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TC Lonarocha Ensayo 01

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División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas

Departamento de Ingeniería Química

Ensayo #1

Transferencia de Calor

Lona Rocha Mario Alberto

Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using

graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application
Shuichi Torii
Department of Mechanical and Mathematical Engineering, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper aims to introduce heat transfer performance of aqueous suspensions in horizontal tube and
Received 23 March 2020 heat pipe cooling device under constant heat flux condition. Here, pure water and graphene oxide
Received in revised form 28 March 2020 (GO) nanofluid are employed as a working fluid. Consideration is given to the effects of particle concen-
Accepted 4 April 2020
tration on heat transfer enhancement. It is found for pipe flow case that (i) heat transfer enhancement is
Available online xxxx
caused by suspending nanoparticles, (ii) viscosity of GO nanofluid developed here is decreased with an
increase in temperature, (iii) but the pressure drop for GO nanofluid, at 293 K, is almost the same as that
of pure water, because volume fraction of particles is substantially low. When GO nanofluid is used in a
Heat transfer enhancement
Cu heat pipe cooling device, one observes that (i) thermal performance of heat pipe increases with
Graphene-oxide-nanofluid increasing the concentration of GO nanoparticles in the base fluid, (ii) GO/water nanofluid shows lower
Pipe flow thermal resistance compared to pure water, and (iii) heat transfer coefficient of the GO nanofluid in Cu
Heat pipe heat pipe significantly increases with an increase in heat flux and GO nanoparticles concentration. This
is explained as due to formation of rough inner surface in Cu heat pipe which supports higher heat trans-
fer in GO nanofluid as compared to pure water.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Laser Deposition: Nanostructures, Hetero-structures and 2D layers. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction tinent to nanofluid, it is employed as a working fluid in the indus-

trial area. As one of the applications of nanofluid, use of heat pipes
Addition of fluids including nanoparticles can change the trans- as a cooling device can be expected. In this case, heat pipe transfers
port and thermal properties of the base fluid [Choi 1]. For example, heat from the hot interface to the cold one by phase change and
the suspended nanoparticles unusually amplify the thermal con- convection of the working fluid. At the heat source level (evapora-
ductivity of the mixture [2,3] and improve its capability of energy tor), vapor was generated and it condensed at the heat sink level
exchange. Lee et al. [4] reported that the nanofluids enhance cool- (condenser). The liquid returned from the evaporator to the con-
ing rates of microchannel heat exchanger in compared to liquid- denser through a capillary structure. Usually, heat pipes have num-
nitrogen coolant and conventional water. The convective heat ber of advantages, such as a fully passive working principle, high
transfer performances of nanofluids for laminar and turbulent flow heat removal rate per unit volume and easy applicability. Heat
inside a tube were studied by Li and Xuan [5] and they reported pipes are used in number of thermal engineering fields for example
that an increase in heat transfer performances of nanofluids causes solar energy collectors, computer CPUs and micro device transmit-
for the same Reynolds numbers. ting equipment. The effect of the working fluid fill ratio and the
A critical detailed analysis (i.e., experimental uncertainties) was cross section of the vapor path on the heat removal capacity and
carried by Naveen et al. [6] who reported that (i) in laminar flow of thermal performance of an annular thermosyphon that contains
nanofluid, anomalous heat transfer enhancement yields in the a neutron absorber were experimentally studied by Kim and Bang
entrance region and (ii) in turbulent flow of nanofluid, the corre- [7]. It was reported that increasing the fill ratio enhanced the
sponding data are in agreement (within uncertainties) with heat entrainment limit by 18%. The effect of different operating param-
transfer correlation. Due to above heat transfer enhancement per- eters such as applied heat flux to the evaporator section, tilt angle
of the heat pipe, fill charge ratio of working fluid and volume con-
E-mail address: torii@mech.kumamoto-u.ac.jp centration of nanoparticle on the thermal performance and effi-

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Laser Deposition: Nanostructures, Hetero-structures and 2D
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article as: S. Torii, Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application, Materials
Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.078
2 S. Torii / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

ciency of the thermosyphon heat pipe was studied experimentally employed as the test section and electrodes for the direct electric
by Sarafraz and Hormozi [8]. The thermal performance of a closed current heating are connected at both ends. The DC power supply
loop pulsating heat pipe using two different working fluids (etha- (TOKYO SEIDEN CVS1-5 K) is employed and its voltage is adjusta-
nol and water) at various filling ratios (28%, 41.3%, 63%, 82.5%, ble with the aid of the voltmeter (YOKOGAWA 2011) to control
100%) was studied by Barua et al. [9]. In their study, water at lower the heat flux at the pipe wall. The test tube is surrounded by a thick
and higher heat input, lower filling ratio showed less thermal resis- thermal insulation material to suppress heat loss from the test
tance and optimum heat transfer was observed at nearly 30% filling section.
ratio. The twenty thermocouples (100 lm in diameter), which are
For ethanol (at low heat input), the best performance was welded on the outer surface of the test tube, are used to measure
observed at higher filling ratio beyond 50%. At higher heat input, the local wall temperature along the heated surface of the tube,
ethanol exhibited high heat transfer rate at high heat input for and the other thermocouples are inserted into the flow at the inlet
all filling ratio. The performance of a stainless-steel oscillating heat (Tin) and outlet (Tout) of the test section to measure the bulk tem-
pipe (OHP) charged with base water and spherical Al2O3 particles perature of a working fluid. Here, axial positions are 150 mm,
of 56 nm in diameter was studied by Qu et al. [10]. The effects of 290 mm, 430 mm, 570 mm, 710 mm, 850 mm, 990 mm,
filling ratios, mass fractions of alumina particles and power inputs 1130 mm, 1410 mm, 1690 mm, 1730 mm and 1870 mm from the
on the total thermal resistance of the OHP were assessed and it was inlet of the test section, whose locations are named as T1, T2, T3,
observed that the maximum thermal resistance was decreased by T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 T11, and T12, respectively. The working
0.14 °C/W (or 32.5%) when the power input was 85.8 W at 70% fill- fluid in the test loop is circulated by a magnet pump (IWAKI MD-
ing ratio and 0.9% mass fraction. 100RM) and is measured by an electromagnetic flow meter
The effect of silver nanofluid (diameter-20 nm) on thermal per- (KYENCE FD-81SO). Notice that the test loop is cleaned up between
formance of Cu pulsating heat pipe was investigated by Lin et al. runs even with the same nanofluid.
[11]. The thermal performance was investigated at 100 ppm and Graphene oxide nanofluid is prepared by dispersing GO
450 ppm concentration, various filled ratios (FR-20%80%) and at nanoparticles into pure water as a base fluid. GO nanoparticles
different heat power (5 W  85 W) levels. The results indicated are synthesized from natural graphite powder by a modified Hum-
that better working fluid is silver nanofluid at 100 ppm concentra- mers method [12,13]. Graphite fine powders (45 lm) is purchased
tion and the best filled ratio is 60%. from Wako pure chemical industries (Japan), concentrated sulfuric
The study is performed on transport phenomenon of nanofluid acids (H2SO4), sodium nitrate (NaNO3), potassium permanganate
in a circular tube under the constant heat flux boundary condition. (KMnO4), hydrogen peroxide (30% H2O2), hydrochloric acid (5%
Emphasis is placed on the volume fraction of particles (the effects HCL) and deionized water are used throughout Hummers method.
of the suspension with the particles) on heat transfer performance The thermal conductivitiy behavior of nanofluids with low par-
in the turbulent flow region. In the present study, graphene oxide ticle concentrations is studied experimentally. Test apparatus
(GO) nanofluid developed was used as the working fluid and the based on the transient hot-wire technique are designed and fabri-
same fluid was applied to a Cu pipe as the working fluid. cated to measure the thermal conductivities of nanofluids. The
transient hot-wire method is one of the important means for mea-
2. Experimental apparatus and method suring thermal conductivity. It is widely employed to measure
thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Thus, the effective thermal
2.1. Convective heat transfer in pipe conductivity of nanofluids is measured with the aid of a KD2 ther-
mal property meter (Labcell Ltd, UK). Here the thermal conductiv-
Fig. 1 illustrates the experimental apparatus for measuring the ity of the nanofluids and base liquid (distilled water) are measured
convective heat transfer coefficient which consists of a closed flow at 293 K. The KD2 meter is calibrated using distilled water before
loop, a heating unit, a cooling part, and a measuring and control any set of measurements. The accuracy of the probe was carefully
unit. A straight stainless tube with 2000 mm in length (L), checked on pure water, and confirmed against literature values of
3.96 mm in inner diameter (D), and 0.17 mm in thickness is the thermal conductivity. The viscosity of nanofluids is measured
with the use of a rotary viscometer (BROOKFIELD Co. DV-II
+ ProCP). The measurement is carried out at a few different
A few different volume fractions are tested for graphene-oxide-
nanofluid in the present study. The Reynolds number ranged from
3000 to 10000. An uncertainty analysis (Kline and McClintock [14])
yields the following results: the uncertainty in nanofluid flowrate
is estimated to be ± 1.5%, the uncertainty in the physical properties
is less than ± 1%, and the uncertainty in the temperature measure-
ment is estimated to be ± 1.5%. The uncertainty of the measure-
ments is within ± 3% under the conditions of this work.

2.2. Heat transfer in heat pipe

The experimental setup used in this study is shown in Fig. 2. It

consists of test section, heating coil, cooling unit (thermostatic
bath), data logger, flow meter, variable transformer, vacuum pump,
digital multi-meter and pressure gauge. The heat pipe is made of
copper with a total length of 200 mm, 1 mm thickness and an outer
diameter of 15 mm. The length of evaporator, adiabatic section and
condenser are 70 mm, 50 mm and 80 mm, respectively. The cool-
ing jacket around the condenser section is made of acrylic cylinder
Fig. 1. Experimental apparatus. and has an outer diameter of 90 mm and a thickness of 5 mm.

Please cite this article as: S. Torii, Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application, Materials
Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.078
S. Torii / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 2. Schematic of experimental set-up.

Here, water is used as the coolant fluid which pumps from the 3. Results and discussion
thermostatic bath (NCC-1100, Japan). The cooling water flow rate
is measured by flow meter ((KOFLOC, Japan). Before running the 3.1. Convective heat transfer in pipe
experiment, the heat pipe is initially evacuated by a vacuum pump
and then filled with the prepared working fluids. Here, vacuum The viscosity of nanofluids is measured with the use of a rotary
pump (ULVAC KIKO, Japan) is connected with vacuum gauge to viscometer (BROOKFIELD Co. DVII + ProCP). The measurement is
generate vacuum pressure inside the heat pipe. To give the heat carried out for the nanofluids of different volume fractions. The vis-
input to the evaporator, a heater coil (Ni-Cr wire, HAKKO, Japan) cosity is shown in Fig. 4 in the form of viscosity versus tempera-
is wound around the evaporator which connects variable trans- ture. From Fig. 4, viscosity of nanofluids becomes larger with an
former (YAMABISHI, Japan) and its voltage and current are mea- increase in volume fraction and this trend is substantially sup-
sured by digital multi-meter (HIOKI, Japan). The evaporator and pressed with increasing temperature.
adiabatic section are wrapped with glass fiber to avoid heat loss The pressure loss in the test section, at 293 K, is illustrated in
to the surroundings. Eight K-type thermocouples are fixed at the Fig. 5 in the form of pressure drop (Dp) versus flow rate at 0.1%
outer surface of the heat pipe to monitor the temperature distribu- of volume fraction. For reference, the corresponding data of differ-
tion along its wall. Four thermocouples are embedded on the evap- ent nanofluids [15] are superimposed in Fig. 5. Each line in figure is
orator; three are placed on the condenser and one at adiabatic predicted by Dp = fLqU2/(2D). Here, f is friction coefficient and U is
section. a mean velocity of fluid over the cross-section of the pipe. The
Fig. 3 shows the thermocouples locations along the heat pipe. pressure loss of the nanofluids is slightly suppressed compared
The temperature of the circulating cold water to the condenser sec- with that of the pure water, because an increase in the friction loss
tion is maintained at 15 °C with a flow rate 1.5 L/min for all test is caused by suspension of nanoparticles in the pure fluid. Note
conditions. The heat input is varied from 10 W to 30 W for each that no substantial discrepancy for pressure loss appears in three
concentration. The test section is evacuated using the vacuum different nanofluids.
pump to remove the non-condensable gases. The test section is Fig. 6 depicts the relationship between Nusselt number Nu and
then charged with the working fluid. The filling charge ratios, ER, Reynolds number Re with volume fraction as the parameter. Here
(volume ratio of the working fluid to the internal volume of the the heat transfer coefficient at x/D = 200, which corresponds to the
evaporator section) are varied at 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% for each hydrodynamically and thermally fully-developed region based on
working fluid. The vacuum pressure inside the test section is set to the pre-experimental result, is employed to obtain the Nusselt
9.5 kPa for all cases. The test section is heated gradually until a number. The following Gnielinski equation [16] in the turbulent
steady state is attained. flow is superimposed as a solid line for reference,
ðf =8Þðre  1000ÞPr
Nu ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Þ
1:07 þ 12:7 f =8ðpr 2=3  1Þ
f ¼ ½1:82log10 ðReÞ  1:64 ð2Þ

Please cite this article as: S. Torii, Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application, Materials
Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.078
4 S. Torii / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Viscosity of graphene-oxide nanofluid.

Fig. 5. Pressure drop for different nanofluids at 0.1 vol%.

Fig. 3. Heat pipe with thermocouple locations (all dimensions are in mm).

One observes that hear transfer performance is higher than that

for pure water, as expected. Nusselt number intensifies with an
increase in the volume fraction of nanoparticle. This trend becomes
larger in the high Reynolds number region. In general, if the vol-
ume fraction of nanoparticle is substantially low, heat transfer
enhancement is slightly attributed due to the suspension of
nanoparticles [10]. In contrast, substantial heat transfer enhance-
ment is possible for Graphene oxide nanofluid. These experimental
results show that if Graphene oxide nanofluid is used as the work-
ing fluid in convective heat transfer of pipe flow, substantial
enhancement of heat transfer is caused.

3.2. Heat transfer in heat pipe

The overall heat transfer coefficient, h, of the heat pipe calcu-

lated using the surface temperature of evaporator and condenser
section using Eq. (3):

Fig. 6. Relation between Nu and Re for Graphene Oxide nanofluid.

Please cite this article as: S. Torii, Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application, Materials
Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.078
S. Torii / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 7. Heat transfer coefficient as a function of input heat load and volume fraction for different filling ratios.

Q orator heat transfer coefficient of the TPCT when GO nanofluid

h¼ ð3Þ
Ae ðT H  T C Þ with volume concentrations of 0.05 vol%, 0.10 vol%, and 0.20 vol
%, respectively, compared with that of the pure water at a filling
Here Ae is the cross section area of the evaporator section. Fig. 7
ratio of 100% and with a heating power of 10 W. The corresponding
shows the effect of input heating power and filling ratio on the
inner surfaces of the evaporator section, for 0.0 vol% and 0.20 vol%,
evaporator heat transfer coefficient, when using pure water and
are illustrated in Fig. 8(a) and (b), respectively, whose pictures are
GO/water nanofluids. Results depict that the evaporator heat trans-
recorded by an optical microscope. It is observed in Fig. 8(b) that
fer coefficient of the heat pipe significantly increases with increas-
the porous structure is constructed on the copper pipe, that is por-
ing the input heat power for all filling ratios. The main reason is
ous and rough surface inside the pipe. The enhancement of heat
that at higher heat loads, the rate of vaporization of working fluid
transfer performance due to suspension of nanoparticles is caused
drastically increases. On the other hand, number of nucleation sites
by the deposition on the inner surface of the pipe, i.e., the nanopar-
and rate of bubble formation significantly increases with increas-
ticles are coated on the inner surface. In other words, porous struc-
ing heat loads which help the working fluid to be evaporated at
ture promotes the occurrence of boiling and enhances the boiling
higher rates. At various fill ratios, pure water has the least evapo-
heat transfer at the evaporator section. The similar characteristics
rator heat transfer coefficient which again is the evidence that
of boiling are reported by Biao et al. [17] and Chi et al. [18].
existence of GO nanoparticles enhances the evaporator heat trans-
fer coefficient of the heat pipe and the evaporator heat transfer
coefficient increases with increasing the GO nanoparticles concen- 4. Summary
tration in the base fluid. For GO/water nanofluids the maximum
evaporator heat transfer coefficient occurs at the highest concen- Experimental study has been performed to investigate heat
tration of 0.20 vol% with heat load of 30 W for various fill ratios. transfer performance of aqueous suspensions of nanoparticles,
An increase of 21.55%, 40.33%, and 61.99% were achieved in evap- Graphene oxide. And as its application, thermal characterization

Fig. 8. Inner surface of the evaporator section.

Please cite this article as: S. Torii, Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application, Materials
Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.078
6 S. Torii / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Further reading
Hajime Yoshino who is student, Graduate School of Science and
Technology, Kumamoto University and Mohamed Mahmoud Salem [1] Choi, S. U. S., ‘‘Enhancing thermal conductivity of fluids with nanoparticles,” in
Abdelgwad of Aswan University who is a visiting professor are Developments Applications of Non-Newtonian Flows, FED-vol. 231/MD-vol.
66, ASME: 99-105, edited by D. A. Siginer and H. P. Wang. New York, 1995.
acknowledged for supporting this research.

Please cite this article as: S. Torii, Enhancement of heat transfer performance in pipe flow using graphene-oxide-nanofluid and its application, Materials
Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.078

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