13 Train Ticket PDF
13 Train Ticket PDF
13 Train Ticket PDF
PNR No: 4263795182 Train No. & Name: 16031 / ANDAMAN EXPRESS Quota: GENERAL (GN)
Transaction ID: 100002045971663 Date & Time Of Booking: 17-Sep-2019 21:05:10 HRS Class: SLEEPER CLASS (SL)
From: ONGOLE(OGL) Date Of Journey: 13-Oct-2019 To: WARANGAL(WL)
Boarding At: ONGOLE(OGL) Date Of Boarding: 13-Oct-2019 Scheduled Departure: 13-Oct-2019 09:40 *
Resv. Upto: WARANGAL(WL) Scheduled Arrival: 13-Oct-2019 18:03 * Adult: 1 Child: 0
Passenger Mobile No: 9390331478 Distance: 370KM
Passenger Address 4-107, Gunnaerka, Pasarlapudi, East Godavari, ANDHRA PRADESH - 533247
Ticket Fare ** ₹ 230.0 Rupees two hundred thirty and Zero paisa
IRCTC Convenience Fee (Incl. of GST) # ₹ 17.7 Rupees seventeen and seventy paisa
Total Fare (all inclusive) ₹ 247.7 Rupees two hundred forty seven and seventy paisa
# Convenience Fee per e-ticket irrespective of number of passengers on the ticket.
Sl No. Name Age Sex Booking Status Current Status
This ticket is booked on a personal user ID. Its sale/purchase is an offence u/s 143 of the Railways Act, 1989.
Place of Supply: ONGOLE(OGL) State Code/Name of Supplier :
Ticket Printing Time: 17-Sep-2019 21:05:27 HRS
Are you aware that 43% of your fare is borne by the common citizens of the country?
1.For details, rules and terms & conditions of E-Ticketing services, please visit www.irctc.co.in.
2.Departure time and Arrival Time printed on this ERS and VRM sent through mail are liable to change. Please Check correct departure, arrival from Railway Station Enquiry, Dial 139 or SMS RAIL to
3.There are amendments in certain provision of Refund Rules. Refer Amended Refund Rules w.e.f 12-Nov-2015.(details available on www.irctc.co.in under heading General Information --> Rules &
4.The accommodation booked is not transferable and is valid only if the ORIGINAL ID card prescribed is presented during the journey. The SMS/VRM/ERS along with valid id card of any one the
passenger booked on e-ticket proof in original would be verified by TTE with the name and PNR on the chart. If the Passenger fail to produced/display SMS/VRM/ERS due to any eventuality(loss,
damaged mobile/laptop etc.) but has the prescribed original proof of identity, a penalty of Rs.50/- per ticket as applicable to such cases will be levied. The ticket checking staff on board/off board will
give excess fare ticket for the same.
5.E-ticket cancellations are permitted through www.irctc.co.in by the user.
6.PNRs having fully waitlisted status will be dropped and the names of the passengers on such tickets will not appear on the chart. They are not allowed to board the train. However the names of
PARTIALLY waitlisted/confirmed and RAC ticket passenger will appear in the chart.
7.Obtain certificate from the TTE /Conductor in case of (a) PARTIALLY waitlisted e-ticket when LESS NO. OF PASSENGERS travel, (b)A.C.FAILURE, (c)TRAVEL IN LOWER CLASS. This original
certificate must be sent to GGM (IT), IRCTC, Internet Ticketing Centre, IRCA Building, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055 after filing TDR online within prescribed time for claiming refund.
8.In case of Partial confirmed/RAC/Wait listed ticket, TDR should be filed online within prescribed time in case NO PASSENGER is travelling for processing of refund as per Railway refund rules
9.While TDR refund requests are filed & registered on IRCTC website www.irctc.co.in, they are processed by Zonal Railways as per Railway Refund Rules.(detail available on www.irctc.co.in under
heading Important Information-->Refund Cancellation Rules.
10.Confirmed ticket can be cancelled upto thirty minutes before scheduled departure of the train. However, no refund shall be granted on cancellation of confirmed ticket after four hours before the
scheduled departure of train.
11.RAC/partially confirmed Ticket can be cancelled upto thirty minutes before scheduled departure of the train. However, refund will be granted as per provisions of extant Railway Refund Rule.
12.In case, on a party e-ticket or a family e-ticket issued for travel of more than one passenger, some passengers have confirmed reservation and others are on RAC or waiting list, full refund of fare ,
less clerkage, shall be admissible for confirmed passengers also subject to the condition that the ticket shall be cancelled online or online TDR shall be filed for all the passengers upto thirty minutes
before the scheduled departure of the train.
13.For Suvidha Train, W.e.f. 20-Jan-2018, refund rule will be applicable as per General refund rule.
14.In case of Train Cancellation on its entire run, full refund will be granted automatically by the System. However, if the train is cancelled partially on its run, passengers are required to file TDR within
72hrs from schedule departure of the train from the passenger's boarding station.
15.Passengers are advised not to carry inflammable/dangerous/explosive/articles as part of their luggage and also to desist from smoking in the trains.
16.Contact us on: - 24*7 Hrs Customer Support at 0755-6610661, 0755-4090600 or Mail To: care@irctc.co.in.
17.Variety of meals available in more than 1500 trains. For delivery of meal of your choice on your seat log on to www.ecatering.irctc.co.in or call 1323 Toll Free. For any suggestions/complaints
related to Catering services, contact Toll Free No. 1800-111-321 (07.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs)
19.PNR and train arrival/departure enquiry no. 139
20.To report unsavoury situation during journey, Please dial railway security helpline no. 182
21.All the Terms and conditions specified will be applicable in case of opting Travel Insurance facility. Please Refer Travel Insurance’s Terms & Conditions available on Home page of www.irctc.co.in
22.Never purchase e-ticket from unauthorized agents or persons using their personal IDs for commercial purposes.Such tickets are liable to be cancelled and forfeited without any refund of money,
under section (143) of the Indian Railway Act 1989. List of authorized agents are available on www.irctc.com E-Ticket Agent Locator