Gender Disc.
Gender Disc.
Gender Disc.
Marimuthu Sivakumar
7 September 2008
Online at
MPRA Paper No. 10901, posted 11 October 2008 03:30 UTC
Ph.D Scholar in Economics,
Chikkaiah Naicker College,
Erode-4. T.N. INDIA
only for women, because females are the only victims of gender
and believing their ability are essential for women’s empowerment and
legislation for women and solution for gender discrimination are also
only for women, because females are the only victims of gender
of work of the total work in the world but received only one-tenth of the
they have possessed only one percent of the total world’s assets. In the
raw paddy to new born female baby, by pressing the face by pillow
Early marriage
Educational backwardness
Religious beliefs
Low income
Like male or even above them female plays important role in the
Review of Literature
daughters has its roots in the situation of women. Parents have several
incentives for not educating their daughters. Foremost is the view that
education of girls brings no returns to parents and that their future roles,
Kalyani Menon Sen and A.K.Shivakumar (2001) found that girls in India
less of nurturing and play, less care or medical treatment if they fall ill,
less of “special” food, less of parental attention. As a result, girls are far
nurturing and care that is the real killer of girls – less visible and
cultural point of view (which may have deep historical roots) have
women out of the economic mainstream. These social practices may have
are formerly entitled to own land and resources social and religious
factors make many women refrain from this right in order not to cause
distortions within the family. The preference for having sons permeates
all social classes in India, which sets the standard for girls throughout
women and girls impinges upon their right to health and manifests itself
Julie Mullin (2008) indicated that the developing world is full of poverty
practice to breastfeed girls for a shorter time than boys so that women can
try to get pregnant again with a boy as soon as possible. As a result, girls
Females are nearly 50 per cent of the total population but their
major load of the household work. Her primary role is often viewed by
political activities. This constraint operates more or less for all classes
and often decisions are taken behind the scene may be regarded as
realize their own capabilities and potentials which will strengthen their
self image and foster them with confidence to take action in life. Political
empowerment does not imply just a right to role silently but to discuss,
share and empower politics by knowing its pros and cons and thereby to
where she wants neither to beg for power nor search for power hierarchy
society has started to realize women’s importance and has being accepted
reforms have been enacted to carry out the gender action plan for the
Bengal Sati Regulation Act of 1829 and similar Anti-Sati laws in Madras
and Bombay, Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856, the Hindu Women’s
Right to Property Act in 1937, (The Muslim Personal Law) the Shariat
Article 14 of Indian Constitution says that the state shall not deny
Article 15 (3) emphasis that the state shall make special provisions for
In Article 39(a) emphasis that the citizens men and women equally,
that the state should secure equal pay for equal work for both men and
women and in Article 34 it provides that the state shall make provision
for securing just and humor humane for work and for maternity relief.
the milestone in the history of India, which provides lot of powers for the
local bodies. It paves the way for decentralisation, empowers the poor
According to these amendments not less than one third of the seats,
reserved for women and not less than one-third of the seats of chairperson
1. Education
Not only the female, the society must be educated to give equal
2. Employment
the middle age- she depends on her husband and in the older age –
women’s development.
4. Empowerment
gender like male. Female also has all the potential and empowering
women will help to use her full capability and mitigate the economic
dependency of women.
5. Self-confidence
Women need self confidence to fight against all the atrocities against her
and to live self esteemed life. Hence, boosting the morale and self
6. Decision Making
in the family and in the society. This makes women as voice less and
destroys herself confidence and she feels less important in the family as
deliver all the potentials, skills, knowledge to develop the family, the
on 15.08.2008.
Orebro University.