Nano Express
Nano Express
Nano Express
1. Introduction
In the past few decades, owing to the enormous industrial growth put forth numerous devices into the
commercial market. In this context, the industries are trying to improve the durability and stability of the devices
which majorly depends on the heat generated from the device [1]. As the devices are becoming more advanced
with multitasking skills, the heat generation cannot be controlled. Therefore, to improve the heat dissipation
generated from the devices, the heat transfer assembly is introduced [2]. The heat pipe is one of the heat transfer
assemblies which possess applications in the areas such as spacecraft [3], nuclear power station [4], high
performance computer systems [5], electric vehicles [6], etc The heat pipes consist of working fluid that
transports the heat energy from one end to the other through evaporation and condensation of the fluid [7].
Generally, the heat dissipation property of the heat pipe primarily dependent on the thermal conductivity of the
fluid. In this context, researchers are trying to improve the thermal conductivity of the working fluid by
suspending inorganic impurities and proved to possess better heat transfer ability than base fluid. As the present
decade focuses on the technological advancements through nanotechnology, research related to nanofluids i.e.
dispersing inorganic nanoparticles as supplement to improve the heat conducting behaviour of the working
fluid is on a rise [8]. As the surface to volume ratio of the nanoparticles is at its peak, the heat transfer rate is
drastically improved resulting in better cooling performance [9]. Apart from better heat transfer capability,
nanofluids offer durability, necessary viscosity, homogeneity, etc [10, 11]. The heat transfer ability of the
nanofluid primarily depends on the intrinsic nanomaterial properties such as density, specific heat capacity, and
thermal conductivity [12]. So, the properties of the nanofluid can be tuned as per the requirement by selecting
the appropriate materials in a single phase or combinations. Ali et al. [13] developed nanofluid by dispersing
ZnO nanoparticles in water and achieved improvement in heat transfer rate by 46% when compared to water.
Nabil et al. [14] studied the hybrid nanofluid comprising TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles suspended in water and
ethylene glycol mixture. Further, the hybrid nanofluid poses 45.9% higher heat transfer coefficient than the base
fluid. Like the intrinsic property of the nanoparticles, the percentage of nanoparticles that are suspended in the
working fluid also plays a major role in the heat transfer rate. Asadi et al. [15] studied the influence of
concentration of ZnO nanoparticle and MgO nanoparticle suspended in engine oil for heat transfer
performance. From the results, it is clear that the heat transfer performance is improved when the concentration
of nanoparticles is increased. Likewise, Suganthi et al. [16] also obtained similar results where the ZnO
nanoparticle concentration in the nanofluid tends to improve the heat transfer property making them a suitable
approach to achieve better performance. However, the increase in nanoparticles content in the fluid facilitates
sedimentation process due to high probability of particle collision [17]. Further, the sedimentation results in
congestion that deteriorates the practicality of the nanofluid. The sedimentation of the nanoparticles is usually
avoided by adding a suitable surfactant that improves the surface charge of the nanoparticles facilitating
electrostatic repulsion [18]. The electrostatic repulsion is deliberately introduced resulting in restless
nanoparticles. However, from the work of Li and Peterson [19], it is clear that the rate of improvement in
thermal conductivity of the CuO and Al2O3 nanofluids are declined when volume concentration is higher than
6%. They have also stated that there is no occurrence of sedimentation in the nanofluid facilitated by the
ultrasonication process. Therefore, the reduction in thermal conductivity may be due to the attainment of near
saturation point where further increase in nanoparticle content does not improve the thermal conductivity. In
our previous literature [20], the thermal conductivity of ZnO nanoparticles, TiO2 nanoparticles, and TiO2/ZnO
(1:1) nanocomposite dispersed in ethylene glycol is estimated and concluded that TiO2/ZnO nanofluid exhibits
better heat transfer characteristics than ZnO nanoparticles and TiO2 nanoparticles. However, from the above
discussions, it is clear that three parameters such as nanomaterial composition, use of surfactant, and
nanomaterial concentration play vital roles in the stability and thermal conductivity of nanofluids.
In this context, in the present work Taguchi design with Grey relational analysis is utilized to optimize the
input parameters such as wt.% of ZnO, the quantity of cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB-surfactant)
and vol.% of TiO2/ZnO in nanofluid and experimentally recorded the output responses such as viscosity,
thermal conductivity, and normalized height %. Besides, the performance of optimal nanofluid is accessed by
evaluating the thermal resistance and heat transfer coefficient by using it as working fluid in a heat pipe.
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
Symbol Units Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
ZnO % Z Wt.% 0 25 50 75
Volume % of TiO2/ZnO V Vol.% 1 2 4 8
CTAB C μl 250 500 750 1000
Table 2. Experimental design for L16 orthogonal array and the experimental output.
Sl. No Z (wt.%) V (vol.%) C (μl) Viscosity (Pa.s) Thermal Conductivity (Wm−1K−1) Normalized Height (%)
may lead to incomparable results. This is due to the fact that the density of TiO2 and ZnO are different. The
quantity of CTAB that are used for the preparation of nanofluids are varied where the stock solution consists of 1
M conc. of CTAB. Table 1 shows the input variables with different levels that are utilized for the construction of
the L16 orthogonal array for the preparation of nanofluids using Minitab software.
For the preparation of nanofluids, the suitable composition of the TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite in required
vol.% is added to ethylene glycol. Subsequently, the required quantity of CTAB is added along with the above
suspension and subjected to the stirring process. After the stirring process, the fluid is ultra-sonicated to obtain
an evenly distributed nanoparticle suspension ready for the heat transfer performance evaluation. The
constructed L16 orthogonal array is tabulated in table 2 using which the responses such as thermal conductivity,
normalized height, and viscosity of the nanofluid are determined experimentally. The other parameters such as
operating temperature (90°C) and nanocomposite preparation conditions are fixed as constant. In the present
work, the accurate thermal conductivity of the nanofluids is measured using the transient hotwire method.
Higher thermal conductivity is required for better heat transfer performance of the nanofluid. The viscometer is
used to estimate the viscosity of the nanofluid. The viscosity of the nanofluid consistently rely on the vol.% of
suspended nanoparticles. However, the increase in viscosity hinders the heat transfer rate since the flow rate of
high viscous fluid is low. It is also reported that the increase in viscosity is attributed to the sedimentation of the
nanoparticles and if the improvement in viscosity is four times larger than the relative improvement in thermal
conductivity then the nanofluid perform worse than the base fluid [21]. Therefore, keeping the viscosity at a
reasonable value is essential for the better performance of nanofluids. The normalized height elucidates the
sedimentation process which is evaluated using the expression [22],
height of the sediment
Normalised height % = ´ 100 (1)
total height of the fluid
The normalized height is evaluated after keeping the nanofluid for 15 days without any disturbances.
Evaluating the normalized height is important since sedimentation leads to cake formation at the bottom which
is very difficult to re-suspend under operating conditions [22]. For accurate results, the experiments are
performed in triplicate. For better heat transfer performance of the nanofluid, thermal conductivity should be
larger, the viscosity should be minimum, and normalized height % should be minimum. Therefore, the set of
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
parameters which constitutes better results is analyzed through Grey relational analysis. The Grey relational
analysis develops a single grade from multiple responses and from these grades, the set of input parameters that
provides better responses is identified. The Grey relational analysis starts with the normalization of all the
responses using expressions [23],
For ‘lower the better’ category of response
max yi (k) - yi (k)
Yi (k) = (2)
max yi (k) - min yi (k)
where the normalized value is represented as Yi (k ), the maximum and minimum of the experimental value is
represented as max yi (k ) and min yi (k ) and the experimental value is given as yi (k ) at k th position.
From the normalized data, the Grey relation co-efficient is estimated through the expression,
D min +YD max
x i (k ) = (4)
D0i (k) + YD max
where D0i (k ) = yi (k ) - yi (k ) , the minimum and maximum of D0i which are represented as D min and
D max, and the distinguishing coefficient is denoted as Ψ (0.5). The Ψ value distinguishes the normalized
reference series and normalized comparative series. However, experimentally it has been proved that the value of
Ψ does not affect the ranking of Grey relational grade in the final analysis [24]. Using xi (k ), the Grey relational
grades for the multiple responses are evaluated using the equation [23],
1 n
gi = å x i (k )
n k=1
The highest Grey relational grade value is ranked at the top and the corresponding input parameters are
chosen as the optimum.
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
For obtaining the optimal parameters for the preparation of heat transfer nanofluid, L16 orthogonal array is
constructed using Taguchi design with three factors and four levels where the experimental responses for each
set of parameters are conducted and provided in table 2. From table 2, it is clear that the viscosity, thermal
conductivity, and normalized weight % directly proportional to the vol.% of nanoparticles in the nanofluid.
However, only the thermal conductivity displays a constructive response as it stands with the category ‘larger the
better’ whereas the viscosity and normalized height % should be minimum for better heat transfer performance.
The normalized height % provides information about the sedimentation of TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite.
However, the thermal conductivity is inversely proportional to the sedimentation and thereby, the increase in
normalized height % has a negative impact on thermal conductivity. Likewise, the improvement in viscosity
hinders the thermal conductivity of the fluid as the fluid flow rate will be reduced upon increment in viscosity.
The wt.% of ZnO in the nanocomposite doesn’t have significant influence over the normalized height %. This
may be due to the fact that there is no considerable difference in the density of TiO2 (4.23 g cm−3) and ZnO
(5.61 g cm−3). In contrast, wt.% of ZnO in TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite has an effect on the thermal conductivity
of the nanofluid. The change in thermal conductivity is due to the synergic material properties of ZnO and TiO2
nanoparticles. The quantity of the surfactant (CTAB) added to the nanofluid influences the viscosity and
normalized height %. The viscosity is improved with an increase in the quantity of CTAB attributed to the
decline in the sedimentation process. Subsequently, the normalized height is declined as there is no
sedimentation. From all these discussions, it is clear that all the responses are interdependent to all the input
parameters which are further elucidated from the signal to noise (S/N) ratios predicted for all the responses.
Figures 2(a)–(c) show the dependency of input parameters on S/N ratios of viscosity, thermal conductivity,
and normalized height %. The change in the rate of S/N ratio determines the effect of input parameter towards
the response. Here, the ‘larger is better’ criteria are applied for thermal conductivity and the ‘smaller is better’
criteria are applied for viscosity and normalized height %. The effect of input parameters is in the order
V>Z>C for viscosity, V>Z>C for thermal conductivity, and V>C>Z for normalized height %. For
all the three responses, vol.% of nanoparticles in the nanofluid is the most significant parameter. From
figure 2(a), it is inferred that as the input parameters increases, the viscosity also increases. Therefore, the S/N
ratio shows a decreasing trend with respect to increase in input parameter suggesting undesired results. The
increase in thermal conductivity primarily depends on the wt.% of ZnO and vol.% of nanocomposite in the fluid
(figure 2(b)). However, the thermal conductivity reduces when wt.% of ZnO nanoparticles in the
nanocomposite exceeds 25% and declined drastically after 50% owing to the intrinsic material property. In the
case of parameter C, the graph shows an increasing trend in S/N ratio substantiating the fact that the
improvement in concentration of CTAB improves thermal conductivity to a certain limit. For the response
normalized height %, the Z and V have a negative impact whereas the C displays a positive influence (figure 2(c)).
The positive influence from the surfactant is due to the reduced sedimentation process owing to the
introduction of electrostatic repulsion between the nanoparticles.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the output such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, and normalized
height % are shown in table 3. Vol.% of nanocomposite contributed 98%, 85%, and 50% towards the response’s
viscosity, thermal conductivity, and normalized height % respectively. The quantity of surfactant displays a 32%
contribution towards normalized height. All the other contributions are found to be very low. The regression
equations obtained for responses from the input parameters are obtained and given as
Viscosity = 0.056375 - 0.001625 Z _0 - 0.000625 Z _25 + 0.000375 Z _50
+ 0.001875 Z _75 - 0.012125 V _1 - 0.007625 V _2
+ 0.002625 V _4 + 0.017125 V _8 - 0.001125 C _250
- 0.000125 C _500 + 0.000125 C _750 + 0.001125 C _1000 (8)
Normalized Height = 1.3438 - 0.094 Z _0 - 0.094 Z _25 + 0.031 Z _50 + 0.156 Z _75
- 0.344 V _1 - 0.219 V _2 + 0.156 V _4 + 0.406 V _8 + 0.406 C _250
- 0.094 C _500 - 0.094 C _750 - 0.219 C _1000 (10)
From all the above discussions, it is clear that for enhanced thermal conductivity, the vol.% of
nanocomposite should be high which compromises the requirement of viscosity and normalized height %.
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
Figure 2. Influence of factors on S/N ratio of (a) viscosity, (b) thermal conductivity, and (c) normalized height %.
Therefore, choosing the set of input parameters for nanofluid preparation without compromising with viscosity,
thermal conductivity, and normalized height % is required and hence, Grey relational analysis is employed.
The Grey relational analysis is a technique that constructs a single grade from multiple responses which are
then used to rank the input parameters. As per the instructions given in section 2.4, the Grey relational grades are
estimated by evaluating the normalized value and Grey relational co-efficient. For calculating the normalized
value of thermal conductivity, the expression for ‘larger the better’ is employed while for viscosity and
normalized height, the expression ‘smaller the better’ is employed. From the normalized values, the Grey
relational coefficient is developed and consequently, Grey relational grades are constructed where ranks are
allotted as higher the value better the ranking (table 4). From table 4, the input parameters with wt.% of
ZnO=25 wt.%, vol.% of nanocomposite=1 vol.% and 500 μl of CTAB used for the preparation of nanofluid
display highest Grey relational grade where the responses are viscosity=0.043 Pa.s, thermal
conductivity=0.35 Wm−1K−1, and normalized height %=1%. From the obtained results, it is inferred that
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
while adding 25 wt.% ZnO to the nanocomposite, the nanofluid displays optimum responses owing to inherent
properties of TiO2/ZnO at the same composition. Also, the vol.% of the nanocomposite for the preparation of
nanofluid is found as minimum. Even though higher percentage of nanocomposite displays higher thermal
conductivity, it also improves the viscosity and sedimentation rate leading to deprived practical application.
Likewise, 500 μl of CTAB is obtained as optimum quantity of surfactant because higher value results in
improved viscosity leading to slower fluid flow. Therefore, it is clear that the optimal input parameters are good
for practical applications.
The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern of TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite prepared in the ratio 75:25 (wt.%) is
shown in figure 3. The pattern displays peaks corresponding to both the tetragonal phase of TiO2 and hexagonal
wurtzite phase of ZnO. The peaks obtained at 27.46°, 36.12°, 39.27°, 41.32°, 44.15° and 54.45° confirms the
presence of TiO2 and 31.80°, 34.39°, 36.12°, 47.61°, 56.59°, 62.88°, 68.08° and 69.02° confirms the availability of
ZnO phase. Further, there is no evidence for the formation of intermetallic compounds while preparing the
Further, the nanofluid prepared through the obtained optimum set of parameters is used as a working fluid
in a heat pipe. The temperature distribution along the heat pipe with different heat input are recorded using the
thermocouple between the evaporator section and condenser section and are shown in figure 4. The
temperatures are recorded after 30 s of heat input heat. From figure 4, it is clear that the temperature increases
with an increase in input power. Also, the temperature deteriorates from the evaporator section to the condenser
section recorded using the thermocouple. While comparing the temperature of heat pipe added with ethylene
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
glycol and TiO2/ZnO nanofluid as the working fluid, TiO2/ZnO nanofluid displays lesser temperature ascribed
to the better heat dissipation efficiency. This phenomenon is applicable for all three heat loads substantiating the
workability of TiO2/ZnO nanofluid under various heating conditions.
To further validate the heat transfer ability of the TiO2/ZnO nanofluid, the thermal resistance between the
evaporator and adiabatic section is evaluated for all heat input and is shown in figure 5. From the figure, it is
inferred that the thermal resistance of heat pipe while using TiO2/ZnO nanofluid is significantly lower than
compared to that of using base fluid which is found true irrespective of the input power. Lower thermal
resistance validates the fact that the presence of TiO2/ZnO nanofluid improved the heat dissipation process of
the heat pipe. Further, the heat transfer coefficient is evaluated as 369.48 W /m2 °. C, 383.56 W /m2 °. C, and
567.46 W/m2 °. C for 40 W, 80 W, and 120 W, respectively.
From all these findings, it is inferred that the TiO2/ZnO nanofluid prepared using optimized condition
display better efficacy while used as working fluid in heat pipe than base fluid.
Nano Express 2 (2021) 010034 Jacob Rubasingh B and P Selvakumar
Figure 5. Thermal resistance of heat pipe while using nanofluid and ethylene glycol as working fluid.
4. Conclusion
In the present work, the effect of parameters for the preparation of nanofluid such as wt.% of ZnO in TiO2/ZnO
nanocomposite, vol.% of TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite, and quantity of CTAB are studied. Using Taguchi L16
orthogonal array, the experiments are designed, performed and the responses such as viscosity, thermal
conductivity, and normalized height % are recorded. Besides, the responses are graded using Grey relational
analysis and the parameters are ranked as per the grades obtained. The optimal parameters are found as 25 wt.%
ZnO, 1 vol.% nanocomposite and 500 μl CTAB providing viscosity of 0.043 Pa.s, the thermal conductivity of
0.35 Wm−1K−1, and normalized height % as 1%. Further, the same nanofluid is utilized as working fluid in the
heat pipe where the thermal resistance and heat transfer coefficient values of TiO2/ZnO nanofluid display
improved efficiency than ethylene glycol. Therefore, the present study provides information about the optimal
set of parameters to achieve better heat transfer performance of the nanofluid as well as the practical usability of
such nanofluids as working fluids for heat pipes.
The data generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available for legal/ethical reasons
but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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