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Lalican vs. Vergara

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G.R. No. 108619 July 31, 1997 EPIFANIO become a lumber.

On September 24, 1991, the

LALICAN, petitioner, vs. HON. FILOMENO A. lower court construed the interpretation of the
VERGARA, Presiding Judge, RTC Branch 52, law against the State thus the motion was
Puerto Princesa City and PEOPLE OF THE granted.
PHILIPPINES, respondents.
The prosecution filed a motion for
Issue: Whether the term lumber is included in reconsideration on the order underscoring the
the concept of timber in order to constitute an fact that the accused presented Private Land
offense as stated in Sec. 68 of Presidential Timber Permit No. 030140 dated February 10,
Decree No. 705 (The Forestry Reform Code of 1991 which had expired; that while the
the Philippines). certificate of origin indicated Brgy. Sta. Cruz, the
product actually came from Sitio Cadiz, and that
Facts: the two jeeps bearing the product were not
The petitioners were apprehended on the Sitio equipped with certificates of transport
Cadiz, Barangay Bacungan Puerto Princesa for agreement. Added to this was the fact that, if
violating Section 68 of PD No. 705 or known as the product were indeed lumber, then the
The Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines. accused could have presented a certificate of
There were 1, 800 board feet of lumber loaded lumber origin, lumber sale invoices in case of
in two (2) passenger jeeps in different sizes and sale, tally sheets and delivery receipts for
dimension that were confiscated. On August 9, transportation from one point to another. The
1991, all the accused were pleaded not guilty to motion was approved thus this case.
the crime charged. Ruling: NO, The Court ruled that, the word
Petioner Lalican filed a motion to quash the lumber includes timber. The primary reason why
information filed against them contenting that, the law was enacted is to secure and maximize
Section 68 of PD 705 does not include lumber the use of the natural resources; the non
because the wording of the law categorically inclusion of lumber on the law may give rise for
specify timber to be collected as to constitute the circumvention of law. Section 68 of the said
the violation on the said law. He further law punishes these acts namely
contends that, the law is vague because it does (a) the cutting, gathering, collection, or removal
specify the authority or legal documents of timber or other forest products from the
required by existing forest law and regulation. places therein mentioned without any
The prosecution opposed the motion to quash authority; or
on the ground that it is not the courts to (b) possession of timber or other forest
determine the wisdom of the law or to set the products without the legal documents as
policy as rest by the legislature. He further required under existing forest laws and
asserts that the word timber should include regulations.
lumber which is a product or derivative of a
timber. The position of the prosecution could Be that as it may, the legislative intent to include
result to the circumvention of the law, for one possession of lumber in Sec. 68 is clearly
could stealthily cut a timber and process it to gleaned from the expressed reasons for
enacting the law which, under Executive Order
No. 277. To exclude possession of "lumber"
from the acts penalized in Sec. 68 would
certainly emasculate the law itself. A law should
not be so construed as to allow the doing of an
act which is prohibited by law, nor so
interpreted as to afford an opportunity to defeat
compliance with its terms, create an
inconsistency, or contravene the plain words of
the law. After all, the phrase "forest products" is
broad enough to encompass lumbers which, to
reiterate, is manufactured timber. Hence, to
mention lumber in Sec. 68 would merely result
in tautology

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