Chapter 1 Edited Tama
Chapter 1 Edited Tama
Chapter 1 Edited Tama
financial performance, not only for the reason that it is required but also it will
give a little information to the public on how the business performs. Financial
recording is important to set guidelines that are useful in knowing when and
how to report income and expenses in an entity’s record (Kulzick, 2000). The
In Uganda, research found out that the major problem faced by SMEs
SMEs are the driving force for the promotion of the country’s economic
should comply this method called financial recording to process the financial
transactions appropriately.
Financial recording practices have been used ever since the first
system that works for your business are vital to a sound financial
statistic it was found out that mostly of the SMEs adhere to the prescribed
financial recording for SMEs by PFRS while few of them disagree to this, but
regulatory bodies.
enterprises and most of the businesses in this city have natures such as t-
shirt and tarpaulin printing, trading, service and manufacturing concerns like
2.2 Planning
2.9 Technology
related literatures that can assist the readers to fully understand diverse
histories and other literary articles that have relevance to the study.
and measures (APEC, 2003; Moha Asri and Manan, 2010; Rosman and
Mohd Rosli, 2011). However, the definition of SMEs differs from country
to country around the world. The SMEs are sometimes defined in terms
annual sales (Ayyagari et al., 2005; Moha Asri and Manan, 2010).
& Shilpa, 2010). Good financial records, can greatly improve many of
(balance sheet), the statement of Cash flows, and the financial internal
Shevlin, 2003).
their financial actions. Even though the financial action and behavior are
the main source of financial practice (Iturralde, et al., 2010), this is not
behavior begin with a person’s thought and /or knowledge. Similarly, the
financial attitude, behavior and action for financial practice are the
Records Keeping.
Maseko and Manyani (2011) and Amoako (2013) both agree that
will make any business partner or investor more aware of what is going
line with the objectives of the present study. As such, this section starts
Business Success
Planning is the best way to keep the business grow; for it helps
the action steps to achieve the key initiatives, Stoney Wilson (2014). He
also added that you need a destination and you need a map to get
healthy business. Jerry Mills (2016), notes that with a growing company,
need for a loan arises. Observing that it is typical to rush to the bank
as easier to work with than national ones, Mills suggests seeking a loan
or a credit card when the business does not need it, and using it just to
there are more channels to reach people, but Lane notes the essentials
customer and consider how your customer reacts to what you are
materials, but the magic comes if you have strong strategy behind that,
trying to attract.
and who is the ideal client; “Silo” means identifying the niche(s) the
the business can solve that no other businesses can solve; “Strategy” is
having the wrong type of salesperson for the desired role. But even
before that, the owner must be able to articulate exactly why his
said “it has a lot to do with its ability to attract and retain quality
them. And employers who care get employees who care. It is much
better to have these kinds of strategies for it will help your business
(2015), you have to know what you are getting yourself into, and
numbers can help you figure out if it will be overwhelming, if you can
handle it, if you need help. Creating a model of the cash flow enables a
that when money comes in, the business owner does not distribute too
much too early and then not have enough when debt repayment comes
due or for deductions for fixed income, or payroll or sales tax, or other
another issue. How risky is the client? Should the business collect a
According to O’Keefe that there are specific tips for this in which get an
Number, because of the threat of identity theft. When you give 1099s to
vendors at the end of the year, use your EIN and business name. Keep
companies can copy that product. But they can’t duplicate the people,
the interaction with your customers that you put in place to have that
This may mean going a step beyond whatever prompted the initial
relying on GoDaddy. Find out why they are using you and help them
find whatever success you can in using your product or service. That is
handle FAQs. Artificial intelligence has come a long way over the last
experience. For this reason, even a real person may not accomplish
to provide repeatable and consistent results with what they do for their
connect directly with all the people they do business with customers,
business consuming technology with its own capital and bringing it into
advances that could be useful to them get that type of advisory and
forward-looking education from vendors they partner with for their IT.
Harder stated.
People who are successful are generally never satisfied with the
status quo; they need to keep creating. But Patricia Noel Drain (2016),
said that make sure you are satisfying your needs when you are leading
the company. Forgetting about yourself and only taking care of others is
not being a good leader. She also recommends, in fact that put yourself
on your calendar and when pushing out of the comfort zone, the most
important thing is to “stay true to you. To grow their business, she had
Creating systems for all aspects of the business operation enables the
you build the systems based on your own passion. This elevates the
helps them become even stronger leaders. As you build your network,
you are enhancing your connections, which you can leverage to achieve
given by Onaolapo et al. (2014) whose study found out that poor
having all the above studies, there is limited research on the effect of
Maseko and Manyani (2011) and Amoako (2013) both agree that
will make any business partner or investor more aware of what is going
and Sophia (2014) revealed that about 60% of small businesses fail
about by poor record keeping. This is in line with Ademola et al. (2012)
Trived & Shilpa, 2010). Good financial records, can greatly improve
position (balance sheet), the statement of Cash flows, and the financial
which use strategic planning techniques are higher than those of non-
planning firms (Sexton and van Auken, 1982; Capon and Farley, 1994;
Birley and Niktari, 1995). This holds true particularly for start-ups
planning is regarded as one of the main reasons for firm failure (Noble,
SMEs could neglect planning because they might lack the required time
returns that exceed the costs incurred by such loans, to the benefit of
that weaken the financial standing of the project, thus increasing the risk
obtaining more funds. Since the risk factor becomes greater, creditors
around for a very long time already. The earlier days, people used to
mark their cattle or clay pots with a burnt mark (Keller 2008, 2.). Today
the word brand has gained more and more abstract meanings. A brand
(Brändäys 2007-2010). Brand is the added value for what the consumer
fulfills the same desire (Laakso 2003, 22). Keller (2008, 2) concludes
Not only physical products can be branded but many other things;
that vie for the patronage of a group of buyers. There are different
market success.
that it impels producers to offer better deals, lower prices, better quality,
consumers want and need makes for better served consumers” (p.
reason for the ultimate failure of the Soviet Union was that, though it
improve the level of quality, and “With the growth of high technology
the problem of slow productivity growth all our other long-term economic
with judgment and integrity they are more likely to align with the
and leaders to lead and at the same time increase their awareness on
workplace setting and thus, being fully aware of their role in establishing
a good and ideal ways and means in leading and managing people.
to follow. It has been said that you cannot lead if you yourself cannot
leadership requires the leader’s ability to lead with his knowledge, skills
and attitudes that will install control and management over the corporate
how to lead and willing to sacrifice personal preferences for the sake of
(1994) state that the role of the management accounting systems has
solving tasks. In that new, future oriented role these systems also need
decision areas.
Berry (1983). In his research work, Berry (1983) found that companies
have started valuing their existing customers, and they have started
words, one can state that relationship marketing deals with creating and
sustainable benefits. Kotler (1997) also feels that it is beneficial for the
that the most important decision for any entrepreneur is choosing what
thought to this aspect. As Robshaw points out, businesses fall into three
need to align their personal goals with their business goals. Hopson and
Scally (1991) offer the notion that individuals have the choice of either
many years of experience can save a business from major errors and
costly mistakes with just a few words. From the available literature it can
et al, 1997). One of the problems in the UK has not been when
interventions have taken place, but how those interventions have taken
place. The impact on the small firm and the ability of the entrepreneur to
discussions between mentor and mentee, two main methods are used:
offer a safe place where the mentee feels able to share their agenda,
interests and goals and to offer support by listening, asking the right
and wisdom.
practices are the independent variables of the study while the business
Definition of Terms
Business success:
business career is over, success has other dimensions that for many
From that of keeping financial recording could be also one way of their
business success.