TQS Micro Spesification
TQS Micro Spesification
TQS Micro Spesification
Ion source transfer optics StepWave ion transfer optics (Waters patent pending) delivering class leading UPLC ® /MS/MS
sensitivity. The unique off-axis design dramatically increases the efficiency of ion transfer
from the ion source to the quadrupole MS analyzer at the same time as actively eliminating
undesirable neutral contaminants.
Mass analyzer Two high resolution, high stability quadrupole analyzers (MS1/MS2), plus pre-filters to maximize
resolution and transmission while preventing contamination of the main analyzers
Collision cell T-Wave™ enabled for optimal MS/MS performance at high data acquisition rates
Vacuum system One split-flow air-cooled vacuum turbomolecular pump evacuating the source and analyzer;
One vacuum backing pump
Quantification methods database Quanpedia™ – a database for storing and sharing user defined LC/MRM acquisition methods and
associated processing methods for the targeted quantification of named compounds is provided
as standard; database entries for a number of applications are also provided as a standard
Automated MRM scheduling Dwell time, inter-channel delay time, and inter-scan delay time for individual channels in a
(acquisition rate assignment) multiple MRM experiment can be automatically assigned (using the Auto-Dwell feature) to
ensure that the optimal number of MRM data points per chromatographic peak is acquired.
The Auto-Dwell feature can dynamically optimize MRM cycle times to accommodate retention
time windows that either partially or completely overlap. This greatly simplifies MRM method
creation, irrespective of the number of compounds in a single assay, while at the same time
ensuring the very best quantitative performance for every experiment.
Automated MRM scheduling Multiple MRM experiments can be scheduled (manually or automatically using the Quanpedia
(acquisition window assignment) database) using retention time windows to optimize the cycle time for each MRM channel
monitored. If required, MRM retention time windows can overlap partially or completely.
This ensures that MRM data acquisition rates will be optimal for the quantification of all
analytes in a given assay.
Product ion confirmation (PIC) mode MRM acquisition acts as an automatic trigger for the acquisition of product ion spectra
RADAR An information rich acquisition approach that allows you to collect highly specific quantitative
data for target compounds while providing the ability to visualize all other components
Linearity of response The linearity of response relative to sample concentration, for a specified compound,
is six orders of magnitude from the limit of detection
Polarity switching time 15 ms to switch between positive and negative ion modes
MRM acquisition rate Maximum acquisition rate of 500 MRM data points per second;
Minimum dwell time of 1 ms per MRM channel;
Minimum inter-channel delay of 1 ms;
At an MRM acquisition rate of 500 MRM data points per second there is no more than
20% loss in signal compared to 50 MRM data points per second
Inter-Channel cross talk The inter-Channel cross talk between two MRM transitions will be less than 0.001%
(less than 10 ppm)
Number of MRM channels Up to 32,768 MRM channels (1024 functions, 32 channels per function) can be monitored
in a single acquisition; up to 1,024 MRM channels when operating in GLP/secure mode
(32 functions, 32 channels per function)
Mass resolution Automatically adjusted (IntelliStart) to desired resolution; (0.50 Da, 0.75 Da or 1.00 Da FWHM)
MRM sensitivity (ESI-) A 1 pg on-column injection of Chloramphenicol will give a chromatographic signal-to-noise
greater than 100,000:1, using raw unsmoothed data (LC mobile phase flow rate of 0.8 mL/min,
MRM transition 321 >152 m/z)
It should be noted that the above are not standard installation specifications. All Xevo TQ-S micro instruments will be installed
and tested in accordance with standard performance tests as detailed in Waters document (Xevo TQ-S micro Installation Checklist).
Test criteria are routinely reviewed to ensure quality is maintained and are therefore subject to change without notice. See Site
Preparation Guide and Product Release Notes for additional productand specification information.
Related Patents:
Waters Corporation
34 Maple Street
Waters, T he Science of W hat’s Possible, UPLC, Xevo, and ESCi are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. ionKey/MS, IntelliStart,
Milford, MA 01757 U.S.A.
StepWave, MassLynx, OpenLynx, TargetLynx, T-Wave, nanoFlow, Quanpedia, Xtended Dynamic Range, Xcelerated Ion Transfer, RADAR,
and ZSpray are trademarks of Waters Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
T: 1 508 478 2000
F: 1 508 872 1990
©2016 Waters Corporation. Produced in the U.S.A. March 2016 720005081EN TC-PDF www.waters.com