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Biogas Supply To Diesel Engine

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Biogas as Alternate Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Literature Review

Article · September 2013


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M.K. Mohanty R. C. Mohanty

College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology OUAT Centurion University of Technology and Management


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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 9, Issue 1 (Sep. - Oct. 2013), PP 23-28

Biogas as Alternate Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Literature Review

N.H.S.Ray¹, M.K.Mohanty², R.C.Mohanty³
(Dept.of Mech.Engg. GEC, BijuPatnaik University of Technology, Odisha, India)
(Dept. of FMP, CAET, Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Odisha, India)
(Dept.of Mech.Engg. CIT, Centurion University of Tech. & Mgmt, Odisha, India)

Abstract: Bio fuels derived from biomass are considered as good alternative to petroleum fuels. Biogas, a
biomass derived fuel can be used in internal combustion (IC) engines, because of its better mixing ability with
air and clean burning nature. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion of various organic substances such as
kitchen wastes, agricultural wastes, municipal solid wastes, cow dung etc., which offers low cost and low
emissions than any other secondary fuels. It can be a supplemented to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and
compressed natural gas (CNG), if it is used in compressed form in cylinders. This paper reviews the current
status and perspectives of biogas production, including the purification & storage methods and its engine
applications. Lower hydrocarbon (HC), smoke and particulates emission has been reported in diesel engines
operating on biogas diesel dual fuel mode. Here through detailed literature review, the combustion
characteristics of biogas in I.C engines are investigated.
Key words: Anaerobic digestion, Biogas, Dual fuel, HCCI, I.C engines.

I. Introduction
Current energy situation throughout the world and the fact that main resources of energy, such as crude
oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear fuel are not renewable give importance to other sources of energy, like hydro
energy, solar energy, energy of wind and biogas. Mentioned sources of energy are all renewable, but biogas is
particularly significant because of possibility of use in internal combustion engines, which are the main power
source for transport vehicles and also commonly used for powering of generators of electrical energy. This
possibility of use is justified by biogas properties, which make it convenient for IC engines.
India is largest cattle breeding country; there is abundance of raw material for producing biogas. Also
municipal sewage & kitchen wastes can be used for this purpose. The use of methane separated from biogas as a
fuel will substantially reduce harmful engine emission and will help to keep the environment clean. Biogas
consists of approximately 50-70 % methane. It is economical and slurry can be used as organic manure.
In 1981 an effort has been made to use biogas in a converted diesel engine to SI engine by D. J.
Hickson. He experienced 35% less power compared to diesel and 40% less compared to gasoline fuel. In that
year another research was done by S. Neyeloff and W. W. Cunkel. They used a CFR engine and ran it with
simulated biogas in different compression ratios. They reached to compression ratio of 15:1 for optimal solution.
The lower heating value, corrosive composition and difficulties in transportation of the fuel were main
challenges for biogas. In 1983, R.H. Thring concluded that biogas would be attractive just where it is close to
production site and he suggested converting gaseous fuels like biogas or natural gas to liquid fuels such as
methanol or gasoline.

II. Biogas as alternate fuel for I.C.Engines

2.1. Production
Biogas is produced by extracting chemical energy from organic materials in a sealed container called a
digester. The generation of biogas is the concept of anaerobic digestion, also called biological gasification. It is
a naturally occurring, microbial process that converts organic matter to methane and carbon dioxide. The
chemical reaction takes place in the presence of methanogenic bacteria with water an essential medium. The
anaerobic digestion process, as the name states, is one that functions without molecular oxygen. Ideally, in a
biogas plant there should be no oxygen within the digester. Oxygen removal from the digester is important for
two main reasons. First, the presence of oxygen leads to the creation of water, not methane. Second, oxygen is a
contaminant in biogas and also a potential safety hazard. Due to presence of oxygen, calorific value of biogas
becomes low.

2.2. Composition
The general composition of biogas is methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, water vapour and
traces of hydrogen sulphide shown in Table-1.

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Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review

Table-1 -Composition of biogas

Components Amount (%)
Methane ( CH4 ) 50 – 70
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 30 – 40
Hydrogen (H2 ) 5 – 10
Nitrogen (N2 ) 1–2
Water Vapour (H2O ) 0.3
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Traces
Source (Karki et al, 2005)
2.3. Storage
There are two basic reasons for storing biogas, one is for later onsite usage and the other one is before
and after transportation to offsite distribution points. Biogas can be stored at low, medium, and high pressures
(Table-2). The density of biogas is approximately 1.2 kg/m³, which is proximate to air at ambient condition.
Hence, it requires a larger volume to store instead in compressed form. The critical pressure and temperature is
of 75-98 bar and 82.5°C.This indicates that it can change its gaseous phase to liquid phase, when compressed up
to the critical state.

Table-2- Most Commonly Used Storage Options

Pressure Storage device Material
Low(13.8-41.4 KPa) Water sealed gas holder Steel
Low Gas bag Rubber, Plastic, Vinyl
Medium(105-197 KPa) Propane or Butane tanks Steel
High (20*106 KPa) Commercial gas Cylinders Alloy steel

2.4. Properties of Biogas used as Fuel in I.C.Engines

Biogas contains 50% to 70% of CH₄, 5-10 % of H₂ and up to 30 -40 % of CO₂. After being cleaned of
carbon dioxide, this gas becomes a fairly homogeneous fuel containing up to 80 % of methane with the calorific
capacity of over 25 MJ/m³. The most important component of biogas, from the calorific point of view, is
methane. The other components are not involved in combustion process, and rather absorb energy from
combustion of CH₄ as they leave the process at higher temperature than the one they had before the process.
Requirements to remove gaseous components depending on the biogas utilization are in Table-3 (Hingerl,

Table-3- Requirements to remove gaseous components depending on the biogas utilization

Application H₂S CO₂ H₂O Siloxane
CHP Engine <500 No No condensation Yes
Vehicle fuel Yes Recommended Yes No

2.4.1-Thermodynamic properties of CH₄ at 273 K and 101325 Pa.

- Specific heat Cp = 2.165 kJ/kgK
-Molar mass M = 16.04 kg/kmol
- Density ρ = 0.72 kg/m³
- Individual gas constant R = 0.518 kJ/kgK
- Lower calorific value Hu = 50000 kJ/kg, Hu, n = 36000 kJ/ m³n

2.4.2-Properties of Biogas for engine performance.

-The actual calorific value of biogas is function of the CH₄ percentage, the temperature and the absolute
pressure, all of which differ from case to case. The actual calorific value of biogas is a vital parameter for the
performance of an engine.
-The fuel consumption of IC engine using biogas is often specified in m³n/h or m³n/kWh. The standard cubic
meter (m³n) means a volume of 1 cubic meter of gas under standard conditions (273K and 10132 Pa). The
consumption of biogas in actual volume will differ from these data according to the actual conditions of biogas
fed to the engine in terms of temperature, pressure and CH₄ content.
-Determining of actual biogas consumption is vital for dimensioning the engine.

2.4.3-Technical parameters of biogas.

Technical parameters of biogas are very important because of their effect on the combustion process in
an engine. Those properties are:-
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Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review

- Ignitability of CH₄ in mixture with air: CH₄: 5...15 Vol. %, Air: 95...85 Vol. %
-Mixtures with less than 5 Vol. % and mixtures with more than 15 Vol. % of CH₄ are not properly ignitable with
spark ignition.
-Combustion velocity in a mixture with air at p = 1 bar: cc = 0.20 m/s at 7% CH₄, cc = 0.38 m/s at 10% CH₄
-The combustion velocity is a function of the volume percentage of the burnable component, here CH₄. The
highest value of cc is near stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, mostly at an excess air ratio of 0. 8 to 0.9. It increases
drastically at higher temperatures and pressures.
- Temperature at which CH₄ ignites in a mixture with air Ti = 918K ... 1023 K
-Compression ratio of an engine, ‗e‘ at which temperatures reach values high enough for self-ignition in
mixture with air(CO₂ content increases possible compression ratio) e = 15...20
- Methane number, which is a standard value to specify fuel's tendency to knocking (uneven combustion and
pressure development between TDC and BDC). Methane and biogas are very stable against knocking and
therefore can be used in engines of higher compression ratios than petrol engines.
- Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio on a mass basis at which the combustion of CH₄ with air is complete but without
unutilized excess air.

2.5. Problems to use Biogas in I.C.Engines

-High CO₂ content reduces the power output, making it uneconomical as a transport fuel. It is possible to
remove the CO₂ by washing the gas with water. The solution produced from washing out the CO₂ is acidic and
needs careful disposal.
-H₂S is acidic and if not removed can cause corrosion of engine parts within a matter of hours. It is easy to
remove H₂S, by passing the gas through iron oxide (Fe₂0₃ -rusty nails are a good source) or zinc oxide (ZnO).
These materials can be re-generated on exposure to the air, although the smell of H₂S is unpleasant.
-There is high residual moisture which can cause starting problems.
-The gas can vary in quality and pressure.

III. Purification of Biogas for I.C.Engines

3.1. Removal of CO₂
CO₂ is high corrosive when wet and it has no combustion value so its removal is must to improve the
biogas quality. The processes to remove CO₂ are as follows
a) Caustic solution, NAOH- 40% NAOH + CO₂ = NAHCO₃
b) Refined process, K₂CO₃ - 30 % K₂CO₃ + CO₂ = 2KCO₃
CO₂ removal from biogas can be done by using chemical solvents like mono-ethanolamine (MEA), di-
ethanolamine and tri- ethanolamine or aqueous solution of alkaline salts, i.e. sodium, calcium hydroxide and
potassium. Biogas bubbled through 10% aqueous solution of MEA can reduce the CO₂ content from 40 to 0.5-
1.0% by volume. Chemical agents like NaOH, Ca(OH)₂, and KOH can be used for CO₂ scrubbing from biogas.
In alkaline solution the CO₂ absorption is assisted by agitation. NaOH solution having a rapid CO₂ absorption of
2.5-3.0% and the rate of absorption is affected by the concentration of solution.

3.2. Removal of H₂S

In physical separation pressurized water is used as absorbent, as both CO₂ and H₂S are water soluble
agents. The water scrubbing method is used for biogas up gradation. The rate of CO₂ and H₂S absorption
depends upon the factors such as, gas flow pressure, composition of biogas, water flow rates, and purity of water
and dimension of scrubbing tower.
A purity of 100% CH₄ can be obtained by a pressurized water scrubbing tower with counter current.
A reduction of CO₂ from 30% to 2% in biogas is achieved, when the gas flow rate was 1.8m³/h at 0.48 bar
pressure and water flow rate was of 0.465m³/h in a continuous counter current type scrubber. Compressed
biogas at 5.88 bar pressure while passed through a 6 m high scrubbing tower at a flow rate of 2m³/h gives 87.6%
removal of CO₂. Solid membrane of acetate-cellulose polymer has permeability for CO₂ and H₂S is 20 to 60
times greater than CH₄, when the biogas flow pressure is maintained at 25-40 bar. Generally the membrane
permeability is <1 mm. For higher methane purity the permeability must be high. Monsanto and acetate
cellulose membranes give best separation to CO₂, O₂ and H₂S than CH₄ when temperature and pressure was
maintained at 25°҆C and 5.50 bar respectively. Naturally occurred solid Zeolite-Neopoliton Yellow Tuff (NYT)
can absorb 0.4 kg of CO₂ per kg of chabazite at 1.50 bar and 22°C. During this adsorption process H₂S content
is removed out.

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Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review

IV. Fuels used in I.C.Engines & Limitations

There are so many fuels used in I.C. Engines, but they have certain physical and chemical properties. In
other words, fuels used in I.C. Engine re-designed to satisfy performance requirements of engine system, in
which they are used. The limitations of fuels that are used presently are as follows.
- Gasoline contains many impurities. It has low octane number. All petroleum fuels oxidize slowly in presence
of air. The oxidation of unsaturated hydrocarbons result in formation of resinous materials called gum and
reduces its lubricating quality and tends to form sludge and warmish on piston and rings. It has less knock
resistance as well as energy per unit mass. It has less efficiency compared to other fuels. It has high cost.
-In alcohol, higher latent heat of vaporization reduced charge temperatures before combustion. Alcohols suffer
disadvantages of water absorption, corrosive and lubricant incompatibility.
- In LPG, it reduces volumetric efficiency due to its high heat of vaporization. The road sensitivity is very high.
It is very corrosive. Response to blending is very poor. It has higher cost of transportation. It has higher cost for
conversion kit, installation of extensive.
- In electricity, they use in initially generated power stations that use fossil fuel of nuclear power. There are
other problems too. The problem is with batteries in these vehicles. These batteries are quite heavy and life of
these is also low. Cost of replacing these batteries is high.

V. Biogas in I.C.Engine applications

Biogas can be used in both heavy duty and light duty vehicles. Light duty vehicles can normally run on
biogas without any modifications whereas, heavy duty vehicles without closed loop control may have to be
adjusted, if they run on biogas. Biogas provides a clean fuel for both SI (petrol) and CI (diesel) engines. Diesel
engines require combination of biogas and diesel, while petrol engines run fully on biogas. Use of biogas as an
engine fuel offers several advantages. Being a clean fuel biogas causes clean combustion and recesses
contamination of engine oil. Biogas cannot be directly used in automobiles as it contains some other gases like
CO₂, H₂S and water vapor. For use of biogas as a vehicle fuel, it is first upgraded by removing impurities like
CO₂, H₂S and water vapor. After removal of impurities it is compressed in a three or four stage compressor up
to a pressure of 20 MPa and stored in a gas cascade, which helps to facilitate quick refueling of cylinders. If the
biogas is not compressed than the volume of gas contained in the cylinder will be less hence the engine will run
for a short duration of time.

5.1. Biogas in Diesel Engine applications

Biogas generally has a high self-ignition temperature hence; it cannot be directly used in a CI engine.
So it is useful in dual fuel engines. The dual fuel engine is a modified diesel engine in which usually a gaseous
fuel called the primary fuel is inducted with air into the engine cylinder. This fuel and air mixture does not auto
ignite due to high octane number. A small amount of diesel, usually called pilot fuel is injected for promoting
combustion. The primary fuel in dual fuelling system is homogeneously mixed with air that leads to very low
level of smoke. Dual fuel engine can use a wide variety of primary and pilot fuels. The pilot fuels are generally
of high cetane fuel. Biogas can also be used in dual fuel mode with vegetable oils as pilot fuels in diesel engines.
Introduction of biogas normally leads to deterioration in performance and emission characteristics. The
performance of engine depends on the amount of biogas and the pilot fuel used. Measures like addition of
hydrogen, LPG, removal of CO₂ etc. have shown significant improvements in the performance of biogas dual
fuel engines. The ignition delay of the pilot fuel generally increases with the introduction of biogas and this will
lead to advance the injection timing. Injectors opening pressure and rate of injection also are found to play
important role in the case of biogas fuelled engine, where vegetables oil is used as a pilot fuel. The CO₂
percentage in biogas acts as diluents to slow down the combustion process in Homogenous charged compression
ignition (HCCI) engines. However, it also affects ignition. Thus a fuel with low self-ignition temperature could
be used along with biogas to help its ignition. This kind of engine has shown a superior performance as
compared to a dual fuel mode of operation.

5.2. Biogas in Dual Fuel Engine applications

In this case, the normal diesel fuel injection system still supplies a certain amount of diesel fuel. The
engine however sucks and compresses a mixture of air and biogas fuel which has been prepared in external
mixing device. The mixture is then ignited by and together with the diesel fuel sprayed in. The amount of diesel
fuel needed for sufficient ignition is between 10% and 20% of the amount needed for operation on diesel fuel
alone. Operation of the engine at partial load requires reduction of the biogas supply by means of a gas control
valve. A simultaneous reduction of airflow would reduce power and efficiency because of reduction of
compression pressure and main effective pressure. So, the air/fuel ratio is changed by different amounts of
injected biogas. All other parameters and elements of diesel engine remain unchanged.

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Biogas As Alternate Fuel In Diesel Engines:A Literature Review

5.2.1. Modification of diesel engine into dual fuel engine

-Operation on diesel fuel alone is possible when biogas is not available.
- Any contribution of biogas from 0% to 85% can substitute a corresponding part of diesel fuel while
performance remains as in 100% diesel fuel operation.
-Because of existence of a governor at most diesel engines automatic control of speed/power can be done by
changing the amount of diesel fuel injection while the biogas flow remains uncontrolled. Diesel fuel
substitutions by biogas are less substantial in this case.
- The dual fuel engine cannot operate without the supply of diesel fuel for ignition.
- The fuel injection jets may overheat when the diesel fuel flow is reduced to 10% or 15% of its‘ normal flow.
Larger dual fuel engines circulate extra diesel fuel through the injector for cooling.
-To what extent the fuel injection nozzle can be affected is however a question of its‘ specific design, material
and the thermal load of the engine, and hence differs from case to case.
-A check of the injector nozzle after 500 hours of operation in dual fuel is recommended.

5.2.2. Performance & operation parameters

The performance of diesel gas engines in dual fuel mode has been found o be almost equal to the
performance using diesel fuel alone as long as the calorific value of biogas is not too low. The inlet channel and
manifold of diesel engine are dimensioned in such a way that at the maximum speed and power output of the
engine sufficient air can be sucked in to obtain an air/diesel fuel ratio, which is optimal for operation at this
point. When the diesel fuel is reduced and an air/biogas mixture is sucked instead of air alone, part of the air is
replaced by biogas. With less air fed to the engine ad an excess air ratio necessarily maintained at λ = 1,2...1,3
the total fuel input will be less than the fuel input in diesel operation. As a result in this reduction in both air and
fuel, the maximum power output at high speed in dual fuel mode may be less than in diesel fuel operation. This
decrease is less significant than in modified petrol engines. For operation in medium and low speeds the air inlet
is larger than necessary and allows a relatively larger amount of air/fuel mixture to be sucked in. Hence the
power output will not be significantly lower than in diesel operation.

5.3. Biogas in HCCI Engine applications

The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) concept is a potential for achieving a high
thermal efficiency and low Nitrogen Oxide (NO) emission. The HCCI engine with 50 % biogas as a primary
fuel and 50% diesel as pilot fuel gives a maximum NO of 20 ppm is a major advantage over biogas diesel dual
fuel mode. In biogas diesel dual fuel mode the presence of CO₂ in biogas lowers the thermal efficiency however,
in biogas diesel HCCI (BDHCCI) mode CO₂ reduces high heat release rate. The break mean effective pressure
(BMEP) in BDHCCI mode is in the range of 2.5 bar to 4 bar. The smoke and Hydro Carbon (HC) level were
also low when the biogas is used as a primary fuel for BDHCCI mode. For HCCI operation the inducted charge
temperature is required to be maintained at 80-135°C, which can be obtained from the exhaust heat. Thus biogas
with HCCI engine gives high efficiency and low emission.

5.4. Exhaust emission

The exhaust emission contains three specific substances which contribute the air pollution,
hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide &oxides of nitrogen. Hydrocarbons are the unburned fuel vapour coming out
with the exhaust due to incomplete combustion. Hydrocarbon also occurring in crankcase by fuel evaporation.
The emission of hydrocarbon is closely related to many design &operating factors like induction system,
combustion chamber design, air fuel ratio, speed, load. Lean mixture lower hydrocarbon emission. Carbon
monoxide occurs only in engine exhaust. It is the product of incomplete combustion due to insufficient amount
of air in air- fuel mixture. Some amount of CO is always present in the exhaust even at lean mixture. When the
throttle is closed to reduce air supply at the time of starting the vehicle, maximum amount of CO is produced.
Oxides of nitrogen are the combination of nitric oxide & nitrogen oxide &availability of oxygen are the two
main reasons for the formation of oxides of nitrogen. With biogas, co emission levels are low than that of

VI. Conclusion
The study concludes the biogas production from organic wastes, its‘ composition and properties for use
in I.C.Engines. Different techniques for CO₂, H₂S scrubbing are discussed, among which water scrubbing is a
simple continuous and cost effective method for purification. Attention is also focused for making biogas as
alternate fuel in Diesel Engines and dual fueling is recommended to be the best one for biogas CI operation.
Drop of CO₂ in biogas for dual fueling increases the thermal efficiency. In biogas HCCI mode, the presence of
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CO₂ controls the high heat release rate; hence the durability of engine components will not be affected.
Therefore it is recommended to use biogas as alternate fuel in diesel engines.

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