Adjusted Statement Balance
Adjusted Statement Balance
Adjusted Statement Balance
Adjustable-Rate Mortgage
the true rate of an installment loan
that is equivalent to an annual the interest rate may change
simple interest rate. during the time of the loan.
Accounts Receivable
a current
Assessed asset that is the money
owed by customers.
is the specified percent of the
Accumulated Depreciation
estimated market value of the
B2B property.
the current year's depreciation plus
Asset previous years'
A B2B business is one that offers
products or services directly to other Acid-Test Ratio
the ratio of or Quick
net sales to the Ratio
businesses. The business can be the total assets.
the ratio of quick current assets to
end buyer, such as when a company
current liabilities.
hires a copywriter (the copywriter is
the B2B business) or it can be a Acid Test Ratio
properties ownedorby
the business,
source of the business, such as a including anything of monetary value
drop shipper who provides products and anything that can be exchanged
for liabilities.
cash or This measures
other property.
to other companies who then sell
them to the end user. The drop Associative Property of Addition
shipper is a B2B company. Acquisition
when more than two numbers are
one firm
thegains a controlling
B2C added, addends can be grouped
interest in another.
two at a time in any way.
B2C is an acronym for business-to-
consumer. A B2C business is one
that sells products or services numbers in
decrease being
employment of an
directly to the consumer. organisation or industry through the
normal course of events.