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Module 1 - Week1 and 2 - Platform Technologies PDF

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IT ELEC 1 – Platform Technologies

1. Title of the Module

Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer System
Chapter 2: Input and Output Devices
2. Introduction
This module introduces the students in the world of computers which are
used in the different aspects of society. In this module, the students will have a
thorough grasp of the computer understanding they need to live in an information
3. Learning Outcome
After completing this module, the students should acquire the following
learning competencies:
➢ Learn the concept of a system in general and the computer system in
➢ Understand how the computer evolve dramatically within a very short span,
from very huge machines of past to very compact of designs of the present
with tremendous advances in technology
➢ Understand the general classification of a computer.
➢ Study computer applications.
➢ Understand the typical characteristics of computers namely speed,
accuracy, efficiency, storage, capacity, versatility.
➢ Identify the limitations of the computer.
➢ Discuss the differences between humans and computers.
➢ Understand the computer component.

4. Learning Content
It contains readings, selection and discussion questions, and sets of activities
that students can work on individually or by a group.

Topics for Module 1: Introduction

Topic 1: Introduction – What is a computer?
Today, almost all of us in the world make use of computers in one way or the
other. It finds applications in various fields of engineering, medicine, commercial,

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research, and others. Not only in these sophisticated areas but also our daily lives,
computers have become indispensable. They are present everywhere, in all the devices
that we use daily like cars, games, washing machines, microwaves, and so on. and in
day to day computations like banking, reservations, electronic mails, internet and many
The word computer is derived from the word compute. Compute means to
calculate. The computer was originally defined as a super-fast calculator. It could solve
complex arithmetic and scientific problems at a very high speed. But nowadays in addition
to handling complex arithmetic computations, computers perform many other tasks like
accepting, sorting, selecting, moving, comparing various types of information. They also
perform arithmetic and logical operations on alphabetic, numeric, and other types of
information. The information provided by the user to the computer is data. The information
in one form which is presented to the computer is the input information or input data.
Information in another form is presented by the computer after performing a process on
it. This information is the output information or output data. The set of instructions given
to the computer to perform various operations is called the computer program. The
process of converting the input data into the required output form with the help of the
computer program is called data processing. Computers are therefore also referred to
as data processors. Therefore, a computer can now be defined as a fast and accurate
data processing system that accepts data, performs various operations on the data, can
store the data, and produce the results based on a detailed step by step instructions given
to it.
Functionalities of a Computer
➢ Takes data as an input
➢ Stores the data/instructions in its memory.
➢ Processes the data and converts it into useful information.
➢ Generates the output.

The terms hardware and software are almost always used in connection with the

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The hardware is the machinery itself. Computer hardware is the collection of
physical elements that constitutes a computer system. Computer hardware refers to the
physical parts or components of a computer such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard,
computer data storage, hard drive disk (HDD), system unit (graphic cards, sound cards,
memory, motherboard, and chips), etc. all of which are physical objects that can be

Fig. 1.0 System Unit

The computer hardware itself is not capable of doing anything on its own. It has to
be given explicit instructions to perform a specific task. The computer program is the one
that controls the processing activities of the computer. The computer thus functions
according to the instructions written in the program. The software mainly consists of these
computer programs, procedures, and other documentation used in the operation of a
computer system. Software is a collection of programs that utilize and enhance the
capability of the hardware.

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Five categories of Software:
1. Operating System (OS)
The software that manages the resources of a computer system and schedules its
operation is called the Operating system. The operating system acts as an interface
between the hardware and the user programs and facilitates the execution of programs.
Generally, the OS acts as an interface between the user and the Hardware of the
computer. i.e. It is a bridge between the user and the Hardware.

Fig. 1.1 Functions of the Operating System Fig. 1.2 Different Types of Operating Ststem

2. Translators
Computers can understand instructions only when they are written in their
language – the machine language. Therefore, a program written in any other language
should be translated into machine language. The software that translates the instructions
of different. Languages are known as translators.
There are two types of translators.
➢ Compilers
➢ Interpreters

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A Compiler checks the entire user-written program (known as the source program)
and if it is Error-free, produces a complete program in machine language (known as object
program). The source program is retained for possible modifications and corrections and
the object program is loaded into the computer for execution. If the source program
contains errors, the compilers produce a list of errors at the end of the execution of the
program. i.e a compiler translates the whole program before execution.

Fig. 1.3 Compiler Works

An Interpreter does a similar job but in a different style. The interpreter translates
one statement at a time and if the source program contains an error, it will be free
executes until at the end of the execution of the program.
The major difference between compiler and interpreter:
1. Error correction is very much simpler in the case of an interpreter as it translates the
statements in stages. The compiler produces an error list of the entire program at the end.
2. An interpreter takes more time for the execution of the program compared to compilers
as it translates one statement at a time.

Fig. 1.4 Task of the Interpreter

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Programming Languages
There are three types of programming languages:
1. Machine Languages
Computers respond only to machine language. This language is in terms of binary
codes (0,1). i.e. all programs should be written with these codes, which is difficult, time-
consuming, and leading to errors while writing the programs. There is no unique standard
machine language. Rather there are many machine languages. These are machine-
dependent. These are referred to as the first-generation languages.

Fig. 1.5 Binary Numbers

2. Assembly Languages
It uses mnemonic codes rather than numeric codes (as in machine languages).
Ex. Add or A is used as a symbol for addition. It requires translators to convert into
machine language. Like machine language, a writing program in assembly language is
also time-consuming. These are also machine-dependent.

Fig. 1.6 Assembly Langaue

3. High-Level Languages (HLL)
These are referred to as problem-oriented languages (POL). These are referred to
as third-generation languages.

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The advantages of these languages are:
The high-level languages are convenient for writing programs as they can be written
without any codes. These languages follow rules like the English language. Because of
their English like nature, less time is required to write a program. They are machine-
independent. A program written in any HLL can be run on computers of different types
without any modifications.
Several High-Level Languages which are in common use:
FORTRAN: Formula TRANslation
COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language
BASIC: Beginner‘s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
PROLOG: PROgramming in LOGic
ALGOL: ALGOrithmic Language

Fig. 1.7 High Level Language were converted to a Machine Language

3. Utility Programs
These are pre-written programs supplied by the manufacturer for maintaining the
day-to-day activities of a computer system. Utility Software is designed to help you
monitor and configure settings for your computer system equipment. Example: COPY,
SORT, MAILING, virus scanning software, etc.

Fig. 1.8 Utility Software

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3. Application Programs
These are user-written programs to do a specific job that can be changed to meet
individual needs. These programs are written in different languages such as BASIC or C
or by using database packages like dBASE, Oracle. Example: Payroll, Billing, Railway
Reservation, etc.

Fig. 1.9 Programming Languages

5. General Purpose Packages
These packages are developed to suit the needs of research workers /scientists in
different fields. These packages are categorized as:

➢ Data Analysis
➢ Word Processing
➢ Spread Sheet
➢ Graphics
➢ Databases

Fig. 1.10 Software Application

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Topic 2: Evolution of Computer
The computers of today are vastly different in appearance and performance as
compared to the computers of earlier days. But where did this technology come from and
where is it heading? To fully understand the impact of computers on today’s world and
the promises they hold for the future, it is important to understand the evolution of
The First Generation:

The first-generation computers made use of:

➢ Vacuum tube technology,
➢ Punched cards for data input,
➢ Punched cards and paper tape for output,
➢ Machine Language for writing programs,
➢ Magnetic tapes and drums for external storage.

The computers of the first generation were very bulky and emitted a large amount
of heat which required air conditioning. They were large and cumbersome to handle. They
had to be manually assembled and had limited commercial use. The concept of operating
systems was not known at that time. Each computer had a different binary-coded program
called a machine language that told it how to operate.

Punched cards Paper tape Vacuum tube

Fig. 2.1 The First-Generation Computer technology

The Abacus, which emerged about 5000 years ago in Asia Minor and is still in use
today, allows users to make computations using a system of sliding beads arranged on a
rack. Early merchants used Abacus to keep trading transactions.

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Abacus Pascaline
Fig. 2.2 the first-Generation Computers

Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician invented the first mechanical machine, a

rectangular brass box, called Pascaline which could perform addition and subtraction on
whole numbers. This was in the seventeenth century. Colmar, a Frenchman invented the
machine that could perform the four basic arithmetic functions of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. Colmar’s mechanical calculator, “Arithmometer”, presented
a more practical approach to computing. With its enhanced versatility, the “Arithmometer”
was widely used until the First World War, although later inventors refined Colmar’s
calculator, together with fellow inventors, Pascal and Leibniz, he helped define the age
of mechanical computation.

Fig. 2.3 Arithnometer

Charles Babbage a British mathematician at Cambridge University invented the
first analytical engine or difference engine. This machine could be programmed by
instructions coded on punch cards and had mechanical memory to store the results. For
his contributions in this field, Charles Babbage is known as ‘the father of the modern
digital computer”. Some of the early computers included:

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Fig. 2.4 Different Engine
Mark I
This was the first fully automatic calculating machine. It was designed by Howard
Aiken of Harvard University in collaboration with IBM. This machine was an electronic
relay computer. Electromagnetic signals were used for the movement of mechanical
parts. Mark, I could perform the basic arithmetic and complex equations. Although this
machine was extremely reliable, it was very slow (it took about 3-5 seconds per
calculation) and was complex in design and large in size.

Fig. 2.5 Mark 1

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
This computer developed by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry was the world’s first
general-purpose electronic digital computer. It made use of vacuum tubes for internal
logic and capacitors for storage.

Fig. 2.6 Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

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ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator)
The first all-electronic computer was produced by a partnership between the US
Government and the University of Pennsylvania. It was built using 18,000 vacuum tubes,
70,000 resistors, and 1,500 relays and consumed 140 kilowatts of electrical power. The
ENIAC computed at speed about a thousand times faster than Mark I. However, it could
store and manipulate only a limited amount of data. Program modifications and detecting
errors were also difficult

Fig.2.7 ENIAC
EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
In the mid-1940’s Dr. John von Neumann designed the Electronic Discrete
Variable Automatic Computer with a memory to store both program and data. This was
the first machine that used the stored program concept. It had five distinct units -
arithmetic, central control, memory, input, and output. The key element was the central
control. All the functions of the computer were co-ordinated through this single source,
the central control. The programming of the computers was done in machine language

Fig. 2.8 EDVAC

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UNIVAC I Universal automatic Computer
Remington Rand designed this computer specifically for business data processing
applications. The Universal Automatic Computer was the first general-purpose
commercially available computer.

Fig. 2.9 UNIVAC I Universal automatic Computer

The Second Generation
➢ In the second generation of computers:
➢ Vacuum tube technology was replaced by transistorized technology,
➢ Size of the computers started reducing,
➢ Assembly language started being used in place of machine language,
➢ The concept of the stored-program emerged.
➢ High-level languages were invented.

Fig. 2.10 The Second Generation

This was the generation of Transistorized Computers. Vacuum tubes were
replaced by transistors. As a result, the size of the machines started shrinking. These
computers were smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy-efficient. The first
transistorized computer was TX-0. The first large scale machines that took advantage of
the transistor technology were the early supercomputers, Stretch by IBM and LARC by
Sperry Rand. These machines were mainly developed for atomic energy laboratories.
Typical computers of the second generation were the IBM 1400 and 7000 series,
Honeywell 200 and General Electric. IBM 1401 was universally accepted throughout the
industry and most large businesses routinely processed financial information using
second-generation computers. The machine language was replaced by assembly
language. Thus, the long and difficult binary code was replaced with an abbreviated

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programming code which was relatively easy to understand. The stored program concept
and programming languages gave the flexibility of the computer to finally be cost-effective
and productive for business use. The stored program concept implied that the
instructions to run a computer for a specific task were held inside the computer’s memory
and could quickly be modified or replaced by a different set of instructions for a different
function. High-level languages like COBOL, FORTRAN, and AL- GOL were developed.
Computers started finding vast and varied applications. The entire software industry
began with second-generation computers.
The Third Generation
➢ The third-generation computers were characterized by:
➢ Use of Integrated circuits,
➢ The phenomenal increase in computation speed,
➢ Substantial reduction in size and power consumption of the machines,
➢ Use of magnetic tapes and drums for external storage,
➢ Design-of Operating systems and new higher-level languages,
➢ Commercial production of computers.

This generation was characterized by the invention of Integrated Circuits (ICs).

The 1C combined electronic components onto a small chip which was made from quartz.
Later, even more, components were fitted onto a single chip, called a semiconductor. This
reduced the size even further. The weight and power consumption of computers
decreased and the speed increased tremendously. Heavy emphasis was given to the
development of software. Operating systems were designed which allowed the machine
to run many different programs at once. A central program monitored and co-ordinate the
computer s memory. Multiprogramming was made possible, whereby the machine could
perform several jobs at the same time. Computers achieved speeds of executing millions
of instructions per second. Commercial production became easier and cheaper. Higher-
level languages like Pascal and Report Program Generator (RPG) were introduced and
applications-oriented languages like FORTRAN, COBOL, and PL/1 were developed. The
third-generation computers made use of ‘Integrated Circuits that had 10-20 components
on each chip, this was Small Scale Integration (SSI).

Fig. 2.11 Integrated Circuit

The Fourth Generation

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The general features of the fourth-generation computers were:
➢ Use of Very Large-Scale Integration,
➢ The invention of microcomputers,
➢ Introduction of Personal Computers
➢ Networking
➢ Fourth Generation Languages.

Fig. 2.12 VLSI

The Fourth Generation realized Large Scale Integration (LSI) which could fit
hundreds of components on one chip and Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) which
squeezed thousands of components on one chip. The Intel 4004 chip, located all the
components of a computer (central processing unit, memory, input and output controls)
on a single chip and microcomputers were introduced. Higher-capacity storage media like
magnetic disks were developed. Fourth-generation languages emerged and application
software’s started becoming popular. Computer production became inexpensive
and the era of Personal Computers (PCs) commenced. In 1981, IBM
introduced its personal computer for use in an office, home, and schools. In direct
competition, the Macintosh was introduced by Apple in 1984. Shared interactive systems
and user-friendly environments were the features of these computers. As computers
started becoming more and more powerful, they could be linked together or networked to
share not only data but also memory space and software. The networks could reach
enormous proportions with local area networks. A global web of computer circuitry, the
Internet, links the computers worldwide into a single network of information.

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The Fifth Generation

Fig. 2.13 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Defining the fifth-generation computers is somewhat difficult because the field is
still in its infancy. The computers of tomorrow would be characterized by Artificial
Intelligence (At). An example of Al is Expert Systems. Computers could be developed
which could think and reason in much the same way as humans. Computers would be
able to accept spoken words as input (voice recognition). Many advances in the science
of computer design and technology are coming together to enable the creation of fifth-
generation computers. Two such advances are parallel processing where many CPUs
work as one and advance in superconductor technology which allows the flow of
electricity with little or no resistance, greatly improving the speed of information flow.

The Sixth Generation

Fig. 2.14 Use of nanotechnology

Not only does the technology improve, but the price decreases as technology
improves. The sixth generation of computers provided consumers with the opportunity to
have more power on a smaller footprint. The sixth-generation also introduced voice
recognition. Improved technology allows the computer to take dictation and recognize
words. Computers can learn via a variety of advanced algorithms. The use of
nanotechnology is a characteristic of sixth-generation computers. This significantly
increases the processing time of the computer and help consumers. Computers with

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multiple CPUs can perform sophisticated calculations and multitask. When a single CPU
can perform multiple tasks at once, this is considered multi-tasking. When qubits or
quantum bits process calculations, it is typically faster than conventional computers. This
technology works in conjunction with the computer’s processor and memory. Complex
languages such as English, Chinese, French, and Spanish are easily processed with the
use of qubits or quantum bits. Computers can now understand and interpret numerous
languages with the new advanced technology available. This new advancement will allow
students and the disabled to speak commands into the computer without touching the
physical device. Voice recognition is also helpful in laboratory clean rooms, surgical
operating rooms, or even use in customer service. Voice recognition will significantly
enhance the scientist’s ability to create new technology. Voice-controlled games and
typing applications are easy with sixth-generation applications. Avid gamers will view
video games in incredible detail with life-like motion. Parallel processing enables faster
speeds for video games. As the semiconductor footprint becomes smaller through the
use of nanotechnology, the user has more flexibility in the use of the computer.

The Seventh Generation Processors

Fig. 2.15 Seventh Generations

Powered by the latest 7th generation Core I processors, the IC range enables
applications to function as never before. Using improved memory technologies and
energy-efficient chipsets, they work faster and use less energy than any previous Intel
CPUs. The 7th generation Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 desktop processors consume as
little as 35W of power – with even the top-end CPU consuming a mere 95W.
The processor update from Intel has allowed us to take advantage of
enhancements across an entire spectrum of features, and then apply them to our IC range
in conjunction with our series update. In terms of speed, the desktop CPUs are now
running at rates 20 percent faster than the previous generation.
Laptops equipped with the latest mobile CPUs also offer a 20 percent performance
hike over a machine purchased three years ago. There are also improvements in energy
efficiency, with the extremely low power Y-series processors consuming as little as 4.5W,

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making them ideal for the latest tablets and ultra-mobile computers. In the coming year,
your new gadgets will be thinner, lighter, and faster than any of their predecessors.
The U-series ultra-low-power CPUs are aimed at everyday laptop computers that
don’t need to be as light as a mobile device but still need to be able to deliver when
running desktop applications. These consume between 15-28W of power, meaning you
can get the job done even running on low battery. Lastly, the H-series CPUs include high-
performance graphics from the Intel Iris Plus chipset.
These are designed for the latest gaming laptops, offering 1080P full HD graphics
with blistering performance. With other enhancements such as Optane memory and
Ready Mode support enabling an instantly functional system straight from sleep and
Thunderbolt 3 USB-C connectivity, the new 7th generation CPUs are blazing a trail for
performance, battery life, and connectivity.
Eighth-Generation (64-Bit Register) Processors

Fig. 2.16 Eighth-Generation

As of 2001, it had been about 15 years since PCs had begun to support 32-bit
processors (all processors from the 80386 up through the Intel Pentium 4 and AMD Athlon
XP). However, in 2001, Intel introduced the first 64-bit processor for servers the Itanium
followed in 2002 by the improved Itanium 2. In 2003, AMD introduced the first 64-bit
processor for x86-compatible desktop computers the Athlon 64 followed by its first 64-bit
server processor, the Opteron. In 2004, Intel introduced a series of 64-bit–enabled
versions of its Pentium 4 desktop processor. Then in 2005, Intel introduced 64-bit
versions of its Xeon workstation and server processors and new 64-bit desktop
processors the Pentium Extreme Edition and dual-core Pentium D. The following sections
discuss the major features of these processors and the different approaches taken by
Intel and AMD to bring 64-bit computing to the PC server and desktop. Intel referred to
the eighth-generation Core laptop processors as the revised editions of the seventh-
generation Kaby Lake models (known as Kaby Lake-R), which were built on the same
14+nm node. Unlike those, the eighth-generation desktop chips are a proper step
forward, moving to the 14++nm node, known as Coffee Lake.

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Ninth Generation A New Level of Performance

Fig.2.17 Ninth Generation

Introducing the NEW 9th Gen Intel® Core™ desktop processors - the most
powerful generation of Intel® Core™ desktop processors. Whether you are a gamer
looking for a fantastic in-game experience with the performance headroom for smooth
live streaming and seamless highlights recording or you are a creator that is ready to do
more creating and sharing, less time waiting, this new generation of processors is ready
to take you to that new level.
➢ A Game on a Whole New Level
➢ Create Without Limits
➢ New Level of Performance
The 9th Gen Intel® Core™ processor takes mainstream desktop PC performance to
a whole new level. At the top of the stack, our mainstream flagship, the new i9-9900K.
The first Intel® Core™ i9 desktop processor for the mainstream users. Best in class, the
i9-9900K with 16MB of cache1 and Intel® Turbo Boost 2.0 technology cranks maximum
turbo frequency up to blazing 5.0 GHz. Throw in high performing 16-way multitasking
support powered by 8 cores with Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel® HT
Technology) to conquer the most demanding workloads. Want to reach for even greater
levels of performance? — Overclock confidently with new and enhanced features like
Solder Thermal Interface Material (STIM) and improved overclocking customizations to
tweak the processor performance to its unleashed potential.2
The NEW 9th Generation of Intel® Core™ Desktop Processor Delivers:
A range of processors including the first unlocked Intel® Core™ i9 mainstream desktop
processor. Data acceleration when paired with Intel® Optane™ memory to retrieve that
data you use the most for fast system responsiveness.1 DDR4 RAM technology support,
which allows systems to have up to 64 GB of memory and up to 2666 MT/s memory
transfer speeds. Intel® Z390 chipset support which includes unprecedented connectivity
to all of your devices with integrated USB 3.1 Gen 2, Intel® Wireless-AC, and support for
Gigabit Wi-Fi speed. Compatible with Intel® 300 series chipset.

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New Level of Performance
Hardware-Based Security 9th Generation Intel® Core™ processors integrate
hardware-level technologies that help strengthen the protection of your enabled security1
software. Hardware-based security helps you experience online and offline activities with
added peace of mind, enabled by features that include: Intel® Software Guard Extensions
(Intel® SGX)1 to help applications protect your system and your data. Intel® BIOS Guard
and Intel® Boot Guard to help protect your system during start-up.

Intel's Tenth Generation Nanometer Ice Lake CPU

Fig. 2.18 Tenth Generations

Intel has released its 10th Gen Intel Core processors, codenamed “Ice Lake” after
rough 12 months for the company. 2018 marked the chip makers' 50th anniversary, but
the company has struggled to make a significant mark on the market. Even Apple, a
longtime supporter suggested they will go the direction of creating their chips in the future.
Today's launch is the first widely available batch of 10nm CPUs from Intel. Each
release of processors Intel makes comes in a variety of types to suit different computer
needs they usually range from beefy 95-watt desktop gaming chips down to 5 or 7-watt
Y-series parts designed for thin laptops and lightweight tablets.
Ice Lake will start with 9W, 15W, and 28W parts with up to 4 cores, 8 threads, and
a 4.1GHz turbo clock speed. To put that into perspective it is much better than what you
currently find in an Apple 13-inch MacBook Pro. But bigger chips aren’t released in this
round. Intel says the next release of 30 designs will come out towards the end of the year.
Intel launched the chips along with news about their innovation program code-named
“Project Athena.”; People want it all: battery life, performance, responsiveness,
connectivity, and slick form factors. Our job is to come together as an industry and deliver
incredible and differentiated PCs, purpose-built to what real people want. 10th Gen Intel
Core processors – our most integrated CPU – and Project Athena are great examples of
how our deep investments at a platform level will help fuel innovation across the industry,”
said Gregory Bryant, Intel senior vice president, and general manager of the Client
Computing Group. Intel’s 10th Generation 10 Nanometer Ice Lake CPU Is Here
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Project Athena aims to deliver on what Intel is calling the “key experience indicators” (KEI)
that people are looking for with personal computing. The company says it has completed
years of research that created the KEI metrics. The goal is to use these indicators as
drivers for innovation.

Topic 3: Classification of Computer

Analog computers
In analog computers, data is recognized as continuous measurement of physical
property like the voltage, speed, pressure, etc. Readings on a dial or graphs are obtained
as the output, ex. Voltage, temperature; pressure can be measured in this way.
Digital Computers
These are high-speed electronic devices. These devices are programmable. They
process data by way of mathematical calculations, comparison, sorting, etc. They accept
input and produce output as discrete signals representing high (on) or low (off) voltage
state of electricity. Numbers, alphabets, symbols are all represented as a series of 1s and

Classifications of Digital Computer

Small Computers
a) Notebook and Laptop Computers
These are portable and are battery operated. Storage devices like CDs, floppies,
etc. and output devices like printers can be connected to these computers. Notebook
computers are smaller in physical size than laptop computers. However, both have
powerful processors, support graphics, and can accept mouse-driven input.
b) Hand-Held Computers
These types of computers are mainly used in applications like the collection of field
data. They are even smaller than notebook computers.

Notebook or Laptop Handheld Computer

Fig. 3.0 Small Computers

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Hybrid Computers
Hybrid Computers are a combination of Analog and Digital computers. They
combine the speed of analog computers and the accuracy of digital computers. They are
mostly used in specialized applications where the input data is in an analog form i.e.
measurement. This is converted into digital form for further processing. The computers
accept data from sensors and produce output using conventional input/output devices.

Classification of Hybrid Computers

1. Special Purpose Computers
These are developed with a specific purpose. Some of the areas where these
computers are being used are soil testing, drip irrigation, medical scanning, and traffic
signals, spacecraft, rocket technology, etc.

Fig. 3.1 Special Purpose Computer

2. General Purpose Computers
These are developed to meet the requirements of several areas such as simulation,
solving mathematical equations, payroll, and personnel database. These computers
are available in different sizes and capabilities and are further classified (based on
memory, speed, storage) as follows.

Fig. 3.2 General Purpose Computer

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Classification of General-Purpose Computers
a) Super Computers
These have extremely large storage capacities and computing speeds
which are at least 10 times faster than other computers. These are used for large scale
numerical problems in scientific and engineering disciplines such as electronics, weather
forecasting, etc. The first supercomputer was developed in the U.S.A. by CRAY
Computers. In India, the indigenous supercomputer was developed under the name

b) Mainframe Computers
They also have large storage and high computing speed (but relatively lower than
the supercomputers). They are used in applications like weather forecasting, space
applications, etc., they support a large number of terminals for use by a variety of users
simultaneously, but are expensive.
c) Mini Computers
It is a medium-sized computer with moderate cost, available indigenously, and
used for large volume applications. It can serve multi-users simultaneously.
d) Micro Computers
A microcomputer is the smallest general-purpose processing system.
Microcomputers are also referred to as personal computers‖(PC). These are self-
contained units and usually developed for use by one person at a time but can be linked
to very large systems. They are cheap, easy to use even at homes, and can be read for
a variety of applications from small to medium range. These are available in three models:
1. PC: Personal Computer
2. PC-XT: PC with Extended Technology
3. PC-AT: PC with Advanced Technology

Fig. 3.3 Supercomputer Mainframe Microcomputer

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Topic 4: Application of Computers
Scientific, Engineering, and Research:
This is the major area where computers find vast applications. They are used in
areas that require a lot of experiments, mathematical calculations, weather forecasting,
and complex mathematical and engineering applications. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) help in designing robotics, automobile
manufacturing, automatic process control devices, etc.
Recordkeeping, budgets, reports, inventory, payroll, invoicing, accounts are all the
areas of business and industry where computers are used to a great extent. Database
management is one of the major areas where computers are used on a large scale. The
areas of the application here include banking, airline reservations, etc. where large
amounts of data need to be updated, edited, sorted, and searched from large databases
Computerized systems are now in widespread use in monitoring patient data like
pulse rate, blood pressure, etc. resulting in faster and accurate diagnosis. Modern-day
medical equipment is highly computerized today. Computers are also widely used in
medical research
Example: MYCIN - a program that determines the disease of a person by just
inputting the symptoms of the disease.
This is the age of information. Television, Satellite communication, Internet,
networks are all based on computers
The use of computers in education is increasing day by day. The students develop
the habit of thinking more logically and can formulate problem-solving techniques. CDs
on a variety of subjects are available to impart education. Online training programs for
students are also becoming popular day by day. All the major encyclopedias, dictionaries,
and books are now available in the digital form and therefore are easily accessible to the
student of today. Creativity in drawing, painting, designing, decoration, music, etc. can be
well developed with computers.
Example: Computer-Aided Instruction - a type of educational program designed
to serve as a teaching tool. CAI programs use tutorials, drills, and question-and-answer
sessions to present a topic and to test the student's comprehension. CAI programs are

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excellent aids for presenting factual material and for allowing students to pace their
learning speed.

Games and Entertainment:

Computer games are popular with children and adults alike. Computers are
nowadays also used in entertainment areas like movies, sports, advertising, etc.

Fig. 4.0 Computer applications in various fields

Topic 5: Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer
The speed of a computer is measured in terms of the number of instructions that
it can perform or execute in a second. The speeds of computers are measured in milli-
seconds (10~3 sec), micro-seconds (10*4 sec), and nano-seconds (10~9sec).
Computers are super-fast machines and can process millions of instructions per second.
Smaller computers can execute thousands of instructions per second, while the more
complex machines can execute millions of instructions per second.

Computers are very accurate. They are capable of executing hundreds of
instructions without any errors. They do not make mistakes in their computations. They
perform every calculation with the same accuracy.

The efficiency of computers does not decrease with age. The computers

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can perform repetitive tasks with the same efficiency any number of times without
exhausting their selves. Even if they are instructed to execute millions of instructions, they
are capable of executing them all with the same speed and efficiency without exhaustion.

Computers are capable of storing large amounts of data in their storage devices.
These devices occupy very less space and can store millions of characters in condensed
forms. These storage devices typically include floppy disks, tapes, hard disks, CDs, etc,
the data stored on these devices can be retrieved and reused whenever it is required in

Computers are very versatile. They are capable not only of performing complex
mathematical tasks of science and engineering, but also other non-numerical operations
fielding air-line reservations, electricity bills, database management, etc.

Computers can be instructed to perform complex tasks automatically (which
increases productivity).

Computers can perform the same task repeatedly & with the same accuracy
without getting tired.

Computers are flexible to perform both simple and complex tasks.

Computers reduce the amount of paperwork and human effort, thereby reducing

Capabilities of a Computer
➢ it can process data faster than any digital machine
➢ it can perform instructions millions of times
➢ it can communicate with other computers
➢ it can be used to access information from all over the globe
➢ it is capable of storing and recalling information


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Spread of Pornography
As the PC’s range has covered every single individual in the society, children and
even grown-up are prone and get involved in pornographic content which many websites
offer this day. This sort of content, videos, and images are easily available on the internet,
people can easily get access, it’s very hard to have control over it, huge numbers of
children are addicted to porn videos, porn images, and once they are addicted it is very
hard to overcome.

Virus and Hacking attacks

The virus is just computer programs that are designed and developed to harm the
computer, steal important information like passwords, pins, and other sensitive
information. Hackers use this program to crack your system down and get unauthorized
access to your computer systems, which can damage people economically as well as
socially. One should use legal software, antivirus program, and anti-hacking software
while surfing on the net or while online trading which minimizes the hacking and virus
attacks. Data security has been a major concern due to computer viruses and hacking
attacks many companies offer services for data security.

Crashed Network
Computers can be easily connected via “NETWORKING”, It can connect to the
internet. Imagine you have an office of 25 computers, all of the computers are connected
with shared internet, while all of your employees do different works on their respective
computers and one day your network goes down or the whole network is crashed .you
will find that all the computer which are connected stop working and hence less production
or no work is found. This is one of the significant Disadvantages of computer occurs
frequently when used in a network.

The spread of Violence and Hatred

The spread of violence and hate-related articles can be found easily while surfing
the internet. People get in touch with these articles which destroys the thinking process
of individuals and we find consequences that are not for the betterment of human society.

Data and Information violation

Irrespective of many securities our data can be lost due to damaged memory or
using spam websites while they inject malicious program Trojan, worm to your computer
system which corrupts or even destroys the data available on your systems. And
sometimes this program which is developed by hackers or crackers retrieves your bank
details with passwords, credit card information’s and misuse them.

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Limitations of Computers
Although the computers of today are highly intelligent and sophisticated, they have
their limitations. The computer cannot think on its own since it does not have its brain. It
can only do what it has been programmed to do. It can execute only those jobs that can
be expressed as a finite set of instructions to achieve a specific goal. Each of the steps
has to be clearly defined. The computers do not learn from previous experience nor can
they conclude without going through all the intermediate steps. However, the impact of
computers on today’s society is phenomenal and they are today an important part of

Topic 6: Similarities Differences between Computer and Human

The computer is a very effective and efficient machine which performs several
activities in a few minutes, which otherwise would have taken several days if performed
naturally. Besides, there would have been a doubt about accuracy, finish, etc. The
computer may be faster; more accurate but it cannot compete with the human brain.
However, there are some similarities between the human and the computer which would
make the computer more understandable.
Human Computer
Like human beings has ears, nose, eyes, Computers have input devices such as the
etc. keyboard, scanner, touch screen, mouse,
etc. to get information.
Like we remember things The computer also stores information.
We recollect certain information as The computer also retrieves information
required. when times,
We express ourselves by speech, Computer expresses through a screen,
writing, etc. Printouts, etc. which we call as output.
When we watch, hear, learn certain with the help of software, computers also
things, and analyze. can analyze Information and draw
The place where we store, analyze, The computer brain is known as CPU
concludes information is known as the
brain (Central Processing Unit) where it
analyses information.

The computer has storage devices like floppies, hard disks, compact disks to store
and retrieve information. However, the computer does not understand emotions, it does
not understand meaning beyond words, it cannot read between the lines like the human.
We learn many things unknowingly, certain things knowingly; we call it as upbringing. But
computers can learn everything only knowingly. We learn many things on our own, but
the computer has to be taught to do everything.

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Topic 7: Components of Computer System
Any system is defined as a group of integrated parts that are designed to achieve
a common objective. Thus, a system is made up of more than one element or part, where
each element performs a specific function and where all the elements (parts) are logically
related and are controlled in such a way that the goal (purpose) of the system is achieved.
Each of these units performs a specific task. However, they function independently on
their own. They are logically related and controlled to achieve a specific goal. When they
are thus integrated, they form a fully-fledged computer system.


The basic parts of the computer system are:

➢ Input Unit
➢ The Central Processing Unit
➢ Output Unit

Fig. 4.1 Central Processing Unit

Reads information from input media and enters to the computer in a coded form.
The input system connects the external environment with the computer system.
The input devices are the means of communication between the user and the computer
system. Typical input devices include the keyboard, floppy disks, mouse, microphone,
light pen, joystick, magnetic tapes, etc. How the data is fed into the computer through
each of these devices is different. However, a computer can accept data only in a specific
form. Therefore, these input devices transform the data fed to them, into a form that can
be accepted by the computer. These devices are a means of communication and inter-
station between the user and the computer systems.

Central Processing Unit

It is the part of the computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program.
It is the unit that reads and executes program instructions. Hence it is known as the brain
of the computer. The CPU consists of a storage or memory unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit
(ALU), and control unit.
The Control Unit

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The Control Unit controls the operations of the entire computer system. The control
unit gets the instructions from the programs stored in the primary storage unit interprets
these instructions a subsequently directs the other units to execute the instructions. Thus
it manages and coordinates the entire computer system.

The Arithmetic Logic Unit

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) executes the instructions and performs all the
calculations and decisions. The data is held in the primary storage unit and transferred to
the ALU whenever needed. Data can be moved from the primary storage to the arithmetic
logic unit several times before the entire processing is complete. After the completion, the
results are sent to the output storage section and the output devices.

The Primary Storage Unit

This is also called as Main Memory. Before the actual processing starts the data
and the instructions fed to the computer through the input units are stored in this primary
storage unit. Similarly, the data which is to be output from the computer system is also
temporarily stored in the primary memory. It is also the area where intermediate results
of calculations are stored. The main memory has the storage section that holds the
computer programs during execution. Thus, the primary unit:
➢ Stores data and programs during actual processing
➢ Stores temporary results of intermediate processing
➢ Stores results of execution temporarily

Output Unit
The output devices give the results of the process and computations to the outside
world. The output units accept the results produced by the computer, convert them into a
human-readable form, and supply them to the users. The more common output devices
are printers, plotters, display screens, magnetic tape drives, etc.

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Topics for Module 2: Input and Output Devices
Topic 1: Introduction
As seen earlier, computer hardware is made up of the physical parts of the
computer system like electronic ICs, magnetic storage media, and mechanical devices.
The devices which are a means of communication between the computer and the outside
world are called peripheral devices.

Those peripheral devices which supply information i.e. data and program from the
outside world to the computer are the input devices. Those peripheral devices which
give information from the computer to the user or store them in secondary storage
devices, like floppy disks or tapes for future use are called output devices.

The processors which are required to convert the input data into the machine-
readable form and to convert the output generated by the computer into human-readable
form are known as input/output (I/O) interfaces. There are two concepts related to how
data is input to the computer:

1. Online Data Input: Here data is directly transferred to the computer

2. Off-line Data Input: - Here the data is not immediately transferred to the computer.

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Topic 2: Input Devices
The various types of input devices most commonly used are:
2.2.1 Punch Cards:

Data is recorded onto punch cards or punch tapes using standard codes, like the Hollerith
code. The pattern of these holes is interpreted by a card reader device and converted into
a machine-readable form. A punch card machine is used to transcribe the data onto the

Fig. 2.0 Punch Card and a Keyboard

Characteristic of punch card

• they are cheaper

• they are reliable.

The disadvantage of punch card

The major drawback of these cards is that they cannot be reused. Also, the cards
have to be handled and stored carefully. Even if a single card is misplaced or the
arrangement of the cards gets disturbed it becomes very difficult to rearrange them and
to detect their problem. Punched cards require large storage space since they cannot
be folded.

2.2.2 Keyboard

The keyboard is one of the most commonly used input devices. The computer keyboard
is similar to a typewriter keyboard. The keyboard has keys made up of letters, numbers,
symbols, and special function keys.

A display screen or monitor (Cathode Ray Tube) is used to display the data entered by
the operator with the keyboard. This monitor can also display the results of the
processing as well as messages generated by the computer. A special symbol, called a
cursor, indicates the position on the screen. There are special keys on the keyboard
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which allow the cursor to move in up, down, left and right directions. Other special keys
on the keyboard include keys like Tab, Del, Ctrl, Ins, PgUp, PgDn, etc.

Fig. 2.1 The keys on the keyboard include:

• A-Z: Used to enter alphabets

• 0-9: Used to enter numbers
• Up, Down, Left, Right (Arrow Keyes): To Move the cursor in the specified
• F1-F12: Special Function Keys
• PgUp/PgDn: To move the cursor up or down by one-page enter:

To move the cursor to a new line

• Shift: A Special key To Select the other option shown normal character on the
same key
• Num Lock: Activates the keypad on the right side of the keyboard. In the normal
mode, this numeric pad works as per the function written below the number on
the key

Advantages of the keyboard:

• It is very easy to use a keyboard
• It offers several facilities
• Editing or changing the input data is very easy with the help of the keyboard
• It is relatively Inexpensive

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2.2.3 Mouse

Fig. 2.2 Mouse

The mouse is a pointing device. The mouse is used to control and manipulate cursor
movement on the monitor. The mouse usually has three or four buttons on it and a
rollerball which signals the movements made by the mouse on a flat surface. These
movements are transferred to the system. The mouse is rolled on a flat surface by the
user. It can be used independently, but normally it is used in conjunction with the keyboard
to improve the efficiency of the input operation. The mouse can be used to select data.
Also, the mouse makes it possible to move fast from one part of the screen to the other.

The various types of the mouse in use are

• Mechanical mouse
• Optical mouse
• Opt mechanical mouse
2.2.4 Light Pen

The light pen is a picking device. The light pen contains a photocell placed in a small tube.
This photocell detects the presence of light on the CRT (monitor). The tip of the pen is
moved on the surface of the screen to write or sketch data. The light pen is especially
useful in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications.

Fig 2.3 Light Pen

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2.2.5 Joy Stick

The position and speed with which the joystick is moved are converted into digital signals
by the use of a lever. These signals are then sent to the computer system. This in turn
controls the movement of the cursor on the screen. The joystick is mainly used in video
game applications.

Fig. 2.4 Joy Stick

2.2.4 Track Ball

The trackball uses a hard-sphere to control cursor movement. The bail can be rotated in
any direction by hand and this is translated into a digital signal to control the cursor
movement on the screen.

Fig 2.4 Trackball

2.2.7 Touch screen:

A touch panel is a transparent plate which is fitted over the CRT. Input is registered when
a finger or any other object comes in contact with the plate.
There are two types of touch panels:
• Optical touch panels
• Electric touch panels

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Fig. 2.5 Touch Screen
2.2.8 Digitizer:

A digitizer converts graphical or pictorial data into digital form which can be directly
entered and stored on a computer. A digitizer is also called as a graphics tablet. There
are two types of digitizers:

Fig 2.4 A Scanner, a Graphics tablet (digitizer)

• Image scan digitizer and flatbed digitizer

In the image scan digitizer, the entire image is scanned and reproduced automatically.
Therefore, the image scan digitizers are more powerful as compared to flatbed digitizers.
Flatbed digitizers are mainly used in simple drawings, graphs, etc. whereas image scan
digitizers are used for photographs and pictures.

2.2.9 Scanner:

The scanner can directly enter text and images into the computer memory. Therefore,
the duplication work of entering data is eliminated and this also results in increased
accuracy. The speed of data entry also increases. There are two types of scanners:

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1. Optical Scanners
2. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition devices

A. Optical Scanner:

The optical scanner uses a light source and sensor for reading the information on the
paper. It can read characters, pictures, graphics from the paper. The common types of
optical scanners are:

1. The Optical Mark Reader (OMR): This is capable of reading pre-specified marks
made by pencils or pens with the help of light. Light is focused on the page that
is to be scanned. The reflected light pattern is detected by the device. These
types of scanners are normally used where the data is preprinted for applications.
eg. answer papers of the objective tests where the answers are marked with
pencils or preprinted forms.

2. Optical Character Reader: The Optical Character Reader (OCR) can read
alphabets, characters, and numbers printed on paper. These characters can be
either handwritten or typed. However, special fonts are required to be used while
typing. In the case of handwritten data, the characters have to be of standard
predefined size. The OCR reads each character as a collection of pixels. The light
which is reflected from the page to be scanned is converted into binary data.
OCRs are available in various sizes and speeds. These devices are expensive
and are mainly used in processing where the data volumes are large.

Fig 2.7 Bar Code

The bar code reader is a device that reads barcoded data. Data that is coded in the form
of light or dark lines (bars) is a bar code. Bar code readers are normally used in
applications like labeling of products in retail shops, supermarkets, etc. A laser beam
scanner is used to read the bar code.

The most commonly used bar code is the Universal Product Code (UPC). In this code,
the bars are coded as 10 digits. The first five digits define the manufacturer or supplier,
and the remaining five digits denote the actual product of the manufacturer.

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b) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR):

A special type of input device, this mainly finds application in banking areas. Magnetic ink
is used to encode the characters to be read. This ink contains iron oxide particles. When
a cheque is presented in the bank, the amount is encoded by the bank employee in the
lower right corner and the cheque is then processed with MICR. Special character sets
like E13B and CMC7 are used by these devices to encode data. The E13B has four
special characters and the digits 0-9. The CMC7 has five special characters, digits 0-9,
and all alphabets.

The advantages of using MICR are that they speed up data entry, and even roughly
handled cheque can be processed relatively easily. However, among the limitations are
that special type of magnetic ink is required for. Encoding characters and only a limited
number of digits and characters are available for encoding.

2.2.10 Voice Recognition Systems:

This system allows the user to talk with the computer. The Voice Recognition System
consists of a microphone or telephone into which the operator speaks. The speech is
converted into electrical signals. The signal is input as the voice of the operator. This is
matched with an already entered pre-stored pattern of words called vocabulary. When
the closest match is found the word is recognized. Since each operator may have a
different style of speaking, all Voice Recognition systems are highly operator dependent.
Also, a separate vocabulary for each operator is required to be maintained. The
advantages of the Voice Recognition systems are that they reduce the cost of data entry.
Also, the operator can move freely while talking to the computer.

Fig. 2.8 Voice Recognition

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Topic 3: Output Devices
The output device allows the compute to communicate with the outside world by
accepting data from the computer and transforming it into a user-readable form.

The various types of output devices are:

2.3.1 Printers:

A printer produces the output from the computer on the paper. It is the most commonly
used output device. The printers produce a hard copy i.e. a permanent copy of the results
which can be stored and read later. Printers are classified as:
a) Impact Printer
b) Non-Impact Printer

A. Impact Printer

Impact printers are similar to typewriters. They use a hammer to strike a character against
an inked ribbon and the impact of the hammer causes the image of the character to be
printed on paper. E.g. Dot matrix printers, line printers, daisy wheel printers

Advantages of impact printers:

• Their functioning is relatively easy
• Multiple copies can be produced at the same time with the help of carbon paper.
• Impact printers are noisy in operation and are subject to wear and tear of
mechanical parts.

Types of impact printers:

1) Dot Matrix Printers

Dot-matrix printer prints each character as a pattern of dots. The printer has a printer
head with a matrix of pins (needles). Typical heads have a matrix of 7 rows and 9
columns. These pins produce a pattern of dots to form the individual characters.

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These printers are relatively low in cost and print at speeds of 50-500 characters
per second. The programmer can also define the shape of characters for this printer.
Therefore, it is possible to print many special characters, characters in various sizes as
well as charts and graphs on such printers. Dot-matrix printers are very commonly used
in most computer systems.

Fig. 2.8 A dot matrix printer, a daisy wheel, and a daisy wheel printer

2) Daisy Wheel Printer:

These printers are also called as letter-quality printers. These printers have a daisy
wheel with several petals. A character is embossed on each wheel. There is a motor that
spins the wheel at a fast rate. When the desired character is brought to the correct
position, a hammer strikes the petal to produce the output. Thus, these printers are
impact printers. The letter quality of these printers is much superior as compared to the
dot matrix printers. But they are slow and typically print in the range of 10-50 characters
per second.

Fig. 2.9 later version of a daisy wheel printer

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3) Line Printer:

Line printers are very fast printers that print at speed of 200-2500 lines per minute. These
printers are impact printers and normally have 132 print positions per line. Different types
of character sets are available for different printers. Line printers are normally used in
applications where large volumes of data are to be printed.

Fig 2.10 Line printer

The two types of line printers are:

(i) Drum printers

This consists of a metallic cylinder. On the surface of this drum, there are characters in
bands. Each column or band on the drum contains all the characters. Opposite to each
band, there is a hammer located behind the paper. The drum rotates at a fast rate. The
hammer strikes the paper along with the inked ribbon and produces the output. One line
is printed in each revolution of the printer.

Fig 2.11 Drum printer

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(ii) Chain printers
In the chain printers, there is one print hammer for each print position on a line.
There is a fast-moving chain called the print chain. When this chain rotates, the print
hammer and the inked ribbon strike the paper against the proper character on the chain.

Fig 2.12 Chain printer

b) Non-Impact Printer

They use thermal, chemical, electrostatic, and inkjet technologies for printing as against
the hammer mechanism of impact printers. E.g. Laser printers, DeskJet printers.

Inkjet Printer:

An inkjet printer is a non-impact printer. It prints characters by spraying ink from tiny
nozzles onto the paper. A special type of ink which has a high iron content is used. This
ink is charged electrically when it comes out of the nozzle. This ink is absorbed by the
paper and dries instantly. The output of the inkjet printer is of superior quality. Also, it is
possible to obtain a colored output. Several character styles and sizes are available.
However, being a non-impact printer, it is not possible to prepare carbon copies with this

Fig 2.13 InkJet Printer

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Laser Printers:

These printers are used where a very superior quality output is desired. The image
is created on a photosensitive drum; with a laser beam. The laser is turned on and off
when it moves back and forward across the drum. It leaves a negative charge on the
drum to which a positively charged black toner powder sticks. When the paper rolls by
the drum, the ink is transferred to the paper. Laser printers have a buffer memory to store
entire pages and hence their speed is very fast. The biggest advantage of these printers
is that no mechanical movement is involved, therefore they are noiseless in operation.
However, there are comparatively expensive.

Fig 2.14 Laser printer

2.3.2 Plotter:

A plotter is an output device used in applications where printouts of graphs and drawings
are required. Plotters are of two types:

Fig 2.15 Plotter

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1) Flatbed i.e. X-Y plotter:

This plotter plots on a paper which is fixed on a rectangular flatbed table. One recording
pen moves in the x-direction and one in the y-direction to plot on the paper. Color plotting
is also possible by using pens of different colors.

Fig 2.16 Plotter

2) Drum Plotter:

In this plotter, the paper on which the output is to be obtained is placed over a drum.
The drum rotates back and forth to produce motion. The pen is mounted horizontally
across the drum and the horizontal motion of the pen is achieved with the help of the
pen holder. The drum and the holder move simultaneously to produce output. Multi-
colored printing is possible by changing pens.

The speed of plotters is very slow. Therefore, normally the output is first sent to some
secondary storage device like magnetic tape and then directed to the plotter.

Fig 2.17 Plotter

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2.3.3 Video Display Terminal:

• CRT:

An electron beam is moved across a phosphor-coated screen to produce the image.

The CRT can be monochrome or colored. This screen normally has 25 lines and 80

Fig 2.18 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Monitor

• Flat Panel Display :

The most common flat panel display is the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). This does not
have a picture tube. The other type of display is the gas plasma screen.

Fig 2.19. Screen - Flat Panel Display & Monitor

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• The Video Display Terminal:

Fig 2.20 Video Dsiplay Terminal

The most popular output device indirect access processing is the Video Display
Terminal. These terminals display information instantaneously. The monitor and the
keyboard together are called a terminal. The types of terminals are:

Dumb Terminal:
This is a combination of a keyboard and monitor which can send or receive data but
cannot process the data.

Fig 2.21 Dumb Terminal

Smart Terminal: A smart terminal has an inbuilt microprocessor. It can perform
arithmetic, logic, and control functions. They also have some memory capacity. So they
can store the data before sending it to the processor. They can also control the cursor

Fig 2.22 Smart Terminal

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Intelligent Terminal: This type of terminal also has an inbuilt microprocessor which can
be programmed by the user. These terminals also have limited processing capability.
They can communicate with other terminals and processors.

2.3.4 Computer Output Microfilm (COM):

This technology is used to record the computer output as microscopic filmed images.
Information is recorded on a roll of microfilm. A microfilm recorder displays the information
onto a screen. An inbuilt camera then takes pictures of this information. A microfilm reader
is used to view this information. COM devices are normally used in applications where
there are large volumes of data.

COM devices are much faster than normal printers. Also since the size of these films is
very small the space required for storage is very less as compared to printed output.
However, since COM systems are highly sophisticated, they are relatively expensive and
are mainly used where there are high volumes of data.

Fig 2.23 Computer Output Microfilm

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5. Assessment Tasks

Chapter 1
Self-Assessment Questions 1.
Identify the following statements.
1. The set of instructions that performs various operations.
2. The root word of the computer.
3. Give 3 examples of input data.
4. Give 2 examples of the Operating System.
5. Referred to as the problem-oriented languages (POL).
6. It is also known as data processors.
7. If the source program contains errors, it will be freely executed until at the end
of the execution of the program. What type of translator is this?
8. It is the machinery itself.

Answer the following briefly.

9. Give the functions of the Computer.
10. Define a computer in your words.
11. What is Software?
12. What is Computer Programming?
13. Describe the difference between the assembly language and machine

Self-Assessment Questions 2.
Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Very Large-Scale Integration a. First Generation
2. Vacuum Tube Technology b. Sixth Generation
3. Stored Program c. Seventh Generation
4. Superconductor Technology d. Fifth Generation
5. Semiconductor Technology e. Second Generation
6. The use of Nano Technology f. Fourth Generation
7. Artificial Technology g. Third Generation
8. (64-Bit Register) Processors h. Ninth Generation
9. Nanometer Ice Lake CPU i. Eighth Generation

Answer the following:

10. It has improved memory technologies and energy-efficient chipsets.
11. It is extremely low power Y-series processors.
12. Based on your understanding, what is Artificial Intelligence?
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13. If you have the chance to develop a computer, what features will you add?
Defend your answer.
14. What is the concept of the stored-program?
15. Among the computers discussed in the first generation, which do you think is the
most efficient? Explain.
16. Which do you prefer machine language or assembly language? Explain your

Self-Assessment Questions 3.
Answer the following:
1. It is a type of computer that processes information with quantities using digits.
2. This is the combination of analog and digital computers.
3. A type of computer that is more powerful than microcomputer but less powerful
than a mainframe.
4. It has large storage and high computing speed but relatively lower than the
5. Microcomputers are generally referred also as to this one.
6. A computer that is used for soil testing, drip irrigation, medical scanning, traffic
signals, spacecraft, rocket technology.
7. Type of computer which is smaller than a notebook computer.
8. This type of computer is operated by measuring instead of counting.
9. This computer is developed to meet the requirements of several areas such as
simulation, solving mathematical equations, payroll, and personnel database.
10. This computer accepts input and produces output as discrete signals representing
high (on) or low (off) voltage state of electricity.
11. Explain in brief the definition of a Hybrid Computer.
12. If you are going to choose between analog and digital computers, which of the two
will you choose? Why?
13. Give your opinion on the rapid change in our computer today.
14. Between the laptop and the desktop computer, which do you prefer to use?
15. Describe a supercomputer in your own words.

Self-Assessment Questions 4.

Answer the following:

1. When you are in the field of experiments, what application of computer are you in?
2. This is the age of information.
3. This is all based on the computer.
4. If your field was in record keeping, budgets, reports, and inventory, what
application are you in?
5. This is the major area where computers find vast applications.

Answer the following if is True or False

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6. Mathematical calculations and weather forecasting are in the areas of Scientific,
Engineering, and Research.
7. The computer makes our life inexpedient.
8. Computers are nowadays also used in entertainment areas like movies, sports,
9. Payroll, invoicing, accounts are all areas of medicine.

Answer the following:

10. As a student, how will apply new technologies brought by computer to your life?
11. List computer applications that made very efficient in the field of medicine? Defend
your answer.
12. What is the role of computers in modern life?
13. How the computer has helped us in the field of education?
14. How the computer has helped us in the field of business?

Self-Assessment Questions 5.
Answer the following if is True or False
1. Accuracy of a computer does not decrease with age.
2. The speed of a computer is measured in terms of the number of instructions that
it can perform or execute in a minute.
3. Storage capable of storing large amounts of data in their storage devices.
4. The number of instructions a computer can process in a given time.
5. Computers can perform the same task repeatedly & with the same accuracy
without getting tired.
6. Computers can be instructed to perform complex tasks automatically.
7. Computers reduce the amount of paperwork and human effort.

Answer the following

8. Give the measurements used in measuring instruction that can be performed by a
9. Give at least 5 disadvantages of the computer and explain how it makes it awful.
Self-Assessment Questions 6.
Answer the following
1. Based on the discussion, give 5 characteristics of Human and 5 characteristics of
a computer.
2. How will you compare the control unit of human to computer?
3. What are the similarities between humans and computers?
4.. what is the difference between human memory and computer memory?

Self-Assessment Questions 7.
Answer the following
1. A system that is made up of more than one element or part was each element
performs a specific function
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2. Devices that are used to feed programs and data to the computer.
3. The brain of the computer.
4. Manages and coordinates the entire computer system.
5. It is also known as the Main Memory Unit.
6. It executes the instructions and performs all the calculations and decisions
7. It is the medium of communication between the computer and the user.
8. The unit of computer which gives the result of process and computation.
9-10. Give at least 2 functions of the Primary Storage Unit.

11. Define Computer System.

12. Discuss the importance of CPU.
13. What is ALU?
14. What is the Main Memory?
15. What is the use of a computer system unit?

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Chapter 2

Self-Assessment Questions 1.

Fill in the blanks

a) ________________is an example of a picking device.
b) ________________is an example of a pointing device.
c) A digitizer is also a ____________________.

2. Give the full form of the following.

b) OCR
c) OMR

3. Match the following.

a) Punch card
b) Bar code
c) Joystick
d) Floppy Disk

1) Computer games
2) Output devices
3) Hollerith Code
4) Universal Product Code (UPC)

4. True or False
1. The keyboard is Not one of the most commonly used input devices.
2. The light pen contains a photocell placed in a small tube.
3. The trackball uses a soft sphere to control cursor movement.
4. The mouse is not used to control and manipulate cursor movement on the monitor.
5. OMR is the type of scanner that is normally used where the data is pre-printed for

5. Essay
Write 5to10 sentences on what you have learned about the input device.

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Self-Assessment Questions 2.

Answer in brief.
1. What is the terminal? Name any two types of terminals.
2. What is an impact printer? Name one impact printer.
3. Differentiate Flat Panel Display and The Video Display Terminal.
4. Identify the 2 plotters and give the function/use.

True or False
1. Output devices are the devices used to send data from a computer to other devices or
2. Dot-matrix printer is used to hammer to strike a character against an inked ribbon and
the impact of the hammer causes the image of the character to be printed on paper.
3. Liner printer, print at speed of 150-200 lines per minute.
4. Daisy wheel printer is also called as letter-quality printers.
5. Drum printers consist of a metallic cylinder.

Write 5to10 sentences on what you have learned about the output device.

Self-Assessment Questions 3.

Answer the following:

1. Define: Peripheral Devices, Input Devices, Output Devices
2. Write Short notes on Punched Cards, Keyboard, Optical Scanner, Plotter.
3. What are impact printers? Describe any two types of impact printers.
4. What is COM?
5. Describe the various types of computer terminals.

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9. References

Goodman, Paul. 2020. “Computer Basics: What Is an Output Device? 10 Examples.”

Intel. 2020. “9th Generation Intel® Core TM Desktop Processors Brief.”
core-desktop-brief.html: 10.
K.Sinha, Pradeep, and Priti Sinha. 2006. Computer Fundamentals.
KS3 Computing Resources. 2020. “Input Devices GCSE Computer Science Resources.”
Miley, Jessica. 2019. “Intel’s 10th Generation 10 Nanometer Ice Lake CPU Is Here.”
Sumathi, P. 2017. Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University Introduction to Computer

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