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Is 1554

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IS:1554( Part2)-1988

( Reaffirmed 2005 )
Indian Standard

( Second Revision /
First Reprint NOVEMBER 1993

UDC 621.315.211 : 621.315.616.96

@ Copyfight 1989


NEW DELHI 110002

Cr 4 April 1989
IS : 1554 ( Part 2 ) - 1988

Indian Standard

( Second Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard (Second Rivision) was Meanwhile, users are advised to consult the
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on manufacturers for information on this aspect.
25 July 1988, after the draft finalized by the
Power Cables Sectional Committee had been 0.6 The correct type of cables should be selected
approved by the Electrotechnical Division for the system keeping in view whether the
Council. system is earthed or unearthed.
0.2 The experience has shown that it is possible NOTE - It should be realized that in an electric
to use PVC insulated cables for the voltage system where an earth~fault is not automatically and
grades covered by this standard, in place of promptly eliminated, the extra stresses on the insula-
tion of the cables during the earth fault reduce the
paper-insulated lead-sheathed cables. life of the cable to a certain extent. Therefore, if the
system is expected to be operated quite often with a
0.3 This standard was first brought out in 1970 prolonged earth-fault, it is advisable to select the
and revised in 1981. The second revision of the cables suitable for unearthed system.
standard has been undertaken to take into
account experience gained since last revision. 0.7 Work is being taken up separately to identify
Opportunity has also been utilized to align the requirements and tests for fire retardant low
format of this specification with other specifica- smoke (FRLS ) cables. It is intended to bring out
tions on different types of cables. these requirements either as a separate standard
or through an amendment to this standard at a
0.4 Particular attention is drawn to the limita- later date.
tions of the short-circuit ratings of the type of
cable covered by this standard owing to the 0.8 In preparing this standard, assistance has
absence of the metallic sheath and the possible been derived from IEC Publication 502 ( 1983 )
loss of electrical contact between stands of ‘Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables
adjacent wires/strips of armouring as a result of for rated voltages from 1 kV up to 30 kV’, issued
corrosion or the presence of compound between by the International Electrotechnical Commis-
them or both. sion.
A separate standard about recommended 0.9 For the purpose of deciding whether a
short-circuit ratings of these types of cables is particular requirement of this standard is com-
under preparation. plied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded
0.5 Attention is also drawn to the fact that the
off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The number
current ratings of the type of cable covered by
of significant places retained in the rounded off
this standard are different from those of the
paper-insulated metal-sheathed values should be the same as that of the specified
cables. This
value in this standard.
standard does not include any data on the current
ratings but information on this aspect will be
covered later in a separate Indian Standard. *Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised).


1. SCOPE electricity supply purposes:

a) Types of Cables
1.1 This standard ( Part 2 ) covers the require- 1) Single-core unscreened, unarmoured
ments of the following categories of PVC ( but non-magnetic metallic tape
insulated and PVC sheathed power cables for covered );

IS : 1554 ( Part 2 ) - 1988

2) Single-core screened, unarmoured; performance characteristics to meet the intended

3). Single-core armoured ( non-magnetic ), application.
screened or unscreened; and NOTE - These tests are of such a nature that, after
4) Three-core armoured, screened or they have been made, they need not be repeated unless
changes are made in the cable materials or design
unscreened. which might change the performance characteristic.

b) Voltage Grade ( U&J ) 2.3 Acceptance Tests - Tests carried out on

samples taken from a lot for the purpose of
NOTE-The cables conforming to this standard acceptance ~of the lot.
may be operated continuously at a power frequency
voltage up to 10 percent higher than rated voltage. 2.4 Optional Tests - Special tests to be carried
out, when required, by agreement between the
1.2 The cables covered in this standard are used purchaser and the supplier.
where combination of ambient temperature and
tem~perature rise due to load results in conductor 2.5 Earthed System - An electric system which
temperature not exceeding 70°C under normal ope- fulfils any of the following condition-s:
ration and 160°C under short-circuit conditions. a) The neutral-point or the mid-point connec-
1.3 Heavy duty armoured cables specified in this tion is earthed in such a manner that, even
standard are suitable for use in mines also. under fault conditions, the maximum
However, for such cables, additional require- voltage that can occur between any con-
ments have been included, wherever necessary ductor and the earth does not exceed
[see 3.1.1, 16.5, 1&3(d) and 20.21. 80 percent of the nominal system voltage;
b) The neutral-point or the mid-point connec-
2. TERMINOLOGY tion is not earthed but a protective device
is installed which automatically cuts out
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the follow- any part of the system which accidentally
ing definitions, in addition to those given in becomes earthed; or
IS : 1885 ( Part 32 )-1971*, shall apply.
c) In case of ac systems only, the neutral
2.1 Routine Tests - Tests made by the manu- point is earthed through an arc suppression
facturer on all finished cable lengths to coil with arrangement for isolation within
demonstrate the integrity of the cable. 1 h of occurrence of the fault for the non-
2.2 Type Tests - Tests required to be made radial field cables and within 8 h for radial
before supply on a general commercial basis a cables, provided that the total of such
type of cable in order to demonstrate satisfactory periods in a year does not exceed 125 h.
2.6 Unearthed System - An electric system which
*Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 32 Cables, con- does not fulfil the requirement of the earthed
ductors and accessories for electricity supply. system ( see 2.5 ).

3. CONDUCTOR of the following, as specified:
3.1 The conductor shall be of plain copper or a) Non-metallic semi-conducting tape;
aluminium wires complying with IS : 8130-1984*. b) Non-metallic semi-conducting compound;
3.1.1 Cables to be used in gassy mines shall be
of copper conductor only. c) Non-magnetic metallic tape wire, strip or
4. INSULATION NOTE - The semi-conducting tape and semi-con-
ducting compound shall be suitable for the operating
4.1 The insulation shall be of polyvinyl chloride temperature of the cable and compatible with the
insulating material.
( PVC ) compound conforming to the require-
mentsof Type A compound for cables with rated 5.1.1 Non-magnetic Metallic Tape for Single-
voltages up to and including 3.313.3 kV and Type Core Unscreened and Unarmoured Cables -- Re-
B compound for cables with rated voltages above quirements for this tape shall be as agreed to
3*3/3-3 kV of IS : 5831-19847. between the purchaser and the manufacturer.


6.1 The fillers and inner sheath shall be of the
5.1 The screening shall consist of one or more following types:
YSpccification for conductors for insulated electric a) Unvulcanized rubber, or
cables and flexible cords (first rmision 1. b) Thermoplastic material, or
tSpecification for PVC insulation and sheath of
electric cables ( first revision ). c) Proofed tapes ( for inner sheath only ).

IS : 1554( Part 2 ) - 1988

6.2 Unvulcanized rubber or thermoplastic 7.2 The galvanized steel wires/strips shall cotip!y
material shall not be harder than PVC used for with the requirements of IS : 3975-1979*. The
insulation ( 4.1) and for outer sheath ( 8.1). requirements of non-magnetic material shall be
The materials shall be chosen to be compatible as agreed to between the purchaser and the
with the temperature rating of the cable and supplier.
shall have no deleterious effect on any other
component of the cable. 8. OUTER SHEATH
8.1 The outer sheath shall be of polyvinyl chlo-
7. ARMOURING ride (PVC) compound conforming to the
requirements of Type ST1 compound of
7.1 Armouring shall be of the following types: IS : 583lJ984t.
I a) Galvanized round steel wire, or
*Specificationfor mild steel wires, strips and tapes
b) Galvanized steel strip, or for armouring of cables ( first revision ).
$Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of
c) Any metallic non-magnetic wire/strip. electric cables (first revision ).


9.1 The conductor shall be of stranded construc- (Clauses 11.2 and 11.3 )
tion, size 25 mm2 and above complying with
Class 2 of IS : 8130-1984*.
9.2 In case of 3.3 and 6.6 kV cables, a protective CONDUG 3’8/6’6 kV 6’35/11 kV ’
barrier may be applied between the conductor TOR 3.313’3 kV
and insulation. Such barrier, when usedi shall be
compatible with insulating material and suitable
- Smgle-
for the operating temperature of the cable. armour- un- armour- un- and 3-
ed cable armour- ed armour- core
ed and cables ed and cab1 es
10. CONDUCTOR SCREENING j-core 3-core
10.1Cables rated for 6*35/l 1 kV shall be provid- cables cables
ed with conductor screening. Conductor screen- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ing shall be provided over the conductor by mm* mm mm mm mm mm
applying non-metallic semi-conducting tape or by 25
extrusion of semi-conducting compound or a 35 ;:z ;:; $99 .
“3.2 44:;
combination of the two. $6” ;:; $99
:: :‘I! 4.2
2.6 f:; ;:; 4.2
11. INSULATION 1;: 2.6 : 4.2
11.1 The conductor ( with protective barrier or 150 2.6 2.3 3’9 3’.: 4.2
screen, where applied ) shall be provided with 185 2’3
240 ff 22:: ;:; ;:; 4:;
PVC insulation applied by extrusion. 300 2.8 . 3.6 4’2
11.2 Thickness of Insulation - The average 400 3’1 2.1 “4.: 3.6 9:;
500 3.4 3.0 4’0 3’6
thickness of insulation shall not be less than the 630 3’9 3.4 4.1 3’6 4.2
nominal value ( ti ) specified in Table 1. 800
1000 .
‘3.; ;:; ;:; 33’2 4:;
11.3 Tolerance on Thickness of Insulation - The
smallest of the measured values of the thickness
of insulation shall not fall below the nominal 12.2 The insulation screening shall consist of
values ( tl ) specified in Table 1 by more than two parts, namely, metallic and non-metallic.
0.1 mm + 0.1 ti.
11.4 Application of Insulation - The insulation 12.3 Non-metallic part shall be applied directly
shall be so applied that it fits closely on the over the insulation of each core and shall
conductor ( or conductor screening or barrier, consist of either a semi-conducting tape or
if zany ) and it shall be possible to remove it extruded semi-conducting compound or a combi-
without damaging the conductor. nation of the two or either material wivilh a
semi-conducting coating.
12. INSULATION SCREENING 12.4 Metallic part shall consist of either tape or
12.1 Cables rated for 6*35/J 1 kV shall be braid or concentric serving of wires or a sheath,
provided with insulation screening. shall be non-magnetic and shall be applied -over
the non-metallic part. For single-core armoured
*Specification for conductors for insulated electric cables, the armouring may constitute the metallic
cables and flexible cords (first revision ). part of the screening.

IS : 1534 ( Part 2 ) - 1988


13.1 Core identification for three-core cables ( Cluuse 15.4 )
shall be as follows: A11 dimensions in millimetres.
IS : 10462 ( PART 1 )-
1*9/3*3 7 a) Different colouring of the r-_-h--.___~
PVC insulation, or Over Up to and
3.313-3 i b) Coloured strips applied on Including
> the cores, or (1) (2) (3)
3.8/6.6 1 c) By numerals ( 1, 2, 3), either 25
by applying numbered strips 25 35 ;:;
or by printing on the cores. 35
i 45 :z 8:;
55 - 0.7
6.35/11 a) Coloured strips applied on
the cores, or *Fictitious calculation method for determination of
dimensions of protective coverings of cables: Part 1
By numerals ( 1, 2, 3), either Elastomeric and thermoplastic insulated cables.
by applying numbered strips
or by printing on the cores. 16.1.2 The armour wires/strips shall be applied
as closely as practicable.
13.1.1 For identification by different colouring
of the PVC insulation or by using coloured 16.1.3 The direction of lay of the armour shall
strips. Red, yellow and blue colours respectively be left hand. For double wires/strips armoured
shall be used to identify phase conductors. cables, this requirement shall apply to the inner
layer of wires/strips. The outer layer ~shall,
14. LAYING UP OF CORES except in special cases, be applied in the reverse
direction to the inner layer, and there shall be
14.1 In three-core cables, the cores ( with or a separator of suitable non-hygroscopic material,
without barrier or screening as the case may be ) such as plastic tape, bituminized cotton tape,
shall be laid together with a suitable right hand bituminized hessian tape, rubber tape, and
lay. Where necessary, the interstices shall be proofed tape between the inner and outer layers
filled with non-hygroscopic material. of armour wires strips.
16.1.4 A binder tape may be provided on the
15.1 The laid-up cores shall be provided with 16.2 Type of Armour
inner sheath applied either by extrusion or by
16.2.1 Where the calculated diameter below
wrapping. It shall be ensured that the shape is
armouring does not exceed 13 mm, the armour
as circular as possible.
shall consist of galvanized round steel wires. The
15.2.Inner sheath shall be SO applied that it fits armour of cables having calculated diameter
closely on the laid-up cores and it shall be possi- below armouring greater than 13 mm shall
ble to remove it without damagjng the insulation. consist of either galvanized round steel wires or
galvanized steel strips.
15.3 In case of single core cables where there 16.2.2 In the case single-core cables, the
are both metallic screening and armouring, there armouring shall be of non-magnetic material.
shall be extruded inner sheath between them.
16.3 Dimerlsions - The dimensions of galvanized
15.4 Thickness of Inner Sheath - The values of steel wires/strips shall be as specified in Table 3.
thickness of inner sheath shall be as given in 16.4 Joints - The joints in armour wires or
Table 2. Single-core cables, except those speci- strips shall be made by brazing or welding and
fied in 15.3, shall have no inner sheath. any surface irregularities shall be removed. A
15.4.1 When one or more layers of binder joint in any wire/strip shall be at least 300 mm
tapes are applied over the laid-up cores, the from the nearest joint in any other wire or strip
thickness of such tapes shall not be construed as in the completed cable.
a part of inner sheath. 16.5 Resistance -- In case of cables for use in
mines, the resistance of armour shall not exceed
16. ARMOURING that of conductor as specified in IS : 8130-1984*
by more than 33 percent. To satisfy this,
substitution of galvanized wires/strips in the
16.1 Application armour by. tiquired number of thinner copper
16.1.1 Armouring shall be applied over insula- wires/strips is permissible.
tion or non-metallic part of insulation or inner
sheath in case of single core cables and over the *SpecificatLon for conductors for insulated electric
inner sheath in case of three core cables. cables and flexible cords (first revisionh

IS : 1554 ( Part 2 ) - 1988

17.3 Thickness of Outer Sheath

WIRES AND STRIPS 17.3.1 Unarmoured Cables - The thickness of
( Clause 16.3 ) outer sheath of unarmoured cables determined
All dimensions in millimetres. by taking the average of a number of measure-
ments shall be not less than the nominal value
specified in co1 3 of Table 4 and the smallest of
[REFERIS ;b,OIy ( PART 1 )- ogTsR:Ep” OF ROUND the measured values shall be not less the
ARMOUK minimum value specified in co1 4 of Table 4.
~-----h-----~ WIRE
-Over Up to and
(1) (2) (3)
( Clauses 17.3.1 and 17.3.2 )
a) For all diameters in 0.8
excess of 13 All dimensions in millimetres.
b) - 13 1.40
13 25 0; I.60
40 0.8 2.00
G 55 1’4 2’50
( PART 1 )-1483* ] CABLE
IO 1.4 3’15 I
:; - 1’4 4.00 c---------7
Over Up to and ‘Nominal Minimu;
NOTE - (a) and (b) indicate two method of practice Including ( ts )
in the application of armouring.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
*Fictitious calculation method for determination of
dimensions of prokctive coverings of cables: Part 1 1’24 1’24
Flastomeric and thermoplastic insulated cables. ;:“o
15 :: 1.40 1.40
25 35 2’2 1’56 1’56
1’72 1’72
:: :: 1.88 1.88
45 50 2.8 2.04 294
17.1 The outer sheath shall be applied by extru- 3.0 2’20 2.20
sion. It shall be applied: :: 2; 3.2 2’36
60 65 3.4 2,52
a) Over the non-magnetic metallic tape 2’68
covering the insulation or over the non- 33:;
;: ;: 2.84
magnetic metallic part of insulation 15 - 4.0 3.00
screening in case of unarmoured single
*Fictitious calculation method for determination of
core cables, and protective coverings of cables: Part 1 Elastomeric and
b) Over the armouring in case of armoured thermoplastic insulated cables.
17.2 The colour of outer sheath shall be black, 17.3.2 Armoured Cables - The thickness of
unless any other colour is agreed to between the outer sheath shall be not less than the minimum
purchaser and the supplier. value specified in co1 5 of Table 5.



18.1 Type Tests - The following shall constitute

For Requirements, For Test Method,

Rej‘ to Ref Part No. of
IS : 10810*
a) Tests on Conductor
1) Annealing test (for copper) IS : 8130-1984t
2) Tensile test ( for aluminium ) IS : 8130-19843
3) Wrapping test ( for aluminium ) 1s : 8130-1984t
4) Resistance test IS : 8130-1984t
b) Tests for armouring wires or strips 7, Table 3 and
IS : 3375-1979: 36 to 42

c) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath 11, 15 and 17 6

I!3 : 1554 < Part 2 ) - 1988

Test For Requirements, For Test Methods

Ref to RefIr;Ogbof

4 Physical tests for insulation and outer sheath

( as applicable ):
1) Tensile strength and elongation at break IS : 5831-1984s 7
2) Ageing in air oven IS : 5831-19844 11
3) Shrinkage test IS : 5831-1984s 12
4) Hot deformation test IS : 5831-1984s 15
5) Loss of mass .in air oven IS : 5831-19848 10
6) Heat shock test IS : 5831-1984s 14
7) Thermal stability IS : 5831-1984s 60
8) Water absorption ( gravimetric ) IS : 5831-1984s 33
( for insulation, where applicable )
Insulation resistance test IS : 5831-I 9845 43
Partial discharge test 19.2 46
Bending test 19.3 50
Dielectric power factor test 19.4 48
1) As a function of voltage
2) As a function of temperature
3 Heating cycle test 19.5 49
k) Impulse withstand test 19.6 47
m) High voltage test 19.7 45
n) Flammability test 19.8 53

*Methods of test for cables.

tspecification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords (first revision ).
jfipecification for mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armouring of cables (first revision ).
&Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables (first revision ).

18.1.1 Tests (f), (g), (h), (j) and (k) are appli- f) Impulse withstand test; and
cable to cables with screened cores, that is,
6*35/l 1 kV cables. It shall be permissible to g) High voltage test.
carry out test (h) on different samples. If a sample fails in test ( g ), one
18.1.2 With the exception and provision of more sample shall be taken for this test, preced-
18.1.1, the following tests on screened cables shall ed bY test ( b ) and ( e ).
be performed successively on the same test sample
of completed cable not less than 10 m in length 18.2 Acceptance Tests - The following tests shall
between the test accessories: be carried out as acceptance tests:

a) Partial discharge test; a) Annealing test ( for copper ),

b) Bending test followed by partial discharge b) Tensile test ( for aluminium ),
c) Wrapping test ( for aluminium ),
C>Dielectric power factor as a function ofthe
voltage and capacitance measurement: d) -Conductor resistance test,
4 Dielectric power factor as a function of e) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath,
f ) Tensile strength and elongation at break of
e) Heating cycle test followed by dielectric insulation and outer sheath,
power factor as a function of voltage and
partial discharge test; 49 Test for insulation resistance,
IS : 1554 ( Part 2 ) - 1988

h) Partial discharge test ( for 6.35111 kV b) As a Function of Temperature

cables only ), and Tan 6 at ambient temperature 1000 x 10-a
j) High voltage test. At maximum continuous operating 0.75
NOTE - The partial discharge test shal! be carried temperature, product of permi-
out on full drum length. tivity and tan S
18.2.1 A recommended sampling plan for 19.5 Heating Cycle Test - The sample, which
acceptance tests is given in Appendix A. has been subjected to the previous tests, shall be
subjected to heat cycles. After the third cycle,
18.3 Routine Tests - The following shall be the sample shall be subjected to dielectric power
carried out as routine tests: faczor as a function of voltage [19.4(a)] and
a) Conductor resistance test, partial discharge test ( 19.2 ).
b) Partial discharge test ( for 6*35/11 kV 19.6 Impulse Withstand Test - The +zable shall
cables only ), withstand an impulse voltage of 75 kV. No
breakdown of insulation shall~occur during the test.
c) High voltage test, and
d) ;i;;;t;nce test for armour ( for mining 19.7 High Voltage Test
19.7.1 Type/Acceptance Test - The cable shall
NOTE - Partial discharge test shall be carried out withstand without breakdown an ac voltage equal
on full drum length.
to 3 Uo but not less than the value given in 19.7.2
18.4 Optional Test - Cold impact test shall cons- when applied to the sample between conductor
titute the optional test. and screen/metallic tape/armour ( and between
conductors in case of unscreened cables ). The
19. DETAILS OF TEST voltage shall be gradually increased to speciEed
value and maintained for a period of 4 hours. If,
19.1 General - Unless otherwise stated in this while testing, interruption occurs during 4 hours
standard, the tests shall be carried out in accor- period, the test shall be prolonged to the same
dance with appropriate part of IS : 10810*, taking extent. If the interruption exceeds 30 minutes,
into account additional information given in this the test shall be repeated.
19.7.2 Routine Test - The cable shall with-
19.2 Partial Discharge Test - The partial dis- stand without any failure the ac test voltages
charge magnitude at test voltage equal to 1.5 U, given below,. when applied For a period of 5
shall not exceed 40 PC. minutes for each test connection:
19.3 Bending Test - The diameter of the test
cylinder shall be 20 D f 5 percent, where D is Voltage Grade Test Voltage
r---__h -----7
the overall diameter of completed cable. After
completing the bending operations, the test sample Between Conduc- Between
shall be subjected to partial discharge measure- tor and Screen/ Conductor
ment and shall comply with the requirements Armour
given in 19.2. kV kV (rms) kV (rms)
19.4 Dielectric Power Factor Test - The measur- l-9/3*3 10 10
ed values shall not exceed the following: 3.313.3
3*8/b-6 12 20
a) As a Function of Voltage
635/l 1 17 -
Tan 8 at UO 1 000 x 104
65 x 10-4 19.8 Flammability Test - Period of burning after
Increment of tan 6
removal of the flame shall not exceed 60 seconds
between 0.5 UOand 2 UO and the unaffected ( uncharred ) portion from the
lower edge of the top clamp shall be at least
*Methods of test for cables. 50 mm.


20. IDENTIFICATION of these methods is employed or if the purchaser

so desires, colour identification threads in accor-
20.1 Manufacturer’s Identification - The manu- dance with a scheme to be approved by the
facturer shall be identified throughout the length Bureau of Indian Standards shall be employed.
of cable by manufacturer’s name or trade-mark,
and the voltage grade and year of manufacture 20.2 Cable Identification - In case OF cables
indented, printed or embossed or by means of a -intended for use in mines, the word ‘Mining’
tape bearing this information. The indentation, shall be printed, embossed or indented on the
printing or embossing shall be done only on the outer sheath throughout the length of the
outer sheath. For manufacturer’s name, if none cable.

1s : 1554 ( Part 2 ) - 1988

20.3 Cable Code - The following codes shall be b) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark;
used for designating the cables: C) Type of cable and voltage grade;
Constituent Code Letter 4 Number of cores;
Aluminium conductor A e>Nominal
cross-sectional area of the
PVC insulation Y
Steel round wire armour W f> Cable code;
Non-magnetic round wire Wa g) Length of the cable on the drum;
armour h) Number 01 lengths on drum ( if more than
one );
Steel strip armour F
3 Direction of rotation of drum ( by means
Non-magnetic strip armour Fa of an arrow );
Double steel wire armour ww
k) Approximate gross mass;
Double steel strip armour FF m) Country of manufacture; and
PVC outer sheath Y n) Year of manufacture.
NOTE- In case of copper conductor. there is no
need to use any code for designatingconductor. 21.2.1 The cable ( drum ) may also be marked
with the Standard Mark.
NOTE- The use of the Standard Mark is governed
21.1 The cable shall be wound on a drum ( see by the provisions of the Bureau of Jndian Standards
IS : 10418-1982’”) of suitable size and packed. Act 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made there-
The ends of the cable shall be sealed by means under The Standard Mark on products covered by
an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they
of non-hygroscopic sealing material. have been produced to comply-with the requirements
of that standard under a well defined system of ins-
21.2 The cable shall carry the following informa- pection, testing and quality control which is devised
tion stencilled on the drum: and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer.
Standard marked products are also continuously
a) Reference to this Indian Standard, for checked bv BIS for conformitv to that standard as a
example, ref IS : 1554 ( Part 2 ); further safeguard. Details . of conditions under
which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may
be granted to manufacturers ar producers may be
*Specification for drums for electric cables. obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.

( Chuse 18.2.1 )
A-l. LOT The samples shall be taken at random.
A-l.1 In any consignment, the cables of the A-2.2.1 In order to ensure the randomness of
same size manufactured under essentially similar
selection, random number tables shall be used
conditions of production shall be grouped
( see IS : 4905-1968”).
-together to constitute a lot.
A-2.1 Samples shall be taken and tested from FOR CONFORMlTY
each lot for ascertaining the conformity of the
lot to the requirements of the specification. A-3.1 Suitable lengths of test samples shall be
A-2.2 The number of samples to be selected taken from each of the drums selected. These
shall depend on co1 1 and 2 is indicated below: test samples shall be subjected to each of the
acceptance tests ( 18.2 ). A test sample is called
Number of Drums Number of Permissible defective if it Fails in any one of the acceptance
in the Lot Drums to Number of tests. If the number of defectives is less than or
be Taken Defectives equal to the corresponding permissible number
as Sample given in co1 3 under A-2.2, the lot shall be
(4 declared as conforming to the requirements of
{n2; (3) acceptance tests, otherwise not.
up to 50
51 to 100
101 to 300
z 0”
301 to 500 E
SO1 and above 32 : *Methods for random sampling.

Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in Ehecountry.
Copyright .
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS
Revision of Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they~are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
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IS 1554 ( Part 2 ) : 1988 SPECIFICATION FOR PVC
(Second Revision)

(Page 1, clause0.7 ) -Substitute the following for the existing clause:

‘0.7 A special category of cables with improved fire performance has been
included in this standard. Classification of such cables is given in Appendix A.’
(Page 2, &use 1.3 ) - Insert the following new clause 1.4 after 1.3:
‘1.4 This standard also covers cables with improved fire performance,
categories Cl and C2, as given in Appendix A. For such cables additional
requirements have been included wherever necessary ( see 8.2, 18.1.3, 18.2.2
and 204.1).
NOTE- Normal cables to this standard can be classified as meeting the requirements of
category 01.’

[ Page 3, clause 7.1 (b) ] - Substitute ‘formed wires’ for ‘strip’.

( Page 3, clulrse 7.2 ) - Substitute the following for the first sentence:
‘The galvanized steel wire/formed wires/tapes shall comply with the
requirements of IS 3975 : 1988, except that the provisions of 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
shall not apply.’
(Page 3, &use 8.1) - Insert the following new clause 8.2 after 8.1:
‘8.2 For cables with improved fire performance, the outer sheath shall, in
addition, meet the requirement of tests applicable for the required category
( 18.1.3 and 18.2.2 ) m’
(Page 5, clause 17.3.2, line 3 ) -Substitute ‘Table 4’for-‘Table 5’.
( Page 6, clallse ) - Insert the following new clause 18.1.3 after
‘18.1.3 The following shall constitute additional type tests for cables with
improved fire performance as per the categories given in Appendix A:
Category Test For Requirements For Test Method
Ref to Ref Part
No. oflS 10810
01 No Additional tests - -

Cl a) Oxygen index test 19.9 58 (Under preparation)

b) Flame retardance test on 19.10 61

single cable

c> Flame retardance test on 19.11 62

bunched cables

d) Temperature index 19.14 Under consideration

C2 a) Oxygen index test 19.9 58 ( Under preparation )

b) Flame retardance test on 19.10 61

single cable

c) Flame retardance test on 19.11 62

bunched cables

d) Test for specific optical 19.12 Under consideration

density of smoke

e) Test for halogenacid gas 19.13 59


f) Smoke densidty 19.15 63

g> Temperature index 19.14 Under consideration


1 For category Cl, tests (a) and (d) are to be performed on samples taken from outer sheath, as
applicable, and prepared in the manner given in the relevant test method.

2 For category C2. tests (a), (e), (f) and (g) are to be performed on samples taken from outer
sheath, as applicable, and prepared in the manner given in the relevant test method.’

~ (Page 7, clnlrse 18.2.1 ) - Add clause 18.2.2:

‘18.2.2 The following shall constitute additional acceptance tests for cables
with improved fire performance as per the categories given in Appendix A:

Category Test
Cl a) Oxygen index test
b) Flame retardance test on single cable
c2 a) Oxygen index test
b) Flame retardance test on single cable
c) Test for specific optical density of smoke
d) Test for halogen acid gas evolution
c) Smoke density test
( Page 7, clnirse 19.8 ) -Add the following clauses:
‘19.9 Oxygen Index Test
The test on samples of inner/outer sheath shall be done at 27 2 2’ C. The oxygen
index shall not be less than 29.
19.10 Flame Retardance Test on Single Cables
After the test, there should be no visible damages on the test specimen within
300 mm from its upper end. Marks from mixing devices, soot or changing of the
colour are not considered damages.
19.11 Flame Retardance Test on Bunched Cables
After burning has ceased, the cables should be wiped clean and the charred or
affected portion should not have reached a height exceeding 2.5 m above the
bottom edge of the burner, measured at the front and rear of the cable assembly.
NOTE - Requirements for this test are split in 3 categories that is, A, B. and C as
described in IS 10810 ( Part 62 ) . For the purpose of this standard category B and C test
methods for method B. method C shall be used for both the categories Cl and C2.

19.12 Test for Specific Optical Density of Smoke

Under consideration.

19.13 Test for Halogen Acid Gas Evolution

The level of HCI evolved shall not exceed 20 percent by weight.
19.14 Test for Temperature Index
The measured value of temperature index shall be 21 at a temperature of 25O’C.

19.15 Smoke Density Test
Under consideration.
( Page 7, clause 20.2 ) - Add new clause:
‘20.2.1 The following special cables shall be identified by indenting,
embossing or printing the appropriate legend on the outer sheath throughout the
cable length, in addition to the existing marking requirements:
Type of Cable Legend

Improved Fire performance for category Cl FR

Improved fire performance for category C2 FRJSH

( Appendix A, Page 8 ) - Insert the following new ‘Appendix A’ and
renumber the existing ‘Appendix A’ as ‘Appendix B’.
(Clauses 0.7, 1.4 and 18.1.3)
Category Environment Type Cable Definition
01 Cables in open areas Flame retardent. Single cable self-
extinguishing, does not propagate
Cl Cables in constrained FR Flame retardent. Does not propagate
areas fire even when installed in groups
in vertical ducts
c2 Cables in constrained FR-LSH Flame retardent cables with reduced
areas with limited human halogen evolution
activity and/or presence
of sophisticated systems

Reprography Unir, BIS, New Delhi, India

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