Anti Fungi Cos
Anti Fungi Cos
Anti Fungi Cos
Clinical Pharmacology
DOI: 10.1002/jcph.772
at a High-Complexity Hospital
The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with the use of systemic antifungal drugs in
patients hospitalized at a high-complexity hospital. In addition, factors associated with ADRs were investigated. This cross-sectional retrospective study
involved the investigation of 183 medical records of patients receiving systemic antifungal therapy. Antifungal drugs were classified using the fourth
level of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical System. ADR causality was classified using the Naranjo algorithm. Drug interactions were assessed
using DRUG-REAX software. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and univariate and multivariate logistic regression. A total of 53 patients
(29.0%) had at least 1 ADR involving antifungals. Ninety-six ADRs were detected. The main ADRs observed were an infusion reaction in 24 patients
(25.0%), hypokalemia in 22 (22.9%), nephrotoxicity in 18 (18.7%), and hepatotoxicity in 15 (15.6%). Amphotericin B and voriconazole were associated
with ADRs of major clinical impact. Eleven of the ADRs (11.4%) were related to drug interactions. The following 3 factors were contributors to the
multivariate model for the occurrence of ADRs caused by antifungal drug use: neoplasm diagnosis (odds ratio [OR], 3.9; 1.9–7.9), length of hospital
stay (OR, 2.2; 1.1–4.5), and the use of ࣙ13 drugs (OR, 3.4; 1.6–7.2). Our study revealed positive associations between the occurrence of ADRs and
diagnosis of a neoplasm, the length of stay, and the use of multiple drugs concomitant with antifungals. These risk factors should be considered in
antifungal stewardship, among other actions, to promote the rational use of antifungal agents.
antifungal therapy, antifungal agents, adverse drug reaction, drug interaction, drug utilization
Invasive fungal diseases are associated with high rates transplant units.2,5 Antifungal drugs are associated
of morbidity and mortality, particularly for hospi- with important drug interactions; however, there is little
talized patients.1–3 The incidence and prevalence of knowledge about the negative clinical consequences of
these diseases remain important nosocomial problems, these interactions. It is important to know more about
particularly affecting high-risk patients in intensive care the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) induced by new
and those with severe hematological and oncological systemic antifungal drugs, as well as about the safety
conditions.1,2 profiles of the different amphotericin B formulations in
The use of systemic antifungal drugs is essential for different clinical practice settings.6–8
the prevention and treatment of these invasive fungal The aim of this study was to determine the frequency
diseases. Over the last decade, new antifungal drugs of ADRs associated with the use of systemic antifun-
have been introduced in clinical practice.3 Different gal drugs in patients admitted to a high-complexity
antifungal drugs have different spectra of action, mech-
anisms of action, clinical efficacy, tolerability, routes
of administration, potential drug–drug interactions,
1 Hospital
safety profiles, and costs.2,3 Appropriate use of these das Clı́nicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo
Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
novel agents has important implications for patient 2 Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo
care and for health care–associated infection control.3 Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Inappropriate use of antifungal agents may result in
Submitted for publication 12 April 2016; accepted 14 May 2016.
adverse events, unnecessary exposure, higher costs, and
increased microbial resistance.1–4 Corresponding Author:
Adriano Max Moreira Reis, PhD, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade
Investigations of the safety of antifungal agent use
Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627 Pampulha, Belo
in hospitals are rare and are restricted to oncology Horizonte, MG, Brasil 31270–901
and hematology settings and hematopoietic stem cell Email:
2 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 0 No 0 2016
hospital. Factors associated with ADRs were also in- or hepatotoxic were identified by searches of the rele-
vestigated. vant specialized literature.9–12
To identify ADRs related to the use of antifun-
Methods gals that occurred during patient hospitalization, we
analyzed drug prescriptions, laboratory tests, nursing
Study Design and Setting
notes, and clinical evolution. The data collected from
This cross-sectional, retrospective study was developed
the medical records were complemented by information
at a public teaching hospital in southeastern Brazil.
accessed from the hospital’s computerized system of
This hospital has approximately 500 beds and pro-
pathology and laboratory medicine. Causality of ADRs
vides tertiary care, encompassing infectious diseases,
was verified by employing the Naranjo algorithm.13
hematology, oncology, pediatrics, neonatology, and
ADRs classified as doubtful by the Naranjo algorithm
hematopoietic stem cell and solid organ transplanta-
were not included in the study. ADR severity was
tion, among other specialties. This study was approved
classified as follows: (1) mild, with no need for any
by the university’s institutional review board. The sign-
therapy; (2) moderate, requiring a change of drug, with
ing of informed consent forms was waived, as the study
a need for specific treatment; (3) severe, involving a
was retrospective and did not involve subjecting the
potentially life-threatening event leading to prolonged
patients to any procedures.
hospitalization or a shift to a high level of care and
possible morbidity or death.14
Patients In ADR analysis, the following definitions were
Patients of all ages who were treated at the investigated adopted:
hospital during the period from January to December Nephrotoxicity—a serum creatinine level 1.5 to 2
2013 with a length of stay of more than 5 days and who times higher than that observed prior to the initiation
received systemic antifungal treatment for more than of treatment or an increase of 0.3 mg/dL in the absolute
24 hours were included in this study. For patients with serum creatinine level over the 48 hours of treatment.
multiple hospitalizations with antifungal use, only the These parameters were based on the classification of the
first treatment of the year was included in the study. Acute Kidney Injury Network to define acute kidney
Over a period of 12 months, 347 medical records for injury.15
patients using antifungals were identified in the com- Hepatotoxicity—increases in the levels of alanine
puterized physician order entry system of the hospital. aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and al-
This number was used for the sample size calculation. kaline phosphatase to 5 times those observed before
The prospective estimation of sample size based on treatment or to 3 times the upper limit of the reference
a confidence interval of 95%, a margin of error of examination performed before treatment.16
0.05, and an ADR prevalence of 50% was 183 patient Hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia—a plasma elec-
records. The sample size calculation was performed trolyte level below the lower limit of the laboratory test.
using the OpenEpi version 2.0 program. Infusion reaction—included when the ADR regis-
tered in the medical records or in the nursing notes or
Data Collection the description of symptoms was consistent with an
Data related to the clinical evolution and pharma- infusion-related reaction to an antifungal agent (fever,
cotherapy of the patients were collected using a data shaking, chills, nausea, vomiting, and uncontrolled
collection form developed specifically for this study. The blood pressure).9
patients’ medical records were the main information Potential drug interactions were detected using
sources. A retrospective review of the medical records DRUG-REAX software (Micromedex Truven Health
was performed to collect relevant data, including pa- Analytics).17 Only those drug interactions that were
tient characteristics, main diagnoses, length of hospi- contraindicated or serious or moderate in severity were
tal stay, fungal diseases, prescribed antifungal drugs, included in the study. Patients with ADRs that were
fungal agents and their sites of infection, laboratory related to drug interactions were identified.
findings, concomitant medications used, and clinical
changes before and after drug treatment. Statistical Analysis
Treatment episodes were defined as the continued The response variable in this study was the occurrence
use of a systemic antifungal agent during hospitaliza- of an ADR. The explanatory variables were as follows:
tion and the antifungal drug used; the dose and route the patients’ demographic characteristics (sex), clini-
of administration were also considered. We recorded cal conditions (diagnosis and comorbidities), pharma-
all episodes of antifungal treatment prescribed to the cotherapeutic characteristics (duration of use of the
patients. Drugs used concomitantly with antifungal antifungal agent, number of drugs used simultaneously
agents were recorded, and those that were nephrotoxic with the antifungal agent, and use of nephrotoxic or
Souza et al 3
hepatotoxic drugs), and length of hospital stay and Table 1. Frequencies of Adverse Drug Reactions Stratified by Antifungal
outcome of hospitalization (discharge or death). Drugs
Descriptive analysis was performed by determining Number Number Percentage
the absolute and percent frequencies for categorical of of (ADR to
variables, and measurements of central tendency (mean Antifungal Exposures ADR ADRsa Exposure)
and median) and dispersion (standard deviation and Amphotericin B 36 Infusion reaction 12 33.3
interquartile range) were calculated for quantitative deoxycholate
variables. Analysis of the normality of quantitative Hypokalemia 16 44.4
variables was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk and Nephrotoxicity 10 27.8
Hypomagnesemia 05 13.9
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Univariate analyses for
Cutaneous 01 2.7
comparisons between the response variable and quan- reactions
titative explanatory variables were performed using the Amphotericin 19 Infusion reaction 07 36.8
Student t test when the usual model assumptions (nor- lipid complex
mality and homoscedasticity) were met. Categorical Hypokalemia 03 15.8
Nephrotoxicity 04 21.0
explanatory variables were compared with the variable
Hypomagnesemia 03 15.8
responses by performing Pearson’s chi-square test or Liposomal 19 Infusion reaction 03 15.8
Fisher’s exact test. A 95% confidence interval and sig- amphotericin B
nificance level of .05 were used. The length of hospital Hypokalemia 03 15.8
stay, concomitant medications used with the antifungal Nephrotoxicity 01 5.3
Hypomagnesemia 02 10.5
drugs, and length of antifungal use were categorized by
Hepatotoxicity 01 5.3
the median as qualitative variables, but these variables Fluconazole 170 Hepatotoxicity 08 4.7
were also analyzed by logistic regression as continuous Sleepiness 01 0.6
variables. Nephrotoxicity 02 1.2
We performed forward stepwise logistic regression Bleeding 01 0.6
Oversedation 01 0.6
analysis. The explanatory variables with a P ࣘ .25,
Voriconazole 43 Hepatotoxicity 05 11.6
as determined by univariate analyses, were included in Cardiotoxicity 01 2.3
the logistic regression model, along with the variables Blurred vision 01 2.3
considered clinically relevant. Only the variables that Cutaneous reaction 01 2.3
maintained a P < .05 were included in the final model. Nephrotoxicity 01 2.3
Caspofungin 09 Infusion reaction 01 11.1
The goodness of fit of the final model was assessed by
Hepatotoxicity 01 11.1
the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Statistical analyses were Micafungin 14 Infusion reaction 01 7.1
performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences Anidulafungin 04 No ADR – –
software (SPSS) version 21. Ketoconazole 03 No ADR – –
Itraconazole 03 No ADR – –
More than 1 ADR occurred per patient.
A total of 183 patients who received systemic antifungal
therapy and met the established criteria were included antifungal is shown in Table 1. The profile of the 96
in the study. Of these patients, 105 (57.4%) were male, ADRs shows that amphotericin B deoxycholate was
13 were newborns or infants, and 33 were pediatric the most frequently involved antifungal, with 44 ADRs
patients (between 1 and 18 years of age). The median (45.8%); followed by amphotericin B lipid complex,
age was 43 years, with a minimum of 5 days and with 17 ADRs (17.7%); fluconazole, with 13 ADRs
maximum of 85 years. (13.6%): liposomal amphotericin B, with 10 ADRs
Among the 183 patients included in this study, the (10.4%); and voriconazole, with 9 ADRs (9.4%). The
most frequent diagnoses according to the ICD-10 were remaining antifungals were associated with 3 ADRs
as follows: neoplasms in 73 patients (39.9%); infectious (3.1%). Considering the number of exposures and the
and parasitic diseases in 30 (16.4%); diseases of the number of patients exposed to each antifungal agent,
blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders the frequency of ADRs associated with fluconazole
involving the immune system in 11 (6.0%); and diseases use was low, but those associated with amphotericin
of the digestive system in 11 (6.0%). B deoxycholate and amphotericin B lipid complex use
A total of 53 patients (29.0%) experienced at least were high (Table 1).
1 ADR. In addition, 96 ADRs were related to an- With regard to the causality between the antifungal
tifungal use. Among the analyzed antifungals, only agent used and the ADR, as determined using the
anidulafungin, ketoconazole, and itraconazole did not Naranjo algorithm, causalities for 63 ADRs (65.6%)
cause an ADR. The number of exposures to each were classified as possible, those for 28 (29.2%) were
4 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 0 No 0 2016
Table 2. Profile of Adverse Drug Reactions Associated With Antifungal interact with ondansetron, prednisone, sulfamethoxa-
Use Identified in 183 Patients zole + trimethoprim, and tramadol.
Adverse Drug Reaction Antifungal Drug Involved na % Analysis of the patients’ clinical histories showed
that 11 of the 96 ADRs (11.4%) were related to drug
Amphotericin B deoxycholate
interactions. Nephrotoxicity and hypokalemia were the
Amphotericin B lipid complex
Infusion reaction Liposomal Amphotericin B 24 25.0 ADRs mostly frequently involved in drug interactions.
Caspofungin Table 3 shows the drug interactions and resulting
Micafungin ADRs.
Amphotericin B deoxycholate The variables with a P < .25 as determined by
Hypokalemia Amphotericin B lipid complex 22 22.9
univariate analyses were included in the logistic re-
Liposomal amphotericin B
Amphotericin B deoxycholate gression model, as shown in Table 4. Multivariate
Amphotericin B lipid complex analysis revealed that the diagnosis of a neoplasm was
Nephrotoxicity Liposomal amphotericin B 18 18.7 associated with ADR occurrence (OR, 3.9; 95%CI, 1.9–
Voriconazole 7.9), in addition to hospitalization for more than 41
days (OR, 2.2; 95%CI, 1.1–4.5). Among the factors
Hepatotoxicity Voriconazole 15 15.6 associated with pharmacotherapy, only the number of
Caspofungin drugs administered concomitantly with the antifungal
Liposomal amphotericin B agent remained in the final logistic regression model
Amphotericin B deoxycholate (OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 1.6–7.2). We chose the model with
Hypomagnesemia Amphotericin B lipid complex 10 10.4
concomitant drug use and length of antifungal use as
Liposomal amphotericin B
Sleepiness Fluconazole 01 1.0 categorical variables because it had a better Nagelk-
Cardiotoxicity Voriconazole 01 1.0 erke R-squared value than the model with continuous
Bleeding Fluconazole 01 1.0 variables.
Cutaneous reaction Amphotericin B deoxycholate 02 2.1
Blurred vision Voriconazole 01 1.0
Oversedation Fluconazole 01 1.0
Total 96 100.0
In this study, an ADR related to antifungal use occurred
More than 1 ADR occurred per patient.
in approximately 30.0% of the patients, and positive
associations between ADR occurrence and neoplasm
classified as probable, and those for 5 (5.2%) were diagnosis and prolonged hospital stay were detected.
classified as definite. Based on the classifications of The number of concomitant medications used with
severity, the observed ADRs were determined to be of the antifungal agents was also found to be positively
clinical importance, with 3 classified as serious (3.1%), associated with ADR occurrence.
87 as moderate (90.6%), and 6 as mild (6.3%). Among National and international studies addressing the
the 53 patients who experienced an ADR, 24 (45.3%) safe use of antifungals in hospitals are scarce in the
had more than 1 ADR. The maximum number of literature and are restricted to oncology and hematol-
ADRs experienced by 1 patient was 5. The patients with ogy settings and to hematopoietic stem cell transplant
multiple ADRs were distributed as follows: 13 with 2 units.2,5 Methodological differences in the investiga-
ADRs (24.5%), 5 with 3 ADRs (9.4%), 4 with 4 ADRs tions, the analyzed antifungals, and patient complexity
(7.5%), and 2 with 5 ADRs (3.8%). would complicate any comparison of these results with
The ADR most frequently detected was an infu- those of our study. These differences also explain the
sion reaction in 24 patients (25.0%), followed by hy- ADR prevalence that has been reported.
pokalemia in 22 patients (22.9%), nephrotoxicity in 18 The ADR profile detected in the present study re-
(18.7%), and hepatotoxicity in 15 (15.6%). Table 2 lists flects current knowledge about the safety of systemic
the ADRs and antifungals involved. antifungals and the prevalence of adverse reactions in-
A total of 155 of the 183 patients (84.7%) were duced by amphotericin B deoxycholate, amphotericin B
exposed to at least 1 interaction between an antifun- lipid complex, and voriconazole.2,5,7,18–20 Observational
gal and another drug. A total of 96 combinations studies investigating the use of antifungal agents in
of 1 antifungal agent and 1 other drug were iden- different care settings contribute to clarification of the
tified that resulted in drug interactions. The number risk–benefit balance for these antimicrobials.
of drug interactions was 601. The antifungal agent The main ADR detected was an infusion reaction
that was most frequently involved in drug interactions related to administration, mainly involving ampho-
was fluconazole, corresponding with 480 interactions tericin. Similar to previous clinical trials, which have
(79.9%). Fluconazole was found to most frequently reported frequency of infusion reactions ranging from
Souza et al 5
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Drug–Drug Interaction (DDI) Potential DDI, n DDI-Related ADR, n %
Table 4. Univariate and Multivariate Analyses of Factors Associated With Adverse Drug Reactions
Female 19 59 0.7 (0.3–1.3) .237
Male 34 71 1 — —
Length of hospital stay
ࣙ41 Days 34 57 2.3 (1.2– 4.4) .013 2.2 (1.1–4.5) .03
<41 Days 19 73 1 1
Hospitalization outcome
Death 16 20 2.4 (1.1–5.1) .022
Discharge 37 110 1 — —
Admission diagnosis neoplasms
Yes 32 42 3.2 (1.6–6.2) .000 3.9 (1.9–7.9) < .001
No 21 88 1 1
Comorbidity liver disease
Yes 3 21 0.3 (0.09–1.1) .056
No 50 109 1 — —
Drug therapy hepatotoxic drug
Yes 50 113 2.5 (0.7–8.9) .145
No 03 17 1 — —
Concomitant drugs used with antifungalb
ࣙ13 37 56 3.1 (1.5–6.1) .001 3.4 (1.6–7.2) .001
<13 16 74 1 1
Length of antifungal useb
ࣙ9 Days 36 60 2.5 (1.2–4.8) .007
<9 Days 17 70 1 — —
34.0 to 51.0%,18 infusion reactions were common in the infusion-related reactions.7,21–25 These facts explain the
patients investigated in this study. low incidence of infusion reactions associated with
The small sizes and negative charges of the lipo- liposomal amphotericin B observed in our study.
somes in the liposomal amphotericin B formulation Infusion reactions associated with echinocandin use
divert the normal macrophage response, with alteration among the patients in this study were uncommon and
from a proinflammatory to an anti-inflammatory cy- occurred at a lower frequency than those associated
tokine profile, resulting in a decrease in the upregulation with polyenic antibiotic use, which is also in accordance
of proinflammatory cytokines and the attenuation of with the findings of previous studies.18
6 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 0 No 0 2016
Nephrotoxicity is a factor limiting the use of ampho- inhibiting the metabolism of drugs such as omeprazole,
tericin B, which is associated with substantial morbid- ondansetron, and tramadol. Analysis of drug–drug in-
ity, mortality, and elevated health care costs.7,26 During teractions among systemic antifungal drugs conducted
the infusion of amphotericin B, vasoconstriction of the at a hospital in France revealed that the majority of the
afferent renal arterioles occurs, resulting in decreases in interactions involved fluconazole.38 A drug interaction
renal blood flow and the glomerular filtration rate. Kid- can cause the increased occurrence of ADRs or reduce
ney cells are highly exposed to amphotericin B, which the drug’s effectiveness.6,39
explains the high nephrotoxicity of this drug.7,27,28 Cyclosporine was one of the drugs that interacted
The high costs of lipid formulations limit access to with antifungal agents, resulting in greater numbers
these drugs, which are generally used as a treatment of ADRs, such as nephrotoxicity when used in com-
option for patients with nephrotoxicity resulting from bination with deoxycholate amphotericin B, flucona-
use of amphotericin B deoxycholate or from previous zole, or voriconazole and hepatotoxicity when used
renal dysfunction. The use of amphotericin B deoxy- in combination with fluconazole. Tacrolimus was also
cholate should be avoided in patients with impaired found to interact with fluconazole, causing ADRs. Cy-
renal function or in those with an increased risk of closporine and tacrolimus are associated with nephro-
developing renal dysfunction, such as elderly patients, toxicity, primarily because they alter intraglomerular
those using other nephrotoxic drugs, or those with hemodynamics.11 To minimize ADRs, doses of cy-
unstable hemodynamics.29–31 closporine and tacrolimus should be adjusted, and
Electrolytic potassium and magnesium disorders the serum levels of these drugs in patients should be
are also among the most frequent ADRs induced by monitored.5,9,17
amphotericin B deoxycholate. Thus, serum potassium Another interaction that resulted in clinically
level should be monitored periodically during treatment relevant adverse reactions (cardiotoxicity) was that
with amphotericin B, and potassium supplementation between voriconazole and ondansetron.
should be provided. These measures should be adopted Coadministration of voriconazole with drugs that
during the early treatment phase and are important to are metabolized by cytochrome P4503A and that may
prevent severe electrolyte abnormalities.32–34 prolong the QT interval, such as ondansetron, can lead
Hepatotoxicity was mainly induced by triazoles to serious consequences because of the additive effects
in this study, and voriconazole was associated with of both drugs on the QT interval. If concomitant
the highest number of cases. Hepatotoxicity was also therapy is truly necessary, then electrocardiographic
caused by fluconazole, caspofungin, and liposomal monitoring is recommended.6,9,17
amphotericin B. A systematic review has shown that Concomitant administration of fluconazole and
the use of fluconazole and echinocandin is associated warfarin may cause a serious reaction and should be
with a lower incidence of adverse hepatic events and a performed with caution, as it may result in an increased
decreased risk of treatment discontinuation. Notably, international normalized ratio and may thus expose
itraconazole and voriconazole have been associated patients to an increased risk of bleeding. When possible,
with an increased risk of liver damage.35 fluconazole should be replaced by another antifungal
Liposomal amphotericin B and fluconazole were agent.9 The clinical manifestation of the interaction
associated with an increased risk of hepatotoxicity in between fluconazole and warfarin was identified in our
patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplan- study.
tation, regardless of the medical characteristics or the Length of hospital stay was associated with the oc-
other medications used. However, the magnitude of currence of ADRs. Length of stay has been investigated
the risk of injury was higher for patients receiving and described in the literature as a risk factor for the oc-
liposomal amphotericin B.20 A major risk factor for currence of these reactions.37 In the multivariate logistic
hepatotoxicity is the concomitant use of an antifungal model, the associated factors included a diagnosis of
agent with a cytochrome CYP3A4 inhibitor or another neoplasm, length of hospital stay, and use of multiple
hepatotoxic drug.36 drugs. Use of an increasing number of drugs has been
The complex pharmacotherapy associated with the well correlated with an increasing probability of ADRs,
concomitant use of multiple drugs increases the like- especially in patients with complex clinical conditions
lihood of drug interactions and ADRs in patients that affect antifungal agent administration. The clinical
with fungal infections.2,36–38 A number of drug interac- impact of ADRs contributes to prolonged hospital
tions involving antifungals have been identified and are stays, resulting in higher costs and compromising pa-
largely related to fluconazole. Azole antifungal agents tient safety.37,40,41
have the potential to cause interactions, most often by Neoplasms in patients are associated with various
inhibiting cytochrome P3A4.6,39 In this study, pharma- clinical factors that require an antifungal prescrip-
cokinetic interactions were detected, with fluconazole tion, and comorbidities requiring multiple medications
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