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College of Arts and Sciences

Course Syllabus

COURSE NAME The Life and Works of Rizal

COURSE DESCRIPTION As mandated by RA 1425, this course covers the Life and works of the country’s national hero, Jose
Rizal. Among the topics covered are Rizal’s biography and his writings, particularly the novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, some of his essays and various correspondence.
VISION OF THE UNIVERSITY A premier Philippine university by 2028.
MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY To develop virtuous human capital and sustainable innovations in a knowledge-driven global economy.
CORE VALUES Knowledge – Upholding knowledge as empowerment, we aim to develop intelligent
individuals who can make informed decisions.
Inclusivity – We support and encourage diversity and collaboration, engaging in programs
that promote growth and development for all sectors of society
Professionalism – Reared in a merit-based environment, we commit ourselves to the
highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Spirituality and Social Responsibility – We are committed to providing holistic
development that inculcates love and service to God, humanity and the

GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Anchored on the university’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values, MMSU graduates must be:
1) globally competent; 2) professional;
3) effective communicator; 4) lifelong learner; 5) innovative; 6) spiritual; 7) socially
responsible; 8) collaborative; 9) respectful to diversity; 10) empowered; 11) critical thinker;
and 12) culturally responsive.

INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES Anchored on the university’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values, the Mariano Marcos State
University institutional learning outcomes are qualities that MMSU graduates must possess.

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences
MMSU graduates should be able to:

1. Demonstrate adequate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be effectively integrated

into a knowledge-driven global economy;
2. Maintain a high degree of ethics, professionalism, discipline and accountability;
3. Communicate effectively and articulate ideas through various modalities and in
diverse contexts;
4. Commit themselves to lifelong learning and personal development to achieve
5. Analyze problems and issues critically, and develop ideas and innovative solutions to
respond to the needs of local, national and global communities;
6. Display spiritual values through respect for and service to God, humanity, and
7. Practice social and environmental responsibility;
8. Collaborate with and maintain harmonious relationships with others;
9. Respect multicultural diversity;
10. Engage in activities that promote growth and empowerment for all sectors of society;
11. Make informed, intelligent, fair and equitable decisions; and
12. Show appreciation for and contribute to the development and preservation of cultural

VALUES INFUSED Patriotism, Nationalism, Protectionism, Responsibility, Appreciation of Cultural Heritage,

Assertiveness to Rights


I. Introduction
A. Rizal Law and the Catholic Hierarchy
5 hours
B. The Trial of Rizal Bill
C. The Rizal Law and Philippine Literature
6 hours II. Rizal and the Theory of Nationalism

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences
A. The nation as an Imagined Community
B. Rizal and Popular Nationalism
III. Rizal’s Social Origins and Historical Context
A. Ascendance of Chinese Mestizos
B. Agrarian Relations and the Friar Lands
C. Intraclergy Conflicts and the Cavite Mutiny
10 hours 1. Pedro Pelaez, Leader of Filipino Clergy
2. Jose Burgos, A Documentary history with Spanish Documents
and their Translation
3. The Cavite Mutiny
4. The Burgos Manifesto
IV. Rizal in Europe, the Propaganda Movement, and Noli me Tangere
A. The propaganda Movement and La Solidaridad
1. Early Filipino student Activities in Spain
2. Rizal’s Toast to Luna and Hidalgo
10 hours 3. Journalism and Politics
4. La Solidaridad
5. The New Filipino Newspaper in Barcelona
6. Legacy of the Propaganda Movement
B. Noli Me Tangere
V. The Morga and Rizal’ Search for Origins
A. The Pacto de Sangre in the 19th Century
B. Rizal’s Morga and Illustrado Views of the Preconquest Past
10 hours 1. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
2. The Filipino Past and Education for the Future
3. Tracing Origins: Illustrado Nationalism and Racial Science of
VI. Rizal’s Changing View on Spanish Rule and El Filibusterismo
A. Indolence and Spanish Colonial Rule
8 hours
B. Rizal’s Abandonment of Assimilation
C. El Filibusterismo
VII. Rizal’s View of the Future and the Creation of the Filipino
5 hours Nation
A. Rizal’s View of the Future and the Filipino Nation

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences
B. Rizal: Biography and National History


Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching and Assessme Resource Time Students’
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Reference Learning Activities nt Tasks Materials Table Output
(TLA’s) (AT’s)

At the end of the I. Introduction RA 1425

chapter, the students A. Rizal Law and Lecture-discussion Oral Lecture 5 hours Accompli
Laurel, Jose B. Jr. The
must have: the Catholic Socialize Recitation recitation Handouts shed
Trials of the Rizal Bill
1. Determined the Hierarchy Cooperative learning Workshee
issues and interest B. The Trial of Rizal Independent readings Active Workshee t1
at stake in the Bill Constantino, Renato: Library work and Class ts
debate over the C. The Rizal Law The Rizal Law and the internet surfing participation
Rizal Bill and Philippine Catholic Hierarchy
2. Related the issues Literature Suggested Activity: Paper and
to present day pencil test
Philippines Schumacher, John: Worksheet 1:
3. Identified the The Rizal Bill of 1956: Reflection on the RA
relationship Horacio dela Costa 1425
between literature and the Bishops
and society Worksheet 2:
4. Differentiated Hau, Caroline: Individual Thought
patriotism and Introduction: In Paper on theHazards
nationalism necessary fictions: phil of Translation
literature and the
Mojares, Resil: Jose
Rizal and the Invention
of a national literature

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

Anderson, Benedict:
hard to Imagine

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

At the end of the II. Rizal and the Anderson, Benedict: Brainstorming Oral PowerPoi 6 hours Accompli
chapter, the students Theory of Introduction, An Lecture-discussion recitation nt shed
must have: Nationalism Imagined Communities Socialized recitation Presentati Workshee
1. Defined important A. The Nation as an Cooperative learning Active on ts 3 & 4
concepts (nation, Imagined Independent readings Class
nationalism, Community Anderson, Benedict; Library work and participation LCD
B. Rizal and Popular Cultural Roots: internet surfing Projector
Nationalism Imagined Communities Worksheets
2. Assessed the Suggested Activity: Lecture
Worksheet 3: Paper and Handouts
characteristics of a Anderson, Benedict: Concept Map on the pencil test
nation Creole Pioneers: Important Concepts Internet
Imagined Communities
3. Proved how Rizal Worksheet 4:
and his works Venn Diagram on
contributed to Ileto, Reynaldo; official view and
Philippine Bernardo Carpio: Awit popular views of Rizal
nationalism and revolution

4. Compared and
Ileto, Reynaldo: Rizal
contrasted official
and the underside of
review from the the Philippine history
popular view of
Foronda, Marcelino:
5. Evaluated Rizal in Cults honoring Rizal
terms of popular

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

At the end of the III. Rizal’s Social Wickberg, Edgar: The Brainstorming Graded PowerPoi 10 Group
chapter, the students Origins and Chinese Mestizo in Lecture-discussion recitation nt hours output
must have: Historical Context Philippine History Socialized recitation Presentati
1. Narrated the historical A. Ascendance of Cooperative learning Rubric on
Wickberg, Edgar: The
conditions that led to Chinese Independent readings
Philippine Chinese
the emergence of Mestizos paper and LCD
before 1850
Chinese mestizos as an B. Agrarian Suggested Activity: pencil test Projector
important element of Relations and Rizal, Jose: la Verdad Roleplay on activities
Philippine society the Friar Lands para todos /The truth of the Chinese in your Lecture
2. Listed the implications C. Intraclergy for everybody own community. Handouts
of the ascendance of Conflicts and Roth, Dennis: Church
the Chinese mestizos the Cavite Lands in the Agrarian
3. Traced the history of Mutiny History of the Tagalog
agrarian relations and 1. Pedro Pelaez, Region
friars lands during the Leader of
Spanish colonial period Filipino Aguilar, Filomeno:
4. Critiqued why the Indios Clergy Elusive Peasant, Weak
were willing to become 2. Jose Burgos, State: sharecropping &
the kasama of mestizos A the changing meaning
inquilinos Documentary of debt
5. Evaluated the conflicts History with Blanco, Roberto:
that marred relations Spanish Pedro Pelaez, leader
between the secular Documents of the Filipino clergy
and regular clergy and their
6. Related how these Translation Schumacher, John:
conflicts impinged on 3. The Cavite Historical Introduction.
the Philippine’s history Mutiny In father Jose Burgos
in general and on 4. The Burgos
Rizal’s politics in Manifesto
particular Schumacher, John:
The Cavity Mutiny
Schumacher, John:
The Burgos Manifesto

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

At the end of the IV. Rizal in Europe, Schumacher, John: Brainstorming Active PowerPoi 10 group
chapter, the students the Propaganda Early Filipino Student Lecture-discussion Class nt hours activity
must have: Movement, and Noli activities in Spain Socialized recitation participation Presentati (debate)
1. Described what the me Tangere Cooperative learning on
Schumacher, John:
propaganda A. The Propaganda Independent readings Paper and
Journalism and Politics
movement is and Movement and Library work and pencil test LCD
what it stood for. La Solidaridad Schumacher, John: Projector
2. Proved that Rizal 1. Early Filipino The new Filipino Suggested Activity: Midterm
was involved in the Student newspaper in Debate on the notion: Examinatio Lecture
movement. Activities in Barcelona Noli Me Tangere as a n Handouts
3. Identified the Spain Thomas, Megan: charter of nationalism
factors which made 2. Rizal’s Toast to isabelo delos Reyes
Rizal wrote Noli Me Luna and and the Philippine
Tangere Hidalgo Contemporaries
4. Made arguments 3. Journalism and
that Noli Me Politics Rizal, jose: Noli Me
Tangere is a 4. La Solidaridad Tangere
charter of 5. The New Schumacher, John:
Nationalism Filipino The Noli Me Tangere
Newspaper in
Barcelona Anderson, Benedict;
6. Legacy of the Why Counting Counts
Propaganda Rizal, Jose: Noli Me
Movement Tangere trans: Ma.
B. Noli Me Tangere Soledad Lacson
Joaquin, Nick: Why
was Rizal hero a
Hau, Caroline: The
Fiction of a Knowable

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

At the end of the V. The Morga and Rizal, Jose: Sucesos Lecture-discussion Rubric Lecture 10 Thought
chapter, the students Rizal’ Search for de las Islas Filipinas Socialized recitation Handouts hours paper 2
must have: Origins Independent readings Paper and (Annotati
Schumacher, John:
1. Summarized how A. The Pacto de Library work and pencil test ons to
The Filipino past and
Rizal portrayed the Sangre in the Morga’s
education for the future
precolonial past 19th Century Suggested Activity:
2. Analyzed the reason B. Rizal’s Morga Aguilar, Filomeno: Individual Thought
for his portrayal and Illustrado Tracing Origins: Paper on Annotations
3. Provided a survey of Views of the Ilustrado nationalism that Rizal made on
Rizal’s view of the Preconquest and the racial science Morga’s Chapter 8/
pre-conquest past Past of migration waves Rizal’s views of the
4. Explained Rizal’s 1. Sucesos de Junker, Laura Lee: pre-conquest past.
view in light of las Islas raiding, Trading and
current studies Filipinas Feasting
2. The Filipino
past and Scott, William Henry:
Education for Barangay; Sixteenth-
the Future century Philippine
3. Tracing culture and society
Origins: Wolters, O.W.: History,
Illustrado culture and region in
Nationalism Southeast Asian
and Racial perspectives.
Science of

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

At the end of the VI. Rizal’s Rizal, Jose: Sobre la Lecture-discussion Active PowerPoi 8 hours Group
chapter, the students Changing View on indolencia de los Socialized recitation Class nt and
must have: Spanish Rule and Filipinos Cooperative learning participation Presentati individual
1. Outlined the El Filibusterismo Independent readings on outputs
Rizal, Jose: Los
structure of A. Indolence and Library work and Rubric
Philippine history Spanish Colonial internet surfing LCD
Filipino Farmers
as presented by Rule Paper and Projector
Rizal in his essay B. Rizal’s De Dios, Manuel: Suggested Activity: pencil test
”On the Indolence Abandonment of Indolence, incentives Thought Paper on the Lecture
of Filipinos”. Assimilation and institutions Indolence of Filipinos Handouts
2. Defended Rizal’s C. El Filibusterismo Aguilar, Filomeno:
view on what are Romancing tropicality Group Activity (Diad, Internet
the causes and triad, brainstorming)
solutions to Schumacher, John: report the result of
indolence of Renewed activity in discussion by group
Filipinos Madrid about Assimilation.
3. Explained the Schumacher, John:
campaign for The Filipino past and Group Activity: Venn
assimilation and education for the future diagram/graphic
why Rizal decided organizer on El
to abandon this Schumacher, John: Filibusterismo and
campaign. Rizal’s break with del Noli Me Tangere
4. Determined the Pilar
implications of Rizal, Jose: El
Rizal’s Filibuterismo trans.
abandonment to Ma. Soledad Lacson
the campaign Locsin
5. Compared and
contrasted El Anderson, Benedict;
Filibusterismo and Why counting counts
Noli Me Tangere Anderson, Benedict: In
6. Justified that the El the world-shadow of
Fili has contributed Bismark and Nobel

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

to national Recto, Claro: Rizal and

consciousness and Bonifacio
the revolution
Aguilar, Filomeno:
Filibustero, Rizal and
the Manilamen of the
nineteenth century

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

At the end of the VII. Rizal’s View of Salazar, Zeus: A Lecture-discussion Active class Lecture 5 hours individual
chapter, the students the Future and the Legacy of the Socialized recitation participation Handouts output
must have: Creation of the Propaganda Independent readings
1. Discussed Rizal’s Filipino Nation Library work and Rubric Internet/
view of the future A. Rizal’s View of the internet surfing library
2. Presented Future and the Rizal, Jose: The Paper and work
individual reactions Filipino Nation Philippine a century Suggested Activity: pencil test
on Rizal’s concept B. Rizal: Biography hence
of the Filipino and National Quibuyen, Floro: Film Viewing on Final
nation History Rizal’s legacy for the “Rizal” and identify examination
3. Described the 21st century the events or
characteristics of a episodes that define
hero NCCA; Selection and Jose Rizal a Hero
proclamation of
national heroes and
laws honoring Filipino Research and make a
historical figures list of whom you can
Joaquin, Nick: recommend to be
Anatomy of the Anti- included in the list of
hero local heroes in your
Anderson, Benedict: community/province.
The first Filipino Justify.
Constantino, Renato:
Our Task: To make
Rizal obsolete
Lahiri, Smitha: Writer,
Hero, myth and spirit:
the changing image of

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences


1. Class participation Attendance 5%

2. Quizzes/Seatworks Class Participation 10%
3. Major Examinations Quizzes/seatworks/grp output 25%
4. Individual Worksheets Midterm Examination 30 %
5. Group output Final Examination 30%
Total 100%
 Students are expected to read assigned reading materials and actively participate
 Students are required to attend classes regularly
 Students are required to work cooperatively with groupmates especially during collaborative
 Students are required to produce authentic outputs.
 Students are required to submit course requirements on time to avoid deduction of points.
 Other course policies are stated in the student handbook under Policy on Class Attendance (The
Student Handbook, page 14)
CONSULTATION PERIOD 2:30-4:00 TTH CAS Social Sciences Faculty Room


Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com
College of Arts and Sciences

Quiling Sur, City of Batac Ilocos Norte, Philippines Telefax:

E-mail address: cas.mmsu@gmail.com

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