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A Numerical Analysis of Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation of A Diamond-Fe O /water Hybrid Nanofluid in A Rectangular Minichannel

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Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

Available online at www.jafmonline.net, ISSN 1735-3645, EISSN 1735-3645.

A Numerical Analysis of Laminar Forced Convection and

Entropy Generation of a Diamond-Fe3O4/Water Hybrid
Nanofluid in a Rectangular Minichannel
C. Uysal1†, E. Gedik2 and A. J. Chamkha3,4
Automotive Technologies Program, TOBB Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Karabuk University,
Karabuk, 78050, Turkey.
Energy Systems Engineering, Technology Faculty, Karabuk University, Karabuk, 78050, Turkey.
Mechanical Engineering Department, Prince Sultan Endowment for Energy and Environment, Prince
Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al-Khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia.
RAK Research and Innovation Center, American University of Ras Al Khaimah,
United Arab Emirates

†Corresponding Author Email: cuneytuysal@karabuk.edu.tr


The convective heat transfer and entropy generation of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid through a
rectangular minichannel is numerically investigated under laminar flow conditions. Nanoparticle volume
fractions for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are in the range 0.05-0.20% and Reynolds number varies
from 100 to 1000. The finite volume method is used in the numerical computation. The results obtained for
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are compared with those of diamond/water and Fe 3O4/water
conventional nanofluids. It is found that 0.2% diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticle addition to pure water
provides convective heat transfer coefficient enhancement of 29.96%, at Re=1000. The results show that
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid has higher convective heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number
when compared with diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids. For diamond-Fe3O4/water
hybrid nanofluid, until Re=600, the lowest total entropy generation rate values are obtained for 0.20%
nanoparticle volume fraction. However, after Re=800, diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid with 0.20%
nanoparticle volume fraction has the highest total entropy generation rate compared to other nanoparticle
volume fractions. A similar pattern emerges from the comparison with diamond/water and Fe3O4/water
conventional nanofluids. For 0.2% nanoparticle volume fraction, diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid and
diamond/water nanofluid have their minimum entropy generation rate at Re=500 and at Re=900, respectively.
Moreover, this minimum entropy generation rate point changes with nanoparticle volume fraction values of

Keywords: Bejan number, Convective heat transfer, Entropy generation, Hybrid nanofluid, Minichannel.


A area q" heat flux

Be Bejan number Re Reynolds number
CP specific heat 
S' entropy generation rate per unit length
div divergence gen

Dh hydraulic diameter T temperature

f Darcy friction factor V velocity vector
grad gradient  dynamic viscosity
h convective heat transfer coefficient
 density
k conductive heat transfer coefficient
 mass flow rate  volumetric fraction
Nu Nusselt number  shear stress
P Pressure  coefficient defined in Eqs. 24
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.
Available online at www.jafmonline.net, ISSN 1735-3645, EISSN 1735-3645.

1. INTRODUCTION al. 2017a; Leong et al. 2017; Minea 2017) in the

available literature.
For today’s societies and future generations all
around the world, energy is the most important Mehrali at al. (2017) experimentally investigated
factor of countries’ development. Decreasing the heat transfer characteristics and entropy
conventional energy sources, based on fossil fuels, generation rate of hybrid graphene-magnetite
and their hazardous effect on the environment have nanofluids under forced laminar flow conditions. In
led people either to search for new energy sources their study, the thermal characteristics of the hybrid
or use energy technologies more efficiently. nanofluid, compared to distilled water, consisted of
Enhancement of heat transfer in any engineering an increment of 11% under magnetic field and a
equipment by increasing the thermal conductivity of decrease of 41% in total entropy generation.
the working fluids is one way of using energy Moghadassi et al. (2015) studied hybrid nanofluids
efficiently. Nanofluid, which has been termed firstly numerically by using water-based Al2O3 and Al2O3-
by Choi and Eastman (Choi 1995, 1998; Choi and Cu hybrid nanofluid flow through a horizontal
Eastman 1996), is a colloidal mixture made of a circular tube. In their study, a CFD method 0.1%
base fluid, such as water, oil and ethylene glycol, volume concentration of hybrid nanofluid was used.
and a nanoparticle with sizes under 100 nm. They found that the average Nusselt number
Various nanoparticle materials as summarized in increased to 4.73% and 13.46% when the hybrid
(Lomascol 2015; Devendiran and Amirtham 2016; nanofluid was compared to Al2O3/water nanofluid
Adriana 2017; Nabil et al. 2017) have been used to and pure water, respectively. Labib et al. (2013)
obtain nanofluid. These fluids are a new generation numerically investigated the laminar forced
of heat transfer fluids which can become a high convection flow of Al2O3/water and Al2O3/ethylene
potential fluid in heat transfer applications due to glycol nanofluids. In their study, ethylene glycol
their ability to enhance thermal conductivity base fluid was found to give better heat transfer
significantly. enhancement than water. In addition, when a
mixture of Al2O3 nanoparticles in CNTs/water
A meaningful corpus of numerical and experimental nanofluids was investigated numerically, the
studies has been performed for various types of resulting hybrid nanofluids successfully enhanced
nanofluids such as Al2O3, TiO2, CuO, ZnO, Fe2O3, convective heat transfer. Allahyar et.al. (2016)
Fe3O4, Ag, carbon nanotubes (CNT), SiO2, experimentally studied the thermal performance of
nanodiamond (ND) nanoparticles dispersed in 97.5% alumina and 2.5% Ag hybrid nanoparticle
water, EG and oil in both laminar and turbulent and single type nanofluid for laminar flow
flow regimes, since the term nanofluid was first conditions and 0.1-0.4 vol% nanoparticle volume
introduced by Pak and Cho (1998) for convective fraction. The maximum rate of heat transfer was
heat transfer. Sudarmadji et al. (2014) has found in their study to be 31.58% higher than
investigated the convective heat transfer and distilled water by using the hybrid nanofluid at a
pressure drop of nanofluid, using Al2O3-water volume fraction of 0.4 vol%. Sundar et.al. (2014)
nanofluid under laminar flow regime. As the experimentally studied the convective heat transfer
development of nanofluid technology has coefficient and friction factor for fully developed
progressed, the conventional term nanofluid has turbulent flow of MWCNT-Fe3O4/water hybrid
been retired recently in favor of the term “hybrid nanofluids flowing through a uniformly heated
nanofluid”. Hybrid nanofluids are a very new kind circular tube at a constant heat flux. When
of nanofluids, which can be prepared by suspending compared with base fluid, enhancement in Nusselt
different types (two or more than two) of number of hybrid nanofluid was found to be 31.1%
nanoparticles in base fluid (Sarkar et al. 2015). for the particle loading of 3%, where Re=22000. In
Recently, various experimental and numerical other study of Sundar et al. (2013b), thermal
studies, categorized as i) preparation, conductivity of ethylene glycol and water mixture
characterization and modelling (Suresh et al. 2011; based Fe3O4 nanofluid was investigated
Kumar et al. 2016; Azwadi et al. 2016; Sundar et al. experimentally. Experiments were performed for
2017b) ii) rheological behavior (Afrand et al. 2016; different base fluids mixture with temperature
Asadi and Asadi 2016; Zareie et al. 2017) iii) ranging from 20 to 60 °C, and particle volume
thermal conductivity (Esfe et al. 2015a,b; Harandi fraction ranging from 0.2% to 2.0%. In this study,
et al. 2016; Toghrai et al. 2016; Afrand 2017; thermal conductivity was enhanced by 46% at 2.0
Vafaei et al. 2017) and iv) convective heat transfer vol.% of nanoparticles dispersed in 20:80%
applications (Suresh et al. 2012; Madhesh et al. ethylene glycol and water mixture compared to
2014; Nimmagadda and Venkatasubbaiah 2015; other base fluids. Entropy generation analysis of
Azwadi and Adamu 2016; Kalidasan and Kanna graphene–alumina hybrid nanofluids under the
2017), have been conducted on different hybrid laminar flow regime with the Reynolds number
nanofluids by several researchers and some of these varying from 200 to 1000 was investigated by
studies have been reviewed (Sarkar et al. 2015; Ahammed et.al (2016) in a multiport minichannel
Singh and Gupta 2016; Sidik et al. 2016; Sundar et heat exchanger. In their study, enhancement in the
First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

convective heat transfer was reported as 88.62%

with decrement in total entropy generation from 2.2 Numerical Procedure
0.0361 W/K to 0.0184 W/K for pure graphene–
water nanofluid. Sundar et al. observed 21% and In the present study, the single-phase approach and
13% thermal conductivity enhancement with 3.03% laminar viscous model are numerically investigated
weight of nanodiamond-Ni nanoparticles dispersed through the Finite Volume Method (FVM). ANSYS
in water and EG respectively. Fluent code based on the FEM method is used for
numerical computations. The SIMPLE (Semi-
Cai et al. (2017) reviewed the studies about fractal- Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equation)
based approaches to nanofluids and nanoparticle algorithm (Patankar 1980) is used for dealing with
aggregation. Xiao et al. (2013) obtained an effective the coupling between velocity and pressure. A
thermal conductivity formula for nanofluids second order upwind scheme is used to obtain
considering the effect of Brownian motion of higher numerical accuracy when the residual
nanoparticles. Wei et al. (2016) developed a convergence criterion is less than 10-6 for the
theoretical model considering two different continuity, momentum and energy equations. In the
mechanisms of heat conduction including particle numerical study, discretization of these governing
aggregation and convention to investigate the effect equations refers to the Green Gauss cell-based
of fractal distribution characteristics of nanoparticle method.
aggregation on thermal conductivity of nanofluids.

Based on the available literature, to our knowledge,

there are only a few papers where diamond-Fe3O4
hybrid nanofluids are studied. Sundar et al. (2016a)
recently published their research on the
determination of thermal conductivity and viscosity
values for diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluids. In it,
they discussed correlations. However, the
convective heat transfer characteristics as well as
the entropy generation of diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid
nanofluids have never been studied. Therefore, the
objective of the present investigation is to study the
interrelation between the entropy generation and the
convective heat transfer coefficient of diamond-
Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid flow through a rectangular Fig. 1. Schematic view of minichannel.
minichannel under laminar flow regime. This
numerical study encompasses different fluid types
(pure water, diamond/water; Fe3O4/water and 2.3 Geometric Configuration
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid), under
constant heat flux in different Reynolds number The nanofluid flow is considered under single-
(from Re=100 to Re=1000) and in different particle phase, three-dimensional, steady-state,
volume concentration (from 0.05% to 0.2%). The incompressible, laminar flow conditions. The
effects of pertinent parameters, such as Reynolds thermophysical properties of nanofluids are
number and nanoparticle volume fraction, on assumed to be temperature independent. In the view
convective heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt of these assumptions, the governing equations can
number, entropy generation, Bejan number of be written as follows,
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are
graphically examined and patterns interpreted.

div ( V )  0 (1)
Moreover, results obtained for diamond-  
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are compared to those div ( VV )   grad P  div (  grad V ) (2)
of diamond/ water and Fe3O4/water conventional 
div ( CPVT )  div (k grad T ) (3)

2. METHODOLOGY To be able to solve the governing equations,

boundary conditions should be defined. The inlet
temperature (Tinlet) of working fluids considered in
2.1 Geometric Configuration this study is 303 K. The inlet velocities of working
The convective heat transfer characteristics and fluids are calculated for defined Reynolds number
entropy generation of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid values by using Reynolds number formula, which is
nanofluid having different nanoparticle volume Re  ( VD /  ) . The constant heat flux of q" =
fractions through a rectangular minichannel are 10000 W/m2 is applied to the bottom surface of the
numerically investigated under laminar flow minichannel. In the outlet of the minichannel, a
regime. The schematic view of the rectangular pressure-outlet boundary condition is applied.
minichannel considered in this study is illustrated in
Fig. 1. The height, width and length of the
rectangular minichannel are assumed to be H=1.5
mm, W=1 mm and L=50 mm, respectively.

First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

2.4 Thermophysical Properties of Daimond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluids:

Conventional and Hybrid Nanofluids
k nf  ( a  b )kbf (8)
In the solution of governing equations, the b
thermophysical properties of working fluids should  nf  ( ae ) bf (9)
be known. In this study, diamond-Fe3O4/water
hybrid nanofluid and pure water is used as working where a=1.1088 and b=0.3751 in Eq. (8); a=1.368
fluid. Moreover, to be able to compare the results and b=1.472 in Eq. (9) for 303 K. Equations (8) and
obtained for hybrid nanofluid with that of (9) are valid with temperature ranging from 293 to
conventional nanofluids, diamond/water and 333 K and with the nanoparticle volume fractions
Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids are used. ranging from 0.05% to 0.2%.

The thermophysical properties of pure water, Sundar et al. (2013a; 2016b) also proposed the
diamond and Fe3O4 nanoparticle are given in Table following equations to calculate the thermal
1. conductivity and viscosity of diamond/water and
Fe3O4/water nanofluids.
Table 1 Thermophysical properties of
nanoparticles at 303 K (Incropera et al. 2006; Diamond/water nanofluid:
Sundar et al. 2016a; Sheikholeslami and
Shamlooei 2017).  0.0539

0.22  T 
Matter   knf  1.041kbf  1     min   (10)
Cp k   Tmax  
(kg/m3) (J/kgK) (W/mK) (Pas)
Pure 995.81 4178.40 0.6172 0.000803  0.632  T 

water  nf  1.097 bf 1     min   (11)
  Tmax  
Diamond 3510 497.26 1000 -
Fe3O4 5180 670 72 -
where Tmin=293 K and Tmax=333 K. Equations (10)
However, the density and specific heat of diamond- and (11) are valid for nanoparticle volume fractions
Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticle show variety to the from 0.0% to 1.0%.
degree of weight percentages of nanoparticles
existing in hybrid nanoparticle. The following Fe3O4/water nanofluids:
equations can be used to find the density and the
specific heat of diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticle, knf  kbf ( 1  10.5 )0.1051 (12)
respectively: 6.356
  
 nf  bf  1   (13)
(  DWD )  (  Fe3 O4 WFe3 O4 )  12.5 
 D  Fe O  (4) where Eqs. (12) and (13) can be used with the
3 4
(WD  WFe3 O4 )
nanoparticle volume fraction ranging from 0.0% to
( Cp DWD )  ( Cp Fe3 O4WFe3 O4 ) 1.0%.
CpD  Fe3 O4  (5)
(WD  WFe3 O4 )
The average convective heat transfer and average
In Eqs. (4) and (5), the weight percentages of Nusselt number is calculated by using the following
diamond and Fe3O4 on the diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid equations:
nanoparticle are assumed to be 72% and 28%,
respectively [42]. By using the data presented in q"
h (14)
Table 1 and Eqs. (4) and (5), the density and ( Tw  T f )
specific heat of diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticle hD
are obtained to be  D  Fe3O4 = 3977.6 kg/m3 and Nu  (15)
CpD  Fe3O4 = 545.58 J/kgK, respectively.
The average Darcy friction factor of flow can be
The following equations can be used to find the determined by using the following equation:
density and specific heat of diamond-Fe3O4/water
hybrid nanofluid, diamond/water and Fe3O4/water D P
f 2 (16)
conventional nanofluids, respectively (Das et al. L V 2
Entropy is defined as the measure of molecular
 nf   np  (1   )  bf (6) disorder and randomness. The total entropy
Cpnf   Cpnp  (1   )Cpbf (7) generation rate per unit length for internal flow is
expressed as follows:
The thermal conductivity and viscosity of diamond- S '  
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid can be found by gen ,total  S ' gen ,heat transfer  S ' gen , fluid friction (17)
applying the equations proposed by Sundar et al.

First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

The first term on the right side of Eq. (17) is

entropy generation rate due to heat transfer per unit 12

length, while the second term is entropy generation

rate due to fluid fraction per unit length. The 10

following equations can be used to express entropy

generation rates due to heat transfer and to fluid 8

friction per unit length, respectively:


S ' q" 2  D 2
gen,heat transfer  (18) Present Study
kTb 2 Nu 4
Ho and Chen (2013)
Moraveji and Ardehali (2013)

S' 3 f
gen , fluid friction  (19) 2

  Tb D5
2 2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600


Fig. 2. The model accuracy test.

where m    AV is the mass flow rate, and
Tb  (Tin  Tout ) / 2 is the bulk temperature of fluid.
Bejan number is formulated as follows: 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS

S' The convective heat transfer characteristics and
gen,heat transfer
Be  (20) entropy generation of diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid

S' gen,total nanofluid through a rectangular minichannel are
numerically investigated under laminar flow
and it is defined as the ratio of entropy generation regime. In the analysis, different nanoparticle
rate due to heat transfer to total entropy generation volume fractions (  = 0.05-0.2%) of diamond-
rate. Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid are used. Reynolds number
is in the range of 100 and 1000, and constant heat
2.5 Grid Independence and Code flux of 10000 W/m2 is applied to bottom surface of
Validation the minichannel. The results obtained for diamond-
Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid are presented in this section.
Moreover, the results are compared with those of
The mesh independency test is carried out to
diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional
eliminate the effect of grid number on the numerical
computation results. The results of mesh
independency test are shown in Table 2. To carry
out the solutions, the 24*36*600 mesh model is 3.1 Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient
selected. The accuracy of the selected model is The convective heat transfer coefficient of
tested by comparing its results with those of Ho and diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid is obtained by
Chen (2013) and of Moraveji and Ardehali (2013). using Eq. (14) and results are presented in Fig. 3.
Figure 2 illustrates comparisons. The average
deviations between the results of present study and As can be seen from Fig. 3, the convective heat
the results of Ho and Chen (2013) and Moraveji and transfer coefficient increases with an increase in
Ardehali (2013) are 4.8% and 3.99%, respectively. nanoparticle volume fraction of hybrid nanofluid.
The maximum convective heat transfer coefficient
Table 2 The mesh independency test. enhancement is 29.96% for diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid
nanofluid having 0.2% nanoparticle volume fraction
Mesh Nu f  Nu (%)  f (%)
at Re=1000.
6*8*600 8.7150 0.08465 - -
10*15*600 8.7992 0.08617 0.97 1.79
12*18*600 8.8246 0.08728 0.29 1.29 6000

18*24*600 8.6530 0.08907 -1.94 2.04

24*36*600 8.5987 0.09021 -0.63 1.28 5000

h [W/m K]

 = 0.00%
= 0.05%
 = 0.10%
 = 0.15%
= 0.20%

0 200 400 600 800 1000


Fig. 3. The convective heat transfer coefficients

for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid.

First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

Figure 4 shows the comparison of convective heat

transfer values obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water 11

hybrid nanofluid with that of diamond/water and 10

Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids for 0.2%

nanoparticle volume fraction.


= 0.00%
= 0.05%
5000 = 0.10%
= 0.15%
4 = 0.20%

4000 3
h [W/m K]

0 200 400 600 800 1000


Fig. 5. The Nusselt number for diamond-
= 0.0% pure water
= 0.2% diamond
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid.
= 0.2% Fe3O4
= 0.2% hybrid

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Fig. 4. The comparison of convective heat 10

transfer coefficients for conventional and hybrid 9

nanofluids. 8


The convective heat transfer coefficients obtained 6

for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are 5

 = 0.0% pure water
= 0.2% diamond
higher than those of diamond/water and 4
= 0.2% Fe3O4
= 0.2% hybrid
Fe3O4/water nanofluids. Almost the same
convective heat transfer coefficients are obtained 0 200 400 600 800 1000

for diamond/water and Fe3O4/water nanofluids. At Re

Re=1000, the convective heat coefficient values Fig. 6. The comparison of Nusselt numbers for
obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid conventional and hybrid nanofluids.
and diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional
nanofluids are 5613.20 W/m2K, 4842.49 W/m2K,
and 4813.77 W/m2K, respectively. This means that The Nusselt number increases with increasing
the convective heat transfer coefficient obtained for nanoparticle volume fraction of diamond-
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid is 15.91% Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. In diamond-
higher than that of diamond/water nanofluid as well Fe3O4/water hybrid nanoparticle, the addition of
as 16.61% higher than that of Fe3O4/water 0.2%, at Re=1000, renders the Nusselt number
nanofluid. The smallest temperature difference 18.82% higher than that of pure water.
between wall temperature and bulk temperature
obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid The highest Nusselt number values are obtained for
nanofluid. Moreover, in analysis for fixed Reynolds diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid, followed by
number, the highest flow velocity value is obtained diamond/water nanofluid, pure water and
for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. These Fe3O4/water nanofluid, respectively. The reason
parameters cause to that diamond-Fe3O4/water behind the Nusselt number for Fe3O4 nanofluid,
hybrid nanofluid has the highest convective heat which is lower than the number for pure water, is
transfer coefficient. that the increment existing in thermal conductivity
coefficient with Fe3O4 nanofluid is higher than that
3.2 Nusselt Number of the convective heat transfer coefficient. At
Re=1000, the highest and the lowest Nusselt
The Nusselt number of diamond-Fe3O4/water
numbers are Nu=9.98 and Nu=8.31 for diamond-
hybrid nanofluid can be calculated with Eq. (16).
Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid and Fe3O4 nanofluid,
The results obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water
respectively. At Re=1000, Nusselt number values
hybrid nanofluid are illustrated in Figure 5 and the
obtained for diamond nanofluid and pure water are
results are compared with those of diamond/water
also Nu=8.75 and Nu=8.40, respectively.
and Fe3O4/water nanofluid in Figure 6.
According to Figs. (4) and (6), it is clear that
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid exhibits
higher thermal performance than pure water,
diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional

First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

3.3 Pressure Drop 3.4 Darcy Friction Factor

The pressure drop values obtained with numerical The Darcy friction factor of diamond-Fe3O4/water
computations for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid hybrid nanofluid is obtained by using Eq. (16).
nanofluid are illustrated in Fig. 7. Darcy friction factor values obtained for diamond-
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are shown in Fig. 9
and are compared with those of diamond/water and
3000 Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids in Fig. 10.
= 0.00%
= 0.05%
= 0.10%
2000  = 0.15%
 = 0.20%
 = 0.00%
1500  = 0.05%
P [Pa]

 = 0.10%
0.5  = 0.15%
1000 = 0.20%




0 200 400 600 800 1000


Fig. 7. The pressure drop for diamond- 0.0

Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. 0 200 400 600 800 1000


Fig. 9. The Darcy friction factor for diamond-

Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid.
Diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanoparticle addition
to pure water causes an extreme increment in
pressure drop of flow. The maximum pressure drop
values are obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
= 0.0% pure water
nanofluid having 0.2% nanoparticle volume 0.6
 = 0.2% diamond
 = 0.2% Fe 3O4
fraction. In Re=1000, the pressure drop of flow = 0.2% hybrid
increases from 845.08 Pa to 2834.31 Pa with 0.2%
diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticle addition to pure 0.4

Figure 8 shows the comparison of pressure values 0.2

of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid with that

of diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional
nanofluids. 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000


Fig. 10. The comparison of Darcy friction factor
for conventional and hybrid nanofluids.
= 0.0% pure water
2500 = 0.2% diamond
 = 0.2% Fe 3O4
Although the hybrid nanoparticle addition to pure
 = 0.2% hybrid
water increases pressure drop of flow, the Darcy
friction factor is not affected by it. As can be seen
P [Pa]

from Figs. 9 and 10, the same Darcy friction factor
1000 values are obtained for all working fluids
considered in this study. Either hybrid or
conventional nanoparticle addition to pure water
increases pressure drop; however, at the same time,
0 200 400 600 800 1000 it also increases the flow velocity for defined
Re Reynolds number values. Thus, the dimensionless
Fig. 8. The comparison of pressure drop for pressure drop is not affected by either hybrid or
conventional and hybrid nanofluids. conventional nanoparticle addition to pure water
even though pressure drop is affected by it.
The pressure drop of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
nanofluid is much more than that of diamond/water 3.5 Entropy Generation Rate
and Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids.
As mentioned in section 2.4, the entropy generation
Moreover, the incremental trend in pressure drop of
rate of internal flow results from the heat transfer
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid is also
and the fluid friction between channel wall and
higher than that of others. This outcome is due to
working fluid. The entropy generation rate due to
the higher viscosity values of diamond-Fe3O4/water
heat transfer per unit length for diamond-
hybrid nanofluid. At Re=1000, the pressure drop
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid is calculated with Eq.
values for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid,
(18) and is illustrated in Fig. 11.
diamond/water nanofluid, Fe3O4/water nanofluid,
and pure water are 2834.31 Pa, 1254.86 Pa, 1013.09
Pa and 845.08 Pa, respectively.
First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

generation rate than others due to heat transfer. The

0.0022 obtained values for entropy generation rate due to
0.0020  = 0.00% heat transfer of diamond/water and Fe3O4/water
 = 0.05%
 = 0.10%
conventional nanofluids are almost the same. At
S'gen, heat transfer [W/mK]  = 0.15%
= 0.20%
Re=100, the obtained results are 0.001632 W/mK,
0.001863 W/mK and 0.001856 W/mK for diamond-
0.0014 Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid, diamond/water, and
Fe3O4/water nanofluid, respectively. The main
parameter causes to the smallest entropy generation
rate due to heat transfer for diamond-Fe3O4/water
hybrid nanofluid compared to other nanofluids
0.0006 considered in this study is Nusselt number. The
0 200 400 600 800 1000
highest Nusselt values obtained for diamond-
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid cause to the smallest
Fig. 11. The entropy generation rate due to heat entropy generation rate due to heat transfer.
transfer for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
nanofluid. The entropy generation rate due to fluid friction per
unit length for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
Figure 11 clearly shows that the entropy generation nanofluid is calculated with Eq. (19) and the
rate due to heat transfer per unit length decreases obtained results are shown in Fig. 13.
with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction of
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. The
minimum entropy generation rate due to heat 7e-4
transfer is obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
6e-4  = 0.00%
nanofluid having 0.2% nanoparticle volume = 0.05%

fraction. This phenomenon is due to diamond-Fe3O 5e-4 = 0.10%

= 0.15%
S'gen, fluid frict ion [W/mK]

hybrid nanoparticle addition to pure water which 4e-4

= 0.20%

increases thermal conductivity coefficient and 3e-4

Nusselt number. Therefore, diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid
nanoparticle addition to pure water causes a 2e-4

reduction in entropy generation due to heat transfer 1e-4

even though it decreases nanofluid bulk 0

temperature. The magnitude of the reduction is
21.45% and 23.04% for diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid 0 200 400 600 800 1000

nanofluid having 0.2% nanoparticle volume fraction Re

at Re=100 and Re=1000, respectively. In addition, Fig. 13. The entropy generation rate due to fluid
the entropy generation rate due to heat transfer friction for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
decreases with increasing Reynolds numbers. This nanofluid.
phenomenon is due to an increase in the Reynolds
number which leads to an increase in the Nusselt As can be seen from Fig. 13, contrary to the entropy
number. generation due to heat transfer, the entropy
generation due to fluid friction per unit length
The comparison of the entropy generation rate due greatly increases with increases in the nanoparticle
to heat transfer of a diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid volume fraction of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
nanofluid with that of a diamond/water and nanofluid. At Re=100 and Re=1000, for diamond-
Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids is shown in Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid having 0.2%
Fig. 12. nanoparticle volume fraction, the entropy
generation rates due to fluid fraction per unit length
are 4.2045  10-6 W/mK and 6.0623  10-4 W/mK,
respectively. This pattern illustrates that the entropy
0.0020 =0.0% pure water
=0.2% diamond
generation due to fluid friction per unit length for
0.0018 =0.2% Fe3O4 diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid increases
=0.2% hybrid
S'gen, heat transfer [W/mK]

greatly with increases in the Reynolds number.
The diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticle addition to
0.0012 pure water increases the fluid density and viscosity.
0.0010 In consideration of defined Reynolds number
values, a higher increment in viscosity compared to
density causes an increment in flow velocity.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Therefore, extreme increments in entropy
Re generation due to fluid friction mainly result from
Fig. 12. The comparison of entropy generation velocity increments.
rate due to heat transfer for conventional and Figure 14 shows the comparison of entropy
hybrid nanofluids. generation rate due to fluid friction per unit length
of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid with that
As can be seen from Fig. 12, the diamond-
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid has a lower entropy
First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

of diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid having

nanofluids. 0.2% nanoparticle volume fraction. In Re=600,
almost the same values are obtained for all
considered nanoparticle volume fractions of
7e-4 diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. For
6e-4  = 0.0% pure water
Re  900, contrary to the pattern exhibited at
 = 0.2% diamond
 = 0.2% Fe3O4
Re<500, the total entropy generation rate per unit
= 0.2% hybrid length increases with increments of the nanoparticle
S'gen, fluid frict ion [W/mK]

volume fraction of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
3e-4 nanofluid. The highest total entropy generation rate
is obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
nanofluid having 0.2% nanoparticle volume fraction
after Re=800, while the lowest one is obtained for
0 pure water after Re=900. Moreover, it is observed
that diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid having
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0.2% nanoparticle volume fraction has its minimum
total entropy generation rate at Re=500. However,
Fig. 14. The comparison of entropy generation this minimum entropy generation rate is observed at
rate due to fluid friction for conventional and Re=600 for nanoparticle volume fraction of 0.15%,
hybrid nanofluids. while it is observed at Re=700 for nanoparticle
volume fraction of 0.10% and 0.05%. The
It can be clearly seen from Fig. 14 that the highest incremental tendency in total entropy generation
entropy generation rate due to fluid friction is rate of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid after
belonging to diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid a defined Reynolds number results from an extreme
nanofluid. At Re=1000, the entropy generation rates increment in the entropy generation rate due to fluid
due to fluid friction for diamond/water and friction of diamond-Fe3O4 hybrid nanofluid with
Fe3O4/water nanofluids are 1.7867  10-4 W/mK and increasing Reynolds numbers and nanoparticle
1.2898  10-4 W/mK, respectively, whereas the volume fractions.
entropy generation rate is 6.0623  10-4 W/mK for a
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. In The comparison of the total entropy generation rate
comparison for fixed Reynolds number, the highest per unit length of a diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
flow velocity is obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water nanofluid with that of diamond/water and
hybrid nanofluid due to it’s the highest viscosity Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids is illustrated in
value. The highest flow velocity causes to the Fig. 16.
highest entropy generation rate due to fluid friction.
The total entropy generation rate per unit length for
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid is found 0.0022

with Eq. (17) and results are illustrated in Fig. 15. 0.0020 =0.0% pure water
=0.2% diamond
=0.2% Fe3O4
0.0018 =0.2% hybrid
S'gen, t otal [W/mK]

0.0022 0.0016

0.0020  = 0.00%
= 0.05%
= 0.10%
0.0018 = 0.15% 0.0012
= 0.20%
S'gen, t otal [W/mK]

0.0016 0.0010

0.0014 0.0008
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0.0012 Re

0.0010 Fig. 16. The comparison of total entropy

generation rate for conventional and hybrid
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Fig. 15. The total entropy generation rate for Until Re=600, diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. nanofluid has the lowest total entropy generation
rate, while pure water has the highest one.
As can be seen from Fig. 15, the total entropy Moreover, until Re=500, almost the same values are
generation rate values per unit length of diamond- obtained for diamond/water and Fe3O4/water
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluids decrease until a conventional nanofluids. At Re=600, all working
defined Reynolds number and then start to increase nanofluids considered in this study (except pure
again, while values for pure water consistently water) have almost the same entropy generation
decrease until Re=1000. For Re<500, the total rate. After Re=800, the highest entropy generation
entropy generation rate decreases with increasing rate is obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
nanoparticle fraction. For Re<700, the highest total nanofluid and it is followed by pure water,
entropy generation rate per unit length is obtained diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional
for pure water. Until Re=600, the lowest total nanofluid, respectively. It is also found that the
entropy generation rate per unit length is observed minimum entropy generation rate for diamond-
First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid is obtained at

Re=500, whereas diamond/water nanofluid has its 1.1

minimum entropy generation rate at Re=900. After

these Reynolds numbers, diamond-Fe3O4/water 1.0

hybrid nanofluid and diamond/water nanofluid 0.9

show increasing entropy generation rates. A similar
pattern may be obtained for Fe3O4/water nanofluid


with extends Reynolds number interval. Because

decreasing entropy generation rates of Fe 3O4/water 0.7
=0.0% pure water
nanofluid are accompanied by deceleration at higher 0.6
=0.2% diamond
=0.2% Fe 3O4
Reynolds numbers, rates are much greater at lower =0.2% hybrid

Reynolds numbers. 0.5

0 200 400 600 800 1000

As can be seen from Fig. 12 and 14, the entropy
generation rate due to heat transfer decreases with Fig. 18. The comparison of Bejan number for
increase in Reynolds number, while entropy conventional and hybrid nanofluids.
generation due to fluid friction increases with
increase in Reynolds number. Until a Reynolds It is found that Bejan number values of pure water
number, the decrement in entropy generation is and all considered nanoparticle volume fractions of
dominant. After this Reynolds number, the diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are almost
increment in entropy generation rate due to fluid equal to unity at Re=100. This means that almost all
friction prevails to the decrement in entropy of total entropy generation is due to heat transfer.
generation due to heat transfer. Therefore, total Bejan number decreases with increasing Reynolds
entropy generation rate decreases until a Reynolds number. This trend shows that the contribution of
number, and then increases. This trend can clearly entropy generation resulting from heat transfer to
be seen from Fig. 17 for diamond-Fe3O4/water total entropy generation decreases with increasing
hybrid nanofluid. Similar trend may be observed for Reynolds numbers. In other words, the contribution
diamond/water and Fe3O4/water nanofluids for of entropy generation due to fluid friction to total
higher Reynolds number values than Re=1000. entropy generation increases with increasing
Because, slope of total entropy generation rate for Reynolds numbers. Moreover, decreases in Bejan
diamond/water and Fe3O4/water nanofluids number values with increasing Reynolds numbers
decreases with Reynolds number values for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid are
approaching to Re=1000. higher compared to those of pure water.

As can be seen from Fig. 18, diamond-Fe3O4/water

3.6 Bejan Number
hybrid nanofluid has the lowest Bejan number
Bejan number of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid values. At Re=1000, Bejan number values of
nanofluid is calculated by using Eq. (20). The diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid,
results obtained for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid diamond/water nanofluid, Fe3O4/water nanofluid
nanofluid and their comparison with those of and pure water are 0.55, 0.83, 0.87 and 0.91,
diamond/water and Fe3O4/water conventional respectively. This means that entropy generation
nanofluids are shown in Figs. 17 and 18, due to fluid friction can be dominant at lower
respectively. Reynolds numbers for diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
nanofluid compared to that of diamond/water and
Fe3O4/water nanofluid.


0.9 In this study, laminar forced convection and entropy

generation rate of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid

nanofluid through a rectangular minichannel were
0.7  = 0.00%
numerically investigated for different nanoparticle
= 0.05% volume fractions. In addition, results obtained for
= 0.10%
0.6 = 0.15% diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid were
= 0.20%
compared with those of diamond/water and
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fe3O4/water conventional nanofluids. Diamond-
Re Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid was found to have the
Fig. 17. The Bejan number for diamond- highest convective heat transfer coefficient and
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. Nusselt number. However, the highest pressure
drop values were also obtained for diamond-
Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluid. Future studies should
be focused on the pressure drop or viscosity
reduction of diamond-Fe3O4/water hybrid
In the present study, the entropy generation rate
analysis showed that the gradation of hybrid and
First Author et al. / JAFM, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x-x, 200x.

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