Abbasianarani 2015
Abbasianarani 2015
Abbasianarani 2015
DOI 10.1007/s00231-015-1686-0
Received: 30 May 2014 / Accepted: 17 September 2015 / Published online: 7 October 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
1694 Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706
done to increase the heat transfer from equipments which 70 °C. Kim et al. [9] used two different nanofluids in their
among them, increasing heated surfaces (fins), vibration of experiments in the laminar and turbulent flow regimes. In
heated surfaces, injection or suction of fluid and etc. can be laminar flow regime γ-Al2O3–water nanofluids had a heat
noted [1, 2]. These methods can barely afford heat transfer transfer enhancement around 14 % whereas the amorphous
demands in process including electronic chips, laser sys- carbonic nanofluid showed enhancement around 7 %. In
tems and equipment with high energy consumption. There- turbulent flow regime, γ -Al2O3–water nanofluids had an
fore, there is an urgent need for new and innovative ideas to increase around 20 % and the amorphous carbonic water
increase the heat transfer rate. Nanofluid technology offers nanofluid showed no considerable enhancement.
high potential for the development of cooling systems with Mayer et al. [10] investigated the convective heat trans-
high performance, in small size and economical considera- fer and pressure drop of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
tion. Nanofluids are engineered by suspending nanoparti- flowing through a straight horizontal tube. They reported a
cles with average sizes below than 100 nm in traditional decrease in heat transfer coefficient when compared with
heat transfer fluids such as water, oil, and ethylene glycol. water. Numerical analysis of laminar flow heat transfer of
A very small amount of guest nanoparticles, when dis- Al2O3-ethylene glycol and Al2O3-water nanofluids in tube
persed uniformly and suspended stably in host fluids, can has been done by Palm et al. [11] and Roy et al. [12]. They
provide dramatic improvements in the thermal properties of observed an increase in wall shear stress with volume frac-
host fluids. tion and Reynolds number. Theoretical analysis for tur-
Lee et al. [3] suspended CuO and Al2O3 nanoparticles bulent flow has been presented by Sarma et al. [13]. They
with two different base fluids, water and ethylene glycol compared the Nusselt number predicted from theory with
(EG), and obtained four combinations of nanofluids, CuO that calculated from their experimental data of Al2O3-water
in water, CuO in EG, Al2O3 in water and Al2O3 in EG. nanofluid for 0.5 % volume fraction. Recent developments
Their experimental results showed that nanofluids have in heat transfer enhancements with nanofluids are summa-
substantially higher thermal conductivities than the base rized in review articles by Kakaç and Pramuanjaroenkij
fluids. For example they reported that suspension of 4 % [14] and Wang and Majumdar [15].
volume fraction of 35 nm CuO particles in ethylene gly- Razi et al. [16] investigated pressure drop and ther-
col shows 20 % increase in thermal conductivity. Duang- mal characteristics of CuO–oil nanofluid in laminar flow
thongsuk and Wongwises [4] carried out an investigation regime in flattened tubes with the heights of 11.5 mm (as
on comparison of the effects of measured and computed round tube), 9.6, 8.3, 7.5 and 6.3 mm under constant heat
thermophysical properties of nanofluids on heat transfer flux boundary condition. Their results showed that the heat
performance. Their results showed that thermophysical transfer performance is improved as the tube profile is flat-
properties predicted by theoretical models had almost the tened. Flattening the tube profile resulted in pressure drop
same accuracy as the experimental measured properties for increasing. Also they showed that, Nanofluids have better
the Nusselt number calculation. heat transfer characteristics when they flow in flattened
One of the other advantages of using nanofluid is higher tubes rather than in the round tube. Compared to pure oil
heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids in comparison with flow, Maximum heat transfer enhancement of 16.8, 20.5
the base fluid. Xuan and Li [5] demonstrated the enhance- and 26.4 % is obtained for nanofluid flow with 2 Vol% con-
ment up to 35 % for the turbulent forced convective heat centration inside the round tube and flattened tubes with
transfer coefficient of Cu-water nanofluid with nanoparticle internal heights of 8.3 and 6.3 mm, respectively.
volume fraction equal to 2.5 %. According to their report, Because of the lack of experimental works on annu-
the enhancement is lower for lower nanoparticles volume lar tubes and oil as base fluid in comparison with other
fractions. Lai et al. [6] reported enhancement of Nusselt reported studies in literates, this experimental study is
number about 8 % for Al2O3-water nanofluid with nanopar- done. In addition, since the stability of prepared nanofluids
ticle volume fraction of 1 % and size of 20 nm when the have undeniable and essential role in the results of experi-
flow regime was laminar. Saha and Langille [7] conducted mental researches, the novel one step technique known as
a series of experiments with water to study the effect of Electrical Explosion of Wire (E.E.W) is applied for prepa-
full length and short length strip tape inserts on heat trans- ration of utilized nanofluids. The aim of this study is empir-
fer enhancements. They observed no significant decrease ical investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in con-
in heat transfer coefficient compared to full length tapes. centric annular tube at low concentration in laminar flow.
However, the pressure drop is quite more. Yang et al. [8] In this paper we intended to experimentally investi-
did experiments with graphite-water nanofluids under gate the effectiveness of passive enhancement technique
laminar flow regime. For a 2.5 Vol% they experienced an by mainly focusing on studying the additional nanopar-
increase in heat transfer coefficient of 22 % over the base ticles effect in the laminar flow regime. The heat transfer
fluid at a temperature of 50 °C and 15 % at a temperature of and pressure drop as well as heat transfer coefficient and
Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706 1695
friction factor were studied experimentally for the fluid sensors and electronic controlling system. The underliquid
flow and heat transfer in tubes in the Reynolds number explosion gives us the fully dispersed and stabilized metal-
range from 50 to 200, three sample of nanoparticles weight lic nanofluids in arbitrary liquid solution. In fact, the pro-
fraction of Ag in oil as base fluid under the uniform wall duction, dispersion and stabilization is done simultaneously
heat flux boundary condition. [17, 18]. Figure 1 shows a schematic of E.E.W method.
In fact, the opportunity of profit from both velocity As mentioned before, utilized Nanofluids, is made of
profile distortion induced by the wall curvature and of the E.E.W method. PNC1K device is an electrical explosion by
heat transfer coefficient enhancement due to adding Ag placing electrodes in liquid media. Nanopowder produc-
nanoparticles to oil could provide an attractive answer for tion and distribution carried out simultaneously (Fig. 2). It
great demand in practical application. The investigation is necessary to mention that in this process, liquid phase
was started by preparing the nanofluid. Thermal conductiv- consisting of deionized water (DW), oil, glycerin, alcohol,
ity and dynamics viscosity were measured before using the acetone, ethylene glycol, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
nanofluid in experimental setup. The temperature as well could be used. There is only one restriction on the use of
as pressure drop across the tube were measured during the liquid explosives and it is non-liquid electrolyte. It is neces-
experimental test for steady state condition with constant sary to explain that, another special feature of this system is
heat flux condition. The average friction factor and ther- the possibility of adding a surfactant to the liquid. So, the
mal heat transfer coefficient were then evaluated. In each nanofluid produced with this method, save primary distribu-
section a complete discussion about obtaining results were tion for a long time. Among all of the existing methods in
presented. the production of metal nanoparticles, electrical explosion
method is the most economical and industrial method [19].
2 Nanofluid preparation
1696 Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706
3 Experimental apparatus
4 Data analysis
In order to study on the convective heat transfer and pres-
sure drop in the concentric annulus tube, the accurate 4.1 Data collection
experimental setup designed and assembled (Fig. 5). The
experimental setup chiefly includes a flow loop, including To calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient and
a pump (CALPEDA, made in Italy, with three-speed motor) other heat transfer characteristics, all of the rheological
Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706 1697
properties of both pure oil and nanofluid must be deter- x is the distance from tube inlet. For calculate the convec-
mined. To determine the specific heat capacity (cp) in dif- tive heat transfer coefficient:
ferent temperature of nanofluids and pure oil, a differen-
tial scanning calorimeter (DSC F3 Maia, manufactured h(x) = (5)
by NETZSCH-Germany) was used. SVM3000 devise was (Ts (x) − Tm (x))
used to determine the density in different temperatures and
volume fractions of nanofluid. The thermal conductivity Nu(x) = (6)
and viscosity of nanofluid and pure oil were measured by k
KD2 thermal properties analyzer and Brookfield viscom- where Dh is hydrolic diameter and k is the thermal conduc-
eter (DV-II + Pro Programmable Viscometer), respectively. tivity. All of the properties measured in average tempera-
As Fig. 6 with consider the energy balance on a differen- ture as following:
tial control volume of the fluid inside the tube:
Tb,in + Tb,o
dTb q′′ P P
Tm = (7)
= = h(Ts − Tb ) (1)
dx ṁcp ṁcp
where ṁ and P are mass flow rate and perimeter of the tube,
Dh = Do − Di (8)
respectively. Ts and Tb are the surface temperature and bulk where, Do and Di are outer diameter and inner diameter
temperature respectively. cp is specific heat. For the heat respectively. Reynolds and Prandtl number are defined as
flux on outer surface as boundary condition, the convective follow:
heat transfer is easy to calculate. Due to q′′ is independent
to x: Re = (9)
πDh µ
q′′ = qconv (P · L) (2)
Also we have: Pr = (10)
qconv = ṁcp (Tmo − Tmi ) (3) Also the mean heat transfer coefficient and mean Nusselt
So by integrate of x = 0 and constant heat flux: number are calculate as Eqs. 11 and (12), respectively.
q′′ Px L
Tm (x) = Tmi (x) + (4) h̄ = h(x)dx
ṁcp L (11)
1698 Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706
Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706 1699
n 2 21
UR = UVi (16)
2 1
δDi 2
δ(hnf )m δ�T 2 2
δ Q̇m δL
h̄Dh = + + +
N ū = (12) (hnf )m Q̇m Di L �T
Also the Nusselt Number calculated by Eq. 13: (18)
Nun 2 2 21
δh 2 δ(sin θ ) 2 δDi 2
N ū = δf δ Q̇ δL
n (13) = + + 5 + 2 +
f h (sin θ ) Di Q̇ L
The friction factor was calculated as follow:
�p 2 2 21
f = 2 δ(�p) δh δ(sin θ )
ρ v2 (14) = + (20)
D �p h (sin θ )
1700 Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706
for Al2O3-water nanofluid with various concentrations and Table 4 The values of Am and γm2 [28]
constant heat flux boundary conditions. In an experimental M Am γ2m
investigation, Fotukian and Nasr Esfahany [24] quoted 4 %
uncertainty in the measurement of Nusselt number on the 1 0.007630 25.67
turbulent flow regime of convective heat transfer and pres- 2 0.002053 83.86
sure drop for dilute Al2O3-water nanofluids inside a circular 3 0.000903 174.2
tube. Duangthongsuk and Wongwises [25, 26] conducted 4 0.000491 296.5
an experimental investigation on the TiO2–water nanoflu- 5 0.000307 450.9
ids flowing in a horizontal concentric tube under a turbu-
lent flow regime at low concentrations. They reported the
uncertainty of Nusselt number and pressure drop around 5
and 6 %, respectively. In an experimental work by He et al.
[27] in fluid flow and heat transfer behaviour of the TiO2-
water nanofluids flowing upwards in a straight pipe under
both laminar and turbulence/transition flow regime, the
uncertainty reported about 3 % for Nusselt number.
In the present work, the evaluated uncertainties asso-
ciated from the flow parameters are reported in Table 3,
where the deviation is within an acceptable range.
5.1 Validation check
Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706 1701
1702 Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706
Fig. 10 Variation of mean heat transfer coefficient versus Peclet Fig. 12 Variation of mean heat transfer coefficient versus Reynolds
number at different volume fraction in concentric annular tube number at different volume fraction in concentric annular tube at
Dh = 0.0127 m
Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706 1703
1704 Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706
Heat Mass Transfer (2016) 52:1693–1706 1705
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