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Data Structures and Algorithms Syllabus

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Academic Semester SUBJECT TITLE: No. of Hours No. of Weeks

Year 1 Semester
st Data Structures and Algorithms 72 Hours 18 Weeks
2019 – Theoretical Practical
2020 36 36
CORE SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: In this course, you will gain an understanding of concepts, algorithms and applications of data structures: stacks, queues, trees,
graphs, lists, tables and heaps, binary search trees and hash tables

CORE SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES(CILOs): At the end of the semester, the learners should be able to do the following:
Utilize and implement the following:
1. Stacks
2. Binary trees
3. Trees
4. Graphs
5. Lists
6. Tables
7. Binary search trees
8. Hash tables


Dates the topic, the DEVICES
learners are
expected to:
To understand
Presentation of the Smart TV
Week 1  Present Course Outline to learners the importance of 20 Mins. Oral Questioning
facilitator. Course Syllabus
the subject for
them as an IT
 Basic concepts and notations Understand the Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Problem Solving Process basic concepts the subject to the
o Properties of an Algorithm and notations in Learners. PowerPoint
o Addressing Methods the problem Presentation
o Mathematical Functions solving processes Lecture
o Complexity of Algorithms and the
properties of 2 Hours Oral Questioning
 Stacks The learners are Lecture/Presentation of 1 Hour and 30 Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Sequential Allocation expected to the subject to the Mins.
o Linked Representation understand how Learners. PowerPoint
o Application: Infix to Postfix to properly Presentation
Lab Activity
Form evaluate the 2.5 Hours
Week 2
Product Usability Lab Activity: The Desktop Unit
to achieve a learners are going to Eclipse IDE
better Product prepare a java program
User Interface implementing stacks.
 Advanced Topic on Stacks The learners are Lecture/Presentation of 1.5 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Multiple Stacks using One- expected to the subject to the
Dimensional Array demonstrate Learners. PowerPoint
o Memory Reallocation skills and Presentation
Strategy for Multiple Stacks competency in
using Garwick's implementing Desktop Unit
o Algorithm stacks in program Eclipse IDE
Week 3 Lab Activity
design. Lab Activity: The 2.5 Hours
learners are going to
prepare a java program
implementing stacks.

30 Mins. Oral Questioning

Lab Activity
1 Hour
 Queues Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Sequential Representation expected to learn the subject to the
o Linked Representation the most effective Learners. PowerPoint
o Circular Queues and appropriate Lab Activity Presentation
o Application: Topological Menu and 2 Hours
Sorting Navigation Desktop Unit
Week 4
Design for a Eclipse IDE
Product. Lab Activity: The
learners are going to
prepare a java program
implementing stacks.

PRELIM EXAM Written Major 2 Hours Major Examination

Week 5 Examinations Examination Paper

 Binary Trees Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV

o Definitions and Related expected to the subject to the
Concepts understand the Learners. PowerPoint
o Types of Binary Trees importance of Presentation
Week 6 o Binary Tree Traversals developing
Search Engine Desktop Unit
Optimization for Eclipse IDE
Marketing Lab Activity: The
Purposes. learners are going to
prepare a java program
Also, they implementing binary 2 Hours
expected to know trees. Oral Questioning
how to apply the
periodic table of
SEO to improve
their designing
 Trees Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Definitions and Related expected to the subject to the
Concepts understand the Learners. PowerPoint
o Algorithms for Tree importance of a Presentation
Operations good User 2 Hours
o Natural Correspondence: Interface Design Lab Activity Desktop Unit
Binary Tree Representation for a product Eclipse IDE
of Trees (Website, Lab Activity: The
Week 7
Application, etc.) learners are going to
and can use the prepare a java program
gained implementing trees.
knowledge in
developing and
improving their
own interface
 Trees Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Forest Traversal expected to the subject to the
o Sequential Representation of understand and Learners. PowerPoint
Forests appreciate the Presentation
principles and 2 Hours
Week 8
additional tips in Lab Activity Desktop Unit
making a unique, Eclipse IDE
appropriate, and Lab Activity: The
professional Logo learners are going to
Designs. prepare a java program
implementing trees.

 Trees Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV

o Arithmetic Tree expected to the subject to the
Representations understand and Learners. PowerPoint
o Applications: Trees and the appreciate the Presentation
Equivalence Problem principles and 2 Hours
tips in creating a Lab Activity Desktop Unit
professional and Eclipse IDE
appropriate Lab Activity: The
Week 9
Phone learners are going to
Application GUI prepare a java program
Design and they implementing trees.
are expected to
apply the gained
knowledge in
their own
MIDTERM EXAM Written Major 4 Hours Major Computer
Examination and Major Examination Desktop Unit
Week 10 Laboratory Activity
 Graphs Leaners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Definition and Related expected to the subject to the
Concepts understand the Learners. PowerPoint
o Representation of Graphs principles and Presentation
o Graph Traversals: DFS and theories of 2 Hours
Week 11 BFS Designing GUI for Desktop Unit
Games, and they Eclipse IDE
are expected to Lab Activity: The
know how to learners are going to
apply the gained prepare a java program
knowledge in implementing graphs.
planning and
developing their
own game GUI

Also, they are Oral Questioning

understand how Short Quiz
the HUD works
for Games, and
how to develop
HUD for a better
game experience.
 Graphs Leaners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Minimum Cost Spanning expected to the subject to the
Trees: Prim’s and Kruskal’s understand the Learners. PowerPoint
Algorithms steps in planning Lab Activity Presentation
o Shortest Path Problems: and preparing 2 Hours
Dijkstra’s and Floyd’s sketches in Desktop Unit
Week 12
Algorithms designing GUI for Eclipse IDE
Games, and also, Lab Activity: The
designing and learners are going to
developing game prepare a java program
assets. implementing graphs.

 Lists Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV

o Definitions and Related expected to show the subject to the
Concepts understanding Learners. PowerPoint
o Representation of Lists and skills in Lab Activity Presentation
Week 13 o Singly Linked Lists designing 2 Hours
o Circular Lists professional Desktop Unit
o Doubly-Linked Lists looking buttons, Eclipse IDE
dropdown Lab Activity: The
menus, and learners are going to
navigation bar. prepare a java program
implementing lists.

PREFINALS EXAM Major Examination- 4 Hours Major Smart TV

Laboratory Activity: Examination
Learners are to be given a PowerPoint
Week 14 task of creating a program Presentation
that implements graphs
and lists. Desktop Unit
Eclipse IDE
 Advanced Topics on Lists Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Application: Polynomial expected to show the subject to the
Arithmetic skills in Learners. PowerPoint
o Dynamic Storage preparing and Presentation
Lab Activity
Allocation(Sequential-Fit and creating charts as 2 Hours
Buddy System) part of planning a Desktop Unit
 Tables design proposal Eclipse IDE
o Definitions and Related and also, they are Lab Activity: The
Week 15
Concepts expected to show learners are going to
o Searching and Sequential skills in designing prepare a java program
Tables and creating implementing lists and
storyboard for a tables.
sample video
presentation as
 Binary Search Trees Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
o Binary Search Trees expected to the subject to the
o AVL Trees understand and Learners. PowerPoint
appreciate the Presentation
Week 16
proper way of
giving and Lab Activity Desktop Unit
accepting 2 Hours Eclipse IDE
criticism, and be Lab Activity: The
able to show learners are going to
professional skills prepare a java program
in applying the implementing binary
gained search trees.
knowledge in
their activities.
 Hash Table and Hashing Techniques Learners are Lecture/Presentation of 2 Hours Oral Questioning Smart TV
expected to be the subject to the
o Definitions and Related Portfolio
able to compile a Learners. PowerPoint
professional Presentation
o Simple Hashing Technique:
Prime Number Division Portfolio of their
design proposals, Desktop Unit
Week 17 Method
sketches, and Eclipse IDE
o Dynamic Hashing
flowcharts. Also, Lab Activity: The 2 Hours
included are their learners are going to
Final User prepare a java program
Interface Design implementing hash tables.
for their .product
FINALS EXAM Submission of all lab Document
Week 18 activities Compilation


1. Quizzes 1. Written Works

2. Major Examinations a. Activity Outputs 20%
3. Outputs b. Major Test 40%
c. Short Quiz 10%
2. Oral Task
a. Class Participation 20%
3. Activity
a. Extra-curricular Activities 10%

TOTAL – 100%


VP for Academic Affairs
Date: Date: Date:

CSB –AA Form 01-01-2018

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