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Cot Kra

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KRA 2 / Objective 4

Means of Verification Description of the MOV

Objectives Annotations
4. Worked with colleagues 
 Classroom observation The MOV presented were  (1st Quarter) The use of
to model and share tool (COT) classroom observation tool rating electrical wiring board,
effective techniques in  Lesson Plans/modified
 sheets and lesson plans that task sheet and
the management of DLLs showed the aim of the objective performance criteria
classroom structure to  Instructional materials indicated in the KRA. rubrics in a group
engage learners,  Performance tasks/test activity.
individually or in groups material(s)  (2nd Quarter) The use of
in meaningful  Others (Please specify electrical wiring board,
exploration, discovery and provide annotations) task sheet and
and hands-on activities performance criteria
within a range of physical rubrics in a group
learning environments. activity.
 (3rd Quarter) The use of
electrical wiring board,
task sheet and
performance criteria
rubrics in a group
 (4th Quarter) The use of
electrical wiring board,
task sheet and
performance criteria
rubrics in a group

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