Nba Basic Information 2022
Nba Basic Information 2022
Nba Basic Information 2022
Accreditation for Undergraduate Engineering Programme
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• General Manual of Accreditation – NBA
• Manual of Accreditation for Tier I Institutions
• Manual of Accreditation of Tier II Institutions
• Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of Tier I & II Institutions
• Evaluation Guidelines of Tier I & II Institutions
• PPT from expert Dr. R.V.Ranganath ,, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore-19
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• The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) was set-up in September 1994
by the AICTE to assess the qualitative competence of the programs offered
by technical and professional educational institutions from diploma level to
post-graduate level in engineering and technology, management,
Pharmacy, architecture and related disciplines, which are approved by
appropriate statutory regulatory bodies.
• NBA came into existence as an independent autonomous body with effect
from 7th January 2010 with the objectives of assurance of quality and
relevance to technical education, especially of the programs in technical
disciplines, i.e., Engineering and Technology, Management, Architecture,
Pharmacy and Hospitality, etc., through the mechanism of accreditation of
programs offered by technical and professional institutions.
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Why an NBA is critical
• An engineering college that has NBA accreditation, carries the stamp of
recognition for its education quality assurance both at undergraduate and
postgraduate level. Colleges are periodically evaluated for stringent NBA
accreditation criteria with the purpose that they are on par with
international best practices.
• It is mandated that all engineering colleges have NBA accreditation by
• Educational institutions eligible for NBA accreditation can offer courses
from diploma level to postgraduate level, in the fields of engineering and
technology, computer applications, pharmacy, management, hotel
management and catering technology and architecture.
• It is indeed an honor to have the badge of accreditation stamped on your
engineering programs. You are sending out a message that your programs
have been assessed by experts in the field and found to have met premier
quality standards. This is the biggest advantage of NBA program outcomes
to both engineering colleges and their students.
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Importance of NBA in the international arena
• NBA had become the permanent signatory member of the Washington Accord on 13th
June 2014. This Accord is an international agreement between 20 countries and is
entered into by authorities, like the NBA, responsible for accrediting engineering degree
programs in their own countries.
• This enables Indian graduates from accredited engineering programs to practice in or go
for higher education to other Washington Accord countries. This mostly applies to
students who have graduated from NBA accredited programs offered by Tier – 1
• Who qualifies to be a Tier 1 engineering institution?
• There are basically 2 categories for institutions to apply for NBA and the process of
accreditation is different for Tier-I and Tier-II institutions.
• TIER-I: All IITs, NITs, private universities running Engineering program, all autonomous
colleges. These institutions have freedom to design, develop and update curricula and
also have complete academic autonomy.
• TIER-II: All engineering colleges which are not autonomous and are affiliated to UGC
recognized universities.
• Now that we have a better understanding of the NBA Accreditation process, here are the
proven NBA accreditation benefits that approved colleges enjoy.
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NBA Accreditation Benefits and Significance Attached
1. Validates quality standards
• Accreditation for an engineering program signifies to students that the program outcomes of NBA
approved colleges has met stringent quality standards. These rules out the necessity of students
having to conduct detailed analysis of their own to evaluate an institution and its programs when
making a decision on college admission.
• This is borne out by the fact that NBA accredited engineering colleges usually have higher student
• It is an indicator to aspiring students of the college’s level of commitment to excellence. Students
also benefit from the process of continuity in improvement of quality that is a part of the NBA’s
approach to promote excellence in technical education.
2. Fosters trust in the institution
• Accreditation makes it necessary that institutions go all-out to meet and maintain their high
standards. This in turn increases trust and confidence in them among the public and also helps to
boost accountability. This helps potential students and their families to place a certain level of
trust on the institution for which the accreditation is received. After all, the future career goals
depend on the education they receive.
3. Improves student performance
• Students getting their degree from a college that has its programs given the stamp of quality can
be confident about the education they have received. An NBA accredited program uses Outcome
Based Education OBE to measure students on 3 criteria – knowledge, skills and attitude. Also, the
facilities and curriculum ensure the student is employment ready when they graduate.
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4. Helps in SWOT analysis and bettering outcomes
• Accreditation helps engineering institutions to do a SWOT analysis i.e. evaluate their strengths, weaknesses and
opportunities / threats. While a SWOT is a good starting point for evaluation, it helps the college understand where it
currently stands and how it should move forward. As a result, the college gets insight into how to improve its programs on
a continuous basis. You can enhance the quality of your programs such that it sets you apart from other engineering
5. Provides basis for fund-raising
• Helps institutions in securing necessary funds from the government. With funding increasingly linked to performance and
outcomes, accreditation would help engineering colleges to avail performance-linked funding and incentives.
• A college that has attained a Category 1 status is a big achievement not only for credibility of its NBA program outcomes
but also for the many opportunities it opens up. Category 1 technical colleges are given the autonomy to include new
programs, open learning centres, increase student intake both at local and global level. Category 1 accredited colleges can
more easily tie-up with Global universities for twinning programs as well as apply for research grants.
6. Edge in the job market
• The advantages of NBA accreditation to students include enhanced chances of career success. One of the biggest NBA
accreditation benefits is that more companies will find it advantageous to take part in your college’s placement programs.
• Students armed with quality education passing out of accredited colleges are more likely to find appropriate employment.
Potential employers accord more value to degrees from accredited programs secure in the knowledge that the candidate
has been taught at an institution that has met and maintained strong quality measures aligned to industry.
7. Better mobility going forward
• NBA’s membership of the Washington Accord provides us with the opportunity to benchmark the quality of undergraduate
engineering education offered by India with that of other member countries. It encourages and makes possible ease of
mobility of engineering graduates and professionals at international level.
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Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Outcome Based Accreditation
(Learning &
The O BE Framework
Outcome based Education
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Vision and Mission Statements
Statements help in defining aspirations and to remain focused
Should be written in a simple language, easy to communicate and should
define objectives which present near future of the Institute
Vision statement is dream of where one wants the Institute to be and inspires
all the stake holders
Mission statements are actionable statements that guide the stake holders to
How to formulate Vision and Mission Statements
Bottoms up approach What are the immediate and long term goals
Involve all stakeholders Evolve Vision and Mission statements based
Discussion, Brain storming on these discussions
Gap analysis or SWOT analysis Strategic plan
Challenges before the institute
Vision and Mission
Institution :BMSCE
To emerge as an excellent center for imparting quality higher
VISION education and generating highly proficient technical manpower to
adopt to the constantly changing global scenario with professional
Promoting the prosperity of mankind by andethical values
augmenting human resource capital through MISSION
quality technical education & training • Providing excellent education in curricular, co- curricular
and extra-curricular activities to students.
MISSION • Facilitating to continue their education through research
• Catering to the needs of the Industry and society.
Accomplish excellence in the field of
• Nurturing and mentoring students to acceptance by stake
technical education through education,
research and service needs of society
Requirement of OBE
• Each program must formulate program outcomes that
foster attainment of the program objectives.
• There must be processes to produce these outcomes
and an assessment process, with documented
results, that demonstrates that these program
outcomes are being measured and indicates the
degree to which the outcomes are achieved.
• There must be evidence that the results of this
assessment process are applied to the further
development of the program.
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Approach in implementing OBE
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Program Outcomes
• PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Bloom’s Program
Levels Outcomes
Apply Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics,
Apply (K3) science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering
Knowledge specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems