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The Applying of Problem Based Learning Models in An Effort To Improve Science Procees Skill For Learners

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The Applying of Problem Based Learning Models in an Effort to Improve Science Procees Skill for


VinaSerevina,Mulkhi Fianto
Study Program ofPhysics Education,Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
State University of Jakarta, Indonsia.


Research has been done by applying a problem based learning models in an effort to improve science procees
skills for the student class XI MIA-3 Senior High School 59 Jakarta in physics education.The method used is
classroom action research. The implementation of learning is done in two cycles, each cycle consist of:
Planning, Implementation of Action, Observation, and Evaluation. The minimum of completeness criteria is set
at 75.0 with the realm, affective, cognitive and Psychomotor. The result obtained after the study showed that
there was an increased in the average value of student score in all three aspects.In the first cycle got result:
Affective activity 76.22 and psychomotor activity (process skills) 70,63, and cognitive completeness reached
63.89% (complete 23, not complete 13).The reflection was done at the end of cycle 1 for planning at
cycle2 that gots the following results :the average of cognitive score was 74.17, the affective value
was 78,47 and the value of the process skill was 81,25. Most student have passed the minimum
completeness criteria in the cognitive, affective, and proce ss skill so it can be concluded that the
application of problem based learning model (PBL)can improve student learning and student process
science skills in physics lesson for Senior High School.

Keywords :Science process skills, problem based learning, classroom action research

Curriculum enhancement which is 2013 of the curriculum unit level education. 2013 is expected to be able to
answer weaknesses of the previous curriculum. One of them is science learning activities which
more focusing on the scientific approach. Wiyanto (2008) explains that science, including physics developed by
humans with the purpose of understanding the nature of symptoms. According to Achmad, et
al (2007) learning science is expected to instill and cultivate the habit of thinking and behaving critical scientific,
creative, and independent. One of the competencies to be achieved students learning physics in middle level
according to Permendiknas No. 21 year 2016, i.e. formulate problems relating to physical phenomena,
formulating hypotheses, designing and implementing experiments, perform measurements carefully, taking
notes and presents the results in the form of tables and charts, concluded, as well as report the results orally or
written. So learning physics is a series of activities to train students to think and behave. Scientific thought can
be achieved through a scientific methods embodied in an activity known as the process of science. In accordance
with the curriculum of 2013, one of the core competencies developed in Physics in senior high school /MA is
the ability to analyze and solve complex problems. That ability developed through first hand
experience with investigations or experiments in the lab or in
the classroom. Investigation or experiment conducted in the lab or in the classroom can improve
the process skills learners.

Based on the results of interviews with the students of Physics Society of State MA 59 Jakarta, found several
problems among them; First, the PBLs are still dominated by lecture methods. Secondly, the teacher rarely
carries out the activities of the practice of solving the solvent-oriented material. This causes the learner not to
engage in the scientific work activity which has the character of the process of unadvertmental examination has
not been developed. Third, the delivery of the material is not fully correlated with the life of the inqualified
school. Fourth, the learning activities of the teacher have not touched the aspect of the radio frequency and the
other with the process of developing the skeletal skills of the school's masses. If such learning is continuous it
can hamper the student's development in scientific thinking that ultimately the ability of the student's science
process does not develop. This problem resulted in a lesser study of the lesser educators.Hinitarians looked at
the data of the Grade of Physics of the seventieth grade of the class XIIPA-3 in the latter case7.7 with the
percentage ofclassical rate of 85%. While the results were below the two-year-old ministry's minimum
fundraiser (KKM )75.

To overcome these problems, teachers should be able to change the old teaching strategy with new teaching
strategies that empower learners to be more active in learning, so as to achieve better learning outcomes and
can develop the skills of the learners process. One of them through the application of learning model Problem
Based Learning (PBL). PBL is a learning model based on the many problems that require authentic
investigation that require real settlement of real problems. With PBL learners are trained to build their own
knowledge, develop self-problem solving skills and increase self-confidence.

Learning with the PBL model allows students to develop scientific attitudes to develop fundamental skills, so
that in the learning process students can understand the concepts they are learning. Thus the learning outcomes
that include knowledge, skills, and attitudes as competence demands in the curriculum will be achieved.

Based on the facts above the researcher intends to improve the the science process skill. So the title of research
that will be done is Efforts to Improve Science Process Skills Using Problem-Based Learning Model on
Students Class XI MIA 3 59 senior high school in Jakarta Year 2017/2018.

Formulation of the problem

Is the application of problem-based learning model (PBL) can improve the science process skills of students of
class XI MIA 3 senior high school in Jakarta?

Research purposes
To know the improvement of science process skill with problem-based learning model in grade XI MIA 3
SMAN 59 Jakarta.

Literature review
Learning model Problem Based Learning
Problem-based teaching is known by other names like Project-based teaching, Experienced-based education,
Authentic learning and Anchored Learning. Problem Based Learning Learning is a learning model based on
problems that require authentic investigation, which is an investigation that requires a real solution of the real

According to Arends various development of Problem Based Learning teaching has given the teaching model
has the following characteristics: Questioning or problem, Focus on interdisciplinary interrelationship,
Authentic inquiry, Produce the product and exhibit it, Collaboration or cooperation. Problem Based Learning
consists of five steps or the main stage that begins with the teacher introduces the student to a problem situation
and ends with the presentation and analysis of student work. The five stages are: student orientation on issues,
organizing students in learning, guiding individual and group investigations, developing and presenting the
work, identifying and evaluating problem-solving processes.

Problem based learning have some advantages than other learning model, including the following:
a. Is a quite good technique to understand the content of the lesson better
b. Challenge students' abilities and provide satisfaction to discover new knowledge of learning
c. Increase student learning activities
d. Familiarize students to deal with and solve problems skillfully
e. Stimulate the development of students' thinking skills creatively and thoroughly
the same thing with other teaching models, learning model Problem Based Learning have weakness and
obstacles in its application is not all subjects can be applied with Problem Based Learning.
Science Process Skills
Process skill is one of the teaching methods that emphasizes how the lesson is taught and learned (Tabrani in
Soegeng (2000). According to Soegeng (2000) in learning process skills, learners must be active. Learning
skills can not be separated by learning concepts. Both are continuous lines. Learning concepts emphasize the
appreciation of concepts while process skills emphasize the acquisition and understanding of facts and
principles. Learning process skills is not possible if no material or material is learned. Conversely, learning
concepts will not occur if there is no process skill in each learner who is learning
The process of teaching and learning should always include students actively in order to develop students'
abilities, such as the ability to observe, interpret, predict, apply concepts, plan and conduct research, and
communicate research results.
Based on the above explanation, in the science process skill, the teacher does not expect every student to be
a scientist, but can put forward the idea that in understanding science, partly depends on the ability to see and
associate with nature in ways that scientists (scientific method).

Archimedes Principle stated: every object immerse in fluid will get upward force from that
liquid equal to the weight of the fluid displace by the object, the force is Archimedes force
(Fa), and formulated as follows:

FA = weight of the fluid displace

𝐹𝐴 = 𝑤𝑓𝑡 = 𝑚𝑓𝑡 . 𝑔 = 𝜌𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎 . 𝑣𝑓𝑡 . 𝑔
FA: Archimedes force (Pa)

𝜌𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎 :density of liquid(kg/m )
g :gravitational acceleration(m/s2)
𝑣𝑓𝑡 :fluid transfered volume / dyed object volume(m )

Because there is anupward force from fluid cause any object immerse in a fluid will have one in the three
condition, the three condition are:

Float: for example a piece of styrofoam be arrested in the bottom of vessel contains fluid, after released, the
styrofoam will float because:
F A> w
c . Vb . g >b . Vb . g
c b
Float : Floating object in the fluid means the object in the equally condition
FA = w
 c . Vb . g =  b . Vb . g
c = b

Sink: the weight of fluid displaced= mc . g = c .Vc . g

Because the volume of the fluid displaced = object volume : = c . Vb . g

Then sink object :

F A W
c . Vb . g b . Vb . g

c b

Research Methods

This research will be conducted at SMAN 59 Jakarta, BulakTimur 1 Street No.1011 Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.
This research was conducted from August to October 2017. The type of research used is Classroom Action
Research or often called Classroom Action Research, that is research conducted by the teacher in the classroom
or in the school where the teaching, with an emphasis on refinement or improvement of practice in the learning
process (Susilo, 2007). According to Arikunto, and friends (2010) classroom action research is a reflection of
learning activities in the form of action, which deliberately appear and occur in a class simultaneously. Kurt
Lewin’s model becomes the main reference or the basis of various action research models, especially classroom
action research. The main concept of action research by Kurt Lewin consists of four components, that is : (1)
planning, (2) acting, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting. The relationship of the four component is viewed as a
cycle. (Supriyadi, 2007).This classroom action research is carried out in four stages that is ;1) planning stage; 2)
stage of action implementation; 3) stage of observation and data collection;and4) reflection stage. This research
was conducted in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II.
1. Cycle I was held twice meetings (4 hours of lesson)
2. Cycle II was held twice meetings (4 hours of lesson)

Data Analysis Techniques

The scale of the assessment to be used in the questionnaire consists of four categories based on the criterion of
score interpretation for likert scale, that is :
Score 4 : very good
Score 3 : good
Score 2 : less good
Score 1 : not good

Score interpretation is calculated based on the scoring scores,

∑ 𝑎𝑐𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
% score = ∑ 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
× 100 %
Percentage Interpretation
0% - 25% Not good
26% - 50% Less good
51% - 75% Good
76% - 100% Very good

Cycle 1
The activities undertaken in this planning stage are as follows:
1.) Early observation results or preliminary findings teach in the class 11 MIA 3 in 59 Senior high school
Jakarta, students rarely practice practicum, and students' science process skills are low. This finding is a
reflection material for doing cycle I by making action plan of cycle I.
2.) Preparing the plan Implementation of learning.
3.) Develop an assessment instrument in the form of performance appraisal, Student Worksheet assessment
and learning result test consisting of questions based on the indicators contained in the learning
implementation plan.

Activities to be undertaken at this stage are teachers implementing plan learning scenarios with the following
a. The teacher open the lesson by exposing the natural phenomenon of the Archimedes principle and
giving problems to the learners related to the Archimedes principle.
b. The teacher responds to the learners answers and motivates them to look for other phenomena that show
the principle of Archimedes.
c. The teacher explains briefly the purpose of learning that is carrying out the experimental principle of
d. Learners are divided into six groups.
e. Learners prepare the tools and materials used for the experiment.
f. The teacher gives the student worksheet containing instructions for experimenting and questioning to
each learner.
g. The teacher directs and guides the learner to carry out the experimental principle of Archimedes.
h. Learners experiment as directed in the Student Worksheet.
i. The teacher ask the representatives of each group to show the results of the experiment and the results
of the group discussion.
j. The teacher explains and straightens the outcome of the learner's discussion.
Picture 1. students get information when listening to impressions presented by teachers.

Figure2. (a) the teacher presents the learning materials, (b) classroom observation in collaboration.

The activities will be implement at this stage is to conduct observation on affective capabilities and process skill
of the psychomotor learners are assessed by observation sheet during the learning process. To know the extent to
which follow up effects of learning by problem based learning.
All the data obtained on the implementation of the action and process of observation are collected and analyzed
as well as evaluation to know successful or failure the action performed. Reflection result are used to improve
performance and revise the planning to be implement to improve performance and make revision to the planning
that will be implement the next cycle.
Picture 3.Evaluation of first cycle implementation with subject teacher (Mr. SamsulBahri) and research team.
Cycle 2
The activities will do stage is based on observation or reflection cycle is:
a. Prepare the plan of learning material drift, floating and sinking according to syllabus of SMA or MA
and learning model PBL.
b. Prepare student worksheets the material drift, floating and sinking according to the model.
c. Prepare the posttest use to determine the result of cognitive learning.
d. Prepare an assessment sheet that contains the criteria of process skill to be implement.
e. Prepare an observation sheet in the form of affective sheet and process skill of psychomotor will be
used to assess the activities of learners in the learning process.
Picture 4. The teacher retrains the lesson to be done in cycle 2.

Activity will be done in this stage is based on observation or reflection cycle I is the teacher implement the
planned learning scenario with the following activities:
a) The teacher opens the lesson by exposing the natural phenomenon of the priest, floating and drowning and
giving problems to the study which are related to the principles of the material,
b) Teacher gave the respondent's answer and motivated them to find other phenomen showing the principle of
floating and drowning
c) The explanation of the teacher is the level of his learning objective. It carries out experiments of the principles
of the hill, floating and drowning
d) The participants were educated in 6 groups.
e) Students prepare tools and materials used for experiments
The teacher divides the LKS containing instructions for experimental execution and questions to each learner
g) The teacher directs and guides the learner to carry out experiments of floating, floating and drowning
h) Learners conduct experiments as directed in the LKS
i) The teacher asks the representatives of each group to show the results of the experiment and the results of the
group discussion
j) The teacher explains and straightens the outcome of the learner's discussion

The Activities carried out in this stage is to observe the affective and skills capabilities of the psychomotor
learners judged by the obserVation sheet during the learning process to determine the extentto which the effects
of the learning proceedings with the LearningBased.

Results from the analysis of observation on affective ability and process skill of psychomotor and cognitive
aspect of learner in cycle II, have reached Minimum Completion Criteria ( KKM ) and indicator of learning,
hence research completed.
Discussion and Result
1. Learning Outcomes of Cognitive Learners
After analyzing the test result data, the data obtained on the highest value, the lowest value, the average
value and the completeness in cycle I and II presented in table 1

Table 1 Results of cognitive learning of students in cycles I and II

No Information Cycle I Cycle II

1 Top Score 85 85
2 The lowest score 45 45

3 The average score 65,00 74,17

4 Completeness (%) 63,89 91,67

( There should be a sentence but nothing )

Table 2. Results of skill assessment process of students I and II cycle
No Aspects of process skills
Cycle I CycleII
1 Designing experiments 68,06% 78,47%
2 Observe 61,11% 85,42%
3 Calculate 77,78% 72,22%
4 Measure 56,94% 85,42%
5 Foreseeing 91,67% 75,00%
6 Make a hypothesis 81,94% 72,22%
7 Interpretation of data 61,81% 89,58%
8 Apply 70,83% 88,89%
9 Conclude 70,83% 97,92%
10 Communicate 65,28% 67,36%
The highest score 90 95
The lowest value 50 65
Average value 70,63 81,25
Completeness 69,44% 94,44%



Cycle I
Cycle II

The highest Average
score value

Figure 5 Comparison of skill score values of cycle I and II processes

3. Learning outcomes affective

Learners Assessment of effective learning outcomes include discipline, cooperation, honesty, and
responsibility. Effective learning result data is presented in Table 3
Table 3. The results of the observation assessment of the affective aspects of students in cycles I and II

No Aspek afektif
Cyles I Clyes II

1 Discipline 83,33% 78,47%

2 Cooperation 83,33% 83,33%

3 Honesty 70,14% 74,31%

4 Responsible 68,06% 77,78%
The highest score 100 100
The lowest value 43,75 37,5
Average value 76,22 78,47
Classic mastery 77,78% 91,67%

Cycle I was held on Thursday, October 2, 2017 and Tuesday, October 9, 2017, with material Archimedes law.
The teacher formed a group of 6 groups, each group consisting of 6 people according to the serial number.
Teachers demonstrated the buoyancy style with a practicum of stone dipped into water. Then the teacher
provides opportunities for learners to practice and discussions in accordance with what was demonstrated by
the teacher by presenting a lab manual in the form of LKS.

At the second meeting after the end of the workshop, the teacher will present two students as representatives of
each group to present the results of the practice for 5 minutes. In the presentation of the practicum, learners who
are not presentations are given the opportunity to question and answer their friend. The inquisitor who asks and
accepts his / her friend will gain additional value on the assessment of the skill of the trainee's process. , teachers
observed the activity of the school and record edit in observation. Each completed presentation

Research documentation
(a) (b)

Figure 6. (a) students experiment with groups, (b) students present experimental results in the class.

Results after doing two cycles have been good, because the average of cognitive learning outcomes of the learner
74.17 The average affective result and the process skill of the learner is good, the mean score for affective
activity is 78,47 and for the skill of the process is 81.25. In the cognitive domain from cycle I to cycle II there
was an increase of 9.17, the affective sphere from cycle I to cycle II was increased by 2.25 and the process skill
of the learner increased from cycle I to cycle II by 10.62.

Problem Based Learning can improve the process skills and affective aspects of learners when the learning both
classical and group from cycle I to cycle II. Implementation of Problem Based Learning model, in physics
learning, teacher explained to the students that learning problem of Eased Learning is a learning based on real
problem, students are asked to perform demonstration and practicum to solve the problem

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