Allen: Ntse (Stage-Ii) Test Series
Allen: Ntse (Stage-Ii) Test Series
Allen: Ntse (Stage-Ii) Test Series
1. Duration of Test is 120 Minutes and Questions Paper Contains 100 Questions. Total Marks are 100.
2. Answers are to be given on a separate OMR sheet.
4. Please follow the instructions given on the OMR sheet for marking the answers.
5. Mark your answers for questions 1–100 on the OMR sheet by darkening the circles.
6. Every correct answer will be awarded one mark. THERE IS NO NEGATIVE MARKING.
7. If you do not know the answer to any question, do not waste time on it and pass on to the next one. Time
permitting, you can come back to the questions, which you have left in the first instance and attempt them.
8. Since the time allotted for this question paper is very limited you should make the best use of it by not spending too
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Step IV : 14 18 39 48 76 45 63 96 112 121
Step V : 14 18 39 45 48 76 63 96 112 121
Step VI : 14 18 39 45 48 63 76 96 112 121
In figure 1 shown below, switches BDAC are
And Step VI is the last step for this input.
activated in turn, resulting in figure 2. One
1. What will be Step III for the following input ?
Input : 68 182 39 93 129 46 21 58
(1) 21 39 68 129 93 46 58 182
(2) 21 39 68 93 129 46 58 182
(3) 21 68 39 93 129 46 58 182
switch did not work and had no effect at all.
Which was that switch?
3 3
(4) None of these
2. Given below is the fifth step of an input. What 4 4
3. What will be the last step for the following input ? age of B in years ?
Input : 138 63 49 93 89 122 32 71 (1) 10 (2) 11 (3) 12 (4) 13
(1) 32 49 63 71 89 93 122 138
7. David gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a
(2) 32 49 71 63 89 93 122 138
building and rides up at the rate of 57 floors
(3) 32 49 63 71 93 89 122 138
per minute. At the same time, Albert gets on an
(4) None of these
elevator at the 51st floor of the same building
4. How many steps will be required for getting
and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per
the final output foe the following input ?
minute. If they continue travelling at these rates,
Input : 101 85 66 49 73 39 142 25 115 74
then at which floor will their paths cross?
(1) Five (2) Six
(1) 19 (2) 28 (3) 30 (4) 37
(3) Seven (4) Eight
he took one for himself the loot could be Republic day was celebrated on Wednesday.
divided into three equal parts. He ate up one On which day was Reshma born ?
1 (1) Sunday (2) Monday
apple, bagged of the remainder, hid them
separately and went back to sleep. The third (3) Tuesday (4) Friday
boy also awoke after sometime, did the same 14. Vinay met Rohit at the Taj Mahal in Agra on
25 December 1987, which was Friday. Vinay
and went back to sleep. In the morning, when
all woke up, and counted apples, they found
that the remaining apples again totaled 1 more
than could be divided into three equal parts.
How many apples did the boy steal ?
reminded Rohit that their first meeting was also
at the Taj Mahal in Agra on 6 January 1984. On
which day did they both meet on the first
occasion ?
(1) Sunday (2) Thursday
(1) 67 (2) 79
(3) Tuesday (4) Friday
(3) 85 (4) None of these
15. My friend and I went for dinner at Hotel Blue
9. You are visiting a place for the first time and
Fox on April 10, which was Sunday. I promised
are travelling in a bus. Suddenly you realise
to take her out after 3 months, but only on
that the driver is taking the bus to a lonely place
Sunday. On which day out of the following
with no right intentions. You would
dates could I take her out ?
(1) with the help of some other passengers, try
(1) 16 July (2) 19 July
to baffle the driver and take over the bus
(3) 10 July (4) 30 July
chemicals is impossible? (3) 9 times (4) 11 times
I. Using chemical Y and W together. Directions (Q.24 to Q.28) : Read the following
II. Using chemicals B and C together. information to answer the given questions:
III. Using chemicals W, X and Z together. A bag contains coins of four different
denominations, viz. 1 rupee, 50-paise, 25-paise
(1) I only (2) II only
(3) I and III only (4) I and II only
Which of the following can never be true?
I. If chemical C is used, chemical Z is added.
II. If chemical B is not used, chemical Y is
and 10-paise. There are as many 50-paise coins
as the value of 25-paise coins in rupees. The
value of 1-rupee coins is 5 times the value of
50-paise coins. The ratio of the number of
10-paise coins to that of 1-rupee coins is 4 : 3,
while the total number of coins in the bag is
added 325.
III. If chemical C is used, chemical W is added 24. How many 10-paise coins are there?
(1) I, II and III (2) II only (1) 25 (2) 50 (3) 75 (4) 100
(3) III only (4) I and II only 25. What is the value of 50-paise coins ?
(1) Rs. 10 (2) Rs. 15
20. Which of the following must be true?
(3) Rs. 20 (4) Rs. 30
I. If chemical C is used, chemical W must be
26. What is the ratio of 50-paise coins to 25-paise
II. If chemical Y is used, chemical B must be
32. 3, 4, 10, 33, 136, ? (3) p r s (4) d r n
(1) 240 (2) 430 (3) 685 (4) 820 42. Which is the code for the word NEAT ?
33. 9, 25, 46, 73, 107, ? (1) n d r s (2) n d r m
(1) 133 (2) 149 (3) 148 (4) 145 (3) m d r s (4) n r d p
23, 27, 43, 79, 143, ?
(1) 242 (2) 241
901, 785, 577, 325, 101, ?
(1) 24 (2) 48
(3) 240
(3) 63
(4) 243
(4) 1
Which is the code for the word TREAD ?
(1) s p d r m
(3) m s p r c
(2) s p r d n
(4) s p d r c
Out of a total of 120 musicians in a club, 5%
can play all the three instruments – guitar, violin
Directions : (Q.36 to Q.40) In each of the following and flute. It so happens that the number of
questions, there are two terms to the left of the sign :: musicians who can play any two and only two
which are related in some way. Obtain the same of the above instruments is 30. The number of
relationship between the term to the right of the sign musicians who can play the guitar alone is 40.
:: from one of the four alternatives given under it. What is the total number of those who can play
36. 35 : 91 : : 189 : ? violin alone or flute alone ?
(1) 30 (2) 38 (3) 44 (4) 45
(1) 250 (2) 289 (3) 315 (4) 341
45. Find the missing character in the following
37. 5 : 35 : : 7 : ?
figures –
(1) 11 (2) 56 (3) 77 (4) 105
1 2 4
38. India : Hockey : : Canada : ?
(1) Ice Hockey (2) Bull’s Fight 7 8 ?
9 6 5 6 8 4
(3) Kabbadi (4) Polo
(1) 15 (2) 13 (3) 11 (4) 16
39. Train : Yard : : Aeroplane : ?
46. If any two letters in the word PRISON have as
(1) Runway (2) Hangar many letters between them in the word as there
(3) Tin-Shed (4) Taj Mahal are in the English alphabet, they form an
40. TEN : Thirty-Nine : : NINE : ? alpha-pair. How many such alpha-pairs are
there in the word PRISON ?
(1) Fifty-Six (2) Sixty
(1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3
(3) Eighty-One (4) Ninty-Nine
4/10 Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 0999DPA411217142
47. Find the missing number in the given figure – But at the same time the subordinate is very
important for the current project which you
4 2 8 7 1 0 8 8
have undertaken. The subordinate wants
6 3 6 6 7 1 4 2 two-weeks' leave. What would you do ?
5 1 5 3 8 7 2 9 (1)Give him your support by assuring him that
his duty towards his father is more important
3 2 4 8 3 0 6 2 (2)Not empathies with the employee's situation
2 1 8 9 4 1 6 4 and ask him to stay
7 4 9 7 6 3 ? 5 (3)Get an extension for the project to be
submitted as the employee is very efficient
(1) 3 (2) 0 (3) 2 (4) 6
and you can't trust anyone else
48. Find the missing number in the given figure –
(4)Transfer the work to some other employee
9 8 4 of similar calibre
2 Directions (Q.53 to Q.55) : In each of the following
questions, two statements are given followed by three
2 6 ? or four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 7 (4) 9 have to take the given statements to be true even if
Directions (Q.49 & Q.50) : Read the following they seem to be at variance from the commonly
information to the answer the given questions : known facts and then decide which of the given
A, B, C and D are to be seated in a row. But C and D
cannot be together. Also, B cannot be at the third
56. The given problem consists of a question and
three statements I, II and III given below it. I. II. O
Read all the statements carefully and seek all
possible combinations which could be
sufficient for answering the question. In which O
year was Tarun born ?
I. Tarun is six years older than Robin.
II. Robin’s brother was born in 1982.
III. Tarun’s brother is two years younger than
(1) Only I
4 5 6
7 8 9
(1) A (2) B (3) E (4) F
58. On the basis of the following figures you have
to tell which number will come in place of ‘?’.
(1) (2)
3 4 ?
6 1 2 6 1 5
(3) (4)
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 6 (4) 4
61. 50 × 50 × 50 ×.....(where there are a hundred 65. Sara lives in a large city on the East Coast. Her
50's) is how many time 100 × 100 × 100 ×.... younger cousin Marlee lives in the Midwest in
(where there are fifty 100's) ? a small town with fewer than 1,000 residents.
Marlee has visited Sara several times during
(1) 25 × 25 × 25 ×...... (where there are fifty 25's)
the past five years. In the same period of time,
(2) 4 × 4 × 4 ×...... (where there are fifty 4's) Sara has visited Marlee only once.
(3) 2 × 2 × 2 ×...... (where there are fifty 2's) (1) Marlee likes Sara better than Sara likes
(4) None of these.
(2) Sara thinks small towns are boring.
62. There are nine coins that are identical in
(3) Sara is older than Marlee.
appearance. One weighs more than the others,
which have equal weight. With a balance scale (4) Marlee wants to move to the East Coast.
66. Four people witnessed a mugging. Each gave
to determine the coin that is heavier in only
two weighings, how many coins on each side a different description of the mugger. Which
of the balance scale would you weigh first ? description is probably right ?
(1) He was average height, thin and middle-
(1) 1 vs 1 (2) 2 vs 2
(3) 3 vs 3 (4) 4 vs 4
(2) He was tall, thin and middle-aged.
I left home at 3:00 pm and returned at 3:48 pm
The clock was rotated by 45°, so that when I
left, the hour-hand of a clock was pointing
along the southeast direction. In which direction
(3) He was tall, thin and young.
(4) He was tall, of average weight and middle-
A watch which gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes
would the hour-hand point when I returned?
was set right at 7 a.m. In the afternoon of the
(1) 15° East of South (2) 21º East of South same day, when the watch indicated quarter
(3) 63° South of East (4) 27° South of East past 4 o’clock, the true time is :
gardens. Mrs. Sanchez spends her free time (3) 58 min. past 3
reading and listening to classical music. Both
Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez like to cook.
(4) 2 min. past 4
(1) Mr. Sanchez enjoys planting and growing 11
vegetables. 68. A woman says, “If you reverse my own age,
(2) Mr. Sanchez does not like classical music. the figures represent my husband’s age. He is,
of course, senior to me and the difference
(3) Mrs. Sanchez cooks the vegetables that Mr.
between our ages is one-eleventh of their sum.”
Sanchez grows.
The woman’s age is –
(4) Mrs. Sanchez enjoys reading nineteenth
(1) 23 years (2) 34 years
century novels.
(3) 45 years (4) None of these.
9 9 8 8 9 9
5 4 5 3 5 4 5
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 8
71. What comes next after the top traffic light ?
E Off
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
Directions (Q.76 to Q.78) : In the following letter
series, some of the letters are missing which are given
E F G H in that order as one of the alternatives below it.
Choose the correct alternatie.
76. a_bbc_aab_cca_bbcc
(1) bacb (2) acba (3) abba (4) caba
(1) F (2) H (3) J (4) L
8/10 Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 0999DPA411217142
77. ba_cb_b_bab_ 84. Select the combination of numbers so that the
(1) acbb (2) bcaa (3) cabb (4) bacc letters arranged accordingly will form a
meaningful word:
78. x_xxyyx_xyyyxxy _yy_y
(1) yyyy (2) xxyx (3) yxyx (4) xxxx
1 2 3 4 5 6
Directions (Q.79 to Q.81) : The following questions
are based on the letters written along the figure given (1) 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5 (2) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3, 6
below. In each question, the relationship between the (3) 6, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (4) 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
two terms written to the left of (: :) is retained in the 85. If it is possible to make a meaningful word with
two terms to the right of it. Out of these four terms, the second, the fifth and the eighth letters of
one term is missing. Choose this term out of the given the word CARETAKER, which of the following
alternatives. will be the first letter of that word ? If no such
A C word can be made, give ‘X’ as the answer. If
more than one such words can be made, give
B ‘M’ as the answer.
AKJ : GNH : : EMD : ?
´ = Greater than;
W = Not less than;
¸ = Not equal to;
f = Equal to;
(1) CLB (2) CLD (3) AKB (4) EMF
80. AFHO : GBDM : : CHFM : ? + = Not greater than;
(3) GPLD (4) GBDM Find out the correct answer for each question.
82. If the English alphabet is written in the reverse 87. If x W y W z, it is not possible –
order, which will be the fifth letter to the left of (1) x f y ¸ z (2) x ¸ y + z
the ninth letter from the right ?
(3) x + y W z (4) x + y D z
(1) P (2) N (3) D (4) W
88. If x f y ´ z, it is possible –
83. If every alternative letter of English alphabet
from B onwards (including B) is written in lower (1) x ´ y D z (2) x f y + z
case (small letters) and the remaining letters are
capitalized, then how will the first month of the (3) x f y W z (4) x D y ¸ z
second half of the year be written ? 89. If x ¸ y D z, it is not possible –
(1) JuLy (2) AuGuSt (1) x ´ y + z (2) x ¸ y ´ z
(3) jUlY (4) AugUSt (3) x W y ¸ z (4) x + y + z
Direction (Q.91 to Q.95) : Refer to the following (1) I only (2) II only
data and answer the questions that follow.
(3) III only (4) I and II
In a parking lot there are six parking spaces in
a row, numbered 1 through 6 consecutively.
Directions (Q.96 to Q.100) : Some equal cubes are
Exactly five cars of five different colours - blue,
arranged in the form of a solid block as shown in the
green, red, silver, and tan - are to be parked in
the spaces, one car to a space, according to the below figure. All the visible sufaces of the block
following conditions. (except the bottom) are then painted.
(i) The red car must be parked in 3.
(ii) The blue car must be parked in a space
next to the space in which the tan car is
(iii) The green car cannot be parked in a space
next to the space in which the silver car is
91. The silver car could be parked in any of the
96. Find the total number of blocks ?
following spaces except:
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 5 (1) 72 (2) 74 (3) 76 (4) 78
92. If the green car is parked in 2, none of the cars
97. How many cubes do not have any of the faces
can be parked in :
painted ?
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5
93. If the tan car is parked in 1, how many (1) 27 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 12
acceptable parking arrangements are there for
98. How many cubes have one face painted ?
the five cars?
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (1) 27 (2) 24 (3) 30 (4) 20
94. If the tan car is parked in 2, which of the 99. How many cubes have only two faces
following must be true?
painted ?
I. The blue car is parked next to silver car.
(1) 0 (2) 16 (3) 20 (4) 24
II. The green car is parked in 6.
III. None of the cars is parked in 5. 100. How many cubes have only three faces