Biogas Supply To Diesel Engine
Biogas Supply To Diesel Engine
Biogas Supply To Diesel Engine
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Abstract: Bio fuels derived from biomass are considered as good alternative to petroleum fuels. Biogas, a
biomass derived fuel can be used in internal combustion (IC) engines, because of its better mixing ability with
air and clean burning nature. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion of various organic substances such as
kitchen wastes, agricultural wastes, municipal solid wastes, cow dung etc., which offers low cost and low
emissions than any other secondary fuels. It can be a supplemented to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and
compressed natural gas (CNG), if it is used in compressed form in cylinders. This paper reviews the current
status and perspectives of biogas production, including the purification & storage methods and its engine
applications. Lower hydrocarbon (HC), smoke and particulates emission has been reported in diesel engines
operating on biogas diesel dual fuel mode. Here through detailed literature review, the combustion
characteristics of biogas in I.C engines are investigated.
Key words: Anaerobic digestion, Biogas, Dual fuel, HCCI, I.C engines.
I. Introduction
Current energy situation throughout the world and the fact that main resources of energy, such as crude
oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear fuel are not renewable give importance to other sources of energy, like hydro
energy, solar energy, energy of wind and biogas. Mentioned sources of energy are all renewable, but biogas is
particularly significant because of possibility of use in internal combustion engines, which are the main power
source for transport vehicles and also commonly used for powering of generators of electrical energy. This
possibility of use is justified by biogas properties, which make it convenient for IC engines.
India is largest cattle breeding country; there is abundance of raw material for producing biogas. Also
municipal sewage & kitchen wastes can be used for this purpose. The use of methane separated from biogas as a
fuel will substantially reduce harmful engine emission and will help to keep the environment clean. Biogas
consists of approximately 50-70 % methane. It is economical and slurry can be used as organic manure.
In 1981 an effort has been made to use biogas in a converted diesel engine to SI engine by D. J.
Hickson. He experienced 35% less power compared to diesel and 40% less compared to gasoline fuel. In that
year another research was done by S. Neyeloff and W. W. Cunkel. They used a CFR engine and ran it with
simulated biogas in different compression ratios. They reached to compression ratio of 15:1 for optimal solution.
The lower heating value, corrosive composition and difficulties in transportation of the fuel were main
challenges for biogas. In 1983, R.H. Thring concluded that biogas would be attractive just where it is close to
production site and he suggested converting gaseous fuels like biogas or natural gas to liquid fuels such as
methanol or gasoline.
2.2. Composition
The general composition of biogas is methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, water vapour and
traces of hydrogen sulphide shown in Table-1. 23 | Page
Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review
- Ignitability of CH₄ in mixture with air: CH₄: 5...15 Vol. %, Air: 95...85 Vol. %
-Mixtures with less than 5 Vol. % and mixtures with more than 15 Vol. % of CH₄ are not properly ignitable with
spark ignition.
-Combustion velocity in a mixture with air at p = 1 bar: cc = 0.20 m/s at 7% CH₄, cc = 0.38 m/s at 10% CH₄
-The combustion velocity is a function of the volume percentage of the burnable component, here CH₄. The
highest value of cc is near stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, mostly at an excess air ratio of 0. 8 to 0.9. It increases
drastically at higher temperatures and pressures.
- Temperature at which CH₄ ignites in a mixture with air Ti = 918K ... 1023 K
-Compression ratio of an engine, ‗e‘ at which temperatures reach values high enough for self-ignition in
mixture with air(CO₂ content increases possible compression ratio) e = 15...20
- Methane number, which is a standard value to specify fuel's tendency to knocking (uneven combustion and
pressure development between TDC and BDC). Methane and biogas are very stable against knocking and
therefore can be used in engines of higher compression ratios than petrol engines.
- Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio on a mass basis at which the combustion of CH₄ with air is complete but without
unutilized excess air. 25 | Page
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Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review
VI. Conclusion
The study concludes the biogas production from organic wastes, its‘ composition and properties for use
in I.C.Engines. Different techniques for CO₂, H₂S scrubbing are discussed, among which water scrubbing is a
simple continuous and cost effective method for purification. Attention is also focused for making biogas as
alternate fuel in Diesel Engines and dual fueling is recommended to be the best one for biogas CI operation.
Drop of CO₂ in biogas for dual fueling increases the thermal efficiency. In biogas HCCI mode, the presence of 27 | Page
Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review
CO₂ controls the high heat release rate; hence the durability of engine components will not be affected.
Therefore it is recommended to use biogas as alternate fuel in diesel engines.
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