Lecture Notes Iare PDF
Lecture Notes Iare PDF
Lecture Notes Iare PDF
M. Tech I semester
IARE – R18
1. Introduction
Rapid prototyping (RP) is a new manufacturing technique that allows for fast fabrication of
computer models designed with three-dimension (3D) computer aided design (CAD) software. RP is used
in a wide variety of industries, from shoe to car manufacturers. This technique allows for fast
realizations of ideas into functioning prototypes, shortening the design time, leading towards successful
final products.
RP technique comprise of two general types: additive and subtractive, each of which has its own
pros and cons. Subtractive type RP or traditional tooling manufacturing process is a technique in which
material is removed from a solid piece of material until the desired design remains. Examples of this
type of RP includes traditional milling, turning/lathing or drilling to more advanced versions - computer
numerical control (CNC), electric discharge machining (EDM). Additive type RP is the opposite of
subtractive type RP. Instead of removing material, material is added layer upon layer to build up the
desired design such as stereolithography, fused deposition modeling (FDM), and 3D printing.
This tutorial will introduce additive type RP techniques: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Stereo
Lithography Apparatus (SLA), FDM, Inkjet based printing. It will also cover how to properly prepare 3D
CAD models for fabrication with RP techniques.
Subtractive type RP is typically limited to simple geometries due to the tooling process where material is
removed. This type of RP also usually takes a longer time but the main advantage is that the end product
is fabricated in the desired material. Additive type RP, on the other hand, can fabricate most complex
geometries in a shorter time and lower cost. However, additive type RP typically includes extra post
fabrication process of cleaning, post curing or finishing.
Here is some of the general advantages and disadvantages of rapid prototyping [1]:
Fast and inexpensive method of prototyping design ideas
Multiple design iterations
Physical validation of design
Reduced product development time
Resolution not as fine as traditional machining (millimeter to sub-millimeter resolution)
Surface flatness is rough (dependant of material and type of RP)
3. Rapid Prototyping Process
The basic process is similar across the different additive type RP technologies. We will use a ball as an
example here. It begins with using a CAD software such as Solidworks to design a 3D computer model.
Figure 1 is a golf ball designed in Solidworks.
This 3D CAD model is next converted into a Stereolithography or Standard Tessellation Language
(STL) file format. The STL file format only describes the surface geometry of a 3D CAD model. It does not
contain any information on the color, texture or material. STL file format can be saved in either ASCII or
binary versions, with the latter as the more compact version. The surface geometry is described with
triangular facets. Each triangle facets uses a set of Cartesian coordinates to describe its three vertices
and the surface normal vector using a right-hand rule for ordering. An example of how an ASCII STL file
format is show in Fig. 2.
Select ‘Options’ for more advance export options. Figure 3 shows a printscreen of the STL export
As shown in Fig. 3, one can select to export the STL as Binary or ASCII file format in millimeter,
centimeter, meter, inches or feet depending on the unit used in the CAD model.
Figure 3 – Solidworks STL export option.
The resolution options allow a user to control the tessellation of non-planar surfaces. There are
two preset resolutions of ‘Coarse’ and ‘Fine’. The ‘Custom’ setting allows one to adjust the deviation and
angle tolerances. Lower deviation tolerance sets tighter accuracy to the tessellation where as smaller
angle deviation sets smaller detail tessellation [2]. The caveat is that tighter tolerances create more
triangle facets to describe the 3D CAD model’s surface more finely which causes the file size to be large.
Figure 4 shows a CAD model exported to a coarse resolution STL (114KB), fine resolution STL (300 KB),
and a very fine resolution STL file (1.51 MB). A more complicated design with complicated features
would also result in a large STL file size. Figure 5 shows an exaggerated view of how the export STL
tolerance option affects how the 3D CAD model’s surface is described. Furthermore, depending on how
fine the tolerances are set, computation power to export the CAD model and process the file for
fabrication could be an issue. Once the appropriate STL file has been generated, this is then loaded into
the individual RP company’s proprietary software to be processed into 2D slices for fabrication.
Figure 4 – CAD model to a coarse STL, fine STL, and a very fine STL file.
In all commercially developed and technically demonstrated GMP till date the development of
part is done by the slicing technique.
However a direct 3-dimensional building up technique is also under active consideration. In this
technique it will not be necessary to define the part in terms of thin layers and the process will
not require the generation of lower part before the upper part is generated.
Thus, the freedom and flexibility in shape creation and enhanced, but it puts a great burden on
programming the generating equipment.
The figure below shows the whole process chain of
rapid product development using RP technique.
Process chain for rapid prototype development
Additive Rapid Prototyping
The different types of additive RP technologies can be categorized into three types: liquid based (SLA
and Inkjet based Printing), solid based (FDM), and powder based (SLS). These are just a few examples of
the different RP technologies in existence. Regardless of the different types of RP technologies, all of
them require the 3D CAD model’s STL file for fabrication. These STL files are then used to generate to 2D
slice layers for fabrication.
Liquid base - Stereo Lithography Apparatus (SLA) and Inkjet based printing
StereoLithography Apparatus (SLA)
SLA RP technology has three main parts: a vat filled with ultraviolet (UV) curable photopolymer, a
perforated build tray, and an UV laser, Fig. 6. Figure 7 shows a production level SLA system by
3DSYSTEMS. The fabrication process starts with positioning the build tray a slice layer depth below the
surface of the photopolymer. A slice layer is cured on to the build tray with the UV laser. The pattern of
the slice layer is “painted” with the UV laser with the control of the scanner system. Once the layer is
cured, the tray lowers by a slice layer thickness allowing for uncured photopolymer to cover the
previously cured slice. The next slice layer is then formed on top of the previous layer with the UV laser,
bonding it to the previous layer. This process is repeated until the entire 3D object is fully formed. The
finished 3D object is removed and washed with solvent to remove excess resin off the object. Finally,
the object is placed in a UV oven for further curing. During the fabrication process, support scaffolding
can be fabricated to support overhangs or undercuts of the 3D object. These can be cut off after
Figure 6 - StereoLithography apparatus (SLA) [3].
This RP technology is similar to the SLA technology, both of which utilize UV curable photopolymer as
the build material. Two types of UV curable photopolymer materials are used: model that act as the
structure and support material acting as scaffolding to the object. The technology is based on inkjet
systems as shown in Fig. 8 where it has ‘ink’ cartridges and a print head.
During fabrication, a thin layer of photopolymer is jetted on to the build tray. The jetted
photopolymer is cured by UV lamps mounted to the side of the print heads. Next, the tray lowers by
precisely one layer’s thickness, allowing for the next slice to be jetted on to the previous slice. This
process repeats until the 3D object is formed. Once completed, the support material is removed with a
high pressure washer. A commercially available inkjet based RP printer by Stratasys is shown in Fig. 9.
FDM RP technologies use a thermoplastic filament, which is heated to its melting point and then
extruded, layer by layer, to create a three dimensional object, shown in Fig. 10. Two kinds of materials
are used: a model material which acts as the structure and a support material which acts as a scaffolding
to support the object during the fabrication process.
During the fabrication process, the filaments are fed to an extrusion nozzle unwounded from a
coil. This nozzle is heated to melt the filament which is then extruded on to a build tray forming a slice of
the 3D object as cools and hardens. Next, the build tray is lowered or the extrusion nozzle is raised, by a
thickness of an extruded layer, for the next slice layer to be extruded on top of the previous layer. As the
extruded thermoplastic cools, it also binds to the previous layer. This continues until all the slices are
printed to finally form the full 3D object. After the fabrication process, the support build material is
typically dissolved by water if water-soluble wax was used or broken off if polyphenylsulfone was used.
An affordable desktop version by 3DSYSTEM is shown in Fig. 11.
SLS is similar to SLA in which it also uses a laser and build tray except instead of using a vat of liquid
photopolymer as the build material it uses a powder build material. The powder used can be plastic
nylon, ceramic, glass or metal. A schematic of this system is shown in Fig. 12. This RP technique can be
used to create both prototypes as well as final products. Figure 13 shows a production level SLS system
A high power laser is used to heat the powder build material to just below its boiling point
(sintering) or above boiling point (melting) to fuse it together to form the 3D object’s slice layers. Once a
slice layer is formed, the build tray lowers by a slice layer’s thickness. Next, the roller spreads more
powder build material over the previously fused slice layer for the next slice layer to be sintered. This
repeats until the 3D object is formed. Another difference to the SLA RP technique is that it does not
require any support scaffolding as it is supported by the powder build material surrounding the object.
Additive RP technologies can be useful with fabricating the optomechanics in an optical system. Figure
14 shows a CAD design of a spectral image classifier and the fabricated system with an inkjet based RP
printer shown in Fig. 15. New RP technology has allowed for optical systems to have an integrated
design and be fabricated directly. One can design an optical system with a ray tracing program then
easily design a 3D CAD model to match the optimization performed previously by the ray tracing
program. The choice of additive RP technology would depend on fabrication time, cost, and build
material requirements.
Typical 3D CAD design considerations that would need to be taken into account includes:
RP fabrication tolerances – fitting and alignment
Optical fine adjustment ability
Stiffness of material to support heavy optical devices
• Revisiting the usability engineering life cycle
• Usability engineering life cycle is evaluation-
• Dilemma: Can't evaluate an interface until it is
built, but after building, changes are difficult
• Solution: Rapid prototyping — producing
interactive versions of an evolving interaction
* Main technique supporting iterative refinement
• Prototype is conversational "prop" to support
communication of concepts not easily
conveyed verbally [R. Bellamy, Apple Corp.]
• Concrete baseline for communication between
users and developers
• Allows user to "take it for a spin"
• Encourages early user participation and
• Allows early observation of user performance
• Low fidelity prototype is obviously not
finished, so users have impression it is easy to
• Allows immediate observation of consequences
of design decisions
• Can help with user "buy in"
• Can help sell management an idea for a new
• Can help effect a paradigm shift from existing
system to new system
• Needs cooperation of management, developers,
and users
• Managers may view prototyping as wasteful
• Managers and/or customers and/or marketing
may view prototype as final product
• Programmers may lose discipline
• Prototype can be overworked (reason for
prototype is forgotten)
• Prototyping tool may influence design
• Possibility of overpromising with prototype
• Low-fidelity paper prototypes are bona fide
technique on their own
* Not just a low-tech substitute for computer-
based prototype
* Major corporations with extensive resources
use paper prototype routinely for early
interaction development
* Computer-based prototype can distract from
usability focus early on
* People do take paper prototypes seriously; they
do find many usability problems
* Low-fidelity prototypes find many usability
problems, and these are generally the more
severe problems
• Interaction design has two parts
* Look and feel: objects
* Sequencing: behavior, including changes to
object behavior
When in life
Type Cost to fix
cycle to Cost to fix
of "Strength" look and
apply sequencing
prototype feel
easy to change
Paper Almost
sequencing, Early Low
(lo-fi) none
Computer Fidelity of
Later Low High
(hi-fi) look and feel
"Product" type
(in development)
Scenarios and screen
gathering, client/user
Evaluate conceptual
Hand-drawn paper
model, early design
paper prototype Early formative
(e.g., with VB, usability evaluation
prototype with some
Primary formative
usability evaluation
functionality (e.g.,
database functions)
Field support,
customer help line,
Product release
usability evaluation
• What to put in early prototypes — to evaluate
usability of overall interaction design
metaphor/paradigm (conceptual design)
* Low fidelity
* Start with representative sample screen or two
* Mock-up a representative task
* Follow a representative task thread
Learn a great deal from incomplete design, and from a single brand new user
• Goal:
* To obtain experience with rapid construction of
a low fidelity prototype for early stages of user
interaction design
• Activities:
* Draw Web pages in more detail than in your
* Make prototype "executable," at least for
benchmark tasks
• General – What we are going to do:
* Draw interaction objects on paper, cut them
out, and tape in aligned position, relative to
other objects, on separate blank plastic
* Use "easel" to register each sheet of plastic with
other sheets.
* During "execution" most dynamics will be
created by adding and removing various
registered plastic sheets to/from the easel.
* You will need to prototype at least the
benchmark tasks from your usability
specifications, since the prototype will be used
in the formative evaluation exercise. Prototype
will be "executed" on the easel, usually taped to
tabletop for stability.
* IMPORTANT: Get everyone on your team
involved in drawing, cutting, taping, etc. — not
just one or two people. You'll be done much
faster if everyone pitches in. However, this is
not art class, so don't worry too much about
straight lines, exact details, etc.
* Start with simplest possible background for
each Web page in pencil or pen on full size
paper, as base for all moving parts
- Include only parts that never change (e.g. for
Y2K Calendar: monthly "grid", no month
* Everything else is drawn in pencil or pen on
paper, cut out, and taped (in proper location)
on separate plastic sheet
* Don't draw anything twice; make it modular to
- The less you put on each layer, the more
* Whatever changes when user gives input should
go on separate paper-on-plastic sheet
* If user will type in values (e.g., item number)
use clear sheet on top and marking pen
* Make a highlight for major selectable objects
- Use square or rectangle with "handle"; color
with marking pen
* Fasten some objects (e.g., pull-down lists) to
top or side of easel with tape "hinges", so they
"flap down" to overlay the screen
* Use any creative techniques to demonstrate
motion, dynamics, feedback
- E.g., scrolling can be done with paper through
slits cut in larger paper (all taped to plastic
* Make a "not yet implemented" (or "under
construction") message!
* Pilot testing: Be sure that your prototype will
support your benchmark tasks by having one
member of your team "run" the prototype while
another member plays "user" and tries out the
benchmark tasks.
• Deliverables:
The term manufacturing system refers to a collection or arrangement of
operations and processes used to make a desired product or component. It
includes the actual equipment for composing the processes and the
arrangement of those processes. In a manufacturing system, if there is a
change or disturbance in the system, the systems would accommodate or
adjust itself and continue to function efficiently. Normally the effect of
disturbance must be counteracted by controllable inputs or the system
itself. Figure below gives the general definition for any manufacturing
Job shops
In a Job shop, varieties of products are manufactured in small lot sizes to a
specific customer order. To perform a wide variety of manufacturing
processes, general purpose production equipment is required. Workers
must have relatively high skill levels to perform a range of different work
The flow shops have a “product oriented layout” composed mainly of flow
lines. This system can have high production rates. The plant may be
designed to produce the particular product or family, using “Special
purpose machines” rather than general purpose equipment. The skill level
of the laborer tends to be lower than in production job shop. When the
volume of production becomes large, it is called “mass production”. The
material flow is through a sequence of operations by material handling
devices. The time the item spends in each station or location is fixed and
equal. The workstations are arranged in line according to the processing
sequence needed as shown in Figure below
Product layout
Project shop
In this type, a product must remain in a fixed position or location because of
its size and weight. The materials, machines and people in fabrication are
brought to site. The layout is also called as fixed position layout. Figure
below shows the project shop layout.
Example: Locomotive manufacturing, large aircraft assembly and
Continuous process
In this continuous process, the product seems to flow physically. This
system is sometimes called as flow production when referring to the
manufacture of either complex single parts, such as scanning operation, or
assembled products such as TVs. However, this is not a continuous
process, but high volume flow lines. In continuous process, the products
really do flow because they are liquids, gases, or powers. Figure 1.5 shows
the continuous process layout. It is the most efficient but least flexible kind
of manufacturing system. It usually has the leanest and simplest production
system because this manufacturing system is the easiest to control
because it has the least work- in progress(WIP).
Examples: Oil refineries, chemical process plants and food processing
Lot sizes are reduced: Once setup times are greatly reduced in CM, small
lots are possible and economical. Small lots also provide smooth
production flow.
Parts can be produced randomly in batch sizes, as small as one, and
at lower cost.
The lead times required for product changes are shorter
Reduced WIP
Labour and inventories are reduced
Production is more reliable, because the system is self-correcting and
so product quality is uniform.
Increased machine utilization
Fewer machines required
Reduced factory floor space
Greater responsiveness to change
In the 1940’s the concept of computer emerged and that led to the
development of ‘numerical control’ for machine tools. Changing a set-up for
switching over from one job to another involved changing a substantial
amount of the hardware i. e. cams, fixtures, tooling etc. it was time
consuming and was expensive also. Once the concept of computer
developed it becomes possible to store and feed information with the help
of numbers. Numerical control (NC) implies that the necessary information
for producing a particular component in a machine can be provided with the
help of numbers. Thus switching over from one job to another involved
feeding new data and no major modification of the hardware is necessary.
Consequently, such units are very flexible in the sense that switching over
from one job to another can be done without major time delay and
expense. Use of such flexible machines is termed as ‘Flexible
Automation’. With the tremendous development in computer science and
micro-electronics, flexible automation has become very inexpensive to
achieve. The machines are also now directly controlled by computers and
such a control is called ‘Computer Numerical Control (CNC)’
It is easy to visualize that with the help of such flexible automation, the
requirement of specialized hardware for automatic production of a
particular item is eliminated. Cost effective automatic manufacturing has
hence become feasible even for small and medium size batches. Figure
below indicates the cost effectiveness of different types of manufacturing
automation for different ranges of production.
Cost effectiveness of different types of manufacturing automation
Structure of CIM
In concurrent engineering (CE) product is developed by a team involving
engineers from both the design section and the production shop. The
advantages of concurrent engineering are based on the economic leverage
of addressing all aspects of design of a product as early as possible. Hence
using concurrent engineering most of the design modification is
incorporated as early as possible. It is also true that the importance of early
modification is very significant and the ability of the early change to
influence the product cost is much larger as indicated. Hence using
concurrent engineering most of the design modifications are incorporated
as early as possible.
In all types of GMPs the CAD model is split into layers as indicated figure
Resolution not as fine as traditional machining (millimeter to sub-
millimeter resolution)
Surface flatness is rough (dependant of material and type of RP)
Rapid Manufacturing Process Optimization: factors influencing accuracy
Once the first layer is cured the platform is lowered by distance equal to the
thickness of a layer. Then the laser beam scans the next cross section. The
cycle is repeated till the topmost layer of the object is generated.
Subsequently the generated object is removed from the vat and ultrasonic
cleaning removes excess material from crevices and openings. An alcohol
bath is used to clean any unused polymer. The process of post curing is
carried out by applying intense long wave UV radiation to solidify an
uncured liquid trapped in the honeycomb like structures.
In most stereolithography machines solidification occurs in a point-by-point
fashion. In some cases solidification takes place curing lines at time. A
laser beam scans the liquid surface so that a series of voxels (volume
picture cells) get solidified as shown figure below. The voxel size should be
adequate to ensure connection with the neighboring voxels and also with
the layer solidified prior to the current one.
The parameter which controls the voxel overlap is the distance between
voxels, the laser power, the stay time and the layer thickness. Using high
power lasers, continuous lines can be cured forming a solid parabolic
cylinder as hown in figure below.
The solid cubic form created in SGC consists of solid polymer and
Selective laser sintering (SLA)
SLS was patented in 1989. The basic concept of SLS is similar to that of
SLA. It uses a moving laser beam to trace and selectively sinter powdered
polymer and/or metal composite materials. The powder is kept at elevated
temperature. Unlike SLA, special support structures are not required
because the excess powder in each layer as a support.
With the metal composite material, the SLS process solidifies a polymer
binder material around steel powder (diameter ca. 0.1 mm) one slice at a
time forming the part.
The part is then placed in a furnace (>900 °C), where the polymer binder is
burned off and the part is infiltrated with bronze to improve its density.
SLS allows for a wide range of materials, including nylon, glass-filled nylon,
Truform (investment casting) and metal composites.
Abbreviation: SLS
Material type: Powder(Polymer)
Materials: Thermoplastics: Nylon, Polyamide and Polystyrene;
Elastomers ; Composites
Min layer thickness: 0,10mm
Surface finish: Average
Build speed: Fast
Applications: Form/ fit testing, Functional testing, Less detailed parts,
Parts with snap-fits & living hinges, High heat
One reason is the nature of the raw material, which is powder. Since
sintering does not cause complete melting of the grains (where
diameter lies in the range 80micon to 120 micron) the surfaces
acquire a granular structure.
Besides this raster0scan laser drawing also results in horizontal stair-
step effect as shown in figure above.
However to distribute the roughness evenly on all surfaces the
orientation of raster is rotated by 900 on alternate layers.
Further improvement of surface finish is possible by outlining each
cross section prior to the drawing of rasters. But the last technique
results in higher part building time.
In this process a fine jet of ceramic binder in ejected onto the powder layer where
solidification is desired. This is done on the inkjet mechanism scans the layer by either
ejecting the binder droplets at the identified locations or by deflecting the continuously
emerging drops away from the locations where solidification is not wanted. These are
termed as ‘ drop-on-demand’ and ‘ continuous jet’ systems respectively.
The droplets are electrically charged at the nozzle and then deflected by applying
suitable voltages to electrodes located below the nozzle.
The nozzle is moved across the powder surface in a raster scan while computer
generated electrical signals control the deposit of the binder.
The print head consists of an array of a large number of jet ports each one capable of
operating at 10KHz. With an array of high frequency jets, the layer solidification time
can be 4s/layer for a drop on demand system with a layer size of 0.5mx0.5m. it can be
as low as a fraction of a second for ‘continuous jet’ system.
The major problem with the parts produced by this technique is inadequate surface
finish. Removal of unbound powder from narrow passages and enclosed cavities also
poses difficulties. This process is however, very convenient for making moulds with
integral cores. Since the fabrication of the mould and the core is done as a single unit,
the registration of cores to the mould is precise.
Ballastic Particle Manufacturing(BPM) – both 2D and 3D,
Fused deposition modeling,
head pauses. It is being proposed to develop a system which will provide a
quick downward movement when the head is still in motion. This may
eliminate the above mentioned problem. It is important that the head be
kept in motion at all times. Otherwise material melts near the tip and forms
little bumps which may be visible on the surface layers. Temperature
control of the FDM head and the part is crucial for the success. There is no
wastage of material in this process and parts produced by FDM do not
require a major cleaning operation after fabrication.
Shape melting
The major advantage of this process is that the metal parts produced by
this process can be directly used for making functional prototypes.
Materials used till date includes Iconel (alloy625), tungsten carbide and
other alloy. The advantage also includes high strength isotropic material
properties and the possibility of developing multi material parts with tailored
properties. Moreover, a uniform fine grained micro structure is produced by
this process.
Laminated object manufacturing
Scheme of MD process
Electric arc spray gun
Principle of Beam Interference solidification
Holographic interference solidification