the superelevation rate or “e” value.
This value is typically represented by a decimal number representing the percent grade of full
superelevation. Other representations supported are “nc” for “no crown” and “rc” for “remove
crown”. The “rc” value for Advanced Design purposes is always set to a 2% grade. This value
can be changed, however, when you edit the superelevation parameters. For more information,
refer to the section of the “Creating Cross Sections” chapter dealing with the definition of
superelevation on a particular template.
sTo make a new entry to the speed table, pick the “Add” button. The New/Edit Speed Table Item
dialog box will display as shown below.

New/Edit Speed Table Item Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to enter the design parameters for a new degree of curvature and radius.
You must include degrees, minutes, and seconds when you are entering the degree of curve. The
recommended method of entry matches the display, where a ^ is used as the degree symbol, a '
for minutes and a " for seconds.
tTo edit a table entry, pick the “Edit” button. The New/Edit Speed Table Item dialog box will
display. Follow the same entry guidelines as described above in step 6.
uTo delete a table entry, pick the “Delete” button. A confirmation dialog box will display, asking
you to confirm deletion of the selected item.
vTo save the current file, pick the “Save” button. To save the table under a different file name,
pick the “Save As” button.

96 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using a Speed Table to Create a Spiral-Curve-Spiral Between Two Tangents

Using a Speed Table to Create a Spiral-Curve-Spiral

Between Two Tangents
The [Create Curves] command functions much the same as the [Fit Tangent-Tangent] command,
which places a spiral-curve-spiral or a curve between two specified tangents. The only difference
with the [Create Curves] command is that instead of prompting for the values for spiral length in,
spiral length out and radius, these values are retrieved from the speed tables.
When you use this command, the superelevation information is stored with the curve entities. After
you define the alignment, this superelevation information will be automatically added to the
superelevation file of the alignment. You can use the [Superelevation Parameters] command from
the Section menu to edit the superelevation curve information.
nSelect [Entity] Î [Create Curves].
oSelect the two tangents going in and out of the curve.
The Horizontal Speed Table dialog box displays, as shown below.

Horizontal Speed Table Dialog Box

pUse the speed table interface to retrieve the spiral values. Pick the line in the table appropriate
for the degree of curve and radius. You can either double-click on this line or select it and then
click “OK.”

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 97

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

The Select dialog box displays, as shown below.


The Select Dialog Box

qSpecify whether the superelevation conditions will apply to a two lane or a four lane road.
The command then draws either a spiral-curve-spiral transition or a curve transition between the
two tangents. The superelevation information is stored with the arc entities.
After you define the alignment, you can edit the curve information with the [Section] Î [Design
Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters] command.

Listing Information About a Selected Entity

To list information about a selected entity, use the [List Entity] command. The entity you specify
must be a line, arc, or spiral drawn with the Spiral commands.
nSelect [Entity] Î [List Entity].
oSelect the entity to list, using one of the following methods:
• To select a line, choose the endpoints of the line at the first two prompts and press <Enter>
at the third. The command then returns the line information.
• To select an arc, choose the first endpoint of the arc at the first prompt, the center point of
the arc at the second prompt, and the second endpoint at the last prompt. The command then
returns the arc information.
• To select a spiral, choose the first endpoint at the first prompt, the spiral point of
intersection at the second prompt, and the second endpoint at the last prompt.
The command then returns all the geometrical information about the entity selected provided it is a
line, arc, or spiral.

98 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Listing the Radius of a Point on a Spiral

Listing the Radius of a Point on a Spiral

To list the radius of a selected spiral at a selected point, use the [List Spiral Radius] command. This
radius is calculated based on the spiral type. Since spiral representations are not always graphically
accurate, the radius is calculated from the equations that have been generated.
nSelect [Entity] Î [List Spiral Radius].
oSelect the beginning of the spiral.
pSelect the place on the spiral at which to list the radius. Either enter the distance along the
spiral to the point at which the radius is to be measured, or enter "PO" to pick points at which
to list the radius.
The command then displays the Northing and Easting of the selected point, the spiral radius at
that point, and the direction of the spiral tangent at that point.
North : {Northing} East: {Easting}
Radius: {Radius} Tangent Direction: {Direction}

qContinue to select points to list, or press <Enter> to end the command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 99

Chapter 3: Drawing Horizontal Alignments

100 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Chapter 4
Working With Horizontal Alignments
After using the commands from the Entity menu to draw the horizontal alignment of your roadway,
you need to link this drawing with a database. This process is called defining a horizontal
alignment, and is one of the steps described in this chapter. You can access the commands that are
discussed in this chapter through the Align pull-down menu, although they will not necessarily be
discussed in order as they appear.
This chapter describes how to:
• define an alignment comprised of several entities or of one polyline
• enter or edit the alignment in an editor
• set alignment points for layout
• station the alignment
• create offsets for the alignment

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 101

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

The Horizontal Alignment Database

When you define a horizontal alignment, the information is stored in the alignment database for
reference. All commands that work with alignments refer to the information from this database.
When working in a networked environment, several people can work on the project, but only the
first person to access the alignment database during a session receives full read/write capabilities.
The next person can open the horizontal alignments in read-only mode, but will have full access to
editing the vertical data files (profiles and cross sections) for the selected alignments. For a
complete description of working in a multi-user environment, refer to the Learning Advanced
Design Basics chapter.

Saving Your Work

You must use the AutoCAD SAVE, END, NEW, or OPEN command to save the alignment
definition. You can also use the [Save File] command from the Alignment Commands submenu to
save the alignment database without saving the drawing. If you define an alignment and quit the
drawing without saving changes, the alignment definition will be discarded.
All of the commands found in this chapter use settings that are held in the project directory. Each
drawing has a file for storing these settings in the project /dwg directory with the name
<dwgname>.dfm so that each drawing can have its own unique settings. These settings include
Advanced Design layers, stationing, profile and section plotting, and superelevation.

102 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining an Alignment by Individual Entities

Defining an Alignment by Individual Entities

There are two ways to define an alignment: by individual entities and by a polyline. If you used the
commands from the Entity menu to draw the alignment, then use the [Define From Entities] command
to define it. You can use this command to define an alignment made up of any combination of
spirals, arcs, and lines. The alignment data is then written to the alignment database. If the alignment
contains spirals, then the spirals must be polylines created using the commands in the Entity pull-
down menu. The remaining entities must be simple lines and arcs.
Note: Do not use this command for alignments that are composed of only one polyline; use the
[Define From Polyline] command instead.
nSelect [Align] Î [Define From Entities].
oSelect the first entity nearest the point of beginning (POB). The command snaps to the nearest
endpoint of the entity. An “X” automatically appears at the nearest end of the tangent, arc or
spiral to indicate the starting point of the alignment. If the “X” appears at the bottom of the
tangent, then cancel the command and try again by selecting closer to the upper end of the first
pSelect the entities that make up the alignment. You can use the AutoCAD window or crossing
options to select the entities.
Note: If you use a window or crossing, then the routine will not select any entities that are not
connected to the alignment (i.e. points, blocks or other lines).
qThe command continues to prompt for entities. Press <Enter> in response to this prompt after
all entities have been selected. The command then connects the entities. The following is an
example of entity selection.
Select objects: C
First corner: (pick first corner)
Other corner: (pick other corner)
# found (the number of objects found is listed here)
Select objects: (press <Enter>)
Connecting entities:...

Note: The entities that make up the alignment must meet exactly end to end. The [Define from
Entities] command ends the alignment at any point it fails to find a connecting entity.
rSelect a reference point for defining the stationing. The reference point can be any point on the
alignment. The default is the starting point of the alignment, but you can select any point on the
alignment. Press <Enter> to accept the default starting point or select a new reference point.
sEnter the alignment name in the Define Alignment dialog box. The alignment name can be no
greater that 8 characters and can include any alphanumeric symbol. If you have previously used
the [Define From Entities] command using the same alignment name, then a confirmation dialog
box is displayed asking if you want to overwrite the existing alignment. Select the “Yes” button
to overwrite the existing alignment or select the “No” button to avoid overwriting the existing
alignment. The same entities can be defined as more than one alignment.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 103

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

tEnter the alignment description in the dialog box. The alignment description can be up to 80
characters in length and can include any alphanumeric symbol.
uReview and/or edit the starting station in the dialog box. The starting station listed is the
reference point you selected in step 5. This station can have a negative value. When entering the
starting station value, do not include the plus sign (+). Enter station 10+00 as "1000."
vSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box.
The command then records the new alignment in the alignment database file. The
[Define From Entities] command lists on screen the starting and ending station and the length of
the alignment defined as well as the name, number, and description. Please note that the
alignment number is automatically generated and cannot be changed. The following is an
example of defined alignment data.
--------------------- ALIGNMENT DATA --------------------
Description: Route 202 Bypass
Name: 202CL Number: 1 Length: 14931.42
Starting station: 10+000.00 Ending station: 24+931.42

104 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining an Alignment by Individual Entities

The following illustration shows the picks needed to define an alignment composed of several

Defining the Horizontal Alignment

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 105

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Defining a Single Polyline Alignment

If you used a single polyline to draw the horizontal alignment, then use the [Define From Polyline]
command to define the alignment. This command defines an alignment consisting of a single polyline
and records the new alignment in the horizontal alignment database file. The alignment cannot be
made of individual lines and arcs, and the alignment cannot contain any spiral sections.
nSelect [Align] Î [Define From Polyline].
oSelect the polyline. An “X” will appear at the starting point of the polyline, the first point
drawn when the polyline was created, and the command connects the polyline vertices. Polyline
alignments are always defined in the direction that they were drawn.
pSelect a reference point for defining the stationing. The reference point can be any point on the
alignment. The default is the starting point of the alignment, but you can select any point on the
alignment. Press <Enter> to accept the default starting point or select a new reference point.
qEnter the name of the alignment in the Define Alignment dialog box. The alignment name can be
no longer than 8 characters and can include any alphanumeric symbol. If you have previously
used the [Define From Polyline] command using the same alignment name, then a confirmation
dialog box is displayed asking if you want to overwrite the existing alignment. Select the “Yes”
button to overwrite the existing alignment or select the “No” button to avoid overwriting the
existing alignment. The same polyline can be defined as more than one alignment by saving it
under different names.
rEnter the alignment description in the dialog box. The alignment description can be up to 80
characters in length and can include any alphanumeric symbol.
sReview and/or edit the starting station in the dialog box. The starting station is the reference
point you selected in step 3. The reference point can have a negative value. When entering a
starting station value, do not include the plus sign (+). Enter station 10+00 as "1000."
tSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box.
The command then lists information about the alignment on screen including the name, number,
description, length, and starting and ending stations. Please note that the alignment number is
automatically generated and cannot be edited.
The following is an example of defined alignment data.
------------------- ALIGNMENT DATA ----------------------
Description: Route 202 Bypass
Name: 202CL Number: 1 Length: 1492.42
Starting station: 10+00.00 Ending station: 24+92.42

106 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Selecting an Alignment

Selecting an Alignment
If you have just defined an alignment using either the [Define From Entities] or the [Define from
Polyline] command, then it will automatically become the current working alignment. However,
each time you close and reopen your file you will have to reselect the alignment you would like to
have as the current alignment.
To set the current alignment, use the [Select Alignment] command. You can set an alignment by
picking the alignment, by selecting the alignment from the Alignment Librarian dialog box, or by
entering the alignment number.
Note: The [Select Alignment] command is located in three locations: the Align, Profile, and Section
nSelect [Align] Î [Select Alignment].
oEither select the alignment from the graphics screen or press <Enter> to access the Alignment
Librarian dialog box, as shown below.

Alignment Librarian Dialog Box

pSelect the desired alignment from the scroll box in the Alignment Librarian. Or you can select
the “Cancel” button. If you select “Cancel” then the dialog box will close and the following
prompt will display:
Enter Alignment number:

At this prompt, enter the number of the desired alignment.

Note: You cannot graphically select an alignment defined through the [Define From Polyline]
command at the prompt "Select alignment." Either select the alignment from the Alignment Librarian
dialog box or enter the alignment number.
If you graphically select an alignment at the “Select Alignment” prompt, and it is found that the
selected entity has been used in more than one alignment, then the following prompt is displayed:

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 107

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Number: {#} Name: {name} Desc: {description)

Multiple Alignments - Is this the Alignment (Yes/No) <No>:

The prompt displays the number, name, and description for each alignment name that has been
assigned to these entities. The prompt repeats until a “Yes” response is given to select the correct

Displaying the Current Alignment

To display the current alignment without changing it, select the [Display Current] command. You
cannot edit or change the current alignment name with this command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Display Current].
oThe Current Alignment dialog box displays, listing the name, number, description, and starting
and ending stations of the current alignment, as shown below.

Current Alignment Dialog Box

To set the current alignment, use the [Select Alignment] command. To display a list of all defined
alignments, use the [List Defined] command.

Displaying the Defined Alignments

To see which alignments have been defined, use the [List Defined] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [List Defined].
oThe AutoCAD text window displays, providing information on all alignments defined in the
project. This information includes the alignment number, type, name, and description.
pPress any key to return to the graphics screen.

108 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Alignment Offsets

Drawing Alignment Offsets

After you have defined the centerline alignment, you can use the [Create Offsets...] command to add
alignment offsets. Use this command to set the offset values and to draw up to eight offsets (four per
side) for the current alignment. When you are drawing offsets, the layers specified in the dialog box
are thawed and turned on, if they exist, and if they do not exist, they are created.
No more than eight offsets can be drawn at one time. If you need more than eight offsets for an
alignment, then run the [Create Offsets...] command again using new distances, layer names, and
alignment names.
nSelect [Align] Î [Create Offsets...].
oThe Alignment Offset Settings dialog box displays as shown below.

Alignment Offset Settings Dialog Box

pIf you want the offsets you create with this command to be defined as alignments, then check the
“Define offset alignments” check box. If this toggle is on, then the offset alignments will still be
listed as offsets rather than alignments when you use the [List Defined] command. However,
you may select them and use them in the same manner as any alignment.
qEnter the desired alignment name prefix in the Name Prefix edit box. The prefix and alignment
name together cannot exceed eight characters. If the name assigned to an offset alignment is
greater than eight characters, then it is truncated. Each alignment name must be unique. No two
alignment offsets can have the same name.

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Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

rTurn on an offset. To turn on an offset, check the appropriate Outer, Second, Third, or Inner
Offset check box. As you turn on each offset, the fields for the layer names and offset distances
become accessible.
sUse the Left Offset and Right Offset edit boxes to enter the offset distances. Enter a positive
number to draw an offset on the indicated side of the alignment, enter a negative number to
draw an offset on the opposite site of the alignment. Enter zero (0) if an offset is not needed.
The command determines the left and right sides of an alignment based on station progression.
tUse the Left Name and Right Name edit boxes to enter the offset names. These names will be
combined with the name prefix you set in step 4.
uEnter the layer name for each offset in the Layer edit boxes. Both right and left offsets are
placed on the same layer. The specified layer names are the layers on which the offset entities
are placed. If the layer names do not exist, then the [Create Offsets...] command creates them.
vAfter the values are set, select the “OK” button to exit the dialog box. The [Create Offsets...]
command then draws either symmetrical or asymmetrical offsets for the current alignment. If
you have not set a current alignment before using the [Create Offsets...] command, then a prompt
is displayed to select an alignment. Offsets are then drawn for the alignment selected.
The following illustration shows typical alignment offsets.

Alignment Offsets

110 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Alignment Offsets

Offset widths do not need to be symmetrical. The left and right widths of the alignment can vary. The
following illustration shows symmetrical and asymmetrical offsets.

Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Alignment Offsets

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 111

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Stationing an Alignment
To create stations for the current alignment, use the [Create Stations] command. The labels that are
inserted with this command use the current text style and are placed on the layer specified in the
[Settings...] command from the Stations submenu. See “Modifying the Alignment Stations Settings”
below for more information.
The current linear precision from the [Setup Drawing...] command is used when labeling the stations
of the point of curvature (PC), point of tangency (PT), and intersections between spirals and tangents
or spirals and arcs (TS, SC, CS, and ST).
Set the stationing equations with the [Equations] command prior to using the [Create Stations]
command. See “Setting Station Equations” below for more information.
nSelect [Align] Î [Stations] Î [Create Stations].
oEnter the beginning and ending stations of the range to be stationed. The default values are
based on the starting and ending stations of the current alignment. Enter new values or press
<Enter> to accept the default.
The command stations the current alignment.
The following illustration shows a stationed alignment.

Stationed Alignment

112 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the Alignment Stations Settings

Modifying the Alignment Stations Settings

To modify the stations settings used with the [Create Stations] command, select the [Settings...]
command from the Stations submenu. You can use this command to set the stationing increments,
stationing options, and the offset distances for labeling.
nSelect [Align] Î [Stations] Î [Settings]. The Alignment Stationing Settings dialog box
displays as shown below.

Alignment Stationing Settings Dialog Box

oSelect the labeling options. There are three types of labels you can use to label stations: Station
labels, Station point labels, and Station equations labels. Check the appropriate check boxes to
include these labels in the drawing.
pReview and/or edit the layer names for each of the station label types in the adjacent layer edit
qTo insert labels into the drawing in a perpendicular orientation, check the “Perpendicular
labels” check box. If you leave this box unchecked, then the labels will be inserted parallel to
the alignment.
rTo rotate the labels to be read along the alignment, check the “Stations read along road” check
box. If you leave this box unchecked, then the labels will be inserted in relation to a fixed
sTo insert the station labels directly on the alignment with the plus sign (+) in the label marking
the station, check the “Plus sign location” check box.
tEnter the distance between station labels in the “Station label increment” edit box. This value
cannot be a negative value.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 113

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

uEnter the distance between tick marks in the “Station tick increment” edit box. The station tick
increment must be evenly divisible into the stationing label increment. For example, if the label
increment is equal to 1000, then the tick increment might be 100, 200, 250, or 500. This value
cannot be a negative value.
vEnter the offset distance in the “Station label offset” edit box. This is the distance from the
alignment to the insertion point of the station label, and is in drawing units (feet or meters). Do
not use the label offset edit box if you are using the “Plus sign location” option.
The following illustration shows the various stationing parameters.

Stationing Parameters

114 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Station Equations

Setting Station Equations

Use station equations to change a station value. If you enter station equations or make changes to
existing equations, then you will need to restation the alignment with the [Create Stations] command.
Note: Station equations are applied when creating, listing, and labeling of profiles and cross-
sections as well.
nSelect [Align] Î [Stations] Î [Equations].
The [Equations] command first displays the current alignment information and any station
equations defined for it. The following is an example of station equation information.


1 1675.00 2000.00 INCREASING
2 3261.00 3400.00 INCREASING

oAt the following prompt, select the operation to perform:

Select operation (Clear/Add/eXit/Modify/Delete) <eXit>:

These options are described in the following sections.

Clearing Station Equations

Enter “C” to remove all defined station equations for the current alignment. A confirmation prompt
is displayed when this option is selected.
Enter "Y" to remove all station equations. Enter "N" to exit the option without removing any
equations. The option then returns an updated list of defined equations.

Adding Station Equations

Enter “A” to add new equations to the current alignment.
Select the location of the new equation. This point is the point from which the station equation takes
effect, and is called the “station back.” You can use AutoCAD OSNAP overrides to select the point.
Accept the station of the point you selected or enter a new station value. The default value is always
based on the original stationing without any station equations applied, and you should generally
accept this value unless you want to move the actual location of the station equation.
Enter the station ahead. This is the station assigned to the next point on the alignment.
Select the station order. The stations from the selected equation point can continue in increasing or
decreasing increments. The option then returns an updated station equation list.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 115

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Exiting the [Equations] Command

Enter “X” to exit the [Equations] command. All equation information is saved and applied to the
horizontal and vertical alignments.
If you had previously created a profile or stationed the alignment, then you must do these tasks again
in order to incorporate the changes made to the station equations.

Modifying Station Equations

Enter “M” to modify the station equations. The text window opens, displaying the stationing
information and listing the equations you can modify.
Make changes to the equations at the "Enter station back," "Enter reference station," and "Select
stationing order Increase/Decrease" prompts. The number you enter at the “Enter reference station”
prompt will become the new “Station-Ahead”. See "Adding Station Equations" for more information
on these prompts and the expected responses.

Deleting Station Equations

Enter “D” to delete station equations. If there is only one equation defined, then that equation is
If several equations are defined, enter the equation number to delete. The station equation is then
removed and an updated list of defined equations is displayed.
The following illustration shows the effects of using station equations.

Stationing Using Station Equations

Duplicate Station Numbers

Some equations may create situations where duplicate station numbers occur in an alignment. If this
is the case, then several commands that require station numbers, such as the [Create Stations...]
command, display the Duplicate Station Selection dialog box before proceeding.
This dialog box displays the duplicate stations in a scrolling list. To help you choose the correct
station, each station lists the station back associated with it. The station back is the original station
on the alignment before the equation was applied.

116 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting the Text Size for Station Labels

Setting the Text Size for Station Labels

To set the text size for station labels, use the [Set Text Size...] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Stations] Î [Set Text Size...]. The Text Style Selection dialog box is
displayed as shown below.

Text Style Selection Dialog Box

oThe name of the current text style is displayed above the scrolling list. To set a new style,
highlight the new style name.
pSelect "OK" to select the text style.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 117

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Using the Horizontal Alignment Editor

After you have defined the horizontal alignment, you can use the [Edit...] command to edit the
alignment data. When you make any changes in the horizontal alignment editing utility, the changes
are automatically updated in the drawing.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Edit...]. The Horizontal Alignment Editor will
display as shown below.

Horizontal Alignment Editor Dialog Box

The Editor shows each point of intersection (PI) station. A PI is a spot on the alignment where a
new entity begins. The PI station is listed in the “Station” column. The starting and ending
points of an alignment are also considered PIs. If there is a curve located at the PI, then the PI
station is equal to the point of curvature (PC) station, plus the curve tangent length.
oPick the “Insert PI” or “Delete PI” buttons to insert or remove selected PIs.
pTo edit a PI, you only need to edit the Northing and Easting coordinate values. After you change
the Northing and Easting values, the station, distance between the PIs, and angle values for the
PI are automatically recalculated to reflect the new PI coordinates.
The type of angle displayed in the “Direction” column is directly related to the type of angle
chosen in the Drawing Setup commands. This is the reference angle of the line between the two
For information about editing a horizontal alignment curve or spiral, or creating reports based on the
horizontal alignment editor, see the sections that follow.
Note: If you edit a PI, then the command recalculates the associated curve or spiral information.
The command maintains the circular arc radius and the spiral lengths.

118 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using the Horizontal Alignment Editor

Controlling the Display

There are several buttons on the right side of the Horizontal Alignment Editor dialog box that you
can use to navigate through the displayed information. These are especially useful when there are
several PIs in the editor.
H: This button moves the display to the first PI.
U: This button moves up one page.
∧: This button moves up one row.
∨: This button moves down one row.
D: This button moves down one page.
E: This button moves the display to the last PI.

Editing a Horizontal Alignment Curve

nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Edit...]. The Horizontal Alignment Editor will
oPlace the cursor in the edit box for the PI you want to edit and select the “Edit Curve” button.
The following Curve Detail Window dialog box displays.

Curve Detail Window Dialog Box

The “Curve Stations” section of the dialog box displays station, Northing, and Easting
information for the following items, which cannot be edited:

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 119

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Item Description
PC Point of curvature
PI Point of intersection
PT Point of tangency
RP Radius point

If there is not a curve at the current PI, then only the PI station, Northing and Easting, and
overall PI central angle are displayed.
pUse the edit boxes in the lower part of the dialog box to edit curve parameters. After you make
a change, press <Enter> to accept the change and step to the next editable parameter. If you
make a change to any of the parameters, then the curve is recalculated based on the altered
The Curve Data section of the dialog box displays the following curve data information:

Item Description
Ic Central angle of the circular arc
R Radius
L Length of arc (this value cannot be edited)
Tc Tangent length for circular arc only
LC Length of long chord (this value cannot be edited)
I Total central angle of the overall PI (arcs and spirals) when a spiral exists
D Degree of curve
Mc Middle ordinate for circular arc only
Ec External secant for circular arc only

120 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using the Horizontal Alignment Editor

The following figure illustrates the curve parameters.


Curve Parameters

qTo move between the next or previous curve stations, select the “Next” or “Prev” buttons.
rTo access the Spiral Detail Window, pick on the “Spiral” button. Editing the spirals is covered
in the following section.
sSelect “OK” to save the changes you make, or “Cancel” to exit the command.

Editing a Horizontal Alignment Spiral

nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Edit...]. The Horizontal Alignment Editor will

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 121

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

oFrom the Horizontal Alignment Editor, pick the “Edit Spiral” button. The Spiral Detail Window
dialog box displays as shown below.

Spiral Detail Window Dialog Box

The “Spiral Stations” section of the dialog box displays station, Northing, and Easting
information for the following items:

Item Description
TS Point of change from tangent to spiral
SC Point of change from spiral to circular curve
CS Point of change from circular curve to spiral
ST Point of change from spiral to tangent

In this middle section of the dialog box, the following information is displayed.

122 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using the Horizontal Alignment Editor

Item Description
i1 Central Q angle of spiral arc L1, called "spiral angle"
i2 Central Q angle of spiral arc L2, called "spiral angle"
Radius Spiral radius at the SC or CS (Edit field)
L1 Total length of spiral from TS to SC (Edit field)
L2 Total length of spiral from CS to ST (Edit field)
T1 Total tangent distance from PI to TS
T2 Total tangent distance from PI to ST

pUse the Radius, L1, and L2 edit boxes to edit radius and spiral lengths. Changing the radius for
the spirals will also change the radius of the adjacent curve. After you make an edit, press
<Enter> to accept the edit and step to the next editable parameter.
If the you change the spiral lengths, then the command recalculates the circular arc for that PI
and maintains the radius. If the spiral lengths exceed the limits of geometric possibility, then the
error message "Spirals are too large for the delta angle of the PI" is displayed.

The values in the “Spiral Data” section of the dialog box display the following spiral data:

Item Description
X1 Tangent distance at SC from TS
X2 Tangent distance at CS from ST
Y1 Offset distance at SC from TS
Y2 Offset distance at CS from ST
P1 Offset of the initial tangent in to the PC of the shifted arc
P2 Offset of the initial tangent out to the PT of the shifted arc
K1 Abscissa of the shifted PC referred to the TS
K2 Abscissa of the shifted PT referred to the ST
LT1 Long tangent of spiral in
LT2 Long tangent of spiral out
ST1 Short tangent of spiral in
ST2 Short tangent of spiral out
A1 "Flatness" of spiral in
A2 "Flatness" of spiral out

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 123

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

The following figure illustrates the spiral parameters.


Spiral Parameters

qTo move between the next and previous spirals in the horizontal alignment, select the “Next” or
“Prev” button.
rTo edit the curve for the selected PI, select the “Curve” button. This button displays the Curve
Detail Window dialog box. See the "Editing a Horizontal Alignment Curve" description above
for more information on this option.
sSelect “OK” to save the changes you make, or “Cancel” to exit the command.

124 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Creating Reports for the Horizontal Alignment

Creating Reports for the Horizontal Alignment

Use the buttons in the “Reports” section of the Horizontal Alignment Editor to set the output settings
and create reports based on the station, curve, station and curve, and by increments.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Edit...]. The Horizontal Alignment Editor will
oSelect the “Settings” button to display the Output Settings dialog box. All output report formats
are controlled through this dialog box.
To send the information generated by the Horizontal Alignment Editor to a file, toggle the "File"
check box on and enter the output file name in the "Output file name" edit box.
Note: Each time you create a report, be sure to change the default output file name so you don’t
overwrite the previous report.
To keep a running record of all horizontal alignment data, make sure the "Overwrite file" check
box is toggled off. Please note that the "Page breaks" check box applies to the screen display.
The reports are not displayed to the screen as the information is already available for viewing
in the alignment editor. See “Modifying the Output Settings” later in this chapter for more
pSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box and return to the Horizontal Alignment Editor dialog box.
qNext, select the appropriate report button, depending on which type of information you want to
generate a report for: Station, Curve, Station and Curve, or By Increments. These options are
described below.
Station: This selection writes all of the horizontal tangent information for the current alignment
to a file. The content and format of the file is similar to the one used to display information in
the Horizontal Alignment Editor dialog box. The station option prompts for a beginning and
ending station, and then writes horizontal alignment information for the range of stations
specified. No horizontal curve information is written using this selection. To view both tangent
and curve information, use the Station and Curve option.
Curve: This selection writes all of the horizontal curve information for the current alignment to
a file. The content and format of the file is similar to the one used in the Curve Detail dialog
box. This option prompts for a beginning and ending station, and then writes profile information
for the range of stations specified. No tangent information is displayed by this function. To view
both tangent and curve information, use the Station and Curve option.
Sta and Crv: This button writes all of the horizontal alignment information for the current
alignment to a file. This option outputs the tangent information interspersed with horizontal
curve information at the appropriate PVI stations. This option prompts for a beginning and
ending station, and then writes horizontal alignment information for the range of stations
By Incr.: This selection writes horizontal alignment information to a file. The information is
displayed according to an entered increment. The function prompts for a starting and ending

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 125

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

station as well as the increment, and then outputs the station, Northing and Easting, and
tangential direction at the specified increment.

Importing the Current Horizontal Alignment

There are a couple of situations where you may need to import a horizontal alignment into a
• If you define an alignment and exit AutoCAD without saving the drawing, then you will not be
able to select the alignment graphically without importing the alignment back into the drawing
with the [Import...] command.
• Use the [Import...] command if you need to bring a defined alignment from one drawing into
another drawing for the same project.
Note: If you are importing an alignment that already exists in the drawing, then delete the
existing alignment or change its layer to prevent outdated alignments from remaining in the
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Import...]. The Alignment Librarian dialog box
oSelect the alignment to import and select “OK.”
The [Import...] command imports the alignment onto the current layer. If you originally defined the
alignment as a polyline, then it is imported as individual entities.
Note: To import more than one alignment at the same time, use the [Multiple Selections...]
Alignment command.

126 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing Multiple Alignments

Importing Multiple Alignments

To import more than one alignment at a time, use the [Multiple Selections...] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Multiple Selections...]. The Multiple Alignments
Librarian dialog box displays as shown below.

Multiple Alignments Librarian Dialog Box

oPick the alignments you want to import into the drawing and then select the “Import” button. The
alignments are imported into the drawing and the Multiple Alignments Librarian dialog box is
displayed again.
pTo set the current alignment, highlight its name and pick the “Select” button. This action will
exit you from the dialog box.

Deleting an Alignment
To delete an alignment from the database file, the screen, or both, use the [Delete...] command. The
[Delete...] command also has the option of deleting all related vertical (profile and cross-section)
data at the same time.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Delete...]. The following prompt will display:
Delete from (File/Screen/Both) <Both>:

oPress <Enter> to delete the alignment from both the file and the screen, or enter one of the two
pSelect the alignment to be deleted. You can either use your pointing device to select it from the
screen, or you can press <Enter> to access the Alignment Librarian dialog box.
qAccept or deny the confirmation message to delete the vertical alignment files as well.

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Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Note: To delete more than one alignment at the same time, use the [Multiple Selections...]
Alignment command.

Restoring Deleted Alignments

• To restore an alignment deleted with the screen option, use the [Import...] command.
• To restore an alignment deleted with the file option, you will have to redefine it from the
entities still in the drawing.
• You cannot restore an alignment once it has been deleted from the both the file and the drawing.
You must redraw and redefine it.

128 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Deleting Multiple Alignments

Deleting Multiple Alignments

To delete more than one alignment at a time, use the [Multiple Selections...] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Multiple Selections...]. The Multiple Alignments
Librarian dialog box displays as shown below.

Multiple Alignments Librarian Dialog Box

oSelect each alignment to delete.

pSelect any or all of the delete options. You can choose to delete the alignments from the screen
and the database, and to delete the vertical files. Deleting the vertical files deletes all the
selected alignment’s profile and cross section files.
qPick the Delete button to delete the selected alignments. Before you select this button, you must
toggle on at least one option in the Delete options section.
rAccept or deny the confirmation message to delete the alignments.
Note: As with the [Delete] command, alignments deleted from the file and the drawing cannot be
restored. They must be redrawn and redefined.

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Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Changing Alignment Properties

To modify the description, color, linetype, or layer of the current alignment, use the
[Modify Properties] command.
The color, linetype, and layer modifications change the actual entities that make up the alignment in
the current drawing. These changes are reflected on screen after the command is completed.
Alignment description changes are made to the alignment database and are reflected in the
commands that display the alignment information such as the alignment [Import...] and [Edit...]
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Modify Properties].
oSelect an alignment.
pEnter a modification option. These options are described below.

Modifying the Layer

• Enter “L” to modify the layer.
• Enter the name of the desired layer for the alignment entities. If the layer entered does not exist,
then the command creates the layer before proceeding.

Modifying the Color

• Enter “C” to modify the color.
• Enter the name of the new color by typing in the first character of the color name (such as “R”
for red) or press <Enter> to enter a color number between 1 and 255.

Modifying the Linetype

• Enter “LT” to modify the linetype.
• Enter the linetype name. This must be an existing linetype. Please refer to the AutoCAD
manuals for more information concerning linetypes.

Modifying the Description

• Enter “D” to modify the description.
• Enter the new description. The description can be up to 80 alphanumeric characters in length. If
the description entered is longer than 80 characters, the command truncates it.

130 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Merging Alignments from Different Projects

Merging Alignments from Different Projects

To bring an alignment from another project into your current project, use the [Merge...] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Merge...]. The Alignment File to Import dialog
box displays as shown below.

Alignment File to Import Dialog Box

oUse this dialog box to find and select the alignment database from which the horizontal
alignments will be retrieved. The alignment database file resides in the
<drive>:\<sdsk\proj path>\<projname>\align directory. The correct file extension is set for
you in the pattern edit box. Change to the desired project’s \align directory and select the
alignment database file.
pSelect the “OK” button.
The Alignment Import Selection dialog box displays as shown below. This dialog box displays
the alignment names from the selected project’s alignment database.

Alignment Import Selection Dialog Box

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 131

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

qSelect the alignment you want to merge. Select the files individually or use the “Select All”
button to select all of the alignments. If you want to clear the selections you have made, then
pick the “Clear All” button and make a new selection.
rWhen the selection set is complete, select the “OK” button.
Note: The alignment database for the current project cannot be selected.
If the alignment name already exists in the current project, then a prompt is displayed asking to
overwrite or rename the alignment.

Saving the Horizontal Alignment Database File

To save the horizontal alignment database without saving the AutoCAD drawing, select the
[Save File] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Save File].
The command saves the horizontal database but does not save the AutoCAD drawing.
As a rule, the AutoCAD SAVE command is used to save both the drawing and horizontal alignment
database files at the same time. When you create an alignment, the name is attached to the entities in
the drawing and the definition is stored in the database. You can use the [Save File] command as a
quick intermediate save when you define or edit an alignment.
Note: After you define alignments, you should save the drawing before quitting out of AutoCAD. If
you just save the alignment database and not the drawing, then you will have to import the alignment
back into the drawing with the [Import...] command.

Closing the Alignment Database

To close and unlock the alignment database, use the [Close Alignment DB] command. Use this
command when you are working in a multi-user environment and you need to give someone else
access to a locked database.
nSelect [Align] Î [Alignment Commands] Î [Close Alignment DB].
The first person to re-open the alignment database after it is closed will receive full read/write

132 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Generating Stakeout Reports

Generating Stakeout Reports

To generate stakeout reports for a horizontal alignment, use the commands from the Stakeout
Alignment submenu. Use these commands to create a stakeout file of points of interest along the
current alignment. However, the [Create File] command from the Stakeout Alignment submenu does
not create a stakeout file of set point blocks. To stakeout point blocks, use the Stakeout commands
from the Points menu. See the command descriptions in the COGO online Help for more information
on performing a point stakeout.

Modifying the Stakeout Settings

To set the directional or angular output for stakeout commands, use the [Settings...] command. The
options you set with this command affect the output of all Stakeout commands, except the
[By Offsets (CURVE)] and [By Offsets (SPIRAL)] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Stakeout Alignment] Î [Settings...]. The Stakeout Settings dialog box
displays as shown below.

Stakeout Settings Dialog Box

oSet the stakeout angle type.

• For a turned angle right, toggle on the “Turned +” option.
• For a turned angle left, toggle on the “Turned -” option.
• For a deflection angle right, toggle on the “Deflect +” option.
• For a deflection angle left, toggle on the “Deflect -” option.
• For an angle that uses azimuths or bearings, toggle on the “Direction” option.
pSelect “OK” to set the stakeout angle or “Cancel” to exit the command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 133

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

The following illustration depicts the type of angles you can specify with the Stakeout Settings
dialog box.

Stakeout Angle Types

134 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the Output Settings

Modifying the Output Settings

To modify the output settings, use the [Output Settings...] command. This command can be selected
from a couple of different submenus.
nSelect [Align] Î [Stakeout Alignment] or [ASCII File Output] Î [Output Settings...]. The
Output Settings dialog box displays as shown below.

Output Settings Dialog Box

oSelect the output location, File or Screen. The output location is used by the Display Points,
Stakeout Points, and Display Description Keys commands. All other output commands write
specifically to the screen or to a file and ignore these two options.
• Select the “File” option to send the data to a text file with the default output file name.
• Select the “Screen” option to display the information on screen. The Screen option does
not apply with all commands.
pUse the next part of the dialog box to specify output formats.
• To output the date, check the “Date” box.
• To output the title, check the “Title” box.
• To overwrite an existing file, check the “Overwrite file” box.
• To use page breaks, page numbers, or sub headers, check the appropriate boxes.
• Use the edit boxes to specify page length, page width and margin widths. The spacing is
measured in characters, either horizontally or vertically.
qSet the output file name. The file is placed in the current directory, unless a directory path is

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 135

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

rSelect “OK” when you have finished modifying the settings.

See the [Output Settings...] command description in the Project Settings chapter of the COGO online
Help for more information.
Note: Each time you create a report, be sure to change the default output file name so you don’t
overwrite the previous report.

136 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Performing a Stakeout from an Alignment

Performing a Stakeout from an Alignment

To perform a stakeout, use the [Create File] command. This command writes out information based
on a stakeout of the current alignment using the options set in the [Settings...] and [Output Settings...]
commands in the Stakeout Alignment menu. The command displays information for each point
determined by the information given for occupied point, backsight point, starting station, ending
station, and station interval. The following information is given for each stakeout point:
• station
• direction or angle
• distance
• Northing/Easting coordinates
• description or chord

nSelect [Align] Î [Stakeout Alignment] Î [Create File].

oEnter the point numbers for the occupied point and the backsight point in the stakeout. These
must be point numbers of Softdesk Civil/Survey point blocks. The occupied point does not need
to lie on the alignment; it can be located anywhere in the project. If you are using the Direction
type of angular entry, then as specified with the stakeout [Settings] command, this command
does not prompt for a backsight point.
pEnter the beginning station and the ending station. The default values for the beginning and
ending stations are the beginning and ending stations of the current alignment.
qEnter the offset. The offset is the constant offset from the alignment used to determine the
stakeout points. A positive offset indicates points to the right of the alignment, based on station
progression, and a negative offset indicates points to the left. An offset value of zero (0) creates
a file of stakeout points located on the alignment.
rEnter the station interval. The default is the value set for the “Station tick increment” set in the
Alignment Stationing Settings dialog box, which you can access by selecting the [Settings...]
command from the Stations submenu.
sIf you toggled on the "File" check box with the [Output Settings...] command, then the
[Create File] command prompts for the file output name. Accept the default or enter a new file
name. The [Create File] command then writes the stakeout information.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 137

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

The following is an example of a stakeout file.

page 1
Hillsboro Bypass Phase 2
Project: ROUTE202 Fri Aug 25 15:00:53 1995
Occ. Pt. 4 N 6245.21 .
E 3779.54 112.0
Station Azimuth Distance Coordinates Desc/Chord
10+00.00 330-59-52 262.04' N 6474.39
E 3652.49
10+50.00 331-55-05 311.83' N 6520.33
E 3632.75 50.00'
11+00.00 332-35-05 361.68' N 6566.26
E 3613.01 50.00'
11+50.00 333-05-24 411.56' N 6612.20
E 3593.27 50.00'
12+00.00 333-29-09 461.47' N 6658.14
E 3573.53 50.00'
12+50.00 333-48-16 511.40' N 6704.08
E 3553.79 50.00'
13+00.00 334-03-59 561.34' N 6750.02
E 3534.05 50.00'
13+50.00 334-17-08 611.29' N 6795.96
E 3514.31 50.00'
14+00.00 334-28-18 661.24' N 6841.89
E 3494.57 50.00'

Please note that the points displayed are the coordinates of the locations of each station point in
relation to the occupied point. Only the occupied point is an actual point block. All other point
blocks set along the alignment are ignored. If you need to do a stakeout of all point blocks along the
alignment, then use the Stakeout commands found in the Points menu. For more information on these
commands, refer to the COGO online Help.

138 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Outputting Horizontal Alignment Data

Outputting Horizontal Alignment Data

To create ASCII output files of horizontal alignment information, use the ASCII file output
[Alignment] option. ASCII files have been developed to allow custom programs to read data
created by the Advanced Design module. There are a multitude of different output formats that exist
worldwide. Some countries have standardized formats for profiles and cross sections while in other
countries, the formats can vary greatly from region to region or even between corporations.
The [Alignment] command outputs the entity and station equation definitions to an ASCII file.
nSelect [Align] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Alignment]. The command first displays the current
alignment name, number, description and starting and ending stations.
oSpecify the directory to output the information to. The default is the
sdsk\proj\projectname\align\ directory. Press <Enter> to accept this default or enter a new
directory name.
pEnter the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension. If the file
already exists, then a prompt is displayed asking whether or not to overwrite the file. Accept or
deny the overwrite confirmation message. If you deny the overwrite message, then the command
prompts for another file name.
The following table lists the alignment entity types and codes that are used in the ASCII text file:

Description Codes
Output types Line Entity 0
Curve entity 1
Spiral entity 2
Station equation 3
Spiral types Clothoid spiral entity 0
Sinusoid spiral entity 1
Cosinusoid spiral entity 2
Quadratic spiral entity 3
Defined direction types for spirals Defined from TS end 0
Defined from SC end 1
Station equation types Increasing 0
Decreasing 1

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 139

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name,number, starting station (internal),length

0,internal sta, external sta,N 1,E 1,N 2,E 2,Dist.,Dir.(WHAT TYPE OF UNITS?)
1,internal sta, external sta,BC N,BC E,CC N,CC E,EC N,EC E,Length,Radius,Delta
2,internal sta, external sta,BS N,BS E,SPI N,SPI E,ES N,ES E,Length,Radius,Theta,
A,Offset,External,spiral type,direction defined
3,length along alignment (including starting station), external sta,type

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before station
equations are used. The external station is the current station value. If you have not used station
equations, then the internal and external values will be the same.
Any line beginning with either a number character (#) or semicolon (;) is a comment line. The
following is an example of the alignment output in the ASCII text file.

# Advanced Design Alignment Output 1.0A

Roadway one

Note: The files created by the commands in this menu are output in ASCII format only. These are
data files and are not intended to be a report.

Modifying the ASCII File Output Settings

To modify the settings used in outputting an ASCII file, use the [Output Settings...] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Output Settings...]. The Output Settings dialog box
See “Modifying the Output Settings” above for more information on how to use this dialog box.

140 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting, Labeling, and Displaying Points

Setting, Labeling, and Displaying Points

Advanced Design, like all of the Softdesk Civil/Survey products, is equipped with the same point
commands that are available from the COGO menus. These commands are under the Points menu.
Please refer to Chapter 4, Points, in the COGO online Help for a discussion of each of these
Advanced Design also provides several point commands for you to use for setting, listing and
labeling points and stations and offsets in relation to alignments in your drawing. The main
difference between these commands and the Points menu commands is that these commands use the
current alignment as the reference line. This way, you do not have to define a reference line each
time a new command is selected.

How to Select Points

You can pick points graphically or you can use the “.P” “.G” or “.N” options. For more information,
see “Entering Points” in Chapter 3, Drawing Horizontal Alignments.
Note: Set the current alignment before using any of the points commands.

Listing the Station and Offset of a Point

To list the station and offset of a point, use the [List] command. This command lists the station and
offset of any location selected in relation to the current alignment. A positive offset value indicates
the point is on the right side of the alignment, as determined by station progression, and a negative
offset value indicates the point is to the left. If the selected location is not perpendicular or radial to
the alignment, then a “Point is not adjacent to alignment” message is displayed.
nSelect [Align] Î [Station/Offset] Î [List].
oSelect a point to list.
The command returns the station and offset information to the command line.
To list information about point blocks, see the “Listing the Station and Offset of a Point Block”
section in this chapter.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 141

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Labeling the Station and Offset of a Point

To label the station and offset of a specified point in relation to the current alignment, use the
[Label] command. This command is similar to the [List] command, except the station and offset are
labeled on the plan rather than listed on the screen.
nSelect [Align] Î [Station/Offset] Î [Label].
oSelect the point to be labeled. If the selected location is not perpendicular or radial to the
alignment, a “Point is not adjacent to alignment” message is displayed.
pThe command starts a dimensioning leader arrow from the selected point and prompts you to
pick a second leader point. Pick as many leader points as needed and then press <Enter> once
all leader points have been selected.
The actual label is inserted at the last leader point specified using the current text size.
The following illustration shows the labeled point. The label is placed on the current layer.

Labeling the Station and Offset of a Point

142 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Listing the Station and Offset of a Point Block

Listing the Station and Offset of a Point Block

To list the station and offset of COGO point blocks, use the [Display Points] command. This
command is similar to the [List] command described above, except that it lists point blocks rather
than chosen coordinates.
nSelect [Align] Î [Station/Offset] Î [Display Points].
The following prompt displays:
Sort the points by Station (Yes/No) <Yes>:

oTo sort the points by station, respond Yes. To sort the points by their point number, respond No.
pSpecify how to list the points, by selection or number.
• Choose “Selection” if you want to select the points graphically. You can use a window or
crossing window to select the points.
• Choose “Number” if you want to select the points by number. The point numbers should be
separated by commas (,) or hyphens (-). Point numbers separated by a hyphen indicate a
range of point numbers.
qSelect the points or enter a numerical range and press <Enter> when the selection set is
complete. The AutoCAD text window displays (Windows) or the flip screen will display
(DOS) with the information about the point number, station, offset, elevation, and description.
Points are sorted by station values or by point numbers. The following is an example of a point
Point Station Offset Elevation Description
14 1124.75 -12.68 214.12 setpoint
15 1174.32 12.52 216.35 setpoint

Use the output defaults to send the point list to a file.

Note: If the selected points are not perpendicular or radial to the alignment, then a “Point is not
adjacent to alignment” message is displayed.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 143

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points Based on the Horizontal Alignment

The commands found in the Locate Points menu operate similarly to several commands found in the
Set Points menu (a submenu of the Points menu that is included in all the Softdesk Civil/Survey
products). The main difference between these commands and the Set Points commands is that the
Locate Points commands use the current alignment as the reference line. Defining a reference line
each time you select a new command is not necessary.
The commands from the Locate Points menu default to using point numbers as points are inserted.
The use of point numbers, elevations, and descriptions are controlled by the [Set Point Defaults...]
command from the Setup pull-down menu. Be aware that the prompt structure for Locate Points
commands may vary from those shown in this reference manual. The exact prompt structure is
determined by the check boxes in the Set Point Settings dialog box.
To edit and display the settings for point creation, use the [Set Point Settings...] command from the
Points menu. See the COGO online Help for more information about this command.
Note: The Locate Points command will display different prompts depending on the preferences you
have set with the [Set Points Settings] command from the Points menu. For example, if you check the
“Elevations on” check box, then the command will prompt for an elevation. However, if you check
the “Automatic Elevations” check box as well, then the command will not prompt for an elevation.

Setting Points By Station and Offset

To insert a point block by station and offset from the current alignment, use the [By Station and
Offset] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [By Station and Offset].
oSpecify the current point number. Accept the default or enter a new value.
pEnter the station number. The number you enter will be based on the defined stations and station
equations for the current alignment.
qEnter the offset distance. If you enter a negative number for the offset distance, then the point is
located to the left of the alignment based on station progression, whereas a positive offset
locates the point to the right of the offset.
rEnter the elevation.
sContinue to enter offset distances and elevations. When you have finished entering offsets, press
tEnter a new station number, or press <Enter> to exit the command.

144 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Points By Station and Offset

The following illustration shows a point set by station and offset.


Setting a Point by Station and Offset

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 145

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points Along an Alignment

To set a given number of point blocks along the current alignment or at an offset distance from the
alignment, use the [Divide Alignment] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [Divide Alignment].
oEnter the number of segments in which to divide the current alignment. The command calculates
the distances between points by dividing the total length of the alignment by the number of
segments specified.
pEnter an offset distance. The offset distance determines how far from the current alignment the
point blocks are placed. A positive offset places the points to the right of the alignment based
on station progression and a negative offset places the points to the left. An offset of zero (0)
places the point blocks directly on the current alignment.
qAccept the default current point number or enter a different number.
rEnter a value for the elevation of each of the points, or press <Enter> for none.
The following illustration shows the placement of points along an alignment.

Setting a Given Number of Points on an Alignment

146 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Points Equal Distances Along an Alignment

Setting Points Equal Distances Along an Alignment

To set point blocks a given distance apart along the current alignment or at an offset distance from
the alignment, use the [Measure Alignment] command. This command is similar to the [Divide
Alignment] command in that it will place point blocks along the alignment at equal distances. The
main difference between the two commands is that with the [Measure Alignment] command, you
specify the distance between point blocks rather than the number of segments desired.
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [Measure Alignment].
oEnter the beginning and ending stations. Accept the defaults or enter new station values. The
defaults for the beginning and ending stations are the beginning and ending stations of the entire
pEnter a station interval. This will be the basis for the placement of points. For example,
specifying a station interval of 5 will place a point at every fifth station along the alignment.
The default station interval is based on the interval set in the [Settings... (STATIONS)]
qEnter an offset distance. The offset distance determines how far from the current alignment the
point blocks are placed. A positive offset places the points to the right of the alignment based
on station progression and a negative offset places the points to the left. An offset of zero (0)
places the point blocks directly on the current alignment.
The command divides the total length of the alignment by the given distance (station interval) to
determine the number of point blocks to insert.
The following illustration shows point blocks placed with the [Measure Alignment] command.

Setting Points Equal Distances Along an Alignment

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 147

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points at Alignment Vertices

To place a point block at every vertex of the current alignment, select the [At PC,PT,SC,CS, Etc.]
command. This command will place a point at every point of intersection of every segment of the
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [At PC,PT,SC,CS, Etc.].
oEnter the beginning and ending stations. Accept the default values or enter new values. The
defaults for the beginning and ending stations are the beginning and ending stations of the entire
pAccept the default current point number or specify a new number.
qEnter elevation values for each of the points calculated, or press <Enter> for none.
The point blocks will automatically have descriptions indicating the type of vertex. These include
the following labels and descriptions:

Label Definition
PI Point of intersection
CPI Curve point of intersection
PT Point of tangency
PC Point of curvature
SPI Spiral point of intersection
TS Tangent-Spiral intersection
CS Curve-Spiral intersection
ST Spiral-Tangent intersection
CC Curve center or radius point

The following illustration shows point blocks placed with the [At PC,PT,SC,CS, Etc.] command.

Setting Points at Alignment Vertices

148 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Points on an Alignment Radial or Perpendicular to a Selected Point

Setting Points on an Alignment Radial or

Perpendicular to a Selected Point
To set a point on an alignment radial or perpendicular to a selected point, use the
[Radial or Perpendicular] command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [Radial or Perpendicular].
oPick a point or enter coordinates. This point must be radial or perpendicular to the alignment.
The command sets the point block on the alignment and lists the ahead distance (the distance from
the beginning of the alignment) and offset of the point selected. The command does not set the point
block if the point selected is not radial or perpendicular to the alignment.
The following illustration shows the placement of the point blocks.

Setting Radial or Perpendicular Points

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 149

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Civil/Survey Points from an ASCII File

To use an ASCII file to set Civil/Survey points along an alignment, use the [Import From File]
command. This command reads an ASCII text file that contains the locations of points along the
alignment as station and offset values. This file can also contain the description, and/or the
elevation. The elevation can either be a value or a rod reading and height of instrument. The
command can calculate rod readings and insert the appropriate elevation in the Civil/Survey point
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [Import From File]. The File to Import dialog box
displays as shown below. This dialog box is the same as the AutoCAD Import File dialog box.
See the AutoCAD manuals for more information on this dialog box.

File to Import Dialog Box

oSelect the file. Enter the location and name of the text file from which to read the point
information. The file name must include the extension. The default directory is the \align
subdirectory of the current project.
pSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box.
qSpecify the file format. Select the file format from one of the six available file formats as shown
1. Station, Offset
2. Station, Offset, Elevation
3. Station, Offset, Rod, hi
4. Station, Offset, Description
5. Station, Offset, Elevation, Description
6. Station, Offset, Rod, hi, Description

Enter file format (1/2/3/4/5/6):

rSpecify the type of file delimiter. The text file entered must be delimited by either spaces or
commas (,). The file can include comment lines. These lines must be indicated by a leading
semi-colon (;) or pound sign (#).
sIf you are using file format 2 or 5, then the command prompts for an "Invalid elevation." An
“invalid” value can be used to mark any point that should not be imported. If you are using file

150 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Civil/Survey Points from an ASCII File

format 3 or 6, then the command prompts for "Invalid rod/hi." The command then prompts for
an "Invalid station/offset." Enter the invalid value at the appropriate prompt.
The following is an example of a text file that has been formatted using file format 2 (Station, Offset,

0 20.0 112.00
10 23.5 114.64
20 22.5 116.56
30 23.0 116.32
40 22.0 115.83

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 151

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points Using Elevations From a Profile

If you have defined a vertical alignment, then you can use the [From Profile] command to set
Civil/Survey points along the horizontal alignment. This command sets points along the centerline of
the horizontal alignment using elevations taken from the centerline of either the existing or finished
ground vertical alignment. The point description “CLPT” is used for all points inserted with the
[From Profile] command.
Note: You must sample profile data for the horizontal alignment prior to using this command. Also,
if you want to use finished ground elevations to set points, then you must define a vertical alignment
prior to using this command.
nSelect [Align] Î [Locate Points] Î [From Profile]. The Centerline Point Output dialog box
displays as shown below.

Centerline Point Output Dialog Box

oEnter the start and end stations, or accept the defaults. These stations define how much of the
alignment is used to set points. The defaults are the defined starting and ending stations of the
pAccept the Point description, “CLPT” or enter a new one.
qFrom the Surface popup list, choose the type of centerline point to import. There are three types
of centerline points that may be imported: existing ground, finished ground, or “None”. Use the
“None” option to import points without an elevation.
rEnter the centerline increment in the last edit box. This is the increment at which the points are
placed. For example, if the increment is 50, then a point is placed every 50 feet or meters along
the centerline.
sSelect “OK” to continue the command or “Cancel” to exit the command.
tAccept the default current point number or enter a new number.
The command then draws the points.

152 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Points Using Elevations From a Profile

The following illustration shows imported centerline points.


Importing Centerline Points

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 153

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points at an Intersection: Direction

Advanced Design provides several commands you can use to set Civil/Survey points in relation to
various intersections. To set a point block at the intersection of a given direction line and the current
alignment, you can use the [Direction and Alignment] command. You can also use this command to
set a point at an offset distance from the alignment or line. The direction line is defined through point
selection and one of the following:
• bearing
• azimuth
• points
• point number

Note: The line referred to in this command is not an entity. It is solely a way to calculate direction.
For setting a point at the intersection of an entity and an alignment, see the description of the [Entity
and Alignment] command later in this chapter.
nSelect [Align] Î [Intersections] Î [Direction and Alignment].
oEnter the offset from the alignment. The offset value is the perpendicular or radial distance
between the current alignment and the point block to be set.
pSelect the starting point for the direction line.
The command then prompts for the direction type:
Quadrant (1-4) (Azimuth/POints):

qSpecify the direction type to use for defining the line that intersects the alignment selected. Each
of the options available at this prompt are described below.
• To use a bearing to define the direction, enter a quadrant number and then enter the bearing
of the direction line.
• Enter “A” to use azimuths to define the direction, then enter the azimuth of the direction
• Enter “PO” to use points to define a direction, then select two points. These points can be
picked using OSNAPs. The direction used to draw the line is the direction from the first
point picked to the second.
• Enter “.P” to define a direction by point numbers, and then enter the numbers of the two
points. The direction used to draw the line is the direction from the first point specified to
the second.
rEnter an offset from the line. This is the perpendicular offset distance from the direction line.
The command then determines the intersection between the current alignment and the line defined by

154 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Points at an Intersection: Direction Line/Alignment

The following illustration demonstrates a point placed using the [Direction and Alignment]

Setting a Point by Direction

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 155

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points at an Intersection: Circle/Alignment

To set a point block at the intersection of a circle and the current alignment, use the [Distance and
Alignment] command. This command is similar to the [Direction and Alignment] command, only the
intersection is formed by a circle rather than a line. You can set the point either on the alignment or
at an offset distance from the alignment. Define the circle by selecting points. The circle does not
have to physically intersect the alignment: this command will extend either entity automatically to
determine an intersection point.
Note: The circle in this command is not an entity. It is solely a way to calculate distance. For setting
a point at the intersection of an entity and an alignment, see the description of the [Entity and
Alignment] command below.
nSelect [Align] Î [Intersections] Î [Distance and Alignment].
oEnter an offset distance. This is the radial or perpendicular distance between the current
alignment and the point block you want to set.
pEnter the radial point. The radial point is the point from which the distance is calculated (i.e.
the center point of the circle).
qEnter the radius. See the illustration below to view how the circle intersects with the offset at
the defined radius.
rThe command then places crosses on the screen that mark the point(s) at which the circle and
the alignment intersect. Pick near one of the crosses to set a point at that intersection or type "A"
to place point blocks at all intersection points. If only one intersection exists, then the command
automatically places the point at that intersection.
The following illustration shows points placed by the [Distance and Alignment] command.

Setting a Point by Distance

156 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Points at an Intersection: Entity/Alignment

Setting Points at an Intersection: Entity/Alignment

To set a point block at the intersection of any line-type entity and the current alignment, use the
[Entity and Alignment] command. You can set the point on the alignment or place it at an offset
distance from the alignment, the reference line or curve, or both. The entity can be a line, arc, or
spiral. The entity does not have to physically intersect the alignment: this command will extend
either entity automatically to determine an intersection point.
nSelect [Align] Î [Intersections] Î [Entity and Alignment].
oEnter an offset distance. This is the radial or perpendicular distance between the current
alignment and the point block you are setting.
pSelect the entity. Pick any entity from the graphics screen to use for the intersection. To select
an entity by point selection, enter "PO" in response to the select entity prompt. The command
then prompts for the selection of three points.
• If you are defining a line, then select the endpoints of the line at the first two prompts and
press <Enter> at the third.
• If you are defining an arc, then select the first endpoint of the arc, the center point of the
arc, and the second endpoint.
• If you are defining a spiral, then select the first endpoint, the spiral point of intersection,
and the second endpoint.
qEnter the radial or perpendicular offset distance from the selected entity. This is the distance
between the selected entity and the point block you are setting.
rThe command marks the possible intersection points with crosses (X). Either select the
intersection point at which to set the block or type "A" to set blocks at all marked intersections.
If only one intersection exists, then the command automatically places the point at that
The following illustration shows a point set with the [Entity and Alignment] command.

Setting a Point at the Intersection of an Entity and an Alignment

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 157

Chapter 4: Working With Horizontal Alignments

Setting Points at an Intersection: Two Alignments

To set a point block at the intersection of two alignments, use the [Two Alignments] command. The
two alignments must physically intersect in the drawing. You can set the point at the intersection of
the two alignments or at an offset distance from either or both of the alignments. This command is
different from the other Intersections commands in that it will not extend either entity to determine an
intersection point. The intersection must be graphically present.
nSelect [Align] Î [Intersections] Î [Two Alignments].
oEnter the offset from the current alignment. This distance is the radial or perpendicular offset
distance from the current alignment to the point block you are setting.
pSelect the second alignment.
qEnter the offset distance from the second alignment.
rThe command marks all possible intersection points with crosses (X). Either select the
intersection point at which to set the point block or type "A" to set blocks at all intersection
points. If only one intersection exists, then the command automatically places the point at that
The following illustration shows a point set at the intersection of two alignments.

Setting a Point at the Intersection of Two Alignments

158 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Chapter 5
Working With Profiles
This chapter covers the following information:
• how to create a profile from an existing ground surface
• how to create finished ground vertical alignments
• how to create ditch and transition vertical alignments
• how to label and list information about the vertical alignment features

Profile Data
When you define horizontal alignments, they are stored in the alignment database for reference. All
commands that work with alignments refer to the information from this database. Profile data is also
stored in data files. These data files are stored along with the cross section data in a subdirectory of
the project \align directory named for the alignment. Profile settings for options such as labeling
increments and profile layers are stored in the <dwgname>.dfm file in the project’s \dwg directory
along with the rest of the Civil/Survey settings for the current drawing.
When you add a profile to the drawing, an invisible block is inserted at the profile insertion point.
This block holds the information that is specific to that particular plot of the profile including the
location in the drawing, the vertical exaggeration and the layers. If you need to delete this block,
then use the [Undefine Profile] command to remove the definition. This block cannot be moved or
erased using AutoCAD commands unless it is displayed by changing the AutoCAD ATTDISP
variable from Normal to On and performing a regeneration of the drawing with the REGEN
command. If you move the profile without this information block, then use the [Set Current Profile]
command to update the profile block location. This command has the dual function of setting the
current profile or resetting the profile starting point.
Note: In a multi-user environment, only one user can select any alignment at one time for edit
capabilities with the vertical (profile and cross section) data.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 159

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Methods of Sampling an Existing Ground Surface

In order to create a profile, you must first define and sample an existing ground surface. There are a
few ways to sample existing ground surface data, depending on your methods of surface creation.

Using DTM Surfaces

One way of sampling the existing ground data is to use one or more DTM surfaces. Use the Softdesk
DTM module to create a digital terrain surface and then use the [Sample from DTM] command to
create the existing ground profile.
For more information about using the DTM module, see the Softdesk DTM online Help.

Using an ASCII Text File

Another way to sample the existing ground data is to sample it from an ASCII file. Just enter your
data into an ASCII file and then use the [Sample From File] command.

Using the Vertical Alignment Editor

You can also manually enter the existing ground profile data in the vertical alignment editor by using
the [Edit...] command.

Using the [Sample From Sections] command

You can also sample the existing ground profile data by using the [Sample From Sections]
command. Use this command if you used the [Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command to sample
cross section data from an ASCII file. When you use the [Sample From File (SECTIONS)]
command, the information from the text file is imported to the Sections Editor. Then you can use the
[Sample From Sections] command from the Profile menu to sample this information for the profile.
The following sections describe in detail the ways to sample an existing ground surface.

160 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Selecting a DTM Surface to Sample

If you are going to sample the existing ground from one DTM surface, then use the
[Select DTM Surface] command. Use this command to set the DTM surface for use in sampling
profiles or cross sections. The DTM module must be installed to be able to use this commands.
n[Profile] Î [DTM Surfaces] Î [Select DTM Surface]. The Select Surface dialog box displays
as shown below.

Select Surface Dialog Box

oSelect the desired surface. Use the scroll bars to move through the list.
As each surface is highlighted, information about that surface is displayed on the left side of the
dialog box. This information includes the surface name; description; number of random, fault,
and contour points; and the minimum, and maximum elevations.
pSelect the "OK" button to set the selected surface as current.
Use the DTM module to create new surfaces for use with Advanced Design. For more information
on surface creation, see the Softdesk DTM online Help.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 161

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Turning Multiple DTM Surfaces On or Off

If you want to sample the existing ground surface from more than one DTM surface, then use the
[Toggle Multiple Surfaces] command to turn on the multiple surface option. If multiple surfaces are
on and you want to sample the existing ground from only one surface, then use the [Toggle Multiple
Surfaces] command to turn the multiple surface option off.
nSelect [Profile] Î [DTM Surfaces] Î [Toggle Multiple Surfaces].
A prompt displays stating that multiple surfaces are on or off.
If multiple surfaces are on, then the [Sample From DTM] commands in the Profile and Section
menus use all the surface names in the surfaces.txt file created by the [Select Multiple Surfaces...]
command (which is described below). Each surface added to the list is used to define the profile
surface and subsurface data. The commands extract elevations for the section from the DTM surface
file associated with each surface name in the list. The [Surface Profile] command from the Create
Profile submenu puts all the surfaces listed in the surfaces.txt file on an existing full profile.
If multiple surfaces are off, then the commands do not use the surfaces.txt file.

162 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Creating a File of Multiple DTM Surfaces

If you want to sample existing ground surface data from more than one DTM surface, then toggle on
multiple surfaces (described above) and create a file that contains multiple DTM surfaces. To
create a multiple surface file, use the [Select Multiple Surfaces...] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [DTM Surfaces] Î [Select Multiple Surfaces]. The Multiple Surface
Selection dialog box displays as shown below.

Multiple Surface Selection Dialog Box

oUse the “Select from” scrolling list to specify the surfaces desired. Selecting a name from this
list places that name in the Current list.
pTo remove a surface from the current list, pick it again from the “Select from” list.
qSelect the “OK” button to use all of the surfaces listed in the Current list.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 163

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Sampling Existing Ground From a DTM Surface

To sample the existing ground information from a DTM surface, use the [Sample From DTM]
command. The command accesses the files that were created when you originally generated the
DTM surface, and creates a file containing existing ground elevations along the defined alignment.
The existing ground elevations are used in creating an existing ground profile.
The following prerequisites must be met before using the [Sample From DTM] command:
• You must have generated at least one DTM surface. To sample more than one DTM surface,
toggle on multiple surfaces and create a file that contains the multiple surface information. See
“Turning Multiple DTM Surfaces On or Off” and “Creating a File of Multiple DTM Surfaces”
above for more information.
• You must have defined the horizontal alignment with the [Define From Entities] or
[Define From Polyline] commands.
To sample an existing ground from a DTM surface, take the following steps:
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Sample from DTM].
oSelect the surface to sample and click “OK” to exit the dialog box. If multiple surfaces are on,
then the command retrieves and samples the surfaces selected with the
[Select Multiple Surfaces...] command. The Profile Sampling Settings dialog box displays as
shown below.

Profile Sampling Settings Dialog Box

pSet the desired sampling settings. See the following section, "Modifying the Profile Sampling
Settings," for more information.
qEnter the starting and ending stations to determine the extent of sampling. The defaults are the
starting and ending stations of the alignment.

164 Advanced Design Reference Manual


The command then processes the profile information for the specified station range and displays the
distance sampled in a statement similar to the following:
You have sampled profile for 3856.25 feet of alignment

The command creates a file that is named for the current alignment with an extension of .vrt in the
\<sdsk\proj>\<projname>\align\<align. name> directory. If a file with the same name already
exists, then the command displays a confirmation prompt.
If the alignment goes outside of the TIN and returns, then the Profile Generation commands draw a
straight line from the point of exit to the point of entry, and interpolate the elevations in between.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 165

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Modifying the Profile Sampling Settings

To modify the way the profile is sampled, use the [Sampling...] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Profile Settings] Î [Sampling...]. The Profile Sampling Settings dialog
box displays as shown below.

Profile Sampling Settings Dialog Box

oEnter the sample offset tolerance in the first edit box. This value determines how often curves
and spirals are sampled. The sample offset tolerance dictates how large the midordinate
distance of a curve or spiral can be. The default is half a unit. This means that if the traced
chord is more than half a foot or meter away from the actual curve, then the command breaks up
the curve so that the chord for each curve segment is the sample offset tolerance (half a foot or
meter) away from the curve. This only affects the rate at which the existing ground is sampled
on a curve. The actual profile always follows the true surface exactly.
pToggle the “Import” check box on to view the actual locations that are being sampled. The
sample lines are imported onto the specified layer even if the layer is frozen. Importing sample
lines is useful to verify that the graphic representation of the alignment in the drawing matches
the alignment database file.

166 Advanced Design Reference Manual


The following figure illustrates the profile sample lines.


Profile Sample Lines

qEnter the layer for the profile sample lines in the “Layer” edit box. The "Layer" edit box
becomes active when the "Import" check box is toggled on.
rCheck the “Sample left/right” check box to sample the left and right offsets of the alignment. If
this box is not toggled on, only the profile centerline is sampled.
sEnter sample offset values in the “Sample left offset” and “Sample right offset” edit boxes.
You can use different positive or negative values for the sample left and right offsets. If you use
a negative value, then the sampling is done on the opposite side of the alignment. For example,
if you specify "-10" for the left sampling width, the command samples 10 units to the right of the
alignment. The sample offset widths cannot be greater than the smallest radii of the alignment.
When sampling left and right of the alignment, the command gives slightly inaccurate data at PIs
that have no horizontal curve due to overlapping or disjunct offset lines.
tClick “OK” to save the sampling settings, or select “Cancel” to exit the command without
saving the settings.
Note: You can also set these settings using the [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Settings]
command. From the Project Settings dialog box, select the “Edit...” button under “Advanced
Design” and then pick on the “Sample...” button.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 167

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Sampling an Existing Ground from an ASCII File

To sample an existing ground surface from an ASCII file, use the [Sample From File] command.
This command generates existing ground profile data from a selected text file. The file must exist in
the correct format. See the end of this description for file format guidelines.
Note: You cannot enter multiple surface information with this command because it overwrites any
existing vertical alignment information.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Sample from File]. The File to Import dialog box
displays as shown below.

File to Import Dialog Box

oSpecify the file to import. The default directory is the current project directory. Select the
correct directory and filename, then select the “OK” button.
The command samples the surface from the text file.

Text File Format

In order for the [Sample From File] command to work properly, you must create the file using the
correct format. Each line of the file must contain the station value followed by the elevation,
separated by a space. The station cannot contain the plus sign (+) character. The following is an
example of a file that can be used by the [Sample From File (PROFILE)] command.

0 100.23
50 150.2
79.4 109
245.1 115.63
500.5 111.12

The file must conform to the following criteria:

• The first item of the file must be the first station.
• Stations must be in ascending order.
• There can be no leading blank lines or headers.

168 Advanced Design Reference Manual


• There cannot be any blank lines. Blank lines are read as the end of the file.
• There cannot be any blank spaces at the beginning of any line.
• The last item of the file must be the elevation for the last station in the file.

Sampling the Profile Data From Sections

Use the [Sample From Sections] command to sample profile data from existing ground section
information. Use this command in tandem with the [Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command to
create profile data. For instance, if you created an ASCII file with all of your section information,
and then sampled this information to create existing ground section information, you can use the
Profile [Sample From Sections] command to create profile data based on this section information.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Sample From Sections].
If you only sampled information from one surface when you used the [Sample From File
(SECTIONS) command, then the [Sample From Sections] command retrieves the information
for the profile from that surface. Skip to step 3 below.
However, if you have more than one surface defined, the following Select Section Surface
dialog box will display:

Select Section Surface Dialog Box

oSelect the surface to sample and select “OK.”

pIf the vertical alignment already exists, a dialog box will display asking you if you want to
retain the finished surfaces. Select the “Yes” button to retain finished ground vertical alignment
information, or select the “No” button to overwrite the finished ground information.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 169

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Using the Vertical Alignment Editor

The Vertical Alignment Editor is a tool you can use to edit any existing ground or finished ground
vertical alignment. If you have sampled the existing ground surface, then you can use this Editor to
view or edit the information that was generated. You can also use the Editor as an alternative to the
[Sample From File] and [Sample From DTM] commands to create existing ground or finished
ground information.
To access this Editor, select the [Edit Vertical Alignment...] command. The Vertical Alignment
Editor displays as shown below:

Vertical Alignment Editor

See the sections that follow for instructions on how to use the Vertical Alignment Editor to do the
• create and edit a vertical alignment
• edit vertical curves
• copy surfaces
• edit surface elevations
• generate reports
The following list describes some of the characteristics of the Vertical Alignment Editor dialog box:
• Unlike the Horizontal Alignment Editor, the Vertical Alignment Editor is not dynamically linked
to the drawing. Use the [Import] command from the Vertical Alignments submenu to import the
changed alignment into the drawing.

170 Advanced Design Reference Manual


• The station values must fall within the range of the alignment.
• If a curve length does not meet the required length set for the K value, then the minimum curve
length is flagged in the Vertical Curve Detail Window section of the Vertical Alignment Editor
dialog box.
• The [Edit Vertical Alignment] command prompts for a surface to edit if multiple surfaces have
been toggled on using the [Toggle Multiple Surfaces] command. Use the arrow keys to select
the desired surface to edit, then press <Enter>. Only one surface can be edited at a time.
However, you can access finished ground information no matter which surface you select.
• The [Edit Vertical Alignment...] command uses the precision values set by the [Setup
Drawing...] command for display of the values.
• Use the following buttons to navigate through the information in the Vertical Alignment Editor.
H: This button moves the display to the first line.
U: This button moves the window up one page.
∧: This button moves the display up one line.
∨: This button moves the display down one line.
D: This button moves the window down one page.
E: This button moves the display to the last line.
• After you create the profile data with the Vertical Alignment Editor, you can use this
information to generate profiles. You can create existing ground center, left, and right profiles
with the [Full Profile...] or [Quick Profile...] commands. To import the finished ground
centerline into the drawing, use the [Import (FGC)]. To import any of the finished ground ditch,
left and right profiles use the [Import (DT)] command. Refer to the command descriptions for
more information.
• You can access the Labels Settings and the Profile Value Settings dialog boxes by selecting the
“Labels” and “Values” buttons in the Vertical Alignment Editor. These dialogs are described in
detail later in this chapter.

Creating and Editing an Alignment with the Vertical

Alignment Editor
You can use the Vertical Alignment Editor to enter information about any existing ground or finished
ground alignment. Use the Editor to create a new surface, or edit an existing one.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment...]. The Vertical Alignment
Editor displays.
oSelect the alignment to edit or create from the “Vert. Alignment” scrolling list.
• To edit an alignment that already has data associated with it, select its name from the list
and use the Editor to edit the data. Skip to step 5 if you are editing a surface.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 171

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

• To create an alignment, select its name from the list and use the Editor to create the data. If
there is no data for a selected alignment, then the following dialog box is displayed asking
to create the vertical alignment data.

Vertical Alignment Creation Dialog Box

pAnswering "Yes" will display the following Vertical Alignment Creation editor.

Vertical Alignment Creation Editor

qIn the Vertical Alignment Creation editor, enter the PVI station and elevation data. The starting
and ending points of an alignment are considered PVIs. Tab between columns. The % grade is
calculated from the horizontal distance and difference in elevation between the PVIs. When you
have finished entering the information, click the “OK” button to return to the Vertical Alignment
Note: The % grade is not an editable field in the Vertical Alignment Creation Editor. However,
you can edit the % grade when you return to the Vertical Alignment Editor.
rUse the options in the “Edit” area of the Vertical Alignment Editor to edit the vertical alignment
PVI Station: Each PVI station is listed in this column. The starting and ending points of an
alignment are considered PVIs.
Elevation: This column displays the elevation at the PVI.

172 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Curve Length: This column shows the length of the vertical curve located at the current PVI.
Only the finished ground surfaces list curve information.
% Grade: This column shows the slope of the tangent as a percentage. The value is centered
vertically between the two PVIs.
sTo insert a new PVI, select the “Insert PVI” button. When you select this button, the command
adds a new row to the editor above the row where the cursor is located. Press <Enter> or
<Tab> to move between the columns. Enter the station and elevation of the PVI. The percent
grade is calculated to reflect the new PVI. Enter the vertical curve length, if required.
tTo delete a PVI, place your cursor in the row you want to delete and select the “Delete PVI”
button. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Select the "Yes" button to delete the station.
The station, elevation and grade for the remaining PVIs are automatically recalculated to reflect
the new PVI coordinates.
See the following sections for instructions on editing a vertical curve, copying surfaces, editing
surface elevations and creating vertical alignment reports with the Vertical Alignment Editor.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 173

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Editing a Vertical Curve with the Vertical Alignment

To edit the parameters of a vertical curve, select the “Edit Curve” button from the Vertical
Alignment Editor.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment...]. The Vertical Alignment
Editor displays.
oSet the finished ground alignment to edit with the “Vert. Alignment” scroll list. You can only
edit a finished ground vertical curve with this command.
pPlace your cursor in the row of the curve to edit, then select the “Edit Curve” button. The
Vertical Curve Detail Window dialog box displays as shown below.

Vertical Curve Detail Window Dialog Box

qUse the edit boxes to make any edits needed. All vertical curve variables are interrelated,
therefore, any edits you make to the curve data will automatically update any corresponding
curve data. Use the “Next” and “Prev” buttons to navigate from curve to curve.
Curve Length: Set the horizontal length of the vertical curve with this edit box.
K Value: Set the K value of the selected vertical curve with this edit box.
Min. Length: This label displays the minimum length of the curve required to meet the given
design parameters for K value and cannot be edited. The minimum length may be flagged with
“***” which indicates that the vertical curve does not meet the design parameters set in the
value defaults for minimum K values.

174 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Low/High Point Elevation: Set the lowest or highest point for the vertical curve with this edit
box. In cases where the PVC is the lowest or highest elevation point, the value is grayed out and
not editable.
Low/High Point Station: This label displays the station of the lowest or highest point on the
vertical curve. In cases where the PVC is the lowest or highest elevation point, the value is
listed as N/A.
Passing Sight Distance: Set the passing sight distance of the selected vertical curve with this
edit box. This value is only applicable to crest curves and is not displayed for sag curves.
Stopping Sight Distance: Set the stopping sight distance of the selected vertical curve with this
edit box. This value is only applicable to crest curves and is not displayed for sag curves.
rWhen you have completed the curve edits select “OK” to return to the Vertical Alignment
Editor and save the edits. Select “Cancel” to exit the Vertical Curve Detail Window without
saving changes.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 175

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Copying Vertical Alignment Surfaces with the Vertical

Alignment Editor
To copy a vertical alignment surface to another surface or vertical alignment, use the “Copy Surf”
button in the Vertical Alignment Editor.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment...] to display the Vertical
Alignment Editor.
oSelect the alignment to copy from the “Vert. Alignment” scrolling list.
pSelect the “Copy Surf” button. The Copy Surface dialog box displays as shown below.

Copy Surface Dialog Box

qSet the surface to copy the current surface to with the “To Surface” popup list. The “From
Surface” label shows the current surface or vertical alignment selected.
rSelect “OK” to copy the surface or “Cancel” to exit the command without copying surfaces.

176 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Editing Surface Elevations with the Vertical

Alignment Editor
You can use the Vertical Alignment Editor to change all elevations for a specified range of stations
or an entire alignment by the increment specified.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment...] to display the Vertical
Alignment Editor.
oSet the alignment you want to edit with the “Vert. Alignment” scroll box.
pSelect the "Edit Elevs" button. The Edit Surface Elevations dialog box displays as shown

Edit Surface Elevations Dialog Box

qSpecify the station range to apply the elevation change to in the “Beginning Station” and
“Ending Station” edit boxes.
rSpecify the increment by which to change the elevation in the “Elevation Change” edit box.
Enter a positive value to move all the elevations up (do not use a plus sign (+) symbol) or a
negative value to lower the elevations.
sSelect “OK” to save the edits, or select “Cancel” to exit the command without saving the
surface elevation edits.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 177

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Generating Vertical Alignment Reports

There are several types of profile reports that you can generate for vertical alignments. You can sort
information by station, by curve, by station and curve, and by increment. These reports are not
echoed to the screen since the all the information is available for viewing in the editor already.
Note: Generally there are no vertical curves in existing ground profiles. A curve or station and
curve report on an existing ground alignment will not contain any vertical curve data because there
isn’t any.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment...] to display the Vertical
Alignment Editor.
oSelect the alignment from the “Vert. Alignment” scrolling list.
pSelect the “Settings” button in the “Reports” section of the Vertical Alignment Editor. The
Output Settings dialog box will display. Use this dialog box to set the report format.
To send the information generated by the Vertical Alignment Editor to a file, toggle the "File"
check box on and enter the output file name in the "Output file name" edit box. To keep a
running record of all horizontal alignment data, make sure the "Overwrite file" check box is
toggled off. Please note that the "Page breaks" check box applies to the screen display. The
reports are not displayed to the screen as the information is already available for viewing in the
alignment editor. See the [Output Settings...] command description in the Project Settings
chapter in the COGO online Help for more information on this dialog box.
qNext, select the appropriate report button, depending on which type of information you want to
generate a report for: Station, Curve, Station and Curve, or By Increments. Each of these
options prompt for a beginning and ending station. The By Increments option also prompts for
an increment. These options are described below.

Generating a Station Report

To write all of the vertical tangent information for the current alignment to a file, pick the “Station”
button. The content and format of the file is similar to the one used to display information in the
Vertical Alignment Editor dialog box. The function prompts for a beginning and ending station, and
then writes profile information for the range of stations specified. Vertical curve information is not
written using this selection.

Generating a Vertical Curve Report

To write all of the vertical curve information for the current alignment to a file, pick the “Curve”
button. The content and format of the file is similar to the one used in the Vertical Curve Detail
Window dialog box. The function prompts for a beginning and ending station, and then writes
profile information for the range of stations specified. Tangent information is not displayed by this

178 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Generating a Station and Curve Report

To write all of the profile information for the current alignment to a file, pick the “Sta and Crv”
button. This option outputs the tangent information interspersed with vertical curve information at
the appropriate PVI stations. The function prompts for a beginning and ending station, and then
writes profile information for the range of stations specified.

Generating an Increment Report

To write a report based on an entered increment, pick the “By Incr.” button. The function prompts
for a starting and ending station of the alignment as well as the increment, and then writes profile
information for the range of stations defined.
The following example shows a sample output of the file:

page 1
Project: ROUTE202 Mon Oct 30 17:15:51 1995

Vertical alignment: FGC

Surface: eg
10+19.21 753.20 751.38
11+19.21 753.97 752.51
12+19.21 754.65 753.65
13+19.21 755.01 754.79
14+19.21 755.36 755.92
15+19.21 756.77 757.25
16+19.21 759.36 759.97
17+19.21 763.80 764.29
18+19.21 769.95 770.19
19+19.21 776.74 777.49
20+19.21 786.84 784.99
21+19.21 797.19 792.49
22+19.21 806.63 799.99
23+19.21 816.04 807.24
24+19.21 818.41 812.79
25+19.21 820.03 816.42
26+19.21 821.59 818.13
27+19.21 822.36 818.17
28+19.21 822.56 817.98

Advanced Design Reference Manual 179

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Editing a Vertical Alignment with the [Edit...]

Using the [Edit...] command to edit a vertical alignment is almost identical to using the [Edit
Vertical Alignment...] command found in the Existing Ground menu.
There are two [Edit...] commands: one in the Ditches and Transitions (DT) section of the menu, and
the other in the Finished Ground Centerline (FGC) section of the menu. The major difference
between these commands is that the [Edit... (DT)] command first prompts for the selection of the
vertical alignment to edit.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Alignments (DT) (FGC)] Î [Edit...] to access the Vertical
Alignment Editor.
oSpecify the alignment to edit if you selected the command from the (DT) menu.
pAfter you have accessed the Vertical Alignment Editor dialog box, the functions are identical to
the [Edit Vertical Alignment...] command. Any vertical alignment can be edited. For more
information on the Vertical Alignment Editor dialog box, see the descriptions of the
[Edit Vertical Alignment...] command above.
Note: Use the [Import (DT)] or the [Import (FGC)] command to import a vertical alignment created
or changed with the [Edit...(DT)] or the [Edit...(FGC)] command.

180 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Generating Existing Ground Profiles

After you have sampled one or more existing ground surfaces, or you have created an existing
ground surface with the Vertical Alignment Editor, you can use one of the create profile commands
to generate a profile.
The following conditions hold true for all existing ground profiles:
• If the alignment you sampled with the [Sample from DTM] command goes outside of the surface
boundary and comes back into the TIN boundary, then the Profile commands draw a straight
line from the point of exit to the point of entry and interpolates the elevations between the exit
and entrance points.
• If the alignment starts before the beginning of the surface, then the Profile commands start the
profile at the point where the alignment enters the surface.
• If the alignment ends before the end of the TIN, then the Profile commands continue to draw the
grid, but discontinue the profile.
• Text styles used are C100 for the datum information and the current text style for the existing
ground elevations.
• The current linear precision is used for the datum elevation precision. All other precisions are
set in the [Values...] command.
• After you create a profile, you cannot change the layer and precision settings for that profile
without reimporting the profile.
• If the specified layers do not exist, then the Profile commands create them. If the layers are
frozen or turned off, then the Profile commands thaw or turn them on.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 181

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Configuring Profile Settings

Before you create a profile, configure the profile settings with the [Values...] command. When you
create a profile, an invisible block is inserted at the profile insertion point. This block holds the
information that is specific to that particular plot of the profile including the location in the drawing,
the vertical exaggeration, and the layers. This block also holds all the [Values...] settings for the
profile, which is why they must be configured before you use the [Full Profile...],
[Surface Profile...], or [Quick Profile] command.
Note: If you need to alter values for a profile that you have already plotted, then you can use the
[Profile Properties] command and then reimport the profile. See “Changing Profile Properties after
Creating a Profile” in this chapter for more information.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Profile Settings] Î [Values...]. The Profile Value Settings dialog box
displays as shown below.

Profile Value Settings Dialog Box

oEnter the distance between tangent elevation labels in the “Tangent Labels” edit box.
pEnter the vertical grid line increment in the “Vertical grid lines” edit box. This increment is the
horizontal distance between vertical grid lines.
qEnter the distance between vertical curve elevation labels in the “Vertical curve labels” edit
rUse the next sections to control the vertical curve K and sight distance values. The K values,
passing sight distance eye and object heights, and stopping sight distance eye and objects
heights are used in the calculations for designing vertical curves.
Minimum for crest: Use this edit box to control the minimum K value used for crest curves.
Vertical curves that do not meet the parameters set in the K value edit boxes are flagged in the
Vertical Curve Detail Window dialog box by placing a “***” in front of the Min. Length value.

182 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Minimum for sag: Use this edit box to control the minimum K value used for sag curves.
Vertical curves that do not meet the parameters set in the K value edit boxes are flagged in the
Vertical Curve Detail Window dialog box by placing a “***” in front of the Min. Length value.
Passing eye height: Use this edit box to control the value for the passing sight distance eye
height. This is the height of the eye of the driver of the car doing the passing.
Passing object height: Use this edit box to control the value for the passing object height. This
is the height of the object being approached when passing (usually another vehicle).
Stopping eye height: Use this edit box to control the value for the stopping sight distance eye
height. This is the height of the eye of the driver of the car.
Stopping object height: Use this edit box to control the value for the stopping object height.
This is the height of the object being avoided (usually a piece of debris).
sSet the label precision values for the existing ground and finished ground labels with the slider
bars at the bottom of the dialog box. These precision values are used when labeling the existing
and finished ground elevations.
tSelect the “OK” button to exit the dialog box and save the changes, or select “Cancel” to exit
the command without making changes.
Note: You can access the Profile Value Settings dialog box from a variety of locations. From the
Edit Advanced Design Project Settings dialog box, or from the Vertical Alignment Editor, pick the
“Values...” button. Access the first location by selecting [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project
Settings] and then picking “Edit” under the Advanced Design heading. Access the second location
by selecting [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment...].

Advanced Design Reference Manual 183

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Modifying the Finished Ground Profile Layer Settings

To edit the default finished ground layers for use with the Profile commands, use the [FG Layers...]
command. These settings are not associated with specific alignments until you run the
[Full Profile...], [Surface Profile...], or [Quick Profile...] command. You can assign each finished
ground alignment to a separate layer. To use a layer prefix to tag each profile with a unique set of
layer names, see the “Modifying the Layer Prefix and Label Text Settings” section described in this
nSelect [Profile] Î [Profile Settings] Î [FG Layers...]. The Finished Ground Layer Settings
dialog box displays as shown below.

Finished Ground Layer Settings Dialog Box

oThis dialog box contains all of the finished ground layers. Enter the appropriate settings in each
edit box.
• Enter the layer name for the finished ground centerline in the “Center” edit box.
• Enter the layer name for the text used to label elevations for the finished ground centerline
in “Text” edit box.
• Enter the layer names for the left and right ditch profile surfaces in the “Ditch” edit boxes.
• Enter the layer names for the transition profile surfaces in the “1st - 8th trans” edit boxes.
pClick “OK” to exit the command and save the setting changes, or click “Cancel” to exit the
command without saving the changes.

184 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Modifying the Existing Ground Profile Layer Settings

To edit the default existing ground layers for use with the Profile commands, use the [EG Layers...]
command. The default values you set with this command are not associated with specific alignments
until you run the [Full Profile...], [Surface Profile...], or [Quick Profile...] command. To use a layer
prefix to tag each profile with a unique set of layer names, see the “Modifying the Layer Prefix and
Label Text Settings” section below.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Profile Settings] Î [EG Layers...]. The Existing Ground Layer Settings
dialog box displays as shown below.

Existing Ground Layer Settings Dialog Box

oThe first group of edit boxes contain the layer names for the profile surfaces. Enter the layer
names for the profile centerline, left and right offsets.
pUse the next group of edit boxes to specify the layer names for the annotation text for the profile.
• Enter the layer name for the stationing text in the “Station” edit box.
• Enter the layer name for the text used to label elevations for the profile centerline in the
“Center” edit box.
• Enter the layer names for the text used to label elevations for the left and right offsets in the
“Left” and “Right” edit boxes.
qEnter the layer names for the horizontal and vertical elements of the profile base in the
“Horizontal” and “Vertical” edit boxes.
rThe last group of edit boxes contain the layers for the elements of the profile grid.
• Enter the layer name for the elements of the profile grid in the “Grid” edit box.
• Enter the layer name for the text used to annotate the profile grid in the “Text” edit box.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 185

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

sSelect “OK” to exit the command and save the changes, or select “Cancel” to cancel the
In the following illustrations, the default layer names for each part of the profile are labeled. These
are the default layer names supplied with the Advanced Design module. The layer names for
individual projects may differ.

Base Grids and Profile Surfaces Detail

186 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Modifying the Layer Prefix and Label Text Settings

Use the [Labels and Prefix...] command to set the layer prefix and to set the default label settings.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Profile Settings] Î [Labels and Prefix...]. The Labels Settings dialog box
displays as shown below.

Labels Settings Dialog Box

oEnter the layer prefix in the “Layer prefix” edit box. The layer prefix will be attached to all
profile layer names associated with the current alignment. The layer prefix can include any
alphanumeric character. To include the current alignment name into the layer prefix
automatically, use an asterisk (*). For example, if the current alignment name is "202CL," then a
layer prefix entered as "*-" forces all profile layers to have the prefix "202CL-."
The Profile commands will use the layer prefix you set with the [Labels] command and the
setting suffixes you set with the [EG Layers...] and [FG Layers...] commands to create the layer
names. For example, if a you set prefix of "ROAD" and "PEGC" is the default suffix, then the
layer name will be "ROADPEGC." The command uses the default suffix for each surface name
if multiple surfaces are being used.
Note: Layer prefixes make it easy to control groups of layers. For example, you can specify the
prefix followed by an asterisk (*) to manipulate all profile layers. For additional information
on layer manipulation, see the AutoCAD manuals.
pUse the rest of the edit boxes to enter labels for various parts of a profile. These labels are used
with any of the commands from the Profile Label and List submenus as well as the
[Import (FG PROFILE)] command.
Beginning vertical curve station label: This label marks the station of the beginning of a
vertical curve.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 187

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Beginning vertical curve elevation: This label marks the elevation of the beginning of a
vertical curve.
Ending vertical curve station label: This label marks the station of the end of a vertical curve.
Ending vertical curve elevation: This label marks the elevation of the end of a vertical curve.
High point label: This label marks the highest elevation point of a vertical curve.
Low point label: This label marks the lowest elevation point of a vertical curve.
Point of vertical intersection (PVI): This label marks the (vertical) intersection of two
Algebraic difference (A.D.): This label indicates the algebraic difference. (Grade of the
tangent out of the vertical curve subtracted from the grade of the tangent into the vertical curve.)
Curve coefficient (K): This label indicates the curve coefficient. This is also known as the
"K" value of a curve. The K value or curve coefficient is the horizontal distance required to
effect a one percent change in grade on the vertical curve.
Note: You can also set these settings using the [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Settings]
command. From the Project Settings dialog box, select the “Edit...” button under “Advanced
Design” and then pick on the “Labels and Prefix...” button. You can also edit these settings from the
Vertical Alignment Editor. Choose [Profile] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Vertical Alignment] and
select the “Labels” button.

188 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Creating a Complete Profile

To create a complete profile, choose the [Full Profile...] command. This command creates a profile
that includes a datum line, datum elevation, existing ground, existing ground text, and grid base. If
you sampled left and right of the centerline when you were sampling the existing ground, then you
can also create profiles of these alignments with the [Full Profile...] command.
The following prerequisites must be met before using the [Full Profile...] command:
• Configure the profile settings using the Profile Settings commands from the Profile menu.
• Sample an existing ground surface using the [Sample From DTM] or [Sample From File]
command or enter the data manually with the [Edit Vertical Alignment...] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Full Profile...]. The Profile Generator dialog box
displays as shown below.

Profile Generator Dialog Box

oSet the station range with the “Start” and “End” edit boxes. The defaults are the defined starting
and ending stations for the current alignment. This range defines the range of the current
alignment for which the profile is created.
pIn the “Datum Elevation Entry” section of the dialog box, the maximum and minimum elevations
for the alignment within the defined station range are listed. Enter the desired datum elevation
in the "Datum" edit box. The datum elevation default is based on the minimum elevation in the
qUse the “Vertical scale” edit box to edit the vertical scale. The vertical scale is compared to
the horizontal scale set during the drawing setup to determine the vertical exaggeration of the

Advanced Design Reference Manual 189

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

profile. If the horizontal scale is 1"=50', then a vertical scale of 5.00 will result in a vertical
exaggeration of 10.
rClick the appropriate radio button in the "Profile creation parameters" area to specify the
direction in which the profile is to be drawn, to the right or to the left.
sTo import profiles to the left and right of the centerline, check the “Import Left/Right profiles”
check box. These profiles can only be imported if you toggled on the "Sample left/right" check
box in the Profile Sampling Settings dialog box before you sampled the profile information.
tTo import a profile base grid, check the "Import grid" check box. If this check box is toggled
off, then only profile surfaces are imported.
uIf you checked the “Import grid” check box, then set the horizontal spacing, vertical spacing,
and grid height in the appropriate edit boxes.
vWhen you have finished specifying the parameters, click the “OK” button to generate the
profile, or click “Cancel” to exit the command.
Note: You can only draw the centerline and the left and right offsets for the existing ground
surface profile with this command. To display multiple surfaces on the profile, use the
[Full Profile...] command for the first surface. Use the [Surface Profile...] command with
multiple surfaces toggled on to display any additional surfaces.
wPick a starting point for the profile. The starting point of the profile is the lower left corner of
the grid base if you are drawing the profile left to right, or the lower right corner of the grid
base if you are drawing the profile right to left. If you generated this profile previously, then
enter "Y" for Yes in response to the "Delete existing profile layers" to remove the old profile.
This erases all entities on the profile layers defined in the [EG Layers...] and [FG Layers...]
commands. Removing the old profile also replaces the profile information block to reflect the
new information. Enter "N" for No if a profile does not exist.
Note: When working with multiple alignments use an asterisk (*) for the layer prefix in the Labels
and Prefix Settings to avoid accidentally deleting profiles for other alignments.
The following figure illustrates a profile imported left to right and right to left.

Imported Full Profiles

190 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Adding a Subsurface to a Profile

To add an existing ground subsurface to a profile, use the [Surface Profile...] command. This
command adds the subsurface to an existing profile without adding vertical grid lines or station
elevations. In order to add a subsurface to a profile, use the multiple surfaces option when you are
sampling the existing ground. Generate a quick or full profile, and then use the [Surface Profile...]
command to add the subsurface.
You must perform the following tasks before using the [Surface Profile...] command:
• Configure the profile settings using the commands from the Profile Settings menu.
• Toggle on and sample multiple surfaces. Select the surface names with the
[Select Multiple Surfaces...] command and then sample these surfaces using the
[Sample From DTM] command from the Profile menu.
• Generate a quick or full profile for the specified alignment.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Surface Profile...].
The command generates a surface profile for the current profile.
Note: The vertical exaggeration of the profile is determined by the horizontal and vertical
scale factors. All commands use the vertical exaggeration that the profile was created with
regardless of the current vertical exaggeration.
The following figure illustrates a surface profile.

Surface Profile Detail

Advanced Design Reference Manual 191

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Creating a Quick Profile

To create a profile without vertical grid lines or station elevations, use the [Quick Profile...]
command. The command draws profile elements on layers set in the [EG Layers...] command. See
“Creating a Full Profile” above for information about profile prerequisites.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Quick Profile...]. The Profile Generator dialog box
will display. See the “Creating a Complete Profile” section above for more information about
how to use this dialog box. Set the desired settings and select “OK.”
oSelect a starting point for the profile. The starting point of the profile is the lower left corner of
the profile if you are drawing the profile left to right, or the lower right corner of the profile if
you are drawing the profile right to left.
pIf you generated this profile previously, then enter "Y" for Yes in response to the "Delete
existing profile layers" to remove the old profile. This erases all entities on the profile layers
defined in the [EG Layers...] and [FG Layers...] commands. Removing the old profile also
replaces the profile information block to reflect the new information. Enter "N" for No if a
profile does not exist.
The command then draws the quick profile.
The following figure illustrates a quick profile from right to left.

Imported Quick Profile Detail

192 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Changing Profile Properties after Creating a Profile

There are a few profile settings that you can change after you have plotted the profile with the
[Quick Profile...] or [Full Profile...] commands. These include the labeling increments and precision
values. Change these properties with the [Set Properties] command, and then reimport the profile
with the [Import] commands in the Vertical Alignments (FGC and DT) submenus.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Set Properties]. The Profile Properties dialog box will
display as shown below.

Profile Properties Dialog Box

oUse the edit boxes to edit the stationing, tangent, and curve labeling increments.
pEdit the precision values for labeling existing and finished ground elevations with the slider
qSelect “OK” save the edits you make, or select “Cancel” to exit the command without saving.
rReimport the profile using the [Import] commands from the Vertical Alignments submenus.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 193

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Drawing a Grid on the Profile

To insert a grid over a completed profile, use the [Grid...] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Grid...].
oEnter the distance for the horizontal spacing. The horizontal spacing is the distance between the
grid lines that mark the horizontal distances.
pEnter the distance for the vertical spacing. The vertical spacing is in relation to the datum
elevation and vertical scale.
qEnter a value for the height of the grid. The height of grid above the datum line is the elevation
difference between the upper grid base line and the proposed top line of the grid. If the datum is
odd, then the grid lines are placed on even elevations above the datum.
The command draws the grid over the current profile.
Note: Set a layer with a dotted linetype or a gray color to reduce the emphasis on the grid on the
finished plan, or use a thin pen type and different ink color for it. Use the [Set Current Profile]
command to reestablish the profile location if the grid location does not overlay the profile
The following example illustrates the parameters for drawing a grid.

Profile Grid Detail

194 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Setting the Current Profile

There are a couple of reasons for setting the current profile:
• If you have more than one profile in a drawing, then use the [Set Current Profile] command to
specify which profile to use in subsequent profile commands.
• If you move a profile from its original location, then use the [Set Current Profile] command to
relocate the invisible profile block.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Set Current Profile].
oPick a point inside the profile.
• If you are using this command to set the current profile, then this point can be any point
within the graphic representation of the profile. The horizontal and vertical alignments of
the profile you select become current as well.
• If you are using this command to reset the block after you’ve moved the profile, then press
<Enter> at the "Pick a point inside the profile" prompt and select the lower left corner of
the profile base. This uses the current alignment name to indicate which profile to use and
moves the invisible profile data block to the lower left corner of the profile base. Moving
this block is necessary if the station/elevation data of the profile is not being reported
The profile commands will now reference the selected profile.
Note: When redefining the location of a profile, use the [Select Alignment] command to make sure
the correct alignment is current.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 195

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Attaching Profile Information Block to a Profile

The [Define Profile] command recreates the profile information block for the profile of the current
alignment. The profile information block is invisible and can be lost if the profile is exported to
another drawing using the AutoCAD WBLOCK command. Use this command if the [Set Current
Profile] command does not recognize the plotted profile that was selected.
Note: If the profile information block exists, but is not in the correct location because the profile
has been moved, then use the [Set Current Profile] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Define Profile].
oSelect the starting point. At this prompt, an AutoCAD OSNAP is automatically set to select the
lower corner at the start of the profile. If you have sampled existing ground left and right of the
centerline, then make sure that you select the lower left corner of the centerline label box as
shown in the illustration below. Do not select the lower left corner of the left/right label box.
pSelect the upper end point. This is the upper right corner of the profile. Refer to the illustration
below for the points to pick.
The starting and ending points create a bounding region for the profile. Now when you are
prompted to select the profile, you can pick anywhere within this bounding region.

Selecting Start and Upper End Points of Profile

qEnter the datum elevation that is displayed near the lower left corner of the profile.
rEnter the beginning and ending stations of the profile. The defaults are the beginning and ending
stations of the alignment.
sEnter the direction of the profile. Enter “L” or “R” accordingly.

196 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Note: Only redefine the profile if the profile information block does not exist. If the profile
information block still exists in the drawing, but you need to redefine the block to update changes
you’ve made in the Profile Settings or the datum elevation, use the [Undefine Profile] command first,
then use the [Define Profile] command.

Undefining a Profile
If you delete a profile from a drawing, then you’ll also need to remove the invisible profile
definition block that was created when the profile was plotted. To do this, use the
[Undefine Profile] command. This command will remove the block that holds the profile direction,
precisions, datum elevation, labeling increments, starting and ending stations and layer names.
Note: You can also overwrite this block by recreating the profile with one of the Create Profile
nSelect [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Undefine Profile]. You will see a prompt that is similar
to the following:
Delete profile definition block(s) for alignment <202 CL> (Yes/No) <No>:

oEnter “Y” for Yes to delete the desired profile definition block(s), or press <Enter> to exit the
command without deleting the profile definition blocks.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 197

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Designing and Defining the Finished Ground

After you have created the existing ground profile for your alignment, you can use other commands
in the Profile menu to create the finished ground profile elements, including the finished ground
centerline, offsets, and ditches and transitions.
In the Profile menu, there are two sections you can use for defining the finished ground elements:
one section is for creating the Finished Ground Centerline, and the other section is for creating
Ditches and Transitions. These two sections have almost all the same commands listed under each
heading: they both provide commands for drawing tangents and vertical curves and for defining the
vertical alignments and listing elevations. However, even though the commands may have the same
names, make sure to use the command under the appropriate menu heading for the action you want to
take. This will assure that database and layer information for the vertical alignments will be
To avoid confusion, this manual uses a notation to distinguish between the two sections of the menu.
The commands from the Finished Ground Centerline section will be followed by (FGC). The
commands from the Ditches and Transitions section will be followed by (DT).
Note: You can also use AutoCAD commands to draw tangents, but you must use the
[Vertical Curves...] command to create vertical curves.

Ditches and Transitions Commands

The main difference between the ditches and transitions (DT) command prompt structure and the
finished ground centerline (FGC) commands is the first prompt. The first prompt of most Ditches
and Transitions commands asks for which vertical alignment to use. This prompt is generally in the
following format.
Select profile (Center/Left/Right)<Center>: R
Select right profile (Ditch/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) <1>:

If you press <Enter> at the first prompt above, then you can access the finished ground centerline
profile. If you type “L” or “R”, then you then have the choice of which ditch or transition to access.
In the example above, the "1" through "8" alignments are the eight offsets available on the right side
of the centerline (based on station progression). These alignments are generally created with the
[Create Offsets...] command from the Alignment menu, and are used to control things such as the
right Edge of Pavement (EOP) and shoulder. The “1” through “8” alignments are also available for
the left side of centerline. You can access the left and right ditch profiles by entering the appropriate
offset side and then entering a “D” for ditch.
After you design ditches and transitions with the Profile commands, you can apply them to cross
sections. See the following chapter, “Creating Cross Sections” for more information about how
these ditch and transition alignments are applied to cross section templates.

198 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Setting the Current Profile Layer

In order to properly define the finished ground profiles, you must draw them on the correct layer.
Before drawing any entities, set the current layer with the [Set Current Layer] command.
This command sets the correct finished ground layer based on the profile settings that were used
when the current profile was plotted. This command has two different forms depending on whether
it is chosen from the Finished Ground Centerline menu or the Ditches and Transitions menu. Each
form is discussed in the following sections.
Note: It is important to always draw the finished ground, transition, and ditch profiles on the
correct layer. Use the [Set Current Layer] command from the appropriate menu section before
creating any vertical alignments other than existing ground.

Setting the Current Layer for the Finished Ground Centerline

nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents] Î [Set Current Layer (FGC)].
No response is necessary for this command when it is selected from the Tangents (FGC) menu. The
current layer is set to the layer designated for the finished ground centerline when the profile was
created. If the specified layer does not exist, then it is created. The layer set by this command
remains current until a new layer is set.

Setting the Current Layer for Ditches and Transitions

nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents] Î [Set Current Layer (DT)].
oAt the “Select profile (Center/Left/Right)” prompt, you can enter “C” for the centerline, or enter
“L” or “R” for the Left or Right ditch/transition regions.
pIf you enter either Left or Right at the “Select profile” prompt, then the next prompt asks you to
select the type of profile you want to set as current. You can use any one of eight transition
regions, or you may specify that the profile is a ditch.
If the specified layer does not exist, then it is created. The layer set by this command remains current
until a new layer is set either with this command or with the AutoCAD LAYER command.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 199

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Setting AutoCAD Crosshairs to Selected Grade

If you want to change the crosshairs of your pointing device to a different grade, then use the
[Crosshairs @ Grade ] command. This command is present under both the Finished Ground
Centerline section and the Ditches and Transitions section of the Profile menu and works the same
way in each menu.
This command sets the AutoCAD ORTHO mode on and rotates the AutoCAD crosshairs to a grade
based on the entered value and the vertical exaggeration of the current profile. The command works
by setting AutoCAD SNAP rotation to the selected grade. This makes it easier to draw lines at the
specified grade when you use the AutoCAD LINE command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents (FGC) (DT)] Î [Crosshairs @ Grade].
oAt the “Grade in percent” prompt, enter the desired grade. Use a “+” sign for a positive grade
and “-” sign for a negative grade.

Rotated AutoCAD Crosshairs

pReset the SNAP rotation and ORTHO settings before running any other command. You can set
the SNAP ROTATION to normal by running the command again and entering a grade of zero.
Reset the ORTHO mode by using the AutoCAD ORTHO command or by pressing <Ctrl O> to
toggle the ORTHO mode on or off.

200 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Drawing Vertical Alignment Tangents

To draw tangents for a vertical alignment, use the [Create Tangents] commands from the Profile
Note: The tangents are drawn on the current layer. Make sure that before using the [Create
Tangents] command you use the appropriate [Set Current Layer] command (from either the FGC
menu or the DT menu) to set the current layer.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents (FGC) (DT)] Î [Create Tangents]. Specify the correct alignment
if you select this command from the DT menu.
oSelect the starting point by selecting a point or entering a station and elevation.
• If you select a point, then prompts are displayed for the station and the elevation. The
default station is the station of the point selected. The default elevation is the elevation of
the point selected. Enter a station and elevation for the starting point of the tangent, or press
<Enter> to accept both of the default values.
• To select a station, enter “S” at the prompt and enter the station and elevation. The default
for the station is the starting station of the profile and the default elevation is the elevation
of the existing ground at the station entered. Enter a station and elevation for the starting
point of the tangent, or press <Enter> to accept both of the default values.
pSelect a point to end the tangent. You can pick a point from the screen or enter “L” to specify a
length or “S” to enter a station.
Note: Enter “U” to erase the previous line drawn and revert to the previous station and
elevation entered. Enter “X” to exit the command.
qIf you use the length or station options, then the command prompts for the selection of a grade,
elevation, or point to define the elevation of the endpoint of the tangent. Either select a point or
enter any of the keyword options. Each of the options are described below:
Grade: The Grade option calculates the endpoint of the tangent using the station defined at the
previous prompt and an entered grade. Enter the grade in percent. A positive value indicates a
tangent going "up" and a negative value indicates a tangent going "down."
Elevation: The Elevation option calculates the endpoint of the tangent using the station defined
at the previous prompt and an entered elevation. Enter the elevation for the endpoint of the
Point: Selecting a point at this prompt causes the command to use the elevation of the point
selected to determine the endpoint of the tangent.
rAfter displaying the station, elevation, and last grade of the current point, the command prompts
for another length, station, or point. Press <Enter> at this prompt to end the loop.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 201

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

The following illustration shows some of the parameters used in creating vertical alignment

Drawing a Vertical Alignment Tangent

202 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Changing the Grade Going Into the PVI

To alter the grades of the tangents you’ve drawn, use the Change Grade commands. Use the [Change
Grade 1] command to change the grade of the tangent leading into the Point of Vertical Intersection,
or PVI. The PVI is the point at which two vertical alignment tangents meet. The PVI will act as a
reference for altering the grades of the tangents.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents (FGC) (DT)] Î [Change Grade 1].
oSelect the tangents that represent the grades coming into and out of the PVI.
pEnter a value for the new grade in.
qSelect another tangent to continue the command, or press <Enter> to end the command.
The command draws a new tangent based on the new grade. This tangent is extended until it
intersects with the grade defined by the second tangent. This intersection is the location of the new
PVI point. The following figure illustrates the new location of a PVI after you change the grade out.

Changing the Grade In

This command attempts to draw the grade with the numeric percent grade that you entered. If the
grade in of the PVI cannot be adjusted while holding the grade out, then the command has
unpredictable results.
If you use this command after you design a vertical curve for the PVI, then the command leaves the
vertical curve and any labels in their original positions. Erase the vertical curve and then recreate it
with the [Vertical Curve... ] command.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 203

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Changing Grade Coming Out of PVI

Use the [Change Grade 2] command to change the grade coming out of the point of vertical
nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents (FGC) (DT)] Î [Change Grade 2].
oSelect the tangents that represent the grade coming into and out of the PVI.
pEnter a value for the new grade out.
qSelect another tangent to continue the command, or press <Enter> to end the command.
The command holds the endpoint of the second tangent and draws a new tangent based on the grade
you entered at the "New grade" prompt. The new second tangent is extended until it intersects with
the grade defined by the first tangent. This intersection is the location of the new PVI point. The
following figure illustrates the new location of a PVI after you change the grade out.

Changing Grade Out

This command attempts to draw the grade with the numeric percent grade that is entered. If the grade
out of the PVI cannot be adjusted while holding the grade in, then the command has unpredictable
If you use this command after you design a vertical curve for the PVI, then the command leaves the
vertical curve and any labels in their original positions. Erase the vertical curve and then recreate it
with the [Vertical Curve...] command.

204 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Moving the Point of Vertical Intersection

To move the point of vertical intersection between two tangents, use the [Move PVI] command. If
you use this command after you design a vertical curve for the PVI, then the command leaves the
vertical curve and any labels in their original positions. Erase the vertical curve and then recreate it
with the [Vertical Curve...] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Tangents (FGC) (DT)] Î [Move PVI].
oSelect the tangents around the PVI you want to move. Select these tangents in any order, and
then press <Enter> to continue the command.
pThe following prompt displays:
Station/Elevation/Both/Pick <Pick>:

Choose the method of moving the PVI.

• Press <Enter> to accept the default, “Pick” and pick a new point for the PVI.
• Enter “S” to enter a new station. This option maintains the existing PVI elevation.
• Enter “E” to enter a new PVI elevation. This option maintains the existing PVI station.
• Enter “B” to enter both a new station and elevation for the PVI.
qEnter the station and/or elevation according to which keyword option you use. The command
then moves the PVI.
The following figure illustrates moving a PVI.

Moving the PVI

Advanced Design Reference Manual 205

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Labeling Finished Ground Tangents

To label finished ground tangents, use the [Tangents] option of the Label submenu. The command
labels the percent slope along the tangent and places the finished ground elevations along the grid
base at the increment you specified with the [Values...] command.
Note: If you need to change the label increment after you have generated a profile, then use the
[Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î [Set Properties] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Label] Î [Tangents].
oSelect the tangent to be labeled.
pThe command continues to prompt for tangents to label. Select each tangent to be labeled and
then press <Enter> to end the command.
The grade and finished ground elevations are placed on the finished ground text layer that you
specified using the [FG Layers...] command. The labels are inserted as AutoCAD text entities using
the current text style. If the height of the current text style is zero, then the labels are inserted with a
height of 0.1 times the horizontal scale of the drawing. For example, if the horizontal scale is equal
to 1=50, then the text height is equal to 5 (0.1x50).
Note: If you label the vertical curves before the tangents, then the tangents are broken at the BVC
and EVC. If you have two back-to-back vertical curves you want to label, then you can label the
broken tangent of the PVI, erase any elevation labels, and move the percent grade label to the
desired location.
The following illustration shows a labeled finished ground tangent.

Labeled Tangent Sections

206 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Listing Tangent Information

To list tangent information, take the following steps:
nSelect [Profile] Î [List] Î [Tangents].
oSelect the tangent to be listed.
The following information is displayed:
Tangent Data
Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . Station : 10+00 Elevation: 7651.60
Grade: 1.00
End . . . . . . . . . . . . . Station : 26+50 Elevation: 778.10

pSelect another tangent to list or press <Enter> to end the command.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 207

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Importing Vertical Curves Created with Previous

Versions of Advanced Design
In Release 11.1 and later versions of the Design and Advanced Design modules, vertical curves are
displayed as cubic B-SPLINES. This gives a more accurate representation of the vertical curve.
However, it does not change the calculations used to design and label the curves. Vertical curve
information from releases prior to 11.1 is still valid in this version.
However, to get the more accurate vertical curve representation in the drawing from an older
version, re-import the finished ground alignment using the [Import ] command and answer "Y" to the
prompt, "Erase old profile." This removes the old finished ground alignment entities and replaces
them with new ones. It does not change any of the information used to design the finished ground.

208 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Drawing Vertical Curves

Before creating vertical curves, set the current profile and draw the tangents for either the finished
ground centerline or ditches and transitions. All vertical curve commands place the curve on the
same layer as the selected tangents. While you can draw tangents using regular AutoCAD
commands, you should use the [Vertical Curves...] command to create vertical curves.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)]. The Vertical Curves icon menu displays
as shown below.

Vertical Curves Icon Menu

oSelect the desired curve icon or its name in the description list, and click “OK”. To move
through the icon display pages, click the “Previous” or “Next” buttons.
Note: When using the [Vertical Curves...] command, you must wait until all of the curve icons
in the Vertical Curves icon menu have been displayed on the screen before selecting the desired
curve. If you select the name of a curve before the icons have been drawn, then the selected
curve will default to “Length.”
pSelect the tangents that represent the grade coming into and out of the PVI.
The command will calculate the curve and prompt for various other parameters depending on what
type of curve you have chosen.
See the descriptions below for specific information about defining each type of vertical curve.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 209

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Drawing a Vertical Curve Based on Curve Length

By selecting the Length option from the Vertical Curves icon menu, you can draft a vertical curve
based on selected tangents and a given curve length. The following illustration shows a vertical
curve based on the curve length.

Drawing a Vertical Curve by Length

nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].

oSelect the Length option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grade coming into and out of the PVI.
qEnter the desired length of the curve. The command will draw the vertical curve based on the
length value.

Drawing a Vertical Curve With Minimum K Value

To draft a vertical curve based on K value, choose the K Value option from the Vertical Curves icon
menu. This command calculates and drafts a vertical curve with given tangents and a given minimum
K value. The “K” value of a vertical curve is the horizontal distance required to effect a one percent
change in grade on the vertical curve.
nSelect the [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the K Value option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grade coming into and out of the PVI.
qEnter a minimum K value.
rThe command calculates the necessary length of curve for the given minimum K value and
displays the value with the prompt "Length of the curve." Press <Enter> to accept this value. If
you enter a new length, the command recalculates the K-value and draws the curve with the
specified length.

210 Advanced Design Reference Manual


The following illustration shows a vertical curve based on the “K” value.

Drawing a Vertical Curve by K Value

Drawing a Vertical Curve by Passing Sight Distance

Use the Passing Sight option from the Vertical Curves icon menu to calculate and draft a crest
vertical curve that is based on a minimum passing sight distance. You can only use this option with a
crest curve.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the Passing Sight option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grade into and out of the PVI.
qEnter a value for the minimum passing sight distance.
rPress <Enter> to accept the default values for “Height of eye” and “Height of object” or enter
new values. The "Height of eye" refers to the height of the driver's line of vision coming down
the road; "Height of object" refers to the height of a vehicle approaching the driver. The default
values are set in the Profile Value Settings dialog box.
sThe length of curve will be calculated. Accept the calculated value or enter a new value.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 211

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

The passing sight distance will then be calculated. The following illustration shows the parameters
used in calculating a vertical curve based on minimum passing sight distance.

Drawing a Vertical Curve by Passing Sight Distance

Technical Information
The Passing Sight option uses the following equations:
If it is assumed that the safe passing distance (S) is less than the length of the curve (L), then,
100 × ( 2 h1 + 2h2 ) 2

If it is assumed that the (S) is greater than (L), then,

 200 ×
[ h1 + h2 ]

L = 2S −  
 
L = Length of vertical curve in feet
S = Sight distance in feet
A = Algebraic difference in grade percent
h1 = Height of eye above alignment surface in feet
h2 = Height of object above alignment surface in feet

212 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Drawing a Vertical Curve by Stopping Sight Distance

Use the Stopping Sight option from the Vertical Curves icon menu to calculate and draft a crest
vertical curve based on a minimum stopping sight distance. You can only use this option with a crest
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the Stopping Sight option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grade into and out of the PVI.
qEnter the value for the minimum stopping distance.
rAccept the default values for “Height of eye” and “Height of object” or enter new values at the
prompts. The "Height of eye" refers to the height of the driver's line of vision coming down the
road and the "Height of object" refers to the height of an object in the road such as an animal,
vehicle, or piece of debris. The default values for these heights are set in the Profile Value
Settings dialog box.
sThe length of curve will be calculated. Press <Enter> to accept this value or enter a new value.
If you enter a new length, then the command recalculates the stopping sight distance and draws
the curve with the length specified.
The following illustration shows the factors used in calculating the vertical curve based on stopping
sight distance.

Drawing a Vertical Curve by Stopping Sight Distance

Technical Information:
The Stopping Sight option uses the following equations:
If it is assumed that the safe stopping distance (S) is less than the length of the curve (L), then,

Advanced Design Reference Manual 213

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

AS 2
[ ]
100 × 2 h1 + 2h2
If it is assumed that the (S) is greater than (L), then,

[ ] 
200 × h1 + h2
L = 2S −  
 A 
 
L = Length of vertical curve in feet
S = Sight distance in feet
A = Algebraic difference in grade percent
h1 = Height of eye above alignment surface in feet
h2 = Height of object above alignment surface in feet

Drawing a Vertical Curve Based on Elevation Point

To draft a vertical curve based on an elevation point, use the High/Low Point option from the
Vertical Curves icon menu.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the High/Low Point option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grades into and out of the PVI.
qSelect the high/low point. Pick a point from the screen or press <Enter> and enter a numeric
value for the elevation.
rThe command computes the necessary length of curve to pass exactly through the given point.
Press <Enter> to accept this length value, or enter a new length. If you change the length, then
the actual curve may pass above or below the given point.
The High/Low option then displays the high/low station and elevation for the curve drawn. If a high
or low point cannot be calculated for the selected tangents, then a “No high or low point exists for
this curve” message is displayed.

214 Advanced Design Reference Manual


The following illustration shows the parameters used in calculating a vertical curve based on
high/low elevation point.

Drawing a Vertical Curve by Elevation Point

Drawing a Vertical Curve Through a Selected Point

To draft a vertical curve that will pass through a selected point, use the Through Point option from
the Vertical Curve icon menu.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the Through Point option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grades going into and out of the PVI.
qPick the point the vertical curve will pass through, or press <Enter> and then enter a station
number and elevation.
rThe length of the curve will be calculated. Accept this value or enter another length.
• If you enter a smaller length, then the vertical curve will pass above the indicated point in a
crest curve, and below the selected point in a sag curve.
• If you enter a greater length, then the vertical curve will pass below the indicated point in a
crest curve, and above in a sag curve.
The command draws the curve. If the command cannot construct a vertical curve through the point
you selected, then an error message is displayed stating that the function is undefined for the
argument. If the specified point is unrealistic, then the Through Point option produces negative
curves or curves that do not meet the specified tangents within the profile.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 215

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

The following illustration shows the parameters used in calculating a vertical curve based on the
Through Point option.

Drawing a Vertical Curve Through a Point

Drawing a Sag Vertical Curve by Headlight Data

To draft a sag vertical curve with given grades, sight distance, and headlight data, use the Headlight
option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the Headlight option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grades going into and out of the PVI.
qEnter the value for the headlight sight distance.
rAccept the default values for the headlight height above pavement and maximum headlight angle
or enter new values.
sThe length of the curve will be calculated. Accept this value or enter a new value. If you enter a
new length, then the Headlight option recalculates the headlight sight distance and draws the
curve with the length specified.
The final headlight sight distance is displayed and the curve drawn.

216 Advanced Design Reference Manual


The following illustration shows the parameters used in calculating a vertical curve based on
headlight data.

Drawing a Vertical Curve by Headlight Data

Technical Information:
The following formulas are used to calculate the length of curve:
If S is less than L, then
200 × HH + S ( tan α )]
If S is greater than L, then

 HH + S ( tan α )
L = 2 S − 200 −  
 A 
A = Absolute value of the change in grades
S = Sight distance
L = Curve length
HH = Height of headlight
a = Angle of headlight with horizontal

Advanced Design Reference Manual 217

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Drawing a Sag Vertical Curve by Given Velocity

To calculate and draft a sag vertical curve with given grades and design velocity, use the Comfort
option from the Vertical Curves icon menu. You can only use this command with a sag curve.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the Comfort option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect the tangents that represent the grades coming into and out of the PVI.
qEnter the design velocity. Press <Enter> to accept the default value or enter a new value.
rThe command calculates the appropriate length of the curve. Press <Enter> to accept this length
or enter a new value. If you enter a new length, then the Comfort option recalculates the design
velocity and draws the curve with the length specified.
The command draws the curve and displays the final design velocity. If metric units are used, then
the command displays a default of 88.51 kmh which is the equivalent of 55 mph.
The following illustration shows the parameters used in calculating a vertical curve based on design

Designing a Vertical Curve by Velocity

Technical Information:
The following formula is used to calculate the length of curve:
where V is the design speed (mph) and A is the grade change (absolute value).

218 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Defining a PVI Without a Vertical Curve

To define a PVI without a vertical curve, choose the Grade Break option from the Vertical Curves
icon menu.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Curves... (FGC) (DT)].
oSelect the Grade Break option from the Vertical Curves icon menu.
pSelect a grade break. This is the intersection of two vertical tangents. The AutoCAD OSNAP
“intersection” is automatically set.
The Grade Break option assigns a vertical curve of zero length to the Point of Vertical Intersection
(PVI) selected. The PVI block is drawn on the specified finished ground layer. The command
reports "No intersection found at selected PVI point" if the selection point is not the intersection of
two lines.
The following illustration shows a grade break selection point.

Defining a Grade Break

Advanced Design Reference Manual 219

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Listing Vertical Curve Data

To list vertical curve data, take the following steps:
nSelect [Profile] Î [List] Î [Vertical Curves].
oSelect the vertical curve.
pThe following data displays: the beginning and ending stations and elevations, the PVI station
and elevation, the high or low point data, grade in and grade out, curve length and the K
qSelect another curve to list or press <Enter> to end the command.
The following example shows the vertical curve information that can be listed using this command.
Vertical Curve Data
BVC . . . . . . . . . . . . Station : 14+69.54 Elevation: 756.5
PVI . . . . . . . . . . . . Station : 16+69.54 Elevation: 758.8
EVC . . . . . . . . . . . . Station : 18+69.54 Elevation: 773.8
High Point. . . . . . . . . Station : 18+69.54 Elevation: 773.8
Grade in : 1.14 Grade out: 7.50 Grade change: 6.36
Curve length: 400.00 K value : 62.84

220 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Labeling the Vertical Curve Data

To label vertical curve data, use the [Vertical Curves] command from the Label submenu. This
command breaks the tangents and labels the Beginning of the Vertical Curve (BVC), the End of
Vertical Curve (EVC), and the length of the vertical curve. It also inserts a circle at the BVC and
EVC points with a radius of 0.5 units when the drawing is plotted. The labels go on the finished
ground text layer as specified in the profile settings.
Note: The vertical curve label command uses the label increment and precision that you set with the
[Values...] command. However, once the [Values...] settings are set and the profile is created, you
cannot use the [Values...] command to change them. Instead, use the [Profile] Î [Create Profile] Î
[Set Properties] command to edit these settings.
nSet the label text size by selecting [Profile] Î [Label] Î [Set Text Size...]. All information
inserted with this command uses the current text height or style. See “Setting the Label Text
Size” below for more information.
oSelect [Profile] Î [Label] Î [Vertical Curves].
pSelect the tangent sections that correspond to the grade in and out. The command uses the PVI
station and elevation determined by the tangents.
qSelect the vertical curve. From the selection of the vertical curve, the command determines the
station and elevation of the BVC and EVC points.
The command then labels the curve with the PVI station and elevation, the A.D. (algebraic
difference: G2 - G1), and the curve coefficient (K). A tick is placed at the high or low point on
the curve if applicable and the station and elevation are labeled.
rSelect another curve to label or press <Enter> to end the command.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 221

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

The finished ground elevations are inserted along the grid base at the specified increment assigned
in the [Values...] command.

Labeling a Vertical Curve

The command uses the AutoCAD DIM HORIZ command to insert the length marker. To change any
of the factors associated with this label, use the AutoCAD dimensioning variables. For more
information on dimensioning variables, see the AutoCAD manuals.

222 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Setting the Label Text Size

Use the [Set Text Size...] command to set the current text size for labels.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Label] Î [Set Text Size...]. The Text Style Selection dialog box is
displayed as shown below.

Text Style Selection Dialog Box

oTo set a new style, highlight the style name with your pointing device.
pSelect the "OK" button to select the text style.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 223

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Defining the Finished Ground Centerline

After drawing the tangents and vertical curves for the finished ground centerline, you need to define
it as a vertical alignment. When you define the finished ground centerline, the elevational data will
be saved to a database that can then be used when creating the cross sections.
Note: Do not use the commands from the Finished Ground Centerline menu to define ditches or
transitions. You can find commands for creating, defining, and editing ditch or transition profiles in
the Vertical Alignments (Ditches and Transitions) menu.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Alignments (FGC)] Î [Define FG Centerline]. The command
turns off all layers except the finished ground layer. It is very important that the tangents and
vertical curves are on the finished ground layer. If the vertical alignment entities are turned off,
then cancel the command and move the entities to the correct layer.
oSelect the starting point of the alignment. This should be the point with the lowest station value.
The command sets the AutoCAD OSNAP to END automatically.
pSelect the objects that make up the alignment. Select the entire alignment using a window or
qPress <Enter> after you have selected all of the alignment segments. The command then
displays the number of PVIs included in the selection set.
Note: It is not necessary to have a grade break symbol where vertical curves are not used.
The layers are then restored to their original state.
Note: If the [Define FG Centerline] command displays the message "No vertical exists," then the
finished and existing ground information may not be referenced to the same station or location in the
drawing. Use the [Set Current Profile] command to verify the location of the existing ground data,
then define the vertical alignment again.
The following illustration shows the points required to define the finished ground alignment.

Defining Finished Ground

224 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Use the [Define FG Centerline] or [Import] commands to update the database

• Any time you make changes to the graphical representation of the alignment, use the
[Define FG Centerline] command to update the database.
• Any time you make changes to the alignment information in the Vertical Alignment Editor,
import the alignment into the drawing using the [Import (FGC)] command.

Defining a Ditch or Transition Vertical Alignment

The process of defining a vertical alignment for a ditch or transition is almost identical to defining a
finished ground centerline. The only difference is that you must specify which alignment you are
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Alignments (DT)] Î [Define Ditch/Transition].
oSpecify the profile you want to define: Centerline, Left, or Right. If you choose Left or Right,
then specify which of the eight transition regions or the ditch you want to define. The command
turns off all layers except the layer of the alignment you have specified. It is very important that
the tangents and vertical curves are on the appropriate layer. If the vertical alignment entities
are turned off, then cancel the command and move the entities to the correct layer.
pSelect the starting point of the alignment (the point with the lowest station value).
qUse a window or crossing to select the entire alignment.
rPress <Enter> after you have selected all of the alignment segments. The command then
displays the number of PVIs included in the selection set.
Note: It is not necessary to have a grade break symbol where vertical curves are not used.
The layers are then restored to their original state.
Note: If the [Define Ditch/Transition] command displays the message "No vertical exists," then the
finished and existing ground information may not be referenced to the same station or location in the
drawing. Use the [Set Current Profile] command to verify the location of the existing ground data.
Then define the vertical alignment again.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 225

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

The following illustration shows the finished ground definition process.


Defining Finished Ground

Use the [Define Ditch/Transition] or [Import] commands to update the database

• Any time you make changes to the graphical representation of the alignment, use the [Define
Ditch/Transition] command to update the database.
• Any time you make changes to the alignment information in the Vertical Alignment Editor,
import the alignment into the drawing using the [Import (DT)] command.

226 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Defining a Ditch or Transition Alignment by Offset

Another way you can define a vertical alignment is to use the [Define by Offset/Grade] command.
This command uses a grade and offset value to create a new vertical transition alignment in relation
to an existing vertical alignment.
There are a couple of prerequisites that must be met before you can use this command:
• You must have already defined a horizontal alignment and a corresponding vertical alignment.
This vertical alignment will act as the reference for the new alignment.
• You must have processed the cross sections using the [Sections] Î [Design Control] Î
[Edit Design Control...] command. This command is described in the next chapter.
There are different options for this command depending on whether the alignment you are creating
will be at a uniform or irregular offset from the reference alignment. Both of these methods are
described below.

Using a Uniform Offset as Reference

nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Alignments (DT)] Î [Define by Offset/Grade].
oSelect the offset type: Uniform or Alignment.
• Enter “U” for Uniform if the offset is constant. If the distance between the two alignments is
not constant, then use the Alignment option, explained below.
pSelect the vertical alignment to use as a reference, the centerline or a left or right alignment. If
you specify left or right, specify which of eight transitions or the ditch you will be using as
qSelect which vertical transition alignment to create.
rEnter the offset distance between the existing alignment and the alignment you are creating.
sEnter the grade between the two alignments as a percentage.
The command then determines the offsets to the alignment.

Using a Non-Uniform Offset as Reference

nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Alignments (DT)] Î [Define by Offset/Grade].
oSelect the offset type: Uniform or Alignment.
• Enter “A” for alignment if the distance between the two alignments is not constant. If the
offset is constant, use the Uniform option described above.
pSelect the vertical alignment to use as a reference, the centerline or a left or right alignment.
• If you specify left or right, then specify which of eight transitions or the ditch you will be
using as reference.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 227

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

• If you specify the centerline, then you need to select the corresponding horizontal
alignment. Either select the alignment from the graphics screen or press <Enter> to access
the Alignment Librarian dialog box.
qSelect the profile to create.
rSelect the corresponding horizontal alignment of the profile you want to create. Either select the
alignment from the graphics screen or press <Enter> to access the Alignment Librarian.
sEnter the grade between the two alignments as a percentage. The grade is always constant and
is calculated perpendicular to the centerline.
The command then determines the offsets to the alignment.

Importing the Finished Ground or Ditch/Transition

Vertical Alignment
When you create or change a vertical alignment with the [Edit...] command from the Vertical
Alignments submenus, or with the [Edit Vertical Alignment] command from the Existing Ground
submenu, you need to use the [Import] command to update the drawing.
Note: Select the command from the proper Vertical Alignments submenu. The [Import (FGC)]
command handles only the finished ground centerline alignment. To import other vertical alignments
(e.g. left ditch, right ditch, or any transition vertical alignment), use the [Import (DT)] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [Vertical Alignments (FGC) (DT)] Î [Import].
oIf you select this command from the Ditches and Transitions submenu, then specify which
alignment to import.
pThe following prompt will display:
Label tangents and vertical curves (Yes/No) <Yes>:

Press <Enter> to accept the default and label the alignment entities, or enter “No.”
qIf the finished ground profile already exists in the current drawing, then you will be prompted to
delete the finished ground profile layer. Enter "Y" to erase the existing entities or enter "N" to
skip this step.
The command imports the alignment.
Note: The drawing is not dynamically related to the Vertical Alignment Editor. If you edit the
drawing with this editor, then use the [Import] command to import the changes into the drawing. This
keeps the drawing updated and prevents potential confusion.

228 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Listing the Elevation of a Selected Point

To list the elevation of a selected point or a particular station for a selected profile surface, use the
[List Elevations] command.
nSelect [Profile] Î [List Elevations (FGC) (DT)].
oIf you select the command from the Ditches and Transitions submenu, then specify the surface
profile to use for elevation calculation.
pSelect a point, or enter “S” and enter a station number.
• When you select a point, the station and elevation of the selected point displays as well as
the elevation of the current surface at the station of the point selected. The command also
displays the difference in elevation between the surface and the point selected.
• If you enter “S” for station and enter a station number, then the Finished Centerline
Elevation is displayed for the specified station.
Note: If you have not drawn or defined the specified profile, or if the point you select is
beyond the horizontal limits of the profile, then the command displays the station of the point or
station selected and the text "<Undefined>" for the elevation.
qSelect another point to list or press <Enter> to end the command.

Listing the Elevation and Station of a Point

To list the elevation and station of any point within a profile take the following steps:
nSelect [Profile] Î [List] Î [Spot Elevations].
oSelect the point to be listed. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs if necessary.
pThe command lists the elevation and station of the selected point on the screen.
qPick another point to list or press <Enter> to end the command.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 229

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Labeling the Elevation of a Point

To label the station and elevation of any selected point, take the following steps:
nSelect [Profile] Î [Label] Î [Spot Elevations].
oSelect the point along the alignment to be labeled. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs if necessary.
pSelect additional leader points, and then press <Enter> to place the label. The leader and
station and elevation text are placed on the finished ground center text layer as specified in the
[FG Layers...] command.
qSelect another point to label, or press <Enter> to end the command.
The following figure illustrates the spot label.

Labeling a Spot Station and Elevation

230 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Listing the Elevation of Selected Points in a Profile

Use the [Depths] command to list the difference in elevation between two selected points on a
profile. You can use this command to determine the depth of pipes, waterlines, and other
underground structures.
Note: This command uses the vertical exaggeration at which the current profile was created to
determine the actual difference in elevation between two points. For example, if the vertical
exaggeration is 10, then an actual vertical difference of 43.7 calculates as a 4.37 unit difference in
nSelect [Profile] Î [List] Î [Depths].
oSelect the two points, using AutoCAD OSNAPs if necessary.
The command lists the depth between the two selected points.
pContinue to pick points or press <Enter> to end the command.
The following figure illustrates listing the depth from finished ground for the end of a skewed pipe.

Depth at Alignment for End of Skewed Pipe

Advanced Design Reference Manual 231

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

Writing Profile Definitions for Single Alignment

Use the [ASCII File Output] Î [Profile] command to create ASCII output files of information taken
from profiles. ASCII output files have been developed to allow custom programs to read data
created by the Advanced Design module. There are a multitude of different output formats that exist
worldwide. Some countries have standardized on specific formats for profiles and cross sections
while in other countries, the formats can vary greatly from region to region or even between
corporations. With these ASCII files, add-on programs can be written to take the data generated by
Advanced Design and output it in any customized format.
Note: The files created by the commands in this menu are output in ASCII format only. These are
data files and are not intended to be a report.
The [Profile] command outputs all of the profile definitions for a single alignment to an ASCII file.
nSelect [Profile] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Output Settings] to set the output settings. The
[Output Settings...] command displays the current output settings. To send the information
generated to a file, check the "File" check box on and enter the output file name. To keep a
running record of all data output, make sure the "Overwrite file" check box is toggled off.
oSelect [Profile] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Profile].
pSpecify the directory to output the information to. The default is \sdsk\proj\project
qSpecify the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension.
rIf the file already exists, then a prompt is displayed asking whether or not to overwrite the file.
Enter "Y" to overwrite or "N" to enter a different file name. After specifying the file name, a
prompt is displayed showing the current surface.
Note: This command does not use the filename that was set in the Output Settings dialog box. The
filename is specified within the command.
The following table lists the profile codes used in the ASCII text file.

Description Codes
Surface types Existing ground 0
Proposed ground 1
Surface codes Existing ground center 1
Existing ground left 2
Existing ground right 3
Existing subsurface center 4
Existing subsurface left 5
Existing subsurface right 6
Proposed centerline 100
Proposed left one 101
Proposed left two 102

232 Advanced Design Reference Manual


Proposed left three 103

Proposed left four 104
Proposed left five 105
Proposed left six 106
Proposed left seven 107
Proposed left eight 108
Proposed right one 201
Proposed right two 202
Proposed right three 203
Proposed right four 204
Proposed right five 205
Proposed right six 206
Proposed right seven 207
Proposed right eight 208
Proposed left ditch 300
Proposed right ditch 301
Points All points 0

The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name
surface type, number of surfaces of this type
surface code, surface name
number of points for this surface
pt code,internal sta,external sta,elevation,vc length in,vc length out

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before using station
equations. The external station is the current station value. If you have not used station equations,
then these values will be the same. The following is an example of the profile output in the ASCII
text file. In the output from all of the ASCII File Output commands, any line beginning with either a
number character (#) or semicolon (;) is a comment line.

Advanced Design Reference Manual 233

Chapter 5: Working With Profiles

# Advanced Design Profile Output 1.0A


234 Advanced Design Reference Manual

Chapter 6
Working With Cross Sections
After you have defined a horizontal alignment and a finished ground surface, you can use the
Sections commands to create cross sections. This chapter will describe how you can do all of the
• read cross sections from a DTM surface or text file
• create subsurfaces from borehole logs
• create and/or edit a library of design templates
• generate complete cross sections
• dynamically edit individual cross sections or a range of cross sections
• control design templates with plan or profile elements
• calculate and output end areas and volumes
• output completed cross sections and template points
• create a three-dimensional grid
• return updated information to the plan or profile

How this chapter is arranged

This chapter is divided into five parts:
Part I: The Basics, describes how to work with cross sections.
Part II: Existing Ground Surfaces, describes how to sample surface information for the cross
Part III: Templates, describes how to draw, define, and edit templates.
Part IV: Cross Section Control, describes how to control the cross section template, ditch, slope,
superelevation, and transitioning.
Part V: Plotting and Outputting, describes how to plot cross sections and output information to the
drawing or to a file.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 235

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Part I: The Basics

How to Work with Cross Sections

A completed cross section is composed of existing ground surfaces, a finished ground template,
slopes, and optional ditches. The following overview will help to guide you through the process of
completing the cross section design for a project. Each of the primary steps is described in full later
in this chapter.

Before working with cross sections, you should complete the following prerequisites:
• Define the centerline alignment using the Horizontal Alignment commands.
• Create the existing ground profile and define the profile finished ground centerline. You can
create the existing ground cross sections before the profile, but if you want to apply the design
templates to the cross sections, you need to create the profiles first.

Primary Steps
The following steps describe the process of creating cross sections.
nCreate Existing Ground Sections: You can create the existing ground cross sections in one of
three ways. You can sample them from one or more DTM surfaces, you can import them from a
text file, or you can enter them manually with the Existing Ground Section Editor.
oCreate Existing Ground Subsurfaces (optional): There are two methods you can use to create
the existing ground subsurfaces. You can create them at the same time as the top surface by
sampling multiple DTM surfaces or by sampling them from a text file. Alternately, if you create
the cross sections from a single existing surface, then you can define the subsurfaces later by
entering borehole data with Interpolation Control in the Existing Ground Editor.
pDraw and Define Templates: A template represents the finished ground surfaces, such as the
asphalt and granular surfaces, and may contain predefined subassemblies for curb and shoulder
qEdit Templates: Use the [Edit Template] command to add additional information to the
templates, including superelevation regions, transition control and point codes.
rSlope Tables: If you want to use Depth, Stepped or Surface slopes, then you need to fill in the
appropriate slope table.
sDesign Control: Use the Design Control command to apply the finished ground design—the
templates, ditches, and slopes—to the existing ground cross sections. You can apply transition
control at this step if you have defined the appropriate horizontal or vertical alignments.

236 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

How to Work with Cross Sections

tSuperelevation (optional): After you have applied the templates to the cross sections, you can
define the superelevation parameters.
uView/Edit Sections (optional): Use the View/Edit Sections command to view the cross-
sections and to make modifications to the design of individual sections.

Actions that Affect Cross Section Control

• Horizontal Alignment - Centerline: If you modify the centerline horizontal alignment, then you
need to recreate the existing ground profile and resample the cross sections.
• Horizontal Alignment - Station Equations: If you define a station equation on the centerline
alignment, then you must resample the profile and the existing ground cross sections.
• Horizontal Alignment - Transitions and Ditches: If you attach a horizontal alignment to cross
sections for template transitioning, ditch control, or right of way control, and then modify it,
then you will need to attach it again using the [Edit Design Control...] command.
• Profile - Existing Ground: You can resample the existing ground profile at any time. This
action does not affect the cross section template elevations, but will affect the cross section
• Profile - Finished Ground: If you modify the finished ground centerline profile, then you
should use the Process Sections command to update the template elevations. The [Edit Design
Control...], [View/Edit Sections] and [Section Plot] commands will automatically reprocess the
• Profile - Transitions and Ditches: If you have modified any of the transitions or ditch profiles,
then you need to reattach them with the [Edit Design Control...] command.
• Existing Ground - Edit: After you have applied the templates to the sections, you can modify
the existing ground cross sections with the [Edit Sections] command. After you make the
modifications, you should use the [Reprocess Sections] command to update the template slopes.
• Existing Ground - Resample: You can resample the existing ground sections (from a DTM
surface or a file) after applying templates to the surface. If you do this, then you will be
prompted to overwrite the existing section information. If you respond yes, then the existing
ground section information will be deleted first, then resampled. If you respond no, then the
new existing ground information will be merged with the previous surface information.
Resampling the existing ground will always maintain the finished ground section information. If
you used the [Edit Sections] command to interpolate subsurfaces, then you must reinterpolate
the subsurfaces.
• Existing Ground - Add Sections: You can create additional cross sections after you have
applied templates, either by resampling the sections or by manually entering the information
with the [Edit Sections] command. A new cross section will acquire all of its design control
from the section that is immediately before it, except for the template elevation which it will
extract from the centerline finish ground profile. If you have attached any horizontal or vertical
control to the template, such as transitions, ditches and ROW lines, then you may need to

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 237

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

reattach the control lines for the new sections. You may also need to reprocess superelevations
to calculate the correct information for the new sections.
• Template - Edit: You can make edits to a template, such as adding transitions or
superelevation points, after you have applied the template to the cross sections. After you have
reprocessed the cross sections, you can use the View/Edit command to see if the modified
template has been applied as expected.
• Slopes - Depth, Step and Surface: If you have modified a slope table that you have applied to
a template, then use the Process Sections command to update the slopes.
• Edit Design Control: Use the [Edit Design Control...] command at any time to modify the
design control for a range of stations. When you modify and reprocess a range of stations with
this command, only the specific criteria that you modify will be reapplied to the selected range.
For example, if you modify the ditch width, the new width will be applied to the selected range
but none of the other criteria appearing in the Design Control dialog (such as slopes) will be
applied to the selected station range. This is because ranges can overlap and you may have
modified individual sections with the [View/Edit Sections] command.
• Superelevation Parameters: You can modify the superelevation parameters at any time. The
[Superelevation Parameters] command will automatically reprocess the cross sections.
• View/Edit Sections: You can use the [View/Edit Sections] command at any time to view the
cross-sections and to make modifications to the design of individual sections.

238 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Cross Section Database Files

Cross Section Database Files

Horizontal alignments are defined with a name and stored in the alignment database for reference.
All commands that work with alignments refer to the information from this database.
Note: In a multi-user environment using shared projects, only one person can open the alignment
database for read/write access. Anyone else who tries to open the database will have read access
Profile and cross section data is also stored in data files. These data files are stored in a
subdirectory of the project \align directory named for the alignment. Cross section settings for
options such as the template control, sampling increments, and plotting layers are stored in the
<dwgname>.dfm file in the project’s \dwg directory along with the rest of the Civil/Survey settings
for the current drawing.

Selecting an Alignment
In order to work with cross sections, you must first have a current alignment set. Setting the
alignment is the same as has been described in other chapters. The Section menu has its own [Select
Alignment] command. Choose this command and then set the alignment by picking the alignment, by
selecting the alignment from the Alignment Librarian dialog box, or by entering the alignment
See “Selecting an Alignment” in Chapter 4, Working with Horizontal Alignments, for more
information on this command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 239

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Part II: Existing Ground Surfaces

Sampling and Editing the Existing Ground Sections

The first step in working with cross sections is to establish the existing ground surface information.
There are three methods for generating this information. You can sample the existing ground surface
from a DTM surface, sample it from a text file, or enter it manually with the Existing Ground Section
Editor. After you sample the existing ground surface, you can edit it with the Existing Ground
Section Editor.

Selecting a DTM Surface to Sample

If you used the DTM module to create your existing ground surface, then use the [Select DTM
Surface] command to specify which DTM surface to sample. In order to use this command, you must
install the DTM module and use it to generate one or more existing ground surfaces.
nSelect [Section] Î [DTM Surfaces] Î [Select DTM Surface]. The Select Surface dialog box
displays as shown below.

Select Surface Dialog Box

oThis dialog box lists all the currently defined DTM surface names. Select the surface to open
from the “Selection” list and select “OK” to exit the command.

240 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Turning Multiple Surfaces On or Off

Turning Multiple Surfaces On or Off

To select between using one or several DTM surfaces, use the [Toggle Multiple Surfaces]
command. This command toggles multiple surfaces on or off.
nSelect [Section] Î [DTM Surfaces] Î [Toggle Multiple Surfaces].
A prompt is displayed stating that multiple surfaces are on or off.
If multiple surfaces are on, then the [Sample From DTM] command from the Section menu uses all
the surface names in the surfaces.txt file created by the [Select Multiple Surfaces...] command
described below. Each surface is used for each defined section. The command extracts elevations
for the section from the DTM surface associated with each surface name in the file. If multiple
surfaces are off, then the commands do not use the surfaces.txt file.

Creating a File Containing More than One DTM

To create a file to sample that contains more than one DTM surface, use the
[Select Multiple Surfaces...] command. This command lists all the available surfaces from the
surfaces.txt file and provides a means for you to select which surfaces to use to sample from
existing ground.
nSelect [Section] Î [DTM Surfaces] Î [Select Multiple Surfaces...]. The following dialog box
will display.

Multiple Surface Selection Dialog Box

oUse the two scrolling lists in this dialog box to select the surfaces. The “Select from” scrolling
list shows all the defined surfaces in the project. Selecting a name from this list places that
surface in the “Current” list box. To remove surfaces from the “Current” list, select the surface
name from the “Select from” scrolling list.
The “Current” scrolling list shows the surfaces selected from the “Select from” scrolling list.
pSelect “OK” when you have selected all the surface names.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 241

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Sampling the Existing Ground From a DTM Surface

To sample an existing ground definition from a DTM surface, select the [Sample From DTM]
command from the Section menu. This command samples and retrieves existing ground elevations
from one or more DTM surfaces for the current alignment.
The following prerequisites must be met before using this command:
• Create and define the horizontal alignment.
• Define a surface using the DTM module.
• If you are using multiple surfaces, then toggle on multiple surfaces, and specify the DTM
surface names with the [Select Multiple Surfaces...] command. See “Creating a File Containing
More than One DTM Surface” above for more information.
If those prerequisites are met, then take the following steps:
nSelect [Section] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Sample from DTM].
If multiple surfaces are toggled on, then the [Sample From DTM] command does not prompt for
a surface name. It reads the surfaces to be sampled from those selected with the
[Select Multiple Surfaces...] command. If multiple surfaces are toggled off, then the command
displays the following Select Surface dialog box.

Select Surface Dialog Box

This dialog box lists all the currently defined DTM surface names.
oSelect the desired surface and select “OK.” The selected surface is the only surface sampled.
The command overwrites all existing ground section information, so all necessary surfaces must
be sampled at one time.

242 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Sampling the Existing Ground From a DTM Surface

Next, the command displays the Section Sampling Settings dialog box as shown below.

Section Sampling Settings Dialog Box

pEnter the desired settings and select “OK.” All of the options and defaults shown in this dialog
box are described in detail in the following section, “Modifying the Cross Section Sample
qIf you have checked the box for “Add specific stations,” then you will get a prompt to “Enter
critical station (or Point).” This allows you to include additional sections at specific stations
that may not be covered by the intervals specified in the increments settings boxes. Include an
additional station by typing in the station values or by typing “P” then graphically selecting the
station locations.
rIf the existing ground cross section information already exists then you will see the following
Overwrite existing section data (Yes/No) <Yes>:

If you press return for the default of Yes, the existing ground cross section information will first
be deleted, then resampled based on the current settings. If you respond “N” for no to this
prompt, then the previously created existing ground information will be maintained and the new
information will be merged into the cross sections. However, existing ground section data will
still be overwritten if it has the same name as the surface being sampled.
Note: If the finished ground information has already been defined then it will be maintained
when resampling existing ground sections, even if you are overwriting the existing ground
By responding with No to this option, you can add additional surfaces to the existing ground
sections or you can add additional stations. If you resample to add another DTM surface
definition to the sections, then you will probably want to make sure that the section sample
settings are such that the stations and width match the current existing ground sections.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 243

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Note: When adding additional stations to the section data, you will either want to turn off all sample
options except for “Add specific stations” or you can create a text file with the desired stations and
use the “Read sample list” option.
After you have responded to the prompts, the command begins to sample the terrain data from the
surface. When it is finished sampling, the command displays the amount of the alignment that has
been sampled.

Invalid Sections
If a cross section doesn’t cross the DTM surface, then the command displays the following message.
WARNING: Some sections failed to cross the alignment and will be missing from

When a section is completely outside the DTM surface area, the existing ground information can’t be
calculated so that section is not created.

244 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the Cross Section Sample Settings

Modifying the Cross Section Sample Settings

When you are using the [Sample From DTM] command, the Section Sampling Settings dialog box
displays. Skip to Step 4 below if you have accessed this dialog box through the [Sample From
DTM] command.
You can also access this dialog box by selecting the [Project Settings] command.
nSelect [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] Î [Project Settings…].
oSelect the Advanced Design “Edit” button.
pSelect the “Sample...” button from the Sections heading. The Section Sampling Settings dialog
box displays as shown below. This dialog box controls the settings used to sample cross
sections from previously created surfaces. These settings are used primarily with the
[Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command.

Section Sampling Settings Dialog Box

qControl the swath width with the Left and Right edit boxes. These values control how far to the
left or right the existing ground is sampled.
Remember, if you are using a template, then you need to set the sample width on both sides to a
value that is greater than half the width of the template. If you do not set the sample width
correctly, then you will get an error “Template wider than cross-section” when sampling for the
The [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command calculates section information based on the
information given for the left and right swath width. The coordinates and elevation for each
point that crosses a surface triangulation line within the swath width are held for the cross
section existing ground.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 245

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

rThe next group of edit boxes control the sample increments. The sample increments are used to
determine how often to sample cross-sections along different entities. Enter the increments for
sampling the tangents, curves, and spirals in the appropriate edit box.
sThe next area contains check boxes for additional sections to be sampled. The
[Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command samples additional sections based on certain
features of the horizontal alignment such as points of curvature (PCs) or the beginning or end of
the alignment.
PC's/PT's: This check box controls whether or not a section is cut at the beginning and end of
all circular curves.
TS-SC's/CS-ST's: This check box controls whether or not a section is cut at the beginning and
end of all spiral curves.
Alignment start: This check box controls whether or not a section is cut at the beginning
station of an alignment.
Alignment end: This check box controls whether or not a section is cut at the end station of an
Save sample list: This check box controls whether or not a file named for the current alignment
with the .smp extension is created. This file is located in the align\<align name> subdirectory
of the project directory. The file contains the station values of all cross-sections that were
sampled by the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command. Use this file to sample an
alignment again without re-entering all section stations when using the “Add specific stations”
Read sample list: This check box controls whether or not station values are read from the
{Alignment Name}.smp file in the align\<alignname> subdirectory of the project directory. If
the option is on, then it overrides any other selections in the Section Sampling Settings dialog
box except user-specified stations. If this option is selected and the {Alignment Name}.smp file
does not exist, then the command displays a message stating that the file cannot be opened for
reading. The command then continues sampling.
Add specific stations: This check box controls manual entry of additional station values for
section cutting. If this option is selected, then the command prompts for the critical point or
station after the sample range has been specified. At the default prompt, you can enter the
station values or you can enter a ".P" to switch to the point option and then select critical points
on the drawing. The station for each selected point is calculated. AutoCAD OSNAPs are
recommended when selecting points. You do not have to enter the critical stations in sequential
order. They are automatically sorted.
tThe last area of the Section Sampling Settings dialog box controls whether or not sample lines
are imported. To see the location of the sampled sections, toggle the “Import” check box on.
Importing cross section sample lines is useful when used in combination with the DTM Import
Border commands, to check where the section sampling may run off the surface. Enter the layer
name for the sample lines in the “Layer” edit box.
uSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box and save the changes, or select “Cancel” to exit the

246 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Generating Existing Ground Cross Section Data From a Text File

Generating Existing Ground Cross Section Data From

a Text File
Another way to sample the existing ground data for creating sections is by using a data file with
station, offset, and elevation information. To do this, choose the [Sample From File] command from
the Section menu.
• As a prerequisite to using this command, you must first create an ASCII text file with station,
offset, and elevation information for each section. See below for instructions on how to format
this file.
nSelect [Section] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Sample From File]. The following File to Import
dialog box is displayed.

File to Import Dialog Box

oLocate the file you want to import and select “OK.”

pIf the existing ground cross section information already exists you will see the following
Overwrite existing section data (Yes/No) <Yes>:

If you press return for the default of Yes, then the existing ground cross section information will
first be deleted, then resampled from the selected file. If you respond “N” for no to this prompt,
then the previously created existing ground information will be maintained and the new
information will be merged into the cross sections. However, existing ground section data will
still be overwritten if it has the same name as the surface being sampled.
Note: If the finished ground information has already been defined then it will be maintained
when resampling existing ground sections, even if you are overwriting the existing ground
By responding with No to this option, you can add additional surfaces to the existing ground
sections or you can add additional stations.
The [Sample From File] command then uses the offsets and elevations from the text file to build a
surface. Repeat this process for additional surfaces to define a multiple surface cross section.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 247

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

ASCII File Format

The files used with the [Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command must be set up using the
following format.

S surface name
offset elevation
offset elevation

The lines beginning with "S" indicate the start of a new surface. The lines containing an "E" indicate
the end of a station/section.
The following example illustrates a sample file used by the [Sample From File] command from the
Sections menu. This example will generate surfaces named “SF1” and “SF2.” The information in the
left column is what you need to include in your text file. Please note that the information in the right
column is for explanatory purposes for this manual only. Do not include these descriptions in your
text file.

0.000000 station number

S SF1 surface name
-40.0000 320.0000 offset and elevation
3.5975 320.0000 " "
27.2905 314.6810 " "
40.0046 311.2940 " "
S SF2 surface name
-33.1977 315.0000 offset and elevation
-31.9301 315.0000 " "
-27.8061 315.0000 " "
3.5975 315.0000 " "
40.0046 306.2940 " "
E end of station
50.000000 station number
S SF1 " "
33.4758 319.8359 " "
39.9956 318.4365 " "
S SF2 surface name
-40.0000 326.2699 offset and elevations
-2.2744 320.9167 " "
39.9956 313.4365 " "
E end of station

The format of this file is very important.

• Station values must be in ascending order.
• Station values must be entered as decimal values. Do not enter stations in the format
• Blank lines cannot exist at the beginning or end of the file. If there are blank lines, the
[Sample From File] command reads them as the end of the file.

248 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Generating Existing Ground Cross Section Data From a Text File

• Blank spaces cannot exist at the beginning or end of a line.

• Blank leading headers cannot exist in the file.
• The first item of the file must be the first station number.
• The last item of the file must be an "E," indicating the end of section.
The surface names and totals must be consistent throughout the file. If two surfaces named SF1 and
SF2 exist on the first section, there must be two surfaces named SF1 and SF2 on every section.
The [Sample From File] command overwrites any existing section information for the specified
alignment. Therefore, enter all desired surfaces with one file.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 249

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Cross Section Information

After the existing ground sections have been sampled from either a surface or a text file, you can use
the [Edit Sections...] command to examine or edit the information. You can also use this command to
manually create new cross sections.
nSelect [Surfaces] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Sections...]. The following Existing Ground
Section Editor dialog box is displayed, showing cross section data for the first station.

Existing Ground Section Editor Dialog Box

Use this dialog box for editing the offset, elevation, and grade information for individual
stations of the surface.
oIf the section has multiple surfaces, then select the surface to edit by selecting the “Select
Surface...” button. Highlight the correct surface and then select “OK.”
pIf you are entering data for a new station, then select the “Insert Station” button and type the
offset and elevational information in the appropriate field. Press <Tab> or <Enter> to move
through the fields. The Grade is calculated automatically.
qIf you want to edit data for a particular station, select the “Prev” or “Next” buttons, or select the
“Station” button and enter a station to move to. To insert new offset information, select the
“Insert Offset” button. The “Insert Offset” button will clear a row above the row your cursor is
located in. To delete a row of offset data, place your cursor in the row to delete and select the
“Delete Offset” button. Use the H, U, /\, \/, D, E buttons to move between rows of section
information for the selected station.
rTo create a new surface, select the “Surface” button, enter the name of the new surface in the
New Surface Entry dialog box and select “OK.” Then select the “Insert Station” button to begin

250 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Cross Section Information

inserting information for the surface. Selecting the “Insert Station” button will display the
Station Entry dialog box. Enter the station number and select “OK.” Then use the Editor to add
the offset and elevational data for the new station. Continue to insert stations and add surface
information for each station.
sYou can view the cross section at the selected station at any time. To do this, select the
“Section View” button. The Section Viewer displays. Select “OK” to exit the dialog box.
tTo select the surface to which the design template slopes should be matched, select the “Match
Surface...” button. This surface does not have to be the top surface. All templates will be
matched in to the selected surface in both cut and fill situations.
uTo enter interpolation data, select the “Interp Control...” button. The Interpolation Surface
Control Editor will display. This editor, and the “Interp Surfaces” button, are described in the
following section, “Entering Borehole Data and Interpolating Surfaces.”

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 251

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Entering Borehole Data and Interpolating Surfaces

You can also use the Existing Ground Section Editor to add borehole data for subsurfaces. This data
is useful for creating surface slopes and for calculating subsurface volume data. You can use this
method as an alternative to creating multiple DTM surfaces. You can view and plot these
subsurfaces, apply special surface slopes, and calculate the volume of cut for the different
nSelect [Surfaces] Î [Existing Ground] Î [Edit Sections...]. The Existing Ground Section
Editor will display.
oSelect the “Interp Control” button from the Existing Ground Section Editor.
pThe Interpolation Control Status dialog displays if no interpolation control has yet been
defined. Select “Yes” to continue.
The New Interpolation Values dialog box displays as shown below.

New Interpolation Values Dialog Box

qEnter the first station number and the surface name. The first surface will have a depth of zero
(0) because you will always measure depth to the top of each subsurface. Therefore, with this
first dialog box, you will only be able to enter a thickness value. The last surface you enter will
have a thickness of zero (0) to indicate that there are no surfaces below it.
rSelect “OK” to continue.

252 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Entering Borehole Data and Interpolating Surfaces

The following Interpolation Surface Control Editor dialog box is displayed.


Interpolation Surface Control Editor Dialog Box

sChoose the subsurface data entry type. At the top of the dialog box are two buttons for
subsurface data entry type: “Thickness” and “Depth.” When the “Thickness” button is toggled
on, any thickness entry results in the automatic entry of the associated depth data for the
particular surface. When the “Depth” button is toggled on, the opposite is true—any depth entry
results in the automatic entry of associated thickness data. “Depth” is to the top of the surface
and “Thickness” is the distance between the surface and the next surface below.
tNext, place your cursor in the line of information for the first station you entered, and select the
“Ins Srf” button to add the next surface for the current station. The New Interpolation Values
dialog box displays.
uEnter the surface name and the depth or thickness and then select “OK.” Continue adding
surfaces and depth or thickness information for the station.
• After adding all of the required surfaces, select “Cancel” to end the surface entry process.
• To delete a surface, select the “Del. Surf” button.
Note: The first surface for a station has a depth of zero (0). The last surface for a station has a
thickness of zero (0).
vWhen you are ready to add the next station, select the “Ins Sta” button. The New Interpolation
Values dialog box displays.
Type the new station number, the surface name, and the surface thickness and then select “OK.”
The command will place the number of the station you entered in the correct order.
• Use the “Delete Station” button to delete a row of station information.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 253

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

• Select the “Save” button to save the changes you’ve made without exiting the editor.
• Select “OK” to exit the command. This will return you to the Existing Ground Section
wBack in the Existing Ground Section Editor, select the “Interp Surfaces” button in order to
create the subsurfaces for each station based on the data you entered. A dialog box will display
with a warning about overwriting existing sub-surface data. Select “Yes” to overwrite existing
data, or select “No” to exit the command without saving the revised data. When you select the
“Interp Surfaces” button, the depths of the material at stations between the control stations are
Note: You must select the “Interp Surfaces” button in order to create the subsurfaces you entered in
the Interpolation Surface Control Editor.
The following illustration shows a cross section with subsurfaces.

Cross Section with Subsurfaces

254 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Entering Borehole Data and Interpolating Surfaces

Subsurfaces can be made to appear or disappear along the alignment. The name of the top surface
does not have to be the same as the surface name. All surfaces are parallel to the surface above. The
following illustration shows how the interpolation control is applied to the surfaces.

Subsurfaces with Interpolation Control

The information generated in the Interpolation Surface Control Editor dialog box is saved in an
ASCII file named after the current alignment with the extension .icn. This file is saved in the \align
subdirectory of the project directory. You can edit the information saved in this file using any text
editor and then use it with any other Section command. You can also add comments to the data. Use
a semi-colon (;) or pound sign (#) to indicate the beginning of comment lines.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 255

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Part III: Templates

This section describes how to do the following:
• draw and define templates and subassemblies
• edit the templates and subassemblies for transitioning and superelevation conditions
• use Material Tables to define the template surface materials
• use Point Code Tables to track specific template information
A template is a typical section of the finished design elements such as asphalt, concrete, and
granular materials. After you draw and define the template, use the [Edit Design Control...]
command, described in the next part, to apply the template to the existing ground cross sections.
The template is made up of two basic elements: normal surfaces and subgrade surfaces. Normal
surfaces are the elements of the template which make up the main part of the template such as
pavement surfaces, median islands, shoulders and curbs. Subgrade surfaces are linked to the normal
surfaces, but use separate design parameters to control the grade and depth of the surface. A typical
subgrade surface is made up of granular substances such as gravel.
All templates have a defined finished ground reference point which is used by the [Edit Design
Control...] command to position the template on the cross section using the horizontal alignment and
the finished ground vertical alignment (the FGC profile) for control. This reference point is usually
the crown of the roadway.
Subassemblies are elements such as a shoulder or curb that you can attach to the template.
Subassemblies differ from normal template surfaces in that they will vary depending on whether the
template is in a cut or fill situation.
You can also define additional features for the template, as listed below.
• Ditches and slopes: Use the [Edit Design Control...] command to define ditch and slope
• Superelevation: Use the [Superelevation Parameters] command to define superelevation
criteria. Use the [Edit Template...] command to define superelevation control points on the
• Transitioning: Use the [Edit Design Control...] command to link specific points on the template
to the plan and profile through the use of transition control lines. This feature allows the
template to be “stretched” to follow the plan and/or profile, eliminating the need to create
different templates to accommodate features such as road widening. Use the [Edit Template...]
command to define the transition points on the template.
The [Edit Design Control...] and the [Superelevation Parameters...] commands are discussed in the
next part, Cross Section Control.

256 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting the Path for Templates and Subassemblies

Setting the Path for Templates and Subassemblies

Before creating templates or subassemblies, you need to set the location where they will be stored
by setting the template path. The template path is a project based setting so that all drawings that are
associated with a project use the same path.
nSelect [Section] Î [Set Template Path]. The Template Path dialog box displays as shown

Template Path Dialog Box

The dialog box is comprised of three parts: the “ADTPL” check box, the “Path” edit box, and the
“Template path.”
• Check the “ADTPL” check box on to use the Softdesk ADTPL path key defined in the
SDSK.DFM file. This key is used to set a master directory where all cross section templates
will be stored for all projects and is referred to as the “Root path.”
• The “path” edit box is used to set a directory where cross section templates for the current
project will be stored.
• The “template path” is the actual path where the cross section templates will be stored and is a
result of appending the “path” to the “Root path.” Any combination of the “Root path” and
“path” can be used to generate the “template path.”

Using the ADTPL key option

The ADTPL key is a Softdesk path key defined in the SDSK.DFM file generally located in the
SDSK program directory. This key value can be set by editing the “Path Settings” using the
[Softdesk Settings...] Î [Softdesk Preferences] command from the AEC pull-down menu. This key
is used in configurations where all templates for all projects need to be stored in a common
directory path. This is common in network environments where all project data is stored on a
central file server. Since the ADTPL key is stored in the SDSK.DFM file, it can be recalled each
time a new project is created, making it very easy to specify the template path for each new project.
Because of the nature of network environments, it is possible that many people do not use the same
drive map for the network volume where the shared template data is stored. In these situations it is
possible for each person to set the ADTPL key to the drive that they use to reference the shared
project data, since each person has their own SDSK.DFM file.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 257

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

For example, two people could create two different drive maps to the volume \\Engrg. The first
person could map drive h:\ to \\Engrg and the second person could map drive k:\ to \\Engrg. By
storing the root path in the sdsk.dfm file, each person could define a unique root path pointing to the
same template directory. The first person could set the ADTPL key to h:\projects\tplates and the
second person could set it to k:\projects\tplates.
Although the ADTPL key can be used in network environments to set a common template root path
for shared projects, it is not limited to network environments. The ADTPL key can also be used in
single user environments to set a common template root path for all projects on that computer.

Setting the Template Path with the Path edit box

Use the “path” edit box to set a directory where cross section templates for the current project will
be stored. This path can be used alone or in combination with the “Root path” to define the actual
“template path” for the current project. In situations where the “Root path” is checked On and the
ADTPL key is defined in the SDSK.DFM file, the directory entered in the “Path” edit box is
appended to the “Root path.” If the “Root path” is checked Off or if the ADTPL key is not defined in
the SDSK.DFM file, the “template path” will use only the directory entered in the “Path” edit box
for storing cross section templates. Using the “path” in conjunction with the “Root path” is very
useful for creating libraries of templates based upon project types, template types or project names.
You can set the “Root path” to a common directory on a network file server while the “path” can be
set to a specific directory for templates of a similar type or project.
For example, you could set the ADTPL key to h:\projects\tplates. Within this directory could be
subdirectories for each type of project being designed. Examples of subdirectories might include
individual directories for various clients, municipalities or DOT’s or even template types such as
residential, municipal or highway. Since the ADTPL key already defines the “Root path” as
h:\projects\tplates, you would only have to enter the subdirectory name in the “Path” edit box to
access the templates stored in a specific template directory.
Another example would be to set both the project root path (PROJECT ROOT) and the template
root path (ADTPL) to the same directory by editing [Softdesk Preferences...]. This would force all
new project directories to be created in the h:\projects directory. If you create a project called
95893, then a directory by the name of 95893 would be created under the h:\projects directory.
Since the ADTPL key is set to the h:\projects directory as well, you would simply have to enter a
directory name of 95893\tplates in the “Path” edit box to force all templates for the project 95893 to
be stored in the directory h:\projects\95893\tplates.
The “template path” displayed below the “Path” edit box shows the complete template path. If you
are using both options of the Template Path dialog box, verify that a valid directory path is
If the directory does not already exist, the [Set Template Path] command creates the directory if you
have entered a valid path. The [Set Template Path] command copies the nullt.tpl and the nulls.sub
default templates into the directory. These template files must exist in the template directory.

258 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Templates

Drawing Templates
The following section describes how to use the [Draw Template] command. For information on how
to draw normal and subgrade surfaces, see the “Drawing Normal and Subgrade Template Surfaces”
section that immediately follows.
• Create and set a new layer for template items before starting.
nSelect [Section] Î [Draw Template].
oSelect the starting point by selecting a point or entering coordinates.
After you select the starting point, the following prompt is displayed.
Select point (Relative/Grade/Slope/Close/Undo/eXit):

pUse one of the following methods to select the second point:

Graphically selecting a point: You can use OSNAPs or absolute X,Y coordinates to
accurately select the desired point.
Relative: This option changes the command prompt to the following:
Change in offset: (Grade/Slope/Close/Points/Undo/eXit):

The Relative option draws a line segment based on an entered change in offset and elevation.
For an offset to the left, use a negative value. For an offset to the right, use a positive value.
After you enter the offset value, the command prompts for an elevation. For the change in
elevation, use a positive value to go up and a negative value to go down.
Grade: This option changes the command prompt to the following:
Grade (%): (Relative/Slope/Points/Close/Undo/eXit):

The Grade option draws a line segment based on an entered grade and change in offset. For the
grade, use a positive value to go up and a negative value to go down. Do not use the percent
sign (%) when entering grades. For example, enter a -2% grade as -2. After entering the grade,
the command prompts for the change in offset. For an offset to the right, use a positive value.
For an offset to the left, use a negative value.
Slope: This option changes the command prompt to the following:
Slope (3 for 3:1) (Relative/Grade/Points/Close/Undo/eXit):

The Slope option draws a line segment based on an entered slope and change in offset. For the
slope, use a positive value to go up and a negative value to go down. Do not use a colon (:)
when entering slopes. For example, enter a 3:1 slope as "3." After entering the slope, the
command prompts for the change in offset. For an offset to the right, use a positive value. For an
offset to the left, use a negative value.
Close: This option closes the template surface. The Close option draws the final segment from
the current point back to the starting point. Although it is desirable to close some components
such as curb subassemblies, it is not necessary for all components to be closed (i.e., if they will
be mirrored about the centerline).

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 259

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Undo: This option will undo the last segment drawn. The Undo option erases the last segment
drawn. This option can be repeated until the [Draw Template] command returns to the starting
eXit: This option exits the command.
qContinue to use the command until the template or subassembly is drawn. Create the surfaces on
the left side of the finish ground reference point for symmetrical templates. The
[Define Template] command mirrors the surface about the finished grade reference point. Draw
the complete surface as one continuous polyline for asymmetrical templates.
rOnce you have used the [Draw Template] or the PLINE command to draw a template or
subassembly, you must use the commands [Define Template] or [Define Subassembly] to define
them. Always create the subassemblies for the left side of the template since they are mirrored
when attached to the right side of the template. Subassemblies are attached to templates with the
[Define Template] command.
Note: When defining a template or subassembly, the outline of each component must consist of a
single 2D polyline for the left side of the template. A subassembly can consist of only one
component. A template can consist of more than one surface, each one drawn as a separate polyline.
The following illustration shows the starting and ending points for drawing both symmetrical and
asymmetrical templates.

Drawing Templates

Horizontal and Vertical Scales

Although you can use AutoCAD commands to create polyline components, the [Draw Template]
command uses the horizontal and vertical drawing scales to determine the vertical scale factor when
calculating slopes, grades, and depths.
The [Define Template] and [Define Subassembly] commands take into account the vertical scale
factor as well. If the scale factors are changed between using the [Draw Template] command and the
[Define Template] and [Define Subassembly] command, then the template definition may have an
incorrect vertical scale factor. Similarly, if AutoCAD commands are used to draw the polyline,
errors in the template definition may occur if the vertical scale factor is not taken into account.

260 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Template Surfaces

Drawing Template Surfaces

The following sections describe the following:
• methods you can use to draw template surfaces
• types of template surfaces you can draw

You can create the template surfaces using the [Draw Template] command or the AutoCAD PLINE
command. The [Draw Template] command takes the vertical exaggeration of the drawing into
account automatically. If you use the AutoCAD PLINE command to draw the template, then you must
draw the polylines with the drawing’s vertical exaggeration in mind.
Creating a template for your cross sections is similar to the process of drawing and then defining the
horizontal and vertical alignments. First, you need to draw the template as a polyline. Then, after
drawing the template, you must define it with the [Define Template] command so the information can
be stored in the location set by the [Set Template Path] command.
You can use the [Draw Template] command to draw both templates and subassemblies. This
command uses a 2D polyline to draw lines based on offset, depth, grade, and slope parameters. It
does not matter whether you draw the template or the subassembly first. However, because the
subassembly is attached to the template with the [Define Template] command, you must define the
subassembly first.

Drawing Normal and Subgrade Template Surfaces

When drawing the templates, you must consider whether the surfaces will be “normal” or
“subgrade” surfaces.
A typical template may be made up of normal surfaces, subgrade surfaces, or a combination of both.
Normal surfaces are the elements of the template which make up the main part of the template such
as pavement surfaces, median islands, shoulders and curbs. A typical subgrade surface is made up
of granular substances such as gravel.
When drawing the template, the main difference between the normal surface and the subgrade
surface is that you need to draw the entire "normal" surface, whereas you only draw the top part of
the "subgrade" surface. Draw this subgrade surface along the bottom of the normal surfaces starting
from the center of the template out to the connection point out.
Subgrade surfaces are linked to the normal surfaces, but use separate design parameters, which you
enter with the [Define Template] command. These design parameters control the following:
• the grade
• the depth of the surface
• subgrade superelevation options
Entering these parameters as numeric values creates dynamic regions that will be automatically
adjusted by the program in transitioning and superelevation conditions. You can also control the

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 261

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

subgrade depth by using a profile definition. See the section titled "Attaching Profile Transitions to
the Cross Sections" later in this chapter for information on attaching transition profiles.
Note: Subgrade surfaces are a new feature of Advanced Design 7.5. Templates that were created
with version 7.2 or earlier are composed entirely of normal surfaces.
• There is no limit to the number of normal surfaces on a template.
• You can only draw one subgrade surface, but it may be composed of multiple layers of
material. Each of the subsequent subgrades will be defined by their depth below the upper
subgrade and their grade to the intersecting slope.
• When normal and subgrade surfaces are both used for a template, the subgrade surface must be
drawn below the normal surfaces.
• Both types of surfaces must be drawn with either the [Draw Template] command or with the
PLINE command.
Note: Subassemblies cannot be used on templates with subgrades. If subgrades are defined for a
template then you will not be prompted to attach subassemblies.

Drawing Normal Surfaces for Symmetrical Templates

If a template is symmetrical, both the left and right halves of the template are assumed to be
identical, and are mirrored when you define the template. Because of this, it is only necessary to
draw the surfaces for the left half of the template. When you define the template, the surfaces on the
left half will be mirrored about the vertical plane which passes through the finished ground
reference point.
A normal surface that has the opening at the mirror plane (the finish ground reference point) will be
mirrored so it becomes a closed surface. An example of this type of surface is the asphalt surface of
a two lane road.
When drawing a normal symmetrical surface, start at the centerline (the vertical plane of the finished
ground reference point) and draw the surface to the left, in a counter-clockwise direction, until the
surface returns to the centerline.
Any normal surface that does not intersect the mirror plane must be drawn as a closed surface. When
you define the symmetrical template, all closed surfaces will be mirrored about the vertical plane
which passes through the finish ground reference point. An example of this type of surface is a curb
When drawing a closed surface that does not cross the centerline, start at a point that is nearest the
centerline and draw the surface in a clockwise direction.

Drawing Subgrade Surfaces for Symmetrical Templates

With subgrade surfaces you only draw the top of the surface definition, between the connection
points. The rest of the subgrade surface information is defined with the [Define Template] command.
When drawing a subgrade surface for a symmetrical template, you start the surface at the centerline

262 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Template Surfaces

(the vertical plane of the finished ground reference point) and draw it to the left, tracing below the
normal surfaces, if they exist, and end the surface at the connection point.
A template can only have one drawn subgrade surface and it must be below all normal surfaces.
Note: To define multiple subgrade surfaces, you only need to draw one subgrade surface. You can
define the other subgrade surfaces as depths and grades when you use the [Define Template]
The side slope for the subgrade surface is determined by the slope settings in [Design Control] when
the template is applied to the cross sections.

Drawing Normal Surfaces for Asymmetrical Templates

When drawing normal surfaces for an asymmetrical template, you must draw the entire surface. Start
with the top of the surface at the centerline (the vertical plane of the finished ground reference point)
and draw to the left, in a counter-clockwise direction until you return to the starting point. All
normal surfaces for the asymmetrical template must be drawn so that they close back to their starting

Drawing Subgrade Surfaces for Asymmetrical Templates

With subgrade surfaces you only draw the top of the surface definition, between the connection
points. The rest of the subgrade surface information is defined with the [Define Template] command.
When drawing a subgrade surface for an asymmetrical template, you start the surface at one of the
connection points and draw it, tracing below the normal surfaces, if any, to the other connection
point. You can start at either the left or the right connection point.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 263

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

How subgrade surfaces are controlled

These subgrade surfaces will be controlled by a set of rules for different design situations. In normal
situations, the subgrade surfaces will extend out to the intersecting ditch slope or match slope. If the
subgrade does not intersect with either the ditch slope or the match slope, it will extend out to the
lowest point along the ditch slope or match slope and then tie into the ditch slope or match slope
with a vertical line.

Subgrade Surfaces in Cut and Fill Situations

264 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Subassemblies

Drawing Subassemblies
Subassemblies are an optional component of templates, which you can attach to a template when you
are defining it with the [Define Template] command. Subassemblies are often referred to as curbs or
shoulders, but they can represent any feature.
Note: You cannot use subassemblies when you use subgrade surfaces.
Subassemblies are similar to template surfaces and are drawn in the same manner as template
surfaces. Due to the nature of how subassemblies are applied, they follow different rules when they
are drawn and defined.
• Unlike templates, subassemblies can be either open or closed surfaces.
• Like templates, subassemblies are created from polylines using either the [Draw Template]
command or the AutoCAD PLINE command, and the process of creating the polyline is exactly
the same for both. Refer to the section on Drawing Templates for information on how to use the
[Draw Template] command.
• When you attach subassemblies, you have the ability to use different subassemblies on the left
and right side of the template, but you must draw and define subassemblies for the left side of
the template only.
When you attach a subassembly to the right side of a template, its definition is automatically
mirrored to reflect the correct orientation for that side of the template. If you are going to attach a
subassembly to the right side of the template only, then you still need to draw and define it as if it is
being attached to the left side.

Creating a Subassembly

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 265

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Defining a Template Subassembly

If you are using a subassembly, you need to define it before you define the template.
Subassemblies are attached to the cross section template by connecting the connection-point-in on
the subassembly to the connection-point-out on the template. You can attach them to the connection-
point-out on either side of the template.
If a subassembly is attached to a cross section template, then the match slope assigned in the [Edit
Design Control...] command will be attached to the connection-point-out on the subassembly instead
of the connection-point-out of the template.
Note: Ditches and match slopes are not created as part of the template or subassembly. Define
ditches and match slopes using the [Edit Design Control...] command.
Subassembly definition varies from template definition in a number of ways:
• Subassemblies can only use one datum definition.
• Transition points cannot be assigned to subassemblies. Therefore, subassemblies cannot be
stretched, but they can be moved. Since a subassembly is attached to the cross section template
at the template’s connection-point-out, the subassembly’s final location will be affected by
transitioning applied to the template.
• Although you can draw the template and subassembly in any order, you must define the
subassembly before defining the template. After you define a subassembly with the [Define
Subassembly] command, you can use it for any project.
Note: The [Draw Template] command aids subassembly creation by taking the vertical scale factor
of the drawing into account. For example, if the horizontal scale is set to 1"=40' and the vertical
scale to 1"=20', the [Draw Template] command exaggerates the subassembly by a vertical scale
factor of two. The [Define Subassembly] command compensates for that vertical scale factor of 2:1
and stores the subassembly definition with a scale of 1:1. Do not change the scales between the time
the subassembly is drawn and the time it is defined or the subassembly will not be defined properly.

• Set the template storage path with the [Set Template Path] command.
• The curb, cut shoulder, and fill shoulder subassembly regions must be drawn as 2D polylines
with the [Draw Template] command or with the AutoCAD PLINE command.

Using the [Define Subassembly] command

After the prerequisites are met, take the following steps to define a subassembly.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Define Subassembly].
oSelect the “connection point in.” This is the point on the subassembly that will connect with the
“connection point out” on the cross section template. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs to accurately pick

266 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining a Template Subassembly

the point. Refer to the illustration below for places to pick the curb and shoulder connection
pNext, the Surface Material Names dialog box displays. Select the appropriate material table or
create a new table, then make the appropriate selection of the material.
qSelect OK to continue.
rSelect a polyline to be used to define the subassembly.
sSelect the “connection point out.” The connection point out is used to connect a subassembly to
another subassembly such as a curb or a shoulder. If no additional subassemblies are connected
beyond the current subassembly, the connection point out will be used as the point to connect
any ditch slopes or match slopes from. Refer to the illustration below for places to pick the
curb and shoulder connection points.
tSelect the datum points. You must select these points from left to right. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs
to select the datum points accurately. After picking all the datum points, press <Enter> at the
“pick datum points” command.
Refer to the following illustration for picking datum points, connection points, and making entity

Defining the Subassembly

uThe command will then prompt you to save the subassembly. Enter "Y" to save the subassembly
and then enter the subassembly name.
The command stores the subassembly definition in the directory set using the
[Set Template Path] command with the .sub file extension. If the subassembly already exists,
you can either overwrite the existing subassembly or rename the subassembly. Enter "Y" to
overwrite the existing subassembly definition, or enter "N" and then enter a new subassembly
vAfter the subassembly has been saved, a prompt is displayed to define another subassembly.
Enter "Y" to define another subassembly or enter "N" exit the command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 267

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Datum Lines and Top Surface definitions for templates and subassemblies
Subassemblies and templates require a definition for a datum line and a top surface. Both the datum
line and the top surface are defined similarly, but differ in how they are used.
The datum line defines the boundary along a cross section template from which cut and fill volumes
are calculated. When a subassembly is attached to a cross section template, the datum lines from all
subassemblies are combined with the datum line of the cross section template to create a continuous
datum line across the entire template assembly.
When the template assembly is applied at a cross section, the datum line is automatically extended
along any ditch or match slopes out to the daylight point where the match slope meets the existing
ground surface. The entire datum line is then compared against the existing ground surface to
generate cut and fill areas for each section which are used to generate a total volume along the
alignment. If the datum line is not defined, a datum line is automatically generated by connecting the
two connection points with a straight line.
Note: If subgrades are defined for a template, then you will not be prompted to define a datum line.
The top surface defines a boundary along a cross section template from which finished ground data
can be extracted. This data is generally used for visualizing the roadway in its finished state by
creating a 3D road grid or building a DTM surface. While defining a subassembly or template, you
are prompted to define the datum surface, but not the top surface. The top surface can be defined by
using the [Edit Subassembly] command. If you do not define the top surface, a top surface is
automatically generated by connecting the two connection points with a straight line.

268 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining a Template

Defining a Template
After drawing the template, use the [Define Template] command to define it. See the section titled
“Drawing Templates” for more information on creating the template surfaces.
You’ll see different prompts when you use this command, depending on whether the template you
are defining is composed of normal or subgrade surfaces.
When defining a template with only normal surfaces, you will be required to specify a finished
ground reference point, a datum line and connection-points-out. There is also an option to add
subassemblies to the template definition.
If you are defining a template with a subgrade surface, then you will not be prompted to define the
connection points, a datum line, or to attach subassemblies. The connection points will be defined
automatically at the outer end of the drawn portion of the subgrade and the datum lines will be
automatically generated along the bottom of each subgrade. Each datum line will be numbered in
ascending order starting from the lowest subgrade on the template.

• Set the template storage path with the [Set Template Path] command.
• Draw the template surfaces as 2D polylines, either with the [Draw Template] command or the
AutoCAD PLINE command.
• For templates made up of “normal” surfaces only, define any subassemblies to be attached with
the [Define Subassembly] command. Subassemblies must be drawn as if they were being
attached to the left side of the template.

Using the [Define Template] command

nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Define Template].
oSelect the finished ground reference point. This is the point on the template that controls the
placement of the template horizontally and vertically on the sections. For a typical road
template, the finished ground reference point is the crown of the road. This is the point by
which all symmetrical surfaces are mirrored. The point does not have to be on a template
surface. To define this point at a physical template location, select it using an appropriate

Establishing the Finished Ground Reference Point

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 269

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The [Define Template] command then displays the following prompt.

Is the surface symmetrical (Yes/No) <Yes>:

pPress <Enter> if the surfaces are symmetrical and you drew only the left side of the template, or
enter “N” for No if the surfaces are asymmetrical and you drew the entire template.

Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Templates

Note: Symmetrical surfaces are not physically mirrored about the centerline during the
[Define Template] command. The template must be imported using the [Import Template...] or
[Edit Template....] command to see the right hand side.
qSelect all of the objects that make up the template. You can either select each surface
individually or use a window or crossing window to select the template surfaces. Each surface
must be made up of a 2D polyline created with either the AutoCAD PLINE command or the
[Draw Template] command. When the selection set is complete, press <Enter> at the “Select
objects” prompt.
Note: This is a new feature of Advanced Design release 7.5. With previous versions, the
surfaces were selected one at a time.
rNext, the command highlights the first surface you selected. Enter the appropriate surface type:
normal or subgrade.
sThe next steps depend on whether the surface is normal or subgrade:
Normal: If you enter “normal,” then the command displays a Material Table. Select the type of
surface material you want to use for the surface and select “OK.” See “Setting up a Material
Table” in this chapter for more information about Material Tables. After you select the surface,
the command then finds the next template surface you selected and highlights it. Specify normal
or subgrade surface type appropriately. If all the surfaces in your template are normal, then after
you go through the process of selecting materials, you will be prompted to select a connection-
point-out. Skip to step 6 below for information about this process. However, if any of your
surfaces are subgrade surfaces, you’ll need to follow the steps listed below:

270 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining a Template

Subgrade: If the surface type you specify is “subgrade,” then there are other values to enter, as
described below:
• A subgrade depth: The subgrade depth is the depth of subsurface material at the centerline
of the template.
• A subgrade match grade percent: The match grade is the grade in percent at which the
bottom of the subgrade will extend to intersect the ditch slope or match slope.
• A subgrade match type: The match type defines how the subgrade will match into the
template match slope. You can specify either Grade or Vertical.

Grade will draw the subsurface out to the match slope. The Grade option is more
appropriate in rural road design where you are matching the subsurface out to where it
meets the ditch.

The Vertical option is more appropriate for urban road design when you do not want the
subsurface to match out to a ditch. Using this option, you can design the template so that the
subsurface stops at a specified offset from the connection point out on the template. If you
specify the Vertical option, then you will be prompted for a subgrade vertical offset
modifier. This offset will specify how far from the connection point out on the template
you want to draw the vertical “match” line for the subgrade. This match line will match
upwards into the template, using a vertical line, rather than matching out at a grade towards
a ditch.
The following illustration shows the subgrade parameters:

Template Subgrade Parameters

The next two values are only used in conditions of superelevation. You can enter values at these
prompts, or press <Enter> to skip them.
• A break match grade percent: This is the grade for the bottom of the subgrade, from the
outer edge of the superelevation region (plus or minus the modifier) to the side slope. This
value is only used if superelevation is applied to the template and the Fixed Break
subgrade superelevation option is used.
• A subgrade break point offset modifier: With the Fixed Break subgrade superelevation
option that is available in the [Superelevation Parameters] command, the subgrade below
the template superelevation region will superelevate, and the subgrade outside of the

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 271

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

superelevation region won’t. The "subgrade break point offset modifier" option is used to
set the location of this break point in relation to the outer superelevation point. If the
default of 0.00 is used, then the break point occurs directly below the outer superelevation
point. If a positive value is entered then the break point is shifted by that amount toward the
centerline and a negative value shifts it away from centerline.
• Next, the material table displays so you can select the material surface. Select the type of
surface material you want to use and select “OK.”
• The command then prompts for additional subgrade depths. Continue to enter depths,
grades, break point offset modifiers, and materials if more than one subgrade material is
desired until all subgrades are defined.
The following illustration shows the two subgrade superelevation parameters:

Subgrade Superelevation Parameters

Note: If you define any of the template surfaces as subgrade, then you will not be prompted to
select a connection point out or a datum line since these features will be calculated
automatically by the program.
tIf you have defined all the template surfaces as “normal,” you will next be prompted to select a
connection point. Connection points are used to connect a template to a subassembly such as a

272 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining a Template

curb or a shoulder. If no subassemblies are attached, then the connection-point-out will be used
as the point from which the ditch slopes or match slopes extend. If the template surface is
asymmetrical, then you need to define connection points for each side of the template.
If you are defining more than one surface, then only select connection-point(s)-out on the
surface that the subassembly, ditch, or match slope is attached to. Press <Enter> in response to
the “Pick connection point out” prompt to skip the connection point for a surface that does not
attach to a subassembly, ditch, or match slope. If the template is asymmetrical and the surface is
entirely on one side of the finished ground reference point, then only select the connection point
out for that side. Press <Enter> to skip the other connection point out.
Use AutoCAD OSNAPs to select the connection point accurately.

Establishing Connection Points

uIf all the surfaces on the template are “normal” surfaces, the next step in defining the template is
to define a datum line. If there is a “subgrade” surface in the template, the datum line will be
calculated automatically. The datum line is compared against the existing ground surface to
calculate the cut and fill areas. The datum can be modified or additional datum lines can be
added with the [Edit Template] command.
Specify the datum number. The default datum number is always one (1).
vNext, select the points. Select the points from left to right. Refer to the following illustration for
points to pick.

Defining the Datum Points

Use AutoCAD OSNAPs to select the datum points accurately.

Note: The datum points must be selected from left to right.
More than one datum can be specified for any template, but the [Define Template] command
only allows you to define one datum in addition to any datum lines defined automatically by
subgrades. To define additional datum lines, use the [Edit Template...] command. The
[Define Template] command uses datum lines for volume calculations. When the completed

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 273

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

template is processed, the datum line is compared to the existing ground surface to generate the
cut and fill areas for each section.
Refer to the following section, “Connecting Subassemblies to Templates” for the next steps in the
[Define Template] command.

Connecting Subassemblies to Templates

After you have defined a template with normal surfaces, you can attach the subassemblies. This
procedure is a continuation of the [Define Template] command. See the above section for the
description of the first parts of this command.
nAfter you have selected all of the datum line points, press <Enter> at the “Pick datum points”
command. The Subassembly Attachments dialog box displays as shown below.
Note: Subassemblies cannot be used on templates with subgrades. If subgrades are defined for
a template then you will not be prompted to attach subassemblies.

Subassembly Attachments Dialog Box

oSelect the subassembly to attach and select “OK.” To select a subassembly, either enter the
name of the desired subassembly in the appropriate box or choose the "Select..." button to the
right of the subassembly name to access the Subassembly Librarian dialog box.
The three types of subassemblies that can be attached to the left and right of cross section
templates in the Advanced Design module are curb, fill shoulder, and cut shoulder. Working
from the centerline out, the first category of subassembly that is connected to the connection
point out is referred to as the curb subassembly. The second category of subassembly that is
connected is the shoulder subassembly. and is connected to the curb subassembly. Use the
"NULLS" subassembly name in the places where a subassembly is not required.

274 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining a Template

Refer to the following illustration regarding the categories of subassemblies and connection

Connecting Subassemblies to the Template

Note: Templates must have subassemblies as well as surfaces. If subassemblies are not
required, then you must use the NULLS subassembly name in place of having a subassembly.
The connection-point-out of the shoulder connects to the ditch foreslope if you are using ditches
or to the match slope if you are not using ditches. You can define two different types of shoulder
subassembly for each side of the template: one for cut situations and the other for fill situations.
If you do not use subassemblies, the slope attaches to the connection point out of the template.
pAfter you select the subassembly, the [Define Template] command displays the following
Save template (Yes/No) <Yes>:

Enter "Y" to save the template or "N" to start the template definition process over again without
saving the previous definition.
qNext, enter a template name. Specify a name up to a maximum of eight characters. The
[Define Template] command stores the template in the directory set by using the
[Set Template Path] command with the .tpl file extension.
If the template already exists, then you can either overwrite the existing template or rename the
new template. Enter "Y" to save the template and overwrite the previous definition. If you enter
"N" in response to this prompt, then the command prompts for another template name.
rAfter you have entered a valid template name, the command prompts for another template to
define. Enter "Y" to define another template or enter "N" to exit the command.
Note: When backing up template files, do not forget to save the associated subassemblies.
After you’ve defined a template, you can use it for any project. Be sure to specify the correct
template path when using previously defined templates.
To view the completed template, use the [Import Template...] command. Use the [Edit Template...]
command to edit a template definition, create a new template, or add datum lines and top surfaces.

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Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Subassembly

To modify an existing subassembly, use the [Edit Subassembly...] command. You can use this
command to edit an existing subassembly or create a new subassembly from an existing
The subassembly must exist in the directory specified in the [Set Template Path] command. The
[Edit Subassembly...] command imports the subassemblies into the AutoCAD drawing session
where you can then change the connection points, datum points, or top surface points. A new
subassembly can be created by saving the edits under a new subassembly name. The command
draws the subassembly on the current layer using the vertical scale factor, which is determined by
the horizontal and vertical scale set with Setup commands.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Subassembly...].
The Subassembly Librarian displays as shown below.

Subassembly Librarian Dialog Box

oHighlight the desired subassembly and select “OK.”

pSelect an insertion point. The subassembly will be imported into the drawing at this location
using the connection-point-in on the subassembly as the point of reference. Use AutoCAD
OSNAPs to accurately pick a point.
The command draws the subassembly as a 2D polyline and highlights the datum line on the
subassembly in a different color. The command places an "X" at the first vertex on the polyline.
It uses the "X" to indicate the vertex that can be edited or moved using the following
[Edit Subassembly...] command options.
Delete/Insert/Next/SAve/Previous/SRfcon/Move/Redraw/eXit <Next>:

The following sections describe these options.

276 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Subassembly

Moving the Subassembly "X" Marker from Vertex to Vertex

To move to the next or previous subassembly vertex, enter “N” for Next or “P” for Previous.

Saving Edits Made to the Subassembly

Enter “SA” to save any edits you make to the subassembly. If you exit the command without saving,
then all edits are lost. The [Edit Subassembly...] command uses the name of the edited subassembly
as the default. Accept the default or enter a different name if a new subassembly is to be created
from the one just edited. The command stores the subassembly definition in the directory set using
the [Set Template Path] command with the .sub file extension.
If the subassembly already exists, then the command prompts to overwrite the subassembly. Enter
"Y" to overwrite, or enter "N" exit the Save option and return to the main [Edit Subassembly...]

Exiting the Subassembly Editor

Enter “X” to exit the subassembly editor. If any edits have been made to the subassembly then you
will be prompted to save the subassembly. Refer to the section titled “Saving Edits Made to the
Subassembly” for information on saving the subassembly.

Deleting the Current Subassembly Vertex

The Delete option of the [Edit Subassembly...] command removes the current vertex (marked with
the "X") from the surface definition.
nTo delete a vertex, enter “D” for Delete.
oThe command prompts to delete the vertex. Press <Enter> to delete the vertex from the surface
definition. Enter "N" for No to exit the Delete option without deleting the vertex.

Inserting a New Subassembly Vertex

The Insert option of the [Edit Subassembly...] command adds a new vertex between the current
vertex (marked with the "X") and the next vertex.
nTo insert a vertex, enter “I” for Insert.
oSelect the location of the new vertex. Select a point in the drawing or enter the absolute X,Y
coordinates. Use the AutoCAD OSNAP to accurately select a point in the drawing. If the new
vertex should be part of the datum line, use the SRfcon option in the [Edit Subassembly...]
command to redefine the datum points.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 277

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Moving the Current Vertex of the Subassembly

The Move option of the [Edit Subassembly...] command relocates the current vertex by selecting a
new point.
nTo move the current vertex, enter “M” for Move.
oThe command then prompts for the new location of the vertex. Select a point in the drawing or
enter the absolute X,Y coordinates. Use the AutoCAD OSNAP to select a point in the drawing

Redrawing the Subassembly Display

The Redraw option of the [Edit Subassembly...] command redraws the display erasing any
highlighted lines. You can use this option to "clean up" the drawing. The polyline that makes up the
subassembly is the only thing that displays when you use the Redraw option. Use the DIsplay option
to highlight any features of the subassembly such as the datum line or connection points.
nEnter “R” for Redraw to redraw the display.
This option can also be accessed when you choose the SRfcon option of the [Edit Subassembly...]

Redefining the Subassembly Datum Line

The Datum option of the Surface Control options of the [Edit Subassembly...] command is used to
redefine the datum line or create a new one if one does not exist. Although templates may have
multiple datum lines, only one datum line can be defined per subassembly.
nEnter “SR” for Surface Control. The following command options are displayed:
Edit (Datum/Connect/Topsurf/eXit/DIsplay/Redraw) <eXit>:

oTo redefine the Subassembly Datum Line, enter “D” for Datum.
pThe command prompts for the datum points. Select all the datum points from left to right. Datum
points do not need to be physically attached to the subassembly. They can exist in space. Use
AutoCAD OSNAPs to select datum points accurately.
qPress <Enter> to exit this option.

Redefining the Subassembly Connection Points

The Connect option of the Surface Control options of the [Edit Subassembly...] command is used to
redefine the subassembly connection points.
nEnter “SR” for Surface Control. The following command options are displayed:
Edit (Datum/Connect/Topsurf/eXit/DIsplay/Redraw) <eXit>:

oTo redefine the connection points, enter “C” for Connect.

278 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Subassembly

pThe option prompts for the connection point in and out. For the curb subassembly, the
connection-point-in connects to the connection-point-out of the cross section template . The
connection-point-out on the curb connects to the connection-point-in on the shoulder
For the shoulder subassembly, the connection-point-in connects to the connection-point-out of
the curb subassembly. The connection-point-out of the shoulder connects to the ditch foreslope
if ditches are used, or to the match slope if ditches are not being used.
qAfter you have selected the connection points, enter “X” to exit the Surface Control options.

Defining a Subassembly Top Surface

The Topsurf option of the Surface Control options of the [Edit Subassembly...] command is used to
redefine the top surface of the subassembly.
nEnter “SR” for Surface Control. The following command options are displayed:
Edit (Datum/Connect/Topsurf/eXit/DIsplay/Redraw) <eXit>:

oTo redefine the subassembly top surface, enter “T” for Topsurf. The Topsurf option defines a
top surface for the subassembly. When a subassembly is defined, the top surface is
automatically created as a straight line connecting the connection-point-in to the connection-
point-out. This top surface will need to be modified if the actual top surface does not follow
this path. Each subassembly can only have one top surface.
pThe command prompts for the top surface points. Select all the top surface points from left to
right. Top surface points do not need to be physically attached to the subassembly. They can
exist in space. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs to select top surface points accurately.
qPress <Enter> when all points have been selected to exit this option.

Displaying Subassembly Elements

The DIsplay option displays any of the various parts of the subassembly. If you use any AutoCAD
commands that redraw the screen (such as ZOOM or PAN), the datum line, top surface, or
highlighted connection points will no longer be displayed. Use this option to redisplay these
features. These features can be erased using the Redraw option.
nEnter “SR” for Surface Control. The following command options are displayed:
Edit (Datum/Connect/Topsurf/eXit/DIsplay/Redraw) <eXit>:

oTo access the display options, enter “DI” for DIsplay. The following prompt is displayed:
Display (Datum/Connect/Topsurf/eXit/Redraw) <eXit>:

pEnter the option you want to display. Each of the options listed in this prompt are described in
the following sections:
Datum: The Datum option displays the defined datum line. This line is displayed as a
highlighted line connecting all the defined datum points.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 279

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Connect: The Connect option displays the defined connection-point-in and connection-point-
out. Each point is displayed with an "X" in the drawing. There is no distinction between the
connection-point-in and the connection-point-out in the display.
Topsurf: The Topsurf option displays the defined top surface. This line is displayed as a
highlighted line connecting all the defined top surface points.
eXit: The eXit option exits the display option and returns to the previous prompt.
Redraw: The Redraw option redraws the displayed elements erasing any highlighted lines.

Editing a Template
To redefine a cross section template, or to create a new template from an existing template, use the
[Edit Template...] command. This command imports the template into AutoCAD where you can
change the connection, superelevation, transition, top surface, and datum points, add or delete
surfaces, edit surface points, add point codes, and attach subassemblies. The template will be drawn
on the current layer using the vertical scale factor which is determined by the horizontal and vertical
scale set with Setup commands.
Note: If you are going to use the [Edit Template...] command to define template features such as
point codes, transitions or superelevation you may first want to set the AutoCAD running OSNAP to
Endpoint to save time. Set the OSNAP to “endp,” then when you are finished, you can set OSNAP
back to “none.”
The [Edit Template...] command creates two polylines for each surface; one for the left side and one
for the right side. The command also displays any attached subassemblies, and although they cannot
be edited, you can select different subassemblies for the current template. To use this command, the
template and its subassemblies must exist in the directory set with the [Set Template Path]
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. The Template Librarian displays as
shown below.

Template Librarian Dialog Box

280 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing a Template

oHighlight the name of the template you want to edit, and select “OK.”
pNext, pick an insertion point for the template. The [Edit Template...] command inserts the
template using the defined finished ground reference point as the insertion point. The command
draws the template components and displays the subgrade surfaces and datum line on the
template as highlighted, temporary lines. The datum line disappears from the screen if the
Redraw option is used, but is redisplayed if the DIsplay option of the SRfcon option is used.
When the template is inserted, you will see the following prompt:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

The following sections describe all of these template editing options.

Note: Use the [Edit Template...] command for both symmetrical and asymmetrical templates.
The command does not mirror the edits to a surface from the left to right side. When editing
symmetrical templates, remember to edit both sides of the template if it is to remain

Saving Template Edits

Type “SA” to activate the Save option of the [Edit Template] command. The Save option saves any
edits made to the template. If you exit the [Edit Template...] command without saving, all edits are
lost. The command uses the name of the edited template as the default. Accept the default or enter a
different name if a new template is to be created from the one just edited.
The template is stored in the directory set using the [Set Template Path] command with the file
extension .tpl. If the template already exists, then the command prompts to overwrite the template.
Enter "Y" for Yes to save the template and return to the main [Edit Template...] command line. Enter
"N" for No to enter a different name or abandon the edits.
Note: When you exit the [Edit Template...] command, if you have not used the “Save” option to save
your edits, you will be prompted to save the template. If you exit the command without saving, then
all edits you have made will be lost.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 281

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Drawing an Additional Template Surface

The “Edsrf” option of the [Edit Template] command provides options for adding, deleting, and
modifying template surfaces. Take the following steps to draw an additional template surface.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo edit template surfaces, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo draw an additional template surface enter “A” for Addsurf. The Addsurf option displays the
following prompt.
(Draw/Move/Select) <Select>:

There are three ways of adding a surface to the template. The first is to select the surface if it is
already in the correct location. The second is to draw and select the surface if it does not exist.
The third is to move and to select the surface if it exists in the drawing but is not in the correct
qUse the Draw option if the surface does not already exist. Enter “D” for Draw.
rThe Draw option first prompts for the starting point of the new surface. Pick a point with your
pointing device or enter coordinates. Use OSNAPs to pick the point accurately.
sThe Draw option then displays the following prompt:
Select point (Relative/Grade/Slope/Close/Undo/eXit):

These are the same options as those that appear when you use the [Draw Template] command.
See the “Drawing a Template” section of this chapter above for information about how to use
the [Draw Template] command.
tOnce you’ve drawn the additional surface, the command displays the following prompt:
Surface type (Sym/Asym):

Enter the appropriate surface type.

uNext, the prompt will instruct you to “Press any key to select material name.” Pressing <Enter>
will display a Material Table. Pick the appropriate material name from the list or create a new
one as needed. See “Creating a Material Table” for more information on how to use this table.
vThe prompt then returns to the Edsrf options. To save the changes you made, press <Enter> to
exit the Edsrf options, and then enter “SA” to save.
If the surface is symmetrical, it is mirrored about the centerline although this is not apparent until the
template is saved and reimported.

282 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Moving a Template Surface

Moving a Template Surface

Use the Move option of the Addsurf options if the surface already exists but is not in the right
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo edit template surfaces, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo move a surface of the template, enter “A” to activate the Addsurf options. The Addsurf
option displays the following prompt.
(Draw/Move/Select) <Select>:

There are three ways of adding a surface to the template. The first is to select the surface if it is
already in the correct location. The second is to draw and select the surface if it does not exist.
The third is to move and to select the surface if it exists in the drawing but is not in the correct
qTo move an existing surface, enter “M” for Move.
rFirst pick the entity you want to move. The entity must be a 2D polyline. Select only the left
side of the surface if the surface is symmetrical.
sNext, enter the starting and ending locations. The starting point should be a point on the
template. The ending point will be the point that the starting point will be moved to. Use an
AutoCAD OSNAP to accurately pick the locations.
tOnce you’ve moved the surface, the command displays the following prompt:
Surface type (Sym/Asym):

Enter the appropriate surface type.

uNext, the prompt will instruct you to “Press any key to select material name.” Pressing <Enter>
will display a Material Table. Select the appropriate material name from the list or create a
new one as needed. See “Creating a Material Table” for more information on how to use this
vThe prompt then returns to the Edsrf options. To save the changes you made, press <Enter> to
exit the Edsrf options, and then enter “SA” to save.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 283

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Adding an Existing Surface to the Template

Use the Select option of the [Edit Template...] command to add an existing surface to the template.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo edit template surfaces, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo add an existing surface to the template, enter “A” for Addsurf. The Addsurf option displays
the following prompt.
<Template Name> (Draw/Move/Select) <Select>:

There are three ways of adding a surface to the template. The first is to select the surface if it is
already in the correct location. The second is to draw and select the surface if it does not exist.
The third is to move and to select the surface if it exists in the drawing but is not in the correct
qTo add an existing surface to the template, you need to use the Select option. Press <Enter> to
activate the option.
rFirst, select the template surface with the pointing device.
sNext, specify whether the template is symmetrical or asymmetrical. If the template is
symmetrical, the command mirrors the polyline about the alignment for the right side of the
tThe prompt will then instruct you to “Press any key to select material name.” Pressing <Enter>
will display a Material Table. Select the appropriate material name from the list or create a
new one as needed. See “Creating a Material Table” for more information on how to use this
table. After you enter the material name, the command adds the existing template surface to the
template definition.
uThe prompt then returns to the Edsrf options. To save the changes you made, press <Enter> to
exit the Edsrf options, and then enter “SA” to save.

284 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Deleting a Surface from the Template

Deleting a Surface from the Template

To delete a surface from a template, use the Delsurf option of the [Edit Template...] command. Using
this option you can delete both the left and right sides of a surface from the template.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo edit template surfaces, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo delete a template surface, enter “D” for Delsurf.

qNext, select the surface to delete. Subassemblies cannot be selected. Use the ASsembly option
of the [Edit Template...] command to change subassemblies.
rPress <Enter> in response to the "Delete surface?" prompt to delete the surface and remove
both left and right sides of the surface from the template definition. Enter "N" for No to exit the
Delsurf option without deleting any surfaces.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 285

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Moving and Inserting Template Vertices

Using the Modify options of the [Edit Template...] command, you can move, insert or delete
template vertices.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. For more information about these steps, see the “Editing a Template”
section above. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo access surface editing commands, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo modify the template vertices, enter “M” for Modify. The command then prompts you to
select the entity to edit. Use your pointing device to select the template surface to edit.
Once the surface is selected, the command places an "X" at the first vertex on the polyline and
the following prompt displays:
Edit (Next/Previous/Insert/Move/eXit/Delete) <Next>:

These options are described below.

Moving to the Next or Previous Template Vertex

The Next option moves the "X" marker forward through the vertices along the surface. The Previous
option moves the "X" marker back through the vertices along the surface.

Inserting a New Template Vertex

The Insert option adds a new vertex between the current vertex (marked with the "X") and the next
vertex. The option prompts for the location of the new vertex. Select a point in the drawing or enter
the absolute X,Y coordinates. Use an AutoCAD OSNAP to select a point in the drawing accurately.
If the new vertex is to be part of the datum line, use the SRfcon option of the [Edit Template...]
command to redefine the datum points.

Deleting the Current Template Vertex

The Delete option removes the current vertex (marked with the "X") from the surface definition.
Press <Enter> to delete the vertex from the surface definition. Enter "N" for No to exit the Delete
option without deleting the vertex.

Moving the Current Vertex

The Move option relocates the current vertex using a selected point. This option prompts for the
new location. Select a point in the drawing or enter the absolute X,Y coordinates. Use the AutoCAD
OSNAP to select a point in the drawing accurately.

286 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Template Subgrade Surfaces

Editing the Template Subgrade Surfaces

To make edits to the subgrade depth and match grade, use the “Subgrade” option of the [Edit
Template...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. For more information about these steps, see the “Editing a Template”
section above. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo access surface editing commands, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pEnter “S” for Subgrade to activate the subgrade editing options. The command lists the current
subsurface depth and gives you the option of changing it. Enter a new value or press <Enter> to
accept the current depth.
qNext, the option displays the current subsurface match grade (percent) and prompts for a new
value. Enter a new value or press <Enter> to accept the current match grade.
rThe next prompt is for the break match grade, which is used when the subgrade superelevates
with the Fixed Break option. Enter a new value or press <Enter> to accept the current value.
sThe next prompt is for the break point offset modifier. Enter a new value or press <Enter> to
accept the current value.
Note: See “Defining a Template” for more information on the subgrade definition options.
tThe material name dialog box appears with the current name highlighted. Select the OK button
to keep the same material name, or select a different name from the list.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 287

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Adding and Deleting Template Point Codes

To add or delete template point codes, use the “Points” option of the [Edit Template...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. For more information about these steps, see the “Editing a Template”
section above. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo access surface editing commands, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt displays:
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo access the point code editing options, enter “P” for Points. The points that are assigned to
the template display and the following prompt displays:
Edit point codes (Add/Delete/eXit) <eXit>:

qTo add point codes, enter “A” for Add. The command will prompt you to select the point
location. Use OSNAPs to accurately select the point on the template.
rAfter selecting the point, the Template Point Codes dialog box will display, listing the point
codes of the current point code table. Select the desired code and select “OK” or create a new
code as necessary. See “Editing a Point Code Table” above for more information about point
code tables.
sThe Points option continues to prompt for more point code locations. Continue to add point
codes as necessary, and then press <Enter> to exit the command loop.
tTo delete point codes, type “D” for Delete. The command will prompt you to select the point
code location to remove. Use OSNAPs to accurately select the point on the template.
uThe Delete option continues to prompt for more point code locations. Continue to Delete point
codes as necessary, and then press <Enter> to exit the command loop.

288 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Changing the Template Curb and Shoulder Subassemblies

Changing the Template Curb and Shoulder

To change the curb and shoulder subassemblies, use the ASsembly option of the [Edit Template...]
command. This option is not available if the template includes a subgrade surface type.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. See the “Editing a Template” section
above for more information about these steps. Select the template you want to insert and the
insertion point. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo change the curb and shoulder subassemblies, enter “AS” for ASsembly.
pThe Subassembly Attachments dialog box is then displayed.
qSelect the subassembly you want to attach and select “OK.”
rThe subassembly will automatically be inserted into position based on the defined connection
Note: To remove a subassembly, select the “Nulls” subassembly.

Redisplaying Template Features

To display the location of template features such as transitions, datum lines, or point codes use the
Display option of the [Edit Template...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt will display:
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo display the template regions, enter “D” for Display. The following prompt appears:
Display (Datum/Connect/Points/Super/SHoulder/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit
/Redraw/TType/) <eXit>:

pTo display the various features of the template, enter the appropriate option. You have the
option of displaying datum lines, connection points, point codes, superelevation, the shoulder,
topsurface, and transition regions. An option is also provided for redrawing the display.
Datum and top surface lines are displayed as temporary lines. Each connection point and point
code is shown as an "X" on the screen. Superelevation and transition regions are shown as
vertical lines delineating the respective regions. These features are only temporary and
disappear if the screen is redisplayed using the Redraw option.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 289

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Viewing the Transition Type

The TType option displays the Section Transition Type dialog box, a listing of all the transition
regions that have been defined. This option is only available if transition regions have been
defined for the template. Next to each of the possible transition lines is the list of how they
were defined: dynamic or pinned, constrained or free, and whether the grade or elevation is

Redrawing the Template Display

The Redraw option of the [Edit Template...] command redraws the templates datum line and its
subassemblies. These two features are always displayed with the template but will disappear if an
AutoCAD command, such as Zoom, is executed transparently so that the drawing is redisplayed. The
Redraw option will redisplay the datum line and any attached subassemblies.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo redraw the template display, enter “R” for Redraw. The display will be redrawn.
Note: The Display option can be used to redisplay features of the template such as connection
points or datum lines. When the options under the Display option are used, several lines and point
markers are placed in the drawing. Use the Redraw option to "clean up" the drawing area.

Redefining a Template Datum Line

The surface control points control superelevation and transition regions. They are also the datum
points, connection points out, and top surface points. To redefine the surface control points on the
template, use the SRfcon option of the [Edit Template...] command. This option deletes all
previously defined control points for the surface.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo redefine the template datum line, activate the Surface Control options. Enter “SR” for
pThe SRfcon option then displays the following prompt.
Connect/Datum/Redraw/Super/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit <eXit>:

qTo redefine an existing datum line or to define a new one, enter “D” for the Datum option.
Datum lines are used to calculate the cut and fill earthwork volumes. There is no limit to the

290 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Redefining a Template Datum Line

number of defined datums on a template. The defined datum that is to be used in volume
calculations is selected in the [Edit Design Control...] command.
rThe command first prompts for the datum number. Enter the datum number and press <Enter>.
sNext, pick the datum points starting from the left connection point out and going to the right
connection point out. Datum points do not have to be physically attached to the template. They
can exist in space. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs to pick the datum points accurately.
tPress <Enter> to end the prompt cycle.
Use the Display option to view the defined datum. The datum is only defined through the template
surfaces and not the subassemblies. Subassembly datum is defined using the [Define Subassembly]
or [Edit Subassembly...] commands. Subassemblies cannot have multiple datum definitions.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 291

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Defining the Template Superelevation Regions

Use the [Edit Template...] command to define the superelevation regions on the template. You must
define these regions in order to apply superelevation to the template with the [Superelevation
Parameters...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo redefine the template superelevation regions, activate the Surface Control options. Enter
“SR” for SRfcon.
pThe SRfcon option then displays the following prompt.
Connect/Datum/Redraw/Super/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit <eXit>:

qTo define the template superelevation regions, enter “S” for the Super option.
rNext, select the points to define the left and right superelevation regions. The following prompts
Outer left superelevation point:
Inner superelevation reference point:
Outer rollover point:
Outer right superelevation point:
Inner superelevation reference point:
Outer rollover point:

See the illustration below for guidelines for picking these points.

Superelevation and Rollover Points on the Template

Define the left superelevation region first, followed by the right superelevation region. When
defining the region, pick the outer edge of the region and then the inner edge using AutoCAD
OSNAPs. All surface segments between these region points will superelevate.
The grade between the two points is used as the base grade for the normal crown condition
when calculating superelevation.

292 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Redefining the Template Connection Points

After picking the two region points, select the outer edge of the rollover region if required. If
the template does not have a shoulder that requires a rollover region then press return at the
rollover prompt for none.
Use the [Superelevation Parameters...] command to define superelevation parameters after
defining the template superelevation regions.

Redefining the Template Connection Points

The surface control points control superelevation and transition regions. They are also the datum
points, connection points out, and top surface points. To redefine the surface control points on the
template, use the SRfcon option of the [Edit Template...] command. This option is not available if
the template includes a subgrade surface type.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo redefine the template connection points, activate the Surface Control options. Enter “SR” for
pThe SRfcon option then displays the following prompt.
Connect/Datum/Redraw/Super/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit <eXit>:

qTo redefine the points that are used to connect the template to the subassemblies and slopes, use
the Connect option. Enter “C” for Connect.
rThe connection points on the template will be indicated with “X” markers and the command
will display the following prompt.
Side (Left/Right):

Only one side is defined at a time. Enter “L” or “R.” Even if a template is symmetrical, both
sides need to be redefined. Each half of the template is edited separately.
sNext the command will prompt for the connection point out. Connection points do not need to
reference a point on any of the template entities. They can exist in space. Use AutoCAD
OSNAPs to select connection points accurately.
tOnce the connection point out is selected, the command prompt redisplays the SRfcon options.
uEnter “C” for Connect and repeat the process for the other side of the template.
If subassemblies are used, the display showing the subassemblies moves to reflect the new
connection point. The connection points can be viewed using the Display option.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 293

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Defining the Template Top Surface

The surface control points control superelevation and transition regions. They are also the datum
points, connection points out, and top surface points. To redefine the surface control points on the
template, use the SRfcon option of the [Edit Template...] command. This option deletes all
previously defined control points for the surface.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. See the “Editing a Template” section above for more information about
these steps. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo define the template top surface, activate the Surface Control options. Enter “SR” for SRfcon.
pThe SRfcon option then displays the following prompt.
Connect/Datum/Redraw/Super/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit <eXit>:

qTo redefine the top surface of the template, enter “T” for the Topsurf option. The top surface is
similar to the datum line except that it cannot be used in volume calculations. The top surface is
used to import template points or to create a 3D grid.
rThe command first prompts for a surface number. Accept the default or enter a new number.
sNext, select the top surface points. Select these points from the left connection point to the right
connection point using AutoCAD OSNAPs.
tPress <Enter> to end the prompt cycle.
The defined top surface can be viewed using the Display option. The top surface is defined through
both the template and subassembly surfaces. The top surface of the subassemblies can only be edited
using the [Edit Subassembly...] command. Subassemblies cannot have multiple top surface

294 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining the Transition Regions of the Template

Defining the Transition Regions of the Template

Use the [Edit Template...] command to define the location of the transition regions on the template.
Transition regions are used to stretch templates horizontally and/or vertically in order to
accommodate areas where the roadway offsets or elevations are irregular, such as when a road
widens for a passing lane. By using transition regions on a template, you don't need to have multiple
templates to accommodate these varying conditions.
You can define up to sixteen transition regions on a template, eight left and eight right.

Transitioning Basics
The basic rules of defining a transition region are follows:
• The control point is moved to the required offset and/or elevation when transitioning is applied
to the template.
• The region point is the outer edge of the template segment that will stretch when the control
point moves.
• To achieve the surface modification when a transition is applied to a template, any surface line
that is intersected by the vertical plane of the region point will be modified between that point
and the next point on the surface toward the centerline.
• The control and region points can be at the same or at different locations.
• The control point can never be closer to the centerline than the region point.
• Only the top of the subgrade surface definition is modified by the transition (the portion that is
drawn before the template is defined). The bottom of the subgrade is still calculated based on
its depth and grade criteria.
• The Pinned or Dynamic option only applies to the central region between the inner most left and
right transitions.
• The template surfaces can cross the centerline only if the inner most left and right transition
regions are Dynamic.
• The transition region can’t stretch toward the centerline if the Constrained option is used.
• The Hold Grade or Hold Elevation option is used when the template is modified by a horizontal
transition (offset) only. It is disregarded if a vertical transition is applied.

Note: If you have already defined transition regions for a template, then you can view this
information by using the Display option of the [Edit Template] command. Under the Display options,
select the TType option. See the “Redisplaying Template Features” section for more information.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 295

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Defining the Template Transition Regions

To define template transition regions, take the following steps:
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

To define the transition regions of the template, activate the Surface Control options. Enter
“SR” for SRfcon.
oThe SRfcon option then displays the following prompt.
Connect/Datum/Redraw/Super/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit <eXit>:

pTo define the transition regions of the template, enter “TR” to activate the TRansition option.
This option displays the following prompt.
Edit transition region (Left/Right/All/eXit) <eXit>:

qSelect the side of the transition region to define. If you enter “L” for Left or “R” for Right, the
command prompts for the left or right transition region.
Edit left transition region (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/eXit) <eXit>:

If the "All" option is selected at step 3, the command repeats the definition process for all
sixteen (16) transitions. If the "All" option is in use, press <Enter> at the "Pick {Transition}
transition region point" prompt to skip individual transitions.
rNext, pick the transition region point. See “Control Points and Region Points” below for
information about region points.

296 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining the Transition Regions of the Template

The following illustration shows the region point and the control point, as well as the pinned
and dynamic options, which are described in the next step.

Pinned and Dynamic Transition Options

Note: When transitioning is applied to a template, everything on the outside of the transition
region will move to follow the transition's change in offset or elevation.
sAfter you pick the transition region point, specify which type of surface transition to use:
Dynamic or Pinned. See “Specifying Dynamic or Pinned” below for more information.
tSpecify a transition region type: either Free or Constrained. A Free region can move toward or
away from centerline while a Constrained region can only be stretched away from the center of
the template and not towards it. This allows minimum widths of regions to be maintained.
uSelect the transition control point. Either select the control point or press <Enter> to use the
region point as the control point. The control point is the point of reference on the template that
will be linked to the horizontal and vertical transition alignment. In the majority of situations the
control point and region point use the same location. See “Control Points and Region Points”
below for more information.
vSpecify the type of transition to hold, either grade or elevation. When only horizontal
transitioning is applied to a template, the elevation of the control point can be held or the grade
of the transition region can be held.
If the elevation is held, then the region stretches horizontally along the X-axis and the grade of
the transition region changes. If the grade is held, then the region stretches along the grade
defined in step 10 and the elevation of the transition changes. Holding the grade is often used
for maintaining the cross slope of the traveled lane on a road template when that lane is

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 297

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

If vertical transitioning is applied this setting is ignored and both the grade and elevation
change as required.

Held Elevation vs. Held Grade

wIf the hold Grade option is selected, a prompt is displayed for the transition reference point.
This point is used to determine what grade is held by the template segment as it is being
stretched. There is no prompt for the transition reference point if the hold Elevation option is
selected. The transition reference point does not need to reference a point on the template. It can
exist in space. Use AutoCAD OSNAPs to select the transition reference point accurately.
If you selected the "All" option at step 3, the command repeats the definition process for all sixteen
(16) transitions. Press <Enter> in response to the prompt for the region point to skip a particular
transition region.

Control Points and Region Points

To define an area on the template that will be stretched, you need to pick two key points on the
template for each transition region, the region point and the control point.
The control point determines the place on the template where the horizontal or vertical alignment
will be attached. It is the point on the template that will be moved to the desired offset or elevation.
The region point determines the outer edge of the region that will be stretched. To achieve the
surface modification when a transition is applied to a template, any surface line that is intersected
by the vertical plane of the region point will be modified between that point to the next point on the
surface toward the centerline.
In many situations the control point and region point use the same location. For example, the outer
edge of pavement of an asphalt surface that leads up into a crown at the centerline would be defined
as both the region point and the control point.
If these points are defined at two different locations, then the region point must always be closer to
the centerline than the control point. For example, if you want to stretch a center median island that
has a curb structure, you will need to locate the control and region points at different locations in
order to avoid stretching the curb as well as the median.
If the horizontal transition alignment for the median was defined along the path of the edge of
pavement where it meets the face of curb, you would locate the transition control point at this
location. However, if you also located the region point at this same location, the curb structure
would be stretched as the median became wider, creating an extremely wide curb.

298 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining the Transition Regions of the Template

To force the stretch to be applied at the back of curb, define the region point at the back of curb
while maintaining the control point at the face of curb. This situation could also be resolved by
defining the horizontal transition alignment along the back of curb which would allow you to define
both the region point and control point at the back of curb.

Specifying Dynamic or Pinned

A typical template has a central portion where the surfaces cross the centerline, such as a median or
the traveled lanes of a template without a median. Because the surface crosses the centerline, it can
have both left and a right transition control affecting it. For this situation, there are two options that
control the way in which the transitioning affects the template surface: Pinned and Dynamic.
With the Pinned option, the inner vertex of the region segment is always held while the segment is
stretched. With the Dynamic option, the grade of all segments between the control points is held.
Each half of the central surface is moved to the specified offset or elevation and then the surfaces
are joined by trimming off the overlapping segments or by extending the segments so that they meet.
The Dynamic option only affects the central portion of the template and the surfaces must cross the
centerline. If the transition lines come together so that the surfaces between the inner most transition
lines disappear, then the next transition regions can become dynamic.
When deciding whether to use the Dynamic or Pinned options, it is usually best to use the default
value of Pinned. The majority of situations work well using the pinned option.
However, there are a couple of situations where you should use the Dynamic option. Use the
Dynamic option when the transition alignment crosses the design centerline alignment. If multiple
transition alignments cross the design centerline alignment, then only the first transition region
should be defined as dynamic. All other transition regions following the first transition region
should be defined as pinned regardless of whether they cross the centerline or not.
When you use the Dynamic option, the center portion of the template will be collapsed or forced to
disappear if the two opposing transition region points have the same horizontal location. This is
helpful in situations where a median island is designed to taper in width and then eventually
You would achieve this by defining opposing transition alignments such as L1 and R1 to follow the
proposed edge of median island. If the transition alignments L1 and R1 fall exactly on one another,
then the median island will be completely removed from the cross sections at these points.
Collapsing template areas will only work between opposing transition regions such as L1 to R1. If
R1 and R2 were defined to fall on top of each other the template areas would not be collapsed, but
would be stretched together to a single point.
Note: The Pinned and Dynamic options only apply to the transition regions between the inner most
left and right transitions where the transition region surfaces meet at centerline.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 299

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following illustration shows an example of a median collapsing at the point where the transition
regions meet.

Dynamic Transition Where Median Crosses the Centerline

The next steps for transitioning

After you define transition regions on the template, then you can attach horizontal or vertical
transition alignments to the template using the [Edit Design Control...] command. You define
transition alignments as plan or profile alignments just like you define the centerline. After you've
attached transition alignments to the template, use the [View/Edit Sections] command to view and
edit individual sections (or you can edit ranges of stations with the [Edit Design Control...]
command). If you make edits to the transitioning of the individual sections, then you can import these
changes back out to the plan or profile with the [Import Plan Lines] and [Import Profile] commands.

Displaying the Template Shoulder Subassembly

To display the cut or fill shoulder subassembly on the template, use the SHoulder option of the [Edit
Template...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo display the cut or fill shoulder, enter “D” for Display. The following prompt appears:
Display (Datum/Connect/Points/Super/SHoulder/Topsurf/TRansition/eXit
/Redraw/TType/) <eXit>:

300 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Changing the Material Description for a Selected Template Surface

pTo display the template shoulder, enter “SH” for SHoulder. This will display the following
Shoulder display Cut/<Fill>:

By default, the SHoulder option displays the fill shoulder. Enter “C” for Cut if you want to
display the cut shoulder.

Changing the Material Description for a Selected

Template Surface
To change the material description for a selected surface, use the MName option of the [Edit
Template...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Template...]. Select the template you want to insert
and the insertion point. The following prompt displays.
Edsrf/SAve/eXit/ASsembly/Display/SRfcon/Redraw <eXit>:

oTo edit the surface of the template, enter “E” for Edsrf. The following prompt will display.
Addsrf/Delsurf/Modify/MName/Points/Redraw/Subgrade/eXit <eXit>:

pTo change the material description for the template surface, enter “MN” for Material Name, and
the following prompt will display:
Pick entity (must be a 2d polyline):

qPick the surface you want to rename.

rThe Surface Material Names dialog box displays. Use this interface to select a different
material name or create a new material name to use. See “Setting up a Material Table” for more
information on using this dialog box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 301

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Importing a Defined Subassembly

The [Import Subassemblies...] command imports a defined subassembly into the current drawing.
Set the template directory with the [Set Template Path] command before using the
[Import Subassemblies...] command. This subassembly is created from polylines and is placed on
the current layer. The subassembly is drawn using the vertical scale factor, which is determined by
the horizontal and vertical scales set with the Setup commands. All subassembly features, such as
the datum line, are displayed as temporary graphics. These features are erased when commands such
as the AutoCAD REDRAW command are used.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Import Subassemblies...] to display the Subassembly
oSelect the desired subassembly and select “OK.”
pSelect the insertion point for the subassembly. This point will correspond to the “connection
point in” on the subassembly. The command then inserts the subassembly into the drawing.

302 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing a Defined Template

Importing a Defined Template

To import a defined alignment template into the current drawing, select the [Import Template...]
command. Set the template directory with the [Set Template Path] command before using the
[Import Template...] command. This template is created from polylines and is placed on the current
layer. The template is drawn using the vertical scale factor, which is determined by the horizontal
and vertical scales set with the Setup commands. All template features, such as the datum line, are
displayed as temporary graphics. These features are erased when commands such as the AutoCAD
REDRAW command are used.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Import Template...] to display the Template Librarian.
oSelect the desired template to import and select “OK.”
pNext, select the insertion point for the template. This point will correspond to the finished
ground reference point on the template.
qNext, the command prompts for which type of shoulder to display, cut or fill.
Even if no shoulder subassembly has been attached, this prompt must be answered. The
command then inserts the template with the proper subassemblies into the drawing.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 303

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Setting Up a Material Table

A new feature of Advanced Design is the Material Table. The Material Table is a table of surface
material names for use in conjunction with the [Define Template], [Edit Template], [Define
Subassembly] or [Edit Subassembly] commands. Material names are used when creating template
surface volume reports.
You can predefine this table using the [Edit Material Table] command, or you can create the table
while using the Define or Edit commands. If you are using a command that requires a Material
Table, then the command will automatically prompt you to select a table. If a table does not exist,
then you will be given the option of creating a Material Table.
You can create a library of tables based on any desired specifications. For example, you can create
Material Tables for different asphalt types, gravel types or structure types such as curbs. Within
each table, you can create entries for different materials available for that material type. Each
material table is stored in the template directory specified by the [Template Path] command and has
the file extension .mat.
To edit or create a Material Table, use the [Edit Material Table] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Material Table].
Note: If you have already created a Material Table, skip to step 5.
If a Material Table does not exist, the Material Table Selection Status dialog box will display
as shown below.

Material Table Selection Status Dialog Box

oSelect the “Yes” button to continue.

The New Surface Material Table dialog box displays as shown below.

New Surface Material Table Dialog Box

pType the name of the new table and select “OK” to continue.

304 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Up a Material Table

The New Material Surface dialog box displays as shown below.


New Material Surface Dialog Box

qType the name of the new material and select “OK” to continue.
The Material Table Editor displays as shown below.

Material Table Editor Dialog Box

rUse the Table area at the top part of this dialog box to select tables, create new tables, or delete
exiting tables. These options are described below.
• To select a different material table, use the Table Name list box. If you have made any
edits to the current material table, you will be prompted to save your changes. Select the
“Yes” button at the “Save material table changes?” prompt to save any changes or select
the “No” button to discard any changes.
• To create a new material table, select the “New” button. The New Surface Material Table
dialog box will display. Enter the name of the new material table and select “OK.”
• To delete a material table, select the “Delete” button. The Deletion Status dialog box will
display. Select the “Yes” button to delete the table.
Note: Deleting the Material Table will permanently remove the file.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 305

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

sUse the Materials area of the dialog box to control the contents of the selected table. Use this
section to add new surface materials to a table, delete materials, or change the name of existing
materials. These options are described below.
• To create a new surface material, select the “New” button. The New Surface dialog box
will display. Enter the name of the new material and select “OK.”
• To delete a surface material, select the “Delete” button. This will remove the material
name from the “Selection” list.
• To change the name of a surface material, select the “Edit” button. This will display the
Edit Material Surface dialog box. Enter the new name of the material and select “OK.”
• To save the changes made in the editor, select the “Save” button. This saves the edits
without exiting the dialog box.
tSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box and save your edits. Or select “Cancel” to exit the dialog
box without saving the changes.

306 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Up a Point Code Table

Setting Up a Point Code Table

The point code is a new feature of Advanced Design. A point code identifies a specific location on
a cross section template with a point code number and description. You can apply the point codes to
the template with the [Edit Template] command and can view them with the [View/Edit Sections]
command. You can use the point codes with the [Tplate Points to DWG] command to import a
specific selection of template points into the plan view of your drawing or with the [Tplate Points to
File] command to create a text file of the points. You can use the Sheet Manager utilities to set up a
sheet style that will label specific points on the plotted cross sections based on these points with
offset or elevation.
The point codes you customize will begin with number 25. Point code numbers 1-24 are reserved
for the codes that are provided with the program, or that will be included with the program in future
releases. These reserved codes will automatically be added to every new point code table that you
create, and are tracked by the program. Unlike the point codes you customize, you will not be able to
assign these reserved codes to any points within the template, nor will you be able to delete them.
You can, however, modify their descriptions. These pre-defined point codes are, for the most part,
points on cross sections that can’t be selected when editing the template definition such as slope or
ditch points.
Use the “Points” option of the [Edit Template...] command to assign the point codes their locations.
A point code can be applied to more than one position on the template. A point code with the
description EOP, for example, can be applied to the edge of pavement on both the left and right
sides of the template. These point locations are transitioned and superelevated along with the cross
section template.
Note: When adding point codes to a template, only the point code number is stored with the
template definition. The point code description is retrieved from the current point code table.
When you use a command that requires a point code table, it will automatically prompt you to select
a table. If a table doesn’t exist, then you will have the option of creating one. The point code tables
are saved with a *.pcd extension and reside in the template directory set with the [Set Template
Path] command.

To edit or create a Point Code Table, use the [Edit Point Code Table] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Templates] Î [Edit Point Code Table].
Note: If you have already defined a point code table, skip to step 4.
If no point code tables have been defined, the Point Code Table Selection dialog box displays
as shown below.

Point Code Table Selection Dialog Box

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 307

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

oSelect “Yes” to continue.

The New Point Code Table dialog box will display as shown below.

New Point Code Table Dialog Box

pType the name of the new table and select “OK” to continue.
The Point Code Table Editor dialog box will display as shown below.

Point Code Table Editor

qUse the Table area at the top part of this dialog box to select the point code table you want to
use. You can also use this section to create new point code tables or delete existing ones. These
options are described below.
• To select a different point code table, use the Table Name list box. If any edits have been
made to the current table, you will be prompted to save your changes. Select the “Yes”
button at the “Save point code table changes?” prompt to save any changes or select the
“No” button to discard any changes.
• To create a new point code table, select the “New” button. The New Point Code Table
dialog box will display. Enter the name of the new point code table and select “OK.”
• To delete a point code table, select the “Delete” button. The Deletion Status dialog will
display. Select the “Yes” button to delete the table.

308 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Up a Point Code Table

Note: Deleting the Point Code Table will permanently remove the file.
rUse the Point Codes area to edit the selected point code table.
• To create a new point code, select the “New” button. The New Point Code dialog box will
display as shown below.

New Point Code Dialog Box

Enter the description and number of the new code and select “OK.” The first point code number
will default to 25. Point code numbers 1-24 are reserved for the codes that are provided with
the program, or that will be included with the program in future releases. These codes are
preceded by an asterisk (*) in the point code table list to distinguish them from your custom
point codes.
• To delete a point code, select the “Delete” button. This will remove the point code from
the “Selection” list.
• To change the name of a point code, select the “Edit” button. This will display the Edit
Point Code dialog box. Enter the new name of the code and select “OK.”
• To save the changes made in the editor, select the “Save” button. This saves the edits
without exiting the dialog box.
sSelect “OK” to exit the command, or select “Cancel” to cancel the edits you’ve made.
To add custom point codes to your template, use the [Edit Template] command. See the “Editing a
Template” section below for more information.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 309

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Pre-Assigned Point Codes

The following table describes the point codes that are automatically assigned by Advanced Design
and are in every point code table. These are for the most part points that can’t be selected when
editing a template, such as ditch and slope points. You can edit the description of these points, but
you can’t change the definition of the point. You could, for example, change point code #1 from
“Centerline” to “CL.”
The following table lists the predefined point codes. On features that have two points, such as a
bench ledge, the inner point is the point that is nearest the centerline.
Pre-Assigned Point Codes
*1 Centerline The finished ground reference point
*2 Connection The template slope connection points
*3 Ditch The point on a V shaped ditch, or the inner ditch point with a width
*4 Ditch width The outer point of a ditch with an applied width
*5 Bench The inner point of a slope bench
*6 Bench width The outer point of a slope bench
*7 Stepped The break point of a stepped slope, the inner point of a stepped
*8 Stepped width The outer point of a stepped slope bench
*9 Surface The break point of a surface slope, the inner point of a surface bench
*10 Surface on The intermediate points of a surface bench
*11 Surface width The outer point of a surface bench
*12 Subsurface apex The crown of the subgrade surface at its depth point
*13 Subsurface Median The template subgrade inner superelevation break points
*14 Subsurface Break The template subgrade outer superelevation break points
*15 Subsurface inter The template subgrade/side slope intersection points
*16 Catch The point where the slope matches into existing ground

310 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Up a Point Code Table

Part IV: Cross Section Control

After you have created design templates, you need to apply these templates to the existing ground
cross sections. Using design control commands, you can apply a selected template or templates to
the existing ground surface and match the template into the existing ground.
You can use the design control commands to do the following:
• specify the template parameters to use
• define the ditch
• define the slope parameters
• attach horizontal and vertical transition alignments
• edit the superelevation parameters

Before applying the template to the existing ground cross sections, you must have completed the
following minimum prerequisites.
• define the horizontal alignment
• sample the existing ground profile from either a DTM surface or from a file
• create the profile
• define the vertical alignment for the finished centerline
• sample the existing ground cross sections from either the surface or a file
• draw, define, and edit the necessary templates and subassemblies

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 311

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Modifying Design Control

To apply the design control to the cross sections, you’ll first need to use the [Edit Design Control...]
command. After this initial step, there are a couple of ways you can go back and edit the design
control information:
• by a range of stations with the [Edit Design Control...] command
• by individual stations with the [View/Edit Sections...] command
When you use the [Edit Design Control...] command, you make edits through the Design Control
Editor. You can access a similar Control Editor, with options for editing the template, ditch, and
slope control, when you use the [View/Edit Sections] command. You can also use the [View/Edit
Sections] command to make edits graphically by picking points on the display of the cross section.
When you use the [Edit Design Control...] command to make changes to a range of stations, the
values that appear in the dialog are for the first section in the selected range and don’t necessarily
apply to the entire range. For example, if the ditch elevations were attached from the profile, each
section’s ditch elevation would be different but only the elevation for the first section in the range
would be displayed. Therefore, to edit the ditch elevations for the appropriate section, use the
[View/Edit Sections...] command.
When you are using the [Edit Design Control...] command, only the parameters that you change will
be reapplied to every section in the specified range. For example, if you only wanted to change the
ditch width, you would select the [Edit Design Control...] command, specify the station range, then
select the “Ditch” option and type in the new width value. When you select “OK” to exit the
command, the program will determine the parameters that you have changed and modify the sections
In this example, it would change the ditch width then recalculate the match slopes based on the new
width. However, the ditch elevation would remain as it was before this command was executed,
since you didn’t change it in the dialog box. This is an important point to understand when working
with [Edit Design Control...] and [View/Edit Sections...] commands. Because of this, any edits you
make to the ditch elevation at individual stations with the [View/Edit Sections] command will not
be overwritten.

312 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Using the [Edit Design Control...] Command

Using the [Edit Design Control...] Command

To apply a design template with corresponding slopes and ditches to the existing ground cross
sections for a range of stations, use the [Edit Design Control...] command. Use this command to
define the parameters used to apply a finished ground template to the existing ground cross sections.
When you make edits with this command, the command automatically processes the design cross
Use this command alternately with the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit the cross sections.
Whereas you'll specify a range of stations to edit with the [Edit Design Control...] command, you
can edit each section individually with the [View/Edit Sections] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...]. This displays the Enter
Station Range dialog box, shown below.

Enter Station Range Dialog Box

oEnter the starting and ending stations of the range to be edited and select “OK.” The range can
be any subset of the entire alignment. The defaults are the beginning station and ending station of
the sampled section data. Use a subset of the alignment to apply different templates or slope
criteria to different ranges of stations, or to do specialty transitions. The stations must be
entered as decimal values.
If you enter a station that was not sampled with the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] or
[Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command, then the command defaults to the next existing
Note: Do not enter a plus sign (+) in the station value. For example, enter "1000" for station
10+00 or 1+000.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 313

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The command then displays the Design Control dialog box as shown in the following

Design Control Dialog Box

The top half of this dialog box displays the current project; the current alignment name,
description, and number; and the current station range. The bottom half of the dialog box lists
the editing operations. You can do the following tasks using these editing options.
• Edit the template control. (“Template Control...” button)
• Edit the ditch control information. (“Ditches...” button)
• Edit the slope control information. (“Slopes...” button)
• Attach vertical transition data as defined by a vertical alignment to the cross sections.
(“Attach profiles...” button)
• Attach horizontal transition data as defined by a horizontal alignment to the cross sections.
(“Attach alignments...” button)
Select the button for the desired option or select “Cancel” to exit the Design Control dialog box.
Each of the operations available are discussed in the following sections.

314 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Specifying the Template Parameters to Use for
Processing Cross Sections

Specifying the Template Parameters to Use for

Processing Cross Sections
This section covers how to do the following:
• select the template and datum to use for cross sections
• edit superelevation for the template
• edit transitioning for the template
To do these steps, you’ll use the Template Control dialog box. You can access the Template Control
dialog box using both the [Edit Design Control...] command and the [View/Edit Sections] command.
See “Modifying Design Control” above for more information on the differences between these two
To select the template and datum to use, do the following:
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...].
oEnter the station range in the Enter Station Range dialog box and select “OK.”
pFrom the Design Control dialog box, select the "Template Control..." button. This will display
the following Template Control dialog box.

Template Control Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to set the parameters used to apply a template to a range of stations. Any
changes made to the settings using this option reprocesses the information for the affected
stations. The top half of this dialog box shows the current project and station range. Below
these are the options for template control.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 315

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

qFirst, you need to select the template to use. Either enter the template name in the "Template"
edit box or choose the "Select..." button to the right of this edit box to access the Template
Librarian dialog box.
rSelect the desired template and select “OK” to exit this dialog box. "NULLT" is a valid
template that consists of a single point. Select NULLT if you don’t need to use a template.
When you select the template, the datum line is automatically set to datum #1. This datum line is
used for the cut and fill volume calculations. When you defined the template, if it only had
normal surfaces, then you were prompted to select the points that defined the datum. If the
template had a subgrade surface, the datum line was defined automatically. Use the [Edit
Template] command to add additional datum line definitions to the template.
sIf you have defined more that one datum, then either type the datum number in the "Datum" edit
box or select the "Select..." button to access the Datum Librarian dialog box as shown below.

Datum Librarian Dialog Box

tHighlight the datum number you want to use from the scroll list. As you highlight a number, the
datum and a graphic representation of the template is displayed in the image tile. This is only a
representation of the template and the datum. It is only meant to aid in selecting the correct
datum and is not drawn to scale.
uAfter you’ve selected the desired datum number and verified the image, choose “OK” to select
the datum. Select “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without selecting a datum.

Editing the Template Superelevation Parameters

The Template Control dialog box also shows the current superelevation parameters. The first time
that you access the [Edit Design Control...] command to apply the template to the cross sections,
these options will be grayed out and will not be accessible until superelevation has been applied to
the cross sections with the [Superelevation Parameters...] command (see “Editing Superelevation
Curve Parameters” in this chapter for more information).
Typically you wouldn’t edit the superelevation options with this command. After defining the
superelevation parameters and processing the sections with the [Superelevation Parameters...]

316 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Specifying the Template Parameters to Use for
Processing Cross Sections

command, you should use the [View/Edit Sections] command to make any modifications to
accommodate special situations, such as intersections. These options appear here because the dialog
box can also be accessed by the “Control” option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to make
edits to individual sections.
However, there may be situations where you want to use these features to modify the parameters for
a range of stations. You could, in a situation where superelevation wasn’t required, use the
[Superelevation Parameters...] command to turn on superelevation but set the method to “none” for
any curves. The [Edit Design Control...] command would then display the grade of the
superelevation region which could be changed. The template may have been drawn with the grade at
2.0% and this method could be used to change it to 1.5%.
Note: Typically you won’t edit the superelevation options with the [Edit Design Control...]
command. Use the [View/Edit Sections] command, described below, to make any modifications to
the values calculated by the [Superelevation Parameters...] command.

Editing the Superelevation Control with the [View/Edit Sections] command

The best way to edit superelevation manually for individual sections is to use the [View/Edit
Sections] command. This way you can edit individual sections instead of a range.
Note: To apply superelevation, you need to define the superelevation region on the template. See
“Defining the Template Superelevation Regions” in the previous part of this chapter for more
nSelect [Sections] Î [View/Edit Sections...].
oMove to the cross section you want to edit by using the “Sta” option, and entering the number of
the station to move to. Or you can use the “Next” option to move through the stations.
pEnter the “Edit” option.
qFrom the Edit list, enter the “Control” option. This will display the Control Editor, as shown

View/Edit Sections Control Editor

rSelect the “Template Control...” button to display the Template Control dialog box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 317

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Note: The following steps describe superelevation options you can access with both the [Edit
Design Control...] command and the [View/Edit Sections] command.
sUse the popup list to set the pivot point. You can set the pivot point to the left or right edge of
the superelevation zone, or you can set it to be the centerline. This position is determined by the
superelevation method that was set with the [Superelevation Parameters...] command.
tSet the grades of the template superelevation zones in the Left, Center, and Right edit boxes.
Enter these grades as decimal values rather than percentages. The values display as ft/ft (e.g.
0.02 = 2%). A zero value in either the left, center, or right superelevation zones will indicate
the place where the template is held (hinge point).
The values for cross grades calculated by the Slope Control dialog box are displayed. The raw
condition is used in the cross grades calculations. You can edit other superelevation parameters
by using the [Superelevation Parameters...] command.
uThe Superelevation Rollover scroll box indicates the side of the template that shoulder rollover
will be applied to. The [Superelevation Parameters...] command will automatically set this side
based on the curve direction so that it is on the outer side of the curve. Toggle on the
“Rollover” check box, and then enter the rollover value in the edit box. The rollover rate is the
maximum allowable grade change between the superelevation region and the rollover region.
Enter the percentage as a decimal value in the center edit box, such as ".06" for 6 percent.
vUse the Subgrade Superelevation section to edit the type of superelevation that will be applied
to the subgrade surface of the template, if necessary. You will typically set the defaults for this
option when you use the [Superelevation Parameters...] command. See “Editing Superelevation
Curve Parameters” later in this chapter for an illustration of these methods. These options are
described below:
None: The subgrade surface will not be superelevated, and will maintain its location.
Parallel: The subgrade surface will superelevate parallel with the normal surface of the
template for the entire width of the subgrade.
Fixed Break: Using this option, the subgrade below the template superelevation region will
superelevate, and the subgrade outside of the superelevation region won’t. When you define a
template, you can use the "subgrade break point offset modifier" option to set the location of
this break point in relation to the outer superelevation point. If the default of 0.00 is used, then
the break point occurs directly below the outer superelevation point. If a positive value is
entered then the break point is shifted by that amount toward the centerline and a negative value
shifts it away from centerline.
Note: Since the subgrade surface will often be at a steeper grade than the normal surface, enter
values for the Transition In and the Transition Out in the Superelevation Subgrade Settings dialog
box. These distances control what distance it takes for the subgrade surface to adjust to a grade
where it will be parallel with the normal surface. Access this dialog box by selecting [Section] Î
[Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters] and then select the "Edit Data" and "Subgrades"

318 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Specifying the Template Parameters to Use for
Processing Cross Sections

Editing the Template Transitions with the [Edit Design Control...] command
Another option in the [Edit Design Control...] command’s Template Control dialog box is the
“Transitions” button. Select this button to display the Transitions dialog box.
When you use the [Edit Design Control...] command to attach a horizontal or vertical transition
alignment to a template, the appropriate check box in the Transitions dialog box is toggled on and
the offset or elevation is listed in the edit box. Since this value is for the first station in the station
range only, you will probably not want to edit it here. If you do, then the same value will be applied
to the entire station range.
If you want to turn off the transitioning of the alignment, use the [Edit Design Control...] command to
specify a range of stations, and then toggle off the appropriate check box in the Transitioning dialog
box. Then when the sections are reprocessed, the transitioning will not be applied.
To edit the transition values for individual stations, use the [View/Edit Sections] command,
described below.

Editing the Template Transitions with the [View/Edit Sections] command

To view and edit the transition offset and elevation values for selected stations, do the following.
Note: To apply transitions, you need to define the transition regions on the template. See “Defining
the Transition Regions of the Template” in the previous part of this chapter for more information.
nSelect [Sections] Î [View/Edit Sections...].
oMove to the station you want to edit by using the “Sta” or “Next” options.
pEnter the “Edit” option.
qFrom the Edit list, enter the “Control” option. This will display the Control Editor.
rSelect the “Template Control...” button.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 319

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

sSelect the "Edit Transitions" button to display the Transitions dialog box, as shown in the
following illustration.

Transitions Dialog Box

Note: The following steps describe superelevation options you can access with both the [Edit
Design Control...] command and the [View/Edit Sections] command.
This dialog box displays the left and right transition offset and elevation values.
If you attach a horizontal alignment, then the offset value will be listed in the "First Offset" edit
box, for the right or left side accordingly. A negative offset will cause the transition control
point on the template to cross to the opposite side of the centerline.
If you attach a vertical alignment, then the elevation value will be listed in the "First Elevation"
edit box.
The Transitions dialog box supports up to eight transitions per side. The initial Transitions
dialog box displays the first through fourth transition. Select the “More...” button to work on the
fifth through eighth transitions.
The "Subgrade transition elevation" edit box in the Transitions dialog box records the elevation
of the subgrade at the centerline at the specified station. To transition the subgrade elevation,
you can draw a vertical alignment in profile view and define it as a vertical transition line.
Then you can attach this alignment to the template using the "Attach Profiles" option of the [Edit
Design Control...] command.
tToggle the offset distances and elevations on and off using the check boxes. If you toggle off a
check box, then when the sections are reprocessed, the transitioning will not be applied.

320 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Specifying the Template Parameters to Use for
Processing Cross Sections

uEdit the values in the edit boxes to the right of each toggle. The offsets and elevations are used
to control the points on the template that you defined as transition points. A negative offset
distance value forces that offset to the opposite side of the centerline so that features such as
medians can be forced across the centerline. Note that these are actual offsets rather than
Note: Although you can define transition offsets and elevations through the Transitions dialog
box, the standard method for defining transitions is to use the Attach Alignments and Attach
Profiles dialog boxes that are accessed from the Design Control dialog box. These boxes assign
the offset distances and elevations graphically based on defined alignments. Then you can use
the Transitions dialog box, accessed through the [View/Edit Sections] command, to edit
individual sections.
vAfter you've made edits to the transitioning, select "OK" repeatedly to exit out to the [View/Edit
Sections] command line. The section is automatically updated with the changes you've made.
wIf you accessed this dialog box through the [Edit Design Control...] command, then the sections
will be reprocessed. When the sections are done processing, select “OK” to exit the command.
To update the horizontal or vertical transition lines with the changes, use the [Import Plan Lines] or
[Import Profile] commands from the [Ditch/Transition] section of the Section menu.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 321

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Attaching Alignment Transitions to Cross Sections

You can also use the Design Control dialog box to attach horizontal and vertical transitions to the
cross sections. See this section for information on how to attach a horizontal transition line. See
"Attaching Profile Transitions to the Cross Sections" below for information on attaching vertical
transition lines.
The alignments you attach can be transition lines, ditches, or right-of-ways. The transition lines will
be attached to the transition control points you define on the template.

• In order to attach a horizontal alignment to the cross sections, you must first define a horizontal
transition alignment using either the [Define From Entities] or [Define From Polyline] command
from the Align pull-down menu. You draw and define a transition alignment just like you do for
a centerline. See the Advanced Design tutorial for an example of drawing a horizontal transition
• For transitions to be applied to the template, the appropriate transition regions must have been
defined on the template using the [Edit Template...] command.

Attaching the Alignment

nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...].
oEnter the station range you want to edit in the Enter Station Range dialog box and select “OK.”
pFrom the Design Control dialog box, select the "Attach Alignments..." button. This displays the
Attach Alignments dialog box as shown below.

Attach Alignments Dialog Box

This dialog box has buttons you can select to attach the defined horizontal alignments. These
alignments include the ditches and right-of-ways.

322 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Attaching Alignment Transitions to Cross Sections

qSelect the button indicating the horizontal alignment transition to attach. Select a numbered
button to attach a transition line to the control point on the template. Selecting the “One” button
on the right side, for example, will attach the alignment you select in step 4 below to the first
transition control point on the template. ROWs and Ditches are separate since they are not
defined as part of the template.
rNext, select the alignment to attach. The command changes to the AutoCAD graphics screen and
prompts for the selection of the alignment to be attached. The wording of the prompt depends on
the transition to be attached. For example, if you selected the “One” button on the left side of the
dialog box, the following prompt is displayed.
Select first left offset alignment:

You can either select the alignment graphically, or you can press <Enter> and select the
alignment from the Alignment Librarian dialog box.
sAfter you’ve selected the alignment, the Attach Alignments dialog box redisplays. Either select
another transition to attach or select “OK” to exit the dialog box.
tIn the Design Control dialog box, select “OK” to process the sections. The Process Sections
dialog box will display.
uWhen the sections are processed, select “OK” to exit the command. The offsets at each sampled
cross section are calculated from the horizontal alignment and stored. You can edit these values
for individual stations if necessary by using the [View/Edit Sections] command.
Note: You can turn off an attached alignment using the check boxes in the Transitions dialog box.
The transitions are not dynamically linked to the editor. If you make any changes to an attached
alignment, you must reattach it using the Attach Alignments... option.
Now that you’ve attached offsets using the Attach Alignments option, you can edit the transition line
offsets for individual sections using the [View/Edit Sections] command, or for a range using the
[Edit Design Control...] command.
To edit the ditch offsets, you can use the ditch editing options of the [View/Edit Sections] command,
or you can use the ditch control editor in the [Edit Design Control...] command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 323

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Attaching Profile Transitions to the Cross Sections

Using the Design Control dialog box you can also attach profile transitions to the cross sections.
These profiles can represent ditches, subgrade surfaces, or any of eight transition regions.

• Before you can attach a vertical transition line, you need to draw and define it. Draw and define
a vertical transition line using the Ditches and Transitions section of the Profile menu. Set the
current layer, draw the alignment, and define the alignment. This is the way that the vertical
transitions and ditches acquire their unique numbered definitions.
• For transitions to be applied to the template, the appropriate transition regions must have been
defined on the template using the [Edit Template...] command.

Attaching a profile
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...].
oEnter the station range you want to edit in the Enter Station Range dialog box and select “OK.”
pFrom the Design Control dialog box, select the “Attach profiles...” button.
The Attach Profiles dialog box will display, as shown below. You can use this dialog box to
import ditch or transitions elevations from an existing profile.

Attach Profiles Dialog Box

When you defined the vertical ditch or transition line, you specified whether it was the right or
left ditch, or a numbered transition line. Because of this, you can just select the numbered button
(or the ditch button) to attach the alignment. In this way, attaching a profile differs from
attaching a horizontal alignment, where you select a numbered button, and then you are
prompted to select an alignment.

324 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Attaching Profile Transitions to the Cross Sections

qSelect the button that indicates the transition the elevations will be attached from. The command
then retrieves the elevations from the appropriate profile. The elevations at each sampled cross
section are calculated from the transition profile and stored. If a profile has been attached, it
can be toggled off using the check boxes in the Transitions dialog box.
rTo attach the subgrade profile, select the “Subgrade” button. This task is similar to attaching a
horizontal alignment to the cross sections, since you will be prompted to select the alignment.
You can select the subgrade alignment on the graphics screen, or you can press <Enter> to
access the Alignment Librarian dialog box. See “Attaching a subgrade vertical alignment”
below for more information.
Note: To apply transitions to the template, the appropriate transition regions must have been
defined on the template using the [Edit Template...] command.
sSelect “OK” to exit the Attach Profiles dialog box.
tIn the Design Control dialog box, select “OK” to process the sections. The Process Sections
dialog box will display.
uWhen the sections are processed, select “OK” to exit the command.
Note: The profiles are not dynamically linked to the editor. If you make any changes to the profiles,
they must be reattached using this option.
Now that you’ve attached elevations using the Attach Profiles option, you can edit the transition line
elevations for individual sections using the [View/Edit Sections] command, or for a range using the
[Edit Design Control...] command.
To edit the ditch elevations, you can use the ditch editing options of the [View/Edit Sections]
command, or you can use the ditch control editor in the [Edit Design Control...] command.

Attaching a subgrade vertical alignment

You can also draw, define, and attach a vertical alignment to the template subgrade surface apex.
The profile does not support subgrade profile definitions, but you can use one of the 16 available
transition profile definitions if it’s not being used to control a template transition point.
Draw this alignment for the elevation at the apex of subgrade. Define this alignment as a numbered
transition line. Then, to attach it, select the “Attach Profiles” button. A dialog box will display
where you can select the subgrade alignment. You just need to remember the transition number you
used when you defined it.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 325

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Setting Ditch Control Values

Using the Design Control dialog box you can also set the design control values for ditches.
Note: When you attach a vertical alignment for a ditch, the ditch elevations are recorded in the
Ditch Control Editor. See “Attaching Ditch Elevations as a Vertical Alignment” at the end of this
description for more information.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...].
oEnter the station range you want to edit in the Enter Station Range dialog box and select “OK.”
pFrom the Design Control dialog box, select the "Ditches..." button to display the Ditch Control
dialog box.

Ditch Control Dialog Box

qYou can define ditches for cut, fill, or cut and fill situations, or you can turn them off
completely. Set the ditch type for each side by using the popup lists.
rDefine ditches using foreslope and centerline offset, or one of these two parameters with either
depth or base elevation.
Note: Only two of the ditch parameters can be entered at a time. If less than two parameters are
entered, ditches are not applied. If more than two options are toggled on, then a warning
message will be displayed and you will need to correct the situation. The command calculates
the other parameters automatically.
Toggle on or off the foreslope, centerline offset, depth, depth from hinge, or base elevation.
Enter each value in the edit box to the left of the toggle.
• The foreslope is the slope from the template connection point to the ditch.
• The centerline offset is the distance from the centerline to the inner edge of the ditch.

326 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Ditch Control Values

• The depth is the vertical distance of the ditch and can be measured from either the top of
the foreslope or the finished ground reference point of the template. Enter the depth of the
ditch as a positive value.
• The base elevation is the true elevation of the bottom of the ditch. If this option is used, the
elevations are usually retrieved from the profile using the “Attach profiles” option as
described in the next section.
• The base width is the width of the bottom of the ditch.
All of the ditch values are shown in the following illustration.

Ditch Design Parameters

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 327

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

sThe check box marked "Depth from hinge" controls how the depth of the ditch is measured.
When this option is toggled on, the depth of the ditch is measured down from the top of the ditch
foreslope. When this option is toggled off, the depth is measured down from the finished ground
centerline reference point. This toggle is used in conjunction with the Depth value. The
following illustration shows the difference in depth calculations based on the setting of this

Ditch Depth Parameters

tWhen you have entered the ditch parameters, select “OK.” In the Design Control dialog box,
select “OK” to process the sections.
uThe Process Sections dialog box will display. When the sections are processed, select “OK” to
exit the command.

Attaching Ditch Elevations as a Vertical Alignment

Another way to enter the base elevation of the ditch is to use elevations from a profile. Use the
"Attach profiles..." button from the Design Control dialog box to attach these elevations. The base
elevation must be toggled on to use this method. If the [Edit Design Control...] command is not
applying ditches to the sections when it should be, make sure that the two relative ditch parameters
are toggled on.
Ditches are connected to the end of the template after all elements of the template are applied
(subassemblies, curbs, and shoulders). Slopes and benches are added after the ditches.

Accessing Ditch Control through the View/Edit Sections Command

The Ditch Control dialog box can also be accessed through the [View/Edit Sections...] command.
nSelect the [View/Edit Sections...] command

328 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting Ditch Control Values

oEnter the “Edit” option.

pFrom the Edit list, enter the “Control” option. This will display the Control Editor.
qSelect the “Ditches...” button. You can use this option to make individual edits to the current
station, whereas the [Edit Design Control...] command applies edits to a range of stations.
You can also edit the ditches graphically using the [View/Edit Sections] command. See “Editing the
Ditch for the Current Cross Section” later in this chapter for more information.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 329

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Cross Section Slope Information

Using the Design Control dialog box you can also set design control values for slopes. If you plan on
using either the stepped, surface or depth slope types, you first need to define the required slope
tables. For example, if you plan on using depth controlled slopes, first use the [Depth Slopes...]
command to define the slope parameters.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...].
oEnter the station range you want to edit in the Enter Station Range dialog box and select “OK.”
pFrom the Design Control dialog box, select the “Slopes...” button to display the Slope Control
dialog box.

Slope Control Dialog Box

The Slope Control dialog box displays the cross section information for the specified range of
stations. Use this dialog box to set the slope parameters for applying the template to the existing
ground. The section processing determines where the end condition lies for each side of the
template and applies either the cut or fill information.
qThe first item in the dialog box controls whether the match slopes will be turned on or off. The
“Match Slopes OFF” check box will turn off all slopes for a specified range of stations. The
slopes are turned on by default. Use this check box to turn off the slopes when working with
elevated roadways where the only volumes of interest are the proposed materials, such as when
a section of the roadway passes over a bridge. No cut and fill areas or volumes will be
generated for stations where the match slope is turned off.

330 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Cross Section Slope Information

rNext, set the fill type. For a fill condition, there are three slope types listed in the popup list:
simple, depth, and stepped.
The simple type uses a straight slope from the connection point out of the template or the ditch
base to where the slope matches into the existing ground. Right-of-way control or benching can
be applied to simple slopes.
The depth type uses a single slope that varies for different depths. For example, a fill situation
of eight (8) feet may use a different slope than a fill situation of five (5) feet. Right-of-way
control or benching can be applied to depth control slopes. Enter the depths and slopes using
the [Depth Slopes...] command.
The stepped type uses variable slopes and benches as the slope passes through different
variable depth ranges. When the right-of-way hold is on and the stepped slope exceeds the
right-of-way, the stepped slope values are ignored and a simple slope pins into the right-of-
way. The benching option (see step 8) cannot be applied to stepped slope types since benching
is defined as part of the stepped slope criteria. Enter the depths, slopes, bench widths and
bench cross grades using the [Stepped Slopes...] command.
sNext, set the cut type. For a cut condition, there are four slope types. In addition to the three
mentioned above in the “Fill Condition” section, there is a surface type.
The surface slope type is used to apply different slope conditions through different types of
existing ground material. Multiple existing ground cross section surfaces are defined by
sampling from multiple DTM surfaces or by defining subsurface depths with the [Edit
Sections...] command. The surface the cut slope is passing through determines the slope used.
The surface type can also be used to create ledges at places where the surface changes. This is
useful for situations in which the cut is passed through a layer of rock. This ledge can either
follow the surface or bench at a set grade. When the right-of-way hold is on and the surface
slope exceeds the right-of-way, the surface slope values are ignored and a simple slope pins
into the right-of-way. Set the surface name, slope, and ledge width using the [Surface Slopes...]
command. The benching option (see step 8) cannot be applied to surface slope types.
tNext, if simple slopes are being used set the typical and maximum slope parameters. These
parameters set the slopes for cut and fill situations on the left and right side of the template. The
typical and maximum slopes are used by simple slopes. The other three slope options only use
these values when the necessary data has not been inserted using the appropriate slope editor.
With simple slopes, the typical design slopes are used wherever possible.
Note: The maximum design slopes are only used in cases where the typical design slope fails
to match to existing ground within the right-of-way when the right-of-way hold is toggled on.
They are also used when the typical design slope fails to match to existing ground within the
sample swath width when the right-of-way hold is toggled off.
If the design slope fails to match within the limitations of the existing ground, the template is
forced to tie into the edge of the existing ground using whatever slope is necessary. If this
happens, resample existing ground using a wider swath width and reprocess the cross sections.
If ditches or benches are not used, the slope starts from the outer connection point of the
outermost subassembly and matches into the existing surface. If ditches are used, the slope starts

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 331

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

from the outer edge of the defined ditch and matches into the existing ground. A slope of zero
(0) creates a vertical line.
uThe next area of the dialog box sets the right-of-ways parameters. If an offset distance is
specified here, the offset distance remains constant throughout the range of stations.
Alternatively, defined horizontal alignments can be specified to graphically indicate the offset
distances using the Attach Alignments option from the Design Control dialog box. By attaching
alignments to the offset distances, transitioning and stretching can be dealt with graphically
rather than mathematically.
The following illustration shows the right-of-way parameters.

Right-Of-Way Parameters

The right-of-way hold is used in conjunction with the typical and maximum slopes. If the
“Hold” check box is toggled off, only the typical slope is used. If the right-of-way hold is
toggled on, then the typical slope is used unless it exceeds the right-of-way offset. If this occurs,
then the slope matches into the right-of-way line and increases the slope. Note that the stepped
and material slope control types should not be used when the right-of-way hold is on. If either a
stepped or a material slope type is indicated with the right-of-way hold on and the slope
exceeds the right-of-way, then the command reverts to a simple slope. This also holds true for
vThe next area of the dialog box sets the parameters for the left and right benches. Benches can
be used in cut situations, fill situations, cut and fill situations, or they can be turned off. These
options are shown in the popup lists.
You can apply benches to simple or depth control slopes. The slopes between benches are
defined by the simple or depth slopes settings. Enter the height between benching, the bench

332 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Cross Section Slope Information

width, and the bench grade in the appropriate edit boxes. The height is an absolute value
specifying where to bench (the vertical distance between benches). The bench width is the
width of the bench. The bench grade is the grade along the bench. A positive grade indicates the
bench is sloped upwards as the bench moves away from the template. A negative grade
indicates the bench is sloped downwards as the bench moves away from the template.
Note: Benching parameters are ignored if you are using stepped or surface slopes. You can
only apply benches to simple or depth slopes.

Bench Design Parameters

Note that if existing ground is crossed in the middle of the bench, the command matches into the
existing ground without benching at that point. Therefore, the height at that point may be higher
than the defined height.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 333

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

If the right-of-way hold is on and the benched typical slope exceeds the right-of-way, then
benches are turned off and simple slopes pin into the right-of-way.
If the right-of-way hold is off and the benched typical slope exceeds the edge of existing
ground, then benches are turned off and the simple typical slope is used. If the simple typical
slope exceeds the edge of existing ground, then the slope is pinned into the edge of existing
ground. If this happens, then resample the alignment using the
[Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command and specify a larger swath width.
You can use benches in conjunction with simple and depth slope types. If you are using a depth
slope type, the depth determines the slope between benches. Benches are ignored with the
stepped and material slope types. If either a stepped or material slope type is indicated and
benching is on, then the benching values are not used. Stepped and surface slopes have their
own benching capabilities.
wWhen you have entered the slope parameters, select “OK.” In the Design Control dialog box,
select “OK” to process the sections. The Process Sections dialog box will display. When the
sections are processed, select “OK” to exit the command.

Accessing Slope Control through the View/Edit Sections Command

You can also access the Slope Control dialog box through the [View/Edit Sections...] command.
nSelect the [View/Edit Sections...] command.
oEnter the “Edit” option.
pFrom the Edit list, enter the “Control” option. This will display the Control Editor,
qSelect the “Slopes...” button. You can use this option to make individual edits to the current
station, whereas the [Edit Design Control...] command applies edits to a range of stations.

334 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Depth Controlled Slope Parameters

Editing the Depth Controlled Slope Parameters

The [Edit Design Control...] command creates cross sections using the information set in the Design
Control Editor. When calculating depth slope information, it also uses parameters set with the
[Depth Slopes...] command. A depth controlled slope type uses different slopes for different depths
to match. For example, a fill situation of eight feet may use a different slope than a fill situation of
five feet.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Depth Slopes...]. This command accesses the Depth
Control Editor dialog box, which displays the current depth control values.

Depth Control Editor Dialog Box

These values are used in conjunction with the depth control slope type described in the “Editing
the Cross Section Slope Information” section above.
The information generated in the Depth Control Editor dialog box is stored in an ASCII file
named after the current alignment with the .dcn file extension. This file is saved in the \align
subdirectory of the project directory. The information saved in this file can be edited using any
text editor, provided it is saved as ASCII text and can be used with any other cross section
command. Comments can also be added to the data. Use a semi-colon (;) or a pound sign (#) to
indicate the beginning of a comment.
oUse the Vertical Depth Measure check box to determine how the depth is measured for depth
control slopes. By default the "Vertical depth measure" check box is toggled off.
If the "Vertical depth measure" check box is toggled off, then the depth is measured between the
connection point out of the template and the catch point. To do this, the typical slope that is
entered in the Slope Control dialog box in the [Edit Design Control...] command is used as the
initial slope. A depth is calculated along the typical slope then the slope is adjusted based on
the depth control criteria starting with the first slope listed in the Depth Control Editor. It is

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 335

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

recommended that the flattest slope in the Depth Control Editor be used for the typical slope
entered in the Slope Control dialog box in the [Edit Design Control...] command.
If the "Vertical depth measure" check box is toggled on, then the depth that is used to calculate
the slope is measured from the connection point out of the template vertically to the existing
pThe Pin Override check box controls how slopes are matched to the existing ground in cases
where the specified slope exceeds the edge of existing ground. By default the “Pin override”
check box is toggled off. If the “Pin override” check box is toggled off, and the starting slope in
the “Depth Control Editor” exceeds the edge of existing ground, then the slope is pinned into the
edge of existing ground. If the “Pin override” check box is toggled on, then the command
searches through the depth control criteria and applies the first slope that will match into the
existing ground without exceeding the edge of existing ground. If no slope is found in the depth
control criteria which matches within the edge of existing ground, then the slope is pinned into
the edge of existing ground.
qUse the table to enter values for the depth, the fill typical and maximum slopes, and the cut
typical and maximum slope. Depths are measured relative to the existing ground. The first depth
should always be zero (0). The slopes that are entered are applied from the depth they are
associated with, to the next depth below. Depths are always presented in a sorted order. When
you add a new depth, the command automatically inserts it in the proper place. The following
illustration shows depth control slopes.

Depth Control Slopes

rUse the H, U,∧, ∨:, D, E buttons to navigate through the lines and pages of slope information.
H: This button moves the cursor to the first line of information.
U: This button moves the cursor up one page.
∧: This button moves the cursor up one line.
∨: This button moves the cursor down one line.
D: This button moves the cursor down one page.
E: This button moves the cursor to the last line of information.

336 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Depth Controlled Slope Parameters

sUse the Insert button to insert a new depth or enter the new depth in a blank field at the end of
the list. Enter the values for the depth, the typical and maximum fill slopes and the typical and
maximum cut slopes. The depth is inserted in the correct sorted order automatically.
The typical and maximum slopes for depth slopes work the same as with simple slopes. The
typical slope value is used except when ROW control is toggled on and the slope catch point
exceeds the ROW offset. The slope will then be increased so that the catch point is located at
the ROW offset unless it exceeds the maximum slope, in which case the maximum slope is held
and the catch point will exceed the ROW offset.
tUse the Delete button to remove a depth and all its associated information. A warning dialog
box is displayed before deleting the depth. Select the “Yes” button to delete the selected depth.
uUse the Save button to save changes, without exiting the Depth Control Editor dialog box. When
you are finished making changes, select “OK” to exit the dialog box, or “Cancel” to exit the
command without making changes.
Note: If you make changes in the Depth Control Editor, you must reprocess the cross sections using
the [Process Sections] command. See the “Processing a Range of Stations” section below.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 337

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Stepped Controlled Slope Parameters

The [Edit Design Control...] command creates cross sections using the information set in the Design
Control Editor. When calculating stepped slopes, it also uses parameters set with the [Stepped
Slopes...] command.
The stepped controlled slope type is similar to the depth type, except instead of using one slope, the
stepped type can change the slope as it passes through the depth range and can add benches at set
A new feature of Advanced Design is the option to design stepped slopes either down or up from the
hinge point.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Stepped Slopes]. The Stepped Control Editor dialog
box will display, showing the current stepped control values.

Stepped Control Editor Dialog Box

These values are used in conjunction with the slopes set with the [Edit Design Control...]
command. See “Editing the Cross Section Slope Information” above for more information.
The information generated in the Stepped Control Editor dialog box is stored in an ASCII file
named after the current alignment with the extension .pcn. This file is saved in the \align
subdirectory of the project directory. You can edit the information saved in this file using any
text editor, provided the file is saved as ASCII text. This file can also be used with any other
cross section command. You can also add comments to the data. Use a semi-colon (;) or a
pound sign (#) to indicate the beginning of a comment.
oThe next part of the dialog box controls the stepped direction. Select either “Match to Hinge” or
“Hinge to Match.” When the toggle is set to “Hinge to Match,” the depths are applied from the

338 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Stepped Controlled Slope Parameters

hinge point towards the match surface. The hinge point is the outer edge of the ditch or, if
ditches aren’t being used, the connection point on the template.
The changes in elevation that can be created by the optional benches are not counted in the
depth calculations. The depth used at each slope segment is the difference of the current depth
and the previous depth. For example, if you enter depths of 5-10-15-25 into the table, the length
of the segments will be 5-5-5-10.
pUse the table to enter the values for the depth, the fill slope, the cut slope, the base width, and
the base grade. The base width and grade are used to create benches with the stepped slope
type. The first depth should be zero (0). Benches are applied at the indicated depth and slopes
are applied from the depth they are associated with, to the next depth below. Depths are always
presented in a sorted order. When a new depth is added, the command automatically inserts it in
the proper place.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 339

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following illustration shows stepped control slopes.


Stepped Control Slopes

qUse the H, U, ∧,∨, D, E buttons to navigate through the lines and pages of slope information.
H: This button moves the cursor to the first line of information.
U: This button moves the cursor up one page.
∧: This button moves the cursor up one line.
∨: This button moves the cursor down one line.
D: This button moves the cursor down one page.
E: This button moves the cursor to the last line of information.

340 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Stepped Controlled Slope Parameters

rUse the Insert button to insert a new depth. Enter the values for the depth, the typical fill slope,
the typical cut slope, the base width, and the base grade. The depth is inserted in the correct
sorted order automatically.
sUse the Delete button to remove an indicated depth and all its associated information. A
Warning dialog box is displayed before deleting the depth. Select the “Yes” button to delete the
selected depth.
tSelect the Save button to save changes without exiting the Stepped Control Editor dialog box.
Select “OK” to exit the dialog box and save the edits, or select “Cancel” to exit the command
without making changes.
Note: If you make changes in the Stepped Control Editor, then you must reprocess the cross sections
using the [Process Sections] command. See the “Processing a Range of Stations” section below.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 341

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Surface Controlled Slope Parameters

The [Edit Design Control...] command creates cross sections using the information set in the Design
Control Editor. When calculating surface slope information, it also uses parameters set with the
[Surface Slopes...] command.
The [Surface Slopes...] command sets the slopes used with the surface controlled match slopes. The
surface controlled slope type is similar to the depth type, but instead of changing slope at a
particular depth, it changes slope at the places where the surface changes. The surface the cut slope
is passing through determines the slope used. The surface type can also be used to create ledges at
places where the surface changes. This is useful for situations in which the cut passes through a
layer of rock. This ledge can either be set to follow the surface or it can be set to bench at a
specified grade.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Surface Slopes...]. The Surface Control Editor dialog
box will display, showing the current surface control values.

Surface Control Editor Dialog Box

These values are used only in conjunction with the surface control slope type set with the [Edit
Design Control...] command. See “Editing the Cross Section Slope Information” above for
more information on this command.
The information generated in the Surface Control Editor dialog box is saved in an ASCII file
named after the current alignment with the .scn file extension. This file is saved in the \align
subdirectory of the project directory. You can edit the information saved in this file using any
text editor, provided the file is saved as ASCII text. This file can also be used with any other
cross section command. You can also add comments to the data. Use a semi-colon (;) or a
pound sign (#) to indicate the beginning of a comment.

342 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Surface Controlled Slope Parameters

oThe list box has columns for displaying the surface, the slope, the width, and the grade value.
To create a new surface, select the “New” button. The New Surface Values dialog box will
display. Enter the surface name, the slope, and the width.
pCheck the “Grade” check box if you want the bench to follow a grade rather than the surface,
and then enter the grade value in the edit box. If you leave the “Grade” box unchecked, the
bench will follow the surface.
qTo edit an existing surface, highlight it and select the “Edit” button, and then enter the new
values in the Edit Surface Values dialog box.
The following illustration shows surface control slopes.

Surface Control Slopes

qUse the Delete button to remove the selected surface. This button removes an indicated surface
and all its associated information.
rUse the Save button to save changes without exiting the Surface Control Editor dialog box.
Select “OK” to exit the dialog box and save the edits, or select “Cancel” to exit the command
without making changes.
Note: If you make changes in the Surface Control Editor, then you must reprocess the cross sections
using the [Process Sections] command. See the following section, “Processing a Range of Stations.”

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 343

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Processing a Range of Stations

Use the [Process Sections] command to process the design control for a specified range of stations.
All of the Design Control commands reprocess the sections automatically when any changes are
made to the design control except the depth, stepped, and surface slope control editors.
You only need to use the [Process Sections] command if you’ve made changes to these slope editor
files or if you’ve made changes outside of the [Edit Design Control...] command, such as editing the
vertical alignment with Profile commands, editing the template definition using the
[Edit Template...] command, or resampling the existing ground sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Process Sections].
The Enter Station Range dialog box will display as shown below.

Enter Station Range Dialog Box

oEnter the starting and ending stations of the range to be edited and then select “OK.” The range
can be any subset of the entire alignment. Use a subset of the alignment to apply different
templates to different ranges of stations or to do specialty transitions. The defaults are the
starting and ending stations of the current alignment. The stations which determine the desired
range must be entered as decimal values.
If you enter a station that was not sampled with the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] or
[Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command, the command defaults to the next existing station.
Note: Do not enter a plus sign (+) in the station value. For example, enter "1000" for station
10+00 or 1+000.

344 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Processing a Range of Stations

After entering the starting and ending stations, the following Process Status dialog box is

Process Status Dialog Box

This is strictly an informational dialog box that displays information about the current alignment
and the station range.
pReview the information and select “OK” to continue.
If errors occur during the processing of the sections, the Section Processing Status dialog box is
displayed as shown below.

Select the “View Errors” button to display the error(s) that occurred during the processing of the
sections, or select “OK” to continue. You can print the errors to a file by selecting the “Print to
File” button on the Control Processing Errors dialog box or send them directly to a printer by
selecting the “Print” button.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 345

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Displaying the Processing Error Messages

To display any error messages that have been generated while processing sections, do the
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Display Control Errors...] to display the Control
Processing Errors dialog box.
oUse the scroll bar to the right of the error messages to move through the list of messages. All of
the possible messages are shown in the following list:

Warning: Station: {Station} Left slope pinned to ROW

Warning: Station: {Station} Left slope pinned to end
Warning: Station: {Station} Left slope pin override used
Warning: Station: {Station} Right slope pinned to ROW
Warning: Station: {Station} Right slope pinned to end
Warning: Station: {Station} Right slope pin override used
Warning: Station: {Station} Template larger than cross section
Warning: Station: {Station} No vertical exists
Warning: Station: {Station} No valid template assigned
Station: {Station} No cross section defined
Station: {Station} No crown or left EOP found, super set to 0.
Station: {Station} No crown or right EOP found super set to 0.
Template {Template} not found in template subdirectory.
Datum surface <{Datum}>, not found.
Top surface <{Top Surface}>, not found.

If the "Warning: Station: {Station} No vertical exists" error message is displayed, it means that
there are not any finished ground profiles defined at that station. If the "Station: {Station} No
cross section defined" error message is displayed, it means that there is not any existing ground
cross section information. To remedy this error, use the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] or
[Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command to sample the cross section information.
pUse the “Print To File” button to print the error messages to a file. A prompt is displayed for
the file name. Use the “Print” button to sent the error messages to a printer.

346 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Resetting the Cross Section Processing Settings

Resetting the Cross Section Processing Settings

Use the [Reset Section Control] command to reset the template control file to reflect the current
project settings. Use this command to revert a data set to the default values.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Reset Section Control]. The following dialog box is

Reset Control Warning Dialog Box

oSelect the "Yes" button to reset the control values. If you select Yes, all Design Control
information that has been applied to the templates will be overwritten by the values set for
Design Control with the [Project Settings...] in the [AEC] Î [Softdesk Settings] menu. All
stations in the alignment now use the default values for applying the template to cross sections.
Select the "No" button to end the command without resetting the values.
Note: You’ll need to reprocess the cross sections with the [Process Sections] command before the
new values take effect.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 347

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Displaying Design Control for a Station at a Time

nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Display Design Control...] to display the Design
Control Parameters dialog box. You cannot edit the values in this dialog box.

Design Control Parameters Dialog Box

oUse the Next, Previous, and Station buttons to move between stations.
pUse the “Benches...” button to view the left and right bench information. In the Benches dialog
box, use the Next, Previous, and Station buttons to move between stations.
qUse the “Transitions...” button to view information about the left and right transitions. The first
through fourth transitions are displayed in the initial Transitions dialog box. Select the
“More...” button to display the fifth through eighth transitions. Use the Next, Previous, and
Station buttons to move between stations.
rSelect “OK” to exit the command.

348 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Displaying Actual Control for a Station at a Time

Displaying Actual Control for a Station at a Time

nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Display Actual Control...] to view the actual control
parameters that were applied at each station, including catch point offsets and elevations. You
cannot edit these values in this screen.

Actual Control Parameters Dialog Box

The top portion of the dialog box displays the alignment name, current station, template name,
and centerline elevation. The cut and fill areas are also displayed.
oUse the “Next” button to display the next station, the “Previous” button to display the previous
station, and the “Station” button to skip to a station.
pSelect “OK” to exit the command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 349

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Outputting the Control Parameters

Use the [Output to File] command to output the design or actual control parameters to a text file for a
desired station range.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Output to File].
oEnter the file name, including the file extension.
pEnter the desired range of stations for the output. The default values are the beginning and
ending stations.
qEnter the type of report to print: design or actual. The command then creates the desired report.

Editing Superelevation Curve Parameters

To display and edit all information concerning curves and their associated superelevation data, use
the [Superelevation Parameters...] command. When you have used this command to turn on and
define superelevations, the Template Control dialog box in the [Edit Design Control...] command
will display the superelevation information.
There are a couple of prerequisites to using this command. First you must define the superelevation
regions on the template using the [Edit Template...] command, then you must apply the template to
the sections using the [Edit Design Control...] command.
Note: You must define superelevation regions on the template using the SRfcon/Super option of
[Edit Template...] command.
The first time you select the [Superelevation Parameters...] command for an alignment, the
horizontal alignment information is automatically retrieved so you don’t need to select the Import
Alignment option. This was a new feature with release 7.5 of Advanced Design. In previous
versions you first had to select the Import Alignment option before you could edit the superelevation
Another new feature of Advanced Design is the use of speed tables for creating horizontal curves. If
a speed table was used to create the curves on the alignment, then when the alignment is defined the
superelevation information from the table for those curves is applied automatically to the
superelevation parameters. This includes the maximum e value, and the runoff lengths and percent
runoff when spirals are included.
Note: If you used speed tables to create the horizontal curves, don’t use the Import Alignment option
in the [Superelevation Parameters...] command unless absolutely necessary. It will overwrite the
superelevation parameters that were generated with the speed table with the defaults project setting

350 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing Superelevation Curve Parameters

nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters...] to display the

Superelevation Control dialog box, as shown below.

Superelevation Control Dialog Box

This dialog box shows all the options for defining and editing superelevation parameters.
Review the information about the current alignment at the top of the dialog box.
oToggle on the “Superelevation calculations” check box if you are going to superelevate the
cross sections. If this check box is toggled off, the Template Control dialog box will display the
superelevation control as unavailable information.
Note: To apply superelevation, you must toggle on the “Superelevation calculations” toggle. If
superelevation is toggled on and is not being applied correctly, check the superelevation
definition of the template using the [Edit Template...] command.
pCheck the “Crown removal by runout distance” check box on or off depending on your design
criteria. This check box controls the crown removal point by the runout distance. When you
check this box on, the rate the roadway is superelevated between the normal crown and the
removed crown will be constant.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 351

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following illustration demonstrates how superelevation is affected by having this check box
turned on. The illustration shows the rate of change in the superelevation is constant between
section A and C. This is because the distance between B and C is equal to the distance between
A and B (the runout distance). Depending on the design criteria, there may be a change in the
rate of change in superelevation at section C.

Superelevation with “Crown removal by runout distance” On

352 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing Superelevation Curve Parameters

When you check this box off, the crown removal point is not controlled by the runout distance.
In the following illustration, the rate of change in the superelevation is constant between
sections B and E. Depending on the design criteria, the distance between B and C will not be
equal to the distance between A and B (the runout distance). There may also be a change in the
rate of change in superelevation at section B.

Superelevation with “Crown removal by runout distance” Off

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 353

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

qNext, select the "Edit Data..." button to edit any superelevation parameters. This displays the
Superelevation Curve Edit dialog box as shown below.

Superelevation Curve Edit Dialog Box

The Superelevation Curve Edit dialog box displays one curve at a time. The first area of
information displays the assigned curve number and the curve detail information. The curve
number is based on station progression and cannot be edited directly. If you add or delete
curves, then the curve numbers update to reflect the changes.
The curve detail information includes the starting and ending stations, radius, length, spiral
starting and ending stations (if any), and spiral lengths (if any). This information is for reference
only. You cannot edit it through the Superelevation editor.
rUse the “Curve Edit Information” section of the dialog box to edit the basic superelevation data.
You can edit starting and ending stations, the superelevation method, the "E" value, the
direction of curvature, and the rollover value. You can set the default values for these
parameters using the "Settings..." button from the Superelevation Control dialog box.
• The starting and ending stations for the superelevations default to the starting and ending
stations of the circular curve, but can be edited. Superelevation can begin on the tangent
• There are five available superelevation methods on the popup list. These methods are
labeled "A" through "E." These methods are described in detail in the "Modifying the
Superelevation Settings" in the following section. You can also access a list of these
superelevation methods by selecting the “Methods...” button in the Superelevation Control
dialog box.

354 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing Superelevation Curve Parameters

• The "E" value is the maximum crossfall value for the fully superelevated template. This
value is initially set the project default setting unless speed tables were used to create the
horizontal curvature, in which case the speed table value is used.
• The direction of curvature can be either right or left, and is based on curve direction of the
alignment. The direction of curvature should not be edited unless you insert curve
information manually.
• To apply rollover to the template, check the “Rollover” check box and enter the rollover
percent grade in decimal form. For example, type a six percent grade as “.06”. This grade
is the maximum difference between the fully superelevated road surface and the shoulder.
The shoulder is represented by the rollover points you select when you edit the template to
define the superelevation regions.
sUse the “Transition In” and “Transition Out” areas to edit the transition in and out of the curve.
Each transition has a runout and runoff value, and a percentage of runoff. The percentage of
runoff is the amount of runoff length that occurs before the actual curve is encountered.
These values are initially set to the project default settings for superelevation parameters.
However, if speed tables were used to create the horizontal curvature and spirals were used,
the runoff value is set to the spiral length and the percentage runoff is set to 100%.
The following illustration shows the different superelevation parameters.

Superelevation Parameters

tUse the “Next,” “Previous,” “Curve #,” and “Station...” buttons to move between curves.
• Select the "Curve #..." button to view information for a specified curve. This option
displays a dialog box that prompts for the number of the desired curve. Enter the number of
the curve to edit. Curves are numbered sequentially based on station sequence. If you enter
a number that is outside the range of curve numbers, then the display does not change.
• Select the "Station..." button to view information for a curve that falls on an entered station.
This option displays a dialog box which prompts for a station. Enter a station value that

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 355

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

lies between the defined beginning and ending station of the superelevation. If you enter a
station that does not lie within a superelevated area, then the display does not change.
Note: The station entered does not have to lie on the curve itself. The superelevation can start
before the curve. The "Station..." button uses the stations defined as the beginning and ending of
superelevation to determine which curve is to be displayed.
• Select the “Next” button to move to the next curve; select the “Previous” button to move to
the previous curve.
uTo view information about the current curve, select the "Info..." button. The following dialog
box displays.

Superelevation Curve Information Dialog Box

This information includes the curve detail information as well as the stations of the transitions
in and out.
vSelect “OK” to return to the Superelevation Curve Edit Dialog Box.

Inserting a Superelevation Curve

Occasionally you may want to have the ability to add or delete curves to the superelevation
parameters. This may be done to manually change specific curve conditions so that you don’t
overwrite all of the superelevation parameters as the Import Alignment command would.
nTo insert a curve, select the “Insert Curve...” button.
oThe "Insert Curve..." button inserts a new curve into the Superelevation Curve Edit dialog box.
pEnter the curve detail information for the new curve. Enter the values for the PC and PT
stations, radius, length, lengths of spirals in and out (if any), TS and ST stations (if any),
superelevation method, direction of curvature, beginning and ending of superelevation, E value,
rollover, and the transition in and out values. The method, E value, rollover, and transition
values can be taken from the settings specified in the Superelevation Settings dialog box. All
curves are listed according to station progression. When you enter the curve detail information,
the new curve is inserted in the proper place.

356 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing Superelevation Curve Parameters

Note: The "Delete Curve..." button removes the current curve and all its associated information.
The "Delete Curve..." button displays a dialog box with a confirmation prompt before deleting the

Editing Subgrade Superelevation Values

There are two different ways to superelevate subgrade surfaces: the entire subgrade region, parallel
to the normal template surface; or only the region directly below the superelevation region.
The “Parallel” option will keep the subgrade parallel with the superelevation region as it
superelevates. The subgrade line will maintain the superelevation grade right out to where it meets
the side slope. The other option is the “Fixed Grade Break” option, which only superelevates the
region directly beneath the template normal surface. This option works with the “Subgrade break
point offset modifier” and “Subgrade break point grade” options you can set when you use the
[Define Template] command. The offset value will control the point at which the grade breaks in
relation to the outer edge of the superelevation region and the grade value is for the non
superelevating portion of the subgrade. See “Defining a Template” earlier in this chapter for more
To edit the subgrade superelevation values, do the following:
nSelect the “Subgrades...” button in the Superelevation Curve Edit dialog box to edit subgrade
superelevation values. The Superelevation Subgrade Settings dialog box is displayed as shown

Superelevation Subgrade Settings Dialog Box

oUse the Subgrade Superelevation Method scroll list to select the method to use for
superelevating the subgrade. These options are described below.
None: If you select this option, then the subgrade will not be superelevated.
Parallel: Using this option, the subgrade surface will superelevate parallel with the
superelevation region of the template for the entire width of the subgrade, from the center to it’s
outer edge.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 357

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Fixed Break: Using this option, the subgrade below the template superelevation region will
superelevate parallel to superelevation region, and the subgrade outside of the superelevation
region won’t. When you define a template, you can use the "subgrade break point offset
modifier" option to set the location of this break point in relation to the outer superelevation
region point. If the default of 0.00 is used, then the break point occurs directly below the outer
superelevation point. If a positive value is entered then the break point is shifted by that amount
toward the centerline and a negative value shifts it away from centerline.
pNext, enter the Transition In and Transition Out distances. Since the subgrade surface will often
be at a steeper grade than the normal surface, enter values for the Transition In and the
Transition Out in the Superelevation Subgrade Settings dialog box. These distances control
what distance it takes for the subgrade surface to adjust to a grade where it will be parallel
with the superelevation region. This Transition In distance is applied before the start of the
runout and the Transition Out is applied after the end of the runout.
qSelect “OK” to return to the Superelevation Curve Edit box, or select “Cancel” to cancel the
edits you’ve made.
rSelect “OK” to exit the Superelevation Curve Edit dialog box. This will return you to the
Superelevation Control dialog box.
sSelect the “Save” button to save any changes you made to the superelevation parameters. This
option displays a confirmation prompt once the information is saved. All superelevation
parameters are saved in a file named for the current alignment with a .sed file extension. This
file is stored in the \align subdirectory of the project directory.

358 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Reimporting the Alignment for Superelevation

Reimporting the Alignment for Superelevation

If you have modified the horizontal alignment after creating the superelevation parameters, then it
may be necessary to reimport the horizontal alignment. This option recreates the curves and
overwrites all of the superelevation parameters with the default project settings for superelevation.
The project settings are described in the next section.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters...]. The Superelevation
Control dialog box will display.
oNext, select the "Import Alignment..." button from the Superelevation Control dialog box. This
imports the curve data from the alignment. You need to do this step before you can do any
superelevation editing and if you are going to apply superelevation to the sections. A message
is displayed showing the import status.
Note: The [Superelevation Parameters...] command is not dynamically linked to the Horizontal
Alignment commands. If you subsequently make any changes to the horizontal alignment, then
reimport the curve information by selecting the “Import Alignment...” button.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 359

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Modifying the Default Superelevation Settings

To access the project settings and modify the superelevation parameter settings, select the
"Settings..." button from the Superelevation Control dialog box. This does not affect the values for
the current alignment unless you select the “Import Alignment...” button to recreate the
superelevation parameters.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters...]. The Superelevation
Control dialog box will display.
oFrom the Superelevation Control dialog box, select the “Settings...” button from the top group of
buttons. This displays the Superelevation Curve Settings dialog box, as shown in the following

Superelevation Curve Settings Dialog Box

pUse the top part of this dialog box to set the E value, superelevation method, direction of the
curve, and rollover. Each of the settings controlled by this dialog box is described in the
following sections.
Start sta: The starting station is dependent on the alignment being edited. Since this dialog box
is used for setting information, this value is always zero (0) and cannot be edited.
End sta: The ending station is dependent on the alignment being edited. Since this dialog box is
used for setting information, this value is always zero (0) and cannot be edited.
E value: The value you enter in this edit box is the maximum crossfall value for the fully
superelevated template.
Direction: This popup list displays the directions for the curve. The direction of curvature can
be either right or left, and is based on station progression. The direction of curvature should not
be edited unless curve information is inserted manually.
Rollover: To apply rollover to the template, check the “Rollover” check box and enter the
rollover percent grade in decimal form. For example, type a six percent grade as “.06”. This
grade is the maximum difference between the fully superelevated road surface and the shoulder.

360 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the Default Superelevation Settings

The shoulder is represented by the rollover points you select when you edit the template to
define the superelevation regions.
Method: This popup list displays the superelevation method available with Advanced Design.
These methods are described in the following sections.
Superelevation Method A: This superelevation method revolves a crowned pavement
section about the centerline. Both edges of pavement change elevation to attain proper
superelevation. The following illustrations shows the parameters of superelevation method

Superelevation Method "A"

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 361

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Superelevation Method B: This superelevation method holds the inside edge of pavement
of a crowned pavement section and forces the outside edge of pavement up. The following
illustrations shows the parameters of superelevation method "B."

Superelevation Method "B"

Superelevation Method C: This superelevation method holds the outside edge of

pavement of a crowned pavement section and forces the inside edge of pavement down.

362 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the Default Superelevation Settings

The following illustrations shows the parameters of superelevation method "C."


Superelevation Method "C"

Superelevation Method D: This superelevation method holds the outside edge of a

section of pavement with a straight cross slope and forces the inside edge of pavement
down. The following illustrations shows the parameters of superelevation method "D."

Superelevation Method "D"

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 363

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Superelevation Method E: This superelevation method holds the inside edge of a section
of pavement with a straight cross slope and forces the outside edge of pavement up. The
following illustrations shows the parameters of superelevation method "E."

Superelevation Method "E"

qUse the second half of the Superelevation Curve Settings dialog box to set the runout, runoff,
and percentage of runoff for both the transition in and transition out.
Runout: Enter the runout distance in this edit box.
Runoff: Enter the runoff distance in this edit box.
% runoff: Enter the percentage of runoff for the curve in this edit box. The percentage of runoff
is the amount of runoff length that occurs before the actual curve is encountered.

364 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the Default Superelevation Settings

The following illustration shows the different superelevation parameters.


Superelevation Parameters

rSelect “OK” to accept the edits you’ve made in the Superelevation Curve Settings dialog box,
or select “Cancel” to cancel the edits.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 365

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Viewing the Superelevation Methods

There are five superelevation methods supported by Advanced Design. These methods are
designated by letters rather than formal names. Each of the methods are described in detail in the
“Modifying the Superelevation Settings” section of this chapter, but you can also select the
“Methods...” button in the Superelevation Control dialog box to see a brief description of each of
these methods.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters...]. The Superelevation
Control dialog box will display.
oSelect the "Methods..." button. This displays a dialog box with all the superelevation method
names and gives a brief description of each.

Superelevation Methods Dialog Box

pSelect “OK” to return to the Superelevation Control dialog box.

366 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Creating Superelevation Reports

Creating Superelevation Reports

The lower part of the Superelevation Control dialog box is devoted to two options for generating
superelevation reports.
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters...] The Superelevation
Control dialog box will display.
oTo modify the output settings, select the “Settings...” button in the Superelevation Report
section. This will display the Output Settings dialog box as shown below.

Output Settings Dialog Box

• Set the output file name in the “Output file name” edit box.
• The superelevation report will ignore the “File” and “Screen” check boxes and will only
write the information to a file since the information is available for viewing on screen
• To keep a running record of all data output, make sure the "Overwrite file" check box is
toggled off.
Note: See the Modify the Output Settings topic in the COGO online Help for more information
on this dialog box.
pWhen you have finished modifying the output settings, select “OK” to return to the
Superelevation Control dialog box.
qNext, select the “Output” button from the Superelevation Control dialog box to generate the
rThe command prompts for the output file name. Accept the default or enter a new name.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 367

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

sThe command then prints the report to the file and the Superelevation Control dialog box
redisplays. Select “OK” to exit the command.

Viewing and Editing Cross Sections

After you create sections with the [Edit Design Control...] command, you can view and edit
individual sections using the [View/Edit Sections] command.
Before using the [View/Edit Sections] command, you must do the following:
• define the horizontal alignment
• generate the existing ground profile
• define the finished ground centerline for the profile if you want to view the template
• sample the existing ground cross sections using the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] or
[Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command
• define the necessary templates with all the required features
• run the [Edit Design Control...] command to apply the templates to the existing ground sections
Note: This command does not plot the sections. Rather, it displays them on screen as temporary
vectors for viewing and editing purposes. As soon as you exit the command, the view returns to the
regular AutoCAD screen. To plot cross sections, use the [Section Plot] command.
The following illustration provides an example of a typical cross section view.

Cross Section View

You can use the [View/Edit Sections] command to step through the sections or move directly to a
specific station. The design criteria that is applied to the section can be displayed as well as the
actual parameters that were used to create the current section. Use the Design Control dialog box
(accessed with the “Control” option) to edit each section dynamically or select points on the screen
graphically to alter ditch and slope criteria.
nSelect [Section] Î [View/Edit Sections]. This will display the cross section for the first
station and the following prompt will be displayed.
Actual/Design/Edit/Id/Next/Previous/eXit/Sta/View/Zoom <Next>:

The following sections describe the [View/Edit Sections] command options.

368 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Moving to the Cross Section of a Specific Station

Note: Most of the [View/Edit Sections] command option prompts include Actual, Control, Id,
Zoom, and eXit. These options work the same regardless of where they were selected.

Moving to the Cross Section of a Specific Station

When you are using the [View/Edit Sections] command, use the Next, Previous, and Station options
to go to specific stations.
• To view the cross section for the previous station, enter “P” for Previous. When you select the
Previous option, it replaces Next as the default option. The station value is displayed at the top
of the screen where the current layer name is normally displayed.
• To display the cross section for the next station, enter “N” for Next. When you select the Next
option, it replaces Previous as the default option. The station value is displayed at the top of the
screen where the current layer name is normally displayed.
• To display a selected cross section station, type “S” for Station and then enter the number of the
station you want to view. If you enter a station is entered that does not exist, then the command
defaults to the nearest available station.
Note: In the following descriptions of the other options of the [View/Edit Sections] command, it is
assumed that you will first use the Next, Previous, or Station options to move to the cross section
you want to edit or view.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 369

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Displaying the Actual Control Parameters

Use the Actual option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to view the Actual Control for a
specified station.
nTo display the Actual Control parameters, type “A” for Actual.
oThe Actual Control Parameters dialog box for the current section as shown in the following

Actual Control Parameters Dialog Box

The actual control parameters include the station, template name, and alignment elevation. The
Actual Control Parameters dialog box also displays the ditch foreslope, offset, depth, and
elevation for the left and right sides. The match slope and catch point offset and elevation are
also displayed for both left and right sides as well as the section cut and fill areas.
pSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box.
You can also access the Actual Control Parameters dialog box using the Edit subset of options.

370 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Displaying the Design Control Parameters

Displaying the Design Control Parameters

Use the Design option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to view the Design Control for a
specified station.
nType “D” to display the Design Control Parameters dialog box. This dialog box displays design
control parameters that were applied to the sections for the current station, as shown below.

Design Control Parameters Dialog Box

oTo view bench information, select the “Benches...” button. The Benches dialog box displays as
shown below.

Benches Dialog Box

pSelect “OK” to return to the Design Control Parameters dialog box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 371

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

qTo view transition information, select the “Transitions...” button. This button displays the
following Transitions dialog box.

Transitions Dialog Box

rSelect the “More...” button to display information about the fifth through eighth transitions.
sSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box and return to the Design Control Parameters dialog box.
tSelect “OK” to exit the dialog box.

372 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Design Control Values of the Current Station

Editing the Design Control Values of the Current

You can use the Edit option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit values pertaining to the
current station, including the design control values.
nTo edit the design control values of the current station, enter “E” for Edit to access the editing
oThe command then displays the following prompts.
Section Edit and Display commands
Actual/Control/Ditch/Id/eXit/Transition/Undo/Zoom <eXit>:

Note: Any changes made using this option only affect the current station. To make changes that
affect a whole range of stations, use the [Edit Design Control...] command.
pEnter “C” for Control. This option displays the Control Editor dialog box, as shown below.

Control Editor Dialog Box

qUse the options in this dialog box to edit the cross section for the current station. The Control
option uses a screen similar to the one used by the [Edit Design Control...] command, except
that here it only affects the current station. Another difference is that profiles and alignments
cannot be attached in this screen. You can make edits to the template, ditch, or slope control.
Refer to the descriptions of the [Edit Design Control...] command for more information on the
Control Editor dialog box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 373

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Ditch for the Current Cross Section

Use the Ditch editing option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit the ditch for the current
cross section.
There are two ways to edit the ditches:
• graphically
• using the Control Editor
The following section describes the options you can use to graphically edit the ditches. For
information on how to access the Control Editor, see “Setting the Ditch Control Values” above.
nTo edit the ditch for the current cross section, enter “E” for Edit to access the editing options.
oEnter “D” for Ditch. This option controls the ditching of the cross section. The following
prompt is displayed.
Actual/Control/dSlope/dElev/dWidth/dPos/Id/Mslope/eXit/Undo/Zoom/ <eXit>:

The ditching options available are described in the following sections.

Note: Do not use the AutoCAD OSNAP command to select points on the screen. The viewed
template is not composed of drawing entities.

Editing the Ditch Slope

nType “S” for dSlope (Ditch Slope) to graphically edit the foreslope of the ditch.
oSelect two points on the screen to represent the slope.
pThe dSlope option then displays the value of that slope. Press <Enter> to accept the slope or
enter a new value for a different slope. This option only edits the ditch on the side of the
alignment where you selected the points. Repeat for the other side if necessary.

Editing the Ditch Elevation

nType “E” for dElev (Ditch Elevation) to graphically edit the elevation of the ditch.
oSelect a point on the screen which is at the desired elevation.
pThe dElev option then displays the value of the elevation you selected. Press <Enter> to accept
the elevation or enter a new value for a different elevation. The dElev option only edits the
ditch on the side of the alignment where you selected the point. Repeat as needed for the other

Editing the Ditch Width

nType “W” for dWidth (Ditch Width) to graphically edit the width of the ditch.
oSelect two points on the screen to represent the width.

374 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Ditch for the Current Cross Section

pThe dWidth option then displays the value of the width. Press <Enter> to accept the width or
enter a new value. The dWidth option only edits the ditch on the side of the alignment where
you selected the points. Repeat as needed for the other side.

Editing the Offset and Depth of the Ditch

nType “P” for dPos (Ditch Position) to graphically edit the offset and depth of the ditch.
oSelect the point on the screen at the desired location for the toe of the foreslope.
pThe ditch position displays the values for the alignment offset and depth of that point. Press
<Enter> to accept the values for the new position or enter new values for a different alignment
offset and depth. The dPos option only edits the ditch on the side of the alignment where the you
selected points.

Editing the Match Slope of the Template

nType “M” for Mslope (Match Slope) to graphically edit the match slope of the template.
oSelect two points on the screen to represent the slope.
pThe Mslope option displays the value of the slope. Press <Enter> to accept the value or enter a
new slope to round off the value. The Mslope option only edits the slope on the side of the
alignment where you selected points.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 375

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Transition Regions for the Current Station

Use the Transition options of the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit transition values pertaining
to the current station. Define transition points on the template with the [Edit Template...] command.
These template transition points can be moved to match plan and/or profile locations or manually
entered offsets and elevations.
There are two ways to edit the transitions:
• graphically
• using the Control Editor
The following section describes the options you can use to graphically edit the transition regions.
For information on how to access the Control Editor, see “Editing the Template Transitions with the
[View/Edit Sections] command” above.
nTo edit the transition regions for the current station, enter “E” for Edit to access the editing
oEnter “T” for Transition. The Transition option displays the following prompt.
Actual/Control/Id/Ltrans/Rtrans/Subgrade/eXit/Undo/Zoom <eXit>:

The Transition options are described in the following sections.

Editing the Left and Right Transition Regions

nEnter “L” for Ltrans or “R” for Rtrans to graphically edit the eight left and eight right transition
regions. The regions must have been defined on the template using the [Edit Template...]
oA different prompt displays depending on the transition selected. For example, if you entered
“L” at step 6, the following prompt will display.
Left transition (Actual/Control/Id/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/eXit/Undo/Zoom <eXit>:

Enter the number of the transition region you want to edit, or select one of the other options to
exit the transition edit options.
pNext, you will be prompted to select the “First left stretch position.” Use the pointing device to
select this point.
qThe “Resultant left offset” and “Resultant left elevation” will be displayed. Accept these values
by pressing <Enter>, or enter new values. You can retain the original value for either the offset
or elevation by entering "X" at the appropriate prompt. If you only change the offset, then the
reference grade as defined in the [Edit Template...] command is held so the elevation may be
changed by the command automatically. Use this option so that the crossfall of features such as
the driving lane does not change as the lane widens or narrows.
rThe command edits the section and returns the prompt to the transition options.

376 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Identifying the Offset and Elevation of a Point

Editing the Subgrade Transition Regions

Use the Subgrade option of the Transition subset of the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit the
subgrade transitioning. Use this option to manually select a point for the subgrade crown elevation
for the current section.
nEnter “S” for Subgrade.
oSelect the new subgrade position for the crown of the subgrade surface. When working with a
template that has had multiple subgrades defined, this is the elevation for the bottom crown of
the uppermost of the subgrade surfaces.
pThe command then displays the resultant elevation. Accept this value or enter a new value.

Identifying the Offset and Elevation of a Point

You can use the Id option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to identify the offset and elevation
of any point selected on the screen.
nEnter “I” for Id at any [View/Edit Sections] prompt.
oSelect a point on the cross section to identify.
The command then returns the information to the screen. A positive offset indicates the point is
on the right side of the template and a negative offset indicates the point is on the left side of the
Note: Do not use AutoCAD OSNAPs to select a point. The section view is not composed of
AutoCAD entities and is not part of the drawing.
pThis option continues to prompt for points as long as they are selected. Press <Enter> to exit
back to the previous options list.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 377

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Modifying the View Settings

You can use the View option of the [View/Edit Sections] command to change the view of the cross
nType “V” for View. The following Template View Settings dialog box will display.

Template View Settings Editor Dialog Box

oUse the “Toggles” section of this dialog box to control which components are displayed in the
[View/Edit Sections] command. These toggles do not control the use of these components in
cross section and volume calculations.
• To view the Existing ground, Datum, Grid, Top surface, Point codes, Template, ROW, or
Grid text, toggle on each check box. The number displayed in the edit boxes next to each
check box indicates the number of the color each item is displayed with. See the “Setting
Colors” section below for information on specify colors for these features.
• The “Top Surface” check box controls the display of the template top surface. When you
toggle on this check box, the “Num” edit box displays the top surface number to be
displayed. Either enter the number of the top surface to display or press the "Select..."
button to the right of the "Num" edit box. This button accesses the Top Surface Librarian
dialog box, where you can select a surface.
pThe next area of the Template View Settings Editor dialog box contains edit boxes for the grid
Offset incr: Enter a value in this edit box for the horizontal grid spacing.
Elevation incr: Enter a value in this edit box for the vertical grid spacing.
Offset prec: Enter a value in this edit box to set the precision for the displayed offsets.

378 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Modifying the View Settings

Elevation prec: Enter a value in this edit box to set the precision for the vertical grid text.
qThe last area contains edit boxes for view factors and the text size.
Text size: Enter a value in this edit box to set the relative text size in pixels. This is the height
of the text in the display.
Vertical factor: Enter a value in this edit box to set the vertical scale factor for the view. The
vertical scale set in the drawing setup has no effect on the cross section view.
Zoom factor: Enter a value in this edit box to set the scale factor for zooming in and out. For
example, if you set a Zoom factor of 0.2, then the Zoom In option uses a scale factor of 0.8 and
Zoom Out a factor of 1.2.
Note: If you set the zoom scale factor to one, then the Zoom In and Zoom Out options are not

Setting Colors
To set the colors for the cross section components, you can do one of the following:
• type color numbers in the edit boxes to the right of each of the cross section components
• pick the color box to display the AutoCAD color palette, where you can select a color
The seven basic color numbers are as follows.
1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Green
4. Cyan
5. Blue
6. Magenta
7. White
The remaining color numbers (8-256) are hardware dependent.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 379

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Zooming Around the Current Section View

When you are using the [View/Edit Sections] command, use the Zoom option to zoom around the
current view.
nAt any of the [View/Edit Sections] command prompts, enter “Z.” The Zoom option displays the
following prompt.
Zoom (All/In/Out/Point/eXit/View/Window) <In>:

oEnter one of the zoom options as described below.

All: Type “A” for All to return the screen back to the original size and location.
In: Type “I” for In to zoom in to the center point of the screen. This option uses the scale factor
set in the view defaults to zoom in on the section.
Out: Type “O” for Out option to zoom out from the center point of the screen. This option uses
the scale factor set in the view defaults to zoom out of the section.
Point: Type “P” for Point and then select a point to zoom to. When you select a point, this
option moves the selected point to the center of the screen. Use the Point option to zoom in on
any area of the section or pan around the section.
eXit: Type “X” for eXit to exit the Zoom option and return to the previous menu.
View: Type “V” for View to access the Template View Settings Editor, where you can change
the zoom scale factor.
Window: Type “W” for Window, and then select two points to define a window to zoom into.
Note: If the zoom scale factor is set to one, then the Zoom In and Zoom Out options are not

380 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing a Ditch or Transition Line from Sections into the Plan View

Importing a Ditch or Transition Line from Sections

into the Plan View
When you attach a transition or ditch line to the cross sections, you may find that you need to make
edits to the offset and elevational data at specific sections. You can use either the [Edit Design
Control...] command or the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit the transition values. After
editing the ditch and transition cross section information, you can use commands in the
Ditch/Transition submenu to import this information back into the plan or profile view, and then
redefine the alignments.
In some cases, as with ditches, you can draw a vertical transition line in profile view to define the
elevations, attach it to the cross sections, and then import the ditch out to the plan view. See the
Advanced Design tutorial for a good example of this.
To import transition or ditch lines into the plan view using information from the defined cross
sections, use the [Import Plan Lines] command.
There are a couple of prerequisites to using this command, depending on whether you want to import
ditch or transition lines:
• If you are importing a transition line, it must have been attached to the cross sections with the
“Attach Alignments” option of the [Edit Design Control...] command.
• If you are importing ditches, the ditches must have been applied in the [Edit Design Control...]
To import ditches or transitions, take the following steps:
nSelect [Section] Î [Ditch/Transition] Î [Import Plan Lines].
oSpecify whether you want to import the right or left horizontal line.
Note: When you attach a transition line to a template with the [Edit Design Control...]
command, you specify which number to attach. This is the number you need to input in step 3
below. Since ditches are not attached to the template itself, they have their own category.
The command prompts for the line you want to import. The type of prompt that is displayed is
dependent on the which horizontal line you’ve selected (right or left). For example, the
following prompt is displayed if the left line is selected.
Left horizontal line to draw (Ditch/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8):

pType the number of the transition line to import to plan view, or type “D” to import the ditch.
qThe command then prompts for the station range to import. The default is the beginning and
ending station of the horizontal alignment. Accept the default or enter new values. The plan line
is then imported. Repeat the command as needed for each horizontal alignment you need to
The transition or ditch lines are imported as straight line segments on the current layer. They do not
become alignments automatically. Use the [Define Plan Alignment] command from the
Ditch/Transition submenu to turn the entities into a defined horizontal alignment. The

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 381

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

[Define Plan Alignment] command works the same as the [Define From Entities] command found on
the Alignment pull-down menu. This command is described in the next section.
After you’ve defined the lines as alignments, you can alter the transitions or ditches in plan view and
reattach them to the cross sections using the [Edit Design Control...] command.

Defining a Ditch or Transition as a Plan Alignment

When you import a ditch or transition into the plan view, you can also define it as an alignment, if
required, since the transitions and ditches are just imported as line entities. This step isn’t necessary
if you imported the lines for viewing or plotting purposes only.
You can make edits to these lines before defining the alignment or you can go directly to defining an
alignment. To do this, select the [Define Plan Alignment] command. This command defines an
alignment made up of lines, arcs, and spirals just like the [Define From Entities] command from the
Align menu does.
nSelect [Section] Î [Ditch/Transition] Î [Define Plan Alignment].
oThe command prompts you to “Select entity or POints.” Use your pointing device to select the
end of the alignment entity, and then use a crossing window to select the remaining entities. Or
use the POints option to define the alignment by point entry.
pWhen you have selected all of the entities, press <Enter>. The command will connect the
entities and write the data to an external database.
The alignment may be made of any combination of spirals, arcs, and lines. If the alignment contains
spirals, then the spirals must be polylines created using the options in the [Attach Spiral...]
command. The remaining entities must be simple lines and arcs. See the [Define From Entities]
command description in the Alignments chapter for more information on this command.

Editing the Ditch or Transition Plan Alignment

After you’ve defined the ditch or transition as an alignment, you can use the [Edit Plan Alignment]
command to edit it.
nSelect [Section] Î [Ditch/Transition] Î [Edit Plan Alignment...] to display the Horizontal
Alignment Editor.
This command has the same function as the [Edit] command from the Alignment Commands submenu
of the Align menu. Please see the “Working with Horizontal Alignments” chapter for more
information about this command.

382 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing a Vertical Ditch or Transition from Sections

Importing a Vertical Ditch or Transition from Sections

Often you will find that when you attach a transition or ditch line to the cross sections, you will need
to make edits to the offset and elevational data. You can use either the [Edit Design Control...]
command or the [View/Edit Sections] command to edit the transition values. After editing the ditch
and transition cross section information, you can use commands in the Ditch/Transition submenu to
import this information back into the plan or profile view.
There are a number of reasons why you would import these lines into the plan or profile. For
example, if you defined a ditch by a profile elevations and a fixed side slope, then you could import
the ditch lines into plan to view the location of the ditch. After these lines are imported, you can
make any necessary edits and then define them as a horizontal or vertical alignment. If the ditch or
transition lines were originally attached to the cross sections from alignments, you can import these
lines into the plan or profile to merge the changes into the original definition then redefine the
alignment. You can also import these lines strictly for plotting purposes if desired.
If the outer edge of the superelevation region on the template was also defined as a transition point,
then you can also import the left and right superelevation profiles onto the appropriate transition
Note: The import lines are drawn as straight line segments between each section station. For
horizontal alignments it may be necessary to replace some lines with arc segments.
To import a vertical transition or ditch line using information from the defined cross sections, use
the [Import Profile] command. You can import any of the finished ground transitions or ditches as
well as the left and right superelevation lines (LS and RS).
There are a couple of prerequisites to using this command, depending on whether you want to import
ditch or transition lines:
• If you are importing a transition line to plan or profile, the transition must have been defined on
the template with the [Edit Template...] command.
• If you are importing ditches, then the ditches must have been applied to the cross sections with
the [Edit Design Control...] command.
To import a profile, take the following steps:
nSelect [Section] Î [Ditch/Transition] Î [Import Profile].
oSpecify whether you want to import the left or right profile.
pSelect a vertical transition or ditch line. The type of prompt that is displayed is dependent on
the which profile is selected (right or left). For example, the following prompt is displayed if
the left profile is selected.
Left profile to draw (Ditch/Super/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8):

You are not limited to just importing transitions that were attached to the sections with the [Edit
Design Control] command. You can import any of the eight transitions if they have been defined
as part of the template with the [Edit Template...] command. If the sections have been defined
with ditches, then the ditch option can be used to import the profile.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 383

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

You can also import the outer edge of the superelevation region, but since the profile doesn’t
directly support superlevation definitions, you need to import it to a transition layer. You want
to select the transition that has been defined at the same location as the superelevation region as
described in the section that follows this one.
qEnter the beginning and ending stations. The transition, ditch, or superelevation is then drawn
on the profile as straight line entities between sections on the layer specified with the profile
[EG Layers...] and [FG Layers...] commands.
After you have imported a vertical ditch or transition, you also need to define it as an alignment. To
do this, use the [Define Profile Alignment] command. The [Define Profile Alignment] command is
the same as the [Define FG Centerline] command found on the Vertical Alignments menu. After
you’ve imported the transition, ditch, or superelevation lines, you can edit them, redefine them with
the [Define Profile Alignment] command, then reattach them to the cross sections using the
[Edit Design Control...] command.

Importing Superelevation as a Transition Line

Profiles don’t directly support superlevation since superelevation is based on grade, not elevation.
However, you do have the option of converting the superelvation information to a transition so that
you can import it to the profile. By using this option you can either just plot the superelevation for
viewing purposes, or you can edit the profile and attach it to the template as a transition. To do this
you need to have the transition point defined at the same location as the superelevation region point.
Then, before you attach the profile transition to the sections, you need to turn off the “Superelevation
calculations” toggle in the main [Superelevation Parameters...] dialog. This allows the outer edge of
the superelevation region to be completely controlled by the transition profile elevations.
If you specify “S” for Superelevation at step 3 above, and if you specified “Left” at step 2, the
following prompt displays for the left side:
Profile layer to use (L1/L2/L3/L4/L5/L6/L7/L8):

Specify the transition layer to use. These layer names represent the transition regions you define on
the template with the [Edit Template...] command. Because the superelevation control point and the
transition control point have to be in the same location on the template in order for this to work, you
must specify the number of the transition region you are using for this purpose.
When you import a ditch or transition into the plan view, you can also define it as an alignment if
required since the transitions and ditches are just imported as line entities. This step isn’t necessary
if you imported the lines for viewing or plotting purposes only.
You can make edits to these lines before defining the alignment or you can go directly to defining
and alignment.

384 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Defining the Profile Ditch or Transition Alignment

Defining the Profile Ditch or Transition Alignment

After importing a vertical ditch or transition into the profile, you can also define it as a profile
alignment since the transitions and ditches are just imported as line entities. This step isn’t
necessary if you imported the lines for viewing or plotting purposes only.
You can make edits to these lines before defining the alignment or you can go directly to defining an
alignment. To do this, use the [Define Profile Alignment] command. This command defines the
finished ground profile for use with the cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Ditch/Transition] Î [Define Profile Alignment]. The following prompt
will display.
Select profile (Center/Left/Right) <Center>:

oEnter the type of profile alignment you want to define by entering the appropriate letter.
If you enter “R” or “L” for Right or Left, the next prompt will have the following form.
Select left profile (Ditch/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) <1>:

pEnter “D” for Ditch or enter the appropriate number for a transition.
Next, the command turns off all layers except the finished ground layer, showing just the profile
alignment line you specified in step 2. Use the [Set Current Layer] command to set the correct
layer. If any of the entities are drawn on the incorrect layer, use the AutoCAD CHANGE
command to fix them.
qSelect the starting point of the alignment. This should be the point with the lowest station value
on the finished ground alignment. The command sets the AutoCAD OSNAP to END
rThe command then prompts for the objects that make up the alignment. To complete the
definition, select the entire alignment using window or crossing. When the entities that make up
the alignment have been selected, press <Enter> at the next “Select objects” prompt. The
command will connect the entities and write the data to an external database.
See the [Define FG Centerline] command description in the Working with Profiles chapter for more
information on this command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 385

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Editing the Ditch or Transition Profile Alignment

Use the [Edit Profile Alignment...] command to enter and edit the profile data for either the existing
or finished ground. Use the [Edit Profile Alignment...] command to enter the finished ground for the
alignment, or to view and edit existing ground data created graphically with the
[Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] or [Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Ditches/Transitions] Î [Edit Profile Alignment...] to access the Vertical
Alignment Editor.
See the [Edit Vertical Alignment...] command description in the Working with Profiles chapter for
more information on this command.

386 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Superelevating and Transitioning Roadways

Superelevating and Transitioning Roadways

Many of the commands discussed in this section refer to superelevation and transitions. These are
two features of roadway design that you can apply and control with the [Edit Design Control...]
See the Advanced Design tutorial for detailed descriptions and step-by-step instructions on how to
superelevate and transition a roadway. The following are basic lists of the tasks you need to
complete in order superelevate or transition an alignment.

Superelevating a Roadway
Superelevation is used on curves to counterbalance the centrifugal force that occurs to a vehicle at
relatively high speed by “banking” the traveled lanes. To superelevate a road template, you need to
do the following:
• Use the [Edit Template...] command to define the left and right superelevation regions as well
as the rollover regions. This option is described previously in this chapter.
• Use the [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Edit Design Control...] to apply the templates to the
cross sections.
• Use the [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Superelevation Parameters...] command to turn on
superelevation, to set the superelevation method, rollover, and settings, and to edit the
superelevated curves. The [Superelevation Parameters...] command automatically processes the
cross sections with the edited information.
After applying superelevation to the templates you can make edits to the superelevation grades for
individual sections using the [View/Edit Sections] command. However, if you reprocess the
superelevation with the [Superelevation Parameters...] command, then these individual edits will be

Transitioning a Roadway
To create transition regions for a roadway, such as lane widening, use transition lines. An overview
of the steps you need to take to create transitioning are described in the following list:
• Use the [Edit Template...] command to define the transition regions of the template.
• Draw and define the plan view transition lines as alignments if you are using horizontal
transitioning. Or use the [Edit Design Control...] command to define these transitions in an
editor dialog box. You can also edit the transitioning for each station with the [View/Edit
Sections] command, and then reimport the edited values back into the plan view of the
alignment with the [Import Plan Lines] command.
• Draw and define the profiles of the transition lines if you are using vertical transitioning. Or use
the [Edit Design Control...] command to define these transitions in an editor dialog box. You
can also edit the transitioning for each station with the [View/Edit Sections] command, and then
reimport the edited values back into the profile view of the alignment with the [Import Profile]

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 387

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

• Use the [Edit Design Control...] command to attach the offsets from the horizontal alignments
and/or the elevations from the vertical alignments. Or, you can define this information manually
for each station with the [View/Edit Sections] command.
For more information on defining transitions or superelevation, see the Advanced Design tutorial.

388 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Superelevating and Transitioning Roadways

Part V: Plotting and Outputting

The lower half of the Section menu contains commands you can use to plot cross sections in the
drawing and output finished design information. Use these commands to do the following:
• plot cross sections to a drawing
• label various aspects of the cross sections
• list information about selected cross section parameters
• create a three-dimensional grid
• import points to the drawing or to a file
• calculate total volumes
• create mass haul diagrams
• calculate surface volumes
• compare volumes between surfaces
• write output data for sections and volumes to ASCII files

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 389

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Settings for Plotting Cross Sections

Use the [Settings...] command to set the default layers and precision for cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Plot] Î [Settings...] to display the Cross Section Plotting Settings
dialog box, as shown below.

Cross Section Plotting Settings Dialog Box

oUse the Existing Ground, Template, Datum, Grid, Grid Text, and ROW lines check boxes to
toggle on the cross section elements that will be plotted. Use the adjacent edit boxes to enter
layer names.
The following illustration shows the parameters used in plotting cross sections.

Detail of a Cross Section

The Cross Section Plotting Settings dialog box also includes two buttons which access other dialog
boxes containing the section layout and the page layout. Each of these dialog boxes are described in
the following sections.

390 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Settings for Plotting Cross Sections

Setting the Section Layout Parameters

nSelect the "Section Layout..." button in the Cross Section Plotting Settings dialog box to access
the Section Layout dialog box. This dialog box is shown in the following illustration.

Section Layout Dialog Box

oUse the increment edit boxes adjust the increments for inserting the cross sections on the
drawing. The four increments available affect the cross section grid that is overlaid on the cross
section. Enter these increments in drawing units.
Offset incr: Enter the distance between the vertical lines on the grid in this edit box.
Elevation incr: Enter the distance between the horizontal lines on the grid in this edit box.
Offset lbl incr: Enter the label increment in this edit box. This increment will determine which
offset grid lines to label. If you set the label increment to one (1), then every grid line is
labeled. If you set the label increment to two (2), then every other line is labeled.
Elevation lbl incr: Enter the label increment in this edit box. This increment will determine
which elevation grid lines to label. If you set the label increment to one (1), then every grid line
is labeled. If you set the label increment to two (2), then every other line is labeled.
The following illustration shows the cross section grid.

Cross Section Grid

pUse the precision edit boxes to control the precision used for the labels placed on the cross
Offset prec: Enter the precision for labeling the cross section offset grid lines in this edit box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 391

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Elevation prec: Enter the precision for labeling the cross section elevation grid lines in this
edit box.
FG lbl prec: Enter the precision of the actual finished ground centerline elevation label text in
this edit box.
EG lbl prec: Enter the precision of the actual existing ground centerline elevation label text in
this edit box.
Note: The precisions you enter in the "FG lbl prec" and "EG lbl prec" edit boxes do not affect
the calculations used by the Advanced Design commands. All calculations use the highest
internal precision.
qUse the last two settings displayed in this dialog box to control the rows below datum and rows
above maximum. These values control how many extra grid cells are plotted with the cross
Rows below datum: Enter the number of rows of grid cells that should be placed below the
datum in this edit box.
Rows above max: Enter the number of rows of grid cells that should be placed above the
highest point on either the existing ground or the template in this edit box.

Setting the Page Layout Parameters

nSelect the "Page Layout..." button Cross Section Plotting Settings dialog box to access the Page
Layout dialog box. This dialog box is shown in the following illustration.

Page Layout Dialog Box

oUse this dialog box to control the sheet size, margins, spacing, and number of vertical sheets
used for the [Page] and [All] commands on the Section Plot menu.
Sheet height: Enter the height of a page of cross section in plotted units (inches or millimeters)
in this edit box.
Sheet width: Enter the width of a page of cross section in plotted units (inches or millimeters)
in this edit box.

392 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Settings for Plotting Cross Sections

Left margin: Enter the distance between the left edge of the sheet and the border in plotted
units (inches or millimeters) in this edit box.
Right margin: Enter the distance between the right edge of the sheet and the border in plotted
units (inches or millimeters) in this edit box. The right margin is a minimum. This value is
keyed to the values entered for the offset increment and elevation increment in the previous
Top margin: Enter the distance between the top edge of the sheet and the border in plotted units
(inches or millimeters) in this edit box. The top margin is a minimum. This value is keyed to the
values entered for the offset increment and elevation increment in the previous section.
Bottom margin: Enter the distance between the bottom edge of the sheet and the border in
plotted units (inches or millimeters) in this edit box.
Column spacing: Enter the vertical spacing between sections in this edit box. The column
spacing is the number of "cells" placed horizontally between cross sections.
Row spacing: Enter the horizontal spacing between sections in this edit box. The row spacing
is the number of "cells" placed vertically between the cross sections.
The "cell" width is dependent on the offset increment. The "cell" height is dependent on the
elevation increment. For example, if you set the offset increment to 10 and you set the column
spacing to 4, there will be 40 units between columns of cross sections.

Column and Row Spacing

Vertical sheets: In this edit box, enter the number of sheets that will be drawn in the vertical
direction when you use the Multiple option of the [Page] command. For more information on
this option, see the [Page] command description in this chapter.
The cross section output is dependent on the horizontal and vertical scale. Set these scales when you
are setting up the drawing.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 393

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Setting the Text Size for Section Plot Labels

To set the current text size for labels, use the [Text Size...] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Plot] Î [Text Size...] to display the Text Style Selection dialog
oTo set a new style, highlight the style name.
pSelect “OK” to select the text style. To use a style that is not on the list, create it with the
AutoCAD STYLE command.

Plotting a Single Cross Section

To import cross sections at specified stations into a drawing, one at a time, select the [Single]
command. If you sampled multiple surfaces with the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command,
then the [Single] command brings in all of the surfaces. The following figure illustrates a single
cross section.

Single Cross Section

When plotting cross sections, it is recommended that you begin a new drawing using the same
project name and import the cross sections to that drawing. By doing this you can use a specific
horizontal and vertical scale for plotting cross sections.
You can use the plotted cross sections for design purposes or for final plots. To create customized
finished plot cross section sheets, use the commands from the Sheet Manager menu.
To plot a single cross section, do the following:
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Plot] Î [Single].
oEnter the station of the first section. The default is the first station in the sampled range. If the
station you enter in response to this prompt lies outside the range of sampled stations, the
command draws the cross section of the nearest station.
pSelect the bottom insertion point. This is the point at the bottom of the cross section where the
centerline of the alignment intersects the lowest elevation grid line (even if grids are not
qEnter another station if you want to plot another section. The default is the next sequential
station. If you do not want to draw any more cross sections, then press <Enter> in response to
both the "Station" prompt and the "Pick bottom insertion point" prompt.

394 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing Pages of Cross Sections

Importing Pages of Cross Sections

To bring a range of cross sections into the current drawing or export them to another drawing, use
the [Page] command. This command will draw the cross sections in columns from bottom to top and
left to right. The maximum number of vertical sheets is determined by the value in the plotting
settings. If you used the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command to sample multiple surfaces,
then the [Page] command brings in all of the surfaces.
Note: The current view must encompass the entire sheet or the option for plotting the sections to
drawing files will not work.
Take the following steps to import either a single page of cross sections, or multiple pages.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Plot] Î [Page].
oTo import a single page, type S for Single. To import multiple pages, type M for Multiple.
pThe command then prompts for whether or not to import the page(s) into the current drawing.
Type “Y” for Yes or “N” for No.
qTake the next step according to your response at step 3:
Yes: If you type “Y” for Yes in response to this prompt, enter a starting station and a sheet
origin point. The starting station for the first plotted section and the lower left corner of the
sheet are prompted for regardless of where the cross sections are being imported. As each
station is plotted, its value is displayed at the top left corner of the graphics screen.
No: If you type “N” for No in response to this prompt, enter the drawing prefix, the starting
sheet number, a starting station and a sheet origin point. The drawing prefix can have a
maximum of 5 characters. The name of the drawing is based on the drawing prefix entered and
the sheet number. For example, if the drawing prefix is "202cl" and the first sheet number is
"1," the drawing containing the first page of cross sections is named "202cl001." These
drawings can then be called up and edited.
After this information is entered, the cross sections will be drawn on screen as temporary
vectors. When they are all plotted, a prompt displaying the status of the cross section plotting is
displayed and the temporary vectors are erased.
Note: If there are any drawing entities within the sheet boundary, then they are also written out.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 395

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following figure illustrates a single page of cross sections.


One Page of Cross Sections

396 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing Pages of Cross Sections

The following figure illustrates a drawing with all the cross section pages imported.

Multiple Drawing File of Cross Section Pages

The layer name for each existing ground surface is a combination of the prefix set with the
[Settings... (PLOT)] command and the actual surface name.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 397

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Importing All Cross Sections For One Drawing

To create and import cross section plots for an entire alignment, use the [All] command.
The command draws the cross sections in columns from bottom to top and left to right. The
command uses the sheet height from the plotting settings to determine the maximum height to plot the
sections. If you sampled multiple surfaces with the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] command,
then the [All] command brings in all of those surfaces.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Plot] Î [All].
oEnter the beginning and ending stations to plot.
pPick the sheet origin point.
The layer name for each existing ground surface is a combination of the prefix set with the
[Settings... (PLOT)] command and the actual surface name.
The following figure illustrates cross sections imported with the [All] command.

All Cross Sections Imported in One Drawing

398 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Undefining a Cross Section

Undefining a Cross Section

Each new cross section that you plot also has an accompanying definition block that is inserted with
it. This block holds information such as layer names and vertical scales. Whenever you erase a
cross section using an AutoCAD command, you should also erase the definition block. You can do
this by using the [Undefine Section] command. If you do not use this command, then the cross section
information is left in the drawing and could cause problems with some commands.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Plot] Î [Undefine Section]. The following prompt is displayed.
Delete cross section definition block(s) for alignment <{Align name}> (Yes/No) <No>:

oEnter “Y” for Yes will delete the definition block for the selected alignment. Pressing <Enter>
will exit the command without deleting the definition block.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 399

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Section Utilities Menu

The Section Utilities menu contains commands you can use to list and label areas on plotted cross
sections. This menu also includes commands you can use to move between views of the different
plotted cross sections. These commands are for use with the cross sections that are created from the
Sections menu. They can’t be used with the Sheet Manager’s plotted cross sections.
Plotted cross sections must exist in the current drawing before you can use any of these commands.
If you have used the [Undefine Section] command on any of the cross sections, then inaccuracies
may occur when zooming to, listing information from, or labeling these cross sections.
Note: Many of the Section Utilities commands require that a current cross section is set. Use [Select
by Station], [Select by Point], [Zoom to Station] or [Zoom to Point] commands to set the current

Setting the Current Cross Section by Station

Use the [Select By Station] to set the current cross section using an entered station. You must first
plot cross sections in the current drawing before using this command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Select By Station]. The command first searches the
current drawing for all defined sections.
oEnter the number of the station you want to set as current. You must enter the exact station of the
cross section. If you need to enter an odd station, then be sure to enter the station exactly. It may
be easier to select cross sections of odd stations using the [Select By Point] command,
described below.
The command then searches the defined sections for a correct match. If a match is made, the
command then displays the station number of the current cross section.

Setting the Current Cross Section by Point

Use the [Select By Point] command to set the current cross section using point selection.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Select By Point]. The command first searches the
current drawing for all defined sections.
oSelect the cross section by selecting a point anywhere within the boundary of the cross section
grid. This command recognizes any point within the boundaries of the grid even if the grid is
turned off. You can define the grid boundaries with the [Settings... (PLOT)] command.
The command then searches for the appropriate sections and displays the station number of the
current cross section.

400 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Zooming to a Cross Section by Station

Zooming to a Cross Section by Station

Use the [Zoom To Station] command to zoom to a view of a cross section based on an entered
height. When you use this command, the cross section you zoom to becomes the current cross
section. This command is similar to the [Select By Station] command. All of the initial prompts are
identical between these two commands.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Zoom To Station]. The command first searches the
drawing for defined sections.
oEnter the station number.
pEnter the height of the zoom window. The default value is either the height of the previous cross
section window or the vertical limit of the current drawing.
The command then zooms to the station at the specified zoom height.

Zooming to a Cross Section by Point

Use the [Zoom To Point] command to zoom to a view of a cross section based on a selected point
and an entered height. When you use this command, the cross section you zoom to is set as current.
This command is similar to the [Select By Point] command. All of the initial prompts are identical
between these two commands.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Zoom To Point]. The command first searches the
drawing for defined sections.
oSelect a point within the desired section.
pEnter the height of the zoom window. The default value is either the height of the previous cross
section window or the vertical limit of the current drawing.
The command then zooms to the station at the specified zoom height.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 401

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Listing Offset/Elevation of Cross Section Points

Use the [List Offset/Elevation] command to list the offset and elevation of points selected on plotted
cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [List Offset/Elevation].
oSelect the point to list or enter the coordinates of the point. The command then displays the
offset and elevation of the selected point.
pSelect additional points to list or press <Enter> to end the command.

Listing Slope, Grade, and Elevation Difference

Use the [List Slope/Grade] command to list the slope, grade, and elevational difference of points
selected on plotted cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [List Slope/Grade].
oSelect the points that define the slope to list or enter the coordinates of the points. The command
then displays the slope, grade in percent, and elevation difference between the selected points.
pContinue selecting slopes to list or press <Enter> to exit the command loop.

Listing Cross Section Areas

Use the [List Area] command to list areas defined on plotted cross sections. These areas are defined
by point selection.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [List Area].
oSelect the points that define the area. The command continues to display the "Next point"
pPress <Enter> in response to this prompt once all of the points have been selected. The
command then displays the calculated area.
qThe "AREA first point" prompt is displayed again. Press <Enter> in response to this prompt
after all of the areas have been listed.

402 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Setting the Text Size for Labels

Setting the Text Size for Labels

nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Set Text Size...] to set the current text size for labels.
This will display the Text Style Selection dialog box, which shows all of the defined text
oThe name of the current text style is displayed above the scrolling list. To set a new style,
highlight the style name with the pointing device.
pSelect “OK” to select the text style. To use a style that is not on the list, create it with the
AutoCAD STYLE command.

Labeling the Offset of Cross Section Points

The defaults and actual prompt structures for the Label commands vary depending on whether or not
you’ve run the commands previously in the drawing session. All of the Label commands use the
default values and the options used the last time the command was run. Each of the command
descriptions shown in this section describe the command prompts and defaults as they appear the
first time you run the command during a drawing session.
To label the offset of a selected point on a plotted cross section, use the [Label Offset] command.

Automatic Label Placement

nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Offset].
oEnter the text rotation angle for the offset label, or press <Enter> to accept the default. If you
enter a new value for a rotation angle, then this new value will become the default for
successive uses of the command.
pType “A” to use the Auto option.
qSpecify the type of text orientation: random or linear. These options are described below.
• Type “R” to use the Random option and then select a point to label. The label will appear
at the point you selected.
• Type “L” to use the Linear option. Select a point to define the line the label will appear on,
and then select a point to label. The label will appear at the point you used to define the

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 403

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following illustration shows the effect of using the Random option.

Offset Label Using the Random Option

The following illustration shows a label placed using the Linear option.

Offset Label Using the Linear Option

Manual Label Placement

Use the Manual option of the [Label Offset] command to place labels at selected points on the cross
section. Select the point with the offset to be labeled. The command then displays an option list for
how the point will be labeled. Either select the point to place the offset label or enter the desired
option, Rotation or Leader. These options are described in the following sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Offset].
oEnter a new text rotation angle for the offset label, or press <Enter> to accept the default. You
can either pick two points to define a new rotation angle, or you can enter a numeric angle value
at the prompt. If you enter a new value for a rotation angle, then this new value will become the
default for successive uses of the command.

404 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Labeling the Offset of Cross Section Points

Note: You also have the option of changing the text rotation at step 5 below.
pType “M” to use the Manual option.
qSelect the point you want to label.
rSpecify the insertion option: Rotation or Leader.
• Type “R” to use the Rotation option. Use this option to change the rotation angle of the
label you are placing. You can either pick two points to define a new rotation angle, or you
can enter a numeric angle value at the prompt.
The following figure shows the rotation angle of a cross section label.

Offset Label Using the Rotation Option

• Type “L” to use the Leader option, and then pick points to define the leader for the label.
This option uses the point you chose at step 4 as the start of the leader. Press <Enter> when
you’ve selected the leader points, and the command will place the label at the last point
you selected.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 405

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following illustration shows the effect of the leader option.


Offset Label Using the Leader Option

Point: If either the Rotation or Leader options is chosen, Point is listed as an option in the
"Select point (Rotation/Leader)" prompt rather than as the default. The Point option places a
label at a selected point. The following illustration shows the effect of the Point option.

Offset Label Using the Point Option

After the label has been placed, the Manual option of the [Label Offset] command prompts for
another point to label. Press <Enter> to end the command.

406 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Labeling the Elevation of Cross Section Points

Labeling the Elevation of Cross Section Points

Use the [Label Elevation] command to label the elevation of a selected point on a plotted cross
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Elevation].
This command uses the same prompt structure as the [Label Offset] command. Instead of labeling
points with offsets, the [Label Elevation] command places elevation labels. See the [Label Offset]
command description above for more information.

Labeling the Elevation Difference Between Points

Use the [Label Depth] command label elevational differences on plotted cross sections. This
command takes the vertical exaggeration of a plotted cross section into account when labeling the
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Depth].
This command uses a prompt structure similar to the [Label Offset] command. Instead of labeling
points with offsets, the [Label Depth] command calculates the difference in elevation between two
selected points and labels the cross section with this information.
Where the [Label Offset] command prompts for one point to use for calculating offsets, the
[Label Depth] command prompts for two points to use to calculate elevation differences. In
addition, the Random option of the Auto option places the elevation difference labels at the first
point selected. See the [Label Offset] command description for more information.

Labeling the Grade Between Cross Section Points

Use the [Label Grade] command to label a grade on a plotted cross section.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Grade].
oThe command first prompts for the label entry type: Auto or Manual. Enter the desired type.
• The Auto option places the grade label along the line defined by the grade selected.
• If you choose “Manual,” the command next prompts for the rotation angle of the label text.
Accept the default or enter a new rotation angle.
pNext, the command prompts for the selection of the two points that will define the grade. Pick
the two points with a pointing device or enter coordinates.
qIf you selected Automatic label placement at step 2, the label will then be placed on the cross
section plot. If you selected the Manual option, the command next prompts for the “Leader
start.” Pick a point or enter coordinates.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 407

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

rNext, pick a point for the “Second leader point.” The command prompt will then ask for the
“Next point.” Press <Enter> when you have chosen all the points you want to make up the
leader and the label will be placed.
If you press <Enter> at the “Leader start” prompt at step 4, the following prompt will display.
Insertion point (Rotation/Leader):

Either select the point to place the area label, or enter the Rotation or Leader option. Each of
the options are described in the following sections:
Rotation: The Rotation option changes the rotation angle of the label being placed. This option
prompts for the text rotation angle. Enter the new rotation angle for the area label.
Leader: The Leader option places a leader from the point selected to the actual label location.
Select the points that define the leader. The leader arrow is placed at the point selected at the
"Leader start" prompt. When the last point of the leader has been selected, press <Enter> and
the command places the label at the last point selected.
Point: If you choose either the Rotation or Leader options, Point is listed as an option in the
"Select Rotation/Leader/<point>" prompt rather than as the default. The Point option places a
label at a selected point.
sAfter the label is placed, select additional points or press <Enter> to end the command.

Labeling the Slope Between Cross Section Points

Use the [Label Slope] command to label a slope on a plotted cross section. Define the slope by
selecting two points.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Slope].
This command uses the same prompt structure as the [Label Grade] command. Instead of labeling
grades, the [Label Slope] command places slope labels. See the [Label Grade] command
description above for more information.

Labeling an Area on a Plotted Cross Section

Use the [Label Area] command to label an area on a plotted cross section. Define this area by
selecting points on the cross section.
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Label Area].
oEnter the rotation angle for the area label.
pSelect the points that define the area to be labeled. The command continues to prompt for area
qPress <Enter> when all the points defining the area have been selected.
Next, the command displays the following prompt.

408 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Drawing Polylines on Plotted Cross Sections

Insert point (Rotation/Leader):

rEither select the point to place the area label, or enter the Rotation or Leader option. Each of
the options are described in the following sections:
Rotation: The Rotation option changes the rotation angle of the label being placed. This option
prompts for the text rotation angle. Enter the new rotation angle for the area label.
Leader: The Leader option places a leader from the point selected to the actual label location.
Select the points that define the leader. The leader arrow is placed at the point selected at the
"Leader start" prompt. When the last point of the leader has been selected, press <Enter> and
the command places the label at the last point selected.
Point: If you select either the Rotation or Leader options, Point is listed as an option in the
"Select Rotation/Leader/<Point>" prompt rather than as the default. The Point option places a
label at a selected point.
sAfter the label has been placed, select another area to label or press <Enter> to end the

Drawing Polylines on Plotted Cross Sections

Use the [Draw Polyline] command to draw polylines on plotted cross sections. This command uses
common references such as grades, slope, and relative changes in offset and elevation to draw these
nSelect [Section] Î [Section Utilities] Î [Draw Polyline].
This command is identical to the [Draw Template] command from the Template menu. The only
difference between the two commands is that the [Draw Polyline] command uses the vertical scale
of the current cross section to define relative elevations, slopes, and grades. See the
[Draw Template] command description for more information on how to use this command.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 409

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Creating a Three Dimensional Grid

To create a three-dimensional grid, use the [3D Grid] command. This command imports the
alignment as 3D faces on the layer RDGRID, and can assign the 3D grid a vertical exaggeration as it
is imported. You can import the top, datum, and existing ground surfaces with this command.
nSelect [Section] Î [3D Grid].
oEnter the beginning and ending stations. The defaults for these prompts are the beginning and
ending stations of the current alignment. The command uses the responses to these prompts to
specify a range of stations for grid creation.
pThe command then prompts you to specify which points to import: Existing, Datum, or Top. The
datum and top surfaces include all ditch and slope surfaces. These options are described
Existing: The Existing option uses the points for the existing ground surface for the grid.
Datum: The Datum option uses the points defining the volume datum line to create the grid. If
you select the Datum option, the command prompts for the Datum number to use. The default for
this prompt is one (1).
Top: The Top option uses the points along the top surface of the applied template to create the
grid. If you select the Top option, the command prompts for the top surface number to use. The
default for this prompt is one (1).
qAfter you’ve specified the surface, the command then prompts for the vertical scaling factor.
The command uses this factor to stretch the grid in the vertical direction for relief
magnification. This value defaults to <1>. Enter another value or press <Enter> to accept the
The command then processes the station information and creates the grid.
Use the AutoCAD VPOINT or DVIEW commands to view the grid in three-dimensional

410 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Point Output Menu Prerequisites

Point Output Menu Prerequisites

The following prerequisites must be met before using any of the Point Output commands:
• For the existing ground, generate data using the [Sample From DTM (SECTIONS)] or
[Sample From File (SECTIONS)] command.
• For the finished ground, create a template and apply it to the existing ground using the
[Edit Design Control...] command.

Importing Template Points Into the Drawing

To import existing ground, top surface finished ground, volume datum points, or template point
codes into the drawing, use the [Tplate Points To DWG] command. The points are imported as
Civil/Survey points on the current layer. The template points are based on the defined datum or top
surface points. Ditch and slope points are also included.
The point codes can be any custom point codes you set on the template with the [Edit Template...]
command, or they can be the point codes that are automatically set by Advanced Design. For more
information about point codes, see “Setting up a Point Code Table” in this chapter.
Note: If you want to import top or datum surface points, you must first use the [Edit Template...]
command to define these points. If you want to import custom point codes, you must also place these
points on the template with the [Edit Template...] command.
To import template points into the drawing, take the following steps:
nSelect [Section] Î [Point Output] Î [Tplate Points To DWG]
oThe command first prompts for the range of stations to use. The command brings in section
points for every cross section station in the specified range.
pSpecify the type of surface points to import, Existing, Datum, Top, or Pcodes. These options are
described below.
Existing: The Existing option brings in the points from the existing ground cross section data.
Datum: The Datum option imports the points defining the volume datum line including the ditch
and slope points. The Datum option prompts for the datum number. The default number is one
Top: The Top option imports points along the top surface of the applied template including the
ditch and slope points. The Top option prompts for the top surface number. The default number
is one (1).
Note: If you enter a non-existent datum or top surface number, then the command returns the text
"<Undefined>" at each station and only brings in the ditch and slope points.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 411

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Pcodes: The Pcodes option imports the selected point codes into the drawing. When you type P
to access this option, the Select Point Codes dialog box displays as shown below.

Select Point Codes Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to select the point codes you want to import into the drawing. Select
individual point codes with your pointing device. Or you can select the “Select All” button to
select all the point codes. The “Clear All” button deselects all the point codes you’ve selected.
Select “OK” when you’ve completed the selection set.
These points will make use of the COGO description key feature, if you have the description
key option from the [Set Point Settings...] command toggled on, and the point code descriptions
are defined in the description key file. With template point codes you can make use of more than
one point code file. You can have one point code table with descriptions that are appropriate
for plotting with Sheet Manager and you can set up another file with the descriptions modified
to work with the description keys. All that is required is to use the [Edit Point Code Table...]
command to set the desired table name before importing the template points, or plotting the
sections with Sheet manager. See the COGO online Help for more information about the
description key feature.
qThe command then prompts for the current point number. Accept the default or enter a new
The command then imports the points into the drawing.

412 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing Template Points Into the Drawing

The following figure illustrates imported finished ground points.


Imported Finished Ground Points Detail

The existing ground, top surface and datum points are placed on the current layer and tagged as
Type of Point Description
Existing Ground {Specified Surface
Top Surface FG
Datum Datum

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 413

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following illustration is an example of using the Pcodes option to import points into the

Imported Template Point Codes Detail

414 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Template Point Data to a File

Writing Template Point Data to a File

To write the template points data to a file, use the [Tplate Points To File] command. The command
creates an output that is 80 characters wide. The file contains the station, offset, and elevation
information for each point.
• The output settings must be set using the [Output Settings...] command. The
[Tplate Points To File] command ignores the “Screen” and “File” check boxes in the Output
Settings dialog box since it always sends information to a file.
nSelect [Section] Î [Point Output] Î [Tplate Points To File].
oThe command first prompts for an output file name. The default is based on the file name
entered in the [Output Settings...] command. If multiple surfaces are being used, the
[Tplate Points To File] command then prompts for the existing ground surface name to process.
pThe command then prompts for the surface or surfaces to write to a file. Type E to use the
existing ground surface, type F to use the finished ground, or type a B to use both surfaces.
qIf you are outputting the finished ground information, the command prompts for the finished
surface points to write: either Datum or Top surface points. If you are outputting existing ground
information only, skip to step 5.
• If you specify T for top surface, the command then prompts for the top surface number.
• If you specify D for datum, the command then prompts for the datum number.
rThe [Tplate Points To File] command then prompts for beginning and ending stations to
determine the range of the output. The default values indicate the entire alignment. Accept the
default or enter new values. The starting station must be less than the end station. If the end
station entered is less than the start station, then the command writes out an empty file.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 415

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following example shows a sample template points file.

page 1
Hillsboro Bypass phase 2
Project: ROUTE202 Tue Nov 31 16:37:15 1995
Advanced Design Cross Section Data File
Project: ROUTE202 Roadway: 202cl
Start station: 10+00
End station: 14+00
Maximum left offset: 175.000000
Maximum right offset: 175.000001
Maximum elevation: 823.212748
Minimum elevation: 734.379229
Total number of sections: 63



Finish ground: Top Surface #1

-60.32 751.30
-58.32 751.30
-22.50 760.25
-20.00 760.88
-12.00 761.36
0.00 761.60
12.00 761.36
20.00 760.88
22.50 760.25
79.22 746.07

The information is written to an ASCII file using the file name indicated. You can view or edit this
file using any ASCII text editor.

416 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Importing Catch Points and Daylight Lines

Importing Catch Points and Daylight Lines

A catchpoint is the point where a design slope matches into the existing ground. To bring these
points into the drawing, use the [Catch Points To DWG] command.
The [Catch Points To DWG] command imports points at the limits of excavation and the daylight
lines connecting them.
• Process the cross sections with the [Edit Design Control...] command before using the
[Catch Points To DWG] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Point Output] Î [Catch Points To DWG].
oIn the next two prompts, specify whether to import catch points and/or daylight lines. The catch
points and daylight lines are broken into separate prompts so you can bring them in together or
pNext, specify the range of stations to import for the catch points and/or daylight lines. The catch
points are brought in for every cross section station within the specified range.
qEnter the current point number. This is the point number the command uses as the starting point
number for the imported points. The default is the current point number.
The command then imports the catch points and/or daylight lines into the drawing.
The following figure illustrates the catch points and daylight lines.

Imported Catch Points and Daylight Lines Detail

The daylight lines that connect the Catch Points are automatically placed on the DAYLIGHT layer
and the catch points are placed on the current layer or the layer specified in the Description Key
menu if description keys are used. The catch points are given the description “CPT.”

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 417

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Writing Catch Point Data to a File

To write the catch point data to a file, use the [Catch Points To File] command. The command
produces an output file 80 characters wide. This file contains the station, offset, and elevation
information for each catch point.
• Process the alignment by calculating areas with the [Edit Design Control...] command before
using the [Catch Points To File] command.
• The output settings must be set using the [Output Settings...] command. The
[Catch Points To File] command ignores the “Screen” and “File” check boxes in the Output
Settings dialog box since it sends information to a file. All of the other options are used by this
nSelect [Section] Î [Point Output] Î [Catch Points To File].
oFirst, specify the range of stations for the catch points to be written to the file. The catch points
are written for every cross section station within the specified range. The starting station must
be less than the end station. If the end station entered is less than the start station, then the
command writes out an empty file.
pThe command then prompts for the output file name. The default file name is the one entered in
the [Output Settings...] command.
The following example shows a sample catch point data file.

page 1
Hillsboro Bypass phase 2
Project: ROUTE202 Tue Nov 19 16:38:08 1994

Advanced Design Catchpoint Data File

Project: ROUTE202 Roadway: 202cl

Start station: 10+00

End station: 14+00
10+00 -80.62 757.74
10+00 87.36 747.92

10+50 -80.32 758.14

10+50 89.25 748.16

11+00 -80.00 758.53

11+00 90.78 748.28

11+50 -79.71 758.93

11+50 91.49 748.13

12+00 -79.42 759.33

12+00 93.32 748.35

418 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Editing the Volume Adjustment Factors

The information is written to an ASCII file using the file name indicated. You can view or edit this
file using any ASCII text editor.

Editing the Volume Adjustment Factors

To edit the volume adjustment control, use the [Volume Adjustment Factors...] command. With this
command you can apply expansion and compaction factors for volume calculations of template
surfaces, existing subsurfaces, or strip surfaces.
The volume adjustment parameters set with this command are used when you select a volume output
command from the Section menu. The cut adjustment factor is used by the [Subsurface] and
[Strip Surface] commands. The fill adjustment factor is used by the [Template Surface] command.
The [Output to File] command does not use this table, since it looks at the overall cut and fill areas
and does not take into account the different subsurface materials.
When you select a volume output command you are given the option to use volume adjustment
factors. For example, when you select the [Subsurface] command from the Surface Volume Output
submenu, you will see the following prompts:
Volume computation type (Prismoidal/Avgendarea) <Avgendarea>:
Use of curve correction (Yes/No) <Yes>:
Use of volume adjustment factors (Yes/No) <Yes>:

If you respond “Yes” to the third command prompt, then the volume adjustment factors will be taken
into account when outputting the subsurface volume.
To set the volume adjustment factors, take the following steps:
nSelect [Section] Î [Design Control] Î [Volume Adjustment Factors...] to display the Volume
Adjustment Editor as shown below.

Volume Adjustment Editor Dialog Box

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 419

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The information generated in the Volume Adjustment Editor dialog box is stored in an ASCII
file named after the current alignment with the .acn file extension. This file is saved in the
\align subdirectory of the project directory. You can edit the information saved in this file using
any text editor, provided it is saved as ASCII text, and you can use this file with any other cross
section command. You can also add comments to the data. Use a semi-colon (;) or a pound sign
(#) to indicate the beginning of a comment.
oWhen you select the “Insert” button, your cursor will enter the “Surface” portion of the editor.
Use this column to enter the name of the different types of material for both existing and
proposed surfaces. Press <Enter> to move to the Cut and Fill columns.
pUse the “Cut (Adj)” portion of the editor to set the cut adjustment. This value helps determine
the actual volume material that needs to be removed from the site. The value is applied to the
[Subsurface] and [Strip Surface] commands.
Note: For a material that expands 15%, enter the value "1.15." Whereas, for a material that
compacts to 93% of its original value, enter the value "0.93." A factor of 1.00 does not adjust
the volumes.
qUse the “Fill (Adj)” portion of the editor to set the fill adjustment. This value helps determine
the actual volume material that needs to be added to the site. This value is applied to the
[Template Surface] command.
rUse the H, U, ∧, ∨, D, E buttons to navigate through the lines and pages of slope information.
H: This button moves the cursor to the first line of information.
U: This button moves the cursor up one page.
∧: This button moves the cursor up one line.
∨: This button moves the cursor down one line.
D: This button moves the cursor down one page.
E: This button moves the cursor to the last line of information.
sUse the “Delete” button to remove an indicated surface and all its associated information. A
warning dialog box will display when you select this button. Select the “Yes” button to
continue, or select “No” to not delete the surface.
tWhen you want to save changes you’ve made, select the “Save” button. This option saves
changes without exiting the editor.
uTo exit the dialog box, select “OK.” To exit the dialog box and cancel the edits you’ve made,
select “Cancel.”

420 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Creating a Volume Table

Creating a Volume Table

The [Volume Table] command calculates the cut and fill volumes of a range of cross sections and
creates a table of the data generated.
• Before using the [Volume Table] command, use the [Edit Design Control...] to generate the
cross section areas.
nSelect [Section] Î [Total Volume Output] Î [Volume Table].
oSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes takes the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pSpecify whether you want to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length
between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve.
With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the
areas for a more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, enter the cut and fill adjustment factors at the next prompts.
rSpecify the range of stations to process. The defaults are the beginning and ending stations of
the current alignment.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 421

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

sSelect the insertion point of the table. This is the upper left hand corner of the table. The
following figure shows an example of a volume data table.

Volume Data Table

422 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Earthwork Volume Data to the Screen

Writing Earthwork Volume Data to the Screen

Use the [To Screen] command to write the earthwork volumes data to the screen.
• Process the alignment by calculating areas with the [Edit Design Control...] command before
using the [To Screen] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Total Volume Output] Î [To Screen].
oSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pNext, the command prompts for the use of curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the
length between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline
curve. With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of
the areas for a more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, enter the cut and fill adjustment factors at the next prompts.
rSpecify the range of stations to process. The default are the beginning and ending stations of the
current alignment.
sThe [To Screen] command then displays the cut and fill volume information on the screen. The
display includes the station cut and fill areas, station cut and fill volumes, and cumulative
volumes. The [To Screen] output pauses after each screen.
tPress any key to view the next screen of information.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 423

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following example is a typical screen output.


Cut Fill Cut Fill
Station Area (sqft) Area (sqft) Cumulative Cumulative
Volume (yds) Volume (yds) Volume (yds) Volume (yds)
10+00 204.48 581.87
374.53 1088.16 374.53 1088.16
10+50 200.02 594.14
362.64 1112.01 737.18 2200.17
11+00 191.64 606.82
336.64 1164.72 1073.82 3364.89
11+50 171.94 651.07
313.12 1213.69 1386.94 4578.59
12+00 166.23 659.71
307.89 1238.35 1694.84 5816.94
12+50 166.29 677.71
292.28 1292.84 1987.12 7109.78
13+00 149.38 718.56
257.14 1370.82 2244.26 8480.60

424 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Total Earthwork Volume Data to a File

Writing Total Earthwork Volume Data to a File

Use the [To File] command to write earthwork volume data to an ASCII text file.
• Process the alignment by calculating areas with the [Edit Design Control...] command before
using the [To File] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Total Volume Output] Î [To File].
oSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pSpecify whether you want to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length
between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve.
With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the
areas for a more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, enter the cut and fill adjustment factors at the next prompts.
rSpecify the range of stations to process. The default are the beginning and ending stations of the
current alignment.
sSpecify an output file name. Include the path and extension when entering the file name.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 425

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The file lists the station cut and fill areas, station cut and fill volumes, station total volume, and the
running mass ordinate. The following example shows a sample volume data file.

page 1

Hillsboro Bypass phase 2

Project: ROUTE202
Mon Nov 25 14:11:37 1994
Alignment: 202cl
Cut Fill Cut Fill Cut Fill
Station Area Area Volume Volume Tot Vol Tot VOL Mass Ordinate
10+00 115.96 581.49
214.04 1089.38 214.04 1089.38 -875.34
10+50 115.20 595.04
212.75 1113.46 426.78 2202.84 -1776.05
11+00 114.56 607.50
204.39 1165.34 631.17 3368.18 -2737.01
11+50 106.18 651.07
195.79 1213.51 826.96 4581.70 -3754.73
12+00 105.28 659.52
199.04 1237.42 1026.01 5819.11 -4793.11

The [To File] command produces an output file that is 132 characters wide.

426 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Creating a Mass Haul Diagram

Creating a Mass Haul Diagram

Use the [Import Mass Haul] command to create a mass haul diagram in the current drawing. The
command also creates a plot of the mass ordinate at each station.
• Calculate the areas with the [Edit Design Control...] command before using the
[Import Mass Haul] command.
nSelect [Section] Î [Total Volume Output] Î [Import Mass Haul].
oSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pSpecify whether to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length between the
end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve. With curve
correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the areas for a
more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, enter the cut and fill adjustment factors at the next prompts.
rSelect the insertion point for the mass diagram plot. The insertion point is the lower left
intersection of the station and mass ordinate plot lines.
sSpecify the beginning and ending stations. The default are the beginning and ending stations of
the current alignment.
tThe command then displays the following prompt:
Vertical scale (cu. yds.) <1.00>:

Specify the vertical scale, depending on how much cut and fill the alignment has. The default
value is local to the station range specified. The vertical scale is per plotted inch based on the
horizontal scale factor.
The command then draws the mass haul diagram. The volume balance line is placed on the
"MDBAL" layer. The vertical and horizontal grid lines are placed on the "MDGRID" layer. The
station labels and volume numbers are placed on the "MDGRIDT" layer.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 427

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following figures shows a sample mass diagram.


Mass Diagram

The following illustrations shows a close up of a mass diagram.


Close-up of Mass Diagram

428 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Template Volume Data to a File

Writing Template Volume Data to a File

The [Template Surface (VOLUME)] command creates a report of the volumes for the design
template surfaces.
nSelect [Section] Î [Surface Volume Output] Î [Template Surface].
oThe command first prompts for the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pSpecify whether you want to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length
between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve.
With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the
areas for a more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. See “Editing the Volume
Adjustment Factors” above for information on how to set these factors.
rSpecify an output file name. Include the path and extension when entering the file name.
sSpecify the range of stations to process. The default are the beginning and ending stations of the
current alignment.
The command then passes through sections determining surface conditions. The command reports the
surfaces it is calculating as it is generating the report. The material volumes reported are based on
the material description assigned to each surface when you defined the template. The report includes
the area, volume, and total volume for each station. This information is written to an ASCII file that
can be viewed or edited with any text editor.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 429

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following is an example of a template volume report.

page 1
Hillsboro Bypass Phase 2
Project: ROUTE202 Thu Nov 7 17:00:00 1994
Alignment: 202CL
SURFACE: asphalt
Station Area (sqft) Volume (yds) Tot Vol (yds)
10+00 7.92
14.67 14.67
10+50 7.92
14.67 29.33
11+00 7.92
14.67 44.00
11+50 7.92
14.67 58.67
12+00 7.92
14.67 73.33
12+50 7.92
14.67 88.00
13+00 7.92
14.67 102.67

The volumes for all surfaces with the same material description are combined. If a template surface
was not assigned a material description, it is reported as "unclassified." The volume for each
material is reported and then a summary of all of the materials volumes is reported at the end.

430 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Subsurface Volume Data to a File

Writing Subsurface Volume Data to a File

Use the [Subsurface (VOLUME)] command to write the subsurface data to a file. This command is
similar to the [Template Surface (VOLUME)] command.
• In order to use this command, subsurfaces must exist through the use of multiple DTM surfaces
or Interpolation Control of existing ground cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Surface Volume Output] Î [Subsurface].
oSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pSpecify whether you want to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length
between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve.
With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the
areas for a more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. See “Editing the Volume
Adjustment Factors” above for information on how to set these factors.
rSpecify an output file name. Include the path and extension when entering the file name.
sSpecify the range of stations to process. The default are the beginning and ending stations of the
current alignment.
The command then passes through sections determining surface conditions. The command reports the
surfaces it is calculating as it is generating the report. The command reports the area, volumes, and
mass ordinate of cut for each existing subsurface. This information is written to an ASCII file that
can be viewed or edited with any text editor.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 431

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following example shows a typical subsurface volume report. A summary of the total volumes
of cut for each existing subsurface is reported at the end of the file.

page 1
Hillsboro Bypass Phase 2
Project: ROUTE202 Thu Nov 7 17:00:00 1994
Alignment: 202CL
Station Area (sqft) Volume (yds) Tot Vol (yds)
10+00 80.33
147.76 147.76
10+50 79.26
146.03 293.79
11+00 78.45
139.39 433.19
11+50 72.14
132.32 565.50
12+00 70.77
134.63 700.14
12+50 74.66
130.53 830.67
13+00 66.64
113.03 943.70

432 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Strip Volume Data to a File

Writing Strip Volume Data to a File

The [Strip Surface (VOLUME)] command reports the strip volumes of the top surface. This
command can also report the strip volumes of all surfaces above a selected surface.
• In order to use this command, subsurfaces must have been created using Multiple DTM surfaces
or Interpolation Control of existing ground cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [Surface Volume Output] Î [Strip Surface].
oSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
pSpecify whether you want to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length
between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve.
With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the
areas for a more accurate result.
qSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. See “Editing the Volume
Adjustment Factors” above for information on how to set these factors.
rSpecify an output file name. Include the path and extension when entering the file name.
sSelect a strip surface. Either enter the top surface or the name of any subsurface. If you enter a
subsurface name, the command calculates the strip volumes of the surface specified and all
surfaces above it.
tSpecify whether you want the outer limits of the strip areas to be determined by the catch points
of the match slopes or by the right-of-way offsets. Specify which limits to use at the "Strip to
(Row/Catch) <Catch>" prompt.
The command displays the surfaces being calculated as it generates the strip volume report. If
several surfaces are being calculated, the volumes of each surface are reported separately.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 433

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following is an example of a strip volume report.

page 1
Hillsboro Bypass Phase 2
Project: ROUTE202 Thu Nov 7 17:00:00 1994
Alignment: 202CL
Station Area (sqft) Volume (yds) Tot Vol (yds)
10+00 14.87
29.19 29.19
10+50 16.68
53.94 83.13
11+00 43.71
109.61 192.74
11+50 76.16
135.85 328.59
12+00 70.59
143.59 472.18

434 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Comparing Volumes Between Two Existing Ground Surfaces

Comparing Volumes Between Two Existing Ground

To compare the volumes of material contained between two existing ground surfaces, use the
[Existing Ground] surface volume command.
The command prompts for two surface names: the match surface and the datum surface. The match
surface is the one that will be used as the original existing ground surface, and the datum surface
will be used as the new surface to compare against the match surface.
nSelect [Section] Î [Surface Volume Output] Î [Existing Ground]. The following Select
Match Surface dialog box is displayed:

Select Match Surface Dialog Box

oThis dialog box displays the names of all existing ground cross section surfaces that are defined
for the current alignment. Pick the Match surface name then select the OK button. The match
surface is the initial existing ground surface.
pThe Select Datum Surface dialog box displays, displaying the same list of surface names. Select
the Datum surface name then select the OK button. The datum surface will be compared against
the match surface to calculate the areas volumes.
qThe command then displays the following prompt:
Volume region limits (Row/Catch/Extents) <Catch>:

Specify which option to use for the volume region limits. The outer limits of the volume areas
are determined either by the right-of-way offsets, the catch points of the match slopes, or the
extents of the cross section. The extents option will use the entire cross section in calculating
the volume.
rSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes take the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 435

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate method than the average
end area method.
sSpecify whether you want to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length
between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve.
With curve correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the
areas for a more accurate result.
tSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors to compute the total volume. If you
elect to use the volume adjustment factors, then the command prompts next for the cut and fill
adjustment factors. The cut and fill adjustment factors values help determine the actual volume
of the material that has been removed from or added to the site. See “Editing the Volume
Adjustment Factors” above for more information on how to set these factors.
Note: For a material that expands 15%, enter the value "1.15." Whereas, for a material that
compacts to 93% of its original value, enter the value "0.93." A factor of 1.00 does not adjust
the volumes.
uEnter an output file name. Include the path and extension when entering the file name.
vSpecify the range of stations to use. Enter the beginning and ending stations in the range.
The command displays the surfaces being calculated as it generates the existing ground surface
volume report. If several surfaces are being calculated, then the volumes of each surface are
reported separately.

436 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

ASCII File Output Sections Menu

ASCII File Output Sections Menu

The ASCII File Output Sections menu commands provide raw data for cross sections and volumes.
Use the commands in this menu to create ASCII output files of information taken from cross sections
and volume calculations. These files have been developed to allow custom programs to read data
created by the Advanced Design module.
There are a multitude of different output formats that exist worldwide. Some countries have
standardized specific formats for profiles and cross sections while in other countries, the formats
can vary greatly from region to region or even between corporations. With these ASCII files, add-on
programs can be written to take the data generated by Advanced Design and output it in any
customized format.
All command descriptions and examples given in this chapter assume a current alignment has been
set using the [Select Alignment] command from the Alignment pull-down menu. The ASCII File
Output commands all begin by displaying the current alignment name, number, and description.
Note: The files created by the commands in this menu are output in ASCII format only. These are
data files and are not intended to be a report.
In the output from all of the ASCII File Output commands, any line beginning with either a number
character (#) or semicolon (;) is a comment line.

Accessing the Output Settings Dialog Box

The [Output Settings...] command displays the current output settings.
nSelect [Section] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Output Settings...] to display the Output Settings
dialog box.
• To send the information generated to a file, check the "File" check box on and enter the
output file name.
• To keep a running record of all data output, make sure the "Overwrite file" check box is
toggled off.
See the Modify the Output Settings topic in the COGO online Help for more information on this
dialog box.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 437

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Writing a Station Range of Sectional Data

The [Sections] command outputs a station range of sectional data for a single alignment to an ASCII
file. All of the data represents the existing ground, subsurface, and proposed template surfaces as
nSelect the [Section] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Sections] command.
oSpecify the directory to output the information to. Accept the default, \sdsk\proj\alignment
name\align, or enter a different directory.
pSpecify the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension.
If the file already exists, a prompt displays asking whether or not to overwrite the file. Enter
"Y" for Yes to overwrite or "N" for No and the command prompts for the file name again.
qSpecify the range of stations. The defaults for the beginning and ending stations are based on the
beginning and ending stations of the current alignment. Accept the default or enter a different
range of stations.
The command then calculates the sectional data for the stations. The following table lists the section
codes used in the ASCII text file.

Description Codes
Surface Existing ground 0
Finished ground 1
Top surface 10
Datum surface 20
Template surface 30
Assembly surface 40
Points Null point 0
Existing point 1
Template point 2
Assembly point 3

Note: Angles are expressed in radians measured counterclockwise from a zero (0) x-axis.

438 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing a Station Range of Sectional Data

The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name
internal sta,external sta,direction along align,skew angle of section
offset of ref pt,elev of ref pt,Northing of ref pt,Easting of ref pt
min offset,max offset,min elev,max elev
cut area,cut centroid,fill area,fill centroid,rad at sta,rad halfway to next
surface type,number of surfaces of this type
surface type,surface name
number of points
pt code,offset,elevation

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before station
equations are used. The external station is the current station value. If you haven’t used station
equations, these values will be the same. The "direction along align" variable is the current
direction of the alignment (in radians). The skew angle of the section is not used at this time.
The following is an example section output in the ASCII text file.

# Advanced Design Section Output 1.0 A


Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 439

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Writing Total Earthwork Volume Data

The [Total Volume (ASCII)] command writes earthwork volume data to an ASCII text file.
• Before using the [Total Volume (ASCII)] command make sure an alignment, template, and
profile have been created and that a template has been applied to the existing ground.
nSelect [Section] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Total Volume].
oSpecify the directory to output the information to. Accept the default, \sdsk\proj\alignment
name\align, or enter a different directory.
pSpecify the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension.
If the file already exists, then a prompt displays asking whether or not to overwrite the file.
Enter "Y" for Yes to overwrite or "N" for No and the command prompts for the file name again.
qSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes takes the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
rSpecify whether to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length between the
end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve. With curve
correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the areas for a
more accurate result.
sSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, the next prompts ask for the cut and fill adjustment factors.
Note: For a material that expands 15%, enter the value "1.15." Whereas, for a material that
compacts to 93% of its original value, enter the value "0.93." A factor of 1.00 does not adjust
the volumes.
tSpecify the range of stations to process. The defaults for the beginning and ending stations are
based on the beginning and ending stations of the current alignment. Accept the defaults or enter
a different station range.
The following table lists the total volume codes used in the ASCII text file.

Description Codes
Volume types Average End Area 0
Prismoidal 1

440 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Total Earthwork Volume Data

Curve correction On 1
Off 0
Adjustment factors On 1
Off 0
The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name
volume type,curve correction,adjustment factors,cut factor, fill factor
int sta,ext sta,cut area,cut centroid,cut volume,cumulative cut vol,
fill area,fill centroid, fill volume,cumulative fill vol,mass ordinate,
radius,radius halfway to next station

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before station
equations are used. The external station is the current station value. If you haven’t used station
equations, then these values will be the same.
The following is an example of the total volume output in the ASCII text file.

# Advanced Volume Total Output 1.0A

1,1,1.000000,1.000000, 1

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 441

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Writing Template Volume Data

To write the volumes for the design template surfaces to an ASCII text file, use the
[Template Surface (ASCII)] command. The material volumes reported are based on the material
description assigned to each surface when you defined the template.
The volumes for all surfaces with the same material are combined. If a template surface was not
assigned a material description, then it is reported as "unclassified."
nSelect [Section] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Template Surface].
oSpecify the directory to output the information to. Accept the default, \sdsk\proj\alignment
name\align, or enter a different directory.
pSpecify the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension. If the file
already exists, then a prompt displays asking whether or not to overwrite the file. Enter "Y" for
Yes to overwrite or "N" for No and the command prompts for the file name again.
qSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes takes the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
rSpecify whether to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length between the
end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve. With curve
correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the areas for a
more accurate result.
sSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, enter the cut and fill adjustment factors at the next prompts.
tSpecify the range of stations to process. The defaults for the beginning and ending stations are
based on the beginning and ending stations of the current alignment. Accept the defaults or enter
a new range or stations.
The following table lists the template volume codes used in the ASCII text file.

442 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Template Volume Data

Description Codes
Report types Template volumes 0
Strip volumes 1
Subsurface volumes 2
Volume types Average End Area 0
Prismoidal 1
Curve correction On 1
Off 0
Adjustment factors On 1
Off 0
Catch/ROW Catch points 1
(ignored by all volume types except Right of Way 0

The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name
report type,volume type,curve correction,adjustment factors,catch/ROW
surface,int sta,ext sta,area,centroid,adjustment factor,volume,cumulative
volume,radius,radius half way to next sta

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before station
equations are used. The external station is the current station value. If station equations have not
been used, these values will be the same.
The following is an example of the template volume output in the ASCII text file.

# Advanced Template Volume Output 1.0A


Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 443

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

Writing Subsurface Volume Data

The [Subsurface (ASCII)] command writes the area and volumes of cut for each existing subsurface
to an ASCII text file. The ASCII text file can be viewed or edited with any text editor.
• In order to use this command, subsurfaces must exist through the use of multiple DTM surfaces
or Interpolation Control of existing ground cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Subsurface].
oSpecify the directory to output the information to. Accept the default, \sdsk\proj\alignment
name\align, or enter a different directory.
pSpecify the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension. If the file
already exists, then a prompt displays asking whether or not to overwrite the file. Enter "Y" for
Yes to overwrite or "N" for No and the command prompts for the file name again.
qSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes takes the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
rSpecify whether to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length between the
end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve. With curve
correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the areas for a
more accurate result.
sSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. If you enter “Y” for Yes at this
prompt, then enter the cut and fill adjustment factors at the next prompts.
tEnter the range of stations to process. The defaults for the beginning and ending stations are
based on the beginning and ending stations of the current alignment. Accept the defaults or enter
a new range of stations to process.
The following table lists the subsurface volume codes used in the ASCII text file.

444 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Subsurface Volume Data

Description Codes
Report types Template volumes 0
Strip volumes 1
Subsurface volumes 2
Volume types Average End Area 0
Prismoidal 1
Curve correction On 1
Off 0
Adjustment factors On 1
Off 0
Catch/ROW Catch points 1
(ignored by all volume types except Right of Way 0

The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name
report type,volume type,curve correction,adjustment factors,catch/ROW
surface,int sta,ext sta,area,centroid,adjustment factor,volume,cumulative
volume,radius,radius half way to next sta

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before station
equations are used. The external station is the current station value. If you haven’t used station
equations, these values will be the same.
The following is an example of the subsurface volume output in the ASCII text file.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 445

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

# Advanced Subsurface Volume Output 1.0A


446 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Strip Volume Data

Writing Strip Volume Data

The [Strip Surface (ASCII)] command writes the strip volumes of the specified surface to an ASCII
text file. This command can also write the strip volumes of all surfaces above a selected surface to
an ASCII text file. The ASCII text file can be viewed or edited with any text editor.
• In order to use this command, subsurfaces must exist through the use of Multiple DTM Surfaces
or Interpolation Control of existing ground cross sections.
nSelect [Section] Î [ASCII File Output] Î [Strip Surface].
oSpecify the directory to output the information to. Accept the default, \sdsk\proj\alignment
name\align, or enter a different directory.
pSpecify the file name. When entering the file name, be sure to include the extension. If the file
already exists, then a prompt displays asking whether or not to overwrite the file. Enter "Y" for
Yes to overwrite or "N" for No and the command prompts for the file name again.
qSpecify the volume computation type, Prismoidal or Avgendarea.
• For the average end area method, the calculations for volumes takes the area of cut or fill at
one station plus the area of the cut or fill at the next station divided by two, multiplied by
the distance between the stations. The commands calculate all data from the actual values,
but the reported values are rounded to the desired volume precision.
• The prismoidal method of calculating volumes is more accurate than the average end area
method. However, this technique involves a more complicated calculation and may take a
longer time to process.
rSpecify whether to use curve correction. In normal volume calculations, the length between the
end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the length along the centerline curve. With curve
correction in use, the length is taken from the path of the average centroid of the areas for a
more accurate result.
sSpecify whether you want to use volume adjustment factors. See “Editing the Volume
Adjustment Factors” above for information on how to set these factors.
tEnter the name of the strip surface.
uThe outer limits of the strip areas are determined either by the right-of-way offsets (Row) or by
the catch points of the match slopes (Catch). Specify which limits to use at the "Strip to
(Row/Catch) <Catch>" prompt.
vSpecify the range of stations to process. The defaults for the beginning and ending stations are
based on the starting and ending stations of the current alignment. The command then passes
through the sections to determine the surface conditions. If several surfaces are being
calculated, then the volumes of each surface is reported separately.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 447

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

The following table lists the strip volume codes used in the ASCII text file.

Description Codes
Report types Template volumes 0
Strip volumes 1
Subsurface volumes 2
Volume types Average End Area 0
Prismoidal 1
Curve correction On 1
Off 0
Adjustment factors On 1
Off 0
Catch/ROW Catch points 1
(ignored by all volume types except Right of Way 0

The following text shows the format for the ASCII text file.

Alignment name
report type,volume type,curve correction,adjustment factors,catch/ROW
surface,int sta,ext sta,area,centroid,adjustment factor,volume,cumulative
volume,radius,radius half way to next sta

The internal station is the original station value as the alignment was defined, before station
equations are used. The external station is the current station value. If station equations have not
been used, then these values will be the same.

448 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Writing Strip Volume Data

The following is an example of the strip volume output in the ASCII text file.

# Advanced Strip Volume Output 1.0A


Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 449

Chapter 6: Working With Cross Sections

450 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Appendix A
File Listing
This list of files are created by the various Advanced Design commands. The tables presented in
this section are divided into the following sections.
Path Directory Where File is Placed
File Name Name of file which is created.
Command Name Name of command which creates or accesses a file.
Description Brief description of the contents of the file.
Type File archiving importance.

When referencing an entry in a table, the following conventions are used for directory names:
Entry Definition
<project> Represents the project directory.
example: c:\sdsk\proj\proj1
<align> Represents the alignment subdirectory of the project directory.
example: c:\sdsk\proj\proj1\align
<alignname> Represents the alignment name subdirectory of the project directory.
example: c:\sdsk\proj\proj1\align\road1
<speed path> Represents the speed table storage path.
example: c:\sdsk\data\tables
<tplate path> Represents the template storage path.
example: c:\sdsk\data\tplates

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 451

Appendix A: File Listing

When referencing an entry in a table, the following conventions are used for file names:
Entry Definition
<projname> Represents the project name.
<dwgname> Represents the drawing name.
<alignname> Represents the alignment name.
<speed> Represents the Material table name.
<material> Represents the Material table name.
<pcode> Represents the Point Code table name.
<subassembly> Represents the subassembly name.
<template> Represents the template name.

File Archiving Importance

The files listed in the following table with a “P” in the Type column are of primary importance and
should be archived with all other information pertaining to the particular project. Some recreation is
required if these files are not archived. Files listed with a “T” are temporary and do not need to be
archived with the project.
Many Softdesk Civil/Survey commands create data files. The names of some these files are entered
by the user and other names are based on the project and alignment names. There are two types of
file naming conventions used by Softdesk Civil/Survey products, described below.

Project Name
A project name creates a file storage subdirectory, which allows you to define multiple alignments
under the same project name. This storage path makes it easy to archive an entire project. Every
drawing must have a project name, and you can use the same project name for different drawings.
Project names are specified when a new drawing is begun, and can be no more than eight (8)
characters long.

Alignment Name
An alignment name is used to name a baseline or alignment. For example, the [Define from Entities]
command adds alignments to the alignment database <projname>.adb. The alignments are held in
the database using the alignment name <align>. The alignment name or <align> can be up to eight
characters long and be composed of any alphanumeric character.

452 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

File Listing

Advanced Design Files

Path File Name Command Name Description Type
<align> project.adb Define From Entities, Horizontal alignment P
Define From Polyline, Edit... database

<align> projname.abu Define From Entities, Horizontal alignment P

Define From Polyline, Edit... database backup

<align> <dwgname>.ahl Define From Entities, Horizontal alignment P

Define From Polyline, Edit... handles

<align> <dwgname>.ahb Define From Entities, Horizontal alignment P

Define From Polyline, Edit... handles backup

<align> project.aed Define From Entities, Temporary horizontal T

Define From Polyline, Edit... alignment file

<align> project.afe Define From Entities, Temporary horizontal T

Define From Polyline, Edit... alignment file

<align> project.ahd Define From Entities, Temporary horizontal T

Define From Polyline, Edit... alignment file

<align> project.arn Define From Entities, Temporary horizontal T

Define From Polyline, Edit... alignment file

<align> <dwgname>.aeh Define From Entities, Temporary horizontal T

Define From Polyline, Edit... alignment file

<align> align.lk# Select Alignment, Set Current Temporary alignment T

Profile database lock file

<alignname> align.lk# Select Alignment, Set Current Temporary alignment T

Profile name lock file

<alignname> <alignname>.acn Vol Adj, Template Surface, Volume adjustment P

Subsurface, Strip Surface information

<alignname> <alignname>.dcn Depth Slopes... Depth control slopes P


<alignname> <alignname>.icn Edit Sections... Surface interpolation P


<alignname> <alignname>.pcn Stepped Slopes... Stepped control slopes P


Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 453

Appendix A: File Listing

Path File Name Command Name Description Type

<alignname> <alignname>.scn Surface Slopes... Surface control slopes P

<alignname> <alignname>.sed Superelevation Parameters... Superelevation P


<alignname> <alignname>.smp Sample From DTM (SECTIONS) Sampled station list P

<alignname> <alignname>.tcd Edit Vertical Alignment... Template control data P

<alignname> <alignname>.tcp Edit Vertical Alignment... Template control data P


<alignname> <alignname>.tdf Edit Design Control..., View/Edit Control data file and P
Sections view defaults

<alignname> <alignname>.vrt Define Profile, Vertical alignment file P

Define FG Centerline, Edit Vertical

<alignname> <alignname>.xsd Sample From DTM (SECTIONS), Existing ground cross P

Sample From File (SECTIONS), section data file
Edit Sections...

<alignname> <alignname>.xsp Sample From DTM (SECTIONS), Existing ground cross P

Sample From File (SECTIONS), section data file
Edit Sections...

<alignname> <alignname>.err Edit Design Control... Process error file P

<speed path> <speed>.sup Edit Speed Tables... Speed table data file P

<tplate path> <material>.mat Edit Material Table... Template material file P

<tplate path> <pcode>.pcd Edit Point Code Table... Template point code file P

<tplate path> <subassembly>.sub Define Subassembly, Subassembly data file P

Edit Subassembly

<tplate path> <template>.tpl Define Template, Edit Template Template data file P

454 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Appendix B
In modern transportation design, vehicle dynamics as well as safety and comfort considerations
dictate the need to avoid abrupt changes in horizontal curvature. Such changes, which would be
encountered where a tangent meets a circular curve or at points of compound curvature can be
avoided by the introduction of a general class of curves called spirals or "transition" curves.
Additionally, a spiral provides the logical location for the introduction of superelevation in such a
way that it is matched to the local curvature of the alignment at every point.
In response to the needs of many roadway designers, a complete set of spiral design and
computational tools has been added to the Advanced Design module. Alignment commands include
a wide selection of curve fitting and traversing functions along with a variety of commands to create
points. Alignment stationing has been greatly enhanced. Designers can now easily compute stations,
station equations, stations and offsets, and entity intersections along tangents, curves, and spirals.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 455

Appendix B: Spirals

Spiral Types
Different types of spirals are classified by their curvature function (the equation that defines degree
of curve as a function of station). Integration of this function gives an equation for the local azimuth
(theta) at any given point on the spiral, and subsequent integration of the cosine and sine of theta
provide functions for the tangent and offset (x & y) of that point. It is these equations that allow the
location of any point on a spiral.

Spiral Calculation Parameters

Currently four spiral types are supported by Advanced Design. However, in most cases, you can use
the clothoid or linear spiral. The clothoid spiral is used almost exclusively in the United States for
both highway and track design and is certainly the most widely used type of spiral in most other
countries as well. First investigated by the Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler, the curvature
function of the clothoid is a linear function chosen such that the degree of curve is zero (0) where the
spiral meets the tangent. The function then increases linearly until it is equal to the degree of the
adjacent curve at the point where the spiral and curve meet.

Clothoid Degree of Curve Function

456 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Spiral Types

Such an alignment provides for continuity of the position function and its first derivative (local
azimuth) just as a tangent and curve would at a Point of Curvature (PC). However, unlike the simple
curve, it also maintains continuity of the second derivative (local curvature) which becomes
increasingly important at higher speeds. Note that a number of approximations of the clothoid have
been introduced including the A.R.E.A. spiral, the cubic parabola, and the Searles spiral, but none
of these provide the exact match between alignment and vehicle dynamics that the clothoid does.
These alternative spirals were developed to simplify the computation process in the pre-computer
At extremely high speeds, such as those experienced on the high speed rail systems of Europe and
Japan, the third derivative of the alignment function, which is discontinuous for the clothoid,
becomes important. For this purpose, a number of "higher" spiral types have been introduced.
Among these, the spirals with quadratic and sinusoidal curvature functions have been widely used in
Europe while the cosine spiral has been popular in Japan.

Other Degree of Curvature Functions

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 457

Appendix B: Spirals

These three spiral types produce geometries that provide similar vehicle dynamics. It is likely that
regional preferences play a significant role in decisions regarding what type of spiral a particular
project should employ.

Four Spiral Types

458 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Compound Spirals

Compound Spirals
In the same way that a simple spiral provides a transition between a tangent and a circular curve, a
compound spiral provides a transition between two circular curves with different radii. As with the
simple spiral, this allows for continuity of the curvature function and provides a means of
introducing a transition in superelevation. Currently, Advanced Design supports compound spirals
only of the clothoid type. For such a spiral, the curvature function would look like the following.

Compound Degree of Curvature Function

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 459

Appendix B: Spirals

The spiral resulting from the integration of this function is identical to a portion of a simple spiral
with the longer radius curve attached at the point on the spiral where the local curvature is the same
as for that curve. The shorter radius curve attaches to the usual location on the spiral.

Compound Spiral

Compound spirals find their greatest use in difficult terrain where the radius of a curve must change
to avoid excessive earthwork or in entrance/exit ramps where vehicle speed is changing
significantly. Occasionally, the demands of a complex alignment in an urban setting is best met by
the use of compound spirals.

Offset Spirals
When a circular curve or tangent is offset, the resulting entity is a new curve or tangent and is
therefore easy to deal with computationally. For a spiral, however, this is not the case. A spiral
does not retain its curvature function when offset and this parallel spiral cannot be dealt with using
the same geometry as the base spiral. It is, however, possible to describe such offset entities
mathematically and to compute stations along them. Advanced Design includes the capabilities of
handling such computations and allows the inclusion of parallel clothoid spirals in alignments. Uses
for this type of alignment might include edge of pavement figures or special cases of parallel transit
Note: Although any type of spiral can be offset with either AutoCAD or Advanced Design
commands, only the clothoid (simple or compound) currently maintains any mathematical integrity
when offset. Other types of offset spirals should not be included in alignments.

460 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Parallel Spiraled Alignments

Parallel Spiraled Alignments

Often in alignment design it is desirable to construct two or more alignments that are parallel
through a curve. For circular curves, this is a simple matter but when spirals are introduced, the
complications discussed in the previous section, "Offset Spirals," come into play. Two approaches
to this problem are as follows.
The first method dictates that the alignments be everywhere at a uniform distance from each other. In
this case, the first alignment is created and the spirals are added using any of the Spiral commands.
The second alignment is created such that it has no mathematical description of its own except that it
is at a uniform offset from the first. Either the Advanced Design commands or the AutoCAD
OFFSET command may be used to create this second alignment. Stationing and all computations
regarding either alignment are generally done with respect to the first alignment.

Parallel Alignments with Offset Spirals

The second method employs nearly parallel, true spirals to create the second alignment and has the
added advantage of allowing for widening of track centers in the main body of the curve if desired.
This can be useful in mass transit design where car overhang in tight curves requires increased
lateral clearance between adjacent tracks. As with the first method, create the first alignment with
the usual commands, then offset the tangents and circular portions with the AutoCAD OFFSET
command. Finally, use the appropriate Advanced Design command from the Fit Spiral menu to
create the true spirals that connect the tangents and curve(s).
Note: These spirals have the length the program computes as necessary to join the selected entities
and they are displaced (along the alignment) with respect to the spirals on the first alignment.
Because the spirals are not perfectly parallel, it is a good idea to use the [Divide] and
[List (STA/OFF)] commands to check clearances within the spirals.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 461

Appendix B: Spirals


Parallel Alignments with True Spirals

Graphic Model
Advanced Design represents a spiral using a polyline constructed so as to follow the spiral closely,
but also to preserve its underlying mathematics precisely. This polyline has ten segments with
calculated bulge factors at each vertex. The bulge factors along the polyline are adjusted so that its
local curvature best approximates the spiral and maintains tangency with adjacent entities in an
alignment. This feature allows spirals to be offset while still retaining the proper relationship to
adjacent offset entities.

Softdesk Ten Segment Spiral

Although these models provide quite accurate graphic representations, it is important to understand
their limitations. The spirals are graphically accurate only at the vertices. For example, to determine
the intersection of a spiral with another entity, use the appropriate Advanced Design command. This
will use the exact mathematics of the spiral to make the intersection as opposed to an AutoCAD
intersection OSNAP which finds an intersection with the graphic model, but might not be accurate

462 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


enough. All Advanced Design commands for locating points, computing stations and offsets, and
making intersections work with the precise mathematics of the chosen spiral.
Note: Do not attempt to draw spiral segments using anything but the commands found in the Design
or Advanced Design modules. Spirals drawn free-hand using AutoCAD commands may not have
used the proper calculations and do not always have the necessary information associated with

The following is a list of terms used in discussing spirals. The diagram following this list shows the
different spiral parameters.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 463

Appendix B: Spirals

Parameter Definition
TS Point of change from tangent to spiral
SC Point of change from spiral to circular curve
CS Point of change from circular curve to spiral
ST Point of change from spiral to tangent

Parameter Definition
i1 Central Q angle of spiral arc L1, called "spiral angle"
i2 Central Q angle of spiral arc L2, called "spiral angle"
L1 Total length of spiral from TS to SC
L2 Total length of spiral from CS to ST
T1 Total tangent distance from PI to TS
T2 Total tangent distance from PI to ST
X1 Tangent distance at SC from TS
X2 Tangent distance at CS from ST
Y1 Offset distance at SC from TS
Y2 Offset distance at CS from ST
P1 Offset of the initial tangent in to the PC of the shifted arc
P2 Offset of the initial tangent out to the PT of the shifted arc
K1 Abscissa of the shifted PC referred to the TS
K2 Abscissa of the shifted PT referred to the ST
LT1 Long tangent of spiral 1
LT2 Long tangent of spiral 2
ST1 Short tangent of spiral 1
ST2 Short tangent of spiral 2

464 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


Spiral Parameters

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 465

Appendix B: Spirals

466 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Appendix C
Advanced Design Glossary
The American Association of State, Highway, and Transportation Officials.
The spiral parameter "A" is equal to the square root of the spiral length multiplied by the radius.
This parameter is a measure of the "flatness" of a spiral.
The algebraic difference is the difference in grade between two tangents on a vertical curve at their
point of vertical intersection (PVI) expressed as a percentage.
The average end area method is the most common method of calculating volumes. This is a method
in which the average of adjacent cross section areas is multiplied by the distance between them. In
imperial units, the volume is reported in cubic yards and in metric units, it is reported in cubic
Angles are measured in several different ways. The major differences are the units of angular
measurement, and how they are referenced. The main units are the degree, radian, and grad. The
degree is the result of dividing a complete circle into 360 equal parts, and the grad is the result of
dividing the same circle into 400 equal parts. The radian is the angle subtended by an arc with a
length equal to the radius of the circle.
The two major references used in the Softdesk modules are azimuths and bearings. An azimuth angle
is referenced from North and is always measured clockwise. A bearing angle is measured starting
from either due north or south with an east or west reference angle. For example, the notation
N45D45'58"E means that this angle was referenced from due north and was turned 45 degrees, 45
minutes, and 58 seconds towards the east. Bearing angles can never exceed 90 degrees (PI/2.0
radians or 100 grads). Bearings are usually referenced by quadrant number. A quadrant is any one of
the sections resulting from dividing a circle into four equal parts. Quadrant 1 is considered to be the
NE corner, and quadrants 2, 3, and 4 proceed clockwise around the compass.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 467

Appendix C: Advanced Design Glossary

South of the equator, however, azimuth angles are not referenced to due north, but to due south.
South azimuths can be used through the south azimuth toggle. Angles are again referenced by
proceeding clockwise from due south.
When a ditch is created, it is made up of a base and two fill slopes. The slope on the back side of a
roadside ditch, which normally ties into existing ground, is called the backslope.
A base point is a reference point set with a Softdesk module that allows the user to locate the
working area of a drawing anywhere in the AutoCAD coordinate system. In combination with the
north rotation, a base point provides the ability to move a reference point anywhere to use the
AutoCAD ZOOM commands to greater advantage. For example, if you had a set of points with
coordinates in the millions and used the All option of the AutoCAD ZOOM command, you would
probably end up with your drawing in the far upper right corner of the screen. By setting a base
point just below and to the left of your set of points, you can zoom all and get just what you want on
the screen.
Ledges placed into side slopes at a defined width and grade are called benches. These are used for
erosion control.
A catch point is a location where the proposed side slopes of a finished ground template match into
the existing ground.
A spiral in which the curvature function is a linear function chosen such that the degree of curve is
zero (0) where the spiral meets the tangent. The function then increases linearly until it is equal to
the degree of the adjacent curve at the point where the spiral and curve meet.
A curve consisting of two or more arcs of different radii curving in the same direction, which have a
common tangent or transition curve at their point of junction, is called a compound curve.
A compound spiral is a spiral that provides a transition between two circular curves of different
Circles or arcs which have the same center point are concentric. In Design and Advanced Design
commands, a positive value creates a curve or arc with a larger radius and a negative value creates
a curve with a smaller radius.

468 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Glossary

The point where a template or subassembly meets another subassembly, or matches into the ditch or
slope is called a connection point. Connection points are defined when the template or subassembly
is defined or edited.
By its mathematical definition, a point is a geometric entity with no length. To specify exactly where
that point is in space, we need to provide three different dimensions or "coordinates." In normal
usage, however, we generally ignore the elevation dimension and only provide the x and y values,
sometimes called the easting and northing.
A spiral in which the curvature function is a cosine function chosen such that the degree of curve is
zero (0) where the spiral meets the tangent. The function then increases until it is equal to the degree
of the adjacent curve at the point where the spiral and curve meet.
At user-specified intervals along the horizontal alignment, you need to know what the existing
ground looks like. Do this by creating cross sections, which are section views taken at a 90 degree
angle to the alignment.
A point where a curve meets a spiral is labeled as a CS.
In volume calculations, the length between the end areas on horizontal curves is taken from the
length along the centerline curve. With curve correction, the length is taken from the path of the
average centroid of the areas for a more accurate result.
The cross section slope created when the edge of a template or ditch is below the existing ground is
the cut slope. This slope matches into the existing ground.
A datum is a reference line through a template that is compared to the existing ground surface to
calculate cut and fill volumes. Ditches and slopes are added to the datum line between the template
and the catch points. A template can have multiple datum definitions.
Depth control slopes are used to connect finished ground cross section template to the existing
ground surface. The slope used is determined by the vertical difference between the starting point of
the slope and the existing ground. A list of depth ranges and slopes is created by the user. Depth
control slopes can be used in cut or fill situations.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 469

Appendix C: Advanced Design Glossary


The maximum allowable superelevation rate in either ft/ft or m/m is called the "E" value. An "E"
value of 0.10 is equal to a 10% grade.
Any object displayed in the AutoCAD graphics screen is called an entity. This includes blocks,
lines, arcs, polylines, and shapes. In Advanced Design, the entities most commonly referred to are
alignment entities. These includes lines, arcs, and polyline representations of spirals. These entities
are used to represent the horizontal and vertical alignments graphically.
Station equations are used to define points in an alignment where stationing is discontinuous.
When building an alignment, you generally reference the existing ground and the finished ground to
generate volume information. On the profile, the existing grade shows what the existing ground looks
like along the alignment and the finished grade shows what the finished ground will look like after
completing the project.
The cross section slope created when the edge of a template or ditch is above the existing ground is
the fill slope. This slope matches into the existing ground.
When a ditch is created, it is made up of a base and two fill slopes. The slope between the template
and the ditch is called a foreslope.
GRADE 1 (G1)
G1 is the angle of the first profile tangent of two intersecting tangents forming a PVI. This is a
percentage and is the grade for the tangent located along the lower stationing of the two tangents.
GRADE 2 (G2)
G2 is the angle of the second profile tangent of two intersection tangents forming a PVI. This is a
percentage and is the grade for the tangent located along the higher stationing of the two tangents.
The horizontal alignment is the control for a location of a centerline in plan view based on
Northings and Eastings. A horizontal alignment can consist of tangents, circular curves, and spirals.
Interpolation control is used to create existing ground cross sections from borehole data. The depths
to each surface are entered for the controlling stations, then the subsurfaces for the intermediate
stations are created by interpolating the borehole stations.

470 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Glossary


The "K" value of a vertical curve is the horizontal distance required to effect a one percent change
in grade on the vertical curve.
The mass ordinate is the sum of the cut (positive) and the sum of the fill (negative) volumes at each
station. A positive mass ordinate indicates a surplus of material; a negative mass ordinate indicates
a need for borrow material. A zero ordinate indicates a balance of cut and fill.
The northing and easting of a point. These are the Y and X values which define the planar
coordinates of that point. These northing and easting values can be referenced to any convenient
point. Generally, they are referenced to a national standard of some sort.
When done by hand, a project plan may be drawn with the north rotation at any angle which is
convenient to fit your drawing on the sheet. You can set the north rotation to anything using
AutoCAD. All bearings and azimuths are referenced to the north angle.
After laying in an alignment, it is necessary to lay out the offsets. These can represent things such as
edges of pavement, sidewalk lines, and shoulder lines for a road. These are created as either
symmetric or asymmetric offsets from the alignment. These offsets, up to a total of four, are
completely user-definable and can be used for certain sophisticated tasks such as creating stretched
cross section templates.
The distance measured to a point where an approaching vehicle comes into view ahead of a driver
on an undivided road is called the passing sight distance. This is used in the calculation of crest
vertical curves.
The point where a tangent meets an arc is labeled as a PC.
The percent runoff is the percentage of the length of runoff that occurs before the start of a circular
curve on a superelevation transition in, or after the end of the circular curve on the transition out.
The point of intersection (PI) is the point where two tangents meet on a horizontal alignment.
The point of vertical intersection (PVI) is the point where two tangents meet on a vertical alignment.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 471

Appendix C: Advanced Design Glossary

The prismoidal method for calculating volumes is also known as the grid method. When using this
method, a regular grid is overlaid on the two surfaces. The elevations on both surfaces are
calculated at each grid intersection. The resulting face is then broken into two triangular prisms.
This method is most accurate when both surfaces have some amount of variation within them.
A longitudinal section based on a horizontal alignment is called a profile.
The point where a curve meets a tangent is labeled as a PT.
Bearings are usually referenced by quadrant number. A quadrant is any one of the sections resulting
from dividing a circle into four equal parts. Quadrant 1 is considered to be the NE corner, and
quadrants 2, 3, and 4 proceed clockwise around the compass.
A spiral in which the curvature function is a quadratic function chosen such that the degree of curve
is zero (0) where the spiral meets the tangent. The function then increases until it is equal to the
degree of the adjacent curve at the point where the spiral and curve meet.
A reverse curve is composed of a clockwise and counterclockwise curve, back-to-back in a
horizontal alignment. These two curves will form an S-shape.
When building an alignment, one crucial factor is the allowable work area. These limits are
generally specified by property lines of the property owners who reside adjacent to the construction
site and are called right-of-way lines.
The length required to accomplish the change from the point where the crown of the outside lane has
been removed from maximum superelevation on a superelevated curve is termed the runoff.
The runout is the length required to accomplish the change from a normal crown section to the point
where the crown of the outside lane has been removed on a superelevated curve.
The sampling process obtains data in a form that the computer can use. The process usually retrieves
the information from TIN files. In sampling, you provide coordinates to the TIN, which returns
elevation information at the specific coordinates requested.

472 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Advanced Design Glossary

A 1:1 scale “paper” plot sheet template that typically contains a title block, paper space viewports,
and miscellaneous annotation. Sheet styles are stored outside of the AutoCAD drawing and consist
of a drawing file and an *.sdb binary file. The AutoCAD drawing is a wblock of paper space
entities in the sheet style. The binary file contains layer, viewport, and other information.
A group of sheets sequentially associated with a particular alignment and/or profile. Each Sheet
Series has a unique name, which is used as an OS directory, and may contain a maximum of 999
sheets. When a sheet in the series is saved or restored, it is located in the series sub-directory.
The point where a spiral meets a curve is labeled as an SC.
A spiral in which the curvature function is a sine function chosen such that the degree of curve is
zero (0) where the spiral meets the tangent. The function then increases until it is equal to the degree
of the adjacent curve at the point where the spiral and curve meet.
The point where a spiral meets a tangent is labeled as an ST.
Horizontal alignments are generally labeled to provide a reference when talking about a specific
point along the reference baseline. This labeling is called stationing and is marked out every 100
feet along the alignment (U.S. method). When referring to any point along the alignment, the station
is given in hundreds of feet. For example, for information for a point that sits 1776.85 feet into a
project, the station is 17+76.85. In the metric system, it is displayed in thousands of meters. For
example, for information for a point that sits 1776.85 meters into a project, the station is 1+776.85.
Stepped control slopes are used to connect finished ground cross section template to the existing
ground surface. The grades used at each point in the slope is determined by the depth at that point.
Bench widths and grades can be applied at each specified depth range. Stepped control slopes can
be used in cut or fill situations.
The distance measured to a point where an object comes into view requiring the driver to stop is
termed the stopping sight distance. This value is used in the calculation of crest vertical curves.
A strip volume is the volume of an existing surface that is removed from the site regardless of
whether it is in a cut or fill situation. The catch points or right-of-way offsets are used to determine
the limits of the removal. Subsurface section information must be defined through multiple
triangulated irregular networks (TINs) or through borehole data.

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 473

Appendix C: Advanced Design Glossary

A subassembly is a curve or shoulder segment that can be added to the outer edge of a defined
template. The shoulder subassembly can change between cut and fill situations, but subassemblies
cannot transition or have multiple datums.
Superelevation is used on curves to compensate for the centrifugal force on a vehicle. In order to
maintain safe, continuous operation of a vehicle, the traveling lanes are superelevated, or banked,
around the curve.
A surface is a band of material. The different surfaces are commonly delineated by different TINs or
borehole data.
Surface control slopes are used to connect finished ground cross section templates to the existing
ground surface. The grades used are based on the material type being passed through. Surfaces
control slopes can only be used in a cut situation.
This represents the chosen design of a road, showing the lane and shoulder widths, ditches,
foreslopes, and backslopes in a cross sectional view. In Advanced Design, templates are defined
from polyline "surfaces."
The point at which a fill slope ties into the existing ground is the toe of fill slope. The point at which
the cut slope meets the base of the cut ditch is the toe of cut slope.
A top surface is a defined reference line through a template that is used to create a three-
dimensional road grid. This reference line can also be used to import points. A template can have
multiple top surfaces.
Transition lines are offsets of an alignment which are used to determine the offsets or elevations of
such things as edge of pavement and right-of-way. Up to eight transition lines can be used on any
alignment in Advanced Design. Transition lines are supported both as horizontal alignments and
vertical alignments.
A vertical alignment can be the definition of the existing ground, finished ground centerline, ditches,
or transition lines on a profile. The vertical alignment is comprised of vertical tangents and curves.
A parabolic curve on a profile which provides a uniform change in gradient between tangent grades
is called a vertical curve.

474 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

Appendix D

Advanced Design References

A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets; Washington, D.C.; AASHTO, 1984.
Civil Engineering Reference Manual; 4th edition; Lindeburg, Michael R., P.E., San Carlos, CA;
Professional Publications, Inc., 1986.
Civil Engineering Technicians' Ready-Reference Manual; Stephens, Wendell B., P.E., New York;
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1985.
Highway Engineering; Oglesby, Clarkson H. & Hicks, R. Gary; New York; John Wiley & Sons,
Inc.; 1982
Route Location and Design; Hickerson, Thomas F., New York; McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1964.
Surveying Practice; 4th edition; Nathanson, Jerry A. & Kissam, Philip; New York; McGraw-Hill,

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 475

Appendix D: References

476 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


line.............................................................. 46
borehole data
A interpolating ................................................252
AASHTO ........................................................ 93 By Direction command .....................39, 40, 41, 42
Actual command .............................................349 By Range of Points command ........................... 37
actual control parameters.......................... 370, 371 By Station and Offset command ................. 54, 144
Actual Control Parameters dialog box ................349 By Turned Angle command............................... 43
ADTBL option................................................. 94 ByPnt command .............................................400
All command...................................................398 BySta command..............................................400
drawing by range .......................................... 37 C
drawing concentric........................................ 65
drawing from end of entity ............................ 60 catch points
drawing from two tangents ............................ 55 importing ....................................................417
drawing multiple ........................................... 58 writing to file...............................................418
drawing on two tangents................................ 59 Catch Points to DWG command.......................417
drawing through point ................................... 57 Catch Points to File command ..........................418
Area command centerline increment.........................................152
labeling an area............................................408 centerline point output
listing cross section ......................................402 centerline increment.....................................152
areas station range................................................152
labeling on cross sections..............................408 surface .......................................................152
listing in cross sections .................................402 Change Grade 2 command
ASCII File ditches and transitions ..................................204
output settings .............................................140 finished ground centerline.............................204
setting points from .......................................150 Change Grade 1 command
ASCII File Output Sections menu .....................437 ditches and transitions ..................................203
ASCII files finished ground centerline.............................203
cross sections ..............................................438 Close Alignment DB command.........................132
profiles .......................................................232 clothoidal spiral definitions:................................ 67
strip earthwork volumes ...............................447 color, modifying ..............................................130
subsurface earthwork volumes......................444 Comfort command ..........................................218
template earthwork volumes .........................442 Command conventions...................................... 28
total earthwork volumes ...............................440 Commands, recursive ....................................... 28
At PC,PT,SC,CS, Etc. command .....................148 Comp Spi-Crv-Spi command............................. 82
Attach Alignments dialog box............................322 Compound command........................................ 89
Attach Profiles dialog box.................................324 Compound Spiral command .............................. 81
Compound Spiral command .............................. 89
Concentric command ........................................ 65
B connection points
bench design parameters ..................................333 redefining on template..................................293
benches converting project data files ............................... 30
designing in cross section..............................332 cosinusoidal spiral definition .............................. 67
Best Fit command Create command
curve........................................................... 62 stations .......................................................112

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 477


Create Offsets... command .............................. 109 listing offsets .............................................. 402

Create Stations command ................................ 112 listing slopes............................................... 402
Create Tangents command modifying sampling settings ......................... 245
ditches and transitions ................................. 201 multiple datums .......................................... 290
finished ground centerline............................ 201 plotting all .................................................. 398
cross section plotting pages ............................................. 395
resetting processing defaults......................... 347 plotting single ............................................. 394
Cross Sections reading from file ......................................... 247
applying templates ............................... 313, 315 reporting volumes to screen ......................... 423
ASCII output.............................................. 438 sampling existing ground from DTM............. 242
attaching alignment transitions...................... 322 selecting template........................................ 316
changing subassemblies ............................... 289 setting by point ........................................... 400
connecting subassemblies ............................ 275 setting by station......................................... 400
connecting subassemblies to templates.......... 274 setting label text size.................................... 403
defining subassemblies ................................ 266 setting plotting settings................................. 390
defining templates ....................................... 269 setting template path ................................... 257
definition...................................................... 22 slopes ........................................................ 330
depth control slopes .................................... 335 stepped control slopes ................................. 338
designing benches ....................................... 332 superelevation ...................... 350, 360, 366, 367
designing ditches......................................... 326 surface control slopes.................................. 342
displaying actual control .............................. 349 transition defaults........................................ 320
displaying design control.............................. 348 undefining block ......................................... 399
drawing polylines ........................................ 409 viewing...................................................... 368
editing........................................................ 368 viewing specific .......................................... 369
editing design control................................... 373 writing catch points to file............................ 418
editing ditch parameters............................... 374 writing daylight lines to file .......................... 418
editing existing ground.......................... 250, 252 writing strip volumes to file.......................... 433
editing subassemblies ............ 276, 277, 278, 279 writing surface volumes to file...................... 431
editing templates......................................... 280 writing template volumes to file.................... 429
editing transitions........................................ 376 writing volumes reports ............................... 425
identifying offsets and elevations.................. 377 zooming around view .................................. 380
importing all ............................................... 398 zooming by point ........................................ 401
importing catch points ................................. 417 zooming by station...................................... 401
importing daylight lines................................ 417 crosshairs
importing mass haul diagrams ...................... 427 setting at grade ........................................... 200
importing page............................................ 395 Crosshairs @ Grade command
importing single .......................................... 394 finished ground centerline............................ 200
importing subassemblies .............................. 302 Current command........................................... 108
importing templates..................................... 303 current horizontal alignment............................. 107
importing volumes table............................... 421 curve
labeling areas.............................................. 408 editing vertical ............................................ 174
labeling depth ............................................. 407 Curve command
labeling elevation difference......................... 407 label curve data .......................................... 221
labeling elevations....................................... 407 listing curve data......................................... 220
labeling grades ............................................ 407 curve data ...................................................... 120
labeling offsets............................................ 403 Curve Detail Window dialog box...................... 119
labeling slopes ............................................ 408 curve parameters ............................................ 121
listing areas ................................................ 402 curve stations ................................................. 119
listing elevational differences........................ 402 curves
listing elevations.......................................... 402 attaching multiple.......................................... 90
listing grades............................................... 402 best fit ......................................................... 62

478 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


drawing by range .......................................... 37 transition profile .................................. 225, 227

drawing concentric........................................ 65 Delete... command
drawing from end of entity ............................ 60 horizontal alignment.....................................127
drawing from two tangents ............................ 55 multiple alignments ......................................129
drawing multiple ........................................... 58 depth
drawing on two tangents................................ 59 labeling cross sections ..................................407
drawing through point ................................... 57 Depth command
drawing vertical...........................................209 slopes .........................................................335
editing ........................................................119 Depth Control Editor dialog box........................335
labeling vertical............................................221 depth control slopes
listing information......................................... 98 defining ......................................................335
listing vertical ..............................................220 Depth Slopes... command ................................335
Depths command ............................................231
description, modifying......................................130
D Design command.............................................348
datum Design Control dialog box.................................314
importing points into drawing........................411 Design Control Display dialog box.....................348
Datum Librarian dialog box ..............................316 dialog boxes
datums attach profiles..............................................324
adding template ...........................................290 control editor...............................................373
editing template ...........................................290 control processing errors ..............................346
multiple ......................................................290 datum librarian ............................................316
daylight lines design control..............................................314
importing ....................................................417 ditch control........................................ 326, 330
writing to file...............................................418 enter station range .......................................313
defaults existing ground layer defaults........................185
cross section plotting....................................390 profile generator ..........................................189
profile eg layer ............................................185 profile properties .........................................193
profile fg layer.............................................184 profile value defaults....................................182
profile information block ...................... 159, 239 subassembly attachments .............................274
profile label.................................................187 superelevation control ..................................351
Define by Offset/Grade command.....................227 superelevation curve edit..............................354
Define command superelevation methods ................................366
plan............................................................385 template control...........................................315
Define Ditch/Transition command.....................225 top surface librarian .....................................378
Define From Entities command.........................103 Dialog Boxes
Define From Polyline command........................106 alignment librarian ........................................ 25
Define Plan Alignment command ......................382 select surface ..............................................161
Define Profile Alignment command...................385 subassembly librarian.................................... 27
Define Subassembly command .........................266 template librarian .......................................... 26
Define Template command ..............................269 text style selection................................ 117, 394
Define FG Centerline command........................224 dialog boxess
Define Profile command ..................................196 actual control parameters..............................370
defining dialogue boxes
ditch profile......................................... 225, 227 page layout .................................................392
finished ground vertical alignment .................224 section layout ..............................................391
horizontal alignments ...................................106 Direction and Alignment command....................154
redefining profiles........................................196 directions
subassemblies..............................................266 entering ....................................................... 34
superelevation parameters ..... 350, 360, 366, 367 Display Actual Control... command...................349
templates ....................................................269 Display Control Errors... command ...................346

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 479


Display Current command ............................... 108 DTM Surface

Display Design Control... command ................. 348 sampling for cross sections .......................... 242
Display Points command ................................. 143 selecting a surface to sample ........................ 240
cross section actual control .......................... 349
cross section areas ...................................... 402
cross section design control.......................... 348 earthwork volume
cross section elevational differences.............. 402 writing data to file ....................................... 425
cross section grades .................................... 402 writing data to screen .................................. 423
cross section offsets and elevations............... 402 Edit Design Control command
cross section slopes..................................... 402 ditch control............................................... 326
cross sections ............................................. 368 Edit Material Table command .......................... 304
current alignment ........................................ 108 Edit Plan Alignment command......................... 382
ditch/transition elevations............................. 229 Edit Point Code Table command...................... 307
earthwork volume data................................ 423 Edit Profile Alignment command...................... 386
entity information ......................................... 98 Edit Sections... command ......................... 250, 252
finished ground elevations............................ 229 Edit Subassembly... command ... 276, 277, 278, 279
profile depths ............................................. 231 Edit Template... command ................283, 284, 289
profile elevations......................................... 229 Edit Vertical Alignment command170, 171, 174, 176, 177, 178
spot elevations............................................ 229 Edit Vrt command .......................................... 170
vertical curve information............................ 220 Edit XS command ................................... 250, 252
vertical tangent information.......................... 207 Edit Design Control... command ............... 313, 315
Distance and Alignment command.................... 156 Edit... command
distances, entering............................................. 34 alignment defaults ....................................... 118
ditch ditches and transitions ................................. 180
defining as a horizontal alignment ................. 382 finished ground centerline............................ 180
editing in plan view ..................................... 382 EditCtrl command.................................... 313, 315
editing profile data ...................................... 386 editing
importing into plan view from sections.......... 381 cross section ditches.................................... 374
Ditch Control dialog box.................................. 326 cross section transitions............................... 376
ditch control values cross sections ............................................. 368
settings ...................................................... 326 ditch profile................................................ 180
ditch design parameters ................................... 327 existing ground cross sections................ 250, 252
ditch profiles horizontal alignment .................................... 118
defining...................................................... 225 horizontal alignment curve........................... 119
defining by offset........................................ 227 horizontal alignment properties..................... 130
editing........................................................ 180 horizontal alignment spirals .......................... 121
setting current layer..................................... 199 subassemblies....................... 276, 277, 278, 279
ditch/transition superelevation parameters...... 350, 360, 366, 367
defining profile alignment............................. 385 surface elevations ....................................... 177
importing into profile from sections .............. 383 template datums ......................................... 290
ditches template surfaces282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 289, 290
designing in cross section............................. 326 templates ................................................... 280
editing in cross section................................. 374 transition profile.......................................... 180
setting design control................................... 326 vertical alignments ...................................... 170
Divide Alignment command............................. 146 vertical curve.............................................. 174
Draw Polyline command ................................. 409 editors
Drawing a Tangent depth control .............................................. 335
By point blocks ............................................ 36 volume adjustment...................................... 419
By point numbers ......................................... 36 EdSuper command ................... 350, 360, 366, 367
DrawPoly command ....................................... 409 EG Layers... command ................................... 185

480 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


Elev command ................................................407 G

elevational differences
labeling.......................................................407 Grade Break command ....................................219
listing in cross section...................................402 Grade command..............................................407
elevations grades
editing existing ground surface ......................177 labeling in cross sections...............................407
labeling in cross sections...............................407 listing in cross section...................................402
listing in cross section...................................402 grid, drawing profile.........................................194
Enter Station Range dialog box .........................313 Grid... command .............................................194
Entity and Alignment command ........................157
Entity command
define alignment ..........................................103
Equations command ........................................115 Headlight command .........................................216
Errors command..............................................346 High/Low Point command................................214
existing ground Horizontal Alignment
comparing volumes between 2 surfaces .........435 closing database...........................................132
creating with Vertical Alignment Editor ..........171 creating binary database ....................... 104, 106
importing points into drawing........................411 database ............................................... 20, 102
selecting surface to sample ...........................240 defining from individual entities.....................103
Existing Ground Layer Settings dialog box .........185 defining from polyline ..................................106
existing ground surface definition ..................................................... 20
sampling .....................................................160 deleting.......................................................127
Extend command.............................................. 45 deleting multiple ..........................................129
extending lines.................................................. 45 designing...................................................... 33
displaying current ........................................108
F editing ........................................................118
editing a curve.............................................119
FG Layers... command ....................................184 editing spirals ..............................................121
Files entering directions......................................... 34
listing of......................................................451 entering points.............................................. 34
surfaces.txt ......................................... 163, 241 importing current ................................. 126, 127
finished ground labeling station/offset ...................................142
defining vertical alignment ............................224 listing defined..............................................108
finished ground listing station/offset......................................141
importing ....................................................228 merging alignments from different projects.....131
finshed ground centerline profiles modifying properties ....................................130
setting current layer .....................................199 offsetting ....................................................109
Fit Curve-Curve... command ............................. 74 outputting data ............................................139
Fit Tangent-Curve... command .......................... 71 reports........................................................125
Fit Tangent-Tangent... command ....................... 68 restoring deleted ..........................................128
Frm DTM command saving definition ..........................................132
profile.........................................................164 selecting current .................................. 107, 239
Frm Fil command selecting from dialog ..................................... 25
sections ......................................................247 setting points at alignment vertices.................148
From End of Entity command, curves ................ 60 setting points at intersection .................. 154, 158
From End of Entity command, line .................... 53 setting points by station/offset.......................144
From Profile command ....................................152 setting points from ASCII file .......................150
Full Profile... command....................................189 setting points on .................................. 146, 147
setting points radial or perp to.......................149
setting points using profile elevations .............152

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 481


stakeout settings ......................................... 133 station/offset .............................................. 142

stationing ................................................... 112 vertical curves ............................................ 221
Horizontal Alignment Editor............................. 118 vertical tangents.......................................... 206
horizontal alignments, entering distances ............. 34 Labels and Prefix... command.......................... 187
layer names
setting current for profiles............................ 199
I setting profile eg ......................................... 185
Import command setting profile fg.......................................... 184
alignment ............................................ 126, 127 Layer Prefix
catch points................................................ 417 using in profile............................................ 187
finished ground centerline............................ 228 layers
Import From File command ............................. 150 modifying................................................... 130
Import Mass Haul command............................ 427 setting profile eg ......................................... 185
Import Plan Lines command............................ 381 setting profile fg.......................................... 184
Import Profile command ................................. 383 Length command............................................ 210
Import Subassemblies... command ................... 302 Line command ................................................. 36
Import Template... command .......................... 303 Line Extension command .................................. 45
importing lines
all cross sections ......................................... 398 changing vertical grades........................ 203, 204
catch points................................................ 417 defining by bearing........................................ 41
current alignment ........................................ 126 defining by direction...................................... 40
daylight lines .............................................. 417 drawing........................................................ 36
finished ground vertical alignment................. 228 drawing best fit............................................. 46
mass haul diagrams ..................................... 427 drawing by direction...................................... 39
multiple alignments ..................................... 127 drawing by range .......................................... 37
page of cross sections.................................. 395 drawing by station/offset ............................... 54
single cross sections .................................... 394 drawing by turned angle ................................ 43
subassemblies............................................. 302 drawing off an entity ..................................... 53
templates ................................................... 303 drawing rad/perp to align ............................... 52
volumes table ............................................. 421 drawing rad/perp to entity.............................. 51
Installing the software ....................................... 15 drawing tangent to a curve............................. 50
drawing vertical alignment ........................... 201
extending ..................................................... 45
K listing information ......................................... 98
K command ................................................... 210 reducing....................................................... 45
K value linetype, modifying ......................................... 130
drawing vertical curves with......................... 210 List command ................................................ 141
List Defined command .................................... 108
List Elevations command................................. 229
L List Entity command......................................... 98
List Area command......................................... 402
List Offset/Elevation command ........................ 402
setting text size ........................................... 223
List Slope/Grade command.............................. 402
Label Area command ...................................... 408
List Spiral Radius command .............................. 99
Label command.............................................. 142
Label Depth command .................................... 407
entity information ......................................... 98
Label Elevation command ............................... 407
finished ground elevations............................ 229
Label Offset command.................................... 403
points on profile.......................................... 229
Label Slope command..................................... 408
profile depths ............................................. 231
Label Grade command .................................... 407
profile elevations......................................... 229
spiral radii .................................................... 99
points on profile.......................................... 230

482 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


station/offset of point block ..........................143 parameters

vertical curves.............................................220 setting for bench design................................333
vertical tangents...........................................207 setting for ditch design .................................327
Locate Points menu .........................................144 setting for right-of-way.................................332
Lock Manager.................................................. 29 setting for superelevations ............................355
locked files, clearing.......................................... 29 Passing Sight command....................................211
all cross sections..........................................398
M pages of cross sections .................................395
Manual conventions.......................................... 17 setting label text size ....................................394
mass haul diagrams single cross section ......................................394
importing ....................................................427 plotting cross sections
MassHaul command ........................................427 settings .......................................................390
Material Table.................................................304 Point Code Table ............................................307
Measure Alignment command...........................147 Point Codes
Merge... command ..........................................131 adding or deleting ........................................288
Modify Properties command ............................130 inserting into drawing ...................................411
Move PVI command .......................................205 points
MovePVI command entering ....................................................... 34
finished ground centerline.............................205 from ASCII file ...........................................150
Multi command................................................ 58 identifying offsets and elevations...................377
Multiple Curves command................................. 58 listing station/offset.............................. 141, 143
Multi-user environment..................................... 28 setting along horizontal alignments.................146
MultSrf command ...........................................241 setting at alignment vertices ..........................148
setting at distance/alignment intersection ........156
setting at entity/alignment intersection............157
O setting at intersection....................................154
OffElev command ...........................................402 setting at intersection of two alignments .........158
Offset command..............................................403 setting by station/offset ................................144
Offsets setting from profile elevations .......................152
attaching to cross sections ............................324 setting on horizontal alignment ......................147
in cross section............................................320 setting radial or perpendicular to alignment.....149
labeling in cross sections...............................403 polylines
listing in cross section...................................402 drawing on cross sections .............................409
Offsets command ............................................109 ProcCtl command............................................344
output Process Status dialog box .................................345
cross sections ..............................................438 Process Sections command ..............................344
profiles .......................................................232 processing defaults
strip earthwork volumes ...............................447 resetting......................................................347
subsurface earthwork volumes......................444 profile
template earthwork volumes .........................442 importing ditch/transition from sections..........383
total earthwork volumes ...............................440 moving .......................................................195
output horizontal alignment data........................139 setting the current ........................................195
Output Settings... command ..................... 140, 437 vertical grid.................................................182
Output to File command...................................350 Profile command .............................................232
Output Settings... command .............................135 profile grid
settings .......................................................182
profile reports..................................................178
P Profile Sampling Settings dialog box ..................166
Page command................................................395
ASCII output ..............................................232
Page Layout dialogue box.................................392

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 483


attaching to cross sections............................ 324 Quick Profile... command................................ 192

changing tangent grades........................ 203, 204
creating...................................................... 189
creating quick ............................................. 192
creating surface .......................................... 191 Rad/Prp command
default information............................... 159, 239 entity........................................................... 51
defining ditch.............................................. 225 Radial or Perpendicular command .................... 149
defining ditch by offset................................ 227 Radial/Perp command
defining finished ground .............................. 224 entity........................................................... 51
defining profile alignment............................. 385 Radial/Perp command, align .............................. 52
defining transition ....................................... 225 range of stations
defining transition by offset.......................... 227 printing the control...................................... 350
definition...................................................... 21 processing.................................................. 344
drawing grid ............................................... 194 reducing lines ................................................... 45
drawing tangents......................................... 201 reports
editing........................................................ 170 catch points................................................ 418
editing ditch................................................ 180 daylight lines .............................................. 418
editing finished ground centerline.................. 180 horizontal alignment .................................... 125
editing transition ......................................... 180 strip volumes.............................................. 433
importing finished ground ............................ 228 surface volumes.......................................... 431
labeling curves............................................ 221 template volumes........................................ 429
labeling points............................................. 230 volumes .............................................. 423, 425
labeling tangents ......................................... 206 Reset Control Warning dialog box .................... 347
layer prefix................................................. 187 Reset Section Control command ...................... 347
listing curves .............................................. 220 ResetCtl command.......................................... 347
listing depths .............................................. 231 Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (s) command........................... 78
listing ditch/transition elevations ................... 229 Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (t) command ........................... 79
listing elevation........................................... 229 Rev Spi-Tan-Spi (s) command........................... 82
listing FG elevations.................................... 229 right-of-way parameters .................................. 332
listing points ............................................... 229 rollover
listing tangents ............................................ 207 superelevation ............................................ 360
moving PVI................................................ 205
recreating profile block................................ 196
redefining................................................... 196 S
sampling existing ground.............................. 164 Sample From DTM command ......................... 242
sampling settings......................................... 166 profile........................................................ 164
setting current layer..................................... 199 Sample From File command ............................ 247
setting eg layer defaults ............................... 185 sampling
setting fg layer defaults................................ 184 cross section setting .................................... 245
setting label defaults.................................... 187 profiles ...................................................... 164
setting properties......................................... 193 setting profile settings .................................. 166
undefining block ......................................... 197 Save File command......................................... 132
updating from previous releases ................... 208 saving
project data files, converting .............................. 30 horizontal alignment definition...................... 132
project settings ................................................. 32 Section Layout dialogue box ............................ 391
prototype, copying settings to or from................. 31 Section Sampling Settings dialogue box ............. 245
Section Utilities menu...................................... 400
Q Sections command.......................................... 438
Select Alignment command.............................. 239
Quad Spiral command....................................... 83 Select by Point command ................................ 400
quadratic spiral definition................................... 67 Select by Station command.............................. 400

484 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


Select command ...................................... 107, 239 SlpGrd command ............................................402

Select DTM Surface command................. 161, 240 speed tables ..................................................... 93
Select Multiple Surfaces... command......... 163, 241 reading ........................................................ 95
Select Alignment command ..............................107 setting storage path ....................................... 93
SelMult command ................................... 163, 241 Spi-Crv-Spi-RevSpi command........................... 73
SelSrf command..............................................161 Spiral command ............................................... 72
Set Current Profile command ...........................195 spiral definitions
Set Path command ..........................................257 clothoidal..................................................... 67
Set Properties command ..................................193 cosinusoidal ................................................. 67
Set Table Path command .................................. 93 quadratic...................................................... 67
Set Template Path command............................257 sinusoidal..................................................... 67
Set Text Size... command ........................ 117, 403 Spiral Detail Window dialog box .......................122
Set Current Layer command.............................199 Spiral Out command ......................................... 87
Set Text Size... command ........................ 223, 394 spiral parameters .............................................124
setting Spiral to Point command ................................... 88
cross section plotting settings ........................390 Spiral In command ........................................... 86
current horizontal alignment..........................239 Spiral Type command....................................... 67
existing ground surface.................................161 Spiral-Curve-Spiral command............................ 69
multiple surface toggle..................................241 spirals
profile eg layer defaults ................................185 attaching multiple.......................................... 90
profile fg layer defaults.................................184 between reverse curves ............................76, 78
profile label defaults.....................................187 between two curves ...................................... 81
template path ..............................................257 compound spirals.......................................... 89
text size .............................................. 117, 394 created using speed table ............................... 97
setting points creation methods .......................................... 66
dividing alignments ......................................146 drawing between a tangent and curve ............. 71
entity/alignment intersection..........................157 drawing between two curves.......................... 74
measuring alignments ...................................147 drawing between two tangents ....................... 68
settings editing ........................................................121
copying to or from prototype ......................... 31 into entity .................................................... 86
cross section sampling..................................245 labeling........................................................ 66
profile sampling ...........................................166 listing information......................................... 98
spiral type .................................................... 67 listing radii at points ...................................... 99
table path..................................................... 93 off of entity.................................................. 87
Settings command quad............................................................ 83
plotting cross sections ..................................390 setting table path........................................... 93
Settings... command setting type .................................................. 67
plotting cross sections ..................................390 to point........................................................ 88
stations .......................................................113 Spiral-Spiral command...................................... 70
Setup menu...................................................... 32 Spi-Tan-Spi (s) command ................................. 75
Sheet Manager ................................................. 24 Spi-Tan-Spi (t) command.................................. 76
shoulder Spot elevations
displaying on templates ................................300 listing..........................................................229
Single command ..............................................394 Spot Elevations command
sinusoidal spiral definitions ................................ 67 label finished ground ....................................230
Slope command...............................................408 Sta/Off command ............................................. 54
Slope Control dialog box ..................................330 stakeout
slopes from horizontal alignment.............................137
editing for cross sections ..............................330 setting output type ............................... 135, 437
labeling in cross sections...............................408 settings .......................................................133
listing in cross sections .................................402 station equations, setting...................................115

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 485


station range................................................... 152 defining parameters............... 350, 360, 366, 367

station/offset editing parameters................. 350, 360, 366, 367
labeling ...................................................... 142 editing template regions ............................... 292
of a point ................................................... 141 Superelevation Control dialog box .................... 351
of a point block .......................................... 143 Superelevation Curve Edit dialog box................ 354
setting points .............................................. 144 Superelevation Curve Information dialog box .... 356
station/offset, drawing tangents by...................... 54 Superelevation Curve Settings dialog box .......... 360
stationing Superelevation Methods dialog box................... 366
horizontal alignments................................... 112 superelevation parameters................................ 355
setting equations ......................................... 115 Superelevation Parameters... command350, 360, 366, 367
settings ...................................................... 113 Surface command........................................... 342
Stepped command .......................................... 338 Surface Control Editor dialog box.......337, 341, 343
Stepped Control Editor dialog box .................... 338 surface control slopes
stepped control slopes defining...................................................... 342
defining...................................................... 338 surface elevations
Stepped Slopes... command............................. 338 editing........................................................ 177
Stopping Sight command ................................. 213 Surface Slopes... command ............................. 342
Strip command surface volume
ascii........................................................... 447 existing ground ........................................... 435
writing strip volume data ............................. 433 Surface Profile... command ............................. 191
Strip Surface command surfaces
writing strip volume data ...................... 433, 447 changing material description ....................... 301
Subasm command copying...................................................... 176
define ........................................................ 266 creating profiles .......................................... 191
edit...................................... 276, 277, 278, 279 editing template282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 289, 290
import........................................................ 302 existing ground from DTM .......................... 242
Subassemblies methods of sampling ................................... 160
changing on templates ................................. 289 multiple surface file.............................. 163, 241
connecting to templates ........................ 274, 275 setting existing ground ................................. 161
defining...................................................... 266 turning on/off multiple................................. 162
defining top surface..................................... 279 using multiple for sections............................ 241
definition...................................................... 24 writing strip volumes to file.......................... 433
displaying elements ..................................... 279 writing volumes to file ................................. 431
editing.................................. 276, 277, 278, 279 surfaces.txt file............................................... 162
importing ................................................... 302 System Requirements........................................ 17
inserting new vertex .................................... 277
moving "X" marker..................................... 277
moving current vertex ................................. 278
NULLS ....................................................... 27 Table command.............................................. 421
redefining connection points......................... 278 Tangent command ............................................ 50
redefining datum line................................... 278 Tangent to Entity command............................... 50
redrawing the display .................................. 278 tangents
saving edits ................................................ 277 attaching multiple.......................................... 90
selecting from dialog ..................................... 27 changing vertical grades........................ 203, 204
SubSurf command defining by bearing........................................ 41
ascii........................................................... 444 defining by direction...................................... 40
writing subsurface volume data .................... 431 drawing........................................................ 36
Subsurface command drawing best fit............................................. 46
writing subsurface volume data ............. 431, 444 drawing by direction...................................... 39
superelevation drawing by range .......................................... 37
creating reports........................................... 367 drawing by station/offset ............................... 54

486 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


drawing by turned angle ................................ 43 redrawing display.........................................290

drawing off an entity..................................... 53 saving edits .................................................281
drawing rad/perp to align ............................... 52 selecting for cross sections............................316
drawing rad/perp to entity.............................. 51 selecting from dialog ..................................... 26
drawing tangent to a curve............................. 50 setting storage path ......................................257
drawing vertical alignment ............................201 specifying parameters for cross sections.........315
labeling vertical............................................206 superelevation regions ..................................292
listing vertical ..............................................207 surfaces ....................................................... 23
setting crosshairs at grade .............................200 transition regions .........................................295
Tangents command writing volumes to file..................................429
labeling finished ground................................206 text size, setting ...............................................117
listing percent grade .....................................207 Through Point command............................ 57, 215
Tangent-Tangent-Radius command.................... 59 To File command
template catch point data ...........................................418
defining material surfaces .............................304 control........................................................350
defining point codes.....................................307 volumes......................................................425
Template Control dialog box.............................315 To Screen command........................................423
Template Datum Line To Scrn command...........................................423
Redefining ..................................................290 Toggle Multiple Surfaces command........... 162, 241
Template Point Codes top surface
adding or deleting ........................................288 defining on template.....................................294
inserting into drawing ...................................411 importing points into drawing........................411
template points Total Volume command
writing to file...............................................415 writing total earthwork volume data...............440
Template Surface command Totals command..............................................440
writing template volume data ........................429 Tplate command
Template Surface command ascii............................................................442
writing template volume data ........................442 define .........................................................269
Templates edit.............................................................280
adding datums .............................................290 import ........................................................303
adding existing surface .................................284 writing template volume data ........................429
applying to existing ground ................... 313, 315 Tplate Points To DWG command.....................411
changing material description ........................301 Tplate Points To File command ........................415
changing subassemblies................................289 transition
connecting subassemblies ..................... 274, 275 defining as a horizontal alignment..................382
connection points.........................................293 editing in plan view......................................382
defining ......................................................269 editing profile data .......................................386
defining topsurfaces .....................................294 importing into plan view from sections...........381
definition ..................................................... 23 transition profiles
deleting surfaces ..........................................285 defining ......................................................225
displaying datums ........................................289 defining by offset.........................................227
displaying shoulder ......................................300 editing ........................................................180
displaying transition regions ..........................289 setting current layer .....................................199
drawing additional surfaces...........................282 transition regions
editing ........................................................280 dynamic and pinned.....................................299
editing surface vertices .................................286 Transitions
editing surfaces282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 289, 290 attaching to cross sections ............................322
importing ....................................................303 definition ..................................................... 24
moving surfaces ..........................................283 editing cross section .....................................295
multiple datums...........................................290 editing in cross sections ................................376
NULLT....................................................... 26 editing templates..........................................295

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 487


in cross section ........................................... 320 editing........................................................ 174

Transitions dialog box ..................................... 320 vertical curves
Two Alignments command .............................. 158 comfort...................................................... 218
Two Tan command .......................................... 55 curve length ............................................... 210
Two Tangents command................................... 55 designing.................................................... 209
TxtSize command........................................... 394 drawing based on length .............................. 210
drawing by elevation ................................... 214
drawing through a selected point .................. 215
U drawing with minimum K value.................... 210
Undefine Profile command .............................. 197 grade break ................................................ 219
Undefine Section command ............................. 399 headlight .................................................... 216
UndfSect command ........................................ 399 labeling ...................................................... 221
listing......................................................... 220
passing sight distance .................................. 211
V setting calculation factors............................. 209
Values command ............................................ 182 stopping sight ............................................. 213
Vertical Alignment updating from previous releases ................... 208
changing tangent grades........................ 203, 204 Vertical Curves command................................ 209
copying surfaces ......................................... 176 defining PVI............................................... 219
creating quick ............................................. 192 drawing a sag curve by headlight data........... 216
creating surface .......................................... 191 drawing a sag curve by velocity.................... 218
defining ditch.............................................. 225 drawing based on curve length ..................... 210
defining ditch by offset................................ 227 drawing based on elevation.......................... 214
defining finished ground .............................. 224 drawing based on stopping sight distance....... 213
defining transition ....................................... 225 drawing by passing sight distance ................. 211
defining transition by offset.......................... 227 drawing through selected point..................... 215
definition...................................................... 21 drawing with minimum K ............................ 210
drawing tangents......................................... 201 label .......................................................... 221
editing ditch................................................ 180 listing curve data......................................... 220
editing finished ground centerline.................. 180 vertical tangents
editing transition ......................................... 180 changing grades ................................... 203, 204
generating existing ground............................ 189 drawing...................................................... 201
importing finished ground ............................ 228 labeling ...................................................... 206
labeling curves............................................ 221 listing......................................................... 207
labeling points............................................. 230 setting crosshairs at grade ............................ 200
labeling tangents ......................................... 206 View command .............................................. 368
listing curves .............................................. 220 View/Edit Sections command........................... 368
listing depths .............................................. 231 volume adjustment factors
listing ditch/transition elevation..................... 229 editing........................................................ 419
listing FG elevation ..................................... 229 Volume Adjustment Factors command ............. 419
listing points ............................................... 229 volume output
listing tangents............................................ 207 table .......................................................... 421
moving PVI................................................ 205 Volume Table command ................................. 421
reports ....................................................... 178 volumes
sampling .................................................... 164 importing mass haul diagrams ...................... 427
updating from previous releases ................... 208 importing table............................................ 421
updating the database ........................... 225, 226 reporting to screen ...................................... 423
vertical alignment editing ................................. 170 strips as ASCII output ................................. 447
Vertical Alignment editor ................................. 170 subsurfaces as ASCII output........................ 444
creating existing ground with........................ 171 templates as ASCII output ........................... 442
vertical curve totals as ASCII output ................................. 440

488 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual


writing reports.............................................425 Z
writing strip volumes to file...........................433
writing surface volumes to file ......................431 Zoom to Point command..................................401
writing template volumes to file.....................429 Zoom to Station command ...............................401
ZoomPnt command .........................................401
ZoomSta command .........................................401

Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual 489


490 Softdesk Advanced Design Reference Manual

SOFTDESK INC. Customer Software License Page 1

Customer Software License


Please read this License carefully.
You are purchasing a license to use SOFTDESK Software. The Software is owned by and
remains the property of SOFTDESK, is protected by international copyrights, and is
transferred to the original purchaser and any subsequent owner of the Software media for
their use only upon the license terms set forth below. Opening the packaging and / or
using SOFTDESK Software indicates your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree
to all of the terms and conditions, or if after use you are dissatisfied with your SOFTDESK
Software, return the Software, manuals and any partial or whole copies within thirty (30)
days of purchase to the party from whom you received it for a full refund.

GRANT OF LICENSE. SOFTDESK, INC. ("SOFTDESK"), hereby grants the original purchaser
("Licensee") the limited rights to possess and use the accompanying SOFTDESK Software
("Software"), consisting of machine-readable computer code and documentation, upon the terms
and conditions specifically set out in this License.
Licensee agrees that the Software will be used solely for Licensee's internal purposes, and that at
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Page 2 SOFTDESK INC. Customer Software License

• One machine-readable copy of the Software may be made for BACK-UP PURPOSES ONLY,
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back-up copy is the property of SOFTDESK, and that its use is subject to this License.
Documentation in whole or part may not be copied.
• Use of the Software by any department, agency or other entity of the U.S. Federal Government
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incorporated by reference.
• Licensee may transfer its rights under this License, PROVIDED that the party to whom such
rights are transferred agrees to the terms and conditions of this License, and written notice is
provided to SOFTDESK. Upon such transfer, Licensee must transfer or destroy all copies of
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• Except as expressly provided in this License, Licensee may not use, copy, disseminate,
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TERM. This License is effective as of the time Licensee receives the Software, and shall continue
in effect until Licensee ceases all use of the Software and either destroys, or returns to
SOFTDESK, all copies thereof, or until automatically terminated upon the failure of Licensee to
comply with any of the terms of this License.
LIMITED WARRANTY. SOFTDESK warrants the Software media to be free of defects in
workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from purchase. During this period SOFTDESK will
replace at no cost any such media returned to SOFTDESK, postage prepaid. This service is
SOFTDESK's sole liability under this warranty.
SOFTDESK INC. Customer Software License Page 3

GENERAL. This License is the complete and exclusive statement of the parties' agreement. Should
any provision of this License be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, that
provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remainder of the License
shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect. This License shall be controlled by the laws of the
State of New Hampshire and the United States of America, as applicable.

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• Notice of Software Updates


This is a Rider to the SOFTDESK, INC. Customer Software License, ("License"),
and shall take precedence over the License where a conflict occurs.
1. The Software was: developed at private expense; no portion was developed with government
funds; is a trade secret of SOFTDESK and its licensor for all purposes of the Freedom of
Information Act; is "commercial computer software" subject to limited utilization as provided in
any contract between the vendor and the government entity; and in all respects is proprietary
data belonging solely to SOFTDESK and its licensor.
2. For units of the DOD, the Software is sold only with "Restricted Rights" as that term is defined
in the DOD Supplement to DFAR 252.227-7013 (b)(3)(ii), and use, duplication or disclosure is
subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Manufacturer: SOFTDESK, Inc., 7 Liberty Hill
Road, Henniker, NH 03242 USA
3. If the Software was acquired under a GSA Schedule, the Government has agreed to refrain
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acquired; and (3) if the use of the Software is discontinued at the original installation and the
Government wishes to use it at another location, it may do so by giving prior written notice to
SOFTDESK, specifying the new location site and class of computer.
4. Governmental personnel using the Software, other than under a DOD contract or GSA
Schedule, are hereby on notice that use of the Software is subject to restrictions that are the
same or similar to those specified above.
Page 4 SOFTDESK INC. Customer Software License


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