Smea 2019
Smea 2019
Smea 2019
Areas of Concern CIGP/s Cause of Occurrence Proposed Corrective Time Frame to Proposed Preventive
Action Resolve/Address Measure/s
1.Classroom Instruction
1.1 Curriculum
1.2 Learning Delivery No prior knowledge on the Some competencies Start from the beginning of Year Round A pretest will be given so
topic in Genetics related to the topic were the topic in teaching them that learners will be
not introduce. obliged to search and study
on the nature of the topic
only then they will gain
prior knowledge.
1.3 Learning Resources For the senior high school No learning resources was Powerpoint presentation Year Round Learner’s module and
in general chemistry, no provided by the made by the teacher was teacher’s manual will be
available books, learners government uploaded in the group chat provided.
module and teaching for them to learn and take
module down notes.
The teacher bought books
and other learning
resources at her own
1.4 Assessment of Learning Lower sections still does Student did not seriously Conduct review , mastery Year Round Learners will be
not get 75% level of have the study habits test and exercises encouraged to study
performance. always from time to time
2. Learning Outcomes for 6 students out of 422 were Non submission of learning Grades were leave blank Year Round The teacher asked learners’
the 1st quarter at risk of failing outputs . giving time to the student parents to monitor their
Low scores in exams and to pass and submit the study habits.
quizzes outputs.
3. Partnership/Linkages Low attendance of parents Parents/guardians have The teacher encouraged Year Round Inform parents/guardians
attending PTA prior commitments. the parents/guardians to ahead of time so that
meetings/conferences. catch-up with other school school activities will be
activities. prioritized.
4. LARDOs No Lardo
5. Other related activities Refusal to participate in Parents fear with regard to The teacher, who happens Year Round Invite health personnel to
DOH-DepEd health-related Dengvaxia issue. to be a nurse also, discuss these programs to
programs. explained the benefits. parents.
6. Best Practices which ought to be replicated and adopted (this may be verbally done during FGD or during LAC sessions)
6.1 Classroom Management (emphasis on physical environment/ classroom plant, classroom routine-supervised recess/lunch break, getting in and out of the classroom
for flag ceremony and participation in any school initiated activity, orderliness and cleanliness of the classroom, good grooming and personal hygiene, etc.)
6.2 Teaching Strategy (emphasis on critical content, preparation of LP/DLP/I-Plan for newly hired)
6.3 Forging Stakeholders (emphasis on attendance during classroom/school PTA meetings, planned homeroom projects, student discipline, etc)
Additional points or credits will be given to the learners if their parents will attend during PTA meetings/conferences and also if their parents will participate in any
school-initiated programs and activities.
6.4 Student Discipline (emphasis on positive/constructive discipline, greetings utterances and gestures, etc.)
3.Praises and awards will be given to them to those who can make it.
6.5 Other related activities to support attainment of the desired learning outcomes. (newly hired teachers-preparation of records and forms of the learners,
computation of grades, supplies and materials, etc.)
Creating a group chat for every class where the teacher can upload the powerpoint presentations prepared in the group for them to learned the lessons and take
down notes. Students can ask questions in the chat groups.