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Date/Time: School Fernando Air Base Integrated National High School Teacher DATE: September 2-6, 2019

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lipa City
Fernando Air Base Integrated National High School

Grade Level
Learning Area
Teacher Francheska Venize B. Revillosa Quarter
DATE/TIME DATE: September 2-6, 2019
Monday 11:30-12:30 HUMSS 113 Tuesday 10:00-11:00 HUMSS 113 Wednesday 11:30-12:30 HUMSS 116
1:30-2:30 HUMSS 111 11:30-12:30 HUMSS 116 1:30-2:30 HUMSS 111
2:30-3:30 HUMSS 116 12:30-1:30 HUMSS 111 Thursday 9:00-10:00 HUMSS 112
Tuesday 9:00-10:00 HUMSS 112 Wednesday 9:00-10:00 HUMSS 112 10:00-11:00 HUMSS113
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and approaches in the Social Scie

The learners shall be able to:

B. Performance Standard Interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approach
The learners predict the social consequences of decision making based on scarcity (HUMSS_DIS1
a. Learners identify c. Learners explain key concepts e. Strengths and weaknesses
Rational Choice as one of in Rational of the Rational Choice Theory
C. Learning the approaches under the Choice Theory
Competencies positivist paradigm d. Learners cite Rational Choice
/Objectives b. Learners cite the Theory thinkers and their
historical context of contributions
Rational Choice



1) Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc., pp
Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross D., PhD., et.al.,Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Phoenix Publishing
55 – 60 Voss, T., Abraham, M., & Sales, A. (2000). Rational Choice Theory in Sociolog
1. Textbook R.
Quah (Ed.), The International Handbook of Sociology (pp. 50-83). London, UK: Sage
Green, S. L. (2002). Rational Choice Theory: An Overview, A lecture on Rational Choice Theory, Person
Green, S. L., Department of Economics, Baylor University, Waco, TX

B. Other Learning Resour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0hk_5Plv5U

Ask learners: What is the Ask learners: What is Rational Recall previous session’s lesson
A. Reviewing previous difference among Id, Ego and Choice Theory? (2 minutes) through matching type. (5
lesson or presenting Superego? items)(2 minutes)
the new lesson (2 minutes)

Ask: Activity: Loop-A-Word where some Activity: FACT or BLUFF which

1.Why did you take the track you of the key concepts can be found. would dwell on facts pertaining
are enrolled in? 2.What are
your desired goal or outcome, Write the formed words on the to social sciences in general. (3
B. Establishing a alternatives and strategies? board for later to 4 facts) (3 minutes)
purpose for the lesson (5 minutes) discussion. (8 minutes)

Have the students read a scenario Video presentation on any key Picture analyses of
and answer the questions that concept in Rational Choice situations/instances where
follow using the worksheet
(Under Pressure) provided. Theory which includes utility strengths and weaknesses of
C. Presenting examples/ Note: Scenario and Worksheet on maximization, structure of the Rational Choice Theory will
instances of the new a separate sheet attached hereto. preferences, decisionmaking be depicted. (2 minutes)
lesson (7 minutes) under conditions of uncertainty,
and the centrality of individuals
in the explanation of collective
outcomes. (5 minutes)
Ask students to share their Let students answer the As processing questions, ask the
output. Ask the following following processing tudents:
Did you make the same choice or questions: 1. What did the video/picture
decision? Why or why not? 1. What did the video tell you? tell you?
How was the whole experience of 2. What do you think prompted 2. What do you think prompted
assessing your options? Was it the (subject) to do as he/she did? the (subject) to do as he/she
D. Discussing new difficult? Was it easy? 3. Finding yourself in that did?
concepts and practicing situation/instance, would you do 3. Finding yourself in that
Would you say that you applied the same? Why or why not? (5 situation/instance, would you do
new skills #1 rationality when making that final
choice or decision? (3 minutes) minutes) the same? Why or why not? (5

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
Discuss using LCD and projector: Have learners utilize the K-W-L to Cite the strengths and
Positivist Paradigm The historical arouse their interest on the topic weaknesses of the Rational
context of the Rational Choice but only up to the K and W, with Choice Theory through a Venn
(25 minutes) the L to be completed during the diagram.
evaluation. From the entries Strengths:
given by the students, add the Weaknesses:
key concepts and the thinkers Generality
F. Developing mastery with their contributions to the W Heretics’ critique Parsimony
column. Sociologists’ critique
(25 minutes) Predictive
Psychologists’ critique
Political Science’s
(25 minutes)
Ask: Aside from your choice of Have learners answer the Ask learners: How does the
which track to enroll in, cite an question individually and orally: statement “it is not from the
instance in your daily life wherein Why do you help benevolence of the butcher, the
you applied rationality in making
a final choice or decision. someone in need? (3 minutes) brewer, or the baker, that we
Elaborate your answer by giving expect our dinner, but from
not only your choice and the their regard to their own
option/s available but also the interest” explain rational
reason for your choice. Do this on choice? (3 minutes)
your journals.
G. Finding practical (4 minutes) Allow
application of concepts learners to share
and skills in daily living their answers with the
class before collecting
their notebooks for
(4 minutes)

Guide learners in answering the Ask learners to enumerate the

following questions: strengths and weaknesses of
1. What are the key concepts in the Rational Choice Theory.
Ask learners to answer Rational Choice Theory?
H. Making orally: 2. Give the major contributors
(1) What is rational choice and their contributions to the
generalizations and theory?
abstractions about the rational choice theory.(5 minutes)
(2) How do people make
lesson decisions according to rational
(3) What gave rise to
Rational Choice Theory as a
dominant approach in explaining
human behavior?
A five-item quiz on the meaning Guided by the teacher, the Ask students to draw a concept
and historical context of Rational students write in the L column of map of Rational Choice Theory:
Choice Theory.
I. Evaluating learning the K-W-L chart. Entries should meaning, concepts, description
(7 minutes)
include, but not limited to, the of concepts (10 minutes)
key concepts and thinkers. (7
Students are grouped according
to their intended mode of
presentation (multiple
intelligences) for their
performance task which would
J. Additional activities show their interpretation of
for application or personal and social experiences
remediation using the Rational Choice
V. REMARKS Theory. (8 minutes)
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I Assistant Principal II

Checked by:

Principal III

Friday 8:00-9:00 HUMSS 113

10:00-11:00 HUMSS 112
12:30-1:30 HUMSS 111
2:30-3:30 HUMSS 116
Session 4

hes in the Social Sciences.

in the Social Sciences; and

scarcity (HUMSS_DIS11-IVa-6)
f. Learners present their
interpretation of personal
and social experiences
using the rational choice
, Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 71– 74
es, Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., pp.
ice Theory in Sociology: A Survey. In S.

London, UK: Sage

Choice Theory, Personal Collection of
, Waco, TX


Written Work: 10-item quiz

(multiple choice) covering
the topic on Rational Choice
Theory (5 minutes)

Learners regroup to prepare

for their presentation. (20
Time for the learners to
present their interpretations
of their personal and social
experiences using the
rational choice theory
approach. (24 minutes - 8
groups @ 3 minutes each)

After each presentation, ask

the group: How does
rational choice theory
explain human behavior?
(4 minutes)

Use rubric to evaluate each

presentation. Criteria for
the rubric should have been
explained and discussed at
the start of the session. (7
Assistant Principal II

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