Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 319: 2002 Engineering Materials - Engineering Plastics - Specifications and Applications
Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 319: 2002 Engineering Materials - Engineering Plastics - Specifications and Applications
Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 319: 2002 Engineering Materials - Engineering Plastics - Specifications and Applications
The formulation of this National Standard was initiated by the Agricultural Machinery
Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) under the project entitled "Enhancing the
Implementation of AFMA Through Improved Agricultural Engineering Standards" which
was funded by the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) of the Department of Agriculture
This standard has been technically prepared in accordance with PNS 01-4:1998 (ISO/IEC
Directives Part 3:1997) – Rules for the Structure and Drafting of International Standards. It
provides specifications and proper application of engineering plastics for agricultural
machinery and structures.
The word “shall” is used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform
to the standard and from which no deviation is permitted.
The word “should” is used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as
particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that certain course of action
is preferred but not necessarily required.
In the preparation of this standard, the following documents, publications, and websites were
1 Scope
2 Reference
The following normative reference contains provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Standard:
3 Definition
synthetic organic material, including cellulose derivatives, with or without the incorporation
of fillers, binders, pigments, dyes, which is capable of being shaped more or less permanently
by casting or molding under increased temperatures and pressures
simple unpolymerized form of chemical compound
chemical compound with higher molecular weight consisting of a number of structural units
linked together by covalent bonds
polymers consisting of more than one monomer
non-ionic chemical bond formed by stored electrons
substances that melt on heating and are processes in this state by a variety of extrusion and
molding process
PAES 319:2002
substances that cannot be melted and remelted
service temperature
temperature at which the plastic can withstand without incurring a change in its physical
4 Types
4.1 Acetals
Acetal provides high strength and stiffness while offering enhanced dimensional stability and
ease of machining. A semi-crystalline material, acetal also has a low coefficient of friction
and good wear properties-especially in wet environments. Because it absorbs little moisture,
acetal demonstrates excellent stability for close-tolerance machined parts. In high-moisture or
submerged applications, acetal bearings outperform nylon 4 to 1. This material is resistant to
a wide range of chemicals, including many solvents. And it is available in a broad range of
grades (see below), with properties addressing specific needs.
4.2 Acrylic
Cast acrylic shall be made from virgin acrylic monomer and offers superior optical clarity
and light transmission. It shall not affected by sunlight; it resists aging; and it remains stable
across a wide range of temperature, moisture, and exposure conditions. It will not crack,
craze, or corrode. Cast acrylic is preferred for some industrial and commercial applications
because of its optical superiority over molded or extruded acrylic products. Cast acrylic can
be machined or cemented and, with standard equipment, will fabricate like wood, metal, or
other plastics. It weighs half as much as comparable glass and yet has good shatter resistance
and durability.
Polyamide, also known as nylon is one of the most versatile and widely used thermoplastic
materials. Its physical properties and reasonable price combine to make it a popular choice
for numerous applications. It can replace steel, brass, bronze, aluminum, wood, and rubber,
while reducing noise, using less lubrication, and increasing gear life. Using standard
metalworking equipment, nylon can easily be machined and fabricated into precision parts.
4.4 Polycarbonate
PAES 319:2002
For the purpose of this standard, only Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) from the
different types of polyethylene shall be discussed. UHMWPE is 1/8 the weight of mild steel
but is high in tensile strength and as simple to machine as wood. Also unlike steel, it reduces
noise in many applications. It is an inexpensive alternative to metals, ceramics, and wood
because it is self-lubricating; long-wearing; and shatter-, abrasion-, and corrosion-resistant.
UHMWPE is well suited for applications that demand durability and low friction. It causes
no undesirable taste, smell, or discoloration, and it can be cleaned with water, steam,
detergents, or disinfectants. UHMW Polyethylene will withstand intermittent temperatures of
up to 100 °C (212 °F), while at the same time being ideal for use in freezing lines.
4.6 Polypropylene
Polypropylene is noted for its light weight, being less dense than water; it is a polymer of
propylene. It resists moisture, oils, and solvents. Since its melting point is 121°C (250°F), it
is used in the manufacture of objects that are sterilized in the course of their use.
5 Application
Engineering plastics are used as materials for manufacture of different machine and structural
components especially where corrosion resistance is a factor. Specific uses of engineering
plastics are as specified in Table 1.
PAES 319:2002
Table 1 – Continued
Type Uses
Standard Gears, bushings, and plumbing
25% Glass coupled Same as standard grade and for applications where high stiffness and greater
thermal stability are required
High flow Same as standard copolymer
Cast sheets, rods
General purpose Type I Signs
General purpose Type II
Grades 5, 6, 8 Decorative and functional automotive parts, protective goggle lenses
High impact grade Control knobs, pump parts, sprinkler heads, tool handles
Modified Packaging, lenses, containers, shields
Type 6
General purpose Bearings, gears, bushings, coils, rod, tubings, tape
Glass fiber (30%) reinforced
Cast Bearings, wearplates, bushings, gears, rollers, shapes
Flexible copolymers Parts requiring high impact strength or flexibility
6/6 Nylon
General purpose molding Bearings, gears, bushings, coil forms, brush backs, rod ,tubing
Glass fiber reinforced
Glass fiber molybdenum disulfide Mechanical parts where lubrication is undesirable or difficult
General purpose extrusion Tubing, rod, pipe, sheeting, laminations
High impact Protective helmets, tool handles and housings
6/9 Nylon Jacketing for wire and cable, special molded parts
6/12 nylon
Mineral reinforced nylon Electrical housings and mechanical parts
Type 11 Electrical insulation and other nylon where low moist absorption is needed
Type 12 Filament, rod, tubing sheet, moldings, regular dimensions stability and low moist
Transparent Lenses, containers, gauges, fuel tanks, processing equipment housing
General purpose
High modulus
Electrical parts, portable tool housings, glazing sheet, impellers, body armor
Wear resistant
40% gl reinforced
UHMWPE Packaging, structural housing panels, pipes, wire and cable insulation
General purpose
High impact
Flame retardant
PTFE Chemical pipes, valves and liners, gaskets, packings, pump bearings and impellers,
electrical equipment, anti-adhesive coatings
Polyvinyl chloride
Non-rigid general Parts made by molding, high speed extrusion, garden hose, handlebar grips
Non-rigid electrical Parts made by extrusion.
Rigid normal impact Sheets and shapes for decorative panels, storage tanks, pipes
Rigid 30% glass coupled
Vinylidene chloride copolymer Gasket, valve seats,
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride Pipes
Mechanical and physical properties of engineering plastics shall conform to Table 2 and 3.
Operating limits of plastics when used as journal bearings shall be in accordance with
PAES 310:2001.
PAES 319:2002
PAES 319:2002
Table 3 - Continued
Physical properties Mechanical properties
Water Tensile Compressive
Type Specific
absorption, strength strength, 2% Hardness
24 hr (%) (MPa) offset (MPa)
UHMWPE 0.94 <0.01 21-43 60-66D
General purpose 0.900-0.910 <0.01-0.03 34-36 38-45 R80-R100
High impact 0.900-0.910 <0.01-0.02 19-30 30 R28-95
Flame retardant 1.2 0.02-0.03 25-29 R60-R105
PTFE 2.1-2.3 0.0 17-45 5-12 52D
Polyvynil chloride
Non-rigid general 1.20-1.55 0.2-1.0 7-24 A50-100
Non-rigid electrical 1.16-1.40 0.4-0.75 14-22 A78-100
Rigid normal impact 1.32-1.58 0.03-0.40 34-40 69-76 R110-120
Rigid 30% glass coupled 1.53-1.57 - 103 118
Vinylidene chloride copolymer 1.68-1.75 >0.1 517-586 M50-65
103 -276
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride 1.49-1.58 0.02-0.15 R117-122