CRM 05 50042 PDF
CRM 05 50042 PDF
CRM 05 50042 PDF
Service Billing
Change History
Update the following table as necessary when this document is changed:
Date Name Change Description
Trigger this transaction to create service billing document with reference to any CRM
service transaction.
Business Process Description Overview
You use CRM billing for billing Del/Inst. Service order, Job/Work service order,
Service contracts & project, Repair confirmation and Warranty claim depending on
the relationships between these business transactions.
Billing for service contract items takes place periodically, and a fixed amount is
billed as specified in the terms of the contract. Billing takes place according to a
billing plan. Billing plan is periodic billing (monthly) for service contract.
Once the service transaction (except service contract) is completed, the billing
relevance items get transferred to ‘Released for Billing’. Once it is cleared from
‘Released for billing’, it will appear in billing due list. From billing due list, it can be
billed and that will generate billing document and same is posted to R/3 FI. The
document flow will be updated and appear on the screen. Once billing document is
generated, it will appear in billing document link where it can be tracked and
reversed also if required.
For service contract & project, when it is released, the billing relevance items get
transferred to billing due list, and then it can be billed from there.
Following billing type is defined in system, as same can also be used as search
criteria for specific billing type and for billing also.
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User Manuals for Service Billing – (Process Id OB-007) Ver 1.0
Use this procedure to create service billing document in SAP CRM.
Service transaction is error free and released/completed as per the case.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction from Portal main
Select CRM Services Billing Billing Due List Items to go to the
Search: Billing Due List
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Fields defaulted in configuration and personal settings can help you in
creating and searching the transaction faster
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Start the transaction using the menu path.
SAP Portal
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For doing billing of specific transaction, provide the transaction number in search
criteria ‘Transaction ID’ and proceed further.
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Once saved, new billing document is generated and appear on screen and
system transfer posting entry to SAP R/3 FI.
User can view the billing document details by clicking on that generated number.
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Used for combining multiple due list items in single invoice as per split criteria
Provide the search criteria as per need and click on search button
The matching billing due list headers will appear as a result
Expand all items and then select all items by selecting respective button.
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Once ‘Collective Billing’ is clicked, screen like below will appear for selected due
list items
Provide the ‘New Billing Date’ for billing document.
For billing click on ‘Continue’ button
The individual billing result will appear as per below and ready for generating
billing document
Click on ‘Save’ button; this will generate the billing document. Refer Appendix 1
for Service contract and project billing as we have added new check for payment
Once saved, new billing document is generated and appear on screen and
system transfer posting entry to SAP R/3 FI.
User can view the billing document details by clicking on that generated number.
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Billing Document
Once billing document is generated from billing due list, it will appear in billing
document list.
User can use menu path Billing -> Billing Document to go to ‘Search: Billing
Documents’ screen.
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Choose any billing document id and click on that to open it, so details like below
screen will appear.
Click on ‘Output Preview’ to take print or preview.
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System will show the popup for confirmation. Click on ‘Yes’ to continue, so the
new cancellation document is generated and posted to R/3 FI. This will also
generated new entry in billing due list for future billing if required.
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After reversing billing, if you search the billing document, the details of original
billing document will appear as ‘Cancelled’ and new ‘Cancellation’ document will
appear with same amount.
For cancellation billing document, you can open the same and provide the value
date if you want posting in R/3 FI on other date. By default, the billing and value
date in cancellation billing document will be taken same as original billing
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Appendix 1
While billing of service contract and service project, validation is fired on save to
check payment condition (Cash billing) and show error message on screen to
prevent billing without payment. This will not checked in case of trading company
customer & no need to enter payment condition and credit billing will be generated
for such customer and adjusted in finance.
Error message will appear as shown below on saving if payment needs to be
entered. The error message will show the dummy invoice and item number
having error and that need to be corrected.
To enter the payment condition, click on respective ‘Billing Document ID’.
Once you click, the details of that billing document will open as shown below.
Go to ‘Items’ assignment block and click on item number in which payment
condition need to be entered as per error message.
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The details of that billing document item will appear as shown below.
For adding payment conditions, go to ‘Price Conditions’ and click on ‘Add’ button.
After clicking, a popup will appear to choose payment condition. Select the
condition ‘Cash – ZPC2’ as we have only cash payment allowed here.
Enter the value against that condition. Finally make sure that payment due
should be zero, otherwise system will show error message while saving again.
You can go back to by clicking button ‘Back’ as shown and save it for billing.
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You have created the billing document using individual and then collective
billing. You have reversed the billing document and generated the cancellation
billing document.
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