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Introduction Features
Support USB 3.0 Specification Revision 1.0.
NS1068/NS1068X is a versatile high-performance and low
USB 3.0 adaptive receiver equalization for better and more
power USB 3.0 to SATA bridge controller. On one side, it reliable SuperSpeed operation.
interfaces with the USB interface and is compatible with USB Support USB Specification Revision 2.0.
SuperSpeed (5Gbps), Hi-Speed (480Mbps), and Full-Speed Support USB Super-speed/High-speed/Full-speed
(12Mbps). On the other side, it interfaces with hard drive or SSD (5Gbps/480Mbps/12Mbps) data transfer rates.
Support USB Mass Storage Class, Bulk-Only Transport
devices through the SATA interface. NS1068 and NS1068X are
Specification 1.3.
pin-to-pin compatible. NS1068 supports SATA I (1.5Gbps) and Support UAS Attached SCSI Protocol Specification 1.0.
SATAII (3Gbps). NS1068X also supports SATA III (6Gbps). (customized firmware required)
Support USB 3.0 U0/U1/U2/U3 (P0/P1/P2/P3) and USB
2.0 L0/L1/L2 power saving modes.
Fully support USB bus-powered and self-powered power
Block Diagram consumption requirements; consumes less than 150mA in
USB 3.0 U0 mode, less than 100mA in USB 2.0 L0 mode
and less than 2.5mA in USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 suspend
SRAM 8051 mode. Currents are measured over 5V power supply.
Support SATA 1.5Gbps and 3.0Gbps data transfer rates.
USB 3.0
USB Support Gen2i/Gen2m of Serial ATA Specification
3.0/2.0 FIFO
SATA Link,
SATA SATA Revision 2.6.
(compatible Transport
with USB
Support Gen3i of Serial ATA Specification Revision 3.0
2.0) FIFO
Layer (NS1068X only).
Support ATA/ATAPI PACKET command set.
5V to 3.3V LDO
AND 5V to 1.2V DC/DC
GPIO SPI,I²C Support ATA/ATAPI LBA48 addressing mode.
Support SPI interface for firmware and Vendor VID/PID
Support three dedicated LED controllers. Additional LEDs
are supported via GPIO pins and the customized firmware.
Support two dedicated Button on/off controllers.
Highlights Additional button input functions are supported via GPIO
pins and the customized firmware.
Self-developed high-performance, low-jitter, and Support hard drive power down control pin.
low-power USB 3.0 and SATA transceivers with built-in Support multi-GPIO pins.
test capabilities for guaranteed functions and performance. Support in-system SPI flash programming, for both initial
program and follow-on upgrade via the USB interface.
Integrated high-efficiency on-chip regulators including a
The functions of all digital pins, including the Button in,
5V to 3.3V LDO and a 5V to 1.2V DC/DC. LED, GPIO and hard drive power down control pins are
programmable by the firmware.
Compliant with USB bus-powered and self-powered power
Support one-button disk backup.
consumption requirements. Consume less than 2.5mA in
Support Win8/Win7/Vista/XP/2000/Me, Linux and Mac
USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 suspend mode. OS 9.x/10.x.
25MHz external crystal.
Passed system ESD +/-15kV air-gap discharge and +/-8kV
Integrated 5V to 3.3V LDO and 5V to 1.2V DCDC voltage
contact discharge without external ESD protection devices. regulators. No external voltage regulator is required.
QFN48 6x6 package.