Central Research Institute For Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059 Received: October, 2014 Revised Accepted: January, 2015
Central Research Institute For Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059 Received: October, 2014 Revised Accepted: January, 2015
Central Research Institute For Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059 Received: October, 2014 Revised Accepted: January, 2015
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad- 500 059
Received: October, 2014; Revised accepted: January, 2015
The present study was conducted to assess the influence of sewage and ground water irrigation on soil physico-
chemical characteristics of surface and subsurface soils in Musi river basin, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Soil samples
(100 surface and 100 subsurface) collected from different sites were analysed for their physico chemical properties,
nutrients and heavy metals. The pH of the surface and sub surface soils irrigated with sewage and ground water was
relatively higher compared to control (no irrigation). The organic carbon content in the surface and sub surface soils
treated with sewage water was higher compared to ground water irrigated soils and control. In general, surface soils
contained relatively higher amounts of organic carbon than those of sub surface soils. The available concentration of N,P
and K ranged from 133.0 to 702.6 kg ha-1, 11.6 to 347.7 kg ha-1 and 152.5 to 653.8 kg ha-1. Respectively irrespective to
depth of soils. The concentration of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn extracted in DTPA extractant solution ranged from 0.63 to 2.85,
6.10 to 57.2, 1.17 to 21.72 and 0.38 to 2.15 mgkg-1, respectively. The concentration of Cd was low compared to other
heavt metals and occurred between 0.64 and 3.62 mgkg-1. Surface soils had higher content of DTPA-extractable
micronutrient cations and heavy metals as compared to sub surface soils.
Key words: soil physico chemical properties, chemical properties, sewage water, ground water.
land, 40 samples from groundwater-irrigated land and conditions. The EC of sewage water irrigated surface
10 from un irrigated land. Standard methods were and subsurface soils ranged from 0.25 to 1.13dS m-1
followed to determine the physico chemical and 0.22 to 0.91 dS m-1 respectively (Table 1). In
characteristics of soils (Jackson 1973). Available groundwater irrigated soils, EC varied from 0.29 to
nitrogen was determined by alkaline KMnO4 method 1.78 and 0.23 to 1.70dS m-1 respectively. In the
(Subbliah and Asija, 1956), phosphorus by Olsen et al control soils, the EC was 0.13 and 0.12 dSm-1 in
(1954) and K in 1 N NH 4 OAC (pH-7) extract by surface and sub-surface soil, respectively. The results
flame photometer. Available micronutrients and of Ahmed Usman et al., (2006) showed that the EC of
heavy metals were extracted with DTPA (Londsay sewage irrigated soil was 200% higher compared to
and Norvell (1978) and determined on atomic that of the non-irrigated soil. In the present study also,
absorption speetrophotometer. the sewage treated soils had considerably higher EC
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS values compared to unirrigated soils. But the soils
Physico chemical properties which were irrigated with ground water maintained
The pH of surface soils under sewage water higher EC even than the sewage treated soils. The
and ground water irrigation ranged from 7.2 to 8.6 increase in total soluble salt content in soils irrigated
and 7.4 to 8.7 respectively (Table 1). In control, p H with ground water was due to presence of high
8.1 and 8.2 in surface and sub-surface soils content of salts such as bicarbonates in ground water.
respectively (Table 1) indicating relatively higher pH Similar results were reported by Tiwari et al., (1996)
in sub-surface soils. The relatively higher pH values for sewage irrigated soils of Varanasi, (U.P.) and
under no irrigation conditions could be due to less or Maiti et al., (1992) for the sewage irrigated soils of
no leaching of salts or due to more accumulation of Kolkata, (West Bengal). In general, soluble salt
salts following evaporation under high temperature concentration tended to decrease with depth.
Table1: Mean content of physic-chemical properties and available nutrients (kg ha -1) in sewage and groundwater
irrigated soils of Musi river Basin
pH EC (dS m-1) OC (g kg-1) Avail. N (kg ha-1) Avail. P (kg ha-1) Avail. K (kg ha-1)
0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30
Sewage water
Peerjadiguda (10) 7.8 8.1 0.35 0.29 12.4 8.0 702.6 659.5 287.1 185.9 219.4 240.5
Parvathapur (10) 7.2 7.4 0.73 0.44 15.2 16.5 513.8 389.2 332.2 281.2 394.4 300.7
Kachavani (10) singaram 8.1 8.2 1.13 0.91 14.7 14.2 239.5 386.3 314.2 347.7 653.8 610.8
Pratap (10) singaram 7.3 7.6 0.32 0.25 14.3 11.8 285.9 235.4 342.1 343.6 152.5 176.5
Muthawaliguda (10) 8.6 8.7 0.25 0.22 6.4 5.2 139.7 147.3 27.4 26.3 248.7 199.4
Ground water
Sadat Ali Guda (10) 8.3 8.2 1.78 1.70 9.1 9.0 154.8 156.7 89.4 91.4 250.7 267.4
Korremula (10) 7.7 7.6 0.39 0.40 8.9 8.2 204.4 207.8 200.4 207.6 190.3 183.0
Chowdarguda (10) 8.4 8. 0.35 0.40 9.7 9.3 227.4 240.4 27.8 39.5 171.8 183.0
Narapally (10) 8.2 8.2 0.29 0.23 8.5 8.8 207.5 190.7 80.5 63.7 210.1 169.5
Annojiguda (10 8.1 8.2 0.13 0.12 4.4 4.6 138.1 133.0 14.5 11.6 189.6 186.3
Figures in parentheses indicate number of soil samples
The organic carbon content in surface and ground water irrigated soils was considerably higher
sub-surface under sewage water irrigated condition than that under unirrigated condition. This may be
varied from 6.4 to 15.2g kg'1 and 5.2 to 16.5 g kg-1 due to higher content of suspended and soluble
(Table 1) which was higher compared to groundwater organic matter in the sewage water. Similar results
irrigated soils (8.5 to 9.7 and 8.8 to 9.3 g kg-1) . In were reported by Tiwari et al., (1996) for the sewage
control soils, the surface and subsurface contained 4.4 irrigated soils of Varanasi and Bhupal Raj et al.,
and 4.6 g kg-1 organic carbon respectively. Higher (1997) for the sewage affected soils of Hyderabad.
buildup of soil organic matter was observed in soils Brar et al., (2006) also stated that the soils irrigated
irrigated with sewage water followed by groundwater with sewage contaminated water had higher organic
irrigated soils. Though, buildup of organic matter in carbon compared to soils irrigated with deep
soils, in general, is considered as a desirable feature, underground water. Organic carbon content decreased
organic matter loaded with toxic pollutants is not with depth under sewage water, ground water and
desirable. The organic C content of sewage and unirrigated soils.
139 Effect of sewage and ground water on properties of soils
Table 2: Mean content of micronutrients (mg kg-1) in sewage and groundwater treated soils of Musi river basin
Cu Fe Mn Zn
0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30
Sewage water
Peerjadiguda 2.34 1.99 23.67 20.64 10.29 7.09 2.12 2.15
Parvathapur 1.81 1.70 54.82 57.2 11.28 8.427 2.08 1.56
Kachavani singaram 1.62 1.42 23.69 25.24 7.00 6.729 1.65 1.6
Pratap singaram 2.85 2.45 56.55 52.59 10.95 9.732 2.05 1.85
MTHG 0.68 0.63 6.43 6.11 10.18 10.40 1.82 1.53
Ground water
Sadat Ali Guda 2.67 2.90 45.45 50.55 17.31 21.72 1.87 1.81
Korremula 1.03 1.03 9.02 11.82 3.86 4.069 0.48 0.38
Chowdarguda 2.01 2.84 18.46 21.46 1.35 1.172 1.50 1.47
Narapally 1.24 1.14 11.16 10.02 6.48 6.354 1.19 1.13
nnojiguda 1.24 1.1 6.4 6.1 4.14 4.29 1.18 1.09
In surface and subsurface soils treated with SW surface soils ranged from 1.52 to 3.62 mg Cd,
sewage and groundwater, K content ranged between 2.24 to 2.69 mg Ni and 56.7 to 94.1 mg kg-1 Pb
152.5 and 653.8 and 176.5 and 610.8 kg ha -1 (Table whereas in ground water soils these ranged from 1.13
1) respectively. Available K content was 189.6 and to 3.00 mg Cd, 3.62 to 4.22 mg Ni and 54.7 to 92.0
186.3 kg ha-1 in surface and subsurface soils mg kg-1 Pb. The quantities of DTPA-extractable
respectively Tiwari, et al., (2003) stated that the metals in SW sub surface ranged from 0.76 to 3.42
treated sewage irrigated soil samples showed mg Cd. 2.17 to 9.12 mg Ni and 57.9 to 94.6 mg Pb
relatively higher organic carbon, available N, P and K and in ground water subsurface soils these ranged
in comparison to tube well irrigated soils. Azad et al. from 1.08 to 2.63 mg Cd, 33.3 to 4.27 mg Ni and 49.9
(1987) reported that the sub-soil layers generally to 89.2 mg Pb. In unirrigated soils the amounts of Cd,
contained higher amounts of potassium than the Ni and Pb in surface and sub-surface soils were 0.64
surface layers. and 0.97, 1.5 and 2.31 and 14.3 to 26.9 mg kg-1,
Heavy metals respectively. The concentration of the heavy metals
Data indicating heavy metal levels of soils was relatively higher in subsurface soils than surface
irrigated with sewage water and ground water are soils. In general SW soils contained greater amount of
presented in Table 3. The levels of available metals in heavy metals followed by ground water soils. Since
K. USHA RANI et al. 140
the soils are formed from the same parent material, water and unirrigated soils. The average available Mn
considerably higher concentrations of Cd, Ni and Pb content of surface and sub surface soils treated with
detected in SW soils have resulted from external sewage water ranged from 7.00 to 11.28 mg kg-1 and
addition of these metals. Thus, continuous application 6.72 to 10.40 mg kg-1, respectively. The surface and
of sewage water could be considered the only source sub-surface soils irrigated with ground water
responsible for their enrichment. The results are in contained from 1.35 to 17.31 mg kg-1 and 1.17 to
consistent with the findings of Bhat et al. (2011). 21.72 mg kg-1, respectively. In unirrigated soils,
Micronutrients surface and sub-surface soils had mean value of
Average Cu content in surface and sub surface available Mn 4.14 and 4.29 mg kg-1, respectively.
soils irrigated with sewage water ranged from 0.68 to Among these treated soils, sewage water irrigated
2.85 and 0.63 to 2.45 mg kg-1, respectively. The soils containd higher amounts of available Mn. This
corresponding ranges in ground water irrigated soils might be due to sufficient amount of available Mn in
were from 1.03 to 2.67 and 1.03 to 2.90 mg kg-1. The sewage water. Similar results were reported by Brar
mean copper content in surface and sub surface and Singh (2006) and Tiwari et al. (1996). The
unirrigated soils was 1.24 and 1.00 mg kg-1, average DTPA-Zn content of surface and sub-surface
respectively. Thus, maximum amount of DTPA-Cu soils irrigated with sevage water ranged from 1.65 to
was noted in sewage water irrigated soils. 2.12 mg kg-1 and 1.53 to 2.15 mg kg-1, respectively.
The available Fe content of surface samples The mean amount of available Zn in surface and sub-
treated with sewage water varied from 6.43 to 56.55 surface soils irrigated with ground water ranged from
mg kg-1. The corresponding values of available Fe in 0.48 to 1.87 mg kg-1 and from 0.38 to 1.81 mg kg-1,
sub surface soils ranged from 6.11 to 52.59 mg kg-1. respectively. The mean amount of available Zn in
The highest mean value was found in Pratap singaram surface and surface soils without irrigation was 1.18
soil (56.55 and 52.59 mg kg-1) and lowest in and 1.09 mg kg-1 respectively. In general, sewage
Muthawaligudce (6.49 and 6.11 mg kg-1). Available water irrigated soils contained relatively higher
iron in surface and subsurface soils irrigated with amount of available zinc followed by ground water
ground water ranged from 9.02 to 5.45 mg kg-1 and treated soils and lowest in unirrigated soils. Tiwari et
10.02 to 50.55 mg kg-1, respectively. The mean value al. (2003) also reported similar results. In general,
of available Fe in unirrigated surface and sub surface surface soils had higher DTPA micronutrient cations
soils was 6.4 and 6.1 mg kg-1, respectively. The due to higher organic carbon content and biological
maximum values of available iron were noted under activity. Similar results were reported by Tiwari et al.
sewage water irrigated soils followed by ground (2003).
Table 3: Mean content of heavy metals (mg kg-1) in sewage and ground water treated soils of Musi river bason
Cd Ni Pb
0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30 0-15 15-30
Sewage water
Peerjadiguda 2.62 2.81 2.70 3.19 58.7 70.9
Parvathapur 2.40 0.76 4.03 2.17 62.6 57.9
Kachavani singaram 1.52 2.59 2.24 3.99 56.7 61.2
Pratap singaram 1.76 3.41 5.69 9.12 68.1 77.4
MTHG 3.62 3.42 5.48 5.92 94.1 94.6
Ground water
Sadat Ali Guda 3.00 2.22 4.22 4.27 55.4 49.9
Korremula 2.47 2.45 4.17 3.93 92.0 89.2
Chowdarguda 2.28 2.63 3.88 3.88 58.0 57.0
Narapally 1.13 1.08 3.62 3.33 54.7 54.6
Annojiguda 0.64 0.97 1.59 2.39 14.3 26.9
The present study revealed that the organic K in soils irrigated with sewage is a desirable
carbon, available N, P and K were observed in higher outcome, but at the same time there needs to be a
quantities in the soils, which were irrigated with check on other pollutants and toxic heavy metals.
sewage water than those irrigated with ground water Very high build up of available P is also undesirable
and control soils (without any irrigation). Though the for the crop plants as it could inhibit the plant uptake
higher contents of organic carbon, available N, P and of other micro nutrients like zinc. Highest contents of
141 Effect of sewage and ground water on properties of soils
available micronutrients and heavy metals were contaminants could be reduced to the safer level and
observed in soils irrigated with sewage water the potential of sewage water could be capitalised to
compared to ground water irrigated conditions. enhance soil fertility in terms of available N, P and K
Farmers in the Musi river basin will always get which are very important elements for crop growth
tempted to irrigate their crops to get higher yields. which otherwise farmers have to add through costly
Therefore, it is suggested that sewage water should be fertilisers.
treated before giving irrigation so that the load of
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