Linear Calibration of A Rotating and Zooming Camera
Linear Calibration of A Rotating and Zooming Camera
Linear Calibration of A Rotating and Zooming Camera
point in the i-th image, represented by a homogeneous 2. The square-pixel constraint : For each cam-
3-vector xi corresponds to a ray in space consisting era, s = 0 and αx = αy .
of points of the form λP−1i xi . Points on this ray are
mapped into the j-th image to a point xj = Pj P−1 i xi .
3. The known principal point constraint : For
Denoting the transformation each camera, (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 0).
Hij = Kj Rj R−1 −1
= Kj Rij K−1 . (2) Hij − ω i H−1
ij = ω j (5)
i Ki i
v_o (pixels)
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
u_o (pixels) u_o (pixels)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 1: Calibration results with synthetic data in presence of various degrees of image noise, with one run at
each noise level. Computed values for the focal length (top), the location of the principal point (middle) and
the aspect ratio (bottom) imposing the zero skew (left) and square-pixels (right) constraints. Results obtained
using the non-linear iterative method of [1] imposing the zero skew and the square-pixels constraint are shown for
σ = 0.5. The aspect ratio was set to one by the algorithm when the square-pixels constraint was used
Figure 2: Mosaics constructed from the two bookshelf sequences during which the camera panned and tilted while
the focal length remained fixed (left) and was varied (right).
ately warped to correct for this factor. case of critical rotation sequences for which the cali-
The homographies that relate corresponding points bration problem is inherently unstable. This serves as
between views were computed in two stages. First, the a warning that the data used does not support a use-
inter-image homographies were computed from cor- ful estimate of the cameras’ calibration parameters. It
responding corners and second, they were refined by is probable that in these cases a calibration estimate
minimizing the global reprojection image error using given by any other algorithm, such as the previous
a bundle-adjustment technique [4, 2]. Figure 2 shows iterative algorithms, would be virtually useless.
the mosaics constructed by registering both image se- The linear methods do not apply in some cases for
quences. which the iterative algorithms may be used, such as
When the zero skew constraint was imposed very fixed, but unknown aspect ratio, or fixed, but un-
poor results were obtained for the calibration param- known principal point. The common cases of zero
eters. The fundamental ambiguity described in sec- skew and known aspect ratio are covered, however. In
tion 4 was confirmed by observing that the two small- practice, skew is almost always zero, and the aspect
est singular values of the equation matrix E were very ratio is usually known to be one, or is available from
close to zero, implying that there is a one parameter a spec-sheet for the camera. In any case the aspect
family of possible solutions to the calibration. Impos- ratio is essentially invariant, and could be determined
ing the zero skew constraint also failed to provide a off-line. Further experiments (not explained in detail
solution when used in the non-linear iterative mini- here) show that the linear algorithm can be used in a
mization. linear search over a range of feasible aspect ratios to
Figure 3 shows the results obtained with the lin- determine the aspect ratio that gives the best fit to
ear algorithm imposing the square-pixels constraint. the data.
The results confirm the good performance of the lin-
ear method, which in these particular experiments give References
better estimates than the iterative algorithm.
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6 Conclusion calibration of a rotating camera with varying intrinsic
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the absolute conic rather than its dual. This leads to a
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this did not occur in our experiments, except in the Springer-Verlag, 1992.
FOCAL LENGTH - fixed focal length FOCAL LENGTH - var focal length
ground truth 2400 ground truth
900 Linear Linear
Focal length (pixels)
600 1000
0 5 15 1020 25 30 0 5 10
15 20 25 30
Frame Frame
PRINCIPAL POINT - fixed focal length PRINCIPAL POINT - var focal length
ground truth 250 ground truth
165 Linear Linear
160 L M fixed pp L M fixed pp
L M var pp 200 L M var pp
v_o (pixels)
135 0
160 170 180 190 200 210 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
u_o (pixels) u_o (pixels)
MOTION - fixed focal length MOTION - var focal length
24 22
ground truth 21 ground truth
22 linear linear
LM fix pp 20 LM fix pp
20 LM var pp LM var pp
pan (deg)
tilt (deg)
18 18
12 14
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
tilt (deg) pan (deg)
Figure 3: Ground truth and computed values for the focal length (top), the location of the principal point
(middle) and the motion of the camera (bottom) for the fixed focal length (left) and the variable focal length
(right) bookshelf sequences. Results are shown for (i) the linear algorithm imposing the square-pixels constraint
(ii) the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm imposing the square-pixels constraint and (iii) the Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm imposing both the square-pixels and the fixed principal point constraints. For visualization purposes,
the motion was represented by plotting pan versus elevation angles. Also for clarity, only the central section of
the image is shown in the plot depicting the principal point.
Note that the value of the focal length obtained from the linear algorithm is more accurate than the LM algorithm
run using the same calibration assumptions (LM-var-pp). However, in both sequences, focal length estimation is
improved by using the linear estimate as a starting estimate for iteration fixing the principal point (LM-fixed-pp).
The principal point (in reality invariant during the fixed focal length sequence, and varying only slightly during
the variable focal length sequence) appears to be better estimated by the linear algorithm.
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