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Coca Cola Project Plan PDF

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The Project

Plan for

Prepared By:
Watkins &
777 N. Michigan
Ave. Suite 404
Chicago, IL 60601

Contact Info:
312-593- 8060


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Table of Contents
Project Management Approach……………………………………….……………2
Project Scope……………………………………………………………………….2
Project Change Control Process……………………………………………………2
Communication Management Plan……………………………………...................3
Document Purpose………………………………………………………………….3
Document Organization…………………………………………………….............4
Business Target and Vision………………………………………………………...4
Project Organization……………………………………………………………...4-5
Communication Plan……………………………………………………………….6
Communication Objectives………………………………………………………...6
Communication Types………………………………………………………..........6
Communication Vehicles…………………………………………………………..7
Communication Plan……………………………………………………………….8
Communication Plan: Executives………………………………………………….8
Communication Plan: Managers………………………………………………..9-10
Communication Plan: Employees………………………………………………...10
Communication Plan: Project Team………………………………………………11
Cost Management Plan……………………………………………………………12
Work Breakdown Structure Plan………………………………………….............13
Quality Management Plan………………………………………………………...13
The Coca Cola Enterprise Project…………………………………………….......13
Technical Success Criteria……………………………………………….........13-14
Current Network Survey…………………………………………………………..15
Statement of Need………...………………………………………………………16
The Google Search Appliance Overview…………………………………………16
Intrusion Detection Solutions…………………………….……………………….17
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This is a project management plan for the Coca Cola Enterprise. The Coca-Cola product that has
given the world its best-known taste was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. Dr. John
Stitch Pemberton, a local pharmacist, produced the syrup for Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola continues to
touch the lives of millions of people each and every day; however there are cyber-criminals
seeking to deter Coca Cola from providing customer service. This project will discuss the
challenges, network needs, and solutions provided to reestablish the businesses network

Project Management Approach

The Project Manager, Jeremy Watkins has the overall authority and responsibility for managing
and executing this project according to this Project Plan and it Subsidiary Management Plans.
The project team will consist of personnel from the Watkins & Associates Consulting Firm.

Project Scope
The project scope for the Coca Cola Enterprise is to reconfigure the networking protocols on all
hardware (i.e. routers, switches, servers, active directory, global catalog), software (i.e.
applications, digital dashboards, customer relationship management systems), and reestablish
network connectivity to each end user device with configured Internet Protocol Addresses. In
addition to the reestablished services, The Google Search Appliance will be integrated with Coca
Cola’s existing security and access control systems so that users only see search results if they
have access to the source content. The Google Search Appliance will support authentication,
single sign-on mechanisms, enable customization of user interfaces and security.

Project Change Control Process

The Project Manager, Jeremy Watkins is the approving authority to change and resubmit the
specific changes to the Executive Manger of Coca Cola Enterprise. These changes can be
communicated via electronic mail or facsimile; however, all changes must be documented in the
Communication Plan and resubmitted through the proper chain of command.
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Communication Management Plan

Document Purpose
In order to achieve the strategy and business results for the project, we must assure timely and
effective communication to all of the individuals, teams, and sponsors involved with the project.
This document will serve as the basis for the planning and execution of all communication
between Coca Cola Enterprise and Watkins & Associates. This will encompass, but is not limited
to, communication to and from executives, managers, employees, and the project team. It will
also discuss the vehicles of communication and their frequency.

Document Organization
This document is broken into four main areas:
 Overview
 Project Organization
 Communication Strategy
 Communication Plan Appendices


Start Date:  9/1/2011

Project Team Members:  Jeremy Watkins

 Paul Muhammad
 Brandi Ogbevire’
 Chris Hines

Executive Sponsor  Ed Fisher

The project team has started gathering business requirements to determine the necessary
customizations to the application. As we begin the project, it is critical that we assure timely and
effective communication with those who will be affected by the project. Our communication will
be based around the vision and business targets determined at the start of the project.

Business Target and Vision

This project is intended to provide excellent service to the Coca Cola Enterprise by
reestablishing their network convergence with its branches across the world and maintain a
strong value and relationship with its customers in a timely and secure manner.
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Project Organization
The Coca Cola Project Plan is made up of individuals and groups from different areas of the
organization. Project roles range from executive sponsorship to the end-user representatives. The
following table defines the various roles and their responsibilities throughout the life cycle of the

Project Role Responsibility

Executive Sponsors  Have ultimate authority and

responsibility for the project
 Approve changes to project scope and
provide additional resources required
by the change
 Provide funds for the project
 Provide high- level project direction
 Resolve conflicts over policy and
 Resolve resource issues
 Make business decisions for the project

Project Steering Committee  Provide high- level project direction

 Assure appropriate resources
Project Lead  Perform high- level project
 Manage the overall budget
 Approve and continuously monitor the
project plan
 Escalate and resolve project issues
 Provide weekly and monthly reporting
on the project status to the executive
 Give final approval of project
 Establish clear roles and
responsibilities throughout the project
 Provide high- level project direction
 Confirm that the project objectives are
 Monitor to ensure that deliverables are
consistent with the best practices
 Monitor and execute the
communication plan
Administrator  Gather business requirements
 Customize where necessary
 Import customer and employee data
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 Set up users
 Create necessary assignment rules

Communication Lead  Construct the communication plan and

user adoption strategy
 Manage the execution of the
communication plan and user adoption
 Coordinate training sessions
 Manage communication content

Super Users  Represent the opinions and needs of

their business unit
 Act as business process experts for
their business unit
 Provide project information to their
business unit
 Participate in requirements gathering
and validation sessions

NOTE: All roles are subject to further

definition and clarification. Additional roles
may be added throughout the life cycle of the
project. Any changes in responsibility to
previously defined roles will be reviewed with
the parties currently holding the position.
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Communication Plan
We must assure open and timely communication for the organization by providing appropriate
information to the people who need it and when they need it. By embracing the company-wide
commitment to this project, each individual must do his or her part to ensure its success.
Therefore, all individuals must understand their role and the specific activities for which they are

Communication Objectives
 Ensure timely communication to relevant groups or individuals
 Ensure effective communication between groups
 Ensure timely notices for requirements/meetings
 Ensure optimum results for all communications and project expectations
 Measure the results of the communication strategy execution and revise accordingly

Communication Types
This section outlines the types of communication that may be used as part of this project. All
types of communication must be addressed to ensure that communication flows to all necessary
parties when they need it.

The following is a list of the types of communication addressed in the following sections of this

Executives  Communication from executives to managers and employees

 Feedback and direction to the project team from executives

Managers  Communication to managers for distribution to their

 Communication from managers to executives
 Feedback communication from managers and employees to the
project team

Employees  Communication/feedback from employees to managers and

 Communication/feedback from employees to the project team

Project Team  Internal project team communication

 Communication to executive sponsors
 Meeting notices and notes to executives, managers, and
employee representatives
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Communication Vehicles
Communication cannot be limited to any one method or vehicle. It comes in many forms and
must follow guidelines and an appropriate level of formality to ensure knowledge and
information transfer. Within the following sections, each communication plan item will suggest
the preferred vehicle and timing of the communication. Some will utilize various vehicles and
are considered ongoing in status. The organization of information is just as important as the
method by which it is delivered, thus all will be addressed at some level.

The following is a list of vehicles that will be found within the communication plan. This list is
not extensive and will grow throughout the life of the project.

 Email
 Informal word of mouth
 Team meetings
 Conference calls
 Executive communication
 Paper
 Web
 MS Explorer or directory structures
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Communication Plan Details

The communication plan is the detailed list of items to be communicated, to whom they are
communicated, and when they are to be communicated. The communication plan is broken into
three sections based on the communication type discussed above.

The following is a list of the communication plans within this document:

Communication Plan: Executives

Activity Blueprint Proposed Vehicle/ Responsibility Audience Frequency

Stage Finish Date Tools

Executives to Understand 9/1/11 Conf call Executive team All managers Once
announce the and
start of the employees
Coca Cola
Announce Understand 9/3/11 Email President or VP All Once
initiating executives,
sponsor and managers, and
assign project employees
Communicate Envision 9/10/11 Web/email Executive All managers Once
the vision for committee and
the employees
and define how
the Coca Cola
contributes to
Outline Define and 9/10/11 Meeting Initiating sponsor Project team Once
objectives and Design
project goals at
project kick-
off meeting
Kick-off Build and 10/18/11 Meeting or Executive team All managers As needed
training Deliver conf call and
sessions with a employees
message about
vision and
Gather Confirm 11/19/11 Focus Executive team and All managers Regularly
feedback after groups, project team and
the initial email, or employees
launch informal
Announce Operate and 12/1/11 Conf call or Executive sponsor All managers As needed
future Optimize email and
improvement employees
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Communication Plan: Managers

Activity Blueprint Stage Proposed Vehicle/ Responsibility Audience Frequency

Finish Date Tools

Discuss Understand/ 9/17/11 and Team Manager Employees As new

project goals Envision ongoing meeting information
and is available
timeline with
Review Envision/Define 9/24/11 Team Manager Employees As new
upcoming and meeting information
process Design is available
and impact on
Review Define and Ongoing Email Manager; details Employees Regularly
project Design provided by project
updates, lead
dates and
(details to be
provided by
project team)
Discuss Build and Deliver 10/4/11 – Email or Manager Employees Regularly as
training 10/18/11 team new
course meeting information is
information available
and review
importance of
Discuss Build and Deliver 10/8/11and Meeting Manager Employees Quarterly
revised 10/22/11
with each
Gather Confirm 11/19/11 All Manager to All Regularly
feedback after compile feedback
initial launch
and review
actions taken
as a result of
Recognize Operate and Ongoing after Team Manager Employees Regularly
positive Optimize launch meetings
behaviors and
Review Operate and 12/3/11 Conf call Manager; details Employees As information
details of Optimize or provided by project is
future email lead available
plans and the
impact on
employees on
P a g e | 10

Communication Plan: Employees

Activity Blueprint Proposed Vehicle/ Responsibility Audience Frequency

Stage Finish Date Tools

Attend project Define and 9/10/11 Meeting Super users Project team Once
kick-off Design
meeting to get
about the
Represent the Define and 9/24/11 Meeting Super users Project team As
needs of the Design scheduled
team at
Present Define and Ongoing Meeting Super users Employees and Weekly
information Design managers
about business
changes at
team meeting
Gather Confirm 11/19/11 Meetings and Super users Employees Regularly
feedback after informal
initial launch
and share with
project team
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Communication Plan: Project Team

Activity Blueprint Stage Proposed Vehicle/ Responsibilit Audience Frequency

Finish Date Tools y

Invite employees to Define and 9/8/11 Meeting Project lead Employees Once
become super Design
Users; first meeting
is project kick-off.
Assign an Define and 9/13/11 -- Project lead Project team Once
individual or group Design
to act as the central
point for all
information going
to and coming
from the user
community. They
will be in charge of
ensuring the
consistency of
messages and
gathering feedback
from the end users.
Conduct demo Build and 9/30/11 Web/email Project lead All managers Once
sessions to show Deliver or and
managers and Administrato employees
employees the r
Send a weekly All Ongoing Email Project lead Executives Weekly
status report
Send a weekly All Ongoing after Email Project lead Managers Weekly
information notice 9/10/11 and super
with users
information about
milestones, and
project progress
Establish an email All 9/17/11 Email Project lead All managers Ongoing
alias for the and
Coca Cola employees
Enterprise project
as a central point
for all feedback
and customization
regarding the tool.
Have the
lead respond to
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Cost Management Plan

Project Name: Coca Cola Enterprise Project Plan

Prepared by: Jeremy Watkins, Project Manager
Date: September 1, 2011
Person(s) authorized to
request cost changes:

Name: Jeremy Watkins Title: Project Manager Location: Chicago, IL

Name: Paul Muhammad Title: Assistant Project Manager Location: Chicago, IL

Name: Brandi Ogbevire’ Title: Assistant Project Manager #2 Location: Chicago, IL

Person(s) to whom Cost Change Request forms must be submitted for approval:
Name: Jeremy Watkins Title: Project Manager Location: Chicago, IL
Name: Paul Muhammad Title: Assistant Project Manager Location: Chicago, IL
Name: Brandi Ogbevire’ Title: Assistant Project Manager #2 Location: Chicago, IL

Acceptable reasons for changes in Project Cost (e.g., approved scope changes, increased
costs, etc.):

Describe how you will calculate and report on the projected impact of any cost changes
(time, quality, etc.):

Describe any other aspects of how changes to the Project Cost will be managed:
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Work Breakdown Structure Plan

Quality Management Plan

The Coca Cola Enterprise Project

Provides improved technology to increase efficiency and accommodate increasing business

volume with limited staff resources.
Improve the quality and efficiency of Coca Cola Enterprise s’ processes by replacing the
underlying infrastructure and deploying secure self-service capabilities.
Improve the quality of fraud detection and fraud prevention efforts by providing better reporting
and improved system capabilities to detect and prevent fraud.
Improve performance and provide customer service at a desired level for Coca Cola Enterprise to
meet nationwide standards for response to customers.

Technical Success Criteria

The Coca Cola Enterprise Team will capture the requirements from the documents and load them
into a single database.
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With this database, requirements will be traceable to higher level documents (Detailed Design
Requirements will be categorized for quality testing purposes, and will be the basis for further
defining details of the technical success criteria.

Under supervision of the Project Manager, project staff defines and documents quality specifics
within the standard operating procedures for project quality. The standard operating procedures
document the characteristics that are expected of the developed software and other project


The responsibility for complete and thorough testing of the delivered system is the contractual
responsibility of Watkins & Associates. Project staff are responsible is for verifying and
validating the acceptability of the delivered system or component. Under supervision of the
Project Manager, project staff will provide oversight and participate in testing activities,
including system and acceptance testing. The Quality Manager takes the lead role for developing
testing requirements for the project that encompass the organization’s structured testing strategy
for security, network, applications, infrastructure, production-readiness and acceptance testing.
The Quality Manager coordinates with the Infrastructure Solutions and Management Division,
Test Team, the application areas and the Information Security Office to define types of testing
required and to identify existing testing resources to be leveraged. The project testing ends when
the new system is accepted and transitions into maintenance mode.
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Current Network Survey

Coca-Cola’s main headquarters, based in Atlanta, GA, was recently hacked into by the world’s
most wanted computer hacker, Gary McKinnon. A former Network Administrator failed to
implement the intrusion detection systems, resulting in, Gary McKinnon infiltrating the Bandook
Rat Virus into the main headquarters. Afterwards, the Bandook Trojan horse spread to the sister
sites located in, Chicago, IL, San Francisco, CA, New York City, NY, and Los Angeles.
Bandook Rat is a backdoor Trojan horse that infects Windows NT family systems (Windows
2000, XP, 2003, Vista). It uses a server creator, a client and a server to take control over the
remote computer. It uses process hijacking / Kernel Patching to bypass the firewall, and allow
the server component to hijack processes and gain rights for accessing the internet. Gary
McKinnon invaded computer systems belonging to the US military in 2001, shortly after the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

As a result, the Coca-Cola Enterprise network infrastructure is in dire need of improvement.

Coca-Cola Enterprise is deprived of a safe and secure network infrastructure which will enable
them to communicate sound decisions and manage the flow of information concerning their
business revenue, employees, customers, and suppliers of inventory to operate successfully. Not
only systems to house information but software applications that will enable them to make new
approaches targeted marketing, future stock market decisions, refinance bonds, assess debt risks,
analyze financial conditions, predict business failures, forecast financial trends, and invest in
global markets. There is no official website at the five locations which supports systems with
ticketing and products, employment opportunities, promotional offers, and an outlet for
suggestions in increasing revenue for their return on investment. A database system and wireless
infrastructure not in place causes Coca-Cola Enterprise to become ineffective in analyzing cash
flows and information to and from its suppliers for smooth operations. In conjunction to their
inefficiency to analyze information effectively, they face challenges to obtain concrete data on
the company and its competitors along their supply chain to meet industry benchmarks that can
be influenced by numerous factors such as competition, prices, weather conditions, and
technological development.

The main difficulties Coca-Cola faces is the lack of internet access; sharing files, email and
collaborating remotely with other locations. Our primary challenge is to implement cost effective
solutions for Coca-Cola to stay on the cutting edge. Given the company is relatively large; it is
in Coca-Cola’s best interest to stay afloat with the fortune 500 companies.
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Statement of Need
The following implementations need to be set in place in order for the Coca-Cola Enterprise to
function successfully:

 Internet Protocol Addresses and Domain Names

 Data Transmission and Networking Protocols
 Network Security
 Reestablished Servers
 Reconfigured Routers & Switches
 Reestablished Telecommunications
 Reinstalled Software Applications
 The Google Search Appliance (GSA)

The Google Search Appliance Overview

With Google Search Appliance 6.8, Coca Cola’s intranet or website search engine can be as
relevant and reliable as Google’s and just as easy to use. Google Search Appliance (GSA) can
provide the Coca Cola Enterprise universal search for business, enabling enterprise or website
content to be searched through one easy, familiar search box. The Appliance searches intranets,
web servers, portals, file shares, databases, content management systems, real-time data in
business applications, and cloud based systems, such as Google Applications, Google Site
Search, and other social networks. After the Google Search Appliance is implemented, it will
scale Coca Cola’s billions of documents effortlessly. The Search Appliance’s scalable
architecture allows multiple appliances within the organization to share search indices across
vast ranges of content and still provide unified results. This brings scale to exiting search
deployments, without disruption or changes to hardware or software, and allows unified searches
across multiple departments or geographies with separate appliances. The Appliance provides
rigid security across billions of content sources.
The advantages that Coca Cola gains compared to other Fortune 500 companies are as follows:

 Anticipated reduction in call handling time, resulting in 10-15% cost savings

 Increased search relevancy, enabling faster agent responses to customer needs
 Decreased in-house effort in security parameter
 Promoted bottom-line profitability and better business result for customers
 Improved end-user satisfaction
 Share search with other colleagues and document previews in search results
 Universal access to information

Expect these advantages to save the Coca Cola Enterprise over $1 trillion (USD) in economic
value per year.
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Intrusion Detection Solutions

Watkins & Associates will provide Coca-Cola with the tools to manage their optimum
inventory levels for manufacturing processes by using server secured reporting tools to
communicate effortlessly and efficient. Each server provides the mechanisms for maintaining
the integrity of stored data, managing security and user access, and recovering information if the
system fails. Watkins & Associates uses the most competent telecommunication resources while
keeping the cost to a minimum. Coca-Cola is relatively large company. As a result, we’ve
implemented technology that will be catered toward the client’s needs.
Watkins & Associates will reestablish internet connectivity between Coca-Cola’s
effected locations and its main website which will market goods and services to customers
through electronic commerce, rather than writing a check or using cash. To build long-term
relationships between the customer and Coca-Cola Enterprise, Watkins & Associates offers a
solution to install a customer relationship management system (CRMS) and a digital dashboard
on Coca-Cola’s main server, located in Atlanta, Georgia. The main server will replicate the
software systems to the sister sites in Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Upon successful implementation, utilizers of the CRMS and digital dashboard will be able to
provide information, assist in allocating advertising budgets, and maximize the lifetime customer
value for the company.
Snort Intrusion Detection Systems (SIDS), are security countermeasure solutions which
enhance network security of the network infrastructure. SIDSs are implemented at the
information infrastructure security level and serves as the next line of defense after the firewall.
They monitor network traffic of all the domains by pinpointing intruder attacks in real time.
When an attack is identified, Snort can take a variety of actions to alert the systems administrator
of the threat. The Snort Packet Sniffer has the ability to listen to all IP packets and decode them.
The firewall may block access points within the network; however, they are unable to decipher
between malicious activities of hackers. In contrast, intrusion detection systems can monitor for
hostile activity on these openings.

Within the contents of the Coca Cola Project Plan, Watkins & Associates has surveyed the
enterprises’ current network infrastructure, challenges, solutions, and costs to enhance the
development of interactive media. To increase revenue and scalability, Watkins & Associates
recommends that all solutions remain properly secured and updated for the integrity of the Coca
Cola Enterprises’ network infrastructure.

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