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H2S Tower Design

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Removal of H2S and CO2 from

Biogas by Amine Absorption
J.I. Huertas, N. Giraldo and S. Izquierdo
Automotive Engineering Research Center-CIMA of Tecnologico de Monterrey,

1. Introduction
Due to strategic and environmental reasons, currently, there is an increasing interest in
biofuels as alternative energy source. Bio-alcohols and biodiesel are the alternatives been
considered for auto-motion while biomass and biogas are the alternatives been considered
for electrical power generation.
Biogas is a medium-energy content fuel (~22 MJ/kg) derived from the organic material
decomposition under anaerobic conditions (Horikawa et al, 2004). It can be obtained from
landfills or from bio-digesters that transform manure and biomass into natural fertilizer in
farms after 25-45 days of residence time. Due to its gaseous nature and the impossibility of
producing it intensively, it is not attractive for large scale power generation.
However, recently, a new approach for electric power generation has been emerging. It
consists of inter-connecting thousands of small and medium scale electrical plants powered
by renewable energy sources to the national or regional electrical grids. It is considered to
interconnect the hundreds of the existing small aero generators and solar panels (Pointon &
Langan, 2002). Even though, there are still several technical issues to be resolved, this
alternative of distributed electrical power generation is being considered as the best
alternative to bring electricity to the rural communities located far away from the large
urban centers.
In this case, the use of the biogas generated in the thousands of existing farms and landfills,
as fuel for internal combustion engines connected to an electric generator becomes a very
attractive alternative for electric power generation because of its very low cost, high benefit-
cost ratio and very high positive impact on the environment.
Biogas is made up mainly of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). It also contains traces
of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Its composition varies depending on the type of biomass. Table 1
shows its typical composition.
The biogas calorific power is proportional to the CH4 concentration. To be used as fuel for
internal combustion engines, it has been recommended a CH4 concentration greater than
90% (Harasimowicz et al, 2007). However CO2 has a typical concentration of ~ 40%. This
high CO2 concentration reduces the engine power output proportionally to its concentration,
limiting the use of biogas in electrical power plants driven by internal combustion engines
(Marchaim, 1992).
The high content of H2S (~3500 ppm) causes corrosion in the metallic parts at the interior of
the engine. The H2S is an inorganic acid that attacks the surface of metals when they are

134 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

placed in direct contact. Sulfur stress cracking (SSC) is the most common corrosive mechanism
that appears when the metal makes contact with H2S. Sulfides of iron and atomic hydrogen are
formed in this process. This mechanism starts to take place when the H2S concentration is
higher than 50 ppm (Gosh, 2007). The admission valves, bronze gears and the exhaust system
are also attacked by the presence of H2S. The degree of deterioration of the engines varies
considerably. Results obtained experimentally on this regard are contradictory (Gonzalez et al,
2006; Marchaim, 1992). It has been found that H2S in biogas diminishes the life time of the
engine by 10 to 15% (Horikawa & Rossi, 2004). Finally, time between oil changes is reduced
since lubricant oils contain H2S and corrosion inhibitors to protect the engine. It increases the
maintenance cost of the engine. Users consider the high maintenance cost as the main
withdraw of these types of systems.

Composition (%)
Component Agricultural Industrial Desired
waste Waste composition
CH4 50-80 50-80 50-70 >70
CO2 30-50 20-50 30-50 <10
H2O Saturation Saturation Saturation N/S
H2 0-2 0-5 0-2 N/S
H2S 0.70 0.1 0.8 < 0.01
NH3 Traces Traces Traces N/S
CO 0-1 0-1 0-1 N/S
N2 0-1 0-3 0-1 N/S
O2 0-1 0-1 0-1 N/S
(N/S Not specified)
Table 1. Biogas composition. Most of the data from (Carrillo, 2003).
Typically, small scale power plants based on biogas range from 0.1 to 1 MW. This implies a
volumetric biogas flows between 60 and 600 m3/hr. For this small scale application an
additional practical consideration arise. Out of the bio-digester or landfill, the biogas gauge
pressure is negligible, and due to economical considerations the use of any device to
increase pressure should be avoided. Engine suction is the only driving force available to
make the biogas to flow from the bio-digester or landfill to the engine. Therefore, the
pressure drop across the biogas treatment system should be the least possible.
To address this need, the present document describes the design, manufacturing and testing
of a system to reduce H2S and CO2 content to less than 100 ppm and 10%, respectively, from
60 to 600 m3/hr biogas streams, with minimum pressure drop, for applications in small scale
power plants (0.1 to 1 MW) based on internal combustion engines fueled with biogas.
Initially, this document describes and compares the existing alternatives to trap H2S and CO2
from gaseous streams. From this analysis it is concluded that amines treatment is the most
appropriate for this application. Since there is no reported data for the H2S and CO2
absorbing capacity of these substances, a method is proposed to measure it by means of a
bubbler. This information is used in the design process of biogas treatment system. Details
of the manufacturing process are also included. Then, results of the experimental work are
reported, and finally, an economical analysis on the use of this type of systems is presented.

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 135

2. Biogas treatment methods

2.1 CO2 removal from gas streams
CO2 removal from gas streams has been of great interest, especially in large thermal power
plants, due to its greenhouse effect (Romeo et al, 2006). Table 2 compares the different
existing technologies.

2.1.1 Absorption
It refers to the process by which one substance, such as a solid or liquid, takes up another
substance, such as a liquid or gas, through minute pores or spaces between its molecules.
The absorption capacity of the absorber depends on the equilibrium concentrations between
gaseous phase and the liquid phase. For diluted concentrations in many gases and in a wide
interval of concentrations, the equilibrium relation is given by Henry’s Law, which
quantifies the gas absorption capacity in the fluid (Cengel & Boles, 2008). A gas absorbing
unit should ensure complete contact between the gas and the solvent, in such a way that
diffusion occurs at the inter-phase.

2.1.2 Adsorption
It refers to the process by which molecules of a substance, such as a gas or a liquid, collect
on the surface of a solid. It differs from absorption, in which a fluid permeates or is
dissolved by a liquid or solid (Tondeur & Teng, 2008). It could be physical or chemical. In
physical adsorption processes, gas molecules adhere to the surface of the solid adsorbent as
a result of the molecules attraction force (Van der Walls Forces). Chemical adsorption
involves a chemical reaction. Usually, adsorbents are 12 µm to 120 µm high porosity solid
grains, inert to the treated fluid. The most used adsorbents for CO2 are activated charcoal,
silica gel, zeolites and synthetic resins.

2.1.3 Condensation
It is the process of converting a gas into a liquid by reducing temperature and/or increasing
pressure. Condensation occurs when partial pressure of the substance in the gas is lower
than the vapor pressure of the pure substance at a given temperature.

2.1.4 Membranes
A membrane is a layer of material which serves as a selective barrier between two phases and
remains impermeable to specific particles, molecules, or substances when exposed to the
action of a driving force. The driving force is the pressure difference between both sides of the
membrane. Gas permeability through a membrane is a function of the solubility and
diffusivity of the gas into the material of the membrane. Membranes are expensive and their
separation efficiencies are low (Ramírez, 2007).

2.2 H2S removal from gas streams

Table 3 compares the different alternatives reported for H2S removal from gas streams
(Walsh et al, 1988).

2.2.1 Regenerative processes

It refers to processes where the cleaning reagent, once it becomes saturated, regains its
removal capacity through a change in the external conditions.

136 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

Method Option/Alternative Advantages Disadvantages

High efficiency ( >97% CH4),
Simultaneous removal of H2S Expensive investment and
when H2S < 300 cm3 /m3, operation, clogging due to
Absorption with water Capacity is adjustable by bacterial growth, possible
changing pressure or temperature, foaming, low flexibility toward
Low CH4 losses (<2%), tolerant to variation of input gas
Expensive investment and
High efficiency ( >97% CH4),
operation, difficult operation,
Simultaneous removal of organic
Incomplete regeneration when
Absorption with S components, H2S, NH3, HCN
stripping/vacuum (boiling
polyethylene glycol and H2O, Energetic more
required), reduced operation
favorable than water,
when dilution of glycol with
Regenerative, low CH4 losses
Expensive investment, heat
High efficiency (>99% CH4), cheap required for regeneration,
operation, Regenerative, More corrosion, decomposition and
Chemical absorption
CO2 dissolved per unit of volume poisoning of the amines by O2
with amines
(compared to water), very low or other chemicals
CH4 losses (<0.1%) Precipitation of salts, possible
Carbon molecular Highly efficient (95-98% CH4), H2S
Expensive investment and
sieves is removed, low energy use: high
operation, extensive process
PSA/VSA Zeolites Molecular pressure, compact technique, also
control needed, CH4 losses
sieves for small capacities, tolerant to
when malfunctioning of valves
Alumina silicates impurities
H2S and H2O are removed, simple
construction, Simple operation,
high reliability, small gas flows
treated without proportional Low membrane selectivity:

increase of costs compromise between purity of
Membrane Gas/gas Gas/gas: removal efficiency: CH4 and amount of upgraded
technology Gas/liquid <92% CH4 (1 step) or > 96% biogas, multiple steps required

CH4, H2O is removed (modular system) to reach high
Gas/liquid: Removal purity, CH4 losses.
efficiency: > 96% CH4, cheap
investment and operation,
Pure CO2 can be obtained
90-98% CH4 can be reached, CO2
Expensive investment and
and CH4 in high purity, low extra
Cryogenic separation operation. CO2 can remain in
energy cost to reach liquid
the CH4
biomethane (LBM)
Removal of H2S and CO2,
Addition of H2, experimental -
Biological removal enrichment of CH4, no unwanted
not at large scale
end products

Table 2. Alternatives to remove CO2 from gas streams (Ryckebosch et al, 2011).

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 137

Table 3. Alternatives for H2S removal from gas streams (EPRI, 1992; Freira, 2000;
Ryckebosch et al, 2011).

138 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

 Amines: Monoethanolamine (MEA), Diethanolamine (DEA) and Methildiethanolamine

(MDEA) are organic chemical compounds derived from ammonia as a result of the
exchange of one hydrogen molecule by an alkyl radical (Kohl & Nielsen, 1997). The

chemical reactions involved in the absorption process of H2S are exothermic.
Redox process: Through this process H2S is physically absorbed in water and then, by
the use of a chelating ferric solution, elemental sulphur is formed. After saturation, the
reagent is regenerated in air (Horikawa & Rossi, 2004). It can be obtained more than

99% of H2S absorption. Its main advantage is that it uses low toxicity solutions.
Ferric oxide: Absorbent material must contain iron in form of oxides, hydrate oxides or
hydroxides (Muche & Zimmermann, 1985). Reagent regeneration occurs by exposition
to open atmosphere It is one of the most used methods in biogas treatment. It is very
efficient at low scale. However, in high and medium scale applications this method
becomes inefficient due to the labor costs involved. Reagent disposal is a serious

environmental issue (Ramírez, 2007).
Activated carbon: Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal or activated coal, is a
form of carbon that has been processed to make it extremely porous and thus to have a
very large surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions (Horikawa
&Rossi, 2004). It shows affinity to polar substances such as H2O, H2S, SO2 among many
others. In the case of H2S, activated carbon absorbs and decomposes it to elemental
sulphur (Garetto, 2000). It can be regenerated by temperature at around 400oC. The
main disadvantage of this alternative is its affinity for no polar substances such as
methane, which makes the alternative inappropriate in pre-combustion processes
(Ramírez, 2007).

2.2.2 Non regenerative processes
Zinc oxides: It is based on the reaction of a metal oxide with H2S to form the
corresponding metal sulfide. Unlike iron oxides, zinc oxides treatment process is
irreversible. Absorption reaction occurs at temperatures between 200ºC and 400ºC
(Mabres et al, 2008).
 Iron oxides: It is based on the reaction of a ferric oxide and a triferric oxide with H2S to
form iron sulfide, sulphur and water. The absorption reaction occurs at temperatures
between 30oC to 60oC (Svard, 2004; Steinfeld & Sanderson, 1998).
 Sodium nitrite: It is based in the reaction of H2S with a solution of sodium nitrite. It
produces a high percentage of H2S removal. Its main drawback is the environmentally
safe disposition of the saturated solution (Ramírez, 2007).
 Caustic wash: It is an effective method to remove H2S y CO2 from gas streams.
Generally, it uses sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide (slaked lime) solutions to
promote the chemical reactions showed in Table 3. Disposition of the saturated
solutions should be performed according to environmental regulations (Zapata, 1998).
 Permanganate solutions: Potassium permanganate absorbs H2S according to the
reaction shown in Table 3. It has high removal efficiency but it is costly and requires
special treatment of the saturated solutions (Ramírez, 2007).
 Water: It can be used to remove H2S y CO2 by physical adsorption. It is rarely used
because water consumption is high and removal efficiency is low for large volumes of
biogas (Kapdi et al, 2007).

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 139

2.2.3 Biological methods

It uses microorganisms under controlled ambient conditions (humidity, oxygen presence,
H2S presence and liquid bacteria carrier) (Fernández & Montalvo, 1998). Microorganisms are
highly sensitivity to changes in pressure, temperature, PH and certain compounds. It
requires moderate investments.

2.3 Selection
To select a methodology for H2S and CO2 removal it should be taken into account (Treybal,


The volumetric flow of biogas

The amount of H2S and CO2 to be removed and their desired final concentrations

Availability of environmentally safe disposal methods for the saturated reagents

Requirements regarding the recovery of valuable components such as S

Table 2 and table 3 show that most of the existing methods for H2S and CO2 removal are
appropriate for either small scale with low H2S and CO2 concentration or large scale with
high pressure drops. Applications with intermediate volumetric flows, high H2S and CO2
content and minimum pressure drop, as in the present case, are atypical. Table 3 shows that
for the case of H2S, in the present application, the most appropriate methods are amines and
iron oxides, which also absorb CO2. Iron oxides are meant for small to medium scale
applications while amines are meant for large scale applications. Amines have higher H2S
and CO2 absorbing efficiency than iron oxides. Both methods have problems with
disposition of saturated reagents. Even though amines are costly, they can be regenerated,
and depending on the size of the application they could become economically more
attractive than iron oxides. Both methods were selected for the present applications.
However in this document, results only for the case of amines are reported.

3. Determination of the amines H2S and CO2 absorbing capacity

Several works have been developed to model mass transfer in gas-liquid chemical absorbing
systems and especially for simultaneous amine H2S and CO2 absorption (Little et al, 1991;
Mackowiak et al, 2009; Hoffmann et al, 2007). It has been concluded that the reaction of H2S
with amines is essentially instantaneous, and that of CO2 with amine is slow relatively (Qian
et al, 2010). Therefore, for amine H2S and CO2 absorption in packed columns mass transfer is
not limited by chemical reaction but by the mechanical diffusion or mixing of the gas with
the liquid and by the absorbing capacity of the amine.
The Henry’s constant defines the capacity of a solvent to absorb physically gas phase
components. Under these circumstances of instantaneous reaction it can be extended to
chemical absorption. The Henry´s law states than under equilibrium conditions (Treybal,
1996; Hvitved, 2002).

PA  y A  P  H A  xA (1)

PA Partial pressure of component A in gas phase
P Total pressure

140 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

HA Henry’s constant of component A

yA Molar concentration of component A in gas phase
xA Mass concentration of component A in liquid phase
It is determined in a temperature and pressure controlled close box by measuring the
equilibrium concentration of the component in both gas and liquid phase. Therefore, it
requires spectrophotometric or chromatographic analysis to determine component
concentration in the liquid phase (Wark, 2000). It has been observed that H2S concentrations
in amines solutions are highly sensible to pressure and temperature, making
spectrophotometric or chromatographic analysis hardly suitable for this application. For this
reason literature does not report amines H2S and CO2 absorbing capacity.
As an alternative it was proposed to determine the H2S and CO2 absorbing capacity of the
amines by using the gas bubbler setup illustrated in figure 1. This set up looks for a full
interaction of the gas stream with the absorbing substance such that it can be assumed
thermodynamic equilibrium at the liquid-gas inter phase. Experiments are conducted under
standard conditions of pressure and temperature (101 kPa, 25oC). To ensure constant
temperature for exothermic or endothermic reactions the set up is placed inside a controlled
temperature water bath.
Temperature, pressure, gas flow and degree of water dilution of the absorbing substance are
measured. The amount of solution in the bubbler is kept constant in 0.5 L. Table 4 describes
the variables measured and their requirements in terms of resolution and range.

Fig. 1. Setup to determine the absorbing capacity of gas-phase components by liquid phase
absorbers in the bubbling method.

results obtained in terms of absorbing efficiency vs. time. Absorbing efficiency (f) is defined
Several tests were conducted to verify reproducibility of the method. Figure 2 shows the


yi  y o
f  (2)

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 141

yi H2S molar concentration at the inlet
yo H2S molar concentration at the outlet

Variable Resolution Range

CO2 ±3% CO2 0-100%
CH4 ±3% CH4 0-100%
Molar concentration at the inlet and outlet
O2 ±1% O2 0-25%
H2S 35ppm H2S 0-5000ppm
Temperature inside and outside of the bubbler 0.1oC 0-50 oC
Volumetric gas flow 0.1 slpm 0-2 slpm
Time 0.1 s N/A
(N/A Not applies)
Table 4. Variables to be monitored during the determination of the absorbing capacity of
gas-phase components by liquid phase absorbers in the bubbling method.
Figure 2 shows that any of the amines solutions can remove 100% of the H2S biogas content
in the initial part of the test. However it is required at least 50% of amine concentration to
remove 100% of the CO2 biogas content in this first stage.

Ac,CO2 (g CO2/kg amine)


360 MEA



90 DEA

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Ca (%v)
Fig. 2. Evolution of the H2S and CO2 concentration during bubbling tests with MEA (left)
and H2S and CO2 absorbing capacity of MEA and DEA as function of their concentration in
water (right).

142 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

Figure 2 also shows that absorbing efficiencies depend on the degree of saturation of the
absorbing substance and on the ratio of the gas flow and the mass of absorbing substance in
the bubbler. Additionally, this figure shows that the saturation profiles are similar and have an
S type shape. The absorbing capacity under quasi-equilibrium conditions (Ac,e) is defined as:

R T m 0
Ac , e  ( y o  yi ) Q dt
M s

M H2S or CO2 molecular weight
Ro Universal gas constant
T Absolute temperature
m Mass of the absorbing substance within the bubbler
Q Gas volumetric flow measured at standard conditions
Figure 2 shows that MEA and DEA exhibit similar H2S and CO2 absorbing capacities and that
they depend on their concentration in water. They exhibit a minimum around 20% and a
maximum around 7.5% of volumetric concentration. These results indicate that scrubbing
systems should work around 7.5% for applications where H2S removal is the main concern or
higher than 50% where CO2 removal is the main objective. However at this high concentration
it was observed that amines traces cause corrosion on metallic components, especially when
they are made of bronze. Finally, figure 2 shows that on average at 7.5% of MEA or DEA
concentration in water their absorbing capacity is of 5.37 and 410.1 g of H2S and CO2,
respectively, per Kg of MEA or DEA.

4. Amine based H2S and CO2 biogas scrubber

Figure 3 illustrates the general configuration of an amine based biogas scrubber. It consists
of an absorption column, a desorption column and a water wash scrubber. Initially, raw
biogas enters the absorption column where the amine solution removes H2S and CO2. Then,
the biogas passes through the water wash scrubber where amines traces are removed and

Fig. 3. Illustration of the amine based biogas H2S and CO2 scrubber.

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 143

the saturated amine passes through the desorption column where it is regenerated. A heat
exchanger is used to cool the regenerated amine before it re-enters the absorption column.

4.1 Absorption column

A H2S and CO2 amine wash biogas scrubber was designed to meet the design parameters
specified in section 1 (final H2S and CO2 concentration lower than 100 ppm and 10%,
respectively, 60 m3/s of biogas flow and minimum pressure drop). It is a counter flow
column where amine solution fall down due to gravity and raw biogas flows from the
bottom towards the top of the column due to pressure difference. The column is fully
packed with inert polyetilene jacks to enhance the contact area between the gas and liquid
phases. In addition several disks are incorporated to ensure the uniform distribution of both
flows through the column.
The length of the column is designed to obtain the specified final H2S and CO2 concentration
and the diameter is designed to meet a minimum pressure drop with the specified gas flow.
This procedure is well established and reported in references (Wiley, 2000; Wark, 2000). It
requires as data input the results reported in section 3. Table 5 shows the technical
characteristics of the absorption column.

Absorption Desorption
Material PVC SS
Gas flow [m3/h] 7.6 8.25
Liquid flow [l/h] 33.3 69
Packing material Jacks SS rasching rings
Diámeter [cm] 6.7 6.7
Height [cm] 240 240
Pressuere drop [in.c.a] 0.28 0.2-3
Working reagent MEA at 10% H2O

Qr 230 N/A
98% N/A
CO2 75% N/A
YH2S start >5000 ppm N/A
YH2S final <100 ppm N/A
YCO2 start >40% N/A
YCO2 final <10% N/A
(N/A Not applies)
Table 5. Technical characteristics of the columns used in the amine based biogas scrubber
The absorption column was instrumented with temperature and pressure sensors at the
inlet and outlet. Flow meters were used for both the biogas and the liquid phase absorbing
substance. Biogas CH4, CO2, O2, and H2S concentration were measured at the inlet and
outlet of the column by gas detector tubes and electro chemical cells with the technical
characteristic specified in Table 4.
The absorption column was evaluated with MEA, DEA, and MDEA. Initially all amines
were diluted at 30% (Ca=30%) in water as recommended by manufacturer (Romeo et al,
2006). However, later on, results from section 3 were incorporated and therefore it was used
7.5% and several other levels of dilution.

144 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

Figure 4 shows that pressure drop along the column increases quadratically with the
volumetric ratio biogas to amine solution (Qr). For a biogas volumetric flow of 7.6 m3/h, the
pressure drop is about 3 inches of water column, which is acceptable for this application.
This result implies that the final diameter of the column should be 18.8 cm to meet the

Figure 5 shows the results obtained in terms of H2S and CO2 removing efficiencies (H2S and
condition of 60 m3/h of biogas flow.

CO2) as function of Qr. It shows that the different types of amines produce similar results
and that the column with all the amines is able to reach H2S>98% (final YH2S=100 ppm) for
Qr ≤ 230 when Ca=9%. Under this circumstances CO2 >75% (final YCO2<10%). Since MEA is
the cheapest amine, it was selected as the working reagent for the absorption column.


 P [inches H2O]




P = 5E-05Qr2 - 0.001Qr + 0.498


0.5 R² = 0.895

100 150 200 250
Fig. 4. Pressure drop along the absorption column as function of Qr. Amine solution flow
was kept constant at 26.5 L/h.
Removing efficiency is a metric to evaluate the performance of the column reaching the final
specified concentration. It evaluates under which conditions of Qr and Ca the biogas exits
with the final specified concentration. However it does not evaluate the performance of the
column in terms of mass transfer. In other words, it does not evaluate the column length (L).
Amine solution can leave the absorption column unsaturated, which is an undesirable
condition since it will increase the total amount of amine required, and therefore the
operational costs of the system. Figure 5 shows this effect as a high removing efficiency
obtained when the amine solution is passed for a second time along the same column. To

for component i (m,i) as:

quantify this effect, here, it is proposed to define the mass transfer efficiency of the column

m ,i 
Ac r ,i
Ac , i

P Yi , o i
Acr , i 
RiT  a C a
Qr (5)

Acr,i Component i real absorbing capacity of the column
Ac,i Component i amine absorbing capacity as reported in section 3.

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 145

P Pressure
T Temperature

Ri Component i gas constant

Using this definition, it was found that m,CO2=86% for Qr=230. For practical applications this
Amine density

value is acceptable. Higher mass transfer efficiencies can be obtained increasing the length
of the column or using more appropriate filling materials. Table 5 summarizes the final
operational conditions of the absorption column.

100 100

ηH2S (%)

ηCO2 (%)
24% MEA 40 24% MEA

85 35% MEA 35% MEA

9% MEA 9% MEA
80 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Qr Qr
100 100 24% MEA, 1st pass
90 90 24 %MEA, 3rd pass
80 80 24% MEA, 2nd pass
24% MEA, 1st pass
70 70
24 %MEA, 3rd pass
ηH2S (%)

ηCO2 (%)

60 24% MEA, 2nd pass 60

50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Qr Qr

Fig. 5. H2S and CO2 removing efficiencies of the absorption column as function of
volumetric ratios of biogas to amine flows for the case of MEA.

4.2 Regenerative column

Amines desorb H2S and CO2 when they are heated up to 120oC at atmospheric pressure
(Kolh & Nielsen, 1997). For the present application, this heat addition can be obtained in a
counter flow heat exchanger between the amine and the engine exhaust gases.
Alternatively, exhaust gases can be used to generate saturated steam and then heat the
amines by direct mixing with this steam in a desorbing column. Attending literature
recommendations on this matter the latest alternative was chosen (Kolh & Nielsen, 1997).
A desorbing column was designed, manufactured and tested to regenerate amines solutions
by mixing with steam. Figure 3 illustrates its operation. Preheated saturated amine solution
fall down through the desorption column due to gravity while steam moves in counter-flow
due to pressure difference. Under steady conditions the energy requirements for the

146 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

desorption column are the heats of desorption, sensible and latent for the amine solution
and for the steam. They are influenced by pressure and flow rates (Chakravarti et al, 2001).
For larger scale applications the CO2 and H2S -rich vapor stream that leaves the desorption
column can be passed through a reflux condenser where H2O is partially condensed, CO2
sequestrated and H2S recovered for industrial applications.
On the other side, regenerated amine solutions should be cooled before reentering the
absorption column because temperature reduces the amine absorbing capacity. For this
purpose it is used a heat exchanger between regenerated amine and saturated amine coming
out of the absorption column. The regenerative column was made of 2.5 inches stainless
steel pipe to avoid corrosive problems. It was fully packed with stainless steel rashing rings
to increase the contact area between the amine solution and the steam. Additionally it was
thermally isolated with a heavy layer of fiberglass to avoid heat losses. Table 5 shows its
technical specification.
It was instrumented with temperature and pressure sensors at the inlet, middle and outlet of
the column. Amines solution flow rate was measured. Steam flow was adjusted to obtain
maximum temperature. However, since the column is an open atmosphere system, the
maximum temperature that can be reached is the water boiling temperature (98oC for
atmospheric pressure of 85 KPa).

100% 100%
1st pass
90% Recovered 90% 1st pass
80% 80%
2nd pass
70% 70%
60% 60%
H2S (%)

CO2 (%)

50% Recovered
40% 40%
2nd pass
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Qr Qr
Fig. 6. H2S and CO2 removing efficiencies of the absorption column as function of
volumetric ratios of biogas to amine flows for the case of regenerated MEA at 15% of
volumetric concentration.
Fully saturated amines solutions were passed through the desorption column and collected at
the bottom. Then they were cooled and used again in the absorption column under the same
conditions as they were initially saturated (Qr=230). Figure 6 shows results obtained in terms
of removing efficiency. It shows that the H2S removing efficiencies change from 98% to 95%
when the amine is regenerated. Similarly, it changes from 87% to 50% for the case of CO2. Even
though these results are encouraging, they are still partial results in the sense that further work
is required to ensure maximum amines regeneration before evaluating its removing efficiency.
Literature reports that amines can be regenerated 25 times before being degraded.

5. Economical evaluation
An economical analysis was performed to evaluate the economical feasibility of
implementing this type of amine based H2S and CO2 biogas scrubber. It was assumed a

Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption 147

horizon time of 10 years and a scale of power generation of 1 kW in a typical farm in Mexico
without any governmental subsidy or benefits from green bonuses. It was also assumed an
annual interest rate of 5%. From the engine manufacturer experience it is known that oil
change period is reduced from 1000 to 250 hr and that overhaul maintenance is reduced
from 84000 hr to 24000 hr when using biogas without any treatment. Additionally it was
considered in the analysis that power output increases ≈30% when using the amine
treatment system. Under these circumstances it was found that electric power generation
from biogas currently has a cost of 0.024 USD/kW-h and that this cost can be reduced up to
61% (0.015 USD/kW-h) when the amine based H2S and CO2 biogas scrubber is included.
Then, it was found that the turnover of the initial investment is of about 1 year.

6. Conclusions
Recently, a new approach for electric power generation has been emerging as a consequence
of the need of replacing traditional hydrocarbon fuels by renewable energies. It consists of
inter-connecting thousands of small and medium scale electric plants powered by
renewable energy sources to the national or regional electric grid. In this case, typical small
scale (0.1 to 1 MW) plants consisting of internal combustion engines coupled to electric
generator and fueled by biogas become as one of the most attractive alternatives because of
its very low cost, high benefit-cost ratio and very high positive impact on the environment.
However, the use of biogas to generate electricity has been limited by its high content of H2S
(1800-5000 ppm) and CO2 (~40%). The high content of H2S corrodes important components
of the engine like the combustion chamber, bronze gears and the exhaust system. CO2
presence reduces the energy density of the fuel and therefore the power output of the
system. Therefore there is a need for a system to reduce H2S and CO2 biogas content to less
than 100 ppm and 10%, respectively, from 60 to 600 m3/hr biogas streams.
To address this need, several existing alternatives to remove H2S and CO2 content from
gaseous streams were compared in terms of their range of applicability, removing efficiency,
pressure drop across the system, feasibility of reagent regeneration and availability of
methods environmentally safe for final disposal of saturated reagents. It was found that the
existing methods are appropriate for either small scale applications with low H2S and CO2
concentration or large scale with high pressure drops. Applications with intermediate
volumetric flows, high H2S and CO2 content and minimum pressure drop, as required in the
present case, are atypical. It was also found that the most appropriate methods for the
present application are amines and iron oxides, which absorb both H2S and CO2. Iron oxides
are meant for small to medium scale applications while amines are meant for large scale
applications. Amines have higher H2S and CO2 absorbing efficiencies than iron oxides.
Both methods have problems with disposition of saturated reagents. Even though amines
are costly, they can be regenerated, and depending on the size of the application they could
become economically more attractive than iron oxides. Both methods were selected for the
present applications. However in this document, only results for the case of amines were
To design the scrubbing system based on amines it is necessary to know its H2S and CO2
absorbing capacity. Since there is not reported data on this regard, it was proposed a
method to measure it by means of a bubbler. It is an experimental setup where the gas
stream passes through a fixed amount of the absorbing substance until it becomes saturated.
Results showed that MEA and DEA exhibit similar H2S and CO2 absorbing capacities and

148 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes

that they depend on their concentration in water. They exhibit a minimum around 20% of
volumetric concentration. These results indicate that scrubbing systems should work around
7.5% for applications where H2S removal is the main concern or higher than 50% where CO2
removal is the main objective. On average at 7.5% of MEA or DEA concentration in water
their absorbing capacity is of 5.37 and 410.1 g of H2S and CO2, respectively, per Kg of MEA
or DEA.
Using this information, it was designed an absorbing gas-liquid column to reduce the H2S
and CO2 content to 100 ppm and 10%, respectively, from ~60 m3/hr biogas streams, with
negligible pressures drop. The manufactured column was tested with three different types
of amines: MEA, DEA, and MDMEA. Results permitted to identify the ratio of amines to
biogas flow (Qr=230) required to obtain the highest H2S and CO2 removing efficiencies ( 98%
and 75% respectively) along with the highest mass transfer in the column (86%) when it is
used MEA at 9%.
Then, an amine regenerative system was designed, manufactured and tested. Exhaust hot
gases from the engine were used to heat the diluted amine up to 95ºC. Tests showed that
the H2S removing efficiencies change from 98% to 95% when the amine is regenerated.
Similarly, it changes from 87% to 50% for the case of CO2. Even though these results are
encouraging, they are still partial results in the sense that further work is required to ensure
maximum amines regeneration before evaluating its removing efficiencies.
Finally, an economical analysis was performed assuming a horizon time of 10 years and a
scale of power generation of 1 kW in a typical farm in Mexico without any governmental
subsidy or benefits from green bonuses. It was found that under these circumstances,
electric power generation from biogas has a cost of 0.024 USD/kW-h. This cost can be
reduced up to 61% (0.015 USD/kW-h0 when the amine based H2S and CO2 biogas scrubber
is included). Then, it was found that the turnover of the initial investment is of about 1 year.

7. Acknowlegments
This project was partially financed by the Mexican council of science and technology-
COMECYT and the company MOPESA. The authors also express their gratitude to engineer
Jessica Garzon for their contributions to this project.

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Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes
Edited by Dr. Jozef Markoš

ISBN 978-953-307-619-5
Hard cover, 306 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 04, November, 2011
Published in print edition November, 2011

This book offers several solutions or approaches in solving mass transfer problems for different practical
chemical engineering applications: measurements of the diffusion coefficients, estimation of the mass transfer
coefficients, mass transfer limitation in separation processes like drying, extractions, absorption, membrane
processes, mass transfer in the microbial fuel cell design, and problems of the mass transfer coupled with the
heterogeneous combustion. I believe this book can provide its readers with interesting ideas and inspirations
or direct solutions of their particular problems.

How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

J.I. Huertas, N. Giraldo, and S. Izquierdo (2011). Removal of H2S and CO2 from Biogas by Amine Absorption,
Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes, Dr. Jozef Markoš (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-619-5,
InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/mass-transfer-in-chemical-engineering-

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