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Specification For Elastomer - Insulated Cables: Indian Standard

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Required For Lab 2014)

(Reaffirmed - Greater
Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

(Reaffirmed 2013)

IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

(Reaffirmed 2012)
(Reaffirmed 2017)

(Reaffirmed 2011)

(Reaffirmed 2010)

Indian Standard
— 2009)
(Reaffirmed 2008)
( First Revision )

(Reaffirmed 2007)
ICS 29 035 20,29 060 20

(Reaffirmed 2006)

(Reaffirmed 2005)

© BIS 2002


NEW DELHI 110002

July 2002 Price Group 5

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Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Power Cables Sectional Committee, ETD 09

This Indian Standard (Part 2) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft
finalized by the Power Cables Sectional Committee had been appiovcd by the Electrotechnical Division Council

The requirements for rubber insulated cables were initially covered in IS 434 first published in 1953 and
subsequently revised in 1964 However this specification was again revised in 1981 to include latest development
of synthetic rubber insulating and sheathing material and a new number IS 9968 was allotted and the
internationally accepted term elastomer has been used in place of rubber

In this revision the mining type cables have been deleted and incorporated in a new part (Part 3 Flexible cables
for use in mines) and the voltage grade has been extended to include 19/33 kV Also unearthed grade has been

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)' The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard
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Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
10418 1982 Specification for drums for electric
1 SCOPE cables
10462 Fictitious calculation method for
1.1 This standard (Part 2) covers the requirements of
( Part 1 ) 1983 determination of dimensions of
heat resisting elastomer insulated cables for fixed
protective coverings of cables Part 1
installations and flexible cables for single phase or
Elastomeric and thermoplastic
three phase system, suitable for voltage (U o /U)
insulated cables
1 9/3 3, 3 8/6 6, 6 35/11, 12 7/22 and 19/33 kV for
electricity supply purposes 3 TERMINOLOGY
NOTES The definitions given in IS 1885 (Part 32) shall apply
1 For unearthed voltage grade following selection procedure to
Cables of 1 9/3 3 kV 6 35/11 kV and 12 7/22 kV grades (earthed
systems) are also suitable for use on 3 3/3 3 kV 6 6/6 6 kV and 4 CONDUCTORS
11/11 kV grades (unearthed systems) respectively
2 The cables conforming to this standard may be operated 4.1 Cables for Fixed Installation
continuously at a power frequency voltage 10 percent higher than
rated voltage The conductors shall consist of either tinned copper
3 Under Rule 54 of the Indian Electricity Rules 1956 in case of or aluminium and shall conform to IS 8130
high voltage the permissible variations of declared voltage at
the point of commencement of supply is 169 percent 4 2 Flexible Cables

1.2 These cables are suitable for use where combi- The conductor shall consist of tinned copper and shall
nation of ambient temperature and temperature rise conform to IS 8130
due to load results in conductor temperature not
exceeding 90°C under normal operation and 250°C
under short circuit conditions The insulation shall be of elastomer c o m p o u n d
conforming to Type IE 3 of IS 6380
The following Indian Standards are necessary adjuncts
to this standard The semiconducting compound shall be so formulated
as to be suitable for the operating temperature of the
IS No Title
cable both during sustained operation and during short
1885 Electrotechnical vocabulary Part 32
circuit and shall have no deleterious effect on the cable
(Part 32) 1993 Electric cables (first revision)
3975 1999 Mild steel wires, formed wires and
tapes for armouring of cables (third 7 TAPE
4905 1968 Methods for random sampling 7.1 Proofed Tape
5831 1984 PVC insulation and sheath of electric The proofed tape shall be closely woven textile without
cables (first revision) selvedge, proofed on one side with rubber The thickness
6380 1984 Elastomeric insulation and sheath of of the tape should be approximately 0 15 mm
electric cables (first revision)
8130 1984 Conductors for insulated electric 7.2 P o l y e t h y l e n e T e r e p h t h a l a t e (PETP) or
cables and flexible cords (first Polypropylene Base Tape
revision) The thickness of the tape shall be between 0 01 mm
and 0 05 mm
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Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

7.3 Any other suitable tape based on glass, textile 11.1.1 In cables for fixed installations, the inner sheath
composite or other synthetic material may be used may also consist of Type ST 2 PVC compound
conforming to IS 5831
11.1.2 Elastomeric outer sheath is not recommended
The screening shall consist of one or more of the for cables having PVC inner sheath
11.2 Outer Sheath
a) Non-metallic semi-conducting tape,
b) Non-metallic semi-conducting compound, The outer sheath shall be of elastomeric compound
and conforming to Type SE 4 of IS 6380
c) Non-magnetic metallic tape, wire, strip or 11.2.1 In cables for fixed installations the outer sheath
sheath may also consist of Type ST 2 PVC compound
conforming to IS 5831
1 The semiconducting tape and semiconducting compound shall 12 REINFORCEMENT MATERIAL
be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and
compatible with the insulating material 12.1 Tapes
2 Non magnetic metallic tape, wire or strip shall be compatible
with the insulation and sheathing material used The proofed tape shall be closely woven textile without
9 CENTRE AND FILLERS selvedge, proofed on one side with rubber The thickness
of the tape should be approximately 0 15 mm
The centre and filler shall be any one or a combination
of the following and shall be non-hygroscopic 12.2 Cords and Yarns
a) Fibrous materials, Cords and yarns, wherever used for reinforcement,
b) Elastomeric compound (including regenera- shall be either cotton or synthetic cords or yarns
ted or unvulcanized rubber),
c) Plastic compounds, and
d) Material similar to inner sheath 13 CONDUCTORS
13.1 Cables for Fixed Installations
1 Material used shall be suitable for the operating temperature of
the cable and shall have no deleterious effect on any other The conductors shall be of stranded construction,
component of the cable complying with Class 2 of IS 8130
2 the fillers at the manufacturers discretion may form an integral
part of the rubber sheath 13.2 Flexible Cables
3 The elastomeric centre and tiller may be reinforced with fibrous
material or metallic wires Where metallic wires are used it shall The conductors shall be in accordance with Class 5 of
be earthed IS 8130
10 ARMOUR 13.3 Earthing Conductor
Armour shall consist of one of the following The minimum size of the earthing conductor, if any,
a) Galvanized round steel wires conforming to shall be as given in Table 1 The conductor may be
IS 3971, bare or covered
b) Galvanized formed wires conforming to 13.3.1 For flexible cables, it is permissible to split up
IS 3975, and the earthing conductor into equal parts and to place
them in the interstices
c) Any non-magnetic material (as agreed to
between the purchaser and the manufacturer) 13.4 Separator Tape
11 SHEATH A suitable separator tape(s) may be applied between
the conductor and insulation
11.1 Inner Sheath
The inner sheath shall consist of elastomeric
compound complying with requirements of Type SE All cables rated above 3 8/6 6 kV shall be provided
3 of IS 6380 with conductor screening It shall be provided over
NOTE For certain applications a soft inner sheath may be the conductor by applying non-metallic
required In such cases it shall be as agreed to between the semiconducting tape(s) or by extrusion of semi-
manufacturer and the user conducting compound or a combination of both
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IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

15 INSULATION by printing of numbers (1 2 3) on the cores is

p e r m i s s i b l e When n u m e r a l s are p r i n t e d for
15.1 The conductor (with either separator or screen, identification these shall appear at intervals of not
wherever applicable) shall be provided with elasto- greater than 150 mm Earth cores need not be
meric insulation The insulation shall be so applied identified but if required, it can be either by green
that it fits closely on the conductor (with or without coloured strip/tapes applied on cores or by numbered
separator or conductor screen) but shall not adhere to stop/tapes or printing numerals 0
For unscreened cables, identification of cores by use
15.2 Thickness of Insulation of coloured insulation compound is also permissible
The average thickness of insulation shall be not less 18 LAYING UP OF CORES
than the nominal value (t1) specified in Table 2 The
thickness of any separator or semiconducting screening 18 1 The cores shall be laid up with a suitable right
on the conductor shall not be included in the thickness hand lay for flexible cables the length of lay shall
of insulation not exceed the following
Up to 25 mm 2 15 times pitch circle diameter
15.3 Tolerance on Thickness of Insulation
Above 25 mm 2 18 times pitch circle diameter
T h e smallest of measured values of thickness of
insulation shall not fall below the specified values (t1) Fillers in the interstices may be provided to give a
by more than 0 1 mm + 0 1 t1 reasonable circularity of cores

16 INSULATION SCREENING 18 2 For flexible cables, there shall be no undue

restraint on the relative movements of cores when the
16.1 All cables rated above 3 8/6 6 kV shall be cable is flexed
provided with insulation screening
18 3 A binder tape may be applied over laid up cores
16.2 The insulation screening shall consist of two
parts, namely metallic and non-metallic 19 INNER SHEATH
16.3 Non-metallic part shall be applied directly over 19.1 The laid up cores shall be piovided with an inner
the insulation ol each core and shall consist of either sheath applied by extrusion in such a way that it fits
semiconducting tape(s) or extruded semiconducting closely on laid-up cores and it shall be possible to
compound or a combination of the two or either r e m o v e it w i t h o u t d a m a g e to the insulation
material with a semiconducting coating Unarmoured cables shall generally have no inner
sheath except where otherwise stated or as agreed to
16.4 Metallic part shall consist of either tape or brard, between the manufacturer and the user
or concentric serving of wires or a sheath, shall be
non-magnetic and shall be applied over the non 19.2 Thickness of Inner Sheath
metallic part For single core armoured cables, it is
permissible to apply the non-magnetic armouring over The thickness of inner sheath at any point shall not
the non metallic screen and it shall constitute the be less than the value given in Tables 3 and 4
metallic part of the screening 19.3 A proofed tape may be applied over the inner
NOTES sheath at the discretion of the manufacturer
1 It the application requires any minimum values of conductance
of the metallic part of insulation screen this shall be as agreed to 20 ARMOURING
between the manufacturer and the user
20.1 The armour, wherever required shall be applied
2 For cables subjected to repealed flexing in service (for example
in reeling drums) it is permissible to apply insulation screen over the insulation or non-metallic part of the
consisting of non metallic semiconducting extruded screen alone insulation screen, if any in case ot single core cables
in such cases the earthing conductor is to be provided and the and over the inner sheath in case of multicore cables
insulation screen shall meet the requirements of the test spceified
in Annex B 20.2 Type of Armour
3 If copper wire/tape is used as metallic part of insulation screen
it shall be tinned if the overlying sheath is of el istomeric material 20.2.1 Cable for fixed Installanens
However it can be unboned if PVC sheath is used
Armour shall consist of galvanized steel wires formed
17 CORE IDENTIFICATION wires to give a reasonable close cover The size of
armour shall be as given in Table 5
Cores shall be identified by the use of coloured strips/
tapes (Red, Yellow, Blue for phase conductors) applied In case ot single core cables, the armouring
on the cores, Alternatively, numbered strip tapes or shall be of non-magnetic material

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IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

20.2 1 2 Direction of lay of armour shall be left hand 21.2 Colour of outer sheath shall be black or any other
For double wires/formed wires armoured cables, this colour as agreed to between the purchaser and the
requirement shall apply to inner layer The outer layer supplier
shall be applied in the reverse direction to the inner
NOTE — A longitudinal mark of contrasting colour may be
layer and there shall be a separator tape of suitable provided on the outer sheath to identify any twist in the cable as
non-hygroscopic material between the layers per specific agreement between the purchaser and the supplier

20.2 1.3 When joints in armour wires/formed wires 21.3 Thickness of Outer Sheath
are necessary, these shall be brazed or welded and
surface irregularities removed A joint in any wire/ 21 3.1 Unarmoured Cables
formed wire shall be at least 300 mm from the nearest The thickness of outer sheath of unarmoured cables
joint in any other armour wire/formed wire in the determined by taking the average of number of
completed cable measurements shall not be less than the minimum
20.2.2 Flexible Cable value (ts) specified in Tables 3 or 4 and the smallest of
the measured values shall not fall below the minimum
The armour shall consist of a braid of either galvanized value specified in Tables 3 or 4
steel wires or non-magnetic metallic wires and shall
be so applied so as to give a minimum filling factor NOTES
1 For heavy duty unarmoured flexible three core cables with
of 0 57 repeated flexing in service it is recommended that two sheaths
be applied one over the laid up cores as inner sheath in
Diameters of braiding wires shall be in accordance accordance with 19 and the other over this as outer sheath in
with Table 6 accordance with 21 Reinforcing material may be applied
between the two sheaths This can be in the form of either a
NOTE — Filling factor for braid is given by the following formula
tape or an open braid
2 In case of two layers of sheath with non metallic reinforcement
in between (that is inner sheath reinforcement and outer sheath)
F = the total combined thickness of two layers of sheath with the
reinforcement shall be measured which shall satisfy the sum of
where the thicknesses of inner and outer sheaths
F = Filling factor for braid 21 3.2 Armoured Cables
m = Total No of spindles,
The thickness of outer sheath of armoured cables shall
n – Total No of ends per spindle,
not fall below the minimum value specified in Tables 3
d = Diameter of braiding wire (mm), or 4
D = Mean diameter of braid (mm), and
L = Lay of braiding wire (mm)
20 2 2 1 In case of single core cables, the braiding 22 CLASSIFICATION OF TESTS
wherever required shall be of non magnetic material 22 1 Type Tests
20.3 Substitution of the galvanized steel wires/formed The following shall constitute type tests
wires in armour by required number of tinned copper
wires/formed wires is permissible in order to meet Tests For Require­ For Test
specific conductance requirement of armour, if agreed ments Ref to Methods
to between the manufacturer and the purchaser Ref to Part
of IS 10810
21 OUTER SHEATH a) Tests on Conductor IS 8130 1
21.1 The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion It 1) Annealing test
shall be applied as follows (for copper)
2) Tensile test –do– 2
a) Over the non-magnetic metallic part of the (for aluminium)
insulation screening in case of single core 3) Wrapping Test –do– 3
screened unarmoured cables (for aluminium)
b) Over the inner sheath or laid up cores in case 4) Conductor resistance –do–
of three-core unarmoured cables test
c) Over the armouring in case of armoured 5) Persulphate test do 4
cables (tinned copper
d) Over the taped/untaped insulated core in case conductor)
of single core unscreened unarmoured cable
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IS 9968 (Part 2) 2002

22.1.2 For 6 35/11, 12 7/22 and 19/33 kV cables, the

b) Test for Galvanized Steel
following electrical type tests shall be performed
Wires/Formed Wires
IS 3975 36 successively on the same sample of completed cable
1) Dimensions
(Tables 5 & 6) not less than 10 m in length between test accessories
2) Tensile strength and -do- 37 except tor tests at (a), (d), (c) and (f) which may be
elongation at break carried out on different samples
3) Torsion (for round -do- 38 a) Insulation resistance at room temperature
wires only) b) Partial discharge test,
4) Winding (for strips -do- 39
c) Bending test followed by partial discharge
5) Zinc coating -do- 40
& d) Dielectric power factor as a function of
41 voltage
c) Physical Tests for c) Dielectric power factor as a function of
Insulation and Sheath temperature
(as applicable) f) I n s u l a t i o n r e s i s t a n c e m e a s u r e m e n t at
1) Thickness of 15 19 and 21 6 maximum continuous operating temperature,
insulation and of this standard g) H e a t i n g cycle test followed by partial
sheath discharge test,
2) Tensile strength and IS 6380 7 h) Impulse withstand test and
elongation at break IS 5831
j) High voltage lest tor tour hours
3) Ageing in air oven -do- 11
4) Ageing in air bomb IS 6380 56 If the sample fails in test (j) a new sample
5) Hot set test -do- 30 may be taken for this test, preceded by tests (c) and (g)
6) Oil resistance test -do- 31
22.1.3 In multicore cables, each test or measurement
7) Tear resistance test -do- 17
shall be carried out on all the cores
8) Shrinkage test IS 5831 12
9) Hot deformation test -do- 15 22.2 Acceptance Tests
10) Loss of mass in air -do-
oven The following shall constitute the acceptance tests
11) Heat shock 14 a) Annealing test (for copper),
12) Thermal stability 60 b) Tensile test (for aluminium),
IS 6380
d) Insulation Resistance Test 43 c) Wrapping test (for aluminium)
23 2 46
e) Partial Discharge Test
d) Conductor resistance test
of this standard
e) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath
f) Bending Test Followed by 23 3 50
f) Tensile strength and elongation at break test
Partial Discharge Test of this standard
g) Dielectric Power Factor 48 of insulation and sheath
23 4
Test g) Hot set test for elastomeric insulation and
of this standard
1) As a function of sheath
voltage h) Partial discharge test (for 11 22 and 33 kV
2) As a function of cable only),
temperature j) High voltage test,
h) Heating Cycle Test 23 5 49 k) Insulation resistance (volume resistivity) test
Followed by Partial of this standard and
Discharge Test m) Electrical lest on s e m i c o n d u c t i n g n o n -
j) Impulse Withstand Test 23 6 47 metallic screen (Annex B) only for non-
of this standard metallic screened cable
k) High Voltage Test 23 7 45
NOTE — Partial discharge test shall be carried out on full drum
for Four Hours of this standard length
m) Water Absorption Test IS 6380 28
n) Flammability 23 8 22.2.1 A recommended sampling plan for acceptance
of this standard tests is given at Annex A

22.1.1 Tests (e), (f), (g), (h) and (j) are applicable to 22.3 Routine Tests
screened cables, that is, cables with rated voltage above
The following shall constitute the routine tests
2 8/6 8 kV
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IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

a) Conductor resistance test, 23.7 High Voltage Test

b) Partial discharge test (for screened cables 23.7.1 Type/Acceptance Test (Four-Hour Test)
only), and
c) High voltage test The cable shall withstand, without breakdown, an
ac voltage equal to 3 U0 when applied to the sample
NOTE Partial discharge test shall be carried out on full drum between conductor and screen/armour (and between
conductors in case of unscreened cables) The voltage
22.4 Optional Tests shall be gradually increased to the specified value and
maintained lor a period of 4 h If, while testing,
the following shall constitute optional tests interruption occurs during the 4 h period, the test shall
a) Ozone resistance test (IS 6380), and be prolonged to the same extent If interruption exceeds
30 mm, the test shall be repeated
b) Cold impacts test for PVC sheath (IS 5831)
23.7.2 Routine Test
The cable shall withstand, without breakdown, a power
23.1 General frequency ac voltage as specified below The voltage
Unless otherwise stated in this standard, the tests shall shall be applied and increased gradually to the full
be carried out in accordance with appropriate part of value and maintained for 5 min
IS 10810 taking into account additional information Voltage Grade ac Test Voltage kV
given in this standard of Cable
Between Conductor Between
23.2 Partial Discharge Test kV
and Armour/Screen Conductors1)
The partial discharge magnitude at test voltage equal
to 15 Uo shall not exceed 20 pC 1 9/3 3 10 10
3 8/6 6 12 20
23.3 Bending Test 6 35/11 17
12 7/22 32
The diameter of test cylinder shall be 20 D ± 5 percent
19/33 48 -
for cables for fixed installation and 8 D ± 5 percent
for flexible cables where D is the overall diameter of Not applicable for cables with screened cores
the completed cable Alter bending operations the test
sample shall be subiected to partial discharge 23.7.3 For single core unscreened, unarmoured cables,
measurements and shall comply with the requirements the tests of 23.7.1 and 23.7.2 shall be carried out by
given in 23 2 immersing the core (with outer coverings removed)
in water at room temperature for at least one hour
23.4 Dielectric Power Factor (Tan δ) Test (ends protruding) and then by applying the stipulated
voltage between the conductor and water
23.4.1 Tan δ as a Function of Voltage
The measured value of tan δ at Uo shall not exceed 23.8 Flammability Test
0 02 and the increment of tan δ between 0 5 Uo and Period of burning after removal of the flame shall not
2Uo shall not exceed 0 002 5 exceed 60 s and the unaffected (uncharred) portion
23.4.2 Tan δ as a Function of Temperature from the lower edge of the top clamp shall be at teast
50 mm
The measured value tan δ shall not exceed 0 02 at
ambient temperature and 0 04 at 90°C SECTION 5 IDENTIFICATION,
23.5 Heating Cycle Test
The sample which has been subiected to previous tests,
shall be laid out on the floor of the test room and 24.1 Manufacturer's Identification
subjected to heat cycles Alter third cycle, the sample The manufacturer shall be identified throughout the
shall be subjected to partial discharge test (23.2) length of the cable by means of tape bearing the
23 6 Impulse Withstand Test manufacturer's name or trade-mark, or by manu­
facturer's name or trade-mark being printed, indented
Impulse voltage level shall be 75 kV for 6 35/11 kV, or embossed on the outer sheath In case none of these
125 kV for 12 7/22 kV and 170 kV for 19/33 kV methods are employed or if purchaser so desires,
cables coloured identification threads in accordance with a

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IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

scheme to be approved by the Bureau of Indian and packed The ends of the cable shall be sealed by
Standards shall be employed means of non-hygroscopic sealing material
24.2 Voltage Identification 25.2 Marking
The voltage grade of the cable shall be identified 25.2.1 The drum shall carry the following information
throughout the length of the cable by means of a tape either stencilled on it or contained in a label attached
bearing the voltage grade of the cable [for example to it
(6 35/11 kV) or (6 350/11 000 V) or by printing,
a) Reference to this standard for example Ref
embossing or indenting on the outer sheath]
IS 9968 (Part 2)
NOTE — Single tape giving information required in 24 1 and 24.2 b) Manufacturer s name or trade-mark
is also permissible
c) Type of cable and voltage grade,
24.3 Cable Code d) Number of cores,
The following codes shall be used for designating the e) Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor
cable f) Length of cable on the drum
Constituent Code Letter g) Number of lengths on the drum (if more than
Aluminium conductor A h) Cable code
Elastomer Insulation (Rubber) R
i) Direction of rotation of drum (by means of
Steel Round Wire Armour W
Non-Magnetic Round Wire Armour Wa an arrow),
Steel Strip Armour F k) Approximate gross mass and
Non-Magnetic Strip Armour Fa m) Year of manufacture
Double Steel Strip Armour FF 25.2.2 BIS Certification Marking
Double Steel Round Wire Armour WW
Steel Braid S The cable (drum or label) may also be marked with
Non-Magnetic Metallic Braid Sa the Standard Mark
Elastomer Outer Sheath R The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
PVC Outer Sheath Y the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act
NOTE When conductor material is copper no code letter is 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder
required for conductor Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
25 PACKING AND MARKING manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
25.1 Packing Bureau of Indian Standards

The cable shall be wound on a drum (see IS 10418)

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IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

Table 1 Size of Earthing Conductor
(Clause 13 3)
Conductor Sizes, mm2
Powcr Conductor 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400
Earthing Conductor 16 16 16 25 35 50 70 70 95 120 150 185

Table 2 Insulation Thickness

(Clause 15 2)
Conductor Nominal Insulation Thickness (t)
1 9/3 3kV 3 8/6 6k V 6 35/11kV 12 7/22kV 19/33kV
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm
16 22 30 40 −
25 22 30 40
35 22 30 40 60
50 22 30 40 60 88
70 22 30 40 60 88
95 24 30 40 60 88
120 24 30 40 60 88
150 24 30 40 60 88
185 24 30 40 60 88
240 24 30 40 60 88
300 24 30 40 60 88
400 26 30 40 60 88
500 28 32 40 60 88
630 28 32 40 60 88
800 28 32 40 60 88
1 000 30 32 40 60 88

Table 3 Thickness of Sheaths for Cables for Fixed Installations

(Clauses 19 2 21 3 1 and 21 3 2)
Calculated Diameter of 1 and up Minimum Thickness Thickness of Outer Sheath
Cores for 3 Core Cables/of Core of Inner Sheath
for Single Core Cables Unarmoured Cables Armoured Cables,
[As per IS 10462 (Part 1)] Minimum
Nominal Minimum
Above Up to and Including
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
mm mm mm mm
10 08 12 0 76 0 76
10 15 10 15 10 10
15 20 10 17 1 16 1 16
20 25 12 19 1 32 1 32
25 30 12 21 1 48 1 48
30 40 14 24 1 72 1 72
40 50 16 27 1 96 1 96
50 60 18 31 2 28 2 28
60 70 20 35 26 26
70 80 22 38 2 84 2 84
80 24 40 30 30

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Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

Table 4 Thickness of Sheaths for Flexible Cables

(Clauses 19 2, 21 3 1 and 21 3 2)
Calculated Diameter of Laid-up Minimum Thickness Thickness of Outer Sheath
Cores for 3-Core Cables/of Core of Inner Sheath
for Single-Core Cables Unarmoured Cables Armoured Cables
[As per IS 10462 (Part 1)] Minimum
Nominal Minimum
Above Up to and Including
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
mm mm mm mm
– 10 10 16 1 08 1 08
10 15 12 20 14 14
15 20 14 22 1 56 1 56
20 25 16 25 18 18
25 30 18 30 22 22
30 40 20 35 26 26
40 50 24 40 30 30
50 60 28 45 34 34
60 70 32 50 38 38
70 80 36 55 42 42
80 ― 40 60 46 46

Table 5 Dimensions of Armour Round

Table 6 Dimension of Braiding Wire
Wires and Formed Wires
(Clause 20 2 2)
(Clause 20 2 1)
All dimensions in millimetres
All dimensions in millimetres
Calculated Diameter Nominal Diameter
Calculaled Diameter Nominal Nominal Diameter Under Braiding of Braiding Wire
Under Armour Thickness of Steel Wire (Ref IS 10462 (Part 1)
(Ref IS 10462 of Steel
(Part 1) Formed Wires Above Up to and
Above Up to and (1) (2) (3)
Including — 25 0 30
(1) (2) (3) (4) 25 — 0 45
— 13 — 1 40
13 25 08 1 60 NOTE — In case higher conductures is required higher sizes
25 40 08 2 00 may be used
40 55 08 2 50
55 70 08 3 15
70 — 08 4 00

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Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002

(Clause 22 2 1)
A-1 LOT A-2.2.1 These samples shall be taken at random In
In any consignment the cables of the same size order to ensure the randomness of selection procedure
manufactured under essentially similar conditions of given in IS 4905 may be followed
production shall be grouped together to constitute a lot A-3 From each of the drums selected, suitable lengths
of test samples shall be taken These test samples shall
A-2 SCALE OF SAMPLING be subjected to each of the acceptance tests (see 22.2)
A-2.1 Samples shall be taken and tested from each lot A test sample is called defective if it fails in any one
for ascertaining the conformity of the lot to the of the acceptance tests It the number of defectives is
requirements of the specification less than or equal to the corresponding permissible
number given in col 3 under A-2 2 the lot shall be
A-2.2 The number of samples to be selected shall be declared as conforming to the requirements of
as given below acceptance tests, otherwise not
No of Drums No of Drums to be Permissible No
in the lot Taken as Sample of Defectives
(1) (2) (3)
up to 25 3 0
26 to 50 5 0
51 to 100 8 0
101 to 300 13 1
301 and above 20 1

(Clauses 16 4 and 22 2)

B-1 A sample of cable shall be taken at least 300mm Alternatively, the needle may be inserted before the
from the end of factory length and a test voltage of test voltage is applied in which case the time interval
70 V ac 40 Hz to 60 Hz, with a series resistance of and current flow are determined from the instant the
225 Ω connected to the test circuit shall be applied voltage is switched on
between a power conduclor and the earth conductor
B-3 If the flow of current from any one core does not
B-2 A tault shall be created by means of 0 9 mm bare comply with the requirements specified under B-2
steel needle pushed through the outer sheath of the Two further tests on each of the three cores shall be
cable through the conducting elastomeric screen and carried out at approximately 150 mm and 300 mm
into the power conductor The leakage current shall respectively from the point of original measurement
be recorded and shall reach a value of not less than If each of these additional tests produces a current
125 mA within 10 ms from the instant the needle flow that complies with the requirements of B-2, the
makes contact with the power conductor and shall not cables shall be deemed to have satisfied the
fall below 125 mA within 200 ms from that instant requirements

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Required For Lab - Greater
Noida(info@poweroniclab.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country


BIS has the copyright of all its publications No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS This does not preclude the free use in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes type or grade designations
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments Standards are also reviewed
periodically a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up tor revision Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue and 'Standards Monthly Additions'

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No ET 09 (2837)

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No Date ot Issue Text Affected


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