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21 Century Literature From The Philippines and The World: RD ST

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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World T1: Acid Plan(3rd)

Essential Topic 1:Reading 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map (CIDAM)

Grade: 11/12 Semester:1st / 2nd

Core Subject Title:21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No. of Hours/Semester:80 hours
Prerequisites (If needed):N/A
Core Subject Description: This course aims to engage students in critical study and appreciation of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World encompassing their
various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine and World Literature through an adaptation of a text
into other creative forms using multimedia.
Power Standard: Use critical approaches to literature in understanding and interpreting a 21st century literary text

Learning Competencies Highest Enabling

Strategy to Use in
Performance Standards Highest Thinking Skill to Assess
Developing the Highest
Content Thinking Skill to Assess
Content BEYOND
MINIMUM Assessment Technique Enabling
MINIMUM Level Strategy
WW QA PC Strategy
ESSENTIAL The learner The learner Associate Writing a close
TOPIC # 1 will be able to will be able to different analysis and critical
understand demonstrate literary interpretation of Make
A. Reading 21st and understandin techniques literary texts and a
Century appreciate g and in doing an critic
Literature from literary texts in appreciation understandi adaptation of these al
the Philippines various of 21st ng various require from the inter
and the World genres across century literary text learner the ability preta
a. Common national Philippine to: Identify tion
Themes and literature and and world themes and on
Techniques cultures. literature techniques selec
through a 10. understand K used in K Underst Open ted Represen Learning Log
written literary various anding ended short tation
close meanings in literary text questi storie
analysisand context and ons s in
critical the use of the
interpretatio critical reading Distinguish Phil.
n of a strategies common
literary text themes and
in terms of techniques
form and used in
Summer 2018 Dep Ed-PEAC’s In-Service Training for SHS for Teachers in Private Schools
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World T1: Acid Plan(3rd)
Essential Topic 1:Reading 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

theme, with a understandi

description of ng varied
its context literary texts
derived from

Performance Task : ABS-CBN Cebu network recognized your school of your entry on contemporary world literary text that highlights

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has approved your multimedia proposal to feature an adaptation of a contemporary world literary text that highlights themes and values
essential for the understanding of the human person and society in general. As a production manager, you and your team are tasked to produce a creative
adaptation of your approved chosen literary text. The output will be evaluated by UNICEF representatives based on the following criteria: quality of adaptation,
creativity/originality, and fidelity to the technical aspects of the medium used (i.e. film, podcast, radio, etc.)
Literal Transfer : The learner is able to respond to national and global issues through a comprehensive critical analysis and interpretation of texts.

Summer 2018 Dep Ed-PEAC’s In-Service Training for SHS for Teachers in Private Schools

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