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Course 4: The 2:7 Series

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The Navigators is an international Christian organization. Jesus Christ gave His followers the Great Commission to go and
make disciples (Matthew 28:19). The aim of The Navigators is to help fullfill that commission by multiplying laborers for
Christ in every nation.

NavPress is the publishing ministry of The Navigators. NavPress publications are tools to help Christians grow. Although
publications alone cannot make disciples or change lives, they can help believers learn biblical discipleship, and apply
what they learn to their lives and ministries.

© 1979 by The Navigators

Revised edition © 1988, 1994
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from NavPress,
P.O. Box 35001, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.
ISBN: 08910-91696

Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright © 1973,
1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Other versions quoted are
The Amplified New Testament (AMP), © The Lockman Foundation 1954, 1958, used by permission; The Modern
Language Bible: The Berkeley Version in Modern English (MLB), © 1945, 1959, 1969 by Zondervan Publishing House,
used by permission; the Jerusalem Bible (JB), © 1966, 1967, 1968 by Darton, Longman and Todd, Ltd., and Doubleday
and Co., Inc., used by permission; The Living Bible (LB), © 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, used by
permission; The New American Standard Bible (NASB), © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972,
1973, 1975, 1977; The New English Bible (NEB), © the Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the
Cambridge University Press, 1961, 1970, reprinted by permission; J. B. Phillips; The New Testament in Modern English,
Revised Edition (PH), © J. B. Philips, 1958, 1960, 1972, published by the Macmillian Company, New York, and Collins
Publishers, London, used by permission; the Revised Standard Version of the Bible (RSV), copyrighted 1946, 1952,
© 1971, 1973; the Good News Bible New Testament (GNB), © American Bible Society, 1966, 1971, 1976; Kenneth S.
Wuest: Wuest Word Studies from the Greek New Testament (WUEST), © 1942, 1947, 1952, 1954, by Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company; and the King James Version (KJV).

Printed in the United States of America

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 / 00 99 98 97 96 95

This course is designed to be used only by those who have sucessfully completed Growing
Strong in God’s Family and Courses 1-3 of The 2:7 Series.

Courses in The 2:7 Series should be led only by qualified leaders who have participated in
an instructor training seminar. Seminars are available to churches and individuals desiring
access to this discipleship curriculum. Information regarding training seminars may be
obtained from Church Discipleship Ministries, The Navigators, P.O. Box 6000, Colorado
Springs, CO 80934. The telephone number is (719)598-1212.

Comprehensive leaders guides have been prepared for those leading groups in The 2:7
Series. The leaders guides are availble only to those who have attended a training seminar.


Review the Goals of Course 3 7
Scripture Memory Instructions—Week One 8
The Topical Memory System in This Course 8
Scripture Memory Helps 9
TMS Subtopics Quizzes in Courses 4 and 5 10
The New Bible Reading Highlights Record 14
The Hand Illustration 17
Introduction to “Search the Scriptures” Bible Study 18
How to Do a Book Survey 18

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Two 22
A Periodic Spiritual Inventory 23
Bible Study—Book Survey of 1 Thessalonians 24
How to Use the “Search the Scriptures” Study Blank 26

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Three 31
Scripture Memory Quiz 32
How to Do Theme(s) and Conclusions 35
Five-Point Application 35
STS Chapter Analysis—1 Thessalonians 1 37

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Four 42
The Scripture Memory Quiz 43
The Pass-It-On Concept 46
Ministering One-to-One 46
STS Chapter Analysis—1 Thessalonians 2 49

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Five 54
How to Do Effective Follow-Up 54
Follow-Up Plan—Assurance of Salvation 58
Follow-Up Plan—Initial Bible Study 60
Bible Study—Assurance of Salvation 61

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Six 64
Scripture Memory Quiz 65
STS Chapter Analysis—1 Thessalonians 3 69

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Seven 73
Follow-Up Plan—Quiet Time 74
Individual Discipleship Record 75
Assimilating New Believers into the Church 76

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Eight 77
STS Chapter Analysis—1 Thessalonians 4 79

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Nine 83
STS Chapter Analysis—1 Thessalonians 5 85

Scripture Memory Quiz 90
How to Do a Book Summary 94
Bible Study—Book Summary of 1 Thessalonians 95

A Parable: Saving Lives 98
Ministering in Small Groups and Triads 99
Lessons Learned During Course 4 101
Keep On Growing and Ministering 102


Following page 103 you will find Follow-Up Plan Sheets, Future Scripture Memory sheets,
Prayer Sheets, Individual Discipleship Records, Relationship Evangelism Activities
Records, Bible Reading Highlights Records and Scripture Memory Verses. Any of these
pages may be reproduced without permission.

Completion Record
Ask others in your study group to check you on your completion of the requirements in this
course and have them initial and date each section.
Grow in Christlikeness, TMS D 1-12, memory verses:
“Love”—John 13:34-35
“Love”—1 John 3:18
“Humility”—Philippians 2:3-4
“Humility”—1 Peter 5:5-6
“Purity”—Ephesians 5:3
“Purity”—1 Peter 2:11
“Honesty”—Leviticus 19:11
“Honesty”—Acts 24:16
“Faith”—Hebrews 11:6
“Faith”—Romans 4:20-21
“Good Works”—Galatians 6:9-10
“Good Works”—Matthew 5:16
Quoted Grow in Christlikeness verses.
Reviewed all of Be Christ’s Disciple, C 1-12, for seven consecutive days.
Reviewed all of Proclaim Christ, B 1-12, for seven consecutive days.
Get 100 percent on one quiz (topics, references, and first two words
for Series A, B, C in the TMS).
Took the quiz (topics, references, and first two words for Series A through D
in the TMS).

Completed Bible Reading Highlights Record for two weeks,
meeting your own personal goal.

Session 2—Book survey of 1 Thessalonians (pages 24-25)
Session 3—1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (pages 37-40)
Session 4—1 Thessalonians 2:1-20 (pages 49-52)
Session 6—1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 (pages 69-72)
Session 8—1 Thessalonians 4:1-18 (pages 79-82)
Session 9—1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 (pages 85-88)
Session 10—Book summary of 1 Thessalonians (pages 95-96)

Maintained Activities Record for two people.
Read “A Parable: Saving Lives.” (pages 98-99)

Studied “Ministering One-to-One.” (pages 46-48)
Studied “How to Do Effective Follow-Up.” (pages 54-60)
Completed the Bible study “Assurance of Salvation.” (pages 61-63)
Role-played the “Quiet Time” follow-up plan. (page 74)
Read Individual Discipleship Record. (page 75)
Read “Assimilating New Believers into the Church.” (page 76)
Studied “Ministering in Small Groups and Triads.” (pages 99-101)
Completed one-to-one discipling requirement
(complete in either course 4 or course 5).

Studied The Hand Illustration. (page 17)
Completed and discussed “A Periodic Spiritual Inventory.” (pages 23)

Session 1
1. Discuss “Review the Goals of Course 3.”
2. Preview Course 4 by looking over the Completion Record.
3. Survey the “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week One” (page 8).
4. Discuss “The Topical Memory System in This Course” (pages 8-9).
5. Discuss “Scripture Memory Helps” (pages 9-10).
6. Discuss “TMS Subtopics Quizzes in Courses 4 and 5” (page 10).
7. Discuss “The New Bible Reading Highlights Record” (pages 14-16).
8. Discuss The Hand Illustration (page 17).
9. Read and discuss the information about “Search the Scriptures Bible study”
(pages 18-21).
10. Read the “Assignment for Session 2” (page 21).
11. Pray.

Review the Goals of Course 3

The goals of Course 3 were as follows:
1. To experience a more consistent and meaningful quiet time by
a. combining meaningful Bible reading and prayer.
b. succeeding in having regular quiet times during the course.
c. recording daily quiet time thoughts and how they impressed you on a Bible Reading
Highlights Record.
d. growing in your ability to share key quiet time thoughts with others.
2. To quote accurately the twelve passages of Be Christ’s Disciple.
3. To maintain the previous passages from Proclaim Christ and Live the New Life.
4. To become more effective in lifestyle evangelism by
a. participating in activities with non-Christians.
b. learning how to handle questions and problems.
c. discussing “How to Influence Your Relatives for Christ.”
d. sharing The Bridge Illustration or your testimony with a non-Christian.
e. praying regularly for non-Christian friends.
5. To learn how to be a skilled Bible study discussion leader.


6. To spend a half day in prayer.

7. To study the articles Born to Reproduce and Christlikeness.
8. To learn how to write five-point applications.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week One

In Course 4 you will continue to memorize A major purpose of these 2:7 courses is
the Topical Memory System. In Course 5 you to establish lifelong habits of growing in
will have the option of either memorizing six Christ though consistent intake of the Word.
to twelve passages in the Topical Memory As you are well aware, it takes discipline.
System, or memorizing verses you have Scripture memory is hard work. For the time
selected. We suggest that you complete the spent, however, it is one of the greatest
Topical Memory System verses soon after you investments you will ever make.
finish The 2:7 Series.

The Topical Memory System in This Course

In the first three courses of The 2:7 Series you learned passages in the Topical Memory
System from Series A, Live the New Life; B, Proclaim Christ; and C, Be Christ’s Disciple.
The two remaining series are D, Grow in Christlikeness; and E, Rely on God’s Resources.
During Course 4 you will memorize the following twelve passages:

D. Grow in Christlikeness
Love John 13:34-35 1 John 3:18
Humility Philippians 2:3-4 1 Peter 5:5-6
Purity Ephesians 5:3 1 Peter 2:11
Honesty Leviticus 19:11 Acts 24:16
Faith Hebrews 11:6 Romans 4:20-21
Good Works Galatians 6:9-10 Matthew 5:16

Christlikeness is God’s goal for every believer. But many of us have yielded to the pressures
to conform to this world by lowering ourselves to standards that are not scriptural. No won-
der our influence for Christ is often limited! Only as others see Jesus in us will they be
attracted to Him. Christlike character cannot, however, be tacked on the outside; it must
come from within.
As we meditate on Scripture and allow the Word to permeate our minds, it remains
there to influence our reactions and decisions, and to form Christian character. In Series D
you will learn twelve passages to help you focus attention on this process. Scripture mem-
ory can have a profound influence on one’s character.


Each week you will carry only one series of verses for daily review and will leave the other
two series of verses in your verse box. The series are A, B, and C. You will be memorizing
the D Series during this course.


There are several sources for choosing verses to memorize. Verses that impress you during
the Bible studies on 1 Thessalonians are a good place to start.
You may already have noted verses from messages, Bible studies, and quiet times that
you would like to learn. Also, there may be promises you are claiming, workshop portions,
or practical passages from Proverbs that you would like to memorize. Keep a running list of
verses you might like to memorize in the future. You will find a Future Scripture Memory
page in the back of this book. You may make photocopies if you wish.
Plan to make it a lifelong habit to lay up Scriptures in your heart and to review and
meditate on them. You will find it helpful in the future to review the Scripture memory
principles you have studied in The 2:7 Series (Course 1, pages 8-10).

I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.

—Psalm 40:8

Scripture Memory Helps

Memorizing Scripture can be fun! Here are some suggestions for making Scripture memory
more meaningful and enjoyable.

Try role-playing situations. Have two group members conduct a conversation in which one
of them expresses a particular need. The other person then uses memorized verses to help
meet that need.
Some examples: a person who doubts his salvation; someone who feels he is not
important enough for God to care about him; someone who feels his problems are unique
and impossible to deal with; someone who believes his sins are so great that God cannot
possibly accept him; or someone who is facing an important decision.

Share Testimonies
Share testimonies within your group about the benefits of Scripture memory. You can also
draw from outside sources, such as articles, messages, and other testimonies.

Use Visuals
Some people memorize better using visuals—putting motions to verses, drawing pictures,
and so on. Have fun experimenting with these ideas and others. Use variety in learning.
Share with one another what you have tried that works.

Pair Up
Pair up to encourage each other outside the class. Review over the phone. Spend extra time
going over the more difficult passages. Build each other up to be finishers. Some people
really struggle with Scripture memory.

Have Quizzes
Have quizzes together in your group. For instance, play a game of “name that verse.” After
someone quotes a few words, have another person finish the verse or give the reference.
You need to be aware of the different translations when you do this.

Pray over Verses

Pray together over verses that have been memorized.

Tape Record
Put verses on tape for use in your car, walkman, or in your home. Take advantage of any
spare moments to review the Word.

Meditate on Verses
Share with one another how you have meditated on Scripture through paraphrasing, cross-
referencing, and applying the Word to your life.
People learn in many different ways, and various factors contribute to a person’s learn-
ing style. Some of us are primarily auditory, while others are visual learners. Concentrate
on what helps you. Be creative. Encourage one another. Enjoy learning together as you
memorize the Word.

TMS Subtopics Quizzes in Courses 4 and 5

The TMS quizzes in Courses 4 and 5 are designed to help you sharpen your ability to recall
subtopics and to link them with their references. In each quiz you will write down the
subtopics, Scripture references, and only the first two words of each memory passage.
During Course 4 there are quizzes in Sessions 3, 4, 6, and 10. In Course 5 you will take two
For the quizzes in Course 4, you will have drawings of The Wheel and The Bridge
with blank lines for the subtopics, references, and first two words of each passage. You will
have only blank lines to fill in for Be Christ’s Disciple and, in Session 10, for Grow in
On pages 11-13 are samples of forms you will use for the quiz in Session 3. All of the
subtopics and references have been included. You may want to review these pages as part
of your preparation for the quizzes.

Scripture Memory Quiz





Romans 5:8

1 Peter 3:18



Romans 3:23 John 1:12

Isaiah 53:6 Romans 10:9-10


Romans 6:23 1 John 5:13

Hebrews 9:27 John 5:24


Ephesians 2:8-9

Titus 3:5



Matthew 6:33

Luke 9:23


1 John 2:15-16

Romans 12:2


1 Corinthians 15:58

Hebrews 12:3


Mark 10:45

2 Corinthians 4:5


Proverbs 3:9-10

2 Corinthians 9:6-7


Acts 1:8

Matthew 28:19-20

The New Bible Reading Highlights Record

The Bible Reading Highlights Record for Courses 4 and 5 has some added features that will
further strengthen your walk with God.
At the top of the Bible Reading Highlights Record, space is provided for “Prayer
Concerns” and “Thanksgiving” for the upcoming week. The “Requests” on your regular
Prayer Sheet are more long range. Here they are short term—the ones on your heart and
mind for this week. The purpose for writing them here is to serve as a reminder for the pre-
sent time. Under “Thanksgiving” you will write down things for which you are grateful this
You will note that instead of specific days on these sheets there is blank space for the
date. In Courses 4 and 5, you determine your rate of consistency in quiet time. Some may
want to continue with seven days each week, others with five. You decide before God the
number of days, then be accountable on the Completion Record for that amount for a two-
week period of time.
“My response to God” is an abbreviated written prayer based on the portion of
Scripture that impressed you that day.
The “Personal Journal” section on the back side of the Bible Reading Highlights
Record has been added to further help you keep track of how God is at work in your life. It
is primarily a spiritual diary. You may use it to record daily observations or you may want
to review the highlights of the past week and then write your entry. A journal is an excellent
tool for helping you see how God is dealing with you.
What you write in your “Personal Journal” can come from many sources—from your
daily time with the Lord, a reading program apart from your quiet time, from times of
reflection and evaluation, or from extended times alone with the Lord. Ideas can also come
from listening to messages, participating in seminars, or reading books.
The four new items are optional.


“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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The Hand Illustration

The Hand Illustration shows us practically how to have a working grasp of the Scriptures. It
has been estimated that we remember
● 5 percent of what we HEAR.
● 15 percent of what we READ.
● 35 percent of what we STUDY.

● 100 percent of what we MEMORIZE (if we consistently review it).

So a balanced intake of the Bible comes through hearing, reading, studying, and mem-
orizing. Then, as you meditate on the Scriptures during these four activities, they become
more personal and specific in helping you grow in Christlikeness.
Let’s look in more detail at these five methods of learning from the Bible.
1. Hearing the Word of God from godly pastors and teachers provides us with insight
from Bible study done by others. It also stimulates our own appetite for the
Scriptures. (Taking notes will increase your ability to retain what you hear.)
2. Reading the Bible gives us an overall picture of the Bible, and is also the foundation
of the daily quiet time.
3. Studying the Scriptures is more in-depth than reading. Bible study deepens our con-
victions. It requires greater time and effort, and results in increased Bible knowledge.
4. Memorizing God’s Word enables us to use the Sword of the Spirit to overcome
temptations, and to have verses readily available for ministering to both Christians
and non-Christians. Scripture memory stimulates meaningful meditation.
5. Meditation is the inward process that should accompany each of the other four
methods of Scripture intake. As we meditate on God’s Word we discover its trans-
forming power at work in us.
In preparation for Session 2 you will take a spiritual inventory using The Wheel and
The Hand. It is called “A Periodic Spiritual Inventory” and is on page 23. This is an excel-
lent exercise for you to do for yourself from time to time.

Introduction to “Search the Scriptures” Bible Study

During Growing Strong in God’s Family and in Courses 1-3 of The 2:7 Series, we studied
the Bible using a question-and-answer format. This topical approach enabled us to cover a
number of important subjects quickly. In Courses 4 and 5 you will begin a new, more
inductive approach to Bible study. With the topical approach, you worked on important
issues that someone else had previously digested and outlined for you. Now you will be
studying the text of God’s Word directly without preconceived ideas of what it says. You
will make observations, meditate on them, compare your assessments with what is said in
other portions of God’s Word, and draw some conclusions about what you have discovered.
Group discussion will provide opportunity for you to share the truths you have learned with
others. It will also aid you in listening to what they have found in God’s Word.
In the next two courses, you will be using a study process called “Search the Scrip-
tures.” As you use this method to study the book of 1 Thessalonians in this course, you will
take one week to complete the book survey, five weeks for analyzing each chapter, and one
week for the book summary. This is the approach we will use in studying 1 Thessalonians:


How to Do a Book Survey

A book survey gives you a sweeping overview of the entire book. The survey will help you
grasp the book as a whole before you analyze it chapter by chapter. On page 19 is an expla-
nation of the eight sections of the book survey, followed by a sample book survey from
1 Corinthians.

Much of the information necessary for a book survey can be found in the text of the Bible
itself. Therefore, you will want to do your own research before digging into reference mate-
rials. After completing your own research in the Bible, other background materials can be
found in the following sources:

1. Study Bibles
2. Bible dictionaries
3. Bible encyclopedias
4. Bible handbooks

Don’t avoid reference material.

Explanation of Eight Sections of “STS” Book Survey

1. Principal Personalities—The first category of study on the “STS” Book Survey Form is
Principle Personalities. Here we want to know who the main players are. Who is the
author? Who are the recipients? Who are the other prominent people in the book? How do
they relate to one another?

2. Historical Setting—We wish to discover what else was happening in the lives of the
principle personalities that might affect what was written. Were there other major events
taking place in this area when the book was written that would determine what was said or
how it was received?

3. Geography—How might the geographical surroundings influence what was written?

4. Purpose—Why was the book written? What was the writer trying to accomplish? Is the
purpose stated in the book?

5. Theme/Themes—What are the major emphases in the book?

6. Style—Does the author use illustrations or present logical arguments? Is his style per-
sonal or instructional?

7. Key Words—Repeated words and phrases may be helpful in understanding what the
author is trying to communicate. (You will do this exercise as part of the next week’s

8. Overview—Construct a tentative outline of the book. Consider the first draft to be a

“working outline” and therefore open to change as you gain new insights. When you have
studied the book chapter by chapter, you will probably want to restate the theme and revise
the outline. A sample “STS” Book Survey Form is included for 1 Corinthians.

“STS” Book Survey Form

1 Corinthians
Book:_____________________ Date: _________________

Paul, the author; Apollos and Peter,

1. Principal Personalities:_________________________________________________
fellow teachers of God’s Word; members of the church at

Paul first visited Corinth in AD 52 while on his

2. Historical Setting: ____________________________________________________
second missionary journey (Acts 18:1-16). He was joined later by
Silas and Timothy and resided in Corinth for 18 months. There
Paul met Priscilla and Aquila, fellow tentmakers, and founded a
church. This book was written about AD 57 from Ephesus.

Corinth was a very large and wealthy commercial center

3. Geography:__________________________________________________________
located on the Greek isthmus. It was a strategic link in an east-west trade
route of the Roman Empire. Its people were known as pleasure-seekers,
idolaters, immoral, and corrupt.

To answer questions sent in a letter to Paul by the

4. Purpose: ____________________________________________________________
Corinthians and to correct disorders in the church.

(1) Applying Christian principles to

5. Theme(s): ___________________________________________________________
problems in the church.
(2) Developing godly character as
individuals in the church.

Personal, pastoral, correctional with love.

6. Style: ______________________________________________________________

Christ, Spirit, body, wisdom, church, idols, idolatry.

7. Key Words:__________________________________________________________

I. Corrections for the Corinthian Church (1-10)

8. Overview:___________________________________________________________
A. Divisions (1-4)
1. Introduction /explanation of problem (1:1-17)
2. Clarification of gospel message (1:18–2:16)
3. Description of role of gospel messenger (3:1–4:21)
B. Moral and ethical issues (5-6)
1. Incest (5)
2. Taking fellow believers to court (6:1-11)
3. Sexual immorality (6:12-20)
C. Marriage (7)
D. Things offered to idols (8–10)
1. Rights explained (8–9)
2. Old Testament examples cited (10:1-13)
3. Principles applied (10:14-33)
E. Public worship (11)
1. Prayer (11:1-16)
2. Communion (11:17-34)
II. Instructions for Christian service (12–16)
A. Use of spiritual gifts (12–14)
1. Diversity and importance (12)
2. Proper attitude (13)
3. Prophecy compared with tongues (14:26-40)
4. Guidelines for public worship (14:26-40)
B. Importance of Resurrection (15 )
C. Parting words (16)


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Two” (page 22).
Memorize the passages on “Love,” John 13:34-35 and 1 John 3:18.
b. Review daily the passages of C, Be Christ’s Disciple, and the two new verses after
you learn them.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer. Use whatever optional items on the New Bible Reading Highlights
Record you find helpful.
3. Bible Study:
a. Reread the explanation for the book survey (page 19).
b. Complete the book survey using the form on pages 24-25.
4. Evangelism:
a. Come prepared to report on any evangelistic opportunities this week.
b. Come prepared to share progress you have made with people listed on your Activities
5. Other: Complete “A Periodic Spiritual Inventory” (page 23).
Session 2
1. Break into verse review groups and review the passages on “Love,” John 13:34-35 and
1 John 3:18.
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
4. Share progress you have made with people listed on your Activities Record.
5. Discuss “A Periodic Spiritual Inventory” (page 23).
6. Discuss the book survey of 1 Thessalonians (pages 24-25).
7. Discuss the “Search the Scriptures” study plan (pages 26-30).
8. Read the “Assignment for Session 3” (page 30).
9. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Two

About the Verses Your Weekly Plan
SERIES D: GROW IN CHRISTLIKENESS 1. Carry the Series C verses in your pack
The Christlike life is the only life that and review them daily. Leave the Series A
can bring glory to God and vitality to daily and B verses in your verse box.
living. Having Jesus Christ in our lives 2. Place John 13:34-35 and 1 John 3:18
makes us different and attracts the attention in the window of your pack. Keep the
of others who are searching for real answers unlearned Series D cards in your verse box.
to life’s problems. 3. Read the context of each passage as
TOPIC 1. LOVE you begin to memorize it. Think of its
Genuine love is rare. Real love is an meaning.
attribute of God, for “God is love” (1 John 4. Learn your first new passage on the
4:8). This love cannot be produced by our- first two days after your 2:7 Series class,
selves; it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. and the second passage on the next two
John 13:34-35—Jesus said the true days.
mark of His disciples is their love for one 5. After you have memorized your two
another. new passages, write them out or quote them
1 John 3:18—Love must express itself to someone before coming to class.
not only in words, but also in deeds. 6. Continue daily review of Series D
passages you have memorized.


A Periodic Spiritual Inventory

In Growing Strong in God’s Family you studied The Wheel Illustration, which represents
the balanced Christian life. Last session you saw that “the Word spoke” of The Wheel is
presented in more detail in The Hand Illustration. In this session, you will take a personal
inventory using both The Wheel and The Hand.
You may want to take this inventory occasionally to evaluate the balance in your spiri-
tual life.

1. How would you currently rate yourself on the following items, using a scale of one to
ten? (One is poor, ten is excellent.)


____ Christ as the center of my life ____ Hearing the Word
____ Obedience to Christ ____ Reading the Word
____ Intake of the Word ____ Studying the Word
____ Prayer ____ Memorizing the Word
____ Fellowship ____ Meditating on the Word
____ Witnessing

2. List the ways in which you are currently experiencing success in some of these eleven

3. List any adjustments you plan to make in some of these eleven areas.

“STS” Book Survey Form

1 Thessalonians
Book:_____________________ Date: _________________

1. Principal Personalities:_________________________________________________

2. Historical Setting: ____________________________________________________


3. Geography:__________________________________________________________

4. Purpose: ____________________________________________________________

5. Theme(s): ___________________________________________________________

6. Style: ______________________________________________________________

7. Key Words:__________________________________________________________

8. Overview:___________________________________________________________

Chapter Analysis
How to Use the “Search the Scriptures” Study Blank
When preparing the “Search the Scriptures” (STS) Bible study, you will begin with a pas-
sage description, then do a verse-by-verse meditation, followed by your theme and conclu-
sion. Keep alert for possible applications from any part of your study. The study process is
illustrated below.



The “STS” Bible study incorporates the Bible study principles of observation, interpre-
tation, and application that you have used previously in this course:
● Observation—What does it say?
● Interpretation—What does it mean?

● Application—How can I apply this to my life?

As you proceed through the study process described above, be aware of which principle
you are using. You will notice on the “STS” study blank that the first exercise in observa-
tion will be the passage description.


Read through the chapter several times to get a feel of the general message, then describe
the contents of the passage by summarizing, outlining, or rewriting the text. When writing
your passage description, do not attempt to analyze or interpret. Carefully observe what is
being said, not why.

One method of describing a passage is to summarize it. First, you should divide the passage
into paragraphs. The original text did not have paragraph divisions like we find in our
Bibles. Therefore, you may wish to divide the material in a different way. Chapter 1 of
1 Thessalonians could be divided in the following manner:
Paragraph 1—verses 1-5
Paragraph 2—verses 6-10
After determining the paragraph divisions, write a sentence or two summarizing the
content of each paragraph. Don’t worry if you omit significant details, you are just trying

to ascertain the general contents of the passage. Notice the example below for 1 Thes-
salonians 1:1-10.
Verses 1-5: After a word of greeting, Paul tells how thankful he is
for the quality of life of the Thessalonian believers.
Verses 6-10: In following Paul’s example, the Thessalonians became
an influence throughout Macedonia and Achaia.

A simple outline is another method of describing a passage. An outline divides a passage
into its natural paragraphs and then assigns titles to them. After you have titled the main
divisions, list as many sub-points under each of the main headings as you need to describe
its general contents. An outline for 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3 might look like this:

I. Greetings (verse 1)
II. Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians (verses 2-3)
A. Their work (verse 3)
B. Their labor (verse 3)
C. Their endurance (verse 3)

Rewrite the Passage

Another method of describing the passage is to rewrite it without the modifying phrases.
What you basically record are the subjects, verbs, and objects. A description of 1 Thes-
salonians 1:1-6 might look like this:
Grace to you (verse 1).
We give thanks to God for you (verses 2-4).
Our gospel came to you (verse 5).
You became imitators of us (verse 6).


Once you have completed a general study of the passage by describing it, you will want to
make an intense study of the details of the passage. The Bible study principles of observa-
tion, interpretation, correlation, and application will be applied to the study of individual
Work across the three columns of the “STS” blank horizontally, not vertically. The
objective is to meditate on important verses, not to record something about every verse in
every column. Select a verse you wish to meditate on, and list the verse number in the left
column. Then, take a concentrated look at the verse. Record on the blank your observa-
tions, questions, answers, cross-references, and any other notes or comments.


Questions and Answers

V Observation V (Interpretation)
1 A letter from 3 men who
__________________________________ 1 When were they in Thessalonica?
probably traveled together
__________________________________ _________________________________
2 Paul gives thanks for them
__________________________________ 2 What did Paul pray for them?
(denotes his personal concern)
__________________________________ (Eph. 1:17-21; 3:16-21)
3 Three parallel thoughts:
__________________________________ 3 What is faith? Trusting in
1. word of faith
__________________________________ God’s character and obeying
2. labor of love
__________________________________ Him.
3. steadfastness of hope
__________________________________ What is steadfastness of hope?
__________________________________ “Patient waiting for Christ,
__________________________________ enduring trials until He comes.”
__________________________________ _________________________________

Cr. Ref. and Linking Thought

V (Interpretation) Notes & Comments
1 Acts 17:1 After they visited
__________________________________ Maybe I should write Joe a
Amphipolis & Apollonia
__________________________________ follow-up letter.
2 1 Thes 5:18 Give thanks in every-
__________________________________ Do topical study on thanks-
__________________________________ giving.
3 2 Thes 3:5 Steadfastness of Christ
__________________________________ _________________________________
Heb 11:1 Faith is confident
__________________________________ Am I enduring under trials?
assurance of the
__________________________________ Am I focusing on Christ as my
unseen and future
__________________________________ hope?
__________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________

Proper observation is the foundation upon which good interpretation and application are
built. As you focus on a verse, record your observations in the appropriate column. One
observation from 1 Thessalonians 1:5 is that the impact of the gospel’s coming with power,
with the Holy Spirit, and with deep conviction is related to how Paul lived his life among
the Thessalonians.

The questions section takes considerable time and effort, but it is an excellent way to medi-
tate on God’s Word. Penetrating questions will aid you in interpreting the passage and in
discovering wonderful truths you had not seen before. Look at 1 Thessalonians 1:5 again.
Here are some possible questions to record:

● How did Paul and his companions live when they were with the Thessalonians?
● What is the relationship between the way we live our lives among people and the
impact of the gospel on their lives?

The Scriptures do not provide clear-cut answers for every issue, so be careful not to insist
on always finding one. Major on what God has plainly revealed. In many cases it is best to
write your questions without trying to answer them. And in some cases, a succeeding verse
or a cross-reference may answer your question.
In many cases, a question will stimulate further study in the Bible or in outside sources.
For example, 1 Corinthians 16:15 (KJV) speaks of men who have “addicted themselves to
the ministry of the saints.” The question, What are the characteristics of an addict? may
stimulate you to find an answer in a medical textbook. In most cases, however, you will
want to find as many answers as possible from the Bible itself.

The Bible is its own best commentary. The content of one passage clarifies and interprets
the content of another. Cross-references come from the book you are studying (internal
cross-references) and from elsewhere in the Scriptures (external cross-references).

Internal cross-references show the relationship of a verse to the paragraph, the chapter,
and the book in which it is found. They help preserve the context of the verse. External
cross-references show how the verse being studied relates to other verses in the Bible. It is
helpful to see how the same truth is treated in other books. Some of the most important
types of external cross-references are parallel, contrasting, and illustrative cross-references.
Parallel cross-references say virtually the same thing as the verse being studied but

often add additional facts. For example, 1 Thessalonians 2:12, “to live lives worthy of God,
who calls you into his kingdom and glory,” is similar to Ephesians 4:1, “As a prisoner for
the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” While the
content is similar, Ephesians 4:2-3 goes on to explain more fully how to live this way.
Contrasting cross-references are verses which seem to contradict the verse being con-
sidered. For example, 1 Thessalonians 5:14 says to “warn those who are idle,” while
2 Thessalonians 3:6 says to “keep away from every brother who is idle.” What is the differ-
ence? How can you do both? The new insight gained from the resolution of this seeming
contradiction is the benefit of this type of cross-reference.
Illustrative cross-references are historical events which clearly illustrate a principle
stated in Scripture. First Thessalonians 5:16 says we are to “be joyful always.” An illustra-
tion of this principle can be found in Acts 16:25 where we find Paul and Silas in prison for
preaching the gospel, and yet they are “praying and singing hymns of praise to God.”
In the space provided for linking thoughts, try to express what the cross-reference adds
to the verse being studied. How does the cross-reference alter or enhance your understand-
ing of the verse?
Try to locate your own cross-references first. These may be from verses you have mem-
orized or from a general knowledge of the Bible. If you need help in locating good refer-
ences, a number of sources of cross-references are available. Many Bibles print references
in the margins or in a concordance in the back of the Bible.

Notes and Comments

This column on the “STS” study form is provided for your own study emphasis. You may
wish to list implications, possible applications, illustrations, definitions, ideas for further
study, something you wish to share with a friend, etc.


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Memorize Philippians 2:3-4 and 1 Peter 5:5-6, the “Humility” passages.
b. Review the Series A passages daily, and the Series D passages as you learn them.
c. Prepare yourself for a quiz on A, B, and C in the TMS—topic, reference, and the first
two words of each verse.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Bible Study:
a. Study “How to Do Theme(s) and Conclusions” (page 35).
b. Review how to do a “Five-Point Application” (page 35).
c. Complete your own Bible study of 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. Complete the “STS”
Study Plan Form on pages 37-40. Do a Passage Description, Verse-by-Verse
Meditation, Theme, Conclusions, and Application.
4. Evangelism: Pray daily for those people you are seeking to reach for Christ. Time will
be allotted to pray for them in the group meeting.
Session 3
1. Break into verse review groups and review the passages on “Humility,” Philippians 2:3-4
and 1 Peter 5:5-6. (Work at getting anything signed that you can on your Completion
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Pray for people you are seeking to reach for Christ.
4. Take the quiz on the topics, references, and the first two words for Series A, B, and C of
the Topical Memory System.
5. Discuss “How to Do Theme(s) and Conclusions” (page 35).
6. Discuss the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10.
7. Read the “Assignment for Session 4” (page 41).
8. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Three

About the Verses voluntarily humble ourselves.
TOPIC 2. HUMILITY Your Weekly Plan
Although by nature we tend to be proud, 1. Carry the Series A and BWC verses in
we do have the ability to learn humility. your pack and review them daily. Leave the
Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and Series B and C verses in your verse box.
learn from me, for I am gentle and humble 2. Place Philippians 2:3-4 and 1 Peter
in heart, and you will find rest for your 5:5-6 in the window of your pack. Continue
souls” (Matthew 11:29). Humility is an out- to keep the Series D cards you have yet not
ward manifestation of an inner attitude. The learned in your verse box.
humble person realistically appraises his 3. Read the context of each verse before
gifts and abilities, and uses them for God’s you begin to memorize it.
glory. Pride produces tension, but humility 4. Learn your first new passage on the
frees us. first two days after your 2:7 Series class,
Philippians 2:3-4—The humble person and the second passage on the next two
will not selfishly compete with others, but days.
will look for ways to honor them. He will be 5. After you have memorized your two
involved with the interests of others as well passages, write them out or quote them to
as his own. someone before coming to class.
1 Peter 5:5-6—God opposes the proud, 6. Continue daily review of all the Series
for pride usurps God’s glory. God can send D verses you have memorized.
circumstances to bring us low, but we must


Scripture Memory Quiz





How to Do Theme(s) and Conclusions

By the time you arrive at the theme(s) and conclusions section, you will have done a con-
siderable amount of study. You will have described the passage, made observations, medi-
tated on several verses, and found some cross-references.
Before writing the theme, review your study again looking for the central idea of the
passage. Ask yourself, “What is the main message the author is trying to communicate?”
State this idea as clearly as possible to arrive at the theme of the passage.
If there are several paragraphs in the passage, first try stating the main idea in each
paragraph and then search for a central theme running through all of them.
After deciding on the theme of the passage, you will start drawing some conclusions
from the study. Review your observations, questions, and cross-references. Look for cause-
effect relationships and outstanding principles that you have observed. Make sure your con-
clusions can be substantiated from the passage and the cross-references that you recorded.
Here is one possible conclusion from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5:
Verse 3: Inward reality (faith, hope, love) produces
outward result.

Five-Point Application
In The 2:7 Series you have had many opportunities to apply God’s Word to specific areas of
your life. Review the material in Course 3 (pages 55-56) on how to write a five-point appli-
cation. Using this method, record how you intend to obey God in some area of your life.
Personal application is one of the main goals of Bible study. Extended study times
give the Holy Spirit greater opportunity to speak to you about His concerns for your life.

The Scriptures were not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives.
—D.L. Moody

Paul’s Gospel in Thessalonica (verses 1-5)

Theme(s): _____________________________________________________________
Paul’s Effective Ministry in Thessalonica (verses 6-10)

Prayer, preaching, and the demonstration of power are

three keys to communicating the gospel (verses 2,5).
An effective gospel ministry includes being imitators of some
and examples to others (verses 6-7).
Turning to God from idols is a work of faith, serving a living
God is a labor of love, and waiting for His Son is steadfastness of
hope (verses 3,9,10).

The truth of 1 Thessalonians 1:9 is to turn from idols and

Application: ___________________________________________________________
focus on Christ.
My need results from making money my idol. I hold on too tightly
to my paycheck and possessions and am selfish with how I spend what
God has given.
I will plan to draw up a budget this week and give at least 10%
to Christ’s work. I will also memorize 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10.
I will check myself by sharing my application with my roommate
and having him review my verses with me.

STS Chapter Analysis

Passage: _________________________________
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Date: _______________________
Passage Description: ____________________________________________________

Verse-by-Verse Meditation

Questions and Answers

V Observation V (Interpretation)
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Verse-by-Verse Meditation (continued)

Cross Reference and Linking Thought

V (Interpretation) Notes and Comments
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Theme(s): _____________________________________________________________


Application: ___________________________________________________________


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Four” (page 42).
Memorize verses on “Purity,” Ephesians 5:3 and 1 Peter 2:11.
b. Review daily Series B and the new passages after you learn them.
c. Prepare to take a quiz on the topics, references, and first two words for Series A, B,
and C of the Topical Memory System.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Bible Study: Complete the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20. Include theme(s),
conclusions, and application (pages 49-52).
4. Evangelism: Come prepared to report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
5. Discipling:
a. Read and mark “The Pass-It-On Concept” and “Ministering One-to-One,” pages
b. Begin praying for an individual whom you could help using the pass-it-on concept.
Session 4
1. Break into verse review groups and review the verses on “Purity,” Ephesians 5:3 and
1 Peter 2:11.
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
4. Take the quiz on the topics, references, and first two words for Series A, B, and C of the
Topical Memory System.
5. Discuss “The Pass-It-On Concept” and the “Ministering One-to-One” articles (pages
6. Discuss the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20.
7. Read the “Assignment for Session 5” (page 53).
8. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Four

About the Verses and C verses in your verse box.
TOPIC 3. PURITY 2. Place Ephesians 5:3 and 1 Peter 2:11
By the grace of God, every believer can in the window of your pack. Keep the
experience a lifestyle that is morally pure in unlearned Series D cards in your verse box.
both thought and action. 3. Read the context of each verse before
Ephesians 5:3—God’s standard is that you begin to memorize it.
believers in Christ should avoid all immoral- 4. Learn your first new verse on the first
ity because they are saints—people set apart two days after your 2:7 Series class, and the
for God. second verse on the next two days. Continue
1 Peter 2:11—Nothing saps spiritual to review both verses daily.
vitality as much as lusts of the flesh. We 5. After you have memorized your two
should not see how close we can come to new verses, write them out or quote them to
the brink of sin, but rather “avoid every kind someone before coming to class.
of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22). 6. Continue daily review of all the Series
D passages you have memorized.
Your Weekly Plan
1. Carry the Series B verses in your pack
and review them daily. Leave the Series A


Scripture Memory Quiz





The Pass-It-On Concept

One of the greatest joys in life is passing on to others what God has taught you. Natural,
effective ministry takes place when you sincerely and enthusiastically pass on to someone
else what you have learned and experienced. This idea is expressed in 1 John 1:3, “We pro-
claim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.
And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.”
To be healthy, a Christian needs to continue to develop in three dimensions: knowl-
edge, skills, and character. As you think about helping someone else in these areas, ask
yourself: What have I learned about Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Christian life? What
skills have I acquired in sharing my faith, leading Bible studies, and doing follow-up? How
has my life become more Christlike? What are my values and standards as a committed
People you are helping need both biblical principles and practical knowhow. There is
often a large gap between what people know and what they do. You have learned some
skills and acquired some tools that you could pass on to other Christians. Pray and be think-
ing about with whom you might share some of the things you have learned. You will want
to share in a natural way. Don’t be pushy. Don’t preach—but do pass it on. When you
observe the results of others becoming more Christlike and better equipped to serve Him,
you then realize this is truly one of the greatest investments of your time and energy.
In this course, you will help another Christian grow by sharing some tools and con-
cepts from The 2:7 Series. You may choose from several options as you meet with another
person a minimum of four times.
You can teach this person the discipline of a daily quiet time by walking him or her
through the three steps leading up to the use of the Bible Reading Highlights Record. A sec-
ond option would be to help the person memorize the five verses on Beginning with Christ,
teaching the principles of Scripture memorization. Third, you may use the booklet Lessons
on Assurance. This is a Bible study on the five assurance verses you have memorized. (Both
are available from NavPress or your local Christian bookstore.)
Start praying now about someone you could help in one of the above areas. If you
don’t have contacts, ask your pastor or someone else on the church staff for suggestions.

Ministering One-to-One
Good relationships between individuals are at the heart of effective ministry. Of course, the
most basic relationship is involvement with one other person. There are times when it is
impractical to organize a small group or triad—when an individual needs and wants help
immediately. The interaction can be for as little as one or two sessions, or may continue for
several months.
Waylon B. Moore, in his article “Why Make Disciples?” speaks clearly to the issue
of ministering one to one. Here are several of the reasons he lists for discipling people

1. Anyone in the local church can do individual discipling. He simply shares with another
what the Lord is doing in his life, and leads the other person in the steps he has already
2. Few people have the time or capacity to be intimately involved in the lives of a large
number of individuals. Anyone can make time for working with one person.
3. Individual discipling has the closeness of friendship and the precision of a teacher-
apprentice relationship.
4. The method of individual discipling is flexible in schedule and intensity. Training and
Bible study assignments can be paced according to individual needs. Spiritual growth is
thus more rapid and effective.
5. Exhortation, correction, and admonition can be quickly and easily given in individual
6. The needs of the disciple come to the surface in the privacy of individual ministry.


Some excellent guidelines for the one-to-one discipler are found in the booklet Man to
Man: How to Do Individual Disciplemaking, by Jack Griffin. Here is a summary of some of
his suggestions:

1. Make sure you are well prepared. Pray before spending one-to-one time with
someone, and organize yourself.
2. Remember that you can’t lead anyone further than you have gone. You cannot lay
solid foundations in someone else’s life with what are only sketchy outlines in your own.
3. You teach by the example of your life. The person who is ministering one-to-one
must be what he is trying to teach.
4. Tailor your help to meet the need of the individual. Every person is different. Don’t
try to pour them all in the same mold.
5. Repeat everything. “He tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time and
in such simple words!” (Isaiah 28:10, TLB). Make no apologies for repeating things.
6. In everything, show the person how. We are generally too long in telling people
what to do, and too short in showing them how.
7. Give achievable assignments. If you are shoveling everything you have at the per-
son you are individually following up, throw away your shovel. Get an eye-dropper or a
8. Take nothing for granted. Check and double-check his progress on past commit-
ments. “How have you been doing in your quiet times these last two weeks, Joe?”
9. Keep emphasizing the lordship of Christ. Jesus said, “Anyone who does not carry
his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27), and “Any of you who does
not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33).
10. Help the person establish his goals in life—the goals of knowing Christ and mak-
ing Him known.
11. Meet a person’s needs through the Scriptures.
12. Keep sharing with him the importance of the “basics”—God’s Word, prayer,

fellowship, witnessing, and keeping Christ at the center of everything. “For no one can lay
any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11).
13. Explain the 2 Timothy 2:2 principle—concentrating on faithful men who will be
able to teach others also. Teach him to give his life to a few, who in turn will multiply into
many. Keep sharing the vision of disciplemaking (Matthew 28:19-20).
14. Thank him for the fellowship. “Thanks, Nancy (or thanks, Joe), for the time with
you tonight. It’s been a real blessing for me.” Thank God for this time as well.
15. Remember Psalm 127:1: “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in
vain.” It is God who builds disciples. He is the Master Trainer.

STS Chapter Analysis

1 Thessalonians 2:1-20
Passage: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Passage Description: ____________________________________________________

Verse-by-Verse Meditation

Questions and Answers

V Observation V (Interpretation)
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Verse-by-Verse Meditation (continued)

Cross Reference and Linking Thought

V (Interpretation) Notes and Comments
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Theme(s): _____________________________________________________________


Application: ___________________________________________________________


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Five” (page 54).
Memorize verses on “Honesty,” Leviticus 19:11 and Acts 24:16.
b. Review daily Series C and the new D passages after you learn them.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Evangelism: Come prepared to share the progress you have made with people you are
seeking to befriend. (Look at Activities Record.)
4. Discipling:
a. Be praying and thinking about potential people for one-to-one discipling. Begin
using one of the pass-it-on concepts with them as soon as you sense God’s leading.
b. Read and mark “How to Do Effective Follow-Up,” pages 54-58.
c. Complete the “Spiritual Parenting” Bible study, page 56.
d. Complete the Bible study on “Assurance of Salvation,” pages 61-63.
Session 5
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the verses on “Honesty,” Leviticus 19:11 and
Acts 24:16.
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Share progress you have made with the people on your Activities Record.
4. Briefly share your thoughts on one-to-one discipling.
5. Discuss “How to Do Effective Follow-Up” (pages 54-58).
6. Observe the group leader role-playing a presentation of an “Assurance of Salvation” fol-
low-up plan (page 59).
7. Discuss the sample “Initial Bible Study” follow-up plan (page 60).
8. Discuss the Bible study “Assurance of Salvation” (pages 61-63).
9. Read the “Assignment for Session 6” (page 63).
10. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Five

About the Verses Your Weekly Plan
TOPIC 4. HONESTY 1. Carry the Series C verses in your pack
The rationales that “nothing is wrong and review them daily. Leave the Series A
unless you get caught” and “everybody’s and B verses in your verse box.
doing it” are often used to justify compromis- 2. Place Leviticus 19:11 and Acts 24:16
ing behavior patterns. But Christians must in the window of your pack.
resist the pressure to conform to standards 3. Learn your first new verse on the first
they know are not scriptural. two days after your 2:7 Series class, and the
Leviticus 19:11—Here God set forth for second verse on the next two days.
Moses His standard of honesty. 4. After you have memorized your new
Acts 24:16—Paul is an excellent exam- verses, write them out or quote them to
ple of a person with a strong resolve to someone before coming to class.
maintain a clear conscience. We need to be 5. Continue daily review of all the Series
honest and open with God and with people. D verses you have memorized.
A Christian must not disregard his con-
science or allow it to become calloused.

How to Do Effective Follow-Up

In Luke 15:10, Jesus said, “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.” It is an exciting time when someone comes to Christ!


Evangelism is exhilarating! Nothing in the ministry seems to equal the delight of helping a
child, a woman, a man, or a couple commit their life to Christ!
But, if the newly born-again person is to do well in the Christian life, immediate fol-
low-up is essential. In the Christian vocabulary, follow-up became a familiar word related
to the mass evangelism of Billy Graham and others. Counselors have been trained to help
inquirers commit their lives to Christ and to provide follow-up materials for the new believ-
ers. Then additional follow-up has been done by the counselors and churches.
Follow-up is biblical, though it is not a term used in the Scriptures. Paul clearly prac-
ticed the imperative of follow-up. An example is Acts 15:36, “Paul said to Barnabus, ‘Let
us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord
and see how they are doing.’”
Follow-up can be defined as spiritual pediatrics—dealing with the development and
care of a spiritual child.

When a person makes a commitment to Christ, it is often the result of many circumstances,
over a period of time, and the influence of several people. You may be the instrument the
Holy Spirit uses to lead someone to Christ, but we often reap because of the cultivation and
sowing of others. In John 4:38 we read Jesus’ words: “I sent you to reap what you have not
worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
Paul stated the truth in a similar way in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7—“I planted the seed,
Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is
anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”
You are learning principles and guidelines for follow-up so you can be a good spiritual
parent. Spiritual parenting is an exciting adventure, and you will enjoy learning more about
how to be effective in it.

In the physical realm, the birth of a child is only the beginning of parenthood. The responsi-
bility of the parent is to feed, protect, provide for, guide, and train the child. The goal is to
bring up that child to be a mature, responsible adult.
The same is true in the spiritual realm. Now spiritual babies have tremendous poten-
tial for a wonderful life and usefulness for the cause of Christ. If you are faithful in fol-
lowing up a new Christian, you are doing a good job of parenting. Without help, a person
can easily fall into a nominal Christian existence and be of little help, and even be a hin-
drance to the cause of Christ. It is the responsibility of a spiritual parent to help the new
Christian get a strong start.
Effective follow-up begins with a healthy spiritual birth. Then, the new believer needs
digestible food, protection from false teaching, and loving care. Training and correction,
encouragement and challenge, instruction and example all contribute toward good follow-up.

My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth

until Christ is formed in you.
—Galatians 4:19

Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many
fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge
you to imitate me.
—1 Corinthians 4:15-16


As a spiritual parent you are both mother and father to a young Christian. Study 1 Thes-
salonians 2:7-11, and list all the positive characteristics that Paul modeled in his spiritual
care for the Thessalonians. Then list some practical ways to express these characteristics to
a young Christian.


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According to 1 Thessalonians 2:12, what is the goal of spiritual parenthood?



There are a number of reasons why people fail to follow up new believers.

1. Being too busy

Caring for spiritual children takes time. You must make it a priority and plan for it in your

2. Feeling inadequate
You don’t have to be a seminary or Bible school graduate to help people significantly. Just
teach someone what you have already learned. Even a little time spent with a young
Christian can be an excellent investment. You must recognize that your adequacy comes
from Christ.

3. Not assuming parental responsibility

It is possible to get so excited about evangelism that follow-up is neglected. When a couple
has a baby, they are responsible to raise that child. The same is true for spiritual parents.

4. Not knowing how

Just as parents have to learn to raise their children, you must learn to raise your spiritual
children. Sometimes we can learn from others. Sometimes we learn by trial and error.
Don’t be afraid to try.

5. Not considering the worth of the individual

Many do not consider it significant to work with one individual. Some of the greatest
growth can take place in a person’s life on a one-to-one basis.

The early days of a new believer’s life are crucial ones. What do new believers need to
know and do in the early stages of their walk with God? They need to have an assurance of
their salvation. They must establish a daily relationship with God by learning to have a
quiet time. It is also helpful to begin studying the Bible with other believers and memorize
some basic passages that will set their minds on God throughout the day.
You will become familiar with all of these areas through The 2:7 Series except for the
Lessons on Assurance Bible study. You will complete part of this helpful follow-up tool on
pages 59-60.


Before you meet with a new believer it is important for you to prepare. A worksheet has
been included in this material to help you plan for your follow-up sessions. The worksheet
has two major sections: the goal and the process.

The Goal
Write a goal for each follow-up topic. Consider what you want to observe in the person’s
life as a result of the topic covered. For example, your goal for quiet time could be “to have
the new believer grasp the importance of daily Bible reading and prayer, in order to develop
a relationship with Christ; and to become established in this discipline.”

The Process
As you prepare your plans for follow-up, think through the following four steps:

Step 1: Tell Him Why

a. Motivate the person in the area you will be covering. Explain why the topic is
important to him and how it is going to help him in his Christian life.
b. Use a passage of Scripture to illustrate your point.
c. Use a personal example of how it helped you.
d. Use an illustration to make your point clear. Illustrations are good teaching tools for
helping a person get a grasp of or remember the topic.
e. Ask questions about the topic. Help him to discover for himself the importance of
the area you are going to teach him.

Step 2: Show Him How

a. Demonstrate it for him. Do it with him. Telling is not as good as showing. If you are
covering the quiet time, then have a quiet time with him.
b. Review it to insure that he knows what to do.
c. Limit what you cover. Don’t cover everything you know on the subject. Give him
bite-sized pieces over a number of sessions.

Step 3: Get Him Started

a. Give him an assignment. Make it simple and clear.
b. Set the example. Don’t expect him to do something you are not doing yourself.
Setting the example is one of the best teaching tools you can use.

Step 4: Keep Him Going

a. Check up on his assignments. There is a saying, “People do what you inspect, not
what you expect.” Set up a time when you can be accountable to one another in the
area you assigned him.
b. Gradually develop his skill in the area. Don’t give him everything on the topic at
one time. Go deeper into the topic over a period of time as he is ready to handle it.
c. List some additional ways to reinforce what you have taught him. One of the most
dynamic things you can do is to expose him to other people who are modeling the
Christian life and ministry. You can also assign or promote the following:
● Bible study

● Book or pamphlet

● Audio or video tape

● Conference, seminar, or workshop

One of the strongest ways to reinforce someone is to introduce him to someone who is very
strong in the areas you want to focus on. If the person first failed and later succeeded, the
impact is even greater.

Follow-Up Plan
Assurance of Salvation
TOPIC: _________________________________________________________________
GOAL: _________________________________________________________________






Follow-Up Plan
I nitial Bible Study
TOPIC: _________________________________________________________________
To introduce the new believer to the joys of Bible study
GOAL: __________________________________________________________________
and to help him discover how the Bible relates to developing his
relationship to God and others.

Question to ask: Why do you think studying the Bible is important?
—To protect against false teaching—To build a solid foundation in
the faith—To develop a deeper relationship with the Lord.
Scripture to Discuss: Psalm 19:7-11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Illustration of 2 Timothy 3:16 God’s Path
Personal Example: Tell him what the Teaching Training
Bible has meant to me.

The Re

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Step 2: SHOW HIM HOW Pat
Use “Lessons on Assurance” Bible study
—Briefly scan the study with him.
—Explain the importance of the first chapter —“Assurance of
S alvation.”
—Do the first couple of questions with him.


Assign him to complete the rest of the chapter.
Set up a date for the next meeting.


Complete the “Lessons on Assurance” Bible study.

Use the “Lessons on Christian living” Bible study.
Get him involved in a small-group Bible study at church, possibly a
new believers class.


One of the tools mentioned for the pass-it-on concept was the Bible study Lessons on
Assurance. The following is chapter 1 from the Bible study booklet Lessons on Assurance,
published by NavPress. The series of studies is an excellent follow-up tool to use with a
new believer.


Assurance of Salvation
And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He
who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
(1 John 5:11-12)

The five passages you will study in Lessons on Assurance will equip you for your first
encounters with the Enemy. His first approach is often to cast doubt on the work God has
done in your heart. Although you won’t hear his audible voice, he will whisper this in your
mind: “You don’t think you are saved and your sins forgiven just by believing and receiving
Christ? Surely that is not enough!”
What will your answer be? Your only hope of successfully resisting such an attack is
to resort to God’s Word. What does God say about the matter? That is the important thing
for you to know.
On the basis of this “testimony”—God’s written Word—you can be convinced you
have the Lord Jesus Christ, and with Him eternal life. You can thus overcome in this first
test of your faith. The attack may recur, but now you can meet it with the Word of God in
your heart.


Who gives eternal life?
Where is eternal life found?
Who has eternal life?
Who does not have eternal life?


1. What did John say in John 20:31 about why he wrote his gospel?


2. According to Romans 5:8, how has God shown that He loves you?
3. What results of man’s sinfulness are listed in Isaiah 59:2?

4. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Why do human efforts always fail to reach God?

5. In 1 Peter 3:18 how did Peter explain what God has done to bring men to Himself?

6. How did John say a person receives the gift of salvation in John 1:12?


7. According to John 5:24, what three things are the result of hearing and believing?
PRESENT _____________________________________________________________
FUTURE ______________________________________________________________
PAST _________________________________________________________________
8. What did Jesus promise His followers in John 10:27-29?
9. What takes place when a person becomes a Christian, as described in 2 Corinthians 5:17?
Which of the following changes have you experienced in your life?
(Check appropriate ones.)
_____ Inner peace _____ Desire to read the Bible
_____ New awareness of sin _____ Attitude changes
_____ Victory over sin _____ Sense of forgiveness
_____ New love for God _____ New concern for others




Meditate on 1 John 5:11-12 and consider how to apply it to your life.
How do you know that you have eternal life?
Now take a few moments to thank God for all He has given you in Jesus Christ.


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Six” (page 64).
Memorize the first verse on “Faith,” Hebrews 11:6.
b. Review daily Series A and the new verse after you learn it.
c. Prepare to take a quiz on the topics, references, and first two words for Series A, B,
and C of the Topical Memory System.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Bible Study: Complete the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 (pages 69-72).
4. Evangelism: Come prepared to report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
5. Discipling: Come prepared to discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
Session 6
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the first verse on “Faith,” Hebrews 11:6.
(Work on getting anything signed that you can on your Completion Record.)
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
4. Briefly discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
5. Take the quiz on the topics, references, and first two words of Series A, B, and C of the
Topical Memory System.
6. Discuss the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13.
7. Read the “Assignment for Session 7” (page 72).
8. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Six

About the Verse Your Weekly Plan
TOPIC 5. FAITH 1. Carry the Series A verses in your pack
A personal faith in Christ is the begin- and review them daily. Leave the Series B
ning of spiritual life for the believer. With and C verses in your verse box.
normal spiritual growth comes a stronger 2. Place Hebrews 11:6 in the window of
confidence in God and in His ability to work your pack.
on our behalf. The genuine faith described 3. Learn your new verse in the first three
in Hebrews 11:1 is produced in our life by days following your 2:7 Series class and
the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). review it daily for the rest of the week.
Hebrews 11:6—This verse tells us that it 4. After you have memorized your new
is in fact impossible to please God without verse, write it out or quote it to someone
exercising faith in Him. Since faith espe- before coming to the next session.
cially pleases God we must be certain we are 5. Continue daily review of all the Series
living each day “by faith, not by sight” D verses you have memorized.
(2 Corinthians 5:7).


STS Chapter Analysis

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Passage: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Passage Description: ____________________________________________________

Verse-by-Verse Meditation

Questions and Answers

V Observation V (Interpretation)
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Verse-by-Verse Meditation (continued)

Cross Reference and Linking Thought

V (Interpretation) Notes and Comments
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Theme(s): _____________________________________________________________


Application: ___________________________________________________________

Scripture Memory Quiz






1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Seven” (page 73).
Memorize the second passage on “Faith,” Romans 4:20-21.
b. Review daily Series B and the new verse after you learn it.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Evangelism: Come prepared to pray for people on your Evangelism Prayer List.
4. Discipling:
a. Come prepared to share what you are learning concerning one-to-one discipling.
b. Prepare the “Follow-Up Plan” on quiet time, page 74, and be ready to role-play the
plan with another person in your group.
Session 7
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the second passage on “Faith,” Romans
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Pray for those on your Evangelism Prayer List.
4. Discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
5. Role-play the follow-up plan for “Quiet Time.”
6. Discuss how to use the Individual Discipleship Record (page 75).
7. Discuss “Assimilating New Believers into the Church” (page 76).
8. Read the “Assignment for Session 8” (page 76).
9. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Seven

About the Verse
TOPIC 5. FAITH Your Weekly Plan
According to Hebrews 13:7, after we 1. Carry the Series B verses in your pack
have reflected on the fruitful lives of godly and review them daily. Leave the Series A
leaders, we should “imitate their faith.” We and C verses in your verse box.
can continue in the process of growing in 2. Place Romans 4:20-21 in the window
our faith. of your pack.
Romans 4:20-21—Abraham’s life illus- 3. Learn your new passage in the first
trates how the exercise of faith pleases God. three days following your 2:7 Series class
Abraham believed God in the face of human and review it daily for the rest of the week.
impossibility, and was honored as the father 4. After you have memorized your new
of faith. He proved God to be the God of the passage, write it out or quote it to someone
impossible. Our faith will also grow as we before coming to class.
steadfastly believe God’s Word, act on His 5. Continue daily review of all the Series
promises, and see Him work in our lives. D verses you have memorized.


Follow-Up Plan
Quiet Time
TOPIC: _________________________________________________________________
GOAL: __________________________________________________________________






Individual Discipleship Record

When you are doing follow-up of an individual, you may find it helpful to keep a record of
the material you cover. This is particularly important if you are doing follow-up with more
than one person.
One method you can use is an Individual Discipleship Record. The record can be used
for the following:
1. To record prayer concerns for the individual.
2. To plan the areas you want to cover during each time together.
3. To keep a diary of the time spent.
4. To keep track of the assignments given.
A sample is given below. A couple of blank forms are provided for you in the back of
the book.

Bill J ones
NAME: _______________________________ 555 -6219
PHONE NO: _____________________
Date What to Cover or Do Summary of Time Together Assignment
Feb. 8 Assurance of Covered assurance. Discussed Memorize 1 John
salvation 1 John 5:11-12. Seems to have 5 :13.
a good grasp on assurance.
Feb. 15 Quiet Time. Reviewed assurance. He memo- Read and mark a
Read & mark. rized 1 John 5:13. Covered chapter a day in
reading and marking. He John.
wants to play tennis.
Feb. 22 Quiet Time. S hared what we had read Continue to read
Respond back to and marked. Covered response and mark. Add
God in prayer. in prayer. Had good game of respond back.
Play tennis tennis.
Feb. 29 Lessons on Shared quiet times. He was Continue quiet
Assurance excited about the time in the time. Do first
Word. Introduced Lessons on chapter on assur-
Assurance. Struggling with ance of salvation.
relationship with boss—

Assimilating New Believers into the Church

What kind of procedure does your church have for assimilating new believers? Many
churches have new believer classes. This is a good way to introduce the young convert to
the church because the entire class is at the same level of spiritual growth. After that class
they can become a part of an existing Sunday school class or fellowship group. Excellent
tools to use for a new believers class are the Lessons on Assurance and Lessons on
Christian Living Bible studies (both of which are consolidated into one guide called
Growing in Christ, published by NavPress).
We also need to be sensitive to people’s backgrounds when trying to assimilate them
into a church body. If a person from a religious background trusts in Christ, you can
encourage him or her to become involved in a church fellowship immediately. However,
when someone from a secular background comes to Christ, you will need to be sensitive to
this. It may be necessary to do some personal Bible study together, as mentioned above,
before introducing him or her to a local church fellowship.


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Eight” (page 77).
Memorize the first passage on “Good Works,” Galatians 6:9-10.
b. Review daily Series C and the new passage after you learn it.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Bible Study: Complete the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18 (pages 79-82).
4. Evangelism: Come prepared to share together about people you are seeking to reach for
5. Discipling: Come prepared to discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
Session 8
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the first passage on “Good Works,” Galatians
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
4. Share what you see God doing with people on your Activities Record.
5. Discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
6. Discuss the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18.
7. Read the “Assignment for Session 9” (page 78).
8. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Eight

About the Verse Your Weekly Plan
TOPIC 6. GOOD WORKS 1. Carry the Series C verses in your pack
Paul taught in Ephesians 2:8-9 that good and review them daily. Leave the Series A
works will not save us, but in the tenth verse and B verses in your verse box.
of this chapter he noted their importance 2. Place Galatians 6:9-10 in the window
nonetheless: “For we are God’s workman- of your pack.
ship, created in Christ Jesus to do good 3. Learn your new passage in the first
works, which God prepared in advance for three days following your 2:7 Series class
us to do.” It is faith alone that saves, but the and review it daily for the rest of the week.
faith that saves is never alone. Good works 4. After you have memorized your new
result from genuine faith in Jesus Christ. passage, write it out or quote it to someone
Galatians 6:9-10—We should use every before you come to class.
opportunity to do good to others, especially 5. Continue daily review of all the Series
to fellow believers. D verses you have memorized.



1. Scripture Memory:
a. Study and complete “Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Nine” (page 83).
Memorize the second verse on “Good Works,” Matthew 5:16.
b. Review daily Series A, and Matthew 5:16.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Bible Study: Complete the Bible study of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 (pages 85-88).
4. Evangelism: Come prepared to report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
5. Discipling: Come prepared to discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.

STS Chapter Analysis

1 Thessalonians 4:1-18
Passage: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Passage Description: ____________________________________________________

Verse-by-Verse Meditation

Questions and Answers

V Observation V (Interpretation)
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Verse-by-Verse Meditation (continued)

Cross Reference and Linking Thought

V (Interpretation) Notes and Comments
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Theme(s): _____________________________________________________________


Application: ___________________________________________________________
Session 9
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the second verse on “Good Works,” Matthew
5:16. (Work at getting anything signed that you can on your completion Record.)
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
4. Discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
5. Discuss the Bible study for 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28.
6. Read the “Assignment for Session 10” (page 84).
7. Pray.

Scripture Memory Instructions—Week Nine

About the Verse and review them daily. Leave the Series B
TOPIC 6: GOOD WORKS and C verses in your verse box.
James wrote that it is by our works that 2. Place Matthew 5:16 in the window of
we prove our faith in Christ: “Faith by your pack.
itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is 3. Learn your new passage in the first
dead” (James 2:17). three days following your 2:7 Series class
Matthew 5:16—Jesus said the good and review it daily for the rest of the week.
works we do are like a light shining in dark- 4. After you have memorized your new
ness and they cause people to praise God. passage, write it out or quote it to someone
before coming to class.
Your Weekly Plan 5. Continue daily review of all the Series
1. Carry the Series A verses in your pack D verses you have memorized.



1. Scripture Memory:
a. Complete any remaining memory verses.
b. Review the Series D verses daily.
c. Come prepared to quote the twelve Grow in Christlikeness passages you have learned
in this course.
d. Prepare to take a quiz on the topics, references, and first two words for Series A, B,
C, and D of the Topical Memory System.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Bible Study:
a. Read “How to Do a Book Summary,” page 94.
b. Complete the book summary of 1 Thessalonians (pages 95-96).
4. Evangelism: Come prepared to report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
5. Discipling: Come prepared to briefly discuss your progress with your one-to-one

STS Chapter Analysis

1 Thessalonians 5:1-28
Passage: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Passage Description: ____________________________________________________

Verse-by-Verse Meditation

Questions and Answers

V Observation V (Interpretation)
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Verse-by-Verse Meditation (continued)

Cross Reference and Linking Thought

V (Interpretation) Notes and Comments
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Session 10
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the twelve Grow in Christlikeness passages
you have learned in this course. (Work on getting anything signed that you can on your
Completion Record.)
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Report on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
4. Take the quiz on the topics, references, and the first two words for Series A, B, C, and D
of the Topical Memory System.
5. Discuss the book summary of 1 Thessalonians.
6. Read the “Assignment for Session 11” (page 97).
7. Pray.


Scripture Memory Quiz






How to Do a Book Summary

The purpose of a book summary is to enable you to review and consolidate the material you
have studied over an extended period of time.
The first step in the book summary is to reread the book several times, always at one
sitting. Since you are now well acquainted with the material, you should be able to read it
rapidly. Look for the movement of the book—the general thread that runs through it. Try to
get an overall view of the book.
Reviewing your passage descriptions will help you to see the general flow of the book.
From this review, write an outline of the whole book. After you have completed your out-
line, go back and compare this with the outline you did in the book survey.
Next, review your passage themes and major conclusions. Decide which themes are
most important and list them on the summary blank. Now do the same thing with your con-
clusions, choosing the most crucial ones and listing them on the blank.
Consider the book as a whole and give it a title. Try to keep your titles short and use
words that are descriptive of the book’s contents.
Finally, review your applications for each passage. Are there any applications you
have not completed yet? The purpose of reviewing applications is to help us respond in love
and obedience to God’s will for our lives.

“STS” Book Summary Form

1 Thessalonians
Book: __________________________________ Date: _______________________
Book Title:____________________________________________________________
Book Outline: _________________________________________________________

Major Theme(s): _______________________________________________________

Major Conclusions: _____________________________________________________
Applications: __________________________________________________________


1. Scripture Memory:
a. Complete any remaining memory verses.
b. Review the Series D verses daily.
c. Come prepared to quote the twelve Grow in Christlikeness passages you have learned
in this course.
2. Quiet Time: Continue your Bible reading, marking, recording, and responding back to
God in prayer.
3. Evangelism:
a. Come prepared to share on any evangelistic opportunities this past week.
b. Read and complete “A Parable: Saving Lives” (pages 98-99).
4. Discipling:
a. Come prepared to discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
b. Read and mark “Ministering in Small Groups and Triads” (pages 99-101).
5. Other:
a. Come prepared to share some of the major lessons you have learned during Course 4.
b. Read “Keep On Growing and Ministering” (page 102).
Session 11
1. Break into verse review groups and quote the twelve Grow in Christlikeness passages
you have learned in this course. (Work at getting any final items signed on your
Completion Record.)
2. Share from your Bible Reading Highlights Record.
3. Share any opportunities in evangelism this past week.
4. Discuss your progress with your one-to-one discipling.
5. Discuss “A Parable: Saving Lives” (pages 98-99).
6. Discuss “Ministering in Small Groups and Triads” (pages 99-101).
7. Share lessons learned during Course 4.
8. Briefly discuss “Keep On Growing and Ministering” (page 102).
9. Pray.

The following parable, as told by Charles Swindoll in his book Growing Strong in the
Seasons of Life, has a great deal to say about a church’s evangelism efforts. You will find it
interesting and challenging.

A Parable: Saving Lives

On a dangerous seacoast notorious for ship- in support of its objectives. New boats were pur-
wrecks, there was a crude little lifesaving sta- chased. New crews were trained. The station
tion. Actually, the station was merely a hut with that was once obscure and crude and virtually
only one boat...but the few devoted members insignificant began to grow. Some of its mem-
kept a constant watch over the turbulent sea. bers were unhappy that the hut was so unattrac-
With little thought for themselves, they would tive and poorly equipped. They felt a more com-
go out day and night tirelessly searching for fortable place should be provided. Emergency
those in danger as well as the lost. Many, many cots were replaced with lovely furniture. Rough,
lives were saved by this brave band of men who hand-made equipment was discarded and
faithfully worked as a team in and out of the sophisticated, classy systems were installed. The
lifesaving station. By and by, it became a hut, of course, had to be torn down to make
famous place. room for all the additional equipment, furniture,
Some of those who had been saved as well systems, and appointments. By its completion,
as others along the seacoast wanted to become the lifesaving station had become a popular
associated with this little station. They were gathering place, and its objectives had begun to
willing to give their time and energy and money shift. It was now used as sort of a clubhouse, an


attractive building for public gathering. Saving to stop the club’s lifesaving activities and all
lives, feeding the hungry, strengthening the fear- involvements with shipwreck victims . . . . (“it’s
ful, and calming the disturbed rarely occurred too unpleasant, it’s a hindrance to our social life,
by now. it’s opening the door to folks who are not our
Fewer members were now interested in kind”). As you’d expect, some still insisted upon
braving the sea on lifesaving missions, so they saving lives, that this was their primary objec-
hired professional lifeboat crews to do this tive—that their only reason for existence was
work. The original goal of the station wasn’t ministering to anyone needing help regardless of
altogether forgotten, however. The lifesaving their club’s beauty or size or decorations. They
motifs still prevailed in the club’s decorations. were voted down and told if they wanted to save
In fact, there was a liturgical lifeboat preserved the lives of various kinds of people who were
in the Room of Sweet Memories with soft, indi- shipwrecked in those waters, they could begin
rect lighting, which helped hide the layer of dust their own lifesaving station down the coast!
upon the once-used vessel. They did.
About this time a large ship was wrecked off As years passed, the new station experi-
the coast and the boat crews brought in loads of enced the same old changes. It evolved into
cold, wet, half-drowned people. They were dirty, another club . . . and yet another lifesaving sta-
some terribly sick and lonely. Others were black tion was begun. History continued to repeat
and “different” from the majority of the club itself . . . and if you visit that coast today you’ll
members. The beautiful new club suddenly find a large number of exclusive, impressive
became messy and cluttered. A special commit- clubs along the shoreline owned and operated by
tee saw to it that a shower house was immedi- slick professionals who have lost all involve-
ately built outside and away from the club so ment with the saving of lives.
victims of shipwreck could be cleaned up before Shipwrecks still occur in those waters, but
coming inside. now, most of the victims are not saved. Every
At the next meeting there were strong words day they drown at sea, and so few seem to care
and angry feelings, which resulted in a division . . . so very few.
among the members. Most of the people wanted Do you?

What can keep a church from following the pattern of this parable?

Ministering in Small Groups and Triads


For years churches have incorporated small-group Bible studies into their ministries. More
recently other types of small groups have arisen with specialty emphases. The effectiveness
of small groups for developing people in discipleship has now been well substantiated.
During The 2:7 Series you have been exposed to a great deal of small-group material.
By the time you have completed The 2:7 Series you will have had a good deal of experience
in both participating in and leading small groups.
100 SESSION 11

Waylon B. Moore, in his article, “Why Make Disciples?” gives us practical insights
into the value of small groups. He lists twelve reasons for group discipling, some of which
are given below.

1. Group ministry is the method most often used in the local church, so people feel at
ease with it and expect its methodology.
2. The group method allows people to participate without feeling put on the spot. Some
people are not ready for one-to-one discipling.
3. A variety of teaching methods can be used in the group setting.
4. Bible study is highly stimulating as different members discuss together their research
and application.
5. Momentum can grow in groups. A spirit of adventure and unity can eventually moti-
vate those who are less eager at first.
6. Giving general correction and exhortation in a group is more subtle than directly con-
fronting individuals.
7. A group counseling effect can result from people becoming interested in and praying
for the needs of others.
8. Groups are effective channels for funneling people into a more intensive one-to-one
relationship and training time.
9. The Holy Spirit can use the background and experiences of a number of people to
teach each member of the group.
10. The spiritual gifts of all the members can collectively provide strength and ministry to
the group.

The goal of a triad is to help each participant become more Christlike through accountabil-
ity and intimacy with two other friends of the same gender. These three individuals fellow-
ship together around the Word and prayer in an atmosphere of encouragement, trust, and
stimulation. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend
themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
A number of churches are using triads to stimulate fellowship and discipleship in their
congregation. Dr. Joe Aldrich in his book, Life-Style Evangelism, relates his experience as a
“At Mariners Church, where I served as pastor, we had dozens of groups of men meet-
ing weekly to share their life in Christ together. Much healing took place as these men
shared (1) the Word and prayer, (2) their schedules, and (3) their relationships. Meeting in
supportive groups of three or four, they became catalysts to one another’s spiritual growth
as they held each other accountable in specific areas of their lives. Important schedule items
(critical appointments, decisions, etc.) were shared as prayer requests. Relationship con-
cerns were communicated regularly. For example, it was not unusual to set aside ten to fif-
teen minutes for personal consideration of our wives’ social, emotional, mental, physical,
and spiritual needs. Having written down needs in each area, the men would identify the
two or three most urgent needs and share their plans to meet them that week. Held account-
able to follow through, the men did so, and found growth was the happy result.
SESSION 11 101

“Accountability is an important key to growth. In reality, it’s the key to Weight-

Watchers. Their scales, diets, and exercises are probably not superior to any other weight
loss clinic. It’s a regular group session which includes a weigh-in that gets the weight off.
Accountability is so often missing. Where it is present, growth inevitably follows. Wives
would come to me and say, ‘Joe, I don’t know what’s going on in those groups, but keep it
up!’ Simply stated, the men were learning how to love each other, and the skills are trans-
ferable! It is doubtful such learning could take place Sunday morning, no matter how elo-
quent the pastor may be.”
Here are a few specific suggestions you might like to consider if you ever help organ-
ize triads:

1. Make the Word of God and prayer foundational. Insure that the Word is a major
part of your time together. Allow time for prayer in each meeting.
2. Assign one person to lead your informal meeting each week. The leadership may
be handled by one person, or you may rotate the responsibility.
3. Affirm one another and resolutely keep confidences.
4. Set two to four goals for which you will be accountable to the other two people. It
is important for each person to have a goal for evangelistic outreach. This keeps
the group vital and dynamic.
5. Evaluate after several meetings whether you want to continue. Remember that
developing relationships takes lots of time and work. Be sure to give your triad
adequate time to succeed.
6. Multiply your triad. If one in your group drops out for some reason, replace that
person. If you have to move, consider starting a triad in your new location.

A triad can help develop meaningful friendships. For some people these warm, per-
sonal relationships may not develop through any other means. This setting can provide an
atmosphere for healing and restoration or be a prelude and/or supplement to other disciple-
making activities in the church.

Lessons Learned During Course 4

What lessons have you learned during Course 4? For example, how have you grown in
evangelism, “STS” study, discipling, Scripture memory, devotional life, or follow-up skills?
List several below.
102 SESSION 11

Keep On Growing and Ministering


You have completed the second unit of The Ministering Disciple, Course 4. You are to be
commended for your faithfulness and diligence in finishing Growing Strong in God’s
Family and four courses in The 2:7 Series. Your Christian walk has been strengthened and
enriched in Course 4 by the following:

● Continuing in quiet time.

● Learning twelve passages on Grow in Christlikeness.

● Reviewing Series A, B, C, and D in the Topical Memory System.

● Beginning a list of future Scripture memory verses.

● Learning different ways to enhance Scripture memory review.

● Conducting a spiritual inventory using The Wheel and The Hand.

● Learning “Search the Scripture” Bible study techniques and completing a study of

1 Thessalonians.

Your Christian ministry has been challenged and enriched by:

● Continuing to build relationships with non-Christians and sharing the gospel with
● Discipling others using tools and concepts found in The 2:7 Series.

● Studying ways to disciple others through small groups, triads, and one-to-one

● Learning how to follow up new Christians.


In Course 5 you will

● do a book study of Philippians as well as lead a Bible study discussion.

● learn how to lead an evangelistic Bible study.
● learn how to be a lifelong laborer for Christ.

● spend a half day in prayer together as a group.

● discover new insights into being a more effective discussion group leader.

● learn about spiritual gifts.

46-47 Waylon B. Moore, “Why Make Disciples?” Discipleship Journal,
issue six (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1981), page 19. Moore
adapted the article from his book, Multiplying Disciples: The New
Testament Method for Church Growth (NavPress, 1981).

48 Jack Griffin, Man to Man: How to Do Individual Disciplemaking

(Sydney South, Australia: The Navigators, 1981), pages 11-17.

98-99 Charles R. Swindoll, “A Parable: Saving Lives,” in Growing

Strong in the Seasons of Life (Portland, OR: Multnomah Press,
1983), pages 98-99. Used by permission.

100 Moore, page 19.

100-102 Joseph C. Aldrich, Life-Style Evangelism (Portland, OR:

Multnomah Press, 1981), page 119. Used by permission.


Follow-Up Plan
TOPIC: _________________________________________________________________
GOAL: _________________________________________________________________






Follow-Up Plan
TOPIC: _________________________________________________________________
GOAL: _________________________________________________________________






Future Scripture Memory

Reference Thought or Topic Reference Thought or Topic

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Future Scripture Memory

Reference Thought or Topic Reference Thought or Topic

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Prayer Sheet


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Prayer Sheet


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Prayer Sheet


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Prayer Sheet


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Individual Discipleship Record

NAME: _______________________________ PHONE NO: _____________________

Date What to Cover or Do Summary of Time Together Assignment


Individual Discipleship Record

NAME: _______________________________ PHONE NO: _____________________

Date What to Cover or Do Summary of Time Together Assignment


Individual Discipleship Record

NAME: _______________________________ PHONE NO: _____________________

Date What to Cover or Do Summary of Time Together Assignment


Individual Discipleship Record

NAME: _______________________________ PHONE NO: _____________________

Date What to Cover or Do Summary of Time Together Assignment


RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM Name: ________________________________

(my friend or acquaintance)
ACTIVITIES RECORD Address: ______________________________
“We loved you so much that we were delighted
to share with you not only the gospel of God but
our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8 Phone: Home___________________________

Dates: From ____________ To ____________ Work ___________________________

Fun/recreation Mutual interests Discuss part or all of
the Gospel.
Serve him/her. Let him/her serve me.

Do something with Share part or all of Other

another Christian. my testimony.

DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM Name: ________________________________

(my friend or acquaintance)
ACTIVITIES RECORD Address: ______________________________
“We loved you so much that we were delighted
to share with you not only the gospel of God but
our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8 Phone: Home___________________________

Dates: From ____________ To ____________ Work ___________________________

Fun/recreation Mutual interests Discuss part or all of
the Gospel.
Serve him/her. Let him/her serve me.

Do something with Share part or all of Other

another Christian. my testimony.

DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM Name: ________________________________

(my friend or acquaintance)
ACTIVITIES RECORD Address: ______________________________
“We loved you so much that we were delighted
to share with you not only the gospel of God but
our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8 Phone: Home___________________________

Dates: From ____________ To ____________ Work ___________________________

Fun/recreation Mutual interests Discuss part or all of
the Gospel.
Serve him/her. Let him/her serve me.

Do something with Share part or all of Other

another Christian. my testimony.

DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM Name: ________________________________

(my friend or acquaintance)
ACTIVITIES RECORD Address: ______________________________
“We loved you so much that we were delighted
to share with you not only the gospel of God but
our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8 Phone: Home___________________________

Dates: From ____________ To ____________ Work ___________________________

Fun/recreation Mutual interests Discuss part or all of
the Gospel.
Serve him/her. Let him/her serve me.

Do something with Share part or all of Other

another Christian. my testimony.

DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)


DATE ACTIVITIES (planned or completed) RESULTS (or lessons I learned)



“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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“Happy are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, be wise, and do not refuse it. Happy is the man
listening to me, watching daily at my gates, keeping watch at my doorposts.”
—Proverbs 8:32-34, MLB


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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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Date:__________ All I read today ____________ Date:___________ All I read today____________

Best thing I marked today: Reference: _________ Best thing I marked today: Reference: __________
Thought:_________________________________ Thought: _________________________________
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How it impressed me: ______________________ How it impressed me: _______________________
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My response to God: _______________________ My response to God:________________________
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