Building Ethiopia: Sustainability and Innovation in Architecture and Design
Building Ethiopia: Sustainability and Innovation in Architecture and Design
Building Ethiopia: Sustainability and Innovation in Architecture and Design
Copyright © 2012 by EiABC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage, and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the
publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.
First Edition
Building Ethiopia : Sustainability and Innovation in Architecture and Design, Vol. I, 2012
ISBN 978-99944-993-7-3
a >>
7 >> Houben, H. and Guillaud, H., what makes typical low-cost housing alternatives prohibitive by Ethiopian means. The most
Earth Construction: A Comprehen- common vernacular dwelling of the north is the ‘Sar-bet’ (or grass hut), a ‘tukul’ type con-
sive Guide. CRATerre-EAG, Inter- struction of eucalyptus wood, thatch roofing and mud plastering (a >>). The ‘korkoro-bet’ is a
mediate Technology Publications, slightly modernized version, which has an adapted, rectilinear form to suit the dimensions of
London, 1994. the corrugated sheet metal used for roofing (a3 >>). The increased cost of sheet metal in this
8 >> UN Habitat, Regional and housing type is offset by its benefit to its owners, as it is commonly collected and used as mate-
Technical Cooperation Division, rial capital in a practice of informal, rural banking. It could be said that these two typologies
ETHIOPIA: ADDIS ABABA URBAN most economically utilize the limited, available building material, and constructional skill in the
PROFILE. United Nations Human rural market. However, it is clear that these alone do not provide a strategy for the population
Settlements Programme (UN-HAB- increase projected in the coming decades (UN Report),8 and further, do not utilize Ethiopian
ITAT), UNON, Publishing Services resources in a sustainable manner. Eg. With the addition of bracing techniques, the abundant
Section, Nairobi, 2008.
9 >> Jarzombek, M. “Lalibela and
Libanos, The King and the Hydro-
Engineer of 13th Century Ethiopia,
A Connection to India?” in Cities
of Change: Addis Ababa, Edited by
Marc Angélil and Dirk Hebel (Zur-
ich: Birkhauser, 2009) pp.76-79
d >>
The primary distinctions between Nubian vaulting and Mexican leaning brick vaulting are the
geometry and order of sequence in construction. Leaning brick vaulting is distinctive in that
double curved vault forms are always begun from the corners, and worked progressively in-
wards to create groins where each corner ‘squinch’ meets (d2>>). Most other vaulted types, in-
cluding thin-tile vaulting, have groins which occur along ‘diagonals’ of masonry (d1 >>); whereas
the groin of the leaning brick vault is turned 45o, to terminate at the mid-point of a span.
e >>
0.50 0.10
f >>
Leaning brick and timbrel vaulting allow for the construction of compact, efficient floor systems
– such as that developed by the Guastavino Company (g >>)17,18 – which may be used for multi-
story construction. Since stresses are low within funicular vaulted structures, soil tiles with low
material strength can be used, bending reinforcement can be omitted, and tension ties can be
A compression structure thrusts outward as its self-weight accrues and is directed through
its geometry. This can be represented by a ‘line of thrust’, which is a theoretical line, describing
the path of compressive forces through the masonry vault. This line of thrust, which has a cat-
enary geometry (i.e. the shape of a hanging chain) only when the loading is proportional along
g >>
i >> Masonry behavior (after The floor fill furthermore adds self-weight to the vaulted floor system, so that the effect of point
J.Heyman):21,22 1) Maximum and loads remains small. The diaphragm stiffeners and fill provide alternative load paths for point or
minimum thrust lines which fit asymmetrical loading and distribute these loads over a larger area of the vault. Diaphragms are
within the cross-- section of ma- critical structural components for a barrel vault. Such vaults have the important advantage, on
sonry; 2) asymmetrical loading account of their single curvature, that they can be easily geometrically described for construc-
within cross--section of material; tion. On the other hand, they are more vulnerable to asymmetrical loads than a double-curved
and 3) asymmetrical loading ex- vault, as the loads can only be carried down to the supports in one primary direction. A deep
iting material, to form a failure funicular structure has less horizontal thrust. A shallow form, with a greater horizontal thrust,
mechanism must be resolved by providing steel tension members to tie back the vault (k >>). Regardless
j >> Loading diagrams: 1) self- of the design requirements for tension ties, a vaulted structure can only be safe when stable,
weight, 2 & 3) asymmetrical load- inflexible boundary conditions are provided.
ing within cross-section of the floor
k >>
l >>
n >>
ticles from expanding. Clay should be minimized for cement stabilized tiles, providing only suf-
ficient adhesion for bricks before curing, because the cement stabilizer binds with gravel and
sand particles. Overly clayey bricks are prone to expansion, contraction, and associated cracking
when exposed to moisture variation.
Soil masonry units are generally compressed with hand or hydraulic presses and stabilized
with a typical 5-13% inclusion of cement. Particularly applicable for this comparative analysis,
the production of very thin tiles is much more difficult – timbrel bricks are brittle and prone to
fracture before curing. The robust dimensions of the leaning brick block, however, save time
and labor with less statistical breakage. Additionally, since timbrel vaulted systems are a sand-
wiched composite of many smaller masonry units, more masonry units must be produced,
cured, prepared and then laid onto a masonry surface to cover the same surface area of a lean-
ing brick vault, a more massive brick construction system. This indicates the inherent efficiency
of leaning brick vaulting with respect to the speed of construction and thus cost of labor. Never-
theless, the extremely low cost of labor in Ethiopia, and the valuable investment of labor for job
creation, could make optimizing this factor counter-productive in many respects.
Timbrel vaulting relies upon the availability of fast setting gypsum mortar, which is needed to
set the first layer of tiles. Since it is typically not readily available on the market and must be cus-
m2 >> tom-produced by a manufacturer to meet the material requirements and specific properties for
m1 >> Soil samples from the Am- speed of setting essential for the technique, it is thus expensive in comparison to even typical
hara region; m2 >> testing for ad- cementitious mortars (sand, cement, lime and water). While most industrial scale production
equate sand/gravel skeleton for of gypsum is currently concentrated in Addis Ababa, the cost of the material could eventually
stable block production. (Image decrease if and when industrial plants become more available in rural regions, or if partnerships
credits: LKD, drawing by Benjamin
are developed with smaller scale manufacturers. Leaning brick vaulting, on the other hand, has
Stähli, PB)
the advantage of not using a gypsum mortar. Either a readily available cementitious mortar may
n >> Soil bricks produced at ZOMA
be used, or even mud mortars with sufficient adhesive properties would suffice.
Contemporary Art Centre, Harla
It is necessary to maintain cohesion between the various layers of a vault with consistent
expansive properties of masonry bricks and mortars, both in beds between masonry layers and
Village: 1) Full--bed adobe bricks;
joints between the masonry units. For this reason, cementitious mortars are typically utilized
and 2) thin--tile masonry units (for
for the upper layers of a timbrel vault, incurring yet further expense with respect to mortar.
timbrel vaulting).
Also on account of the sandwiched structure of timbrel vaulting (and the bedding between each
layer), it is evident that the proportion of mortar to masonry blocks, and the total amount of
mortar used, is greater. In any case, the potential for the use of mud mortars in the leaning brick
method confers greater advantage in resource efficiency and overall expense.
o >>
construction, rather than the geometry of the vault, masons must follow very careful rules of o >> 1) Timbrel masonry systems (3
sequencing to insure stability before each masonry course is closed. If masonry is not laid care- layers with thin-tile bricks); and 2)
fully in stable sections, it is prone to collapses. The first and only course of leaning brick vault- Leaning brick systems (1 layer with
ing, essentially full bed bricks (q >>), immediately confers a greater thickness; this method thus modified full bed bricks).
accepts error more readily, as the initial load path has a greater cross section to move within. p >> Teaching vaults: 1) Timbrel
Additionally, because leaning brick vaulting is stable during construction more so on account vaulting; 2) Nubian vaulting.
of its geometry than of its material property, its construction-phase stability is more optimal.
While nevertheless demanding attention to stable building sequencing, leaning brick vaulting
has inherently more tolerance for error than timbrel vaulting.
p >>
facets. When the design goals are identified, such construction technologies may be used as q >> Teaching vault: Leaning brick
flexible tools to respond to conditions of constraint, to mobilize labor economies in production, vaulting
manufacture, and construction, and to generate modest but desirable outcomes in critical in- r >> SUDU 1) 1st floor Thin-tile
vestments for rural Ethiopian towns. >> vault, 2) 1st floor vault and 2nd
floor Leaning brick vaulting, c.
SUDU Sectional drawing –Compos-
ite of type
s >> Material transport in rural
Ethiopia (Image credits: Benjamin-
s >>