Charging System, Charging System: 2017 Chevrolet Suburban 5.3L Eng VIN C LT
Charging System, Charging System: 2017 Chevrolet Suburban 5.3L Eng VIN C LT
Charging System, Charging System: 2017 Chevrolet Suburban 5.3L Eng VIN C LT
Print Date: 06/09/2019
Charging System,Charging System
10% 11 Volts
For the alternator(generator) to charge properly several circuits must be correct. The alternator
case must be grounded to the Engine and minimum resistance between the ALT output and the
battery. The voltage regulator must be energized by the ignition system and sensing charging
Tech Notes
If the generator has field control circuit failure, the generator defaults to an output voltage of 13.8
volts. If you unplug the generator it should default to 13.8 volts if the generator and regulator are
working correctly.
The most common failures are shorted or open diodes. Notice how large one of the diode patterns
is in relation to the others this alternator needs work.
Alternator Ground Test
An alternator case not properly grounded will have negative voltage when charging.
Connect test leads:
Black=Alternator case
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KOER, fast idle, turn on headlights. Voltage should be below 100mv with high charging rate.
Alternator output can be measured using Verus and a suitable current Probe.
Before making any measurements, current Probe zero adjustment must be performed.
Set amp Probe to 10mv=1 amp, which is: 1V =100 amps.
Press > for Probe Auto Zero Info
Clamp current proble around the alternator output wire and run Engine at 1500 RPM.
Max alternator output is electrical load of vehicle plus current into battery.
A charged battery will not accept a high charge rate.
A sulfated battery will not accept a high rate of charge without voltage rising over 15.5V.
Increase alternator load by turning on blower, headlights and any electrical loads or;
Slightly discharge battery before testing (turn headlights on for 10 mins), or load battery with carbon
pile tester while running.
This allows voltage regulator to "full field" for max output for that system.
DC Voltage Test
F Terminal Test
Voltage Drop (resistance) between the ALT and battery can cause low charging, flaring
headlights,and overload of some electronics
Connect test leads:
Yellow=alternator output
Voltage Drop from the alternator to battery should be tested with about 20amps charging into the
Current flow into battery can be regulated with a load type battery tester or, Turn on headlights for 5
minutes before starting Engine.
Test immediately when started.curent flow can be higher when 1ST started, with a higher volt
drop.this will tell you if further testing is necessary.
Voltage should be below 200mv. Voltage drop is determined by current flow and total resistance.
Battery current sensor is a serviceable component that is connected to the negative battery cable at
the battery. Battery current sensor is a 3-wire hall effect current sensor. Battery current sensor
monitors battery current. It directly inputs to the BCM. It creates a 5 volt pulse width modulation
(PWM) signal of 128 Hz with a duty cycle of 0 -100 percent. Normal duty cycle is between 5 - 95
Tech Notes
Look for battery acid corrosion at the Battery Current Sensor and the connector.
DC Voltage Test
If voltage is out of Range or no voltage signal appears, turn Key off and disconnect Battery Current
Connect test leads:
Yellow=Supply Voltage (5 volts)
Black=known good ground
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Key on, voltage should be about 5 Volts.
If OK, turn Key off and reconnect Current sensor.
Connect test leads:
Yellow=Low Reference
Black=known good ground
Key on,voltage should be 0.10V or less.