Volume of Fluid Simulation of Boiling Two-Phase Flow in A Vapor-Venting Microchannel
Volume of Fluid Simulation of Boiling Two-Phase Flow in A Vapor-Venting Microchannel
Volume of Fluid Simulation of Boiling Two-Phase Flow in A Vapor-Venting Microchannel
Vapor-venting microchannel heat exchangers are promising because they address the problems of high pressure drop, flow instability, and local dry-
out that are common in conventional two-phase microchannel heat sinks. We present a 3D numerical simulation of the vapor-venting process in a
rectangular microchannel bounded on one side by a hydrophobic porous membrane for phase-separation. The simulation is based on the volume of
fluid (VOF) method together with models for interphase mass transfer and capillary force. Simulation shows the vapor-venting mechanism can
effectively mitigate the vapor accumulation issue, reduce the pressure drop, and suppress the local dry-out in the microchannel. Pressure surge is
observed in the vapor-venting channel. The simulation provides some insight into the design and optimization of vapor-venting heat exchangers.
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
al.(1992). In the present study, Maragoni effects are not considered, Equation (20) assumes an isotropic and homogeneous effective thermal
therefore σ is treated as constant. The curvature k is defined in terms of conductivity keff , which can be obtained based on the membrane
the divergence of the unit normal n : porosity ϕ :
1 keff = ϕ k f + (1 − ϕ )ks (21)
k = −(∇ • n ) = − ∇ • ( ∇α ) (13)
In Eqs. (20) and (21), the fluid properties ρ f , k f , and energy E f are
where determined by Eqs. (7), (9), (10), respectively. The energy source term
∧ n Q is calculated by Eq. (6).
n= (14)
n 2.4 Phase Change Model
Substituting (13) into (12) yields: Yang et al. (2008) used a mass transfer model proposed by Lee (1980)
∇α 1 ∇α (15) to simulate the two-phase boiling flow in a coiled tube. By assuming
f = 2σρ ( • ∇) ∇α − (∇ 2α ) that phase change occurs at a quasi thermo-equilibrium state at a
ρ l + ρ g ∇α ∇α constant pressure and that the phase change rate S is mainly dictated
In applying formulation (15), a Marker and Cell (MAC) like by the local temperature Tl , the saturation temperature Tsat , and the
discretization scheme is used. A unit vector n is calculated from
discretizing the volume fraction α of the immediate 26 neighboring volumetric fraction of the liquid/vapor phase α l and α v , we have:
cells, based on the relation n = ∇α . Initially, a cell corner value of the Src = rlα l ρl (Tl − Tsat ) / Tsat Tl ≥ Tsat (22)
normal vector is computed. Then required cell-centered values are Src = rvα v ρv (Tl − Tsat ) / Tsat Tl < Tsat
obtained by averaging the corner values. Also, ∇ 2α is calculated by Yang et al. (2008) recommends setting the empirical coefficient rl
discretizing the normal vector values obtained at the eight cell corners.
and rv to be 100 s −1 in order to numerically maintain the interface
2.3 Flow in Porous Membrane
temperature at Tsat , and the choice was justified by a good agreement
Unlike in the channel region, flow field in the porous region is between the model prediction and the experiment. Too large rl and
described by the superficial velocity us defined based on the volumetric
rv induces a numerical oscillation, whereas excessively small values
flow rate instead of the real physical velocity. The incompressibility
constraint yields: cause the interfacial temperature to substantially deviate from Tsat . In
∇us = 0 (16) the present study, the source term Src in Eq. (4) is evaluated using Eq.
For a low flow velocity, we have a laminar flow with a negligible (22), where α l and α v can be obtained within the framework of VOF
inertial force. The momentum equation reads: model. An alternative method of regulating the interface temperature
μ (17) based on artificial parameters was discussed by Zhang et al. (2001).
−∇P = us − f capillary
K 2.5 Geometric Configuration and Boundary Conditions
which assumes homogeneous, isotropic porous media giving a constant
permeability K . f capillary represents the capillary force acting on the In the present study, a straight channel with a rectangular cross-section
is considered. A vapor-venting porous membrane covers the top of the
liquid-vapor interface. Unlike the surface tension force on the liquid-
channel. A uniform heat flux is applied to the bottom and two
vapor interface in the channel region, the capillary force in the porous
sidewalls. All other walls are set to be adiabatic. A velocity and a
media represents the interaction between the porous structure and a set
pressure boundary condition are assigned to the channel inlet and
of small meniscuses on the order of the pore size, and is therefore
outlet, respectively. Pure liquid water is pumped into the channel at a
independent of the macroscopic curvature of the interface. By replacing
temperature around 3K below the saturation point, creating a sub-
the σ k term in (12) with the capillary pressure jump Pcapillary across the
cooling boiling environment. The membrane-channel interface has a
interface, we have: no-slip boundary condition and an effective contact angle, while the
2ρ (18) other side of the membrane has a pressure boundary condition. The
f capillary = Pcapillary ∇α geometry of the simulation domain is shown in Fig.2 and the
ρ1 + ρ 2
parameters are listed in Table 1.
The capillary pressure Pcapillary depends on the pore size and the
wettability of the porous structure. A simplified model treating the
porous structure as a bundle of capillary tubes gives the equation:
4σ f cos θ
Pcapillary = (19)
where D is the average pore size and σ f is the surface energy. The
equilibrium contact angle θ is a measure of the porous media
wettability. A hydrophobic porous membrane with large θ leads to a
capillary force pointing toward the liquid phase, preventing the liquid
leakage through the porous media. In this study, the venting membrane
is treated as a homogeneous porous media, therefore Pcapillary is Fig. 2 Computational domain and boundary conditions
independent of the orientation and the location of the meniscus.
The energy equation in the porous region takes the form: Models discussed in Section 2.1-2.4 are applied to the channel and
∂[ϕρ f E f + (1 − ϕ ) ρ s Es ] membrane region to account for a variety of physical processes. The
+ ∇[us ( ρ f E f + P)] = ∇(keff ∇T ) + Q (20) phase change model and surface tension model are assigned to the
∂t channel domain, while the capillary force model is employed in the
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
membrane region to simulate the capillary-induced phase separation. where h is the liquid column height, ρ , μ , K , ε are the liquid density,
The VOF method has been employed in commercial package FLUENT dynamic viscosity, permeability, and porosity, respectively. Equation
to simulate multiphase flow with a free surface and is used in the (23) can be readily solved using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method and
present study. However, the modeling of surface tension acting on the the solution is compared with the current VOF model prediction, as
liquid-vapor interface in the microchannel (Section 2.2), the capillary shown in Fig.3(b). A perfect match for liquid rise velocity is obtained
force model (Section 2.3), and the phase change model (Section 2.4) for the whole imbibition process, indicating that the current model can
are implemented using a customized user defined code, which is correctly capture the dynamics of capillary transport in porous media
hooked up with the main VOF code to create a closed form model. x 10
In the present study, a 3D structured orthogonal grid with about
191,400 computation nodes was employed. The grid independency was 1.6 Liquid Filling in Porous Tube
validated by performing different numerical simulations for one 1.4
computational grid with 191,400 was adopted for simulation cases. The
mesh statistics are listed in Table 1.
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
(a1) (a5)
t = 2.3532e -2
(a2) (a6)
t = 2.3582e -2
(a3) (a7)
t = 2.3632e -2
(a4) (a8)
t = 2.3957e -2
(a) Case 1: 10 W/cm^2
(b1) (b4)
t = 2.6059e -2
(b3) (b6)
t = 2.6484e -2
(b) Case 2: 18 W/cm^2
(c1) (c4)
t = 2.0557e -2
(c2) (c5)
t = 2.1332e -2
(c3) (c6)
t = 2.2932e -2
(c)Case 3: 23 W/cm^2
Fig. 4 Comparison of two-phase flow patterns in vapor-venting and conventional channels for various heat fluxes (perspective view)
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
clearly shows the abrupt flowrate drop at the venting site. The from the inlet liquid temperature 370K to the saturation point where
flowrate immediately downstream of the venting site gets boiling occurs.
vanishingly small and in some extreme cases may even result in For a low heat flux of 10 W / cm2 , the temperature profile in both
reverse flow. Due to the incompressibility of the liquid however, the channels remains flat over the whole boiling region, and the supplied
completion of the venting process dictates an immediate removal of heat is purely absorbed by the phase change process. Similar
such flowrate discontinuity, leading to an abrupt deceleration of the temperature profile was also observed by Zhang et al. (2002) in the
upstream liquid and an acceleration of the downstream liquid. silicon microchannel heat sink. Although the conventional channel
Consequently, the induced inertial force causes a pressure surge in and the vapor-venting channel are dominated by the bubbly-slug
the channel (Fig.11(C)). The amplitude of the pressure surge is flow (Fig.13(A)) and pure bubbly flow (Fig.13(B)), respectively, the
negatively correlated with the distance between the channel inlet and existence of the liquid film on the channel wall in both channels
the venting site, and the fluctuation frequency is dictated by the sustains a continuous evaporation and a stable wall temperature is
number of bubbles undergoing the venting process per unit time. The maintained for both flow patterns.
overall pressure fluctuation in the vapor-venting channel is the As the heat flux increases to 18 W / cm2 , the vapor venting
superposition of the bubble-expansion-induced high frequency
process starts to play a critical role in preventing the formation of the
component and the flowrate-discontinuity-induced low frequency
elongated liquid slug and maintaining the liquid film evaporation
(Fig.13(C)). In contrast, the excessive vapor accumulation in the
10000 conventional channel rapidly creates an elongated vapor slug in the
upstream and an annular flow in the downstream (Fig.13(D)), where
the liquid film rupture and the local dry-out appears on the channel
Pressure Drop (Pa)
bottom. When dry-out occurs, the thermal resistance between the
channel wall and the liquid absorbing the heat surges drastically, and
2000 the heat removal capacity in those corresponding areas is reduced by
0 several orders of magnitude (Chang and Pan 2007). Consequently,
0.01 0.0102 0.0104 0.0106 0.0108 0.011 0.0112 0.0114 0.0116 0.0118 0.012
the bottom temperature in the conventional channel surges to around
Time (s)
420K, which is in sharp contrast to the almost unchanged
A: temperature in the vapor-venting channel.
t=20.007ms By further ramping the heat flux up to 23 W / cm2 , we may make
B: the vapor generation rate significantly exceed the vapor removal
t=20.132ms capacity of the membrane. Consequently, an annular/stratified flow
accompanied by the dry-out occurs in both channels, leading to a
drastic temperature surge (Fig.13(E)~13(F)).
The simulation shows that the vapor-venting mechanism can
Fig.11 Pressure surge process versus vapor-venting flow patterns
dramatically suppress the local dry-out, and hence substantially
(heat flux: 10 W/cm^2)
enhance the critical heat flux that a microchannel heat sink can
operate at.
Although the simulation shows that the vapor-venting mechanism
may exacerbate rather than mitigate the pressure fluctuation issue in 4.4 Impact of Membrane Surface Hydrophobicity
a single channel, it may still suppress the pressure fluctuation in a
multi-channel system, considering the vapor-venting mechanism can Recently, a number of experimental studies were conducted to study
effectively alter the demand curve which is responsible for the the air-venting process in the microchannel, which bears some
pressure fluctuation caused by Ledinegg instability in an ordinary resemblance with the present vapor-venting microchannel. However,
multi-channel system without vapor-venting. different flow patterns were reported by those studies. David et al.
(2009) reported the stratified flow at a moderate to high air flow rate
in the copper microchannel with a porous hydrophobic Teflon
1.5m/s membrane wall. The contact angle at the membrane wall is 140o. In
contrast, Alexander et al. (2008) tested the air-venting process in the
microchannel with parallel breather ports located at the sidewall. The
breather ports are coated with a Silane SAM rendering a contact
angle of 116.3o, while the channel wall is kept moderately
hydrophilic with a contact angle around 90o. Instead of the stratified
flow, the study reported the slug flow pattern during the venting
Low flow rate region process. Similar flow pattern was also reported by the Meng et al.
High flow rate region
(2004) using a Teflon membrane breather with the surface contact
Fig.12 Velocity discontinuity during venting. A transition from the angle of 60 o to 67 o for the methanol. The discrepancy is possibly
high flow rate region to the low flow rate region occurs during the attributed to the variance in the wettability of the breather’s surface,
bubble venting process. which is hydrophobic (David et al., 2009) and semi-hydrophilic
(Meng et al., 2004; Alexander et al., 2008).
4.3 Temperature Distribution
To verify this argument, the vapor-venting process in the channel
In addition to the pressure drop reduction, another major advantage with various membrane surface contact angles is simulated. The
of the vapor-venting microchannel, as suggested by Zhou et al. resulting flow patterns are shown in Fig.14. The bubbly flow
(2006), lies in its mitigation of the local dry-out which leads to (Fig.14(a)) and elongated slug flow (Fig.14(c)) are observed in
hotspots on the chip. Our simulation firmly supports this argument. channels with moderately hydrophilic membrane and hydrophilic
Figure 13 shows the temperature distribution along the channel membrane, respectively, which is similar to those reported previously
bottom subject to a variety of heat fluxes, with the corresponding (Alexander et al., 2008). In contrast, the bubble in the
flow patterns illustrated. In all cases, the temperature quickly rises superhydrophobic case (Fig.14(b)) tends to spread on the membrane
surface and form a vapor buffer layer.
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
450 F
10W/cm2 Venting
10W/cm2 No Venting
440 18W/cm2 Venting
18W/cm2 No Venting
Channel Bottom Temperature (K) 430 23W/cm2 Venting D
23W/cm2 No Venting
400 C
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Fig.13 Temperature distribution along the bottom of the channel for two types of microchannels and various heat fluxes.
The simulation shows that the formation of the vapor buffer layer on the flow pattern is illustrated in Fig.15, which clearly shows that
significantly increases the contact area between the vapor and the condensed liquid in the membrane can degenerate the vapor-
membrane, therefore enhancing the vapor-venting rate, whereas the venting channel into a conventional channel with a hydrophobic top
hydrophilic membrane surface in Fig.14(c) minimizes the vapor- surface (Fig.15(a)). Due to the low permeability of the membrane to
membrane contact area and almost completely inhibits vapor venting. the liquid water (4e-22 m2 in the present study) the condensed water
is retained in the membrane and blocks the passage in the porous
structure available for vapor venting. The membrane condensation
may be mitigated by vaporizing and removing the water from the
(a) Moderately hydrophobic membrane surface (114.5 deg) membrane.
(b) Hydrophobic membrane surface (contact angle: 179 deg) (a) Channel with membrane condensation
(c) Hydrophilic membrane surface (contact angle: 28.3 deg) (a) Channel with dry membrane
Fig.14 Impact of membrane surface hydrophobicity on the vapor- Fig.15 Impact of membrane condensation on the vapor-venting
venting flow pattern (10 W / m 2 ) process. Note how membrane condensation prevents vapor from
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 1, 013002 (2010) Global Digital Central
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.v1.1.3002 ISSN: 2151-8629
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