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C10M01U02L01 National Board of Accreditation RKD

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Module 1

National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi, India: An Over View

The New Education Policy of 1986 recognized the need for a Statutory Body at the National
level responsible for overseeing the growth and quality of Technical Education in the
country. Accordingly, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) was established by
an Act of Parliament in 1987.

National Board of Accreditation (NBA) was originally constituted in September 1994, in

order to assess the qualitative competence of educational institutions from Diploma level to
Post-Graduate level in Engineering and Technology, Management, Pharmacy, Architecture
and related disciplines.

NBA conducts evaluation of programs of technical institution on the basis of laid down

NBA in its present form has come into existence as on autonomous body with effect from
7th January 2010, with the objective of assurance of quality and relevance of technical
education through the mechanism of accreditation of programs offered by the technical

The NBA works very closely with stakeholders (faculty, educational institutions,
government, industries, regulators, management, recruiters, alumni, students and their
parents) to ensure that the programmes serve to prepare their graduates with sound
knowledge of fundamentals and to develop in them an adequate level of professional
competence, such as would meet the needs of the technical profession locally as well as

The objective of the NBA is to assess and accredit professional programmes offered at
various levels by the technical institutions on the basis of norms prescribed by the NBA.

The NBA became a provisional member of the Washington Accord in 2007. NBA became
full signatory to the member of the Washington Accord (WA) in 2014.

In summary, NBA is responsible for accreditation of technical programmes

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Module 1


The vision of the NBA is “to be an accrediting agency of international repute by ensuring the
highest degree of credibility in assurance of quality and relevance of professional education
and come to the expectations of its stakeholders, viz., academicians, corporate, educational
institutions, government, industry, regulators, students, and their parents.”


The NBA is working with the mission, “to stimulate the quality of teaching, self– evaluation,
and accountability in the higher education system , which help institutions realise their
academic objectives and adopt teaching practices that enable them to produce high- quality
professionals and to assess and accredit the programmes offered by the colleges or the
institutions, or both, imparting technical and professional education.”

The following are the broad objectives of NBA

• To promote quality conscious system of technical education where excellence,

relevance to market needs and participation by all stake holders are prime and major
• To facilitate building a technical education system, as facilitators of human resources,
that will match the national goals of growth by competence, contribution to economy
through competitiveness and compatibility with societal development.
• To set the quality benchmarks targeted at global and national stockpile of human
capital in all fields of technical education.
• To conduct evaluation of self assessment of technical institutions and/or programmes
offered by them on the basis of guidelines, norms and standards specified by it.
• To contribute to the domain of knowledge in quality parameters, assessment
and evaluations.

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”

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